
--- Log opened Tue Aug 28 00:00:09 2012
-!- Jaakko96 [~Jaakko@94-194-89-130.zone8.bethere.co.uk] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:13
nmz787helicos sequencer patent... http://www.google.com/patents?id=TfEAAgAAEBAJ00:14
nmz787cites "Composite beverage coaster", new meme... "DNA sequencer technology hinges on 'Composite beverage coaster'"00:14
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* hifrog nods07:22
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@kanzurehi hifrog08:40
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hifroghi hi08:54
hifrogare you guys doing any neurofeedback experiments?08:54
@kanzurenot at the moment. are you working at backyardbrains.com?08:57
alusionEvening gentlemen08:59
hifrogoh, not yet...08:59
hifrogi'm more into cognitive science rly... eeg and such08:59
@kanzureeeg is bullshit09:00
hifrogas you wish09:01
@kanzuredirect electrode contact is much better09:01
* kanzure reads http://www.seriesseed.com/09:02
* hifrog prefers his skull in one piece09:03
alusionDoes anyone have a recommended device / treatment for TDCS?09:03
@kanzuretdcs isn't that precise. i suggest ultrasound instead.09:04
hifrogflowstateengaged.com will be the first low cost device from what i can tell... if that's what you want...09:04
@kanzurethat was just a marketing stunt as far as i can tell09:04
@kanzureso, bullshit09:04
hifrognot rly, they had problems with the fda09:05
alusiono__o Cost isn't much of an issue here..09:05
alusionResults are more important.09:05
alusionThanks ^_^ I'll have a look through. Are there any programs in effect currently today?09:06
alusionNvm I will read on it first.09:07
alusionI was thinking it might of been similar to TDCS but now you don't need to go anywhere as there are homebrew systems and devices out there09:08
@kanzureyour words don't make sense09:09
@kanzureyou can homebrew anything that you see schematics for09:09
@kanzureand you can also draw your own schematics09:09
alusionSorry if I may not be as seasoned as you. I lack the hands on experience. Thanks for the info though I will surely have a look.09:14
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delinquentmebest way to send a file ~2gb in size?11:07
delinquentmedrop box?11:07
@kanzurekicksend might take files that big11:12
chris_99this is pretty nifty http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chua%27s_circuit11:19
nmz787delinquentme: I would use SCP11:19
nmz787but I guess it depends on who your recipient is, and if they know how to use that11:20
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nmz787DVD in USPO11:32
Sanky_MicroSD over IPoAC12:03
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chris_99is this BS http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2194220/Campaigners-slam-legal-pill-lets-drink-pints-beer-pass-breathalyser-test.html?ito=feeds-newsxml ?12:26
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@kanzurestop reading dailymail12:38
@kanzureholy crap guys.12:38
@kanzurei'm pretty sure it's well known on the internets that everyone is supposed to blacklist dailymail.co.uk12:38
EnLilaSkoDo you actually mean journalists just write shit? The horror!12:38
chris_99heh, i thought it was interesting though12:39
chris_99if it works12:39
Utopiah<3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jx7nS7_Kf7E  Walking paper12:39
EnLilaSkochris_99: You should be able to google and find the real paper (study) if you're interested12:39
chris_99from my little googling i don't think there is one12:40
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chris_99how many years do patents last, is it around 15 years?12:52
chris_99ah, 20 apparently for the UK and US12:56
@kanzurebut their damage lasts forever13:09
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chris_99i was just looking for patents which are expiring13:11
chris_99just found this if anyones into image recognition-y stuff - http://www.edwardrosten.com/work/fast.html13:18
chris_99gonna port it to Java13:18
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brownieslooks nice, though, from that sample screenshot, it's... not the most accurate thing in the world13:24
archelsthat's terrible13:26
chris_99know anything better archels?13:26
archelsI don't have any specific names for you, but I know that there is a ton of stuff out there that is at least as good.13:27
archelsThere's a big library backed by IBM or some big corporation... C++ I think.13:27
archelslots to choose from, anyway.13:27
chris_99hmm, i've tried the moravec one, but that seemed too slow13:28
archelsWhat's the application? What do you need?13:30
chris_99oh, i'm trying to recognise polygons13:30
chris_99in any orientation13:30
archelsIn 3D?13:31
chris_99well from a photo13:33
archelsWonder if there's any code out there for an hierarchical neural network that does something like this.13:34
chris_99hmm, i think SVMs are a bit more popular now than neural nets from what i've been told, for this kind of stuff13:37
chris_99but then i'd have to train it right13:37
strangewarphttp://amormundi.blogspot.com/2012/08/an-open-letter-to-robot-cultists.html - So this piece by Dale Carrico is being posted all over every otherwise decent lefty blog, and it's making me facepalm so hard, because he's trying to turn the Left against transhumanism by framing it as a religious cult that causes pollution and opposes social justice..13:38
@kanzurestrangewarp: stop reading blogs! blah13:39
@kanzurealso stop reading anything by dale carrico13:39
hankx7787also stop being a leftist13:39
strangewarpDale Carrico, also known as "the guy who bans reasonable transhumanists from his blog and deletes their comments instead of responding to their arguments"13:39
@kanzureso, dale has a long history of just trolling transhumanists, he's really not worth bothering with..13:39
strangewarpHe's becoming a lefty celebrity and it's making me hate everyone13:39
@kanzurestrangewarp: how about reading other blogs instead13:40
@kanzureless political?13:41
strangewarpLike, if he were using Slavoj Zizek's criticism of transhumanism, which boils down to "this stuff will happen and it will probably be good, but it requires critical discourse in order to not be co-opted by oppressors", that'd be fine.. but Carrico is just /so vacuous/13:41
strangewarpI've been meaning to cut down on political blogs, yes13:41
browniesyou want to recognize polygons in a 2D photo?13:42
brownieswhy not start with edge detection instead of corner detection?13:42
@kanzurestrangewarp: they aren't going to make tech happen by having sufficiently eye-watering prose or discourse/debates/things13:43
chris_99because corners are more useful than edges brownies from what i can tell13:46
nmz787chris_99: did you try the hough lines transform yet?13:50
chris_99i haven't tried that as it seems too intensive13:51
nmz787and that squares example is likely just using the hough transform and find vertices (corners)13:51
nmz787its not13:51
chris_99squares example?13:51
nmz787it should easily run at 60 - 100 FPS on a 600-100MHz android phone with opencv13:51
nmz787yeah squares.c and the equivalent android example code13:52
nmz787i linked to it the last time we talked about this13:52
@kanzure"language immersion for chrome" https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bedbecnakfcpmkpddjfnfihogkaggkhl/details13:53
chris_99oh yeah, i remember now13:53
nmz787anyone here of fritz hollings?
nmz787heard he was a senator that was against letting general computers connect to the internet13:56
nmz787kanzure: maybe we should port diyhpl.us wiki to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Croquet_Project13:57
@kanzurethat sounds terrible13:57
@kanzurei'd prefer to not have to run a vm to edit a wiki13:59
@kanzureor view it13:59
chris_99would a reprap be able to make a key do you guys think?14:00
@kanzureif you don't get a good answer in here you can also try #reprap14:02
nmz787kanzure: my mom sort of did that kind of immersion when i was a kid with post-it notes on common household objects14:02
nmz787i think they were in spanish14:02
@kanzurehaha is that really what immersion is?14:02
@kanzurei thought immersion is "leave nathan in the middle of some spanish city in the middle of nowhere"14:03
nmz787well you posted the chrome link14:03
@kanzuresure, sure..14:03
nmz787but yes full immersion is better14:03
nmz787i learned thai and nepali pretty damn fast14:03
nmz787well, sortof14:03
nmz787the food and numbers at least, and beginning reading14:04
@kanzurefood and numbers is all you need14:04
nmz787grammar sucks in indian languages14:04
nmz787worse than romance langs14:04
nmz787do we know this guy http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CCYQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FRobert_Sapolsky&ei=PRw9UOmJIIHn6wG4yIGABA&usg=AFQjCNHh0puntjz3SxCGPC8XhgRrufz-dQ&sig2=HVr9MeQVVoCwQXnXI_AJeQ14:05
nmz787fuckin chrome14:05
nmz787'copy link address'14:05
nmz787not what i wanted google!14:05
nmz787i guess its not chrome's fault14:05
nmz787but it is google's14:05
@kanzuregoogle's fault :(14:05
@kanzureno i don't know of him14:05
@kanzure"By age 12, he was writing fan letters to primatologists" well that's unusual14:06
nmz787supposedly his videos on biology are gold14:06
nmz787or prob anything14:06
nmz787this is going to be my new newb first response14:06
@kanzureoh his videos14:07
nmz787watch those vids14:07
nmz787hopefully he's not actually crazy14:07
nmz787in a bad way14:07
@kanzurehe seems to have something on edge.org.. so he checks out. http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/bios/sapolsky.html14:07
nmz787kanzure: i checked out laser_etcher, but it wont let me check in14:08
@kanzurewhat does it say?14:08
nmz787using stupid windows tortoiseGit or git cmd line14:08
nmz787fatal: remote error: access denied or repository not exported14:09
@kanzuregit remote -vvv14:09
@kanzureoh if it's tortoisegit then you will have to configure it with your public key or password14:09
nmz787origin fetch, origin push14:09
@kanzuregit:// wont work for pushing, you'll have to use nmz787@diyhpl.us:/srv/git/laser_etcher.git14:09
nmz787so from /laser_etcher14:10
nmz787what do i type14:10
@kanzuregit remote set-url origin nmz787@diyhpl.us:/srv/git/laser_etcher.git14:10
@kanzuregit push origin master14:10
gnushalaser_etcher.git: 208601c added my online chat with edmund optics tech support on 27-aug-201214:11
gnushalaser_etcher.git: 140304b make the chat render with <pre> for now14:13
@kanzureit's a bit strange that they have a support staff sitting around to talk about optics math14:16
@kanzurei mean, over the web14:16
nmz787yes, from 8pm sunday to 6pm friday14:20
nmz787very neat14:21
@kanzuremaybe i should write a bot and we can just pipe hplusroadmap into their chat system14:21
@kanzureat least it would give them something to do14:21
nmz787that would be pretty cool14:22
nmz787.optics bot14:22
nmz787.optics what lens do I need to do X14:22
nmz787you should only pipe to one chat session14:23
nmz787and only pipe when their name is called14:23
@kanzurei guess this could also work for reagent suppliers14:24
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eudoxiastrangewarp: hey, I kind of like Dale14:47
eudoxiahe may be an asshole, but he gets some things right, and in any case asshole is better than another Terasem/PRAISE TIPLER tool14:47
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strangewarpeudoxia: Point ceded, but he's just so /shrill/ sometimes15:01
strangewarpAnd Carrico opposes those who are in opposition to imperial mindsets, if they whiff of being pro-tech at all... Same bullshit different day, I guess, so far as the fragmentation of the left is concerned15:03
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eudoxiaimperial mindsets?15:12
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strangewarpThe new imperialism, which brushes non-straight, non-white, non-English-speaking perspectives under the rug, or makes them subservient to ultra-nationalism (e.g. the whole DADT thing)15:15
Mokstarwait, I thought we were being assaulted by multiculturalism15:19
Mokstarwhich is it?15:19
strangewarpI think only some portions of Reddit believe that ;)15:21
eudoxiaI didn't know he opposed that15:22
eudoxiaI thought he was just a, um, well rounded leftist?15:22
strangewarpShrug, he is15:22
strangewarpI read the blog of a person who had a pretty bad argument with Carrico over his willingness to oppose pro-tech anti-imperialists, which terminated in Carrico banning them from his blog15:24
eudoxiabut I thought the left was against opposing non-straight non-whites15:24
MokstarI'm only a revolutionary because I think it's the only way for my family to change its position in the social hierarchy.  I do not seek to eliminate social hierarchy, only to put myself in a better position and then defend my position from future revolutionaries with the same idea.15:24
eudoxiathe guy's all P2P and stuff, that's pretty democratic15:24
AdrianGthx for ur honesty mok15:25
AdrianGi will destroy u!15:25
strangewarpHe's P2P, but I think the P2P style of thinking only has real potential when combined with futurism15:25
browniesa peer-to-peer style of thinking?15:26
eudoxiacan someone be P2P and pro-imperialism?15:26
strangewarpbrownies: peer-production communalism stuff15:26
strangewarpeudoxia: I'm not saying he's pro-imperialist; he isn't. I'm just saying he's willing to hold his nose and bash on you for being pro-tech if you're a pro-tech anti-imperialist. :p15:27
browniesahh i see15:27
AdrianGp2p cant work15:27
eudoxialet me re-read the logs for a sec15:27
AdrianGresources are not easily transferrable15:27
AdrianGonly if you have homogenously distributed resources, only then p2p can work.15:27
AdrianGwe dont have uranium and gold floating in the air.15:28
eudoxiaokay, I get it, he's P2P, but opposes anti-imperialists *if* they have the tiniest h+ leanings15:28
strangewarpeudoxia: bingo15:28
eudoxiaoh great I was starting to feel dum15:28
strangewarpAdrianG: I'm unconvinced by that line of argument, but I don't know enough about peer-production to counter it15:28
AdrianGstrangewarp: dont be dumb15:29
AdrianGpower is all about control.15:29
strangewarpI thought the whole point of peer-production was to make unevenly distributed resources /more/ transferrable..15:30
eudoxiacommunalism could work if you were willing to limit your resource intake to that which is exclusively locally available15:30
Mokstarcommunism would work if everybody weren't really just psychotic apes15:31
strangewarpMokstar: bingo15:31
eudoxiabut modern comforts depend upon global resource intake; hospitals need cesium-60 reactors to sterilize things, computers are built from rare earths, etc.15:31
AdrianGstrangewarp: you cannot create resources15:32
eudoxiayou reintroduce global trade and, well, you're back to square 115:32
AdrianGyou have to mine them.15:32
eudoxiaAdrianG: who says mining can't be a highly distributed process (at least for some subset of resources)15:32
strangewarpAdrianG: Yeah, that's a reason I'm skeptical of any stabs at P2P resource-management that don't include some hefty futurism.15:33
AdrianGhow do you distribute a mine?15:33
ThomasEgieudoxia, if your recouce only exists in one or 2 spots.. how will distribute those?15:33
eudoxiafor some subset of resources15:33
AdrianGyou can distribute mining, but not mines.15:33
eudoxiayou can't expect every OSE village to have a uranium mine15:34
AdrianGp2p is unworkable with current tech15:34
AdrianGthats all15:34
strangewarpAdrianG: That may lead to a situation where technologies of abundance are possible, but all resources are owned by a leadership class that thinks only in terms of scarcity. It is one of my greatest fears.15:34
AdrianGstrangewarp: u mean liek15:35
AdrianGthe world we live in?15:35
eudoxiaaccording to the OSE aluminium can be extracted from clay, but that's about all i found out15:35
strangewarpDepending on the definition of "abundance", it may already have come true-- yeah15:35
nmz787kanzure how do i easily remove the first page of a PDF15:37
Mokstarnmz787: pdftk15:38
Mokstarapt-get install pdftk15:38
nmz78754 mb req to download!15:39
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Mokstarit's pretty big15:40
Mokstarbut it's the bees knees for working with pdf documents15:40
@kanzurenmz787: pdftk15:42
@kanzureoh Mokstar is on it. neat.15:42
nmz787so whats the command to clip a page?15:48
Mokstarnot sure15:49
Mokstaryou can split pages out15:50
MokstarSplit Select Pages from Multiple PDFs into a New Documentpdftk A=one.pdf B=two.pdf cat A1-7 B1-5 A8 output combined.pdf15:50
@kanzurepdftk myDocument.pdf cat 1-9 26-end output removedPages.pdf15:50
Mokstar"smart scaffolds"15:52
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@kanzurestripe has a journal club? hah https://github.com/gdb/stripe-prg/wiki/Papers15:55
@kanzurei guess that makes sense :)15:55
nmz787Mokstar: thanks15:58
nmz787pretty sure I've used that before15:59
nmz787so i found a kit that works for adding DNA to cat cells16:01
nmz787I'm taking orders for glowing cats16:01
chris_99i'll take a persian please16:02
@kanzurehmm "Advances in magnetofection—magnetically guided nucleic acid delivery"16:04
@kanzureis this like optical trap stuff? except magnetic traps?16:07
@kanzure'oscillating magnet arrays'16:08
nmz787add DNA to iron particle, suspend with cells... add magnetic field, particles rip into cells16:08
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nmz787DNA is on particles, thus DNA gets into cell16:08
nmz787oscillating the field just gives more chance of iron:DNA hitting into a cell16:08
nmz787iron : DNA16:09
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skorketHey everybody16:41
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@kanzureavery is offering some plasmids.. "I want to give you FREE PLASMIDS/consumables for producing GFP in e coli."17:27
@kanzureso anyway.. anyone pestering me about glowing things now gets redirected to avery17:27
brownieslet me know when he has free glowing kittens17:33
strangewarplet me know when he has glowing humans17:37
strangewarpor possibly glowing kitten humans17:37
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@kanzurearmitage81: hi.17:51
VicariousSky, moon etc18:01
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@kanzurelooks like amazon is offering an 81% discount on this beast:18:12
@kanzureit doesn't list its NA18:13
@kanzureoh, it does.. "NA1.25 Abbe Condenser with iris diaphragm and filters"18:13
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nmz787this looks worth trying to scrape for stuff http://iwbda2012.csb.pitt.edu/mediawiki/index.php/IWBDA:201218:26
@kanzurei like how they mispell hackteria as hacteria..18:27
@kanzure"related events: futurelabcamp" uhuh.18:27
@kanzure(mac's thing)18:27
@kanzure"To add yourself to the IWBDA mailing list, please send an email to listserv@lists.umn.edu with a blank subject line, consisting of a single line of text: SUBSCRIBE IWBDA-list Joe Nobody (where Joe Nobody is your name)."18:28
@kanzureoh that was in june, so nevermind18:28
@kanzurenmz787: anyway, there's no need to scrape mediawiki stuff.. there's usually something like this http://iwbda2012.csb.pitt.edu/mediawiki/index.php/Special:Export which exports to an xml format18:29
joshcryerSo I found this program that makes my eyes thank me: http://stereopsis.com/flux/18:38
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nmz787joshcryer: i've tried it before19:02
nmz787but not regularly19:02
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nmz787should i actually subscribe to this mag http://pubs.acs.org/toc/asbcd6/1/119:19
@kanzureis it free?19:19
nmz787hmm, membership is: Undergraduate Student Member $47.00 or $25.0019:20
nmz787($47.00 includes C&EN, $25.00 includes dues only)19:20
nmz787i dunno if i would get a paper copy of a mag of my choice19:21
nmz787it would be the synbio19:21
nmz787i could collect em or something19:21
nmz787I'm having a hard time even finding out if I can get that Journal in print19:44
nmz787sent them a nice email19:48
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@kanzure"Lease your 3d printer for $185/mo" what a strange ad21:55
@kanzureoh i see, they mean "lease a 3d printer" not "give us your 3d printer and we will pay you $185/mo"21:55
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skorketwell, my CNC is running.  I've run a few tests with it.  I need to figure out what to do next22:48
@kanzureis your cnc the micro etcher?22:50
skorketI don't know what you mean22:53
@kanzureskorket: were you following along with our project by any chance22:56
skorketyes, a bit22:56
skorkethow's that coming?22:56
@kanzureskorket: a jumble of parts. so you have a laser?23:05
@kanzurewhat patrik's been up to: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=14ZjRT-1Sf7yLKVaShZSakLodVJw2PrnxS-OiGMv8c2w "my pet dinoflagellate"23:05
skorketkanzure, I'm not going for a laser cutter, I'm going to try and route PCBs.  Maybe later I'll play around with laser cutters, but first I'm going to try and get my PCB rig set up23:07
@kanzureah i see.23:07
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delinquentmeOK i missed a message to me23:37
delinquentmeI was  being clicky23:37
delinquentmewhat did I miss23:37
skorketkanzure, what parts have you assembled so far?23:37
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