
--- Log opened Fri Aug 31 00:00:12 2012
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kanzure"There was a security problem at Bio.CC. Kanzure put a soft link in the HTTPD dirctory to its mother directory which made private directories exposed to the world and some private files were up on Google site. It caused a rather serious problem."00:28
kanzureoh was that me00:28
kanzurehm. i wish someone would have told me.00:28
brownieskanzure: smooth.00:29
kanzurebrownies: http://biofoundation.net/ it's like a never ending maze00:30
kanzureapparently that was 200900:30
brownieskanzure: so many colors!00:30
kanzureactually these are the guys who sequenced the tiger genome00:31
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browniesthat's pretty impressive00:38
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kanzureso there's a cvs repository for http://bioinformatics.org/pogo/ that i seem to have access to01:50
kanzureit's a bunch of visual basic01:50
kanzurenot sure i want this?01:50
browniesno one ever wanted visual basic01:50
browniesalso, isn't it 4am for you?01:50
kanzuretime has no meaning to me01:50
kanzurewait, yes it does01:50
browniestime is an illusion01:50
brownieslunchtime, doubly so.01:50
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chris_99some interesting videos here http://www.jove.com04:14
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kanzurechris_99: dnatube.com also used to be a thing04:23
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delinquentmehardware anyone ? http://imgur.com/a/7BHQI05:07
delinquentmei need this.05:07
delinquentmeinternally threaded ... something of an anchor05:07
foucistdelinquentme: have you checked the local hardware store? :P05:10
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delinquentmefoucist: nah i havnt :D05:13
delinquentmeany idea what they're called?05:13
foucistnope.. just take the pic along though..05:14
foucistsure they have anchor type stuff around05:14
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foucistthey might have attachments like that in the concrete section05:15
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delinquentmeim not really with the wood astetic05:55
chris_99yeah i know what you mean heh05:55
chris_99it's a lot safer than using it spinning with no case though05:56
chris_99anyone use PIC32's per chance?05:59
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paskyis it dangerous to mix piracetamol and coffee?06:29
chris_99if so read this http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/aches-and-pains/medicines/panadol-extra.html06:31
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pasky*piracetam, sorry :)06:36
paskyi keep confusing these two06:36
chris_99ah, no idea then sorry06:37
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strangewarpI've mixed aniracetam and coffee and I've been fine for 5 months07:18
strangewarpanecdote, of course07:19
strangewarpSwitching to citicoline, alpha-GPC, and noopept in a couple days, and we'll see how they work with coffee07:19
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chris_99are they supposed to help you focus better07:22
strangewarpFocus and mental capacity, yeah07:22
strangewarpWeirdly, for me, they work as an antidepressant, better even than SSRIs07:22
strangewarpNoticably, yeah.. though I'd say more noticably for citicoline than aniracetam (but that might just be an effect of taking the minimum 'racetam dosage)07:23
chris_99cool, apparently they're prescription only in europe07:24
strangewarpYeah, I'm pretty sure they're only perscribed for Alzheimer's patients there, because humans are stupid07:24
delinquentmeyou're born you get to grade school you do some socializing perhaps begin to question why you're here you find your spot in the social pecking order you maybe go to college you make out w some kids, maybe even get laid you find yourself a nice individual you feel comfortable around it starts to get serious you start to get older maybe joke about putting on a few pounds! your group of friends dwindles in size as everyone g07:35
ThomasEgigeneral question. wasn't here a bot around that can snatch papers and/or create papers from websites?07:42
chris_99yeah there was, i think it was broken though07:44
ThomasEgioh never mind. the pdf was accessible. just had to turn on js to see the menu07:44
delinquentmeI think it had a p name07:44
delinquentmeidk though07:44
delinquentmeoh that got cut off07:44
delinquentme *coupled* jealousy, personal beliefs about your shortcomings and laziness stop you from growth you start joking about "getting old" and you're not even 70 "jokes" start to become reality you pay more attention to how you're not healing as quickly perhaps find god while pondering it slowly begin to feed more into fate and accepting whats coming. those coping mechanism then have solidified into reality you're getting on in07:44
chris_99paperbot, delinquentme i think07:45
ThomasEgijust in case someone would be interested in the paper http://www.frontiersin.org/neuroengineering/10.3389/neuro.16.005.2009/full07:45
delinquentme in another 8 years you can retire find a nice little spot / habit to settle down in find a nice habit to become accustomed to as you let it slowly approach.07:45
delinquentmeyeah paper bot07:45
delinquentmereligious people  being me are recruiting the next generation07:46
chris_99ThomasEgi, have you played with PICS?07:47
ThomasEgichris_99, i have a pic18 here. but i never used it. just got so used to atmel products :)07:50
delinquentmeoh programmers?07:50
chris_99microcontrollers delinquentme07:51
chris_99ah, no worries ThomasEgi just a PIC32 is giving me hassle07:51
ThomasEgichris_99, i do have some experience with embedded systems and microcontrollers in general. if that could help you07:51
chris_99basically it has multiple programming lines07:51
chris_99and i've set the lines it's supposed to use07:51
chris_99but the silly thing isn't programming07:51
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* strangewarp tries to write music software at a less glacial pace09:00
chris_99heh, cool, whatcha making09:01
strangewarpMIDI sequencer for polyrhythmic sequences, controllable by any Monome-compatible grid device, with a tracker-inspired editor09:02
strangewarpvery informationally dense, compared to the usual things; but a very specialized program. Probably won't have more than 5 users. But I'm making it more for myself than anyone09:03
strangewarpI credit nootropics with clearing up my emotional baggage enough that I can make this sort of thing, natch09:05
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nshdid anyone go to austin community college?09:35
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chris_99anyone play with LASERZ?12:25
chris_99(specifically gas ones)12:26
ThomasEgimusic? in my cd drive, sure ;)12:26
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chris_99done HV ThomasEgi?12:26
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ThomasEgihigh voltage?12:42
ThomasEgion lasers?... bad idea12:42
chris_99CO2 lasers need around 20KV12:42
ThomasEgii thought of diod lasers12:44
ThomasEgii just got some junkfood so.. my brain is focused on food atm^12:45
chris_99heh, bon apetit12:45
ThomasEgii did some HV experiments in the past. but nothing too serious12:46
chris_99ive just found CRTs give the right kind of voltage12:47
chris_99so possibly hacking one of those12:47
ThomasEgicascode thingies.. yep. they do :)12:48
ThomasEgibe careful. they can hurd badly12:48
chris_99yeah, probably burn i expect12:48
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nmz787$5 ARM eval board https://estore.ti.com/Stellaris-LaunchPad.aspx?sp_rid_pod4=OTQ5MjAyMzI4NgS2&sp_mid_pod4=3966788714:11
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ThomasEginot bad that board. but for little more you can have a lot more :)14:36
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kanzureThomasEgi: show me?15:32
kanzurei am a sucker for $3 programmers15:32
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ThomasEgifor 25 you get a raspberry.15:33
chris_99that's rather overkill though ;)15:33
ThomasEgitrue. but still comparebly affordable15:34
ThomasEgithe right boards for the right job i guess15:35
kanzurei was hoping for something that was still a microcontroller15:37
kanzurewhen i was a youngin', i saw outrageous prices for programmers (>$50).. so what does >$50 buy me now?15:37
ThomasEgiyou can get an atmega u2 series. with onboard usb controller.15:38
chris_99hmm, i just bought a PICKIT3 programmer for £3015:38
ThomasEgiyou don't need any programmer for them.15:38
ThomasEgijust a reset button and the usb-connections.15:38
ThomasEgiand a clock crystal. but that should be pretty close to 3 bucks15:39
kanzurehar har http://www.ibiblio.org/harris/500milemail.html15:46
ThomasEgiold story. but always good for a smile15:54
kanzureyeah it's ibiblio.org.. no way it can be recent :p15:56
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skorketevening all16:29
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chris_99you could use spectroscopy to tell if certain chemicals are the same right?16:50
jrayhawkNot structurally, but compositionally at least.16:55
chris_99i'm tempted by one of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Compact-Fiber-Coupled-CCD-Spectrometer-Kit-DIY-/221117621936?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item337ba326b016:58
chris_99right time for bed, night peeps17:02
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kanzureyashgaroth: hi19:25
kanzurethe methods in molecular bio loot will be done soon19:25
yashgarothyou'll be up to your ears in giant wombats in no time19:26
browniesglowing giant wombats, or gtfo19:27
kanzurebrownies: glowing tits or gtfo19:27
* nsh blinks until the words make sense19:28
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kanzurewizaqua: hi20:41
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kanzureso, i wonder how much it would cost to actually go around digging up graves21:29
kanzurei'm curious about stealing dna from the dead21:29
kanzurein terms of manual labor, i doubt it's more than $500/coffin?21:29
jrayhawkif you're digging it up clandestinely and replacing the dirt clandestinely21:33
jrayhawkmuch cheaper if you can use a backhoe21:34
jrayhawkeven cheaper still if you just use a big core sample drill21:34
kanzurehuh? how would a core sample drill be cheaper than a backhoe21:34
jrayhawkyou don't need a lot of tissue, so your core sample drill can be very skinny and possibly operated by hand21:34
kanzurei suppose so.. snake down a fiber optic camera and a drill/snatcherthing21:35
kanzuremaxwell was burried at Parton Chuchyard, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland21:36
kanzurehrm all these gravefinding sites are awful. i need a graveyard api.21:37
foucistjust access the zombie net21:38
joshcryerwtf dna from the dead? why?21:59
yashgarothlot easier to find interesting genomes if you don't require them to be from the living22:03
sylph_makoDo DNA sequences compress easily, as data?22:04
yashgarothit's hard to directly compare, but you can swap a good 80% of the genome between people with no effect22:05
joshcryerI dispute that.22:06
joshcryerSpend $500 to dig up a grave or give some dude on the street $5 for a swab.22:06
joshcryerGo around searching through garbage outside of a university for condoms.22:07
yashgaroththose people don't sound very interesting22:08
* joshcryer shrugs22:08
joshcryerGuess I see quantity over quality...22:08
yashgarothwe've got various 'thousand genomes' projects for quantity22:09
joshcryerI mean for value / expense. Are we doing bios of the dead?22:11
joshcryerOr is it "well let's just hit that random gravestone."22:11
yashgaroth[21:37:03] .:kanzure:. maxwell was burried at Parton Chuchyard, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland22:12
yashgarothseems to imply it's not a random selection22:12
yashgarothif the name doesn't ring a bell, I don't know what to tell you22:12
joshcryerWould DNA still be viable 100 years on?22:13
yashgarothin the bone marrow and with next-gen sequencing, maybe yes22:13
joshcryerThen I fully endorse this endeavour.22:14
kanzurecondoms at a university will just get you mostly students22:14
joshcryerWho might turn out to be interesting...22:15
yashgarothscott, and other polar explorers, will be easily readable until we care to find them22:15
yashgarothdead polar explorers*22:15
kanzuredna is viable for up to 100,000 years ish it seems22:15
kanzureso yes dna from the last few thousand years in graveyards is extractable22:15
yashgarothI take it that denisovan genome story spurred your interest22:16
joshcryerEinstein's brain?22:16
kanzureyashgaroth: what? don't know what that is22:16
kanzureno i've thought about graverobbing for a while now22:16
yashgarothsome proto-human got genome-sequenced with surprisingly good...err yeah ^22:16
foucistdna from 50k years ago22:17
kanzurethe problem with paying people is that they would want actual money22:17
kanzure"well, i have this interesting metabolism mutation where i can eat big macs all day without problems. gimme $50k base and $20k/embryo."22:17
foucistkanzure: i would also be careful to make any assumptions about the person you extracted dna from..  i mean, sure let's say you find maxwell's grave, drill down and extract some flesh.  how do you know if it's maxwell's dna?  chances are it's not22:18
joshcryerI think I'd be more willing to lie than to dig up graves. *shrug* "Hi, I need a swab to test for dieseases, here's $5, I'll tell you the result later."22:18
yashgarothwho else's dna would it be?22:19
foucistunless you actually bring the coffin up and have a domain expert examine the remains to verify that it is in fact him22:19
kanzuredomain expert? in identifying corpses? heh22:19
yashgaroth"he's dead alright"22:19
kanzure"oh yep, that's definitely hitler. no doubt about it."22:19
foucistdomain expert in maxwell i mean22:19
kanzure(my plans for super hitler are proceeding exactly as i have foreseen)22:20
yashgarothif someone's crafty enough to get their grave internationally recognized as maxwell's, they also have an interesting genome I'd say22:20
kanzurebut realistically it's probably <1000 mutations of interest22:21
joshcryerWhat makes you interesting?22:23
kanzurein many cases i bet there will be nothing interesting22:23
kanzurei also bet that the proprietarialists (?) will want to protect their "family heritage" against these sorts of actions22:24
kanzuree.g. they will probably want to flush down a bone-eating bacteria22:24
foucistfor maxwell probably <10 genes of interest22:24
kanzureof course, that's sort of silly for them to do since anyone can just follow them and get some hair eventually.22:25
foucistboth epigenetics & nurture probably accounts for a fair amount22:25
kanzurebut, still.22:25
foucistrather than the base genes22:25
kanzurefoucist: i was never arguing toherwise22:25
foucistkanzure: i was responding more to yashgaroth22:25
kanzureepigenetics is no excuse to not go graverobbing22:25
foucistlike you were22:25
yashgarothoh I'm not interesting either22:25
yashgarothwait that was josh22:25
kanzureit needs a better word than graverobbing22:26
kanzuregraverobbing is so crude22:26
yashgarothsoul harvesting?22:26
yashgarothoooh bone reaving22:26
kanzurewell i was going more for grave birthing22:27
yashgarothcopy venter and call it the "global grave sampling expedition"22:28
joshcryeryashgaroth, you / 'whoever we're finding interesting' :P22:28
joshcryerheh boan reaving22:28
yashgarothoh you know, have an equation or two named after you, that sort of thing22:29
kanzure'grave sampling expedition' sounds good to me22:30
joshcryerFair enough. I like it.22:30
joshcryerkanzure, gravology?22:30
kanzure"My study is of the gravest sort."22:30
yashgarothI mean a.) there probably won't be anything concrete we can glean, and b.) I'm a communist, but one maxwell genome is still worth a thousand random peoples'22:30
kanzurei think "grave sampling expedition" is even tame enough for kickstarter22:31
joshcryeryashgaroth, imho you will find more concrete stuff by grabbing a few million people and ... educating them properly, then grabbing their DNA.22:31
yashgarothsounds expensive22:31
kanzurejoshcryer: it's still costly to sequence everyone22:32
joshcryerAs Moglen says, the greatest injustice is that, "every human society since the beginning, whenever that was, has wasted almost all the brains it possessed."22:32
foucistTomb Raider22:32
kanzurefoucist: i fail22:32
foucistthere are always interesting bones in tombs22:32
kanzurei don't know why tomb raider wasn't my first idea22:33
kanzureso, i'm not sure i would be able to find people who are already skilled at graverobbing22:34
kanzurebut, it's pretty easy to practice22:34
joshcryerGood luck.22:34
foucist"Fund a real life tomb raiding expedition!"22:34
kanzurehitler's fibula22:35
kanzureoh he was cremated22:35
kanzurethat's a much harder problem22:35
joshcryerProbably not a terribly interesting genome anyway.22:36
yashgarothcremated is a nice way to describe it in that particular case22:36
kanzurei think this would just degenerate into a "congratulations! your kid gets to have a terrible life-threatening muscle dystrophy disease!"22:40
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foucistkanzure: i'm sure many cemetaries have skilled grave diggers on staff22:41
foucistprobably could look for professional exhumers22:41
kanzurethey wouldn't want to participate because it's illegal (i'm pretty sure)22:41
ParahSailin_wait why do you guys wanna dig up bodies22:43
joshcryerI had the same question, apparently to find interesting DNA from notable individuals.22:43
joshcryer(also, I'm pretty sure kanzure is crazy, just a tiny bit)22:44
kanzurebah you're just unwilling to do what's necessary22:44
joshcryerIt's the good kind of crazy.22:45
joshcryerI fully endorse grave robbing notable individual DNA and reanimating them (including later on the possibility of a whole life simulation so that they are reasonable approximations of their pre-dead selves).22:48
joshcryerThe whole genome search for interesting mutations is thing is just a side effect. ;P22:49
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