
--- Log opened Sun Sep 09 00:00:21 2012
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chris_99i'm just looking @ http://openwetware.org/wiki/DIYbio/FAQ/Projects and i notice the laser shutter one, what would that be used for out of interest07:56
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kanzurechris_99: or see http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/projects08:25
kanzurei think that might be an optical trap thing08:26
kanzure"Optical tweezers (originally called "single-beam gradient force trap") are scientific instruments that use a highly focused laser beam to provide an attractive or repulsive force (typically on the order of piconewtons), depending on the refractive index mismatch to physically hold and move microscopic dielectric objects."08:27
chris_99oh right cool08:27
chris_99i was thinking you could mod. one of those shutter glasses08:30
chris_99for that08:30
ThomasEgishutterglasses are very low copared to lasers.08:32
chris_99i was thinking the actual crystal would be fast? maybe not08:33
chris_99actually i guess they're like 100Hz tops08:33
ThomasEgiif that's good enough.08:34
ThomasEgii woludn't know. was just mentioning it.08:34
chris_99^ photopolymer 3D printer08:36
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kanzurehave there been any mysql man-in-the-middle attacks out in the wild?09:39
chris_99i don't know much about how mysql works but is it even encrypted09:40
chris_99oh it uses SSL09:41
chris_99did you here about the ridiculous mysql vulnerability though09:42
kanzureum, so, it's ssl but i rarely see people setting up certs properly09:50
chris_99also mysql shouldn't really be publicly accessible anyway09:53
kanzurehey thanks for that09:56
chris_99interestingly debian wasn't affected afaik09:57
chris_99guess they used a diff. version09:57
kanzurei'm pretty sure most people don't run ubuntu in production, it seems to be ubuntu "only"?09:57
chris_99no, it was defonitely more than ubuntu09:58
chris_99that was affected09:58
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eudoxiamy god kanzure you were shit17:58
eudoxiai mean, you were right17:58
eudoxiaLW really is the source of all that pony bullshit17:58
* kanzure nods18:00
joshcryerWait what?18:00
joshcryerLesswrong invented MLP fandom?18:00
kanzureeudoxia: this knowledge is a terrible burdon18:00
eudoxiaand the karma system is disgustingly addictive18:03
kanzureoh you participate? stop that18:03
ParahSailin_i didnt see any mlp stuff on lw18:03
kanzurepony rationality fanfic is everywhere18:03
kanzureand then it turns into.. uh.18:03
eudoxiaI should just download a couple programming language references and blow up my modem and move to a bug out hut (built with OSE machinery of course)18:03
kanzureeudoxia: what you use a modem?18:04
kanzurei think programming is more fun with an internet connection18:04
eudoxiakanzure: well i don't know how else to connect to the internet18:04
eudoxiai got this wifi thing that hooks up with the router and that's that18:04
eudoxiais github part of the fun of programming with an internet connection?18:05
eudoxiai heard it "gamifies" it18:05
kanzuregithub hosts a lot of software18:06
kanzureand without the internet it is hard to download software18:06
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joshcryerhttp://lesswrong.com/lw/5oc/rationality_exercise_my_little_pony/ omg18:31
eudoxiait's so hard to take anything they write seriously anymore18:32
joshcryerI don't even know what I'm reading.18:33
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delinquentmekanzure, thoughts on a python API / webserver running on raspberry pi ... to control machines?18:40
kanzurei'm not sure why it needs http?18:42
kanzurewhat machines are you controlling?18:43
kanzureand what are the operations/commands18:43
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delinquentmehmm this is true19:18
delinquentmejmil, A498419:18
jmildelinquentme: ?19:18
delinquentmethats the driver on the rambo19:18
delinquentmeyou're saying that the code you had here: https://github.com/jmil/Marlin/tree/komodo_dev19:19
delinquentmeruns some kind of breakout board for the A4984?19:19
jmilrambo firmware19:19
jmildelinquentme ah! a4984 has overcurrent protection unlike a4983: http://www.allegromicro.com/Products/Motor-Driver-And-Interface-ICs/Bipolar-Stepper-Motor-Drivers/A4984.aspx19:21
jmildelinquentme: a4988 is better: http://www.allegromicro.com/Products/Motor-Driver-And-Interface-ICs/Bipolar-Stepper-Motor-Drivers/A4988.aspx19:23
jmilthis was original choice for RAMBo but they were backordered and he had to ship19:24
jmili think19:28
delinquentmeoh so it wasnt the driver on that pololu chip .. but the design that was busted19:29
delinquentmeso the same chip .. with a different board .. preferably one without the physical trimpot?19:29
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jrayhawkMLP:FIM is the sequel to Star Trek TNG19:31
jmildelinquentme: not sure, i just asked johnnyr though. check back with me next week if i've heard back from him.19:33
kanzurejrayhawk: i always thought empathy was a shitty super power to get19:53
kanzurekind of like heart in captain planet19:53
ParahSailin_empathy is a very good dark arts superpower19:55
yashgarothjust play poker with it19:55
kanzureonly robots play poker19:55
kanzurepoker bot 900019:55
yashgarothwhoa dude what if like robots had super powers man19:55
jrayhawkwell the point is that it is a super power only to people who have stunted social development19:55
jrayhawkfortunately star trek TNG knew its audience!19:56
kanzureempathy isn't the same thing as telepathy19:56
jrayhawkas does MLP:FIM19:56
yashgarothyeah, but if it's at superpower level, then why not19:56
kanzureFINE. geeze.20:01
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kanzurehmm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anorak_(slang)20:23
tashoutangexcuse me, is there any IRC channel having the topics about xoops?20:42
Mokbortolan_1what's a xoop?20:44
delinquentmeOK heres a brain teaser:20:44
tashoutanga modulated tool based on linux used to constract a website20:45
delinquentmeif you had to guess which process would result in better vibration dampening for a metal rod sunk into concrete20:45
Mokbortolan_1kanzure: oh! that explains the armor of the same name in the old BBS game "Usurper"20:45
kanzuretashoutang: ah, it's written in PHP. i think xoops is very bad.20:45
kanzuretashoutang: please do not use xoops.20:45
delinquentmewhich process would be better suited: casting the metal rod into the concrete ... IE pour concrete around the rod20:45
delinquentmeor pouring a solid block .. then drilling in holes20:45
Mokbortolan_1then securing it with epoxy?20:46
kanzureholy hell i swear this is lorenzo albanello in this trekkie documentary20:48
kanzurewas lorenzo bald before his seizures started? say, in 2004?20:48
kanzureoh good http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stovokor_(band) "Stovokor is an American death metal band from Portland, Oregon. The band is solely based on the Klingon characters that appear in the Star Trek franchise."20:53
kanzurejrayhawk can you get them to play at alcor20:53
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tashoutangkanzure God, I had used it to setup a website on one old Eee PC....with XOOPS...21:13
tashoutangkanzure do you have any other suggestions?21:13
kanzuretashoutang: yes. what type of website?21:13
tashoutangwell, a very rough website, just used as a note... or primary form of note in cloud.... a person hard disk as save datas from elsewhere....21:16
kanzuretashoutang: there are many tools that might help you, but aren't websites. for example, dropbox can help you save data from multiple computers.21:18
kanzurebut if you really want a personal website where you can put files, you will have to find a place to host your website.21:19
tashoutangthat means to rent a space... in a virtual master?21:20
kanzurethere are many free options that do not charge rent21:20
tashoutangok, mmm. yeah21:21
tashoutangahd dropbox, has small space...21:21
kanzure2 GB21:21
kanzuregoogle gdrive has more i think (5 GB?)21:21
tashoutangMy gmail has 10GB space21:22
kanzureyes but it is not a website :)21:22
kanzuregmail gives me 80 GB, btw.21:22
tashoutangso you must have used Gmail for at least 6 years..21:23
tashoutanganyway, in the beginning , I want to mimic dxy.cn21:23
tashoutanghowever, it is a difficult way....21:24
kanzuredxy.cn is a big site :)21:24
tashoutangespecially for one who does not have the knowlege of programming21:24
kanzurei suggest learning about ruby/rails21:24
kanzureit is a very helpful community21:24
tashoutangruby is for c language21:24
tashoutangrails for?21:25
tashoutangand can they be set up on win 7 sys?21:25
kanzurerails is a web framework written in ruby21:26
tashoutangok, I understand...21:26
kanzureyes it can run on windows 7, but most people use linu21:26
kanzurei find that development is easier on linux because you can use package managers to install tools, libraries, etc. without lots of effort :)21:27
tashoutangdoes the sys have the "multiple modes" option now? "windows 3 has this func..."21:27
kanzuresudo apt-get install ruby-rails-3.2 <-- and then it is done :)21:27
kanzurewhat does "multiple modes" mean?21:28
tashoutangstarting options21:28
tashoutangwith different disk operating sys.21:28
kanzureyes, you can boot different operating systems21:28
kanzurebut, if you already like windows, you should consider using a virtual machine with virtualbox or bochs or qemu21:28
kanzurethen you can run linux while running windows21:29
kanzuretashoutang: /join #ubuntu-cn21:29
kanzureis a very helpful channel21:29
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kanzureMetaCheese: hi21:34
kanzurebrownies: i dunno how this is supposed to work with commonjs' packaging format :| https://github.com/twitter/bower21:36
kanzureMetaCheese: what brings you here?21:38
MetaCheesesaw it in the #reddit-nootropics topic, seemed interesting21:39
kanzureokie dokie21:40
MetaCheeseand i happen to work for a pharmaceutical21:44
yashgarothin what capacity21:44
MetaCheesejust as a quality control chemist, no R&D or anything21:45
yashgarothso, small molecule stuff?21:45
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yashgarothand QC for that would generally be mass spec, hplc stuff I'm guessing?21:47
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MetaCheesenot much mass spec, lots of uplc/hplc, GC, and some simpler stuff like UV, IR21:49
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yashgarothah cool21:50
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brownieskanzure: commonJS has facilities for importing in text and whatnot22:58
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kanzurenmz787: hi23:18
nmz787kanzure: what's up?23:19
nmz787just finished catching up on the logs23:19
nmz787just finished driving 6 hours23:19
kanzuresleeping. tomorrow i'm writing some python/boto code.23:19
nmz787i calculated, in the past 2 years I've averaged 500 miles a week driving23:19
kanzurei think you had some outlier weeks dude, not gonna lie.23:20
nmz787yes, i did for sure23:20
nmz7872 round trips from NY to CA23:20
nmz787a few up and down the CA and eastern coasts23:21
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kanzurenmz787: the emails from anselm might be amusing for a few moments, as a way to alleviate boredom23:22
kanzurehe was talking about how the "biology is justl ike programming!" hype is hype23:22
nmz787kanzure: yeah I read them while driving on Friday, I believe23:23
nmz787i feel like his comment on things not executing, rather flopping around is a bit.... shortsighted23:23
nmz787since execute is really just an abstract term for doing a bunch of other shit23:24
kanzureoh sure.23:27
kanzurecomputer technology would take inspiration from biology, if biology wasn't so ridiculous23:27
kanzurebut people commonly assume that cells should take inspiration from computers, since computers are something we understand23:27
* kanzure reads "High Velocity Dispersion in A Rare Grand Design Spiral Galaxy at Redshift z=2.18"23:28
kanzurehttp://arxiv.org/abs/1207.4196 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1207.4196v123:28
nmz787yeah, cells are worse at taking inspiration than a tired mule23:33
brownieskanzure: so... apparently people want this. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/eallam/try-ios-iphone-app-development-course23:36
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kanzurebrownies: damn.23:40
browniesi know, right?23:41
nmz787kanzure: have you seen the WiggleZ paper http://arxiv.org/abs/1205.681223:49
kanzureno i am sleeping but it looks worth reading when i wake23:50
foucistkanzure: where's your kickstarter project?23:57
--- Log closed Mon Sep 10 00:00:22 2012

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