
--- Log opened Fri Sep 14 00:00:25 2012
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delinquentmekanzure, grabcad == OS?06:52
foucistsuper college?  i've never heard of that06:55
foucisti guess that's a reference to www.supercollege.com ?  looks pretty lame07:01
kanzurefoucist: super college is a reference to grad school and beyond07:03
kanzurewhich is where you get your /actual/ college education07:03
kanzuresoon everyone will also have to take super ultra college07:03
delinquentmeand the MD will be the new GED07:06
foucistfriends help friends skip college straight to super college07:06
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-!- Mokbortolan_ is now known as Mokstar08:01
kanzureswf vm in js https://github.com/mozilla/shumway08:09
kanzureit would be really great if i could debug/investigate .swf crap from chrome inspector or firebug08:14
chris_99hmm, how does that shumway work08:16
chris_99can it actually parse the swf in JS directly from the webpage08:16
kanzureyeah i think that's one of the byte array feature things of recent versions of javascript-in-browsers08:16
chris_99oh cool08:16
kanzurebyte stream buffer thing?08:17
kanzuresee SWF.parse here: https://github.com/mozilla/shumway/blob/master/src/swf/parser.js08:17
chris_99interesting, i didn't know you could access files from JS08:18
kanzureoh sorry, i should have said 'array buffer' not 'byte stream buffer thing'08:20
chris_99i'm guessing that can only open remote files?08:22
chris_99unless it's somehow given magic local file access08:22
kanzureyou mean local08:22
kanzureit looks like it does local-only file reading.08:22
chris_99weird, i thought it'd be mainly for remote files08:23
chris_99not sure it must be defined somewhere08:40
chris_99in another file08:41
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kanzureElixirVitae: hi08:47
kanzureShehrazad: hello08:47
ShehrazadI am having a lil bit hard time adjusting to xchat after xchat-wdk, sorry for cycling08:47
foucistreal men  have an ignore on all parts/joins08:49
foucisti didn't notice any cycling08:49
kanzureybit: do you really think you an hide from me as ybit2?08:49
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kanzureoh wow uglifyjs -b is way better than js-beautify09:42
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nmz787delinquentme: sup10:56
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nmz787delinquentme: I'm in tha burgh10:56
delinquentmeshoot me a text im about to go get popsicles10:57
kanzure$59 for 120 GB SSD http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820227729&nm_mc=EMC-IGNEFL091412&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL091412-_-EMC-091412-Index-_-SSD-_-20227729-L0B10:59
chris_99that's ridiculously cheap11:07
chris_99meanwhile in rip-off britain http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B004Z0S6SO/ref=asc_df_B004Z0S6SO9668513?smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&tag=googlecouk06-21&linkCode=asn&creative=22206&creativeASIN=B004Z0S6SO ;)11:08
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nmz787what is that L-looking character chris_9911:29
nmz787i always say lira or loob11:29
chris_99you mean before 64.99 i assume, a pound symbol11:29
kanzureso i'm working on my javascript deobfuscator/demangler11:30
kanzureinput: http://media.admob.com/gmsg.js11:30
kanzureoutput: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1205328/11:30
kanzurepossibly better: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1205366/11:30
chris_99are you using random words11:31
nmz787i like your var names11:31
kanzurei am using a custom word list11:31
kanzureit makes it infinitely more enjoyable to read than "a" and "b" variables11:31
kanzurefor (shitty in devil) drugs[shitty] = devil[shitty];11:31
kanzurefuck = 0 == dick.indexOf("Opera"), anger = !fuck && -1 != dick.indexOf("MSIE"), sexy = !fuck && -1 != dick.indexOf("WebKit"), insane = !fuck &&11:32
nmz787so i found a bottle of dexedrine from 2005 in my dad's house's med cabinet11:32
kanzurei think my tool has achieved artificial intelligence11:33
kanzure"var anorexic = vomit;"11:33
kanzurefuck, anger, sexy, insane, cancer = function() { return testicales.navigator ? testicales.navigator.userAgent : crap; };11:33
kanzureif (lemonade > parseFloat(fish)) { coconut = String(lemonade); break celery; }11:34
kanzureshitty[feces] && shitty[feces][infection] && (sausage(feces, shitty[feces][infection]), delete shitty[feces][infection]);11:36
kanzureit seems to struggle on gmail javascript http://paste.ubuntu.com/1205393/11:44
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delinquentmecan anyone explain a turing complete language simply?11:49
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skorketdelinquentme, a language that is able to describe programs12:42
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chris_99isn't it more specific though, as you could have a language that isn't turing complete13:25
chris_99i'd look @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Turing_machine13:26
chris_99as it describes the most minimal turing machines13:27
skorkethe asked for simply.  And the implication is arbitrary programs so my definition still holds13:32
delinquentmethis is true.13:33
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kanzurenot bad:15:02
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skorketdo they offer access to the lab?17:04
delinquentmeSo I just had a recruiter try to talk me down on my hourly rate with a geographical argument17:04
delinquentmeincluding such amazing lines as:17:04
delinquentme" I'm sure we can pay you whatever you like -- because people in your area dont ask for much "17:04
delinquentmeme: ...17:05
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kanzuredelinquentme: you shouldn't tell the recruiter, really.17:36
delinquentmeI mean I just threw out a number to get through to the company17:37
delinquentmebut like17:37
delinquentmerecruiters IDK17:37
delinquentmethats a whole other game17:37
delinquentmeits one of those "gatekeeper" situations17:37
delinquentmekanzure, have you ever worked w bazaar?17:37
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kanzureonce or twice. not regularly.17:37
kanzurei hope you mean the dcvs.17:38
delinquentmeI'm kind of building up the relations and the naming as compared to git17:38
delinquentmebrb! moar watar!17:38
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kanzurehow about you just use git instead?17:40
delinquentmei dont want to scare older devs :D17:41
delinquentmebasically im playing nicely with the other kids17:41
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brownieskanzure: https://github.com/videlalvaro/gifsockets17:54
kanzuredoesn't this use canvas?17:59
kanzuremaybe not18:00
kanzurebrownies: so the other hn thread is something about a lawsuit about 'android license verification library'18:02
kanzurei wonder if they are scanning android apps for ones that use that library to sue18:02
kanzureor if it's just happen-chance18:02
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brownieskanzure: it uses animated GIFs, like it says18:06
brownieskanzure: interesting though about scanning for laqsuit fodder...18:06
kanzurebrownies: it's certainly an evil thought, heh18:09
kanzurebut realistically i doubt they are scanning android apps, otherwise they would be picking more interesting targets18:10
kanzurei mean, especially considering that microsoft spent 8 years fighting them and finally settling18:10
kanzureit's not like some random android app company is going to be able to fight them anyway18:10
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delinquentmenmz787, hey where about in pgh are you staying?18:33
kanzureoperation gradual honeypot18:42
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nmz787north side18:51
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nmz787some of these are absolutely boring and lame like middle school19:03
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kanzure"do you really think that is dna you are pipetting" "yes with a 90% confidence interval"19:05
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kanzurethat facebook page has more activity than openwetware19:05
kanzure"holy shit, biobricks don't need to work before you submit them" aaaahhh assholes19:07
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delinquentmewhats happening here...?19:16
delinquentmelol is this some iGEM meme competition? O_o;19:16
delinquentmeI wish there was a simple way to instantly grab all of the data on whos driving where19:44
delinquentmeit will be once cars are automated19:44
delinquentmebut like19:44
delinquentmeim sure there are people driving between chicago and PGH right now19:45
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delinquentmebut like19:45
delinquentmeHOW do you find them19:45
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kanzurewhy do you read the news?20:09
Mokbortolan_to occupy my time20:17
kanzureif he needs stuff to do, i have some dirty laundry programming for him20:19
kanzurebrownies: hah http://deckfoundry.com/20:22
delinquentmekanzure, thats cool dude!20:24
kanzureno it's hilarious20:26
kanzurethe reality is that if you're pitching, you should be making tons of pitch decks on your own upwards and downwards20:27
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kanzureyashgaroth: hi20:45
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brownieskanzure: just saw that deckfoundry link. i fucking love it.20:56
brownieskanzure: we should start up a competing service to do that, but with hipster bullshit html5/JS decks20:57
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kanzure"Array Buffers open up a whole new world."20:57
brownies"use our idiotic service, and we'll dress up your bullshit business with fancy JS animations and get it on featured on HACKER NEWS!!!111"20:57
kanzure"Array Buffers are an $8 billion dollar market."20:57
browniesonly .. hmm... $3000.20:57
brownieseh, $5000.20:57
brownieskanzure: i think the idea here is that you make the deck and send it to them, and then they just make it not look like shit.20:58
kanzureoh i see20:58
kanzureok that's not as bad as i thought20:59
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kanzureit would be hilarious if they just collect pitch decks, and then repurpose them20:59
brownieskanzure: these sample decks are really awful.20:59
kanzure"oh yeah, there was another one doing instagram for cats the other day, here just use this one.. they raised $1.2 mil"20:59
browniesthey don't know how to design a presentation at all.20:59
kanzurei think you prolly have more experience dude21:00
kanzurelike haven't you reviewed >100 decks?21:00
browniesseveral hundred21:00
kanzuredo you have copies?21:00
browniesi plead the fifth21:00
kanzurei guess that's not a huge advantage.. "here's a lot of shit that failed"21:01
browniespoint is, i don't know if these guys have ever even *pitched* a VC ... even once.21:01
brownieskanzure: the experience of seeing all those pitches in person was worth far more than just a pile of PDFs21:01
browniesa hypothetical pile of PDFs, i mean.21:01
kanzureoh you were pitched in person? awesome21:01
kanzurei get the feeling that a lot of these "rolling seed round" guys are following a pattern21:02
kanzurebut it's not exactly an excellent pattern, just a sort of average-performing thing.. they ask around and people tell them to do a rolling seed round, and what sorta deck to slap together.21:02
kanzure(and then they end up taking crappy convertible notes because they're idiots)21:03
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kanzurebrownies: this is the deckfoundry person http://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=dh21:08
brownieskanzure: yes, there is a "way it's done" ... and depending on where your investors are in the pecking order, you'll get prescribed a different "way"21:11
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brownieskanzure: rolling rounds are a good recipe for getting fucked though.21:11
brownieswell, i guess, as always, it depends on the terms.21:12
kanzurei think 'rolling rounds' are being suggested because otherwise you're unlikely to get a first round closed21:12
brownieskanzure: well, yeah, it happens when you can't convince enough people to invest right away.21:12
browniesif you do it right, though... i've seen a round go from start to finish in a matter of weeks.21:13
brownieskanzure: another such service http://prettify.co/21:15
kanzurewas it hot shit, or just average shit?21:15
kanzurethat got done in a week, i mean21:15
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brownieskanzure: weeks, plural.21:15
browniesit was hot shit.21:15
browniesnot the sort of b2c stuff that makes TC readers froth at the mouth, but... it was compelling.21:16
kanzurewhat industry?21:16
kanzureb2c finance?21:17
browniesno, it was b2b in finance. that's my point.21:17
kanzurewhy were you reviewing a finance deal?21:17
* kanzure scratches his head21:17
browniesthey provided a service in the finance industry. they were raising a round. they came to us. so we reviewed it.21:17
kanzureok. i thought the angel group you were pimping for was more specific than that, but nevermind.21:18
browniesnah, we saw all kinds of verticals. that was one of the cool things about it.21:18
delinquentmekanzure, do you have any recommended reading for solid DevOps with RoR/Git and like a normal SQL DB?21:19
kanzureyes, read the fucking man pages21:20
kanzurefix your understanding of git21:20
kanzurealso read all the docs for chef, fabric, puppet, some random load balancers, some random sql sharding+mirroring crap, learn your package manager and make sure you have images ready to spin up21:21
kanzurebrownies: this is my 5 second crash course in devops, you see21:21
delinquentmethats a no21:22
kanzurei just suggested tons of things to read dude21:22
browniesread ALL the things21:22
delinquentmeyou've got names21:23
delinquentmedoesnt mean you got an understanding21:23
delinquentmeI mean all of those are fun21:23
ParahSailin_thats why i've given up on giving people free advice, kanzure21:23
browniesi think that noobs basically move through the 5 stages of grief when dealing with RTFM21:23
browniesfirst comes denial... and then you'll work your way through anger, bargaining, and the other ones i've forgotten, before finally ending on acceptance21:23
brownieswhen, hopefully, you'll read the damn thing.21:23
kanzurewhich stage is "kanzure doesn't have an understanding according to me"?21:23
browniesin this case? denial.21:24
kanzurelesson: don't deny me21:24
ParahSailin_delinquentme, have you considered skilled labor as a career?21:25
kanzuredelinquentme: also, setup your pagerduty stuff.21:25
delinquentmethere is so much dick sucking going on here21:25
delinquentmebrownies, wtf21:25
delinquentmeParahSailin_, wth21:25
kanzureit's because i'm right21:25
yashgarothah here we go "O'Reilly - solid DevOps with RoR/Git and like a normal SQL DB, 4th Ed.pdf"21:25
delinquentmeI think eminem has a song like this21:25
yashgarothwhoops am I too late for the fellating21:26
kanzureyashgaroth: get in line sooner dude!! i'm all outta jizz over here21:26
delinquentmealso rtfm is a shitty solution21:26
yashgarothdang I'll check back tomorrow21:26
kanzuredelinquentme: knowing the manual is your job.21:26
ParahSailin_nothing fucking wrong with skilled labor, so stop stigmatizing irrationally21:26
kanzureParahSailin_: what is "skilled labor"?21:27
browniesRTFM isn't the solution21:27
browniesRTFM is step fucking one of the solution21:27
kanzurelike before you get hired21:28
ParahSailin_kanzure, a trade one might have gone to vocational school to do in the olden days21:28
browniesif you try to build a massive infrastructure without an understanding of the tools you're using to build it... you're going to have a bad time.21:28
delinquentmeThere was a post made SPECIFICALLY about this .. its called something like " it is no longer possible to know everything there is to know"21:28
kanzureParahSailin_: i'm pretty sure the stigma is artificial at this point.. nobody wants people to realize how much you can make as a plumber.21:29
delinquentmeyou're an idiot if you really RTFM21:29
delinquentmeor you dont value your time21:29
browniesjesus man21:29
kanzuredelinquentme: stop saying "tldr"21:29
browniesno one asked you to learn everything in the entire goddamn universe21:29
delinquentmekanzure, dont say rtfm !21:29
browniesit's like 10 pages of reading21:29
kanzureyou asked me for things to read21:29
browniesmaybe 10021:29
delinquentmebrownies, when its not21:29
ParahSailin_kanzure, i imagine federally guaranteed college loans had a lot to do with it21:29
kanzurewhat is the stack anyway?21:29
delinquentmeand dont act like im getting defensive when you're all dick suckey chummy about RTFMing21:30
browniesi bet if you go to the other channels they'll also tell you to RTFM21:30
browniesyou see... we're all in cahoots.21:30
ParahSailin_just saying, maybe the high intellectual path is not for you21:30
delinquentmebrownies, and the earth is flat21:30
kanzureno seriously, what is the stack.21:31
delinquentmehay bails21:31
kanzureyou said something about rails and git21:31
kanzureare you running the rails server in production??21:31
kanzurebecause don't do that21:31
delinquentmenah nah21:31
kanzurephusion passenger?21:32
delinquentmeyar its in there21:32
ParahSailin_push ebp; mov ebp, esp; sub esp 9001;21:32
kanzurededicated or ec2?21:32
delinquentmededicated atm21:32
delinquentmebut wanna know something awesome?21:33
kanzuredo you have a separate db server?21:33
delinquentmewe dont have db root access21:33
ParahSailin_yeah bitch, stacks21:33
delinquentmewait a min21:33
kanzureok so since you're devops, your goal should be to get off of dedicated since you know nothing about it21:33
kanzurededicated failover is a different beast21:34
kanzurejrayhawk: you could probably chime in about that.21:34
* delinquentme impressed21:34
kanzurebut realistically when you have a fire, it's going to be a reinstall request with the data center, which is like an 8 hour response time.21:34
kanzureunless you genuinely have failover chops that i'm unaware of21:35
delinquentmeec2 is an option21:35
delinquentmefledgeling sysadmin21:35
brownieswhy not just host on Heroku?21:36
* kanzure nods21:37
jrayhawkestimate the cost of downtime, plan backups/redundancy accordingly21:38
kanzureknow your system cold.. if 5min of downtime is $20,000, you better not be looking things up in ##hplusroadmap21:38
jrayhawkthis conversation is hard to follow21:38
delinquentmeits a thought that passed21:38
kanzure'cause i will totally send you an invoice21:38
* brownies nods21:39
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* delinquentme coughs21:39
browniesheroku.com it is21:39
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jrayhawki recommend paying jrayhawk giant piles of money for hosting21:39
jrayhawkit is a good policy21:40
kanzurei could get behind that.. if i can have a kickback maybe?21:40
jrayhawkyour kickback is a vserver that you never use21:41
jrayhawktruly, an invaluable kickback21:41
browniesa whole vserver! wow!21:41
kanzurejrayhawk: i have some stuff i am going to be running on it soon, i promise21:42
kanzurealso i used it the other day for downloading play.google.com21:42
kanzuredamn that was 11 days ago?21:42
browniesquit being so lazy.21:43
kanzurei took on a silly contract, so i was doing "work"21:43
jrayhawkyeah, i can vicariously feel productive through your use of my services21:43
jrayhawkget to work!21:43
kanzurei don't know why i did that.. it wasn't worth my time21:43
jrayhawkoh hello, there's a funny piny bug on your vserver21:44
kanzurebrownies: btw, if you need a devops person, hire jrayhawk.21:44
kanzurehe has been considering sf21:44
brownieswhy would we need a devops person when we have a series of increasingly complicated bash scripts?21:46
kanzurei don't think you understand.. that's precisely what jrayhawk is.21:47
jrayhawkoh please21:47
jrayhawki am posix compliant21:47
kanzurethat must hurt21:47
jrayhawkit does a little. i miss having list expansion.21:47
kanzureneat, i wish i knew about the \n~. trick earlier :(22:11
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kanzurejrayhawk: sometimes my ssh session times out when i get disconnected from interwebs, and i hadn't figured out how to close the session properly22:34
kanzurebecause c-c is passed through, and everything else22:35
kanzurei mean, this is a better option than trying to figure out which pid corresponds to which terminal tab22:35
jrayhawkman ssh22:38
jrayhawk /escape22:38
jrayhawk /ESCAPE is better, i guess22:40
kanzuredoesn't seem to do anything22:41
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jrayhawkHas to be following a newline.22:41
jrayhawkIt's possible you also hit ctrl-s on it in which case ctrl-q is necessary to fix it.22:42
kanzurestill not doing it for me22:43
kanzurei should note that the connection is currently active i guess22:43
kanzurebut meanwhile \n~. still works22:43
kanzureoh derr. you said 'man ssh'. i missed that part.22:44
jrayhawkha ha ha22:44
kanzure\n/ESCAPE\n/<escape> grr fucking rayhawk locusts god damn it22:45
jrayhawkhaha man i didn't even know you were aware of that meme22:45
kanzurei think jules called you guys locusts once22:46
kanzureit seemed to fit22:46
kanzurei think tapeworm might be a more apt analogy22:46
jrayhawk"Fucking Rayhawks are like locusts!" came from a series of UT2k4 and/or Q3 games at a LAN party in probably only two of us were playing.22:48
kanzuremaybe i was there in spirit or spectator mode22:48
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