
--- Log opened Wed Sep 19 00:00:30 2012
-!- jmil [~jmil@hive76/member/jmil] has quit [Quit: jmil]00:01
skorketwell, that was a chore, but it should be nearly finished00:05
-!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: Sanqui, bkero, fenn00:43
skorketand looks like height probing is working00:43
skorketso, height probing to get height map00:43
skorketgcode generation to use the height map and interpolate z heights00:44
skorketI'm very close00:44
skorketof course, that's what I've been saying all week00:50
nmz787you mean with the continuity?00:54
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nmz787hi guys00:54
skorketit tests continuity to find height00:55
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nmz787i hadn't thought of doing that for the etcher00:57
skorketnot as important00:58
nmz787I might be able to do something with realtime sensing though00:58
nmz787well, the depth of field might be pretty small00:58
nmz787so the focus moving enough could mean the channels get larger and smaller00:59
skorketwhat kind of range would throw it off?00:59
nmz787but that depends on the flatness (spin-coated silicone on silicon wafers), and the tilt of the whole thing relative to the gantry00:59
nmz787it depends, but it would probably be 10-100microns to see a size change01:00
nmz787maybe up to 500 microns01:00
nmz787i havent got that far into the optics01:00
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skorketyeah, some feed back is probably a good idea01:04
skorketthough I don't know how to do it on that scale01:06
nmz787use cdrom focusing tech01:07
nmz787basically you look at the light reflecting (or a different color with a dichroic mirror so you're not using the etching beam) back from the surface and when it's focused is when the signal at the sensor is highest01:09
nmz787imagine you're looking at a target with a flashlight, the target is most illuminated (brightest) when the beam is focused rather than dispersed01:09
nmz787cdroms actually use 3 sensors, to add tracking left/right ability01:10
nmz787or maybe its 401:10
nmz7873 or 4 sensors01:10
skorketyou're going to gut a cdrom?01:11
nmz787but i might try using a bluray drive as-in01:13
nmz787and that has 3 lasers I think01:14
nmz787with the focusing mechanism and sensor01:14
nmz787but... a 600 micron focus01:14
nmz787so etching could potentially foul the last lens, but i need a vacuum chamber and exhaust for the cutter anyway01:15
skorketonce you have the laser etcher, what's your first project going to be?01:16
nmz787the test pattern my friend and I made01:17
nmz787oh, project01:17
nmz787probably try to make a capillary gel electrophoresis chip01:18
-!- nmz787 [~Nathan@pool-108-39-145-80.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]02:31
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kirkaI'm updating NE1 to work on recent libraries05:35
kirkaPyQt4 and Numeric works by now05:35
kirkaBut there is this:05:36
kirka File "/home/user/Desktop/kanzure-nanoengineer/cad/src/model/atomtypes.py", line 97, in __init__05:36
kirka    if (bondvectors):05:36
kirkaValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()05:36
kirkaThis code looks strange:05:36
kirkaif (bondvectors):05:36
kirkaself.bondvectors = bondvectors or [] # not sure if [] (in place of None) matters05:36
kirkaNote that bondvectors can be an array or None05:36
kirkaThat's what I call bad style which Python allows05:37
kirkaWell, I rewritten it according to that strange logic05:39
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-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]06:01
kirkaNot sure about this: ./cad/src/atombasehelp.c:8:#include "Numeric/arrayobject.h"06:03
kirkakanzure ?06:03
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kirkaAttempt to call an undefined function glePolyCone06:37
kirkaHeh, viewing the logs I see that part of what I have been doing has been done already06:38
kirkaBut splash screen is almost launching now06:45
kirkaOpenGL.error.GLError: GLError(06:45
kirkaerr = 1282,06:45
kirkadescription = 'invalid operation',06:45
kirkabaseOperation = glNewList,06:45
kirkacArguments = (3L, GL_COMPILE)06:45
kirka        glNewList(self._compass_dl, GL_COMPILE)06:45
kirka        _draw_compass_geometry()06:45
kirka        glEndList()06:45
kirkaNE1 launched!06:49
kirkaI commented thode lines06:50
kirkaOpenGL seems to be broken though06:50
kirkakanzure ~06:50
-!- Lukas_ [6c115747@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:58
-!- Mariu [Jimmy98@] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:58
kirkaWell, now it spits a lot of backtraces in runtime07:00
kirkaGl canvas is thrashed07:00
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-!- ElixirVitae [~Shehrazad@unaffiliated/shehrazad] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:11
kirkaHere is my NE1 work so far: http://rghost.ru/4045937507:17
kirkaRuns on Ubuntu 12.0407:18
chris_99put it on github ;)07:18
kirkaBut opengl is broken07:18
kirkaOh, I don't have any, and I've never used code versioning system07:18
kirkaMaybe later07:18
kirkaNever had a need to use git, or cvs, svn07:19
chris_99it's really handy, although i still don't use them properly heh07:19
kirkaIt would be cool, if text editors themselves saved all modifications mode to file by user in their database and keeped history graph07:20
chris_99you could make a pretty graph from git commits07:22
kirkaHmmh, looks like updating OpenGL won't be an easy task07:27
kirkaIf we had OpenGL specialist here07:27
kirkaIn the future computers won't contain special accelerators for graphics, I think.07:29
kirkaNe1 could be written with software renderer07:30
kirkaIt's simple to render atoms as sprites07:30
Mariukirka, like SwiftShader ?07:32
Mariuoh, nevermind :p07:32
kirkaMariu Haven't heard about it07:32
kirkaI like software rendering07:32
kirkaAh, I understand07:32
kirkaIt's probably good07:33
Mariukirka, TransGaming had some contracts with CCP and developed this product, I'm not sure about other details07:33
kirkansh ?07:33
nshno, what would be cool is if changes to the operating system environment were stored in this way07:33
nshand you could merge with other people's reconfigurations07:33
nshlike a respository of computer state07:33
nshthat way only one person has to get something working for a generic use-case with fiddly software07:34
nshand others can just subscribe to their feed07:34
kirkansh Yes, but it would require order of magnitude more computing power. Or you are talking about persistent memory OSes? I like Phantom OS because of this feature.07:34
nshaye, there are some complicating factors :)07:34
nshnot aware of phantom OS - will check it out07:34
kirkaIn short it's VM based OS with OS level persistence07:35
nshno pointers, eh07:35
kirkaPrograms don't need files etc07:35
nshkirka, interesting, i see07:35
nshobject is fundamental07:35
kirkaYes, don't know if it's still actively developed07:35
nshthis would be great if people were evolved enough to do object-orientated programming correctly07:35
nshwhich is an open question07:36
-!- Lukas_ [6c115747@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]07:36
nshalso java :(07:36
kirkaI don't OOP should be used everywhere. I prefer functional style.07:36
kirka*don't think07:36
* kirka imagines NE1 running on rod logic (super) computer swiftly with software rendering07:37
* nsh smiles07:38
kirkaWell, If I had molecular assembler, I could design this supercomputer in 4-6 months, I have some experience with CPU design, FPGAs etc07:39
kirka*And fabricate07:39
kirkaTo be run on such an architecture NE1 should be written in a language with simple specification07:39
kirkaScheme is suitable for this purpose07:40
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r190-135-22-78.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:41
eudoxiakira: i believe thew exact opposite, that as time goes by and moore's law grinds to a halt we'll develop many more increasingly specialized chips: for trigonometry, 3D graphics, string processing, iteration, etc.07:42
kirkaYes, you are right07:43
kirkaBut I think that there will be some time period when people will have plenty od computing power for their purpose07:44
-!- ThomasEgi [~thomas@panda3d/ThomasEgi] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:44
strangewarpI'm about confident a RaspberryPi would cover all of my potential usage-cases, outside of gaming, which I don't do much anymore07:44
kirkaBut as we will try to solve even more difficult problems, fundamental physical limits will push us to create specialised hardware07:45
ThomasEgikirka, like FPGA?07:46
eudoxiastrangewarp: I used to think that until I started doing simulations in NanoEngineer07:46
strangewarpeudoxia: Ha! Well, I'm just a humble musician who doesn't use bloaty softsynths, so I am a pretty specialized case07:47
kirkaThomasEgi They are good for a number of purposes. But for physical simulations CPUs and GPUs give more power per dollar07:47
ThomasEgiif you can afford to wait for the result, then yes.07:48
kirkaWell, iF i'll have N dollars I'll have my results faster with a cluster of GPUs07:48
kirkaFPGA are used a lot in military equipment where money do not matter07:49
* kirka Is puzzled by NE1 opengl subsystem07:50
kirkakanzure ~07:50
nshFPGA is very useful tool07:54
nsh70 FPGA and some cables is even more useful07:54
ThomasEgifpga is most usefull when you can't wait for results07:59
ThomasEgilike when you need it within a few hundret nanoseconds07:59
kirkaYes it is07:59
kirkaSo they are used in military, telecom signal processing, HP trading and so on08:00
ThomasEgi... SCIENCE..08:03
kirkaLHC, yes08:03
kirkaBut these are narrow purpose computing systems08:03
* kirka looks with awe at log of running NE1 http://pastebin.com/Xb1NZpg408:04
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-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@c-71-236-101-39.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:12
chris_99FPGAs still have pretty low clock speeds though08:12
chris_99admittedly they can allow massive parallelisation though08:12
chris_99so real silicon is where it's at if you want true speed i guess08:12
kirkaAnd they don't have floating point multipliers, just fixed point08:12
-!- EnLilaSko [~Nattzor@unaffiliated/enlilasko] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:13
ThomasEgichris_99, true silicon chips are very expensive if you don't mass produce them08:14
ThomasEgibesides.. a lot of development effort08:14
chris_99indeed, but if you're the military08:14
ThomasEgii am not :D08:14
kirkaThat's why we have to adapt our rasks to CPUs and GPUs08:15
ThomasEgibest thing i can produce at home are some organic FET's .. or  a couple of silicone based mosfets. but that's bout it.08:15
chris_99we could make stuff with fancy 10GHz logic gates though :)08:15
kirkaRod logic gates :)08:16
chris_99i've just found out the cheapest 'affordable' InGaAs image sensor is £160008:17
chris_99which makes making an IR spectrometer to measure alcohol content etc. out of the question08:17
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-!- ShapeShiftr is now known as Sdr08:51
-!- Sdr is now known as SDr08:51
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]09:09
@kanzure06:03 < kirka> Not sure about this: ./cad/src/atombasehelp.c:8:#include "Numeric/arrayobject.h"09:17
@kanzurekirka: that's just using the numeric headers09:17
kirkaNow NE1 runs, but opengl is broken.09:18
kirkaDisplay list do not work09:18
@kanzurekirka: put your changes on github. go to github, sign up, go to http://github.com/kanzure/nanoengineer and click the button that says 'fork'. it will then give you instructions.09:18
kirkaOh, later09:18
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:18
kirkaThese are runtime errors09:20
@kanzurei suggest changing the source code while inside the chroot09:20
@kanzurebecause then you can break 1 thing at a time without breaking other things09:21
@kanzureand you will know what to fix.09:21
kirkaHmm, but inside chroot it's difficult to manage installing new libs09:21
kirkakanzure Are you familiar with cad/src/graphics dir?09:22
kirkaProblems seem to be there09:22
@kanzureit's ubuntu.. installing new libraries is as easy as dpkg -i newlibrary.deb09:22
kirkaI'll try if i won't be able to get Gl working09:23
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kirkaAnyway, in archive I uploaded http://rghost.ru/40459375 there is also a log of changes09:24
@kanzurethe chroot already has git installed btw09:24
@kanzureso just type this:09:24
@kanzuregit add -u09:24
@kanzuregit commit -m'description of my changes' (or if you have more to type, just type "git commit" instead of "git commit -m")09:24
kirkaHeh, I did changes on tarball downloaded from your github09:25
kirkaNE1 is already running on ubuntu 12.0409:25
kirkaI just have to dig OpenGL code09:25
@kanzureok, then go into the chroot, copy the files you have, and paste them into the chroot's version, and then you can run "git add -u"09:26
kirkaBut I'm not much familiar with deep internals like display lists09:26
kirkaOkay, if you need it to read changes, then I'll do it09:26
kirka>Are you familiar with cad/src/graphics dir?09:27
@kanzurewhat about it09:28
kirkaI have already asked some opengl people, they say that display lists are old09:28
kirkaLook at09:28
kirkaOpengl is major source od runtime errors09:29
kirkaIf you haven't worked with it, or you don't have time, it's ok09:30
kirkaI'll try do what I can to get it working09:31
@kanzurei don't know why you don't listen to me.09:31
@kanzuredo you think i'm wrong? if so, you should tell me.09:31
kirkaOh, that's just I'm not used to code versioning systems and try not tu use them as long as possible09:32
@kanzureyes but also the whole point of the chroot is to make upgrading nanoengineer easier09:32
kirkaHmm, yes09:32
@kanzureright now there's an unknown number of broken things09:33
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kirkaBut I'm not used to chroot, and it adds X issues09:33
@kanzurefor example, there might be 20 other things wrong with nanoengineer besides opengl09:33
@kanzurein the chroot, those things are working.09:33
kirkaAnyway, if I'll make progrss, I'll upload working version09:33
@kanzureso you just choose one thing at a time instead (like numpy -> numeric, which nmz787 already did anyway)09:33
kirkaI'll try09:33
kirkaI'm not as serious about supporting NE1 as you are, though. If I will understand that it will be easier (and more fun) to rewrite it in another language and with another architecture, I'll do it.09:36
kirkaWe are not in a hurry anyway.09:37
kirkaBut i promise that as I'll make progress I'll upload working versions.09:37
@kanzureplease don't do that.09:38
@kanzureit's much better if you just use git09:38
kirkaI can always start repo09:38
kirka*start using git repositories09:40
kirkaAh, but if you want ti read recent changes, then I could upload it to git09:41
* kirka Begins reading about git09:41
ybitso... anyone want a web developer job?09:42
ybitping me09:42
@kanzuregit clone git://diyhpl.us/nanoengineer.git; cd nanoengineer; copy your changes with "cp ~/wherever/nanoengineer/is/* ."; git add -u; git commit (type a commit message that explains the changes), then later i will teach you "git push" to make it public (you have to setup a git repo either on github or on ..09:42
@kanzureybit: only if you guys are paying 20x what they were paying you.09:42
ybitofc that isn't directed @you :)09:43
@kanzureso it's still $12/hour?09:43
@kanzuredude get out of that09:43
@kanzurefuck, i'll pay you $14/hour to dick around if you want.09:43
nshan irc contract is binding in the state of texas09:44
kirka14$*8hours*6days_per_week*4weeks_per_month = 2688$/month09:44
kirkaNot too bad09:45
@kanzure$2688 is terrible for a web developer09:45
nshthat's about what i earned as a researcher in finland09:45
@kanzurekirka: web developers are earning closer to $8000-$12000/mo on this side of the planet09:45
nshfor postgrad machine-minding work09:45
kirkaHmm, in my country php and like web developers are lowest skilled workforce, and rarely earn more than 1000$09:46
ybiti'm a junior guy09:46
@kanzureybit: no you're not.09:46
ybitbham has a low cost of living09:46
@kanzurei know you ybit, you're not junior.09:46
@kanzure"low cost of living" is just another excuse they give you to not pay you.09:46
@kanzurekirka: that's because php programmers are awful.09:46
@kanzurephp is also awful.09:46
kirkaYes it is09:46
kirkabtw, I have 20Mbps broadband for just 18$/month. Is it cheap by USA standards?09:48
@kanzurekirka: are you near novgorod?09:48
kirkaNope, Saint-Petersburg09:49
@kanzurei'd like you to infiltrate the offices of these guys: http://opencascade.org/09:49
kirkaFinland is near09:49
kirkaI heard abou that library09:49
kirkaIt implements b-rep for solid modeling and much more09:49
@kanzurehowever, the source code is awful09:50
@kanzurewritten in english, french and russian09:50
kirkaSolidworks geometric inference and b-rep are still surprising me. Impressive algorhitms.09:50
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kirkakanzure While I'm updating my freshly forked github repo, I'd like to ask, maybe you have thought on source of GL errors?09:57
@kanzureprobably version incompatabilities09:58
@kanzureapi probably changed in the last five years09:59
kirka1.5Mb of GL code10:00
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kirkaI think that's there is a problem with opengl context creation10:04
kirkaBut I don't know exactly ehre it's being created10:04
-!- lichen [~lichen@c-24-21-206-64.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:07
kirkaI had to comment these line to get it launching:10:08
kirka#glNewList(self._compass_dl, GL_COMPILE)10:08
nshyou see this: http://yro.slashdot.org/story/12/09/18/2249200/feds-add-9-felony-charges-against-swartz-for-jstor-hack10:13
nshmay be worth doing some advocay. depending how strongly you feel about the issue10:13
nshaaronsw is a good guy and it would suck balls if he went to jail for this10:13
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@kanzurensh: yeah i was reading all the court docs the other day.. check the backlog10:26
@kanzurensh: a few of our regulars (alec resnick, quinn norton) were subpoened10:27
@kanzurehe wont serve 35 years because people have gotten away with 10 for murder10:28
@kanzurei do wonder though what his defense is going to be10:33
@kanzurea few of the charges look defeatable in this case10:33
nmz787"In New York City, biohackers are united by the extremely active Biohackers NYC Meetup group and several startups, incubators, and workspaces scattered across the outer boroughs."10:44
@kanzurenmz787: we are going to have to put you on a "no news" diet10:45
nmz787i don't think its /extremely active/10:45
@kanzure"biohackers-nyc".. didn't you just set that up like a day ago?10:45
nmz787they also misspelled Pittsburgh10:45
nmz787no, but I joined it a few months ago when i got to NYC10:45
nmz787its a meetup.com thing10:45
nmz787"When the Biohackers NYC group was founded in early 2012, “It was because most biohacker movements started on west coast, and the east coast was lagging behind. I lamented the lack of this on the east coast,” group founder and psychiatrist Lydia Fazzio tells Fast Company. "10:45
nmz787I even emailed her about the DNA synthesis meeting and she didnt announce it to the meetup group10:46
@kanzureeast coast is fine in nyc10:46
@kanzurei mean, genspace is pretty active.10:46
nmz787they had some paleo food meetups, and then one about those grindhouse wetware stuff10:46
@kanzuregrindhousewetware.com is Lukas_ when he comes in here10:47
jrayhawkoh yeah, i should've rebuild the chroot10:47
nmz787"Meanwhile, in Pittsburg, Grindhouse Wetwares"10:47
nmz787second misspelling10:47
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 2a03707 add fastcompany.com article to list10:48
nmz787"These implants have substantial real-life effects. Dimoveo described a few:10:48
nmz787“In the lab one of our older laptops stopped working--sometimes it would recharge and other times it wouldn't. It took [Grindhouse experimenters] Tim Cannon and Shawn Sarver all of five seconds to figure out what was going on just by running their hands from the extension cord up the power brick to the computer itself. The wire was giving off a field, but not the battery (which sadly meant I needed to get a new computer).10:48
@kanzure"which meant i needed to get a new computer" ???10:49
nmz787"Biohackers first came into the public consciousness thanks to an August 2012 article on tech website The Verge, where author Ben Popper had one of Grindhouse's cybernetic magnetic implants surgically placed in his thumb. "10:50
@kanzurewell that's a lie..10:50
nmz787damn, kanzure... better delete all the old DIYbio news10:50
@kanzureyeah i must be a fucking moron10:50
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e58cb52 add theverge.com article from 2012-08-0810:52
nmz787well, let's see if the mod posts my comment calling out the spelling and lie/major-mistake re news10:53
@kanzurefell free to link to my list :\10:53
@kanzureand the biohack-nyc/genspace thing is super weird.10:54
@kanzuremaybe journalists don't have long-term memory10:54
@kanzurelike, maybe we can claim that you started diybio10:54
nmz787i did10:55
nmz787heh heh10:55
nmz787(i did link to faq/news)10:55
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nmz787this guys seems somewhat interesting http://www.frias.uni-freiburg.de/matter_research/fellows/osamu-tabata/view?set_language=en10:57
eudoxiaso Lukas is Lucas Dimoveo?10:58
eudoxiaman I'm slow10:58
@kanzurepoorly written fiction :/ http://synthbiopunk.blogspot.com/10:59
kirkaтья787 Штеукуыештпб ерфтлы11:00
kirkanfz787 Interesting, thanks11:00
@kanzurekirka: how do you switch between input modes?11:01
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kirkakanzure Ctrl+Shift11:01
jrayhawkkirka: It's possible 'apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri' from inside the chroot will enable direct rendering11:01
kirkaI tried it, doesn't work11:02
kirkaMaybe it's VM thing11:02
@kanzurejrayhawk: oh right.. he's running ubuntu in virtualbox on windows 711:02
jrayhawkwell, if direct rendering exists outside the chroot, then it's only partially a VM thing11:02
kirkaVideo have never been virtualized properly11:02
@kanzurestop using virtualbox11:02
jrayhawkwhat does lspci -nn | grep VGA have to say?11:03
kirkaHeh. It's free. I don't want to crack vmware11:03
jrayhawkyou could also just get some cheap crappy hardware and shove an old radeon in it and probably get decent speeds11:04
kirka00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH VirtualBox Graphics Adapter [80ee:beef]11:04
kirkaThat's my github, I pushed changes there: https://github.com/elfion/nanoengineer11:05
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kirkaIt launches in ubuntu 12.0411:06
nmz787kirka: without chroot?11:06
kirkaBut opengl is broken.11:07
nmz787you changed all the numeric stuff to numpy?11:07
nmz787or did you use my code to start with?11:07
@kanzurekirka: i am looking11:07
kirkaNo, I started with kanzure's version11:07
@kanzureoh i see. nmz787's branch (ubuntu-fixes) has numeric->numpy changes.11:07
kirkaI noticed that you already did update Numeric too lat11:07
kirkaBut auto-replacing imports wasn't difficult11:08
nmz787did you use the numeric to numpy script?11:08
nmz787how did you do it then?11:08
kirkaI used Geany and replaced all "from Numeric" to "from numpy.oldnumeric"11:09
@kanzurehe probably did a recursive find-and-replace with sed11:09
@kanzureok well apparently he doesn't know sed11:09
kirkaAnd "import Numeric" -> "import numpy.oldnumeric"11:09
nmz787I tried " site-packages/numpy/oldnumeric/alter_code1.py converts code written for Numeric to run with numpy using the compatibility layer."11:09
kirkaI just don't like to learn legacy UNIX tools11:09
nmz787do you have virtualbox extensions installed?11:10
kirkaYes I do11:10
kirkaYes, emacs for example has its key bindings from old Dymbolics lisp machines and so on11:11
@kanzurejrayhawk: well your prediction was correct about causing massive merging problems.. kirka's changes were based on a previous commit, and he tried to apply his changes on top of my latest version (with whitespace changed)11:11
nmz787sed is still being updated11:11
kirkaIf I wrote an OS it would be simpler11:11
@kanzurejrayhawk: i should listen to you more often.11:11
nmz787so I dont think its legacy11:11
@kanzurekirka: there's a minor problem with your git repo, and it's sort of my fault, can we fix it?11:12
@kanzurekirka: you copied files into the repo and did "git add -u" right?11:12
jrayhawkha ha ha11:12
@kanzureok we are going to repeat that, except before copying the changes, do this...11:12
kirkaWell, when I download it from github it works, that's enough for me11:13
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kirkaI'm listening11:13
@kanzurehmm when did you download the .tar.gz/.zip from my github? the one that you changed.11:14
@kanzureoh.. or: what was the filename of the .tar.gz/.zip? it should have some numbers in it that i need.11:14
@kanzureoh good11:15
@kanzuretype this: "git checkout 2237b68" before copying your changes into it11:16
@kanzurethen do "git add -u; git commit" and for the commit message you can use the same one "Updated numpy, LinearAlgebra, illegal array conditionals, commented compass drawing"11:16
@kanzurethen do: git push -f origin master (you might have called it something different from "origin".. basically the same way you pushed to github, but with -f to force the updates)11:17
kirkaSo, I manipulate on your unpacked tarball or on my local clone?11:17
@kanzureoh i see, oops. what do you have? unpacked tarball kanzure-nanoengineer-2237b68, nanoengineer.git from me, and then your nanoengineer.git folder?11:18
@kanzuremake sure you keep your changed files separate, don't lose them :)11:19
kirkaI made git clone of your repo, copied there changes that I made and then made git add -u; git commit; git push https://github.com/elfion/nanoengineer11:20
@kanzurei see11:20
kirkaThen I checked if version downloaded from github works11:20
kirkaIt does11:20
@kanzureok go into that same folder you pushed to https://..11:20
@kanzuretype "git reset --hard 2237b68" instead of "git checkout"11:20
kirkaI've done it11:20
@kanzurethen copy in your changes again and do "git add -u". then type "git status".11:21
@kanzurecheck if "Makefile.am" is in this list that "git status" shows.. if it is, then we've done something wrong :)11:21
kirkaLookslike file manager replaces all files in local repo, isit ok/11:21
@kanzuredid this happen the 1st time?11:22
@kanzureyes it's ok11:22
kirkaI've done it11:23
@kanzuretype: git status | grep Makefile11:24
@kanzureoh sorry. "git add -u" first. then "git status | grep Makefile".11:24
kirka#modified:   cad/src/Makefile.am11:25
kirka#modified:   cad/src/experimental/demoapp_0.1/Makefile11:25
@kanzurejrayhawk: what did i do wrong??11:25
kirkaGit shamanism11:26
jrayhawkdissect the nearest SVN user and read their entrails11:26
@kanzurewhat does this say? git rev-parse HEAD11:26
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kirkaSo, the problem for you is that it shows files that haven't been changed as changed?11:28
@kanzurethe problem is that your changes were based on an older version of nanoengineer11:28
@kanzureso we are trying to tell git to apply your changes to the older version11:28
jrayhawkeh, download http://rghost.net/40459375 and rebase it yourself, kanzure11:28
@kanzureis http://rghost.net/40459375 the same changes?11:28
kirkaIt works11:29
@kanzureok i'll do it11:29
jrayhawkit's mean to introduce someone to git with sucha trial by fire11:29
jrayhawks/sucha/such a11:29
kirkabtw There is a file "kirka_NE1_work_log.txt" which documents issues with new libraries and their solutions11:30
@kanzureare you familiar with issue trackers?11:31
@kanzureyou can go here: https://github.com/kanzure/nanoengineer/issues11:31
@kanzurewhen you find a new problem, you type it in and document it a little bit, and then other people can contribute.11:31
kirkaWill this problem show on all repos, forked from yours?11:32
nmz787kanzure: when i click on any of the nanoengineer git links that have been going around, then click branches, I dont see kirka, nmz787 and kanzure's repos11:32
kirkaHow do I upload fix to some issue/11:32
nmz787why not?11:32
@kanzurekirka: upload is "git commit" and "git push" ;)11:32
nmz787seems like you should be able to see all the forks and merges and branches11:32
@kanzurekirka: you can attach a commit to an issue by saying "fixes gh-500" in the commit message. "gh-500" tells github to link it to issue #500.11:33
@kanzurenmz787: don't click "branches", click "network".11:33
@kanzurenmz787: "branches" are only branches that i have pushed to kanzure/nanoengineer.git11:33
nmz787network is not intuitive for me to click on :P11:34
nmz787hah, it doesnt show you11:34
@kanzurewget --user-agent="nope" "http://rghost.net/download/40459375/8d5029be46526940e01853aaec6f9c34aae5877c/kirka-nanoengineer.tar.gz" is failing for me11:35
@kanzureit just downloads html11:35
@kanzurehow do i get this file?11:35
kirkahmmh, I do it through browser11:35
@kanzureoh here it is:11:36
kirkaIf you cannot download, tell me where to upload it11:36
kirkaThat's it internal server URL11:37
kirkakanzure Does it work?11:39
@kanzureyes, i am fixing git things now.11:39
@kanzurejrayhawk: so apparently there's mode changes on the files. how do i fix this?11:42
@kanzureoh neat "git config core.filemode false" ok then.11:44
@kanzure"If false, the executable bit differences between the index and the working copy are ignored; useful on broken filesystems like FAT."11:44
nmz787fenn: so some folks in #linuxcnc were saying to use a delrin nut for the acme screw11:44
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nmz787fenn: and to be wary of VXB for bearings11:44
@kanzurenmz787: could you do me a favor and call him? i don't know if he's alive.11:44
@kanzurenmz787: 703-343-573011:45
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nmz787he signed on last night11:45
kirkanmz787 Aren't you familiar with opengl?11:47
nmz787kanzure: left a message11:47
nmz787kirka: not really, i mean, i know about glut and ogre and glxgears11:47
nmz787but i havent used their APIs11:48
@kanzurenmz787: where did he sign on last night?11:48
@kanzurekirka: ok i have fixed the git problems, but before i commit i'd like to make the commit author to be you (instead of me). we are using the "Firstname Lastname <email>" format. how would you like to be attributed?11:50
@kanzurekirka: if you use the same email as you use on github, github will know how to link up commits to your account.11:51
kirkaKirill Gadjello kiragadjet@gmail.com then11:51
@kanzureok cool11:51
nmz787kanzure: maybe it was not last night11:52
nmz787but in the last 2 or 3 nights11:52
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@kanzurekirka: ok go into your git repo and do this: "git pull git://github.com/kanzure/nanoengineer.git kirka-updates:kirka-updates; git checkout kirka-updates; git push -f https://github.com/elfion/nanoengineer.git kirka-updates:master"11:58
@kanzureactually, no.11:58
@kanzurejust do this part: "git pull git://github.com/kanzure/nanoengineer.git kirka-updates:kirka-updates; git checkout kirka-updates"11:58
@kanzurefor now you can see the fixed version here: https://github.com/kanzure/nanoengineer/tree/kirka-updates11:59
kirkaOk, I was afk12:00
@kanzurejrayhawk: i need some sage advice about whether or not to merge this branch into master. my gut says no because there's no tests to check what it breaks.12:01
kirkaYou are right12:01
kirkaLet it be experimental or womething12:01
gnushananoengineer.git: 8d289b5 add ne1log.txt to .gitignore12:03
kirkaOh. I did this git push -f https://github.com/elfion/nanoengineer.git kirka-updates:master sorry12:04
@kanzurewell that's ok12:04
@kanzureelfion/nanoengineer on github will show your changes for the "master" branch instead of putting your changes on a separate branch12:04
kirkaerror: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:12:05
kirkaIf I try to checkout12:05
@kanzureare these new changes?12:05
@kanzureif they are not new changes, then type: git reset --hard to undo the git repo differences.12:06
kirkaFilenames are that were affected by new changes12:06
@kanzuregit is trying to warn you about things you will overwrite that you might want to keep12:07
@kanzurebut we are already keeping them in kirka-updates12:07
kirkaThen ok12:07
@kanzureso "git reset --hard" will tell git to discard the changes in your current branch that you haven't "saved" (committed) yet12:07
@kanzurenmz787: hey since i'm working on nanoengineer/git things anyway, do you want me to fix your commits from ubuntu-fixes? https://github.com/nmz787/nanoengineer/commits/ubuntu-fixes12:09
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kirkaHmmh, git reset --hard reverted it to old version, it doesn't run12:09
@kanzuretype: git checkout kirka-updates12:10
kirkaWell, it's my repo, I'll read git doc and do something with it12:10
@kanzurewhen you checkout "kirka-updates" you switch to the version with your changes12:10
@kanzureoh i bet filter-branch can accept a range instead of just HEAD. hrm.12:19
kirkaSo, everytime I commit to NE1 I shall write First name, Last name and email?12:25
kirka(or make them global for git)12:25
@kanzureyes there's a way to configure that.. git config --global user.name "Kirill Gadjello"12:26
@kanzuregit config --global user.email "kiragadjet@gmail.com"12:26
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@kanzureopen knowledge foundation is live streaming their talks: http://okfestival.org/streams/12:27
kirkaOk, I'm reading this http://git-scm.com/book/12:28
@kanzure(mostly about open access)12:28
kirkaSo, to code experimental features it's better to create separate branch12:31
nmz787kanzure: well it sounds like kirka may have surpassed what i did12:31
nmz787so no, don't fix anything12:31
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 029c9da article about open source hardware in labs12:31
nmz787so i'm giving a DNA talk to those biohacker NYC meetup.com ppl12:32
nmz787and they want a short bio12:33
@kanzurenmz787: too late.. https://github.com/kanzure/nanoengineer/commits/nmz787-ubuntu-fixes12:33
@kanzurenmz787: for a short bio.. i suggest talking about open spectrometer, maybe our laser cutter, the fbi outreach you do and how you got involved in diybio a few years ago (since apparently people can't remember)12:34
nmz787am i a science enthusiast?12:34
JuulI remember reading about this project to encode a bunch of important texts from human history onto stone spheres, where the first spheres explained how to read the next, much more information-dense, spheres12:35
nmz787or do i supercede that12:35
Juulbut now I can't find it12:35
@kanzureJuul: was it related to stewart brand?12:35
JuulI think it was at the Alexandrina library12:35
@kanzurenmz787: you exceed that label yes12:35
Juulkanzure, not that I remember, but I guess it could have been12:35
Juulit was several years ago12:35
Juulmaybe 1012:35
nmz787hmm, this is why there are bio and autobio graphies12:37
nmz787i dont know what to say12:37
chris_99wasn't this Juul http://millenniata.com/m-disc/ ?12:38
Juulchris_99, no, but that's really cool12:38
@kanzurenmz787: "Yo dawgs, I am into open source hardware and biohacking. I started the open spectrometer project on kickstarter, and have been working on a weird-ass laser cutter for a DIY DNA synthesizer for like 1/100th the cost. Also, I've been active in the biohacking community for 3 years, which is like forever in internet time."12:39
nmz787yeah that's pretty good12:39
Juulyeah, except you should consider making it a bit more formal and specific, maybe start with: "Greetings oldfags" instead12:42
nmz787i think biohackery is a word12:43
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@kanzureJuul: it's sad that one day oldfags will only be known by oldfags.12:44
@kanzurealthough i think newfags will remain strong12:44
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chris_99what kind of laser cutter are you making nmz787?12:50
kirkaGLpane standard_repaint_0 and standard_repaint cause type errors12:50
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@kanzurechris_99: http://diyhpl.us/laser_etcher/laser_etcher12:51
chris_99what kind of size is it gonna be?12:52
@kanzureiirc we planned for at least 3 to 5 inches on a side for a work piece12:54
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chris_99i'm wondering how accurate those cheap chinese ones are12:56
@kanzurethey're not. and they are certainly not micron resolution anyway.12:57
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kirkaClass diagram would be of great help12:58
@kanzureit would be better to separate the graphics code from everything else12:58
@kanzurethe "import" lines at the top of all the files make the graph too wild and unpredictable12:59
kirkaYes, I understand12:59
@kanzureyou can isolate those by wrapping them in try/catch statements12:59
@kanzure"try: import OpenGL..... import... import...; catch Exception as exception: pass"12:59
kirkaI mean if there is no class diagram we may create it13:02
kirka(Someone from BRL-CAD said that when NE1 logic is written down in specification it could be implemented in another language)13:02
kirkaI'll try to do it13:03
nmz787How's this,13:13
nmz787"I started hacking at age 3 with a plastic screwdriver, dismantling my13:13
nmz787toy-box to my parents' dismay, for a while they tried hiding tools13:13
nmz787from me. After years of ripping apart old electronics and appliances,13:13
nmz787and computer code, I discovered a passion in biohacking. My high13:13
nmz787school biology class was just too interesting, and I began13:13
nmz787experimenting at home the next year, mastering sterile technique in my13:13
nmz787mom's kitchen. It really gave me an advantage in college, I didn't13:13
nmz787have to worry about the simple stuff, I could really focus on the big13:13
nmz787picture. Recently I've been working on open-source biotech hardware,13:13
nmz787last year I started the openSpectrometer project on kickstarter, and13:13
nmz787lately I've been working on a weird laser cutter for making a13:13
nmz787microfluidic (small fluidic channels the size of blood capillaries)13:13
nmz787DIY DNA synthesizer that will be 1/100th the cost of current devices.13:13
nmz787How's this,"I started hacking at age 3 with a plastic screwdriver, dismantling my toy-box to my parents' dismay, for a while they tried hiding tools from me. After years of ripping apart old electronics and appliances, and computer code, I discovered a passion in biohacking. My high school biology class was just too interesting, and I began experimenting at home the next year, mastering sterile technique in my mom's kitchen13:13
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browniesnmz787: what's it for?13:18
nmz787well i sent it13:18
nmz787a bio for some meetup.com thing that i'm gonna talk at13:18
nmz787Anonymous, volatile file sharing13:19
nmz787Scientific Electromagnetic Field “EMF” Studies13:20
nmz787i wonder if I can find any telepathy stuff in there13:20
nmz787i really want to make bacteria talk between glass test tubes13:20
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nmz787so fastcompany still hasnt posted my comment13:21
nmz787guess they don't like being called liars13:22
nmz787ok, g2g13:25
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* kirka wonders why should rendering be so complex, with caching, sahders and stuff13:30
kirkaexception in _paintGL_drawing ignored: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: 'int' object is not iterable13:30
kirka  [GLPane_rendering_methods.py:285] [GLPane_rendering_methods.py:333] [GLPane_rendering_methods.py:390] [GLPane_rendering_methods.py:441] [GLPane_rendering_methods.py:720] [GLPane_highlighting_methods.py:349]13:30
* kirka would render atomic structures with sprites13:32
chris_99heh, but then it wouldn't look pretty13:36
kirkaWith blur it could13:36
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kirkaSprite is a natural way of rendering Spheres13:36
chris_99i'd like to see you do fancy 3d manipulation of them13:37
kirkaYup, calculating which model objects should be created on mause click is complex13:37
kirkaBut in NE1 it's done in some even more complex HW-accelerated fashion, as it seems to me13:38
kirka*should be selected13:38
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kirkaNo, extracting graphics code from NE1 is impossible task for me13:41
kirkaMost I can do is to patch so it could (sometimes) work13:42
eudoxiawe should just extract the code for the 3D viewport and build everything from scratch around it13:42
eudoxiathat's what I originally wanted to do13:43
eudoxiabut I got lost in cad/src and they had to send in a rescue team to find me13:43
eudoxiai was without food and water for 11 days13:44
* kirka can relate to eudoxia feelings13:45
kirkaI commented source of exceptions and now it' segfaulting, heh.13:46
@kanzurei think the separation of imports is the way to go forward13:46
kirkaCould you show an example?13:46
@kanzureopen ipython and type "import nanoengineer". that should cause no errors and it should work.13:46
kirkaNy "try:" around imports do not catch anything13:46
kirkaImportError: No module named nanoengineer13:48
@kanzurewell, you need to add the path to your $PYTHON_PATH13:49
@kanzureexport PYTHON_PATH=$PYTHON_PATH:/path/to/nanoengineer/cad/src/13:49
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kirkaStill doesn't work. I also haven't seen declaration of such module13:51
@kanzureyes exactly, there's a bunch of problems13:51
kirkaeudoxia So, I suspect, you are tired of NE1 internals? :)13:51
eudoxiathere is no hope13:52
@kanzurethere is always hope13:52
@kanzurejust not for you guys, because you wait for me to do everything :(13:52
kirkaI was going to do it myself13:52
kirkahit_records = list(glRenderMode(GL_RENDER))13:53
kirkaThis generates exceptions13:53
kirkaGLPane_highlighting_methods.py - highlight drawing and hit-detection, 34913:53
kirkaeudoxia My hope is to play around with NE1 and it's sources, understand it's features, then create architecture for such CAD and implement it in completley portable manner.13:55
kirkaDecoupled IO, that means13:56
eudoxialike operating the program from the command line?13:58
kirkaSo it would work onany computer wehre  you implement IO functions (mouse, keyboard, pixelbuffer) and write interpreter of source language13:58
kirkaActually Chuck Moore did that with Forth.13:59
kirkaIt's possible13:59
eudoxiawhy not compile it for almost every platform?14:00
kirkaNew platforms will appear14:00
kirkaAnd interpreter is easier to write then compiler.14:00
eudoxiayou need to write a compiler that emits asm for that platform to compile the interpreter14:01
eudoxiawhy not just use that first compiler to compile the program?14:01
kirkaSomeone will do that for me14:01
kirkaLanguages and libraries are created and forgotten often14:01
kirkaAnd standards change14:02
eudoxiajust produce asm for a compiler infrastructure that compiles it to every other platform14:02
eudoxiaie LLVM IR14:02
eudoxiaand writing a compiler is not that hard...14:02
kirkaLLVM may become deprecated in 20 years14:02
kirkaYes it is14:02
eudoxiadepends on the target lang14:03
@kanzureyou guys could be fixing nanoengineer right now, you know.14:03
kirkaI am14:03
kirkaeudoxia Idea is that implementation language should be easy to interpret (e.g. scheme). Then even if all tools of this generation (~2000-2010) will be abandoned, that software could still be tun easiliy14:05
kirkaJust write interpreter and drivers14:05
eudoxiaor you just write a scheme compiler14:06
kirkaIf that's bytecode compiler then yes14:06
eudoxiawhy would anyone compile to bytecode?14:06
kirkaTo be portable14:06
kirkaJava does14:06
kirkaIt works anywhere you code JVM14:06
eudoxiacompiling to the asm of the machine is not qualitatively different from compiling an interpreter to the asm of the machine and then running your program on the interpreter14:07
kirkaYou are right14:07
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kirkaI mean that even if there are no modern interpreters/compilers remained for the language a program is written in, if the language has clear and simple specification then someone can easiliy implement interpreter/compiler.14:11
kirkaPrograms written to be used decades into the future should be written that way14:12
eudoxiawe really need to get working on all this historical baggage our software keeps carrying around14:13
chris_99and what language would the spec be written in14:13
eudoxiathe specification is not a language, it's simply a document14:14
eudoxialike a function reference14:14
kirkaEnglish, probably. Or formal logic.14:14
chris_99i thought you meant something like Z14:14
eudoxiathe notation?14:14
kirka>we really need to get working on all this historical baggage our software keeps carrying around14:14
kirkaI agree14:14
chris_99yeah the notation14:15
* kirka wonders about meaning ***** adding _generalCopier exception for <type 'numpy.ndarray'> (bad if not a built-in type -- classes used in copied model attributes should inherit something like DataMixin or StateMixin)14:15
kirkabtw kanzure Have tried to run main.py ?14:18
kirkaMaybe GL errors are my hardware's fault14:18
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@kanzureyes i have run main.py14:19
@kanzurebut not your version.14:19
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kirkaCould you try?14:19
kirkaInternet says that my errors maybe because of ati gpu14:20
kirkaШа нщг фку игынб шеэы щл14:27
kirkaIf you are busy, it's ok14:27
kirkaDo the glRenderMode(GL_SELECT) drawing, and/or the glname-color14:31
kirka        drawing for shader primitives, used to guess which object14:31
kirka        might be under the mouse, for one drawing frame,14:31
kirka        if desired for this frame. Report results by storing candidate14:31
kirka        mouseover objects in self.glselect_dict.14:31
kirkaHate it14:31
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kirkaHate this aproach14:33
kirkaYes, maybe it's faster14:33
kirkaBut it's too complex14:34
kirkaAnd hardware dependent14:34
kirkakanzure ?14:35
@kanzureoh you still want me to run your version.. no not right now.14:37
kirkaOk, I'm not in a hurry, we have days, weeks, months14:37
@kanzurejrayhawk: "DISPLAY= xterm; X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication. X connection to broken (explicit kill or server shutdown)."14:42
@kanzureoh oops i forgot my .Xauthority14:43
jrayhawkxhost +local: makes things simple14:46
kirkaAren't you working with chroot?14:46
@kanzurejrayhawk: where should i run that?14:47
@kanzurekirka: i am using the chroot on a remote vserver, so i need to do xforwarding to see anything14:47
jrayhawkoh, ssh -X should take care of all the magic cookie stuff for you14:47
@kanzurejrayhawk: ssh -X bryan@gnusha.org "sudo chroot /root/nanoengineer-chroot \"xeyes\"" doesn't work (well, i'm not passing these strings through, i'm doing it manually, but you get the idea).14:48
jrayhawkoh, right14:48
@kanzureah i forgot the xauth add $(cat /pasted/file) step14:49
kirkaeudoxia Have you got some experience with NE1 during your 11-day journey?14:49
eudoxianot much14:50
kirkaDon't you want to pass it on? :)14:50
eudoxiaI mostly just saw the code and seized14:50
@kanzurekirka: i don't see why he would. you've ignored everything else so far.14:50
kirkaI agree14:50
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: d7245df add link to wiki.biohackers.la14:52
kirkaBut I set up github!14:54
kirkaThat was a major "give up" for me :)14:55
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 243b855 another cheap power supply for gel electrophoresis14:55
@kanzurekirka: true.14:55
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jrayhawkusing git builds character!14:57
jrayhawkgithub i am more apathetic about, i guess14:58
@kanzuregithub has some nifty help documentation and links that make it less painful for new users14:58
jrayhawksomeday i will usurp those capitalist pigdogs with the Great Piny Experiment14:58
kirkaI have read some of them14:59
kirkaI think it's possible to build user-friendly CVS14:59
@kanzurejrayhawk: so i'm still confused about xforwarding, even without the chroot. ssh -X into gnusha and DISPLAY=:10 xlinks2 should run right? :/14:59
@kanzurei get "svgalib: Cannot get I/O permissions."14:59
@kanzureand "(!) Direct/Util: opening '/dev/fb0' and '/dev/fb/0' failed"15:00
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jrayhawkYou need a socket to connect to, either in /tmp/ or over the network15:01
jrayhawkI think ssh -X uses the /tmp approach, so you'd have to bindmount that into the chroot15:01
@kanzurei'm not using the chroot yet15:01
@kanzurejust trying to confirm that xforwarding works15:01
@kanzurei keep expecting "ssh -X bryan@gnusha.org \"xlinks2\"" to just work. but there's a few steps i need to remember?15:02
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* kirka is sleepy15:02
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jrayhawkuh. hmm. that works with no effort for me15:03
@kanzureoh derr. me too :( i was preemptively assuming i needed to specify a weird $DISPLAY.15:03
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@kanzureso mount --bind /tmp /root/nanoengineer-chroot/tmp ?15:04
@kanzuremount: permission denied15:04
jrayhawkoh, no, i guess i lied. ssh -X does do it over the network.15:05
jrayhawkso the bind mount is unnecessary15:05
@kanzureso when i jump into the chroot, i run xeyes and i get "X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication. X connection to localhost:10.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown)."15:06
jrayhawkYeah, you'll want to copy or bind mount .Xauthority in there15:07
@kanzuregnusha:~/.Xauthority into nanoengineer-chroot/root/.Xauthority ?15:08
jrayhawkOnly if you want to run stuff as root, yeah15:08
@kanzuremount: mount point /root/nanoengineer-chroot/root/.Xauthority is not a directory15:09
jrayhawkI wonder if the uid gets reported somehow. that'd be interesting.15:09
jrayhawkYeah, you'd have to touch that first15:09
@kanzuresame problem15:09
@kanzuremount --bind is only for directories?15:09
jrayhawkdamn, i totally thought it could fake that15:10
jrayhawkoh well, you're doomed to copying15:10
@kanzurehooray why didn't copying work earlier15:11
@kanzureprobably because i was using DISPLAY=gibberish because i wasn't thinking15:11
jrayhawkDISPLAY= looks to be what you want15:12
@kanzurei don't need $DISPLAY. xeyes and nanoengineer are displaying for me now that i copied my ~/.Xauthority around like a whore.15:13
jrayhawkoh, surprising15:13
jrayhawkin general if you want some level of security when dealing with remote X stuff, you can use xpra15:13
@kanzureyeah i think leaving my .Xauthority in a chroot is bad, isn't it?15:14
jrayhawkIt'll only be valid for as long as your xsession is15:14
@kanzurecontest! who can display goatse on my laptop the fastest?15:14
jrayhawkman, this sounds like a fun game15:14
@kanzurei think the winner can possibly watch my screen remotely?15:14
jrayhawkwith a lot of effort15:15
@kanzurewell seeing as how these assholes can't even fix basic python bugs, i guess that's unlikely.15:15
jrayhawkokay, did that work15:16
@kanzureyou win15:16
jrayhawkFeels good.15:16
jrayhawkLike I really accomplished something today.15:17
@kanzurewas that you on the keyboard or was i talking to myself15:17
jrayhawkYou were just talking to yourself. I'm not willing to go through the effort of dealing with xinput.15:17
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jrayhawkalso the chroot thing doesn't really change anything; the raw socket is available to all local users, and the xauth layer is all that's protecting you.15:46
jrayhawkso any user that has access to your .Xauthority file (i.e. root and you) are always able to dick with your server.15:46
jrayhawkalternatively, if you xhost +, everyone can join in on the party!15:46
jrayhawkIn Glorious Wayland Future, windows don't really need to be aware of eachother, so security defaults for network abstractions will be a lot less awful.15:49
jrayhawkwell, probably15:50
skorketevening all15:50
jrayhawkI am a little surprised ssh -X doesn't use a BSD socket like ssh -A does.15:51
nshwhat's the difference?15:59
nshaside from that just appears to be difference in function naming conventions16:00
jrayhawkThe BSD socket would have filesystem permissions applied to it.16:03
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@kanzurejrayhawk: i'm still experiencing a segfault with mitmproxy :/16:23
@kanzure#0  0x00007ffff7219431 in RC4 () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.1.0.016:23
@kanzureideally i coudl force it to load a version of libcrypto with debugging symbols i guess.16:24
jrayhawklibssl1.0.0-dbgjrayhawk@richardiv:~$ apt-cache search libssl dbg16:25
jrayhawklibssl1.0.0-dbg - Symbol tables for libssl and libcrypto16:25
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@kanzurejrayhawk: hooray upgrading libssl fixed things apparently16:29
@kanzureor possibly upgrading python to 2.7.3something16:29
jrayhawkupgrades are love16:29
@kanzureupgrades for everyone16:30
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@kanzure66.68.190.37:42102: 400: SSL handshake error: [('SSL routines', 'SSL3_READ_BYTES', 'tlsv1 alert unknown ca')]16:30
@kanzure"Purchase for multiple years - installing the code on the server for the SSL is a $75 charge"16:49
@kanzuremy mom is getting ripped off.16:49
@kanzure"You can purchase the SSL from Godaddy this week and we will need the access to that account"16:49
@kanzure"purchase the SSL" her language is awful (this isn't my mom, but rather the person she's paying..)16:51
brownieskanzure: wtf?16:52
browniesfrom godaddy? need access to the account? for $75? every part of that is so, so wrong.16:52
streetyyeah, $75 probably isn't bad for a streamlined service but it sounds like your mom still needs to do half the work16:55
jrayhawkhey remember last night when i got you an ssl certificate for free with fifteen minutes of work16:57
jrayhawkthose were good times16:57
@kanzurei'm trying to figure out how much this is worth to me16:58
streetyhow much what is worth to you?16:59
@kanzureshould i be a nice person and tell mom and her person about startcom? or is my time more valuable than spending an hour trying to save her $100ish16:59
@kanzureoh wait, what are the requirements to run credit card processing on a merchant account on websites these days?17:01
@kanzuredo they put a minimum like only 2048-bit ssl certs?17:01
streetyI've no idea, is this 'get the SSL' person handling that? If so I suspect not17:02
@kanzurewell i was going to have mom get rid of the "SSL person" in this context and just tell her to use https://cert.startcom.org/ certs17:03
streetygodaddy.com only offers 256-bit certs, same as startcom17:03
@kanzureah didn't know17:04
streetystartcom don't install though, do they?17:04
@kanzurewhat, adding a SSLCertificateFile directive to somewhere?17:05
@kanzurethat's not a good reason to use godaddy17:05
brownieskanzure: tell your mom to use Stripe17:05
browniesi mean, wtfbbq.17:05
chris_99256 bit just refers to the AES bit length right?17:05
browniesany agency who recommends GoDaddy for anything should immediately be fired.17:05
@kanzurebrownies: she's selling sex chairs, which seems to be against their TOS17:05
@kanzurebrownies: yeah no kidding17:05
brownieskanzure: oh. really? what if she just calls them "really really comfortable chairs"17:05
@kanzurebrownies: i told her these people are idiots, but then she asked me to do it for $2000 and i declined.17:05
brownies"activity chairs"17:05
brownieskanzure: she's paying $2000 to set up SSL? shit, i'll do that...17:06
@kanzureshe's paying $2000 to setup some shitty wordpress site with a merchant account17:06
brownieskanzure: why is she using fucking wordpress instead of an existing eCommerce SaaS?17:06
@kanzurebecause realistically she's not going to pay me to do this right for her17:07
@kanzureand she doesn't listen to me anyway. it took me two years to get her on dropbox.17:07
browniesso she's offered you $2000 but she's not going to pay?17:08
browniesi agree, that sounds like a bad deal, then.17:08
@kanzure$2000 isn't enough to get me to use wordpress17:09
@kanzurei don't want to be responsible for that17:09
nsh(sorry if srs)17:10
@kanzurei am serious. wordpress jobs are the worst. the pay is low, the customers are idiots and poor.17:10
streetyI seriously doubt godaddy install the cert either, but if you don't know what you're doing I can see how you might be happy to be charged for the installation17:10
streetyand it's your fault when they're hacked17:10
browniesyeah, i agree17:11
brownieskanzure: i skimmed over the Shopify ToS, as well as my friend's eCommerce platform, but they both have generic phrasing against "obscene" storefronts17:11
brownies"obscene" and "pornographic" which a sufficiently dickish admin could interpret at will, basically.17:11
@kanzurewell, sure.17:11
@kanzurestripe is also unacceptable because of the 7-day turnaround in her case17:12
jrayhawkThe PCI standards don't care about the validation scheme.17:13
@kanzurenmz787's gf did pci audit work for a while and had some hilarious stories.17:13
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jrayhawkEh, PCI's a joke either way. It's essentially impossible to be fully compliant, and being fully compliant is not particularly protective.17:14
jrayhawkit's just a big responsibility dodge17:14
@kanzureso uh, i'm replying to mom's email, and i need some way to inform her people about how they should feel bad about using godaddy17:15
brownieskanzure: dude, 7 days is really generous.17:15
browniesmany places will hold your funds for 30 days17:15
@kanzuremerchant accounts?17:16
jrayhawk"Hi. I have a certificate for https://secure.diyhpl.us/ that took fifteen minutes to set up and cost no money. Perhaps you should look into StartCom?"17:16
browniesand other places will give them to you, but make you sign something saying they can drain money from your bank account at will17:16
brownieskanzure: yes, re: your comment about Stripe and 7 days.17:16
brownies"only idiots use GoDaddy."17:17
streetyalternatively pitch it as startcom gives you that ever so cool green trusted name for less than godaddy charge17:17
streetyfor the standard17:17
@kanzurenah the cert thing in this case is for the cc processing17:17
jrayhawkActually I don't think you can get the fancy green one unless you pay $120.17:17
@kanzureman why isn't there a general "why paypal is awful" and "why godaddy is awful and you shouldn't base your business around it" explanation site?17:18
streetyoh sorry, I think you are right17:18
jrayhawkoh, no wait, even the $120 version doesn't get you the green.17:18
@kanzurehah forbes has "7 reasons you should use godaddy", and then a link in the serp for "5 reasons you shouldn't use godaddy"17:20
@kanzureforbes sucks these days.17:20
jrayhawkall periodicals suck17:20
@kanzureyeah except forbes is good at getting into search results, even if you hate them17:21
brownieseconomist.com is holding on to their prestige, mostly17:23
browniesalthough even they recently did a fluff piece solely dedicated to a single app17:23
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@kanzurewill they do a fluff piece about /my/ app?17:24
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jrayhawkclaim that your galaga knockoff is a social revolution17:24
brownieskanzure: btw http://generalassemb.ly/education/learn-web-development-sf/17:25
browniesheh. i'm sure it must've been an impressive publicist who got that Economist hit17:25
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@kanzure"back end instructor to be announced" heh17:26
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nshdon't trust godaddy for SSL pls17:36
@kanzureno kidding17:40
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brownieskanzure: well, i found the price and structure more interesting17:47
brownieskanzure: $5000 for about 8 hours of class per week for N weeks17:47
@kanzureso does this mean there's now a market for high-priced one-on-one tutoring?17:48
streetyhow big is N?17:50
delinquentmeTHERE WAS THIS ONE TIME... that I was working on a project... in which a guy decided to roll his own library .. with the same name as another library .. which happens to do the same thing18:11
delinquentmeand he thought it was a good habit.18:12
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brownieskanzure: it's a 20:1 class18:26
brownieskanzure: there's also that one guy who charges $1000/hr for iphone tutoring18:27
brownieskanzure: so if you want that, you first need to make a hipster todo app!18:27
@kanzureoh tutoring? i thought that was just his "make you some code" rate18:29
@kanzureit's funny how much people pay for 20:118:30
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MariuBurninate, ask Cecil what he thinks about indefinite life spans18:40
@kanzureso, what's all this bogus stuff about "is this line secured?"18:47
@kanzureoh i see, it's just a lazy way of saying "let's use encryption", not "do you know if anyone has a tap".18:48
@kanzurehrm. "Fishbowl is a mobile phone architecture developed by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) to provide a secure Voice over IP (VoIP) capability using commercial grade products that can be approved to communicate classified information."18:49
@kanzurehah "Only NSA approved applications from the NSA enterprise app store can be installed."18:49
@kanzure"rogue base-station risk". neat..18:50
brownieskanzure: oh? i'd like a secure communication medium18:51
browniesnow that Skype has completely failed in every part of its mission, and all18:51
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CryptoQuicksup, kanzure18:51
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@kanzurebrownies: i bet disposable tor phones would be popular :p18:52
@kanzureCryptoQuick: hello18:52
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CryptoQuickkanzure: what do you think of amorphous silicon thin film PV grown from CVD?18:53
CryptoQuick(in a DIY sense, of course)18:53
@kanzureCVD isn't super-diy-friendly.18:53
@kanzurehah "The "red phone" was using encryption. Actually, it was using the most secure encryption ever: a one-time pad. The random pad (XORed with the data to send) was exchanged on magnetic tapes every week, by special diplomatic planes."18:54
CryptoQuickkanzure: if you wanted to make solar panels, what process would you use?18:57
@kanzurecheap human labor?18:57
@kanzurei haven't looked into it.18:57
brownieskanzure: problem with cell phones of any sort is that you immediately invite triangulation based on cell tower signal18:58
@kanzureunless you have multiple phones18:58
skorketok, height mapping is done.  Discrepancy between successive runs is under 2 mils.  Program to interpret gcode and interpolate based on the height map is done.  I think it's time to do a test run19:00
brownieskanzure: how does that change anything? o.O19:02
@kanzurebrownies: they would only be able to triangulate multiple targets that look the same (except for location)19:03
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brownieskanzure: oh, i suppose.19:03
@kanzureyou might also be able to spoof a signal power level19:03
browniesCryptoQuick: iirc they use thin-film lithography to make solar cells?19:03
@kanzurethere's a bunch of methods19:04
jrayhawkxmpp does text/audio/video and uses secure transports on everything by default19:04
doclAnyone know anything about this company? http://www.biostasislabs.com/19:06
JayDuggerGood evening, eveyone.19:11
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skorketevening JayDugger19:18
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skorket“If [Tangibot's funding] is successful, MakerBot will have to revise their Open Source policy and become closed source. "19:24
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skorketIt amazes me.  "If a company uses our open source/open hardware, we're going close source"19:25
@kanzurepeople are eager to forget how makerbot's style of open source is "open source, except for this core element or impossible-to-source part"19:26
skorketby people, you mean makerbot19:27
@kanzureno i mean people. people think makerbot is some sort of great example of open source.19:27
@kanzureit's not that great of an example.19:27
skorketit's a successful company that releases it code under some type of GPL.  Why not a great example?19:28
@kanzurethat's just source code. makerbot is primarily about hardware.19:29
skorketok, but they also release their stuff under whatever equivalent license there is for open hardware19:30
@kanzurenah, there's a few pieces that are an exception19:30
skorketfor the makerbot?19:30
@kanzurei haven't built one (why would i? reprap is cheaper and more open anyway), but that's what i hear, yes.19:31
skorketah, interesting19:31
@kanzurethe peeps in #reprap will have an exact part name to give you if you ask about makerbot open source exceptions19:31
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Burninate `Skorket: What are you heightmapping?19:36
@kanzurewtf so prusa claims that makerbot firmware is closed source.19:37
skorketaren't they using an arduino or something?19:37
@kanzurewell you know, #reprap is probably fucking biased19:38
@kanzuretry #makerbot19:38
skorketBurninate, PCBs19:39
brownieskanzure: dammit19:43
brownieskanzure: there are loud idiots in the conference room saying dumb things about SEO19:43
brownieskanzure: and it's slowly driving me mad19:43
browniesand they all have terrible accents19:43
@kanzurewhy does SEO inspire the greatest idiocy?19:44
brownies"just put these magic things on your web site, and millions of visitors will flow in!"19:45
@kanzureseo lucky rabbit foot19:45
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browniesthat would be a good name for an SEO firm19:52
@kanzure"Bad HTTP request line: 'GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"20:16
@kanzure"Godaddy is reliable and you can get a hold of real people anytime with good technical support for domains and SSL - we have worked with them for years."20:30
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@kanzurei'm not sure how to help mom in this case20:30
@kanzureit's like a fountain of anti-truth20:30
@kanzure"Well, we will take a look at start com - however we and many clients we have had some pretty bad experiences (some nightmares actually) getting domains and SSLs from companies that were small and not very reputable."20:31
@kanzure"They have had to give up on domains because they couldn't get a hold of anyone for help and the SSLs were not reputable. My experience in a lot of these cases is you get what you pay for."20:31
@kanzure"SSLs" how cute.20:31
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jrayhawkdid she outsource to an eastern bloc country20:39
nshsource of that quote?20:45
nshbecause if it's godaddy talking about how good they are with ssl20:46
nshi may explode in a puff of hilarity20:46
@kanzurensh: it's the person my mom hired to build her website :(20:52
@kanzurejrayhawk: actually.. it's this woman in austin who outsources to some russians.20:52
nshat least if he does it on godaddy, i have a convenient way of accessing the backups when it needs to be moved to a real host.20:53
jrayhawki guess cognitive problems are an asset for web development20:55
@kanzurea lot of web developers work for poor people. it's really crazy.20:55
nshfunfact: i once found a private key for a root certificate signing authority on a secureserver host20:56
nshso the fact that they can even talk about ssl security with a straight face is a joke20:56
@kanzuredo you have a copy?20:57
@kanzurejrayhawk: proxydroid seems to use something called 'redsocks' to manipulate iptables.20:59
@kanzureit looks like this is just a wrapper around iptables, but i'm not completely sure why.20:59
nshkanzure, no it seemed above my paygrade and i told someone who's job it was to worry about things like that21:00
@kanzureyou had someone you would trust with a private key to a CA?21:01
nshit was publically accessible via http because of a malicious symlink and bad apache directives21:02
nshi didn't want anything else to do with it21:03
jrayhawkhaha awesome21:03
nshif you ever want to see where not to host your website google something like inurl:txt/var/mail or inurl:sym/var/mail21:04
nshcommon extension/name used for the link21:04
nshlots of hosters with massive customer bases on shared hosting allow you to browse the entire filesystem through apache21:04
nshi don't know how these people make money21:04
@kanzurei'm still surprised shared hosting is a thing21:05
browniesthey charge $5 per yaer for shared hosting21:05
browniesso it iwll always be a thing21:05
browniesnsh: jesus relaly?21:05
nshbrownies, yup21:05
@kanzurethat's international espionage shit right there21:06
@kanzureshouldn't you disclose their idiocy or something?21:06
nshthere are people who get paid for that21:07
nshif you tell people they've done something stupid, they'll just find another way to do it21:07
@kanzureand most companies wont understand.21:07
nshto fix security culture is beyond my means21:07
nshcase in point: http://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/user/kolya/afs/root.afs/21:11
browniesone of the organizations i was consulting for was doing a web site redesign...21:11
nshthat's the andrew filesystem for the athena cluster at MIT21:11
nshsomeone symlinked it from their user directory21:11
browniesthey asked me to manage the bidding process, and they ended up seriously considering bids in the $10K range for a Wordpress site21:11
nshwhich makes sense21:11
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nshby that mathematics, i have friends who own $200,000,000 worth of websites21:13
@kanzurebrownies: what was the project? i mean, some people do have multi-million-dollar wordpress setups (like the wordpress hosts)..21:13
brownieskanzure: no, it was some static pages and a blog.21:13
browniesoh, and the design was already done, so this was purely for the "coding"21:13
@kanzurewell, if you go too low you'll end up with idiots like my mom's doing21:13
browniesi ended up rejecting all the bids and doing it myself in an afternoon... in retrospect i should've put in a $5K bid.21:13
browniesbut i was young and naive in those days =P21:14
browniesyounger and more naive, anyway.21:14
nshyou can't hold on to your youth, but goddamnit, you can stay naive21:14
@kanzurejrayhawk: do you have any advice for iptables wizardry to redirect everything through mitmproxy?21:16
jrayhawkI thought mitmproxy already had instructions on that front?21:16
@kanzuretheir android instructions are "use proxydroid"21:18
@kanzureproxydroid uses redsocks which is compiled only for armeabi21:19
@kanzurei could recompile redsocks for android x86 but then i'd have to recompile proxydroid too.21:19
jrayhawkeh, i am too tired to research this21:21
@kanzureok. just wanted to know if there was something excruciatingly obvious.21:21
nshkanzure, dont these things respect http_proxy variable?21:26
nshcan wrap with proxychains21:27
@kanzureno they don't respect http_proxy21:28
@kanzurei want something that would work regardless of how awful application programmers were.21:29
nshsomething like: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i <inface> -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port <mitm-port>21:32
nsh(maybe, iptables is a dark art)21:35
@kanzurensh: the one thing i've noticed from that is that john carmack likes to make lots of typos in his READMEs21:37
nshthere's a lot of things there from the 90s21:39
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nshand vaxen21:40
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@kanzurethey seem to run a multics instance?21:41
* nsh nods21:43
nshnot sure if it's virtual21:43
nshprobably not21:43
@kanzure"The last known running Multics installation was shut down on October 30, 2000, at the Canadian Department of National Defence in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada"21:45
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eudoxiachrist how does a defense organization keep using multics until 200021:49
@kanzureoh neat i didn't know there was a public dump of its source code21:50
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@kanzure"A MakerGear Prusa did 10 micron layers a whole ago and I know an Ultimaker driver who's poked around at ~0.75 micons, though that wasn't really "layers" - it was more of a single-step spiral print."22:07
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@kanzure"Apollon Oikonomopoulos"23:44
@kanzurequite a name.23:44
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