
--- Log opened Tue Sep 25 00:00:36 2012
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@kanzure"Brain Corporation receives Series B funding from Qualcomm Ventures and signs a multi-year R&D agreement with Qualcomm Incorporated to develop a spiking model of the motor control system."07:19
@kanzure"The funding will allow Brain Corporation to scale up to 40 scientists -- all experts in neuroscience of sensory and motor processing. The goal is to create the greatest and the most advance computational neuroscience group under one roof."07:20
@kanzurewell it seems i have to be a "world-class expert" that they already know in order to be approved07:27
@kanzureso, fuck that07:27
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archelsIzhikevich isn't a stranger to some self-inflation.07:30
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@kanzurearchels: screw 'em07:40
@kanzureqr code fail http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=457021607:40
@kanzure"Maybe they got the idea from Google Code, which helpfully shows me a QR code for the tarball I'm about to download, for all those times I'm using the browser on my desktop and the IDE on my phone."07:41
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@kanzure"According to the editor of the British Medical Journal, Dr. Richard Smith, 'The major journals try to counterbalance the might of the pharmaceutical industry, but it is an unequal battle -- not least because the journals themselves profit from publishing studies funded by the industry."07:47
@kanzure"According to Dr. Smith, this can amount to more than $1 million for a single article. At the same time that medical journals are given incentives to please the drug companies, they are also given strong disincentives to go against drug company interests. According to Dr. Marcia Angell, former editor of NEJM, editors of medical journals exercise self-censorship -- trying to avoid offending their chief advertisers, the drug companies."07:47
foucist_kanzure: i'm sure the brain corp will need programmers07:49
Mariucorporation ?07:50
Mariunevermind :p it's corporation I guess =]07:53
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-b klafka!*@*] by kanzure07:53
foucist_Mariu: yeah,pretty standard contraction i think07:59
Mariufoucist: got it07:59
archelsCan anyone access this PDF? www.crcnetbase.com/doi/pdf/10.1201/NOE0415380416.ch6308:15
MariuPoromechanics III - Biot Centennial (1905-2005):; Numerical aspects of multiionic transport in electrolytic solutions 2005 (access for 72 hours for US $20.00)08:16
Mariunot really, no08:17
-!- archels [~foo@sascha.esrac.ele.tue.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]08:35
@kanzureoh yessssssz08:40
@kanzureieee passwords08:40
@kanzure" ftp://ftp.ieee.org/uploads/akamai/ (closed on September 24 around 13:00 UTC, after I reported it).  "08:41
@kanzurefuck that guy08:41
@kanzure"However, I did not, and plan not to release the raw log data to anyone else"08:42
@kanzurehe is the worst08:43
@kanzurejuul: can you get one of your posse to go steal his logs? i'm sure it's on a laptop somewhere in his house08:44
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skorkethey kanzure, do you have anything in your archives about non-engineered lateral gene transfer?09:17
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@kanzureskorket: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bio/ComP,%20a%20pilin-like%20protein%20essential%20for%20natural%20competence%20in%20Acinetobacter%20sp%20strain%20BD413%20-%20regulation,%20modification%20and%20cellular%20localization.pdf10:27
-!- Urchin[Emacs] [~user@unaffiliated/urchin] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:33
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skorketBre Pettis == Steve Jobs?11:24
@kanzurelots of people think they are steve jobs11:25
@kanzurenone of them are.11:25
@kanzure"Ultimately, we anticipate no less than an industry-wide collapse of biological reagent pricing as a direct result of our open source policies."11:25
@kanzurei don't understand. are their sequences any different from other sequences? are their proteins special for some reason?11:26
Urchin[Emacs]Steve Jobs was good at making cults, at least11:28
Urchin[Emacs]it looks like here it's simply that the product makes a cult all by itself11:29
@kanzurewhat product?11:29
Urchin[Emacs]of course11:29
@kanzureok what cult?11:29
@kanzurei think you're talking out of your ass, i'm just trying to get you to explain yourself11:29
Urchin[Emacs]you mean about Steve Jobs?11:30
Urchin[Emacs]sorry, this is a bit too confusing11:30
@kanzureabout bre pettis.11:30
@kanzurebre is just some guy. he's not steve.11:30
skorketsteve was some guy before he was steve.  Not saying he is, but he's making a product that seems to have a large following.  He has a store in NYC.  He's cognisant of style.  And he apparently has a huge ego too11:31
@kanzurei also have a low opinion of steve jobs11:31
Mariuespecially after that speech of his11:32
@kanzurebut, as low of steve as i think, bre just doesn't match his skill11:32
Urchin[Emacs]I have a very low opinion of Steve Jobs, and I consider him mostly as a new age cult leader who hapened to be working with computers for a time11:35
@kanzurethe compulsion to try to compare people to steve jobs is very strange to me11:37
Urchin[Emacs]I don't find it all that strange11:40
Urchin[Emacs]and I don't have a strong opinion about it11:40
@kanzureperhaps you should get one11:47
@kanzure"The IEEE is an association, and doesn't actually have any engineers working for it."11:50
@kanzurethis amuses me11:50
strangewarpSteve Jobs made computers the way that people who don't know about computers wanted computers to be.12:12
strangewarpSo of course he's an idol to them.12:12
Mariustrangewarp, well said !12:15
@kanzurethis lists 'passwd' as a file. just saying. ftp://ftp.aip.org/etc/12:23
Mokbortolan_1PSA: http://blogs.computerworld.com/malware-and-vulnerabilities/21056/another-critical-java-vulnerability-puts-1-billion-users-risk12:26
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strangewarpHm. I wonder how far away we are from 3D-printed potentiometers.12:59
strangewarpActually.. huh. You could probably make a simple slide pot pretty easily, if you installed the contacts and resistive substance yourself..13:00
chris_99they print carbon resistors on PCBs although that's not the same13:07
strangewarpYeah, those are a pain in the ass to replace when they wear out, though13:07
chris_99didn't know resistors did wear out tbh13:09
strangewarpOh, sorry, they print carbon potentiometer-sliders onto PCBs as well13:10
strangewarpSorry, my mind collapsed "resistor" and "potentiometer" into the same category there :p13:10
chris_99ah heh13:10
strangewarpNewer low-end electronic music gear will just have its sliders incorporated into the case, and sliding cross a carbon film that's been printed onto the PCB13:11
strangewarpThis is why companies like Behringer will just send you a replacement mixer, instead of repairing your old one, when one of the sliders wears out13:11
strangewarpSince I'm not dums, I bought a Mackie, and it's likely to last me until I'm either famous or dead :313:12
strangewarpbut yeah, 3D-printing poetntiometers might be surprisingly easy, hm13:13
strangewarp..poet'ntiometers.. yes fine13:13
chris_99i find it interesting that the 'reprap' is called a replicating printer13:14
chris_99when the majority of it needs to be bought13:14
@kanzureadrian hopes it will be one day self-replicating13:14
@kanzurebut yes i agree that it was prematurely named replicating13:14
strangewarpyeah, that always struck me as overly optimistic marketing that could backfire13:15
@kanzure"oh it can print its own plastic parts!" that's cool and all, but those aren't the interesting parts.13:15
strangewarpPlot synopsis is.. interesting13:26
delinquentmerandom: anyone happen to know how long it takes for concrete to soft set?  I've got a mold i poured it into and I'm wondering how long it will take before I can pull the sides of the mold off13:32
delinquentmealso working w concrete is for the birds13:32
@kanzure3 hours13:35
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@kanzureso what's this about maradydd getting a castle14:56
jrayhawkno fair i want a castle15:01
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alusionGood evening gentlemen16:45
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@kanzure"The second is derived from the biopunk movement in which people create synthetic biology using DIYbio. In this context, biohacking refers to mixing and matching genes and characteristics from different species."17:45
@kanzurewikipedia is awful17:45
yashgarothalso feh17:47
@kanzurewho the hell wrote that? i bet it was that dave assey fellow that jrayhawk likes so much17:47
yashgarothanyway what's wrong with calling it 'bodyhacking'?17:47
@kanzurebecause that doesn't help their personal brands17:48
@kanzurefeel free to edit the fuck out of that17:48
@kanzureand for references:17:50
yashgarothI need to find out who changed genetic engineering to the "second" and beat them mercilessly...editing is for suckas17:51
@kanzureyeah, i don't know how they think that's acceptable at all17:51
@kanzuretim ferris? give me a break17:51
yashgaroth"Brianhkerr", you're about get an ass-whoopin'17:52
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yashgarothI might as well give it up and just use biopunk instead...or biofunk, but that sounds like it smells bad17:55
@kanzureit *does* smell bad17:55
browniesevolution is just improvisation, baby!17:56
yashgarothI *do* love reefers17:56
yashgarothmaybe I can call it biofuckallyall so people won't put it in books about fucking fad diets or however biohacking gets used these days17:57
@kanzuregood plan17:59
@kanzure"Brianhkerr (talk | contribs)‎ . . (2,063 bytes) (+541)‎ . . (Added Brian Kerr - added sf chronicle links and notation. Changed order of meanings to reflect the most common use first.) (undo)"18:00
@kanzureoh i see18:00
@kanzureyeah, that's not biased. -_-18:00
yashgarothlemme go nmap his ISP and backtrace his packets with a for loop18:01
@kanzure"DNA synthesis is already less than a penny per 50 bases, using DNA from chips based on our 2004 Nature paper.18:03
@kanzure(Some rich labs still pay 2000 times that amount per base even for large projects 8 years later)."18:03
@kanzure" LS9 has moved well such beyond research to industrial scale oil-producing bacteria factory in Florida.18:03
@kanzurehttp://www.industrialinfo.com/showAbstract.jsp?newsitemID=228784 "18:03
@kanzure"He claims to have shaved 20 years off his biochemistry and increased his IQ by as much as 40 points through 'smart pills', diet and biology-enhancing gadgets."18:06
@kanzurei increased my iq 200 points.18:06
ParahSailin_what a complete fruitbat18:07
yashgarothbiology-enhancing gadgets? like he uses the internet to solve IQ tests?18:07
@kanzurei can't believe people buy that18:07
@kanzurewell, yes i can. but i can't that wikipedia allows it.18:07
brownieskanzure: what the goddamn fuck? where is that from?18:09
@kanzurewikipedia bro18:09
brownieswell, i guess it is prefaced with "He claims"18:09
browniesi could claim some stupid shit too, i guess.18:09
@kanzurewho cares what he claims18:09
browniesoh, fucking Dave Asprey18:09
browniesi read his blog, and bought his coffee beans18:09
browniesmost disgusting coffee i've ever tasted18:09
@kanzurethis is why you guys should stop reading blogs18:10
brownieswell, i needed to buy coffee beans anyway, so i was like "oh, i guess his look magical"18:10
browniesso... i bought some magic beans... and they turned out to be worthless.18:10
brownieswhen i put it that way, i sound like a real idiot. -_-18:10
@kanzureit's okay. marketing strikes when you least expect it.18:11
@kanzurei typed in my email address in a box in 2009 and i've regretted it ever since.18:11
browniesthis wikipedia article doesn't even have periods on the ends of the sentences.18:11
@kanzurebioperiods..... or maybe not18:11
yashgarothBrian Henning Kerr, author of "QuantifiedScience.com" AHA18:12
@kanzuredo these people take themselves seriously?18:12
yashgarothis there some clause in wikipedia about pimping your own fucking blog?18:13
@kanzuremost def18:13
yashgarothto the revert room!18:13
@kanzurei think it all needs to be reverted18:13
@kanzureeven if tim ferris has a legit claim about takling about it, i don't think that should be the focus of the article.18:14
@kanzurealso, if biohacking is going to end up with self-promoting assholes, i want out18:15
alusionDo any of ya'll have a blog?18:16
alusionAlso is kanzure a spin-off from cancer? xD18:16
-!- alusion was kicked from ##hplusroadmap by kanzure [alusion]18:16
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-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o yashgaroth] by kanzure18:17
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@yashgaroth"@Brianhkerr #Lifehacker, #Biohacker, and Knowledge Mongerer. Tennis playing, Tea Drinker, Thinker" wow that south park episode about SF was true, no offense to our SF people18:20
alusionSo you know how different frequencies have different effects on the mind and our behavior / mood?18:21
@kanzurefuck dude, go away18:21
alusionWhat's your problem?18:21
alusionSerious question, you seem to be here 24/7 and everytime I want to talk you seem to have a cactus up your ass and the red flags already flared18:22
doclalusion: he isn't tuned in on an optimal frequency yet. send him some good vibes.18:22
alusionSorry you're right18:23
alusionI find it enjoyable, I like his spunk18:23
@kanzurejrayhawk: https://www.startssl.com/ eh?18:23
alusionI just want some intelligent conversation :\18:23
@kanzurealusion: you're an idiot and can't remember our first conversation18:23
@yashgaroththen try being intelligent Oooooh sick burn18:23
alusionI remember you got pissed off about my retro encabulator18:24
doclso, um, frequencies. you mean like brainwaves?18:24
alusionI meant external frequencies18:25
@kanzure"And of course, we now have evidence that educated users practice superior computer security; compare "1234" (the most popular password among the general populace) to "123456" (the most popular password among IEEE members). That's at least 50% more secure!"18:25
doclalusion: brainwave entrainment stuff?18:25
doclalusion: or you mean color? or sound?18:26
alusionNo like, you heard of the experiment they did with prisoners where they would shoot different frequencies and they had a receiver wired up to certain parts of the cranium or something, and studied behavior patterns and the like.18:26
alusionBasically showing how different frequencies can have different effects, would you like me to find the study before continuing so I may base off some sauce?18:27
alusionI would imagine ya'll to be already aware of such programs though =\18:28
@yashgarothI think you'd better had18:28
ParahSailin_i keep my facebook password set to 12345618:28
@kanzureParahSailin_: that's the only way to be sure18:28
ParahSailin_people keep changing it, so every time someone sends me a link i have to open in facebook, i have to reset it back18:29
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@browniesooh... check out my fancy hat18:58
@browniesso, who was it here that was experimenting with piracetam?18:58
strangewarpI was doing aniracetam but now I'm doing noopept/Cognizin18:59
@browniesnoopept is too mysterious and not well-studied enough for me19:00
@browniesit *sounds* nice, but... just not enough data.19:00
strangewarpYeah, I'm still considering whether to continue with noopept after I run out of what I currently have19:00
strangewarp(120 capsules from Brainpower Nutriceuticals)19:01
@brownieswhy? how do you like it? how long have you been taking it?19:02
@browniesheh, sorry for the inquisition... can't help it19:02
strangewarpIt's working well, like a very strong version of aniracetam, which makes sense19:02
strangewarpIt hasn't necessarily helped my notoriouxly lax work ethic, but it's like an ultra antidepressant, an order of magnitude more reliable than SSRIs19:03
@browniesi see19:04
@brownieswhy'd you pick aniracetam over piracetam, btw?19:05
strangewarpArbitrary reasons, I guess19:05
@browniesafaict piracetam seems to be the usual starting point19:05
@browniesah ok19:05
strangewarpI may respond to nootropics by becoming only marginally more productive, but way, way less depressed19:06
* strangewarp shrug19:06
strangewarpSo basically I'm doomed to taking them every day now, or else I will be the same horribly depressed person I used to be, which kind of sucks19:09
strangewarpbut whatever19:09
@browniesstrangewarp: i see19:11
strangewarpI have noticed that after about 140 days on nootropics of various kinds, I'm almost instinctually less concerned with inconsequential natter - this has had the negative effect of making me zone out when my neurotic family is saying things to me sometimes19:19
strangewarpIt's kind of funny really, but maybe not for them :p19:20
strangewarpIt might just be a thing thathappens to people naturally around age 25, though19:21
strangewarpOh, actually, I miscounted - it's been about 200 days19:23
@browniesstrangewarp: what source did you use/read to figure out dosage and schedules and etc?19:24
strangewarp30mg noopept per 24 hours is the maximum recommended dose, and half the absolute maximum dose19:26
strangewarp250mg Cognizin + 250mg Alpha-GPC is what's in Nawgan, a nootropic energy drink that worked well for me in the past19:26
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strangewarpBit spendy though; might end up dropping the Alpha-GPC once I run out, since the noopept's pills are filled out with 615mg choline citraet anyway19:27
strangewarpHaven't noticed much difference between Alpha-GPC and choline citrate for absorption, despite the hype19:28
@yashgaroth"absolute maximum dose"? what happens when you OD on noopept?19:29
strangewarpyashgaroth: liver damage19:29
foucist_strangewarp: i found that after reading some libertarian material & ayn rand for the second time back when i was around 23, i abruptly stopped arguing with anyone about anything of a deep/philosophical nature19:30
foucist_and becamse less concerned with inconsequential natter19:30
strangewarpfoucist: weird. I found that after reading some deep/philosophical material for the seccond time when I was around 23, I stopped trying to argue with anyone about anything of a libertarian nature :p19:31
foucist_strangewarp: well i mean i don't argue at all in general19:31
foucist_ever since something flipped in my head19:31
foucist_realized that it's too complex and it depends entirely on people's educations and knowledge.. too hard to educate people when arguing so i don't bother anymore19:32
strangewarpthat's the oddest thing, that exact same thing happened to me, right down to the metaphorical sensation of something flipping over in my head19:32
@browniesstrangewarp: jesus, the effective dose is a full 50% of the toxic dose?19:34
@browniesthat's extremely fucking disconcerting19:34
strangewarpbrownies: the effective dose is much less19:34
strangewarpit just gets more effective as you get closer to the toxic dose. I'll never exceed 50% of that, and I'm always keeping careful track of my timing.19:34
@browniesi wouldn't want to mess with anything where the ratio was anything remotely like that19:34
strangewarpshrug, Brainpower packages them at 30mg per capsule, and they're cheaper than the more-diluted gelcap suppliers19:35
@brownieshaha. not a very good reason.19:36
strangewarpAs long as you don't exceed the absolute limit of 30mg per 12 hours, you're fine. I'm doing 30mg per 24 hours. If I ever get any weird side-effects, I'll drop it cold-turkey, but honestly I doubt that'll happen.19:37
@browniesi like to see 10x, or preferably >100x difference between "effective" and "toxic"19:39
@browniesgranted, i'm super-conservative about that sort of thing.19:39
ParahSailin_50% of the toxic dose?19:40
ParahSailin_what fraction of the ld50 is the effective dose19:41
strangewarpbrownies: Man, the effective dose of noopept is (I think something like) 5mg per 24 hours. So that's... 1/12 the toxic dose.19:42
strangewarpParahSailin_: Unsure what noopept's ld50 is; I just know the dosage at which you risk liver damage.19:43
ParahSailin_so toxic, not lethal-- not so scary then19:44
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@browniesright, it's different from the LD50, but, still, i like my liver.19:49
strangewarpI like my liver as well, which is why I'm being careful :p19:54
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@kanzurebeep boop20:29
@kanzureso forrest is telling me about http://hplusmagazine.com/2011/02/06/mutate-or-die-a-w-s-burroughs-biotechnological-bestiary/20:30
@kanzurethese guys wanted to make a gene gun to shoot famous people's poop into your testicales20:30
@yashgarothhaha I remember that20:31
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@kanzurehplusmagazine: all the poop that can fit in your nuts20:32
@yashgarothin your 3d-printed nuts*20:32
@yashgaroth(I was sad but not at all surprised when I found that article eudoxia was referring to)20:33
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@kanzurebeep boop20:54
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gnusha_diyhpluswiki.git: 48e29d1 biohacking article from checkbiotech.org21:02
@kanzurethat was http://greenbio.checkbiotech.org/news/amateur_scientists_build_lego_style_synthetic_biobricks_public_lab21:04
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