
--- Log opened Tue Oct 09 00:00:50 2012
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Mokstaryay, found a phenotropil supplier that isn't a guy on ebay02:59
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@kanzureJuul: do you have a biobrick partsregistry.org backup?04:57
@kanzureoh he left already04:58
archelsWe have a spare P4 2.8GHz at university, what should we do with it?05:35
archels"throw it out" is a correct but boring answer05:36
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Mariuintegrate it to cloud05:48
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archelsmhm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_distributed_computing_projects08:03
jrayhawkI'm a little surprised a distributed computing network for povray rendering never popped up.08:13
jrayhawkI guess the ecosystem is all messed up by the non-freeness08:14
jrayhawkpovray was good enough for most usage, but bad enough to be scary to invest infrastructure08:15
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exiffYo o/09:45
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@kanzureew disgusting. bitbucket has changed their stylesheet. https://bitbucket.org/kanzure11:13
@kanzurelook at all these faded colors11:13
@kanzureeh i guess the per-repo view is a bit better https://bitbucket.org/kanzure/pokecrystal11:15
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@kanzureyou know, it's sort of amusing that bitbucket released this update just after github switched their layout on the user view page11:16
delinquentmeout sourcing rails dev work??11:16
delinquentmepreferably some place where I can get like 4 dudes who are  decent for like nada11:17
delinquentmeslash cheap11:17
@kanzureno thanks11:17
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delinquentmeno 3rd world11:22
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@kanzureyou're not going to find any decent rails people who are also cheap.11:25
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@kanzuremars rover 'bright object' http://i.imgur.com/99jDI.jpg11:30
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@kanzureJuul: yo, nmz787 was wanting to make a biobricks parts registry backup11:30
Juulkanzure, cool11:30
@kanzuredo you have access to partsregistry.org's database? all of the good stuff (references, wiki text, etc.) isn't available over their xml api11:30
Juullet me see11:31
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Juulhm, no, only the openwetware server11:36
@kanzureoh hm11:36
Juulit has a database called biobrick11:36
Juulbut latest entry is 200911:36
@kanzureare there any tables in there that look like the schema that would be used by partsregistry.org?11:37
Juulhm, it seems a bit too simplistic for that, but maybe11:38
SankyI only use bitbucket for their unlimited private repos11:39
@kanzureJuul: i think you would be the best choice for someone to write out a schema or system for a public mirror of biobricks, since you work with so many of them11:41
@kanzureJuul: i can certainly write code to pull stuff off of the partsregistry.org site, but it would be a disorganized mess in the end11:41
@kanzureyou have far more experience with biobricks11:41
@kanzurewhy is bb_incompatible only a varchar(255).. that seems limited11:41
Juulhm, i haven't actually worked much with biobricks. the biofab didn't/doesn't really use them. but I'll see if I can get access to the current schema11:42
@kanzurei seem to recall you doing lots of biobrick part compatibility/optimization stuff?11:42
@kanzurei think ruttberg is in control of the partsregistry.org schema, and he has a strong anti-DIY bias heh11:43
Juuli talk to their sysadmin11:43
Juuli'll just ask him for a database dump11:43
@kanzureyes that would do the trick11:44
Juulthe stuff i did was with dna parts, but not specifically biobricks. drew no longer cares much about dna assembly11:44
Juuleverything for his students is ordered pre-assembled11:45
@kanzuredna parts.. like folding and hairpins?11:45
@kanzureoh i see11:45
Juulyeah, parts interactions11:45
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@kanzureJuul: so since you have access to openwetware.. does /data/web/admin/createwiki.sh. still exist?11:48
@kanzureor what the heck is openwetware.org/nerdbook11:49
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Juulhah, how do you suspect that script exists in the first place?11:53
Juuldid you previously have access?11:53
@kanzureJuul: i have poked and prodded at openwetware's server for a very long time11:55
@kanzureJuul: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1269810/11:56
@kanzurebill flanagan secured things pretty well11:56
Juulthere's also http://nerdspace.openwetware.org/11:57
@kanzureums might have a few vulnerabilities, but i'm not completely certain11:57
@kanzureyep, i have nerdspace in that pastebin link above11:57
@kanzurethis was pretty useful http://openwetware.org/dumps/oww-pages.xml.bz2 (huge file)11:59
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 396c097 add an email address for asa calow12:06
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 7bdf5a0 oops, add prague diybio group12:06
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: f6a7e84 add a contact for belfast, ireland12:10
@kanzuregnusha: poke?12:10
@kanzurejrayhawk: where's my commit tweet :\12:10
Juulkanzure, ok, well i'll ask them if we can have dumps of all the biobricks sites12:11
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gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: c986945 add contacts for diybio-vancouver12:26
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: eeab1ab add contacts for diybio-toronto12:26
@kanzureoh chris olah (implicitcad guy) is also the same chris olah from diybio-toronto12:27
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: b9d3e58 biohacking contacts in baltimore12:41
exiffHave you all studied biology or medicine?12:48
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ybit3jrayhawk: :\14:53
ybitoh nm14:54
jrayhawkI concur entirely.l14:58
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curt1show are you this evening kanzure16:43
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@kanzure"replication ring" has a ring to it17:00
@kanzure"Kahneman’s chief concern is that graduate students who have conducted priming research may find it difficult to get jobs after being associated with a field that is being visibly questioned."17:01
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nshcan he not wait until he dust settles on his nobel prize before running his mouth17:17
* nsh reads the article17:17
nshnot the recent nobel prize winner17:17
nshhe won the nobel prize on lulzconomics anyway17:17
nshso he's a fine one to talk about credibility17:18
@kanzurensh: i need a famous quote obfuscator17:21
@kanzurelike: "To myself I seem to have been only like a boy on the pebbles, I do not know what I appear to the world. Diverting myself on the great ocean of truth that lay all undiscovered before me, then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell."17:21
@kanzurei figure you might be just the person who has this sort of thing?17:21
nshcan use a markov chain17:57
nshor run it through multibabel17:58
nshwhatever it's called17:58
@kanzureoh i guess a few iterations through google translate could work17:59
nshTo generate paper titles based on the work of a specific researcher, run:18:01
nsh# python markov.py "name-of-a-researcher"18:01
nshOtherwise, import markov.Markov to generate arbitrary long Markov chains18:01
curt1sdead now but he was a cool little bot :(18:02
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@kanzurehow come the chinese language still exists?18:50
@kanzureif it's so easy for the chinese speakers to learn english, wouldn't they all just agree to forget chinese?18:50
bkeroSometimes people want to hang on to their cultural heritage18:50
yashgarothenglish is hard because sometimes you don't know the correct pronunciation for something, even though it's usually intelligible anyway18:51
@kanzurepronunciation is a minor problem in the scheme of things18:51
@kanzurelike, just stick to reading18:51
yashgarothmhm that was my way of agreeing because it's a minor issue, yet the main complaint with english18:51
yashgarothcompared to a language with many thousands of characters and subtly distinct tones on every single goddamn syllable18:52
yashgarothmandarin grammar is simple so that's good I guess18:54
yashgaroththough I've no idea how they say "I will have had"18:55
yashgarothspeaking of which I wonder if there's some futurist blog and/or band named "the future perfect"18:56
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yashgarothI'm guessing you bring it up cuz of your forays into the smoky underground chinese pirate scene?18:59
@kanzurenah, i was imagining a chinese ocr system that would work by some sort of shape grammar19:01
@kanzureand then i realized that it was a deep, deep hole to dig one's self into19:01
yashgarothman that is a mohole right there19:02
yashgaroth.wik mohole19:03
yashgarothoh dangit19:03
@kanzurefun fact: although this is a transhumanist irc channel, i hate most bots19:03
yashgaroththe plan to dig a hole into the earth's crust, for fun and profit19:04
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AdrienGAccording to the IODP, on 27 April 2012, Chikyū drilled to a depth of 7,740 meters (25,400 feet) below sea level, setting a new world record for deep-sea drilling.19:17
AdrienGthey are getting close19:17
AdrienGwhat profit can u make from moho19:17
yashgarothwhen you dig deep enough, candy comes out19:17
yashgarothdid you never take geology19:17
yashgarothno, mostly licorice19:18
AdrienGthose metals are mostly useless19:19
AdrienGmainly sio2, fe, al19:19
AdrienGpretty cheap stuff, you can easily on surface.19:19
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nshwhy do you hate bots?19:46
nshare you some kind of irc racist?19:46
@kanzurebecause they send me messages and i want them to stop19:47
@kanzurelink bots are the worst19:47
@kanzurethey will take the most obvious link and spit out a title19:47
@kanzure<botfucker> "HEYBRYAN.ORG"19:47
joshcryerweird I never get IRC messages :(19:51
jrayhawkwait what's this irc thing i thought you guys were a screensaver19:55
@kanzurei am a very boring screensaver19:55
jrayhawk19:03 <@kanzure> fun fact: although this is a transhumanist irc channel, i hate most bots20:07
jrayhawkthe transhumanists have always been at war with the singularitarians20:07
jrayhawkyou can't trust the machines. they might hard takeoff at any moment.20:09
@kanzurethe twist is that i am a machine20:09
jrayhawkthis is just like that movie20:09
jrayhawkkindergarten cop20:09
JayDuggerHard takeoff? You mean the Cambrian Explosion?20:30
JayDuggerDid I miss it?20:30
nshlol jrayhawk20:34
nshjrayhawk, i thought the transhumanists have always been at war with eurasia?20:35
nshif you were there during the cambrian explosion you wouldn't be so quick to make light of it20:35
nshit was liek POW BOOOM steady stream of incremental mutations20:35
nshcrazy times to have lived..20:36
nshi don't think incremental means anything in this context20:36
nshi just let my fingers hit keys until something like a word happens20:36
jrayhawki use my face for that20:39
@kanzuregee your face can take a lot of abuse20:39
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--- Log closed Wed Oct 10 00:00:05 2012

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