
--- Log opened Wed Oct 10 00:00:05 2012
--- Day changed Wed Oct 10 2012
-!- Mokstar [~Nate@c-76-115-140-241.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:00
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@kanzureanyone want the drugstack.com domain?00:29
MokstarI'll pass00:47
MokstarI don't need any more embarassing domain names :p00:47
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* bkero registers socialmobilecloud.com03:48
browniesyou're behind the times, man!03:54
browniesyou need socialmobileLOCATIONcloud.com03:54
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Urchinnah, socialmobilelocationservicecloud.com05:49
Urchinmore buzzwords05:49
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JayDuggerNo, nsh. The transhumanists have always been at war with the Eastasia. Report to Room 101.06:36
@kanzureis packt publishing good/bad/evil?06:43
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@kanzure"The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said U.S. scientists Robert Lefkowitz (left) and Brian Kobilka made groundbreaking discoveries on an important family of receptors, known as G-protein-coupled receptors."07:10
@kanzureso G-protein stuff just got the nobel prize.. seems like it took long enough07:10
archelsfolding@home up and running07:15
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@kanzure[OpenSCAD] Feature request: Introduce TCP connection to openscad08:14
@kanzurei don't think it even compiles without the gui yet08:15
@kanzure"New! LulzBot AO-100 3D printer now FSF-certified to respect your freedom" http://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/endorsement/respects-your-freedom/08:16
@kanzureseems weird to see fsf accepting something named "lulz"08:16
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browniesthey actually named it the LulzBot? o.O08:54
@kanzurewell, i named my cad library "lolcad" so..08:56
-!- Mokstar [~Nate@c-76-115-140-241.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:23
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mikerbotI'm procrastinating.. I'm supposed to be working on making a new site for grindhouse wetware. Found this channel while researching things. How are you!11:36
Juulhey mikerbot11:37
@kanzuregrindhouse is so disappointing.11:37
@kanzureso far they have published lots of articles about yelling at other transhumanists11:37
mikerbotooh give us a second, we're working on it!11:37
mikerbotI know...11:37
@kanzureyou shouldn't use google sites in general11:37
mikerbotI'm not too stoked on the hate either, doesn't seem productive. I don't think that was really the intent of most of the negative comments though11:38
mikerbotoh I know, I'm getting rid of the whole thing11:38
@kanzurei have noticed a strong trend of trying to segregate the community11:38
@kanzureanyway, whatever. don't bring any of that in here and you're safe.11:38
@kanzureif you don't have time, you should probably just pay $1 to buy some crap on themeforest for a site11:39
Juulkanzure, link to one of those articles?11:40
@kanzureJuul: one moment..11:41
@kanzureit picks on natasha vita-more, who they claim is a "mainstream" "transhumanist"11:42
@kanzure"Cannon says the general consensus from the transhumanist community is that the team is "stupid for dreaming". "11:43
@kanzurewhat a load of crap11:43
@kanzurethe general consensus is that it's lame because magnets aren't that useful, not that they are "stupid for dreaming"11:43
@kanzurethey are completely misrepresenting biohacking/transhumanist views there.. just saying.11:43
Mokstarjeez, are you still on about that?11:47
@kanzureMokstar: he asked!11:48
mikerbotthat article is published by wired, and not written by us. We're attempting to make the magnets useful. I... didn't really ask11:48
@kanzuremikerbot: not you. juul asked. look above.11:48
jrayhawkmagnets are still badass screw you guys11:48
jrayhawkfucking magnets11:49
@kanzuremikerbot: but really, i think themeforest is your quickest option for your next site11:49
mikerbotI think mine are pretty bad ass, and useful!11:49
@kanzureor what's that other big one..11:49
@kanzurewtf why does themeforest advertise itself as a wordpress theme site?11:50
Mokstaron the one hand you have armchair dreamers yammering on about rehashed cyberpunk themes, and on the other hand you have jammed a magnet into your finger, hoping to one day find a practical use for it11:50
-!- sylph_mako [~mako@103-9-42-1.flip.co.nz] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:51
MokstarI really want to move into the "post-fingermagnet" era11:52
Juulkanzure, thanks.11:53
jrayhawkhey, whatever, body mod folks will be performing crazy self-surgeries with or without experimental parameters11:53
Juulit doesn't seem useful for either "camp" to put down the work of the other11:53
jrayhawkmay as well make 'em interesting and cool experimental parameters11:53
@kanzureJuul: "live and let live" is what lets creationism stay around11:54
Mokstarit doesn't seem useful for anybody to suggest that there are camps11:54
@kanzureMokstar: agreed11:54
Mokstarjust... work, and collaborate11:54
@kanzurethere are a lot of downsides to magnets, and you shouldn't separate a community just around that silly topic.11:54
@kanzures/around that silly/around one silly/11:55
Mokstarthough, to be fair, all publications have an incentive to drive controversy, and humans have a natural tendency to form competing groups11:55
@kanzureit's also weird to see multiple groups "claiming" to have invented biohacking11:55
@kanzurelike dave asprey is claiming he "biohacked" his penis or something, and that he invented the term11:56
@kanzureand then there's lucas who is claiming lepht invented biohacking because magnets11:56
MokstarI biohacked my finger once, took ages to heal11:56
Juulkanzure, i don't really agree with that but i also don't feel like it's useful to spend the next half hour talking about that whole mess11:56
@kanzurethen there's the biohacking folks from the diybio community11:56
Mokstarjust about biohacked it off with a knife while cutting up sweet potatoes11:56
* Juul goes back to the codes11:56
@kanzureJuul: i moved on to talking about themeforest, i think Mokstar is the one who brought up the continued discussion. i'm really not as interested as you think i am.11:57
mikerbotI agree, but constructive criticism should be part of anything that calls itself a community... for instance, I think its reckless to be cutting yourself open without proper training and materials... and I'll frown at anyone that encourages others to do so....11:57
@kanzureoh i guess i had my anti-live-and-let-live comment.11:57
MokstarI just noticed you mentioning it again without much attention paid in between, so it appeared as though you were still concerned11:57
Juulkanzure, ok11:57
Mokstarerr, *I* didn't pay much attention11:58
Mokstarmikerbot: I'd  be less worried about the cutting part and more worried about leaching from the implanted object11:58
@kanzuremikerbot: are you subscribed to the diybio discussions?11:59
mikerbotkanzure: I am not! I should be11:59
Mokstaris neodymium toxic?11:59
Mokstaroh wait.. thye probably don't use neo's11:59
@kanzuremikerbot: email diybio+subscribe@googlegroups.com11:59
@kanzuremikerbot: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq12:00
mikerbotneodymium has a pretty low toxicity. Mine are platted in nickel, then parylene C12:00
-!- SolG is now known as _sol_12:01
@kanzuremikerbot: also there's lots of historical context worth being aware of http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/news12:02
Mokstarmikerbot: have you played with intentionally generating fields to map out the sensations available?12:02
Mokstarmaybe with a de-cored stepper motor12:02
mikerbotMokstar: I have, I need to do more, and work out some calculations too, I'd like to be able to describe them empirically12:04
MokstarI've thought about it as a communications channel12:04
Mokstaror potentially incorporated into the northpaw project12:05
mikerbotMokstar: my favorite is actually a microwave running on high and empty12:05
mikerbotwe might like our bottlenose project.. it is that, the current version has a sonar module12:05
@kanzurehey so if you guys have the time to be working on a hardware project, can you build this instead?12:06
mikerbot*you might like12:06
@kanzureit's much more specific than tdcs12:06
Mokstaryou wanna test it first?12:06
@kanzurewho are you asking?12:06
Mokstarthe mouse who suggested putting the bell on the cat :p12:06
@kanzurehuh? what's wrong with the mouse testing?12:07
@kanzurethere's some youtube videos demonstrating tests on mice, i think replicating that is a good idea12:07
Mokstarkanzure: you wanna test it first?12:07
@kanzurei can't test it without a prototype, and i don't have time to build a prototype at the moment.12:08
Mokstaroddly, I'm more frightened of ultrasound than I am of tMS or tDCS12:08
@kanzureyeah, ultrasound can be very dangerous12:08
MokstarI keep thinking about this anecodotal report of a fellow who had a bottlenose dolphin grind a bone-spur from his arm12:09
@kanzurebut when you dial down the energy delivered per millimeter it seems to be much more useful12:09
@kanzureper sq millimeter12:09
@kanzurewell, cubic12:09
mikerbotlooks like it! I still haven't tried tDCS.. as far as I understand the papers and user experiences it seems to sum up as "It does something, and its weird"12:09
@kanzurethere was one paper that tried to do tdcs targetting but it didn't get that far12:10
mikerbotMokstar: I want a link to that dolphin bone spur surgeon12:10
Mokstartrying to find it12:10
@kanzureso being able to point transducers at particular locations seems more helpful12:10
@kanzurerather than a generic "dude this does funky things to your brain" device12:10
Mokstarnope, not finding it12:14
Mokstarnow, I'm not saying it actually happened12:14
MokstarI just remember it when I think about tUS12:15
@kanzure"coated microbubbles" eh? i guess that's not quite a capsule.12:17
Mokstarthat's... not what I wanted to share... 1 sec12:18
Mokstaryes it was12:19
Mokstarthough, at first glance that just seems like forced metastasis to me...12:20
@kanzureyeah, if you look in http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/ultrasound/ there's some clinical trails of using ultrasound for treating brain tumors.... by melting them.12:20
@kanzurei wonder if melting is the correct word.12:20
@kanzure"non-invasive image guided cavitational ultrasound therapy (histotripsy)" interesting, i didn't know people were calling it histotripsy. sounds sort of made up though :)12:21
Mokstarit's kind of catchy12:21
Mokstar"The Brain Melter"12:22
@kanzurevariable-power brain melting apparatus12:22
@kanzure"Using a method of transcranial US brain stimulation with an acoustic collimating tube (d = 2mm), an estimate of the volume of cortical activation maybe =~ 3 mm^3 as indicated by c-fos activity (Figure 15)."12:23
@kanzure"The 1.5-2.0 mm lateral area of activation observed represents a more reliable measure and is approximately five times better than the =~ 1cm lateral spatial resolution offered by transcranial magnetic stimulatino (TMS) (Barker, 1999). Due to the millimeter spatial resolutions conferred by US, structured US fields may be used to drive patterned activation in sparsely distributed brain circuits."12:23
@kanzurestimulatino? i guess i typoed that. that seems like a typo i'd do.12:23
Mokstaryeah, but you'd have to couple that with imaging12:27
Mokstara 2mm spot?12:27
@kanzureat most maybe only one high resolution image of the brain to do coordinate mapping12:28
MokstarI don't know about you, but when I use a rifle I like having decent optics on it :p12:28
Mokstarfair enough12:28
@kanzurenobody is suggesting using an ultrasound stimulator without testing, calibration or anything else like that.12:29
@kanzurejust as nobody is recommending using tdcs without such testing.12:29
Mokstarright, I guess I'm just not familiar with the technology used to identify points of interest in 3d space without realtime imaging12:30
@kanzure.... i hope12:30
@kanzureMokstar: it's all unusable junk. most of the neuro-coordinate software stuff are old, broked java applets or worse.12:30
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eudoxiamikerbot: that's pretty cool, the original site was pretty urrgghhhhh13:32
eudoxiaor, rather, is13:32
mikerbotoh I know! I should have a new one up in a day or so. if you'd like to check out the work in progress I uploaded it to http://www.tessascheckner.com/grindhouse/index.html13:34
-!- nmz787 [~Nathan@ool-45792f2b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:34
eudoxiamikerbot oohhhh much better13:35
kanzuremikerbot: have you considered not using <table> and <td>13:36
kanzureand so many spacer.gifs?13:36
kanzureis this from themeforest?13:36
eudoxiamikerbot I suggest the following instead of spacer .gifs:13:37
eudoxiahr {margin:20px auto; border:2px dotted #dfdfdf;clear:both;}13:37
mikerbotthats just me being lazy and over using the slice tool in photoshop13:37
eudoxiaand Open Sans Book 300 for the section titles13:38
mikerbotah good call13:38
kanzuremikerbot: i think it's far faster if you just use something that already exists instead of monkeying around in photoshop13:38
kanzurei mean, if you're going to be doing web development and if you insist on doing customizing it yourself, you might want to consider learning about stylesheets, for instance..13:39
eudoxiasometimes using <table> is ok, like how I never really noticed SA's site was exclusively <table>s all over13:40
kanzurewell, copying and pasting css strings everywhere isn't ok13:40
kanzureor, it demonstrates a lack of understanding of technology here13:41
eudoxias/SA/Suspended Animation13:41
kanzureeudoxia: transhumanists are supposed to be at the forefront of technology, not at the butt end13:41
kanzures/supposed to/supposedly13:41
kanzureor at least.. erm.. well make that into a sentence13:41
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mikerbotoh well, it only took a second in photoshop really, and I have some free time. Its a small site.. I could CSS it up, but it would probably take me longer than would be worth it.13:43
kanzuredo you know what the concept of "technical debt" refers to?13:44
Mokstarthe credit card I use to buy phones, tablets, and TVs with?13:45
-!- nmz787 [~Nathan@ool-45792f2b.dyn.optonline.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]13:46
mikerbotlol, mmm alright alright.13:47
kanzureoh, maybe "technical drag" is a better term13:47
kanzureanyway, templating systems exist because editing multiple files when you change your template or stylesheet is silly13:47
kanzureand stylesheets are referenced by URI because people tend to like changing something only once13:48
Sankyyou can make sites in photoshop?13:49
eudoxiaI was equally surprised13:49
kanzureSanky: http://psd2html.com/ does "fancypants" slicing13:50
kanzurewhere they slice your psd up into semantic html13:50
kanzurebut there's a default plugin somewhere that dumps out stuff with the same quality on the order of dreamweaver output13:50
kanzurehaha what? psd2html is advertising they have 370 employees. holy carp.13:51
kanzurei guess the slice shop model scales for them.13:51
kanzures/slice shop/chop shop/13:51
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gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: e6d0ae0 Corrected name of BUGSS, added BUGSS founders14:22
kanzureholy crap a contributor14:28
kanzurei think that was Steven Stowell <scstowell@gmail.com>14:28
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jrayhawknmz787: do you have a move date yet? there's random biotech industry events i can notify you about, but i don't know what the cutoff would be15:21
Mokstarnmz787: leaving portland, eh?15:22
Mokstarwhat's $other_city got that Portland don't got?!?15:22
jrayhawkno, he's moving *to* portland15:25
* Mokstar looks at the date.15:26
Mokstardangit, went too far back this time15:26
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nmz787jrayhawk: tenatively getting there 23rd or 24th15:52
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gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 6862622 biohacking article on radar.oreilly.com17:15
kanzureso maybe it's endy who has been telling the media "it's like silicon valley!"17:16
kanzurethis sounds like drew's influence to me: "In short, synthetic biology is going through the same transition in usability that computing saw in the ’70s and ’80s."17:17
brownies"DNA is similar to machine language (except it’s in base four, rather than binary), and in principle hacking DNA isn’t much different from hacking machine code."17:17
browniesoh, clearly, it's so simple.17:17
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: cc835ae an old radar.oreilly.com article about biocurious17:21
kanzurebrownies: hah, i didn't even see that. brilliant.17:21
kanzurelook at omri pimping his software in the comments17:23
kanzurethat guy has no shame.17:23
browniesthat's called "viral marketing"17:25
browniesooh, accidental biology pun.17:26
kanzurei like how he argued all of his customer feedback from diybio17:26
kanzurei guess he argued it too17:26
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kanzurei just received an email in chinese with this attached: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/images/推广图片.jpg18:23
kanzurei'm surprised the great firewall of china doesn't auto-filter out that image18:23
yashgarothit's red and there's a clenched fist, sounds compatible with the firewall18:24
kanzurelet's make some fake chinese biohacking propaganda18:24
yashgarothjust replace the AK-47s with pipettors and syringes and you're golden18:25
kanzureangry pipetting18:25
ParahSailinkanzure, you need a translation on that?18:25
kanzurenah, i'm sure it's spam18:25
ParahSailin买家 == capitalism18:26
ParahSailinthe rest can be figured out from the pictures18:27
kanzurelet's make up a secret chinese biohacking group, that uh.. um..18:30
kanzureis sponsored by the government?18:30
JayDuggerWhich government? I suggest the Australians.18:32
yashgarothhey they already support regular hackers, it's not a huge stretch18:32
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nmz787why is there not annual weather info on the interstates compiled into something useful?18:52
kanzurenmz787: or weather integrated into google maps for trip routing?18:53
nmz787that would work i guess, but i know that I need to drive on I-80 through nebraska and wyoming, and I know those streches have gates on them so you can't continue driving in bad weather (you have to exit)18:57
nmz787so knowing there are possible bad areas, why can't i find averages for them easily18:57
JayDuggerI suspect that happens because you look for data over an area very different from the area where weather gets collected.19:02
JayDuggerYou might find long histories of weather data from a specific airport. You want data over a route.19:02
JayDuggerIt would help a great deal, though.19:03
JayDuggerI suggest listing your route's start and end points, and adding as many towns or zip codes crossed by19:03
JayDuggeryour route to that list.19:03
JayDuggerThen you can go to a site such as weatherspark.com and check your list against the averages it provides.19:04
JayDuggerIf you've already done that and found the results or method wanting, please say so. :)19:04
kanzureum yeah how about something that doesn't involve manual labor19:13
kanzurelike software19:13
nmz787weatherspark will take a list JayDugger?19:14
nmz787yeah like I just wikipediaed boise idaho to look at the average temp and precip19:14
nmz787both are low, but there is a slight chance i could pass through on the day it drops precip and i could be screwed19:15
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JayDuggerIs the goal safe travel? Did I miss the point?19:30
kanzurenathan is secretly a tornado chaser19:31
nmz787i'm towing a trailer from NY to OR19:31
kanzureever since the hurricanes stole his uh.. um.. petri dishes, he's been on a quest of vengeance ever since19:31
yashgarothit looks pretty clear right now, get truckin'19:31
nmz787not leaving for a weel19:32
JayDuggerthe saga of Nathan's Glassware Vengeance Quest! chanted far into the future around the fires of humanity's degenerate descendants19:33
kanzureaww why do they have to be degenerate descendants..19:33
JayDuggerBecause humanity's non-degenerate descendants had better be doing something incomprehensible to v1.0 types such as myself.19:34
nmz787i do think of that movie The Postman, since his paradise was in the pacific northwest19:35
nmz787i figure as long as none of those volcanoes around there blows, its a pretty safe better for staying alive and well fed in event of apocalypse19:36
yashgarothabundant water and hydroelectric power19:37
JayDuggerI paid very little for electricity when I lived in Portland, OR.19:37
kanzurepaying for things?19:37
nmz787berkeley power was really cheap too19:38
JayDuggerMy most expensive monthly bill came to a whole fourteen dollars.19:38
yashgarothI find it slightly humorous that the PNW has abundant cloud cover, and that the cheap electricity leads to a lot of the 'cloud' being based there19:38
nmz787'involved in a wreck walk away like a boss.'19:45
nmz787i  wonder if he was wearing his seatbelt19:45
nmz787:O http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2012/09/99-raspberry-pi-sized-supercomputer-touted-in-kickstarter-project/19:52
kanzureso that gif reminded me of an old phone call i had with tudor boloni19:53
kanzurego to the hyperthermia section, it's hilarious.19:53
kanzurethis was back when i was able to type a transcript of a phone call with someone and still maintain a reasonable conversation (it's harder to do that now because i try to be more thoughtful about what i say)19:53
jrayhawk10:01 < jrayhawk> woo another massively parallel chipset company that places seemingly zero emphasis on compilation19:54
jrayhawk10:01 < jrayhawk> soon to be added to the pile of defunct companies that thought they could do the same thing19:54
jrayhawk10:02 < eudoxia> but it says it's fully ANSI-C/C++ programmable :((((19:54
jrayhawk10:06 < jrayhawk> "we're just as much of a pain in the ass to parallelize from the software end as existing architectures" is not exactly an encouraging claim19:54
kanzureit's too bad there's no centralized debunking service.19:55
nmz787jrayhawk: but since its OSHW and open software, can't that change?19:56
nmz787parallax propeller is parallel and easy as hell to use19:56
kanzureoh that's right, that call with tudor boloni ended up being about some linksharing scheme. hah!19:58
JayDuggerSo...did Mr. Boloni steal that idea from Michael Kube-McDowell's "Lifebomb"?19:59
kanzurenot sure. elaborate?20:00
JayDuggerLifebomb linkdump:20:00
JayDuggerAn implanted device preserves patients from sudden death by explosively cocooning the human and applying medical care until help arrives.20:02
JayDugger(Yeah, I saw it on TV as a kid.)20:02
kanzureneat. in this case tudor was talking about injecting some salts into the bloodstream with some other cryoprotectants.20:02
JayDuggerThe episode turns into the usual "rich people aren't really happy" morality play.20:02
JayDugger"Your backpack actually converts into a life-caccoon. Two chemical bombs go off? You go into stasis, they pick you up the next day and you're safe."20:03
nmz787watching now20:04
JayDuggerStart at 4:20 and watch for a minute or so.20:04
kanzureJayDugger: you can append #t=260 to start at 4:2020:05
JayDuggerPretty impressive salesmanship.20:05
JayDuggerSo no good will come of parallella, eh?20:06
nmz787seems like some good should20:22
nmz787that video was a little underwhelming20:24
nmz787the concept actually seems OK, but it wouldn't prevent him dying of say HIV20:24
nmz787or AIDS rather20:24
kanzurehuh? you contract HIV and then suddenly a cacoon explodes around you?20:26
nmz787yeah wouldn't help20:27
nmz787the lifebomb had sensors implanted so in life threatening conditions it explodes a life support cocoon around you20:28
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skorketevening all20:30
nmz787watching stuff, so not really here20:33
AdrienGsome rich ppl are pretty messed up allright21:11
AdrienGbut i think it has more to do with the pointlessness of their existence, than being rich.21:11
kanzureand some rich people aren't messed up21:12
kanzurethere's nothing wrong with having money21:12
AdrienGthere is never too much money.21:12
AdrienGonly too many other rich people.21:12
kanzuredo you just hate rich people or something?21:12
kanzureor do you think they must be miserable because you want them to be?21:12
AdrienGno, i just would like to be richer than the next guy.21:12
AdrienGmoney is just something we use to keep score, really.21:13
kanzureok. how exactly does you wanting to be rich mean that other rich people are mssed up?21:13
kanzurei don't follow your train of thought here.21:13
AdrienGi think you misread everything i typed.21:13
kanzure"the pointlessness of their existence"21:13
kanzureare you making an argument stating that every rich person has to feel pointlessness?21:14
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AdrienGkanzure: no.21:16
AdrienGthe miserable rich people are those that lead that type of existance.21:16
AdrienGthen there is the other kind,.21:17
kanzureok. can you name a particular miserable rich person, or are you talking about a stereotype/strawman?21:17
AdrienGits just that being rich allows them to lead that pointless existance w/o starving21:17
AdrienGkanzure: there are plenty of useless rich kids21:17
AdrienGi never said "every" or that money cause it lol.21:18
kanzurewe're not talking about useless, you said miserable21:18
AdrienGkanzure: its their uselessness that makes the miserable.21:18
AdrienGthey just lead pointless lives.21:18
kanzureok look, my point is that you're being incomprehensible and you should stop talking -_-21:18
AdrienGre-read my lines again.21:18
AdrienGmaybe you need some nootropics :o21:18
jrayhawkBorn Rich was sorta fun to watch. People born into wealthy families have really screwy philosophy/psychology to maintain self-esteem.21:22
kanzurejrayhawk: do i have a screwy psychology?21:25
kanzurei mean, comparatively to whatever you're talking about21:25
jrayhawknope, sorry21:26
jrayhawkwell, i guess maybe21:27
kanzurethere is yet hope21:27
jrayhawkyou do seem to have a very strong compulsion towards productivity, but i get the impression you had that before you had awareness of your advantages21:29
AdrienGkanzure is some billionaire's kid?21:29
jrayhawklike, the big problem with all the kids in Born Rich was that they can't really escape being/having been enormous social leeches as a result of circumstance, so they have to invent dimensions of self-worth that don't involve normal human utility21:33
jrayhawkyou seem to be on track to avoid some of that because your utility as measured by wage is on a reasonable track to at least match your social cost as measured by inheritance21:35
jrayhawkbut i don't know if there's a correlation there21:36
jrayhawkand, of course, you create a lot of 'public good' utility that can't realistically be measured by income21:37
kanzureobviously i should be subsidized by the government to continue providing a public good utility21:38
jrayhawkDARPA funds a lot of cool public goods21:38
jrayhawkoccasionally the NSA does, too21:38
jrayhawkWe got the internet! And ReiserFS!21:39
ParahSailinhey if you're born rich, you either go into a pe firm, a political position, or stay out of sight, depending how rich you are21:41
kanzureanyway, the original argument that rich people must be meaningless or pointless is silly21:43
jrayhawkanyway, if i had a large inheretance, i would probably be philosophically/psychologically crushed by it and *try* to maximize measurable utility in a manner similar to you, but i would also probably be crippled enough fending off neurotic self-contempt that i wouldn't be any good at it21:43
kanzureor i think the right term might be speciest?21:43
jrayhawkyou don't seem to have much in the way of neurotic self-contempt, so i assume you just got lucky and happen to really like providing a lot of utility21:44
kanzurei do some pretty terriblet hings.. like i subject myself to files with uppercase characters21:45
kanzure*terrible things21:45
kanzurebut ok21:45
ParahSailincompared to most of the world i was born rich21:46
ParahSailinborn white in america21:46
AdrienGwats pe film21:50
jrayhawkprivate enterprise firm?21:50
AdrienGoh firm21:51
AdrienGprivate equity, gotcha.21:51
jrayhawkoh, yeah, okay21:51
AdrienGi was liek, wats a pe fi_l_m21:51
AdrienGpenile extension films?21:51
jrayhawka goldmine21:51
AdrienGis u gay21:58
jrayhawk'u' resents the question and refuses to dignify it with an answer22:00
jrayhawkfurthermore, you shouldn't anthropomorphize letters; they hate that22:01
AdrienGi like ur point of view on u.22:09
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