
--- Log opened Wed Oct 17 00:00:58 2012
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@kanzure"Dear to whom it may concern: Lateen chemicla Co., ltd is here, Exporting sucralose with high quality and low price."06:04
@kanzurespam is the best06:04
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@kanzurenmz787: hi07:28
chidokanzure: what kind of job did yash get in the end? I can't seem to be able to align our IRC schedules :)07:31
@kanzurei think he's doing similar work for another pharma company07:34
@kanzurenot sure where or who or what07:34
@kanzurein fact i know nothing07:34
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@kanzureoh dear07:58
@kanzurenow the genome compiler guy is starting 'diybio holy land'07:58
@kanzure"next stage in mankind's evolution" i wish people would stop saying these things08:07
@kanzurewhether or not it is "evolution" has no bearing on the topic08:07
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gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: dac7199 add omri as a contact for diybio-israel08:27
@kanzureso i know about NEURON and i've heard about GENESIS, but what is MOOSE and NEST?08:31
@kanzureand why are these all in caps08:31
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archelsNEST focuses on large-scale simulation of relatively simple neurons08:33
archelsMOOSE I do not know much about, let alone come across it in the literature08:33
archels"MOOSE is the rewritten core code for GENESIS"08:34
@kanzurei see, hm08:35
@kanzurearchels: so, i'm curious why no up-and-coming professor has tried to mimic blue brain project with some sort of public repository of neuron models and ion channels08:36
@kanzurethe formats already exist, but nobody seems to be doing the work converting old neurophysiology studies into these formats08:36
archelsDefine mimicking the BBP... lots of labs are building models of cortical columns. In fact, I might be doing a PhD on just that.08:37
@kanzuremy understanding is that markram's slaves are just typing up models for pNEURON08:38
archelsWhat I detest is how all these models live in something of a void--each does its own little thing well enough to publish, but it's impossible to combine these models into something coherent that does more than one thing well.08:38
@kanzurewhy not just dump all the ion channel formulas into a simulator http://channelpedia.epfl.ch/08:39
@kanzureon the left in the drop-down click 'ion channels'08:39
@kanzurethen go find a sodium or potassium channel08:39
archelsyes, and then what08:39
@kanzureoh hm a few of these seem to be blank, one moment08:40
@kanzurescroll down to 'models'08:40
archelsI mean, what are you hoping to achieve by throwing some disembodied PDEs into a simulator?08:40
archelsor disem-neuroned ion channels for that matter :P08:41
@kanzurewell, i agree that ion channels without neurons makes useless data and useless models08:41
@kanzurei don't have any particular goal except wondering why there's no open source cortical simulation project08:42
archelsbecause the search space is so ridiculously massive, and there is not nearly enough experimental data to constrain it08:42
@kanzurei think there's a neuroml database that records some attributes of specific neuron types, but iirc it didn't include models to necessary detail08:42
@kanzurewell, i wouldn't mind if someone just started with one type of neuron in the visual cortex for instance08:43
@kanzurepyramidal glutamatergic something or other08:43
archelsyou need at least two types of inhibitory neuron to get anything that remotely resembles what is actually going on08:43
archelsbut say you did this08:44
archelsyou would probably need to throw in some plasticity rules to get it to do something interesting/useful08:44
@kanzureyes, eventually08:44
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@kanzurejust summarizing popular models of plasticity is, i'm sure, at least one grad student for a year or something08:45
archelsthen perhaps you want it to generate brain waves08:45
@kanzurewhat is a brain wave08:45
archelslarge-scale oscillations, rhythms08:45
archelsalpha/theta/mu/gamma and what have you08:45
archelsoh, and then there's the thought (which I am tempted to share) that a cortex in isolation is pretty useless08:45
@kanzurei'm sure it is useless08:46
archelsif it's not being fed into, and kept in check by, subcortical structures, it's useless08:46
@kanzurei think it has some advantages though, like helping us build out infrastructure for brain simulation08:46
@kanzureyou're not just going to magically wish this stuff into existence08:46
archelsmeh, the problem is not so much the infrastructure as knowing what to put into one's model08:47
archelsNEURON is pretty good at simulating the (computationally salient) bits of neurons08:47
archelsand it scales well, too08:47
@kanzureit still requires lots of configuration to get anything resembling a study08:47
@kanzurei don't think saying "well, just use neuron" gets you anywhere :P08:47
archelsthat's not configuration of the simulator/infrastructure, that's constraining your model08:48
archelsThe problem is, no one really knows what to simulate. :)08:48
@kanzureseems to be some good equations inside http://channelpedia.epfl.ch/ionchannels/1/hhmodels/18.channelml08:49
@kanzure"Kv1.1 channel, with rate equations expressed in tau and inf form"08:49
archelsAnd how many of those do you need on your neuron (for each type)? And where on the spines, dendrite, soma, axon, boutons?08:50
@kanzurethis isn't the per-neuron file, that's in another database called neuroml or something08:50
archelsNeuroML is a "unified" XML modelling language08:50
archelsyes, modeldb houses NEURON models08:50
@kanzure(what an awful, generic name)08:50
@kanzureand NEURON is an awful name too08:51
@kanzurefuck these people08:51
archelsheh, heh08:51
@kanzurei'm confused08:51
@kanzurewhat is ruby code doing here?08:51
archelsAdmittedly there are some good models for single pyramidal cells... but putting everything together in the right way, that's another thing.08:51
@kanzurei mean why is this source code here08:52
@kanzuremaybe i have misunderstood modeldb08:52
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archelsmaybe they use Ruby to invoke NEURON? shrug08:52
archelsI think the authors are supposed to put everything in there to make their simulation go.08:52
@kanzureoh but it's always unique software, not something that works in a framework?08:53
archelsIt's the scripts that the authors hacked together to make things work :)08:54
@kanzurehm http://senselab.med.yale.edu/modeldb/FindBySimulator.asp08:54
archels(but most of it should be hoc, i.e. NEURON's language)08:54
@kanzureso why aren't these version controlled repositories08:54
archelsoh, I guess they support more simulators now too. Excellent.08:54
archelsHey, you should be glad it came this far... scientists are notoriously uneager to share their data/software.08:56
@kanzureit looks like the NEURON stuff at least might possibly work together08:57
archelsBecause it's written in the same language?08:58
archelsI wouldn't hold my breath.08:58
@kanzurei thought the whole idea of NEURON files were that they were independent modules that could be stacked on top of each other by adding them to a simulation instance08:59
archelsIn principle maybe, but you know how it goes with software. :P08:59
archelsI mean, if a bunch of people in the same lab are working on their NEURON models, I'm sure they'll coordinate to such a degree that they can put them together in the same instance.09:01
archelsBut taking two random models from labs across the globe, and hoping for seamless integration?09:01
@kanzurethis stuff is awful09:01
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archelsNeuroML is an attempt to make it all a bit more interchangable.09:03
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@kanzureJuul: hi10:28
Juulkanzure, hi10:29
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@kanzure11:50 < Swizzy> I seriously thought github created git11:51
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@kanzurethere's probably a vulnerability on http://www.chemspider.com/chemistry-news/ but i'm too lazy to check13:57
@kanzurehttp://www.rsc.org/robots.txt is interesting13:59
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@kanzureoh wow, what? rsc passwords are just your birthdate14:25
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@kanzurethere are way too many conferences:14:31
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@kanzuredamn these guys are evil www.rsc.org/Advertising/direct-mailing.asp14:33
@kanzurei mean, http://www.rsc.org/Advertising/direct-mailing.asp14:33
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@kanzureoh neat. they have google search appliance and forgot to turn off the cache feature.14:46
@kanzureso a lot of their pdfs are accessible.14:46
@kanzureexample: http://google.rsc.org/search?site=default_collection&q=cache%3Awww.rsc.org%2Febooks%2F2009%2FBK9780854041992%2FBK9780854041992-00151.pdf&btnG.x=0&btnG.y=0&btnG=Search&output=xml_no_dtd&sort=date%3AD%3AL%3Ad1&lr=&btnG.y=0&btnG.y=0&btnG.y=0&btnG.y=0&btnG.y=0&btnG.y=0&btnG.y=0&btnG.y=10&btnG.y=0&btnG.y=0&btnG.y=0&btnG.y=11&btnG.y=0&btnG.y=0&btnG.y=0&btnG.y=0&btnG.y=0&btnG.y=0&btnG.y=0&btnG.y=9&client=default_frontend&btnG.x=0&btnG.x=0&btnG.x=14:47
@kanzurethat's "Detection of DNA Damage in Drosophila and Mosue"14:48
@kanzurethis is sorta unreadable though14:48
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@kanzureoh look people are quoting the text i wrote on wikipedia :-/15:27
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@kanzureoh nice http://apache.org/server-status15:34
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ThomasEgiah. wrong tab16:11
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ThomasEgiepic win17:18
ThomasEgimy informatic professor would've killed me for commiting such code tho. :D17:19
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@kanzureThomasEgi: as he should have!17:21
@kanzurei mean, should have if you would have17:21
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ThomasEgihehe. some of my teammates in the info-class produce horrible code.17:24
ThomasEgino style at all, brackets all over the place, no unified indetation17:24
ThomasEgioften a mix of copy-pasted stuff from other people.17:24
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skorketevening all18:13
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@kanzureooh venter has been working on a dna synthesizer product?19:27
jrayhawkhuh, i would've assumed he'd go for a services model19:28
@kanzureno link.. it's somewhere in the news though19:29
@kanzurei got it by email19:29
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@kanzurehi necine19:54
necinehey there19:55
necinei'm trying to get into diybio, and getting started resources?19:59
yashgarothoh hey so I went to the annual san diego diybio meeting last night20:10
@kanzurehow'd that go?20:10
@kanzurehey also, could you show up at an office for me?20:10
yashgaroth7 people, good talk20:10
@kanzureat 2768 Carlsbad20:11
yashgarothyes probably I can visit some place20:11
yashgarothaww carlsbaaaaaad?20:11
@kanzureno? okay.20:11
yashgarothwell what is it/am I doing there20:11
@kanzurestalking people20:11
yashgarothI will be up there when the genentech guy from the diybio meeting does a tour of his 17,000 liter bioreactors and stuff20:12
yashgarothbut yes I'm free to stalk, as long as it's outside of regular business hours20:13
yashgarothalso this uh kinda looks like a residential address20:14
not_unoriginalCarlsbad? Swanky.20:15
yashgarothehh it's still cheaper than north san diego20:15
yashgarothalso neither todd nor carlo from the conference attended this meeting, but they're in contact20:15
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* ybit3 tickles not_unoriginal 20:33
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