
--- Log opened Sat Oct 20 00:00:01 2012
archelskanzure: thanks for the forward00:47
archelscan't say this is all very exciting, except maybe for OpenWorm00:47
* archels subscribes to neuroml-tech00:49
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archelson speed limits http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=452663908:08
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nmz787Jrayhawk, is there a place on your property where I could camp for a few days after reaching portland?09:29
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@kanzurewhat is it?10:13
archelsDatabases and datasets containing information about neuroanatomical connections.10:13
@kanzurefbi passwords http://pastebin.com/BjZMZV6310:16
@kanzuredamn, none of our agents are in there10:19
@kanzureyikes REPORTBRIBES@ic.fbi.gov10:21
ThomasEgictsecuritiesfraud@ic.fbi.gov - fraudadmin10:21
ThomasEgii like that one best^10:21
ThomasEgiso much bout picking strong passwords10:21
@kanzurenice http://leakster.net/leaks/10:26
yashgarothI think 'akron.cv@ic.fbi.gov - akron.cv' wins10:29
@kanzurenone of these match any of the agents that i know about who are assigned to biohackers10:30
@kanzurei am highly disappointed10:30
curt1s(who you know about)10:32
@kanzurewell i have a list of about 20 agents10:32
@kanzuresome that i met in person at the fbi events and others that i know from random emails that were carbon copied to random agents10:32
jrayhawk> Shit happens. Speeding makes it much worse when it does.10:32
jrayhawk> Statistics repeatedly fail to bear out your assertion. Promised increases in death rates that accompany increased highway speed limits essentially never materialize. Modeling drivers as ideal gas particles whose collision rate is proportional to speed is simply wrong.10:32
@kanzureyeah, the severity of your death is not going to matter at higher or lower speeds10:33
@kanzure"speeding makes it much worse when it does" pfft. 100 mph vs 200 mph you're still dead.10:34
curt1sdeath at 200mph could be somewhat "better" from certain perspective10:35
@kanzureit's definitely way cooler10:36
curt1squicker and less deathy10:36
curt1sat 100mph you could feel more of the less desirable death-related symptoms10:36
jrayhawkPeople routinely driving 100mph typically get rollcages.10:39
@kanzureare rollcages good things?10:40
jrayhawkYep. Significant passenger cell reinforcement.10:41
jrayhawkAs a side effect, they usually increase torsional regidity, too.10:44
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@kanzureyes, well, this would all be solved if everyone just admitted that my catapult plan is the best option10:56
exiffEy? A catapult?11:03
@kanzureindeed. you can just launch people to where they need to go.11:04
ThomasEgigood luck hitting the toilet.11:05
curt1sdo you drive to your toilet11:06
ThomasEgiwhen i'm lazy i roll into the direction wiht my office chair11:06
ThomasEgiif that counts as driving.11:07
curt1sclearly there are situations where walking is best11:07
ThomasEgibut there are also situations where walking is the worst11:07
curt1si prefer to take public transportation to the nearest restroom11:08
UrchinI can translate if anybody wants, but it's fairly self-evident form the picture11:08
curt1stranslation please11:09
ThomasEgihm.. now that you mention catapults.11:10
UrchinGrunf says: "Ready for take-off agent Rock?", Bob Rock responds: "What kind of veichle is this about? Doesn't this look a bit like a sling?"11:10
ThomasEgii've seen videos of some frensh guy who catapultet himself into the sky and pulled the chute for the way down11:10
@kanzurei think parachutes would be too slow11:11
@kanzureif you could somehow land on water at the right direction, you could just slow the water flow down11:12
Urchinwater does not deform much on impact11:14
Urchinyou're often better off hitting concrete than water11:15
Urchinpast a certain speed of impact11:15
yashgarothif you do a pencil dive and cover your nose and balls with your hands, you might only break a spine or two11:15
@kanzureare there parrots that speak chinese?11:19
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curt1skanzure: definitely11:40
curt1si had a parakeet who would mimick all kinds of funny sounds11:41
curt1sanswering machine, old cable box changing channels, humans11:41
@kanzuredialup modem?11:41
curt1she incorporated those things into his songs11:41
curt1sheh im sure he wouldve done the modem too but he wasnt in a room with computer11:42
@kanzure"But that’s where the trail starts to go cold. We believe that by using a powerful, proven technique called autoradiography, we can significantly move amphetamine research forward."11:42
@kanzure"Our experimental strategy centers on using radioactive versions of amphetamine and methamphetamine, which can be detected using an electron microscope"11:43
@kanzure"for example, the radioactive amphetamines we need will cost several thousand dollars."11:43
@kanzure"The meth-treated cells showed evi­dence of “vac­uo­la­tion,” or an increase in the num­ber of intra­cel­lu­lar com­part­ments (those tiny bub­bles)."11:45
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@kanzurethe fonts on their site suck. it reloads the page after 5 seconds.11:46
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AdrienGkanzure: and whats the surprise about vacuolation11:52
@kanzurei wonder where they are buying radiolabelled amphetamines11:53
AdrienGsigma aldrich?11:53
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AdrienGso basically12:14
AdrienGwith rockethub, you pay someone to obtain lucrative IP12:14
AdrienGand get fuck all in return?12:14
yashgarothprobably buying a radioactive precursor and synthesizing it with that12:15
@kanzureyeah i'm not really sure i would want to fund this academic study. what exactly are they hoping for? to see some stuff in micrographs in certain clusters or areas?12:15
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AdrienGi guess they are trying to elucidate effects of amphetamines on membranes.12:18
AdrienGyashgaroth: u can buy C14 chemicals easily,12:18
@kanzurei'm glad someone thinks it's worth studying, but i'm not convinced this is the next experiment they need?12:18
yashgarothadrieng are you asking or telling12:19
yashgarothok then12:20
AdrienGkanzure: what do they need12:20
@kanzuremoney apparently12:21
ParahSailini think parrots would have an easier time "speaking" chinese than english12:36
ParahSailinyou get the tones and rhyme correctly, and a bird would probably be about as easy to understand as any given chinese from a distant dialect group12:38
strangewarpHave you ever had an uncontrollable urge to pin someone against the wall, and yell in their face, "CONSCIOUSNESS IS NOT REQUIRED TO COLLAPSE A QUANTUM WAVEFORM"12:58
strangewarpBecause an intellectual I otherwise respect just discovered some sort of new-age essay about consciousness and quantum mechanics, and seems to have been duped by it13:00
AdrienGkanzure: what do they need in terms of experiments13:00
AdrienGstrangewarp: wats his name13:00
jrayhawki read that sentence and was briefly worried delinquentme was back13:07
strangewarpoh it's just some blogger who I tolerate because he tends to linkdump interesting things sometimes...13:08
strangewarpjrayhawk: hmmm. I like that delinquentme has tried to monopolize wigging out :p13:09
AdrienGstrangewarp: what is your opinion of henry stapp13:10
* strangewarp tries to recall who Henry Stapp is...13:10
strangewarpfrom a quick wiki'ing, he may be a quack13:11
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AdrienGyes a quack student of pauli and heisenberg.13:13
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eudoxiaso strangewarp your set of acceptable bloggers has been shrinking geometrically for the better part of the past six months15:30
eudoxiawhat are you going to do when you run out of blogs?15:31
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@kanzureeudoxia: maybe he just has a blacklist, and not a whitelist15:33
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strangewarpeudoxia: I have no idea, maybe write a book and get fat16:22
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ParahSailini think solar pv is at the point where it's useful to buy for a house18:18
ParahSailin6-7% annual return, relatively risk-free18:19
@kanzureyou mean, it's worth buying a house just to generate electricity?18:21
ParahSailinno, to buy as an addition to a house18:24
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bkerokanzure: build 3d objects in haskell?19:28
@kanzurebkero: yes it's in haskell19:52
@kanzureit's just some implicit geometry stuff19:52
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--- Log closed Sun Oct 21 00:00:02 2012

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