
--- Log opened Thu Oct 25 00:00:05 2012
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chidokanzure: did you ever come across someone named Daniel Georgiev in connection with DIYbio/hplus? apparently he just came from the US and is trying to set up a synthetic biology lab near Prague00:40
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chidokanzure: afaik he's more into cybernetics than biology but I might go check him out00:42
skorketI find it confusing that Japan is 5-10 years ahead of us technologically but all the DIY, maker, and a significant amount of open source seems to come from the states00:44
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bkerooh hes gone01:48
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KsaturnSo, to an interested observer, what is the current state of affairs here?06:40
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@kanzureksaturn: you have to stay around at least 10min to get a response09:26
@kanzurechido: i only know a Svetlana Georgieva and Andrian Georgiev and Nikolay Georgiev (nikolay dumped some money into biocurious)09:27
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@kanzurei guess i should dump those on youtube09:57
@kanzureSebastian Berning et al., Nanoscopy in a living mouse brain, Science, 2012, DOI: 10.1126/science.121536910:04
@kanzureWolfgang Mittmann et al., Two-photon calcium imaging of evoked activity from L5 somatosensory neurons in vivo, Nature Neuroscience, 2011, DOI: 10.1038/nn.287910:04
@kanzureShawn Mikula, Jonas Binding, Winfried Denk., Staining and Embedding the Whole Mouse Brain for Electron Microscopy, Nature Methods, 2012, DOI:10.1038/nmeth.221310:05
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nmz787kanzure:  nanoengineer-1.net bug/vulberability?11:55
jrayhawknmz787: My normal climbing partner has abandoned me for the weekend; are you interested in bouldering sometime in the next five days?12:06
nmz787hmm, we're hoping to move into a house on saturday, my shoes are packed so we need to unpack first12:06
nmz787we saw a pumpkin patch that said it had 'haunted woods', would you like to join us for that?12:07
nmz787tomorrow or saturday night12:07
nmz787it was not too far from you12:07
nmz787near union rd12:07
nmz787jrayhawk: after unpacking my shoes I'll definitely come bouldering. Chandni also has shoes12:08
jrayhawkDat's cool. I normally go on Sunday anyway, so hopefully timing on that will work out just fine.12:09
jrayhawkHmm. google maps is not coughing up a useful location for 'haunted woods'.12:10
jrayhawkthe sauvie island activity farm is usually fairly entertaining12:12
nmz787i will drive by again and remember the farm name12:12
jrayhawkhttp://www.portlandmaze.com/ http://thepumpkinpatch.com/ etc.12:13
nmz787is sauvie island actually and island in middle of water?12:14
nmz787ahh here is the one i saw http://www.plumperpumpkins.com/pumpkinpatch/pumpkinpatch.htm12:14
jrayhawkhttp://maps.google.com/maps?q=sauvie+island of sorts12:15
nmz787it doesnt mention haunted woods, but I'm pretty sure it was that one12:15
jrayhawkinsofar as you need to cross a bridge to get to it12:15
nmz787The mcdonalds i'm using wifi at here in hillsboro has 3 gamecube stations for kids12:16
jrayhawkhuh, clever12:16
jrayhawkmuch cheaper and lower liability than a play structure!12:16
nmz787ahh yeah sauvie island definitely looks like an island12:18
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jrayhawkkanzure: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5T81yHkHtI pokemon yellow full memory overwrite12:35
jrayhawki am probably late to the party on that one, i guess12:35
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ideafuture rulez!15:43
ideanobody out there?15:44
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ideai want to be a cyborg since I can think15:47
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ThomasEgiidea, long way to go15:52
ideadont think so :)15:52
ThomasEgiyou can't buy a cyborg kit atm. so you have to build everything yourself.15:53
ideathere are many ways that lead to this goal15:53
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ThomasEgiyeah. there are possiblilities. but , exploiting them still is a lot of work.15:54
ideaand expensive, yep.. sucks. but i think if i survive 20,30 years things will be different15:54
ideain fact if there would be a global revolution one could reach to technology like that easily in a decade15:55
ThomasEgihm.. yeah.. if.15:55
ThomasEgibut.. there won't be any.15:55
ideaim not sure abput that one15:55
ThomasEgithe way to go is the way of many small steps.15:55
ThomasEgiand.. whatever you want, you have to do it yourself.15:55
ThomasEgileaning back and waiting for stuff to hit the stores won't really work15:56
ideayea, thats not the plan.. i try both, working on a global revolution and getting into cyborg science15:56
ThomasEgii'd suggest you spend your time on science entirely15:57
ThomasEgirevolution is for people with too much time. and too little knowledge about what they desire in life.15:57
ideabut i dont do good with both together, so yea. mostly study15:57
ideai dont think so. there is the concept of a constructed revolution15:58
ThomasEgiyeah and what do you gain?15:58
ideaa place to develop15:58
ThomasEgiyou can get that cheapr15:58
ThomasEgiand less illegal.15:58
ThomasEgibuy some plot of land and move there?15:59
ThomasEgiall you need is a dry room, food and the right tools.16:00
ThomasEgiwhy starting a revolution that might even get you killed one day?16:00
ideabecause that is the only way things can realy change16:00
ThomasEgi... and who taught you that?16:00
ThomasEgiand what exactly is it that you want to change?16:01
ideaits the consequence of my thoughts about society and its future development. i think humans will tend to build their own basically constructed architecture of environment. totally artificial as closed system16:02
idealeave nature to let it develop and be free again of waste and destruction16:02
ideabesides its a solution for actual problems of overpopulation and unequal constraints of live16:04
ThomasEgiand you really think that a revolution, where people have to fight for survival will increase their feelings for mother nature?16:04
ideathats not my idea of revolution. there is no need to do any harm16:04
ThomasEgiok so you just want people to realize that they should back off and let nature do whatever nature does?16:04
ThomasEgii mean.. i do wish for the same. but it just wont happen as most people are flat out too lazy.16:05
ideai think its an ethical consequence of human existence. besides we would be able to overcome most of todays societies problems16:05
ThomasEgii don't see that happen either16:06
ThomasEgisociety is constructed in a way it'll self destruct itself16:06
ThomasEgifueld by lazyness and increasing dependencies for each individual.16:06
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ideai think there is a sufficient amount of people with the interest in participating in such a project16:07
ThomasEgithere are16:07
ThomasEgibut that wont cause a revolution16:07
ideadont has to be everyone, a critical mass is sufficient16:07
ThomasEgithere are a number of people who value nature and scientific progress. who are willing to evlove from society as it is today16:07
ThomasEgibut you cant change those who are unwilling to do so. just leave them the way they are. focus on your work instead16:08
ideai think exactly they have to gather and work in one general attempt to alter human society16:08
ideai dont know. i think its disgusting how people tend to ignore the way the world is16:09
ThomasEgiso.. you have a way to change it?16:09
ideai got an idea, but though struggle with myself to get it started16:09
ThomasEgithat's why i said. just focus on your own stuff.16:10
ThomasEgido what you can do. you can't save those who deny to be saved anyway16:10
ideai would just like to get more in contact with people that think the same way16:11
ThomasEgias in, let society collapse and enjoy the event from your own little loghouse?16:12
ideai think there is a solution for the problems we encouter today, and there is an optimal way to encounter this.. though we wont reach it exactly we can try to near ourselves this path. it would be civilization 2.0 everybode who wants can join or leave it16:12
ThomasEgisee... sure there are sollutions. but people keep thinking about it instead of just doing it.16:13
ThomasEgibecause they keep thinking how to get everyone to do the same.16:13
ThomasEgijust do it. forget about the rest. they don't even want to.16:13
ThomasEgimost people just want to get their tvshow. and wallmart etc.16:14
ideai would like to get something productive out of my disacceptance with modern society16:15
ThomasEgithat's why i keep telling you to just don't bother with society.16:15
ThomasEgijust do what you feel you need to do.16:16
ThomasEgidon't let society keep you restrained16:16
ideai think i feel the need to save the world..16:17
ThomasEgiyeah.. so did i. u know what. the world refuses to be saved.16:18
ideaat least it bothers me too much what sick shit is going on16:18
ThomasEgifor profit, and lazyness.16:18
ideaim jsut too impatient.. so i tend to wait and look instead of act. that f'cks me up16:22
ThomasEgii'd repeat myself again if i tell you to just do what you want to do, instead of bothering with such stuff.16:23
ideaye.. still got no idea what that may be except being able to control my own thoughts in the way i want to16:25
ThomasEgii thought you wanted to become a cyborg?16:28
ideayea, its the requirement to be able to change the neurochemical and genetic behavior of my body16:29
ThomasEgiwhat does cyborg has to do with genetic and neurochemistry?16:32
ThomasEgii mean.. for neurochemical changes i'd rather recommend various psychoactives.16:32
ThomasEgiand genetics... you better don't mess with them unless you really know what you are doing16:33
ideacyborg is a uncertain concept, i mean that kind that has enhanced cognitive abilites and enhanced possibilites to take influence on his own nervous system16:33
ideai tried meds, lucid dreaming, drugs, nootropics. its all not sufficient16:33
ThomasEgiguess lsd is pretty close to what you describe16:34
ThomasEgibut then you havent really despribed what exactly it is that you are trying to do in particular16:35
ideayea but i tend to show no response on it, at least i was overdosing nearly everything massivley.. i just want to be free inside my brain16:36
ideaconciously define what to feel and think n so16:36
ThomasEgipractice makes perfect. you don't need drugs for that.16:37
ideathats what i came up with too16:38
ThomasEgicutting down on dependencies, especially dependencies towards society can help.16:39
ThomasEgibut that's mostly an individual process.16:39
ideaeverytime i sleep all my concepts and aims are resetted. and i need a whole day to get back to that stuff, always hated sleep16:41
@kanzuredoes someone need to be banned16:41
ThomasEgikanzure, no?16:41
@kanzureand/or any other emergencies16:41
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o yashgaroth] by kanzure16:41
ideajust some ultimate nootropics needed16:41
ThomasEgiwe are just ranting bout society16:41
ThomasEgimany reasons16:42
ideae.g. beeing embedded in one ^^16:42
@kanzureyour concepts about society suck and your society sucks16:42
ThomasEgimostly because big parts of it are ignorant and lazy and one is beeing almost forced to be part of it.16:42
ideagot a better idea kanzure?16:43
@kanzurehow about instead of ranting, you work on something productive16:43
ideai lack of motivation without discussion16:44
@kanzurethat must be very debilitating16:44
ThomasEgikanzure, that's what i keep telling him16:44
ideayes, sucks16:44
@kanzureso basically you need someone to tell you what to be interested in?16:45
ideasomeone telling me to do the stuff i want to do16:45
ThomasEgiidea, i did about 8 times or so.. that's not enough?16:45
ideait is! for now, but it will least again just until next day :/ at least until today it was so16:46
@kanzureThomasEgi: this doesn't sound like it's going anywhere16:46
ThomasEgibut i'll be going somewhere16:46
ThomasEgithe bed that is.16:46
ideahave fun there16:46
ideathanks for communication16:47
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joshcryerdumbass militant atheists likening cryonics to pascals wager = lulz17:54
joshcryergood thing they'll be worm food and I don't have to worry about debating them17:54
jrayhawkcryonics always struck me as naive TL2 thinking in a TL4 future17:57
nmz787jrayhawk: what's TL2 or TL4?17:58
ideatech lvl18:00
jrayhawkerr, SL2 and SL418:00
@kanzurejrayhawk: shame on you for getting the abbreviation wrong18:03
jrayhawkintelligence advancement happens on a curve; the point at which arbitrary biological reconstruction for things like resurrection and immortality become practical is a point long past when an individual can catch up or, in fact, when individuality is going to retain much in the way of meaning.18:03
jrayhawkhuman beings have mechanical utility, intellectual utility, and utility in the form of experiential and circumstantial diversity18:04
jrayhawkall of these things are engineerable18:04
jrayhawkat some point humans stop mattering; their entire utility-space will be encompassed18:05
ideastill i definitly gonna cryo myself if technology cant keep me alive sometime18:06
jrayhawki hope to live long enough to see an AI harvest humanity's atoms for paperclips18:07
jrayhawkbut i ain't gonna be too broken up about missing it18:07
ideaso nothing of the shock levels would have shocked me with 10, such subjective scales seem not so plausible to me18:08
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eudoxiamy main problem with cryo is not waking up in an incomprehensible h+ future, mostly just the fact that the organizations are horrible18:11
eudoxiaBen Best experiments on "patients" and Alcor treats its "patients" as if they were corpses18:11
eudoxiaburr holes without irrigation, etc.18:11
@kanzurewe need a crazy cryonicist to go dig up skeletons and freeze them18:12
@kanzurejust for kicks18:12
eudoxiaalready happened18:12
eudoxiaI think the guy's (skeleton's) name was Orville Richardson18:12
ideaso eventually someone will use his skeletton18:13
ideaalso funny18:13
eudoxiahe was buried for a year idea18:13
ideasome ductape and enough biotech makes it fit18:14
ideasome postgothic maybe18:14
eudoxiaall those failed cryopreservations make me feel kinda sad18:14
ideayea.. but who wanted to be waken up in this century anyway18:15
eudoxiathis century has been meh so far18:16
ideaindeed so. i want a 'what if' machine18:16
ideawould lay all day in bed and watch alternative realities18:17
eudoxiathat too would be pretty sad to watch18:17
ideamh maybe18:18
joshcryerjrayhawk, cryonics isn't to escape death, it's to retain information beyond death18:19
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jrayhawkthat information has a utility, and that utility is low by future standards18:19
joshcryersure, but the cost to retain it would be near zero by future standards18:20
@kanzureretain isn't the problem18:21
@kanzureit's recovery18:21
@kanzurewait what am i saying18:21
@kanzuredon't listen to me18:21
joshcryereudoxia, but yeah, I'm going with CI (my mom, too). Never did like Alcor much though to Alcor's credit they do fight for their patients.18:24
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@yashgaroththey do plenty of other stuff to their patients too18:26
joshcryerThe wackiest thing is that they put them in liquid nitrogen and propose that they'll be reanimated some day. :D18:28
@yashgaroth"Johnson describes watching as another Alcor employee removed Williams' head from the freezer with a stick and tried to dislodge the tuna can by swinging at it with a monkey wrench.18:28
@yashgarothThe technician, no .406 hitter like the baseball legend, missed the can with several swings of the wrench and smacked Williams' head directly, spraying "tiny pieces of frozen head" around the room." :D18:28
eudoxiaThe wackiest thing was when Ben Best thought polyethylene glycol would inhibit edema and pumped Curtis Henderson full of a gel that halted perfusion and absolutely destroyed his brain18:29
joshcryer'tis but a scratch.18:29
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joshcryeryashgaroth, for what it's worth Johnson disclaimed those observations, but who knows if that's just because he went bankrupt and was being sued or what.18:43
@yashgarothI've no idea if it's true; it just becomes more hilarious if it is18:44
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ParahSailinoh fuck yashgaroth that made me cringe20:48
@yashgarothglad to help20:48
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