
--- Log opened Sat Oct 27 00:00:07 2012
-!- feraldays [~feraldays@68-119-0-253.dhcp.unas.wa.charter.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:16
nmz787jrayhawk: do you have a router I could use until I can get one?00:18
nmz787also this is pretty sweet http://www.minipwner.com/index.php/mintypwner-altoids-tin-drop-box00:18
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joshcryernmz787, nah, Colorado. Sounds fun though. Best of luck.00:39
joshcryerGave my brother my crappy old ethernet only Linksys too, or I'd send it your way until you had something better.00:40
joshcryer(Must keep my WGRT4G!)00:40
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@kanzurenmz787: the "rounds of startup presentations" thing is probably just your typical incubator or accelerator03:31
@kanzuremore visual diff stuff http://3drepo.org/03:35
@kanzurefoucist: my point was that anyone can put up a site and say "the best part was the community of awesome" on it. that's not rationality.03:40
@kanzureif you want to just hang out with people you should say that. "hang out with people, yo". problem solved.03:40
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joshcryer"We've got millions in donations and hey, all we have to show for it is a community that hangs out, LAWL!"04:01
joshcryerThat took terribly too long to type, I should sleep.04:01
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strangewarpColorado sucks, lol04:13
strangewarpWe might legalize weed this November though, so there's that04:13
chidohas anyone already tried the Spikerbox? http://www.backyardbrains.com/Spikerbox.aspx04:44
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@kanzurechido: i haven't used it, but i think any hackerspace should have one laying around08:27
brownieswhat's so bad about colorado?08:28
strangewarpColorado is just one of those places that people settle for if they can't percolate out to a coastline, and it feels it08:32
@kanzurecolorado is just a giant portland for those who are too lazy to complete the move08:32
strangewarpExcept it's kept a swing state by a large contingent of megachurch nuts, of course08:33
browniesbut it has mountains! does portland have mountains?08:39
strangewarpIf you're in Colorado, and you see a mountain up close... run the fuck back to the city, there's nothing to do there08:42
strangewarpI hear Portland has ports. And possibly land...08:42
ThomasEgiprobably just a rumor tho.08:42
ThomasEgiurban legend.08:42
strangewarpI wonderhow many Coloradoans have realized the marijuana legalization amendment would prop up the state's failing tourism industry via drug tourism.08:44
strangewarpProbably like.. 3...08:44
strangewarpColoradoans are not smart, and the smart ones are "smart", not smart..08:45
@kanzurethis is boring, let's not act elitist08:45
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archels"Our in-silico model bases on "parallel" Petri nets and correctly predicts the results of 46 out of 48 known biological in vivo experiments."10:40
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@kanzureuf6667: hi11:09
uf6667hi kanzure11:11
-!- cpopell [ad42e490@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:11
@kanzureis there any company selling an obnoxiously overpriced reprap?11:28
@kanzureif there's still a market for $50k 3d printers, why isn't someone selling a $50k reprap?11:28
uf6667I don't know11:32
uf6667probably because reprap doesn't use laser, does it?11:32
uf6667maybe you could sell it to some rich kid11:32
uf6667look at beats by dre11:35
uf6667why doesn't chris brown ake them?11:35
uf6667"Beats by Chris Brown"11:35
uf6667kanzure: fat people have feelings too, mostly hunger, but still12:05
streetyis anyone in on the parallella kickstarter?12:11
streetyI'm currently considering it12:11
ParahSailinim in on it12:22
@kanzureuf6667: whether or not it uses laser has no bearing on whether or not people are selling it for a high price.12:22
ParahSailinlooks very interesting as an architecture12:22
@kanzureParahSailin: you should read the backlog in here about why paralella is not an interesting architecture.12:23
ParahSailini read through the processor specification pdf12:23
ParahSailinwhys that?12:23
@kanzurebecause we actually know things in here?12:23
@kanzureand our opinions might actually be informed?12:23
ParahSailinconnect why to the "interesting arch" not to the "should read" part of that sentence12:24
uf6667what cpu?12:24
uf6667oh nvm12:24
-!- Souljack [~Souljack@host86-178-13-117.range86-178.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]12:27
@kanzure19:54 < jrayhawk> 10:01 < jrayhawk> woo another massively parallel chipset company that places seemingly zero emphasis on compilation12:27
@kanzure19:54 < jrayhawk> 10:01 < jrayhawk> soon to be added to the pile of defunct companies that thought they could do the same thing12:27
@kanzure19:54 < jrayhawk> 10:02 < eudoxia> but it says it's fully ANSI-C/C++ programmable :((((12:28
@kanzure19:54 < jrayhawk> 10:06 < jrayhawk> "we're just as much of a pain in the ass to parallelize from the software end as existing architectures" is not exactly an encouraging claim12:28
@kanzurejrayhawk: actually, why doesn't that original quote show up in the logs?12:28
@kanzuremaybe it was during a netsplit12:29
streetythanks for reposting that, I was just wondering how I would search through the backlog12:29
-!- Souljack [~Souljack@host86-178-13-117.range86-178.btcentralplus.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:29
@kanzurestreety: http://gnusha.org/logs/12:29
@kanzureoh i see i wasn't searching the previous month12:30
streetyneedle/haystack springs to mind12:30
@kanzure10:06 < ParahSailin_> i bet one could do some interesting haskell tools for it12:30
@kanzureoh damn i interrupted that conversation with some bitcoin bullshit that i didn't even care about12:31
@kanzuresomeone is doing a bitcoin ad network where it injects sha256 hashing each time a user views a page to subsidize the cost of the page view12:31
ParahSailini like the idea of a "lean" hardware startup12:32
streetywasn't there a web crawling company that did something similar but more generally?12:32
@kanzurestreety: for bitcoins?12:32
streetyno, distributed computing as an ad network12:32
@kanzureParahSailin: i think there's certain types of hardware projects that can be done "leanly" these days, though i'm not convinced all types of hardware are doable like that yet12:33
streetyi was thinking something you could run the bitcoin mining on top of12:33
@kanzureusing free academic ec2 time to do bitcoin mining? for "security research"?12:33
ParahSailinit's difficult to do "lean" when the fab is so capital intensive12:33
@kanzurehah http://www.bitcoinadvertising.com/stats.php the "clicks" to "publishers" ratio is 2:1... that means there's not even 5 clicks per publisher12:34
ParahSailinbut i put in the money for this kickstarter because from what i could tell from reading the whitepaper, the arch would be good for some kinds of algorithms i would want to do12:34
@kanzurewith 203 btc paid out :P12:34
streetyMy understanding was that the cpu miners just got in the way of the GPU miners, I wonder if a web distributed approach would just be a net negative12:34
@kanzurewait why are they showing a table of ad impression stats on the left? that sounds like a crazy vulnerability12:35
@kanzure*on the bottom12:35
ParahSailinbut you have like 4000 backers-- how many people does it take to develop a good compilation system for a hardware?12:36
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gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 7868ba8 more german biohacking groups14:18
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@kanzureyashgaroth: hi19:12
@kanzurewoodchuck wood chucking has been the subject of the biggest crowdsourced experiment in all of history19:30
@kanzurethat's why everyone keeps repeating the problem to each other19:30
strangewarpcrowdsourcing democratizes decentralized social action technology science, why do you hate those things19:58
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@kanzurestrangewarp: i have no idea what you just said20:32
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--- Log closed Sun Oct 28 00:00:08 2012

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