
--- Log opened Sun Oct 28 00:00:08 2012
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@kanzurenano1: hi13:46
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nano1left my computer for a few to autoclave smthing14:35
@kanzurenano1: are you also in portland?14:35
nano1no, corvallis.  apparently that's where this freenode thing is set up, too!  suprising14:35
nano1what are you doing in p-town, kanzure?14:36
@kanzurei'm not in p-town14:36
@kanzurejust lots of oregoners in here14:37
@kanzurei'm in austin14:37
nano1austin is kinda like oregon in a sea of red :)14:37
nano1Bryan, do you work with Nathan McCorkle?14:48
nano1I saw a powerpoint about a Singularity University proposal.  Was that yours?14:49
nano1I've been looking for something like that.  A cheap synthesizer.14:49
nano1Did you get it to work?14:49
@kanzurenope not yet14:50
nano1Dang.  Well, I'd like to talk to you guys about it later.  I've got an idea that I'd like to flesh out once I get some details on my project worked out.14:50
nano1Can I get your email contact, or will I regularly be able to find you here?14:50
@kanzurei am regularly on here. kanzure@gmail.com14:51
nano1thank you14:51
nano1btw, my name is Nathan Brown, please to make your acquaintance, kanzure14:58
ThomasEgipeople.. introducing themselves with full name on the internet14:59
* ThomasEgi scratches his head.14:59
nano1oops. too trusting14:59
nano1i don't do it much14:59
@kanzureyou and i met before via marcin jakubowski15:01
nano1actually, russianconcussion@gmail.com15:01
nano1sorry, we've never met15:01
@kanzurewell, i know another nathan brown15:02
@kanzureso you can be nathan brown 215:02
nano1hehe! okay15:02
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AdrianGLilly predicted (or "prophesised", based on his ketamine-induced visions) a dramatic conflict between the two forms of intelligence.16:39
AdrianGSolid State Intelligence or SSI is a malevolent entity described by John C. Lilly (see The Scientist). According to Lilly, the network of computation-capable solid state systems (electronics) engineered by humans will eventually develop (or has already developed) into an autonomous life-form. Since the optimal survival conditions for this life-form (low-temperature vacuum) are drastically differen16:39
AdrianGt from those needed by humans (room temperature aerial atmosphere and adequate water supply), Lilly predicted (or "prophesised", based on his ketamine-induced visions) a dramatic conflict between the two forms of intelligence.[citation needed]16:39
Lucas_I doubt it will pan out that way16:40
AdrianGketamine doesnt lie16:41
Lucas_Intelligence doesn't necessarily require desire.  That being said, if a machine began making decisions for itself there would be groups of people dumb enough to try to harm it, but there would be a slew of people fighting for its personhood16:42
Lucas_aren't we close to recognizing other mammals as "persons"?16:42
AdrianGwho gives a shit about that16:42
Lucas_about what?16:43
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AdrianGabout recognizing mammals as persons. its retarded.16:46
nano1I agree.  My cousin thinks that sugar gliders are people and it's messed her up16:47
Lucas_how are we going to talk about respecting AI or extraterrestrial species if we can't do the same to other species here?16:48
sylph_makoPut off respecting AI as people for as long as we can. They must remain tools.16:48
Lucas_Is that not slavery?16:49
sylph_makoThere's nothing wrong with slavery if the slaves are designed for it.16:49
yashgarothwhat sort of cutoff should we have for non-humans? mammals, vertebrates, large computer programs?16:49
antifastbh most humans should only be recognized as animals16:49
antifastill they can pass some sort of test16:49
sylph_makoIf AIs have higher earning power than us, and they will, to consider them as anything more than a slave is to immediately damn humanity to obscurity.16:50
antifasand animals should have the same rights as any other natural resource like a rock16:50
nano1Besides, the AI "slaves" may one day usurp the role of the least intelligent humans in a conflict resembling the african-american/irish conflict over menial work in New York after the Civil War16:50
nano1we can start talking about animal rights when we start talking about animal responsibilities16:51
Lucas_rocks don't have the capacity to suffer -___-16:51
Lucas_and there are humans incapable of contributing to society - do they not have rights?16:51
sylph_makoMore key; rocks don't have the capacity to wield a gun.16:51
Lucas_When an AI says "no", or starts doing things we didn't program it to do, I think that is a sign we should let go16:52
Lucas_anything else is subjugation16:52
nano1uh, what about the three laws of robotics??16:53
Lucas_they are not gospel16:54
nano1they seem like *pretty good* ideas to me16:54
antifasif its the natural advancement of humanity, isnt it to their benifite to be mainteined by their ai16:54
Lucas_The ideas are pretty good until the robots decide they want to do something else.  At that point we have to let go16:55
d3nd3if it has a system similar to emotions , then we must respect it .. else it matters not since there are no consequences for our actions on it16:56
Lucas_If it has desire then we'd have to assume that there is some mechanism behind that.16:57
Lucas_or something similar16:57
d3nd3yes and does anyone know how to create , emulate such a system yet ?16:58
d3nd3until they do, we have nothing to worry16:58
d3nd3if i knew how, i would had already done it ^^16:58
Lucas_still, I find it a bit worrying that some people are ok with ignoring the will to choose of another life - transhumanists, no less16:59
AdrianGit was more if all-powerful AI would respect us16:59
d3nd3if the entity is complex, has capabilities to feel other pains, reflect and disassociate from its self etc ... i would care for it, befriend it even and look after it17:00
AdrianGwhat if it wanted to kill you17:01
d3nd3if its unpredictable, and its system is nothing like that of a human's .. then it is indeed a threat to me .. i don't feel safe around anything which is intelligent and unpredictable17:02
d3nd3i reckon these things would be very dangerous if not understood in and out17:02
d3nd3i dont even know if it can be trusted.. the creator must be very high quality and knew what he was doing17:02
d3nd3for me to trust what it says and behaves etc..17:03
d3nd3also i would have to spend a long amount of time talking to this creation ... forming a bond17:03
d3nd3hopefully that bond would end all desires to kill me17:03
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d3nd3this is a very human .. naive ... approach on the imagined situation .. and the closer this A.I gets to reality .. i think i might take another perspective17:06
d3nd3one .. less ... caring .... and more worrying .. hmm its hard to talk about until its here17:06
AdrianGunpredictable=smarter than you17:06
@kanzureoh geeze not these two again17:06
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o yashgaroth] by kanzure17:07
d3nd3lol ...17:07
joshcryerIt's easy enough to designate what entities should be protected. Anything with a neural pathway. Yes, it means no more eating cows, but we can wait until we have vat meat and such before deciding to make the designation.17:07
@kanzureLucas_: why does it matter to you whether or not i feel that you should recognize me as a person? that just sounds absurd17:07
d3nd3its not easy because of good and evil ... intentions ... control ...17:08
joshcryerI thought you were an AI kanzure... :(17:08
@kanzurejoshcryer: whether or not i am an ai has zero bearing on how much i care about whether or not you consider me a person or not17:08
joshcryerkanzure, bah, using Kurzweil's definition of human! ;)17:08
@kanzurelike personhood is stupid, who the fuck cares17:08
joshcryerIsn't that the whole point of friendly AI?17:09
@kanzurefriendly ai is siai's power grab attempt17:09
d3nd3of course there will be a time when smarter beings want to destroy less smarter beings because they are fed up with their inability to be useful17:09
@kanzurewhat do you mean "of course"17:09
joshcryerI thought the basic premise was that we wouldn't want AI's that treat us as we treat ... ants. Or termites.17:10
@kanzurejoshcryer: so?17:10
@kanzurejoshcryer: that's not the premise. the premise is to have a constant amount of ultralording to prevent other ultralords from forming or grabbing sufficient ability.17:10
d3nd3it doesnt matter anymore what an individual wants lol, there going to get smart and not much singularly we can do about it17:12
Lucas_Because we tend to hurt or enslave things we don't consider "persons"17:12
Lucas_Sure, we should fix the fact that we are aggressive and cruel, but that is a start until we can alter the brain17:12
joshcryerkanzure, the speed of light assures that for now. I'm not terribly worried about it. What would bother me is an irrational discarding of lower intelligences when resources are so absurdly abundant and ability is limited by the speed at which information can move.17:13
d3nd3biological intelligince = god, the creator .. electrical synthetic machinery is the creation ... and the creation will be far above the god which created it17:14
d3nd3tbh i don't care about anyone,except those capable to not be asses17:16
d3nd3get me ? :D17:16
joshcryerWhy would you prioritize asses? I ignore them.17:18
d3nd3i wont lie of my views17:19
d3nd3i would murder17:19
joshcryerI kind of think you're an ass, to be honest. :D17:19
* joshcryer wanders off17:19
d3nd3given the power .,...17:20
d3nd3i'm sure you would too17:20
d3nd3i'm not an ass i'm one of most intelligent beings..17:20
d3nd3who can understand, respect, feel etc17:20
d3nd3i am no threat to you , if you are not an ass :P17:20
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d3nd3yes i have emotions to tell me that i am ... very smart17:21
d3nd3they keep me strong17:21
d3nd3when i believe in myself so highly17:21
d3nd3i am more successful17:21
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d3nd3but really none of us here have any right to say we are intelligent17:22
d3nd3we are really just a tiny lump .... on a scale of intelligence17:22
d3nd3i'm talk on behalf of the moderators too17:23
@kanzurecan you go away now?17:23
d3nd3doesn't make sense sorry17:23
d3nd3i am better to not go away, for all your participants , they are better to read what i might type ..17:25
d3nd3can you not understand that, kazure?17:25
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@kanzured3nd3: i think you should learn english and stop talking about intelligence17:28
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+b *!*@*.croy.cable.virginmedia.com] by yashgaroth17:28
d3nd3kanzure: shall i let you control me17:28
@yashgarothsorry people from croydon!17:28
joshcryerI think d3nd3 should learn what signal to noise is and realize there's way too much noise at the moment.17:28
@kanzureyashgaroth: you forgot the other step17:29
@yashgarothehh we'll see what happens17:29
@yashgarothidiocy cannot stay silent for long, so this shall be the true test17:30
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@yashgarothsee? solved itself17:35
@kanzureit's too bad that transhumanism brings out the crazy-and-useless people17:36
@kanzurei'm happy with the crazy people because they tend to have mad skillz17:36
@kanzurebut just crazy.. is not helpful17:36
bkerokanzure: your fringe science have too much fringe in it?17:37
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@kanzurebkero: huh? no i mean all this fringe talk about intelligence and god and things. i just could care less.17:39
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ThomasEgigod? that virtual-bro-concept?.. except that it aint a bro and more like a scary stepmother..18:16
ThomasEgiyeah.. could totaly live with less of that18:16
@kanzurei think my home-grown system might be more thorough http://www.contactually.com/tour18:18
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brownieskanzure: what's your homegrown solution18:25
@kanzurebrownies: http://quantifiedself.com/2011/08/bryan-bishop-on-meetlog/18:26
brownieskanzure: no transcript? for shame.18:28
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@kanzurebrownies: i can't both give the presentation and type at the same time, I'M SORRY18:31
* brownies shakes head in disappointment18:31
curt1sgood evening fellas18:31
curt1skanzure: i watched one of your talks on youtube with the auto-transcription18:34
curt1syoutube CC feature18:34
curt1spretty bad actually18:34
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curt1stry speaking more clearly so the bots can understand18:36
@kanzurewell most of the time i just type things instead18:36
curt1swell to be honest it was mostly correct18:37
wizrobeso we should talk a little bit about Jason Silva here18:37
curt1smainly the more obscure science-related terms were mistaken for more colloquial stuff18:38
@kanzure""I ended up with 20+ business cards from people who I talked to in between sessions. During the afternoon, I took a photo of each of them with my iPhone, emailed the photo to cards@fullcontact.com, and then tossed the card in the trash."18:38
@kanzure" I now have a photo of my card on my iPhone and due to the magic of the FullContact CardShark API the data was automagically turned into a vCard and a Google contact."18:38
@kanzure"I got emails back with each card, clicked one button on the email, and voila the contact data was in my Gmail Contacts data."18:38
@kanzurei am in support of this black magic technology18:38
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AdrianGso umm19:21
AdrianGhow do you make money to afford expensive human upgrades19:21
curt1ssell upgrades to rich folks19:22
curt1sthen do them for yourself at cost19:22
curt1s(charge a lot)19:25
AdrianGare you selling any upgrades yet19:26
@yashgarothI'm selling cybernetic interfaces for $53k a pop19:28
@yashgarothit's good they're selling well so I can buy all these new expensive human upgrades on the market today19:28
curt1sa bargain at any price19:29
@kanzureAdrianG: what expensive upgrades are you talking about19:34
AdrianGkanzure, hypothetical19:34
AdrianGhgh is kind of expensive.19:34
@kanzureyou can manufacture hgh pretty cheaply on your own19:35
AdrianGpharma grade purity...diy ..?19:35
AdrianGwhats cheaply.19:35
@yashgarothsufficient purity19:35
curt1si dont want hgh19:36
curt1si heard sylvester stallone has one of those pumps to artificlaly inflate his erection19:37
AdrianGyes hgh caused it19:37
curt1sthats not exactly what i think of when i think of human enhancement19:37
curt1sto be fair he probably did an incredible amount of steroids as well19:37
curt1sbut also hgh19:38
AdrianGright, medications are not human enhancement.19:38
curt1soh im not saying that at all19:40
curt1sjust that the side effects of hgh and anabolic steroids can be too much to bear19:40
curt1smaybe you think impotence is an acceptable trade-off for the alleged benefits of growth hormone and steroids; i find it's a steep price to pay19:42
curt1s(and just one example among many)19:43
AdrianGdo you really think hgh/roids cause it lol19:44
curt1syes i do19:44
AdrianGcause impotence?19:44
curt1sheavy steroid use? sure19:45
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joshcryerI wonder if FullContact CardShark uses mturk to do its card contact extraction.19:52
joshcryerI know that there are people on mturk who do 'hits' that require you to write in the contact information on a card.19:52
curt1sits possible but wouldnt that have to be done almost instantly19:53
curt1sotherwise some decent otr/xslt19:54
joshcryerYep. Far below wage slavery.19:56
curt1syeah too bad the rates are so bad19:56
curt1ssorting by reward amount,19:57
joshcryerFrom what I gather foreigners do a lot of it, but some westerners will use mturk for other stuff. Transcription is a big thing but you'd still make half what you would flipping burgers (even if you were a god-typist like kanzure).19:57
curt1swell the highest paying one at the moment is some video transcription19:57
curt1si have done that for actual tv shows19:57
curt1smaking $150-200 per 90 mins of footage19:58
joshcryerI did some transcription stuff for fun so I could get my typing ability up, at 100wpm I averaged about $4 an hour. :O19:58
curt1stheyre paying under $50 for 2 hours of audio :(19:58
joshcryercurt1s, those video transcription jobs you're seeing are from a company that is doling out those jobs to individuals and using Amazon's API to give them the job.19:59
joshcryercurt1s, ie, they're employees and not "self-employeed."19:59
curt1snot sure what you mean exactly20:00
joshcryerIf you click on the title of the job it'll expand and show that the job is tied to one particular mturk ID.20:00
joshcryerSo they're not available for everyone, just one particular person.20:00
joshcryer(or a few people I should say, the ID's do differ but you can see multiple hits going to the same ID)20:01
curt1sah okay20:01
@kanzurecurt1s: impotence is completely irrelevant because of sperm banks and surrogate pregnancies and embryo storage.20:01
@kanzurecurt1s: anyone who doesn't stock some sperm in a bank is an idiot20:02
joshcryerWait, you've sperm banked?20:02
@kanzurewait, do i mean that? hm. yes. yes i do.20:02
@kanzureoops, wait, let me correct myself20:02
curt1skanzure: maybe impotence is too broad. i meant a broken dick, specifically. i dont care so much about sperm. theres plenty to go around20:02
@kanzurei mean steroid-induced impotence of the sort that you control.20:03
@kanzureerm. directly cause.20:03
curt1syou can freeze sperm but boner problems are trickier20:07
curt1s(or so ive heard)20:07
@kanzurei've got 99 problems but, son, boner problems ain't one20:07
* kanzure looks for food20:07
curt1syeah me neither but id like to keep it this way20:08
curt1snot go messing around with hgh and steroids in some vain attempt to preserve youth, while inadvertently destroying my dong20:09
curt1sno thank you AdrianG :)20:09
curt1ser...again i said 'otr' but meant ocr^20:12
curt1smental problems20:12
joshcryerOCR can't provide context for stuff so I expect that humans are doing it.20:13
curt1ssoftware can identify what's a name/email address/phone number20:14
curt1sit's not that much information to put in context of an address book20:14
joshcryerThis is true, but, I mean, I expect whatever automation they have there there's a human confirming each result (and fixing it when it breaks).20:14
joshcryerThis is kind of important data.20:14
curt1si havent seen the results so i dont know how good it is20:16
curt1sbut if its as accurate as youre suggesting...maybe20:16
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joshcryerGranted most cards have a standard format, but there's always the odd one out. I haven't seen the results either but it was said that it automatically filled in the contacts list, so I imagine it'd have to be pretty accurate.20:19
curt1swell its not so much about the format or layout as the few pieces of data and standard format they come in20:22
curt1sname/email/website/phone # can be arranged in any order but they can all be identified pretty easily20:23
@kanzurenmz787: yo20:24
curt1sto me it seems perfectly feasible using software alone20:24
AdrianGhgh does not enduce impotence20:24
AdrianGneither does TRT20:24
joshcryercurt1s, yeah, you're right, except for the person name / company name there isn't too much room for confusion.20:24
AdrianGtestosterone levels and sperm counts have been declining for decades20:25
AdrianGi presume hgh age-related decline isnt uncommon either.20:25
curt1speople put all kinds of weird stuff on their buiness cards these days too20:26
curt1slocations (including fictional places)20:27
curt1slofty titles20:27
AdrianGone day, your DNA will be on your biz card20:27
@kanzureyour dna is already on your business card because of your skin flakes and poor hygiene20:27
* curt1s smears some DNA on a card; passes it to AdrianG 20:28
AdrianGthat method of transmission is suboptimal20:28
@kanzurei still want to get blackhatbio.com20:28
@kanzurenot sure what i would do with it20:28
@kanzureyashgaroth: ideas?20:28
@kanzuremaybe a bitcoin organ exchange?20:28
AdrianGsell anthrax spores20:29
AdrianG"dont like your boss? we've got a solution!"20:29
@yashgarothdo blackhats normally have websites?20:29
AdrianGyes, liek phrack20:31
@yashgarothjust put up a "this domain has been seized by the department of homeland security" banner20:32
@kanzurei will have to ask the fbi or dhs for one of those20:33
@kanzurei'm afraid i'm fresh out20:33
* curt1s waiting for this hurricane to show up20:33
@yashgarothI wonder what they'd do if you set up a storefront...pages of ziplocced white powder with "not anthrax" sharpied onto them20:34
@kanzureand petri dishes20:35
@kanzureyes i like this plan20:35
@yashgaroth"totally not ricin, 5 grams"20:36
@kanzurefor $10020:36
@kanzure"please contact us for bulk orders"20:36
@yashgarothricin' ain't easy20:36
curt1syou would be fine20:37
curt1sjust frame it as some kind of art20:37
@yashgaroth"all orders are shipped within 24 hours from our business location in north korea"20:38
curt1s(the real twist would be that it all turns out to be real)20:38
@kanzure"our highly secure north korea location"20:38
@kanzureYEP i like it20:38
@yashgarothat the very least your list of FBI contacts will grow20:40
@kanzurecan someone find me the seizure page/image?20:41
@kanzureoh i guess one is still up on megaupload.com20:41
@kanzurenow we need to pick out some better charges20:42
@kanzure"Conspiracy to commit copyright infringement" is just not interesting enough20:42
@kanzurewtf is up with the background there?20:42
@yashgarothvery tasteful drop shadow20:44
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nmz787anyone here?23:40
nmz787what is your expertise brownies?23:48
browniesand math.23:48
nmz787do you know cheesecake well?23:48
brownieswe are acquainted.23:49
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