
--- Log opened Thu Nov 08 00:00:04 2012
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foucistyippee kay yay08:01
-!- kneemailbigger is now known as nmaleebigger08:25
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Maluseth1can someone give me a list of equipments needed for a fab lab08:29
Maluseth1i think i can convince my grandma to buy me some stuff :)08:29
Maluseth1how can i buy a laser cutter + cnc milling machine cheap?08:36
Maluseth1(as possible)08:36
Maluseth1if i can buy it i will post up pictures here!08:36
Maluseth1and my uses08:36
Maluseth1i'll learn to use it08:37
Maluseth1so reading this book, it says i need:08:55
Maluseth13D printer, Laser cutter, CNC milling machine.08:55
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Maluseth1can plasma cutter do everything laser cutters can do?09:23
ThomasEgiiirc. plasma is a great option for metals. not sure how far you'll get with non metallic materials09:24
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fennMaluseth1: see http://gnusha.org/skdb/ "typical fablab inventory" and also http://makerspace.com/maker-news/makerspace-playbook09:53
fennyou don't "need" any particular set of tools, it's just some are more fun to play with than others09:54
fennplasma is higher power, can cut through half inch steel, makes more noise and dust and electrical interference, can only cut conductive materials09:55
fennlaser is clean quiet and can do finer detailed work such as engraving or drilling holes in circuit boards09:55
fennas for "what do i need to print circuit boards" all you need is a laser printer and a clothes iron09:56
fenngoogle "toner transfer technique"09:56
fennsmall chinese laser cutters are so cheap these days..09:57
fenni wonder if they're worth the hassle09:57
fennalso, Maluseth1 there's a big difference between a PCB mill (etching machine really) and a true CNC milling machine designed for cutting metal09:58
fennabout a thousand pounds of difference09:58
ThomasEgimilling pcb's hardly makes sense. it's quite expensive and wears down mill bits like crazy10:00
ThomasEgionly application where it is somewhat tollerable are when you only have a single board ever manufactored. or for HF applications where you need propper trace profiles.10:01
fenni agree, milling pcb's is dumb10:03
ThomasEgiin most cases,yes.10:04
ThomasEgiexceptions apply. as always10:04
fenni think my favorite approach is direct inkjet mask followed by etch and then laser cut/drill10:04
-!- JPL is now known as Dr_Science10:05
fennso the idea for 45 degree trace sides is to prevent capacitive coupling? why does the angle matter? i don't get it10:05
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ThomasEgisharp corners lead to peaks in the current distribution in a trace10:09
ThomasEgiwhich can lead to electromigration.10:09
ThomasEgiroad as.. too much current on a sharp corner will eat a hole into your trace.10:10
fennoh, skin effect10:17
fenncan't you selectively etch off the corners somehow?10:17
fenni've read about electropolishing but seems that would be difficult with so many conductors on a board10:18
ThomasEgiit's not the skin effect10:18
ThomasEgiit's more like. electrons cutting the corner10:19
fennis the problem inside corners or outside corners?10:19
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* klafka_ pokes kanzure10:19
klafka_wow he's not here10:19
klafka_thsi feels soo wrong10:19
fenngnusha went down yesterday and i guess kanzure is fighting zombies in a cabin in the woods or something10:20
archelswhere the fuck is kanzure10:20
Dr_Sciencepinky stuck in urethra10:21
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ThomasEgifenn, http://images.elektroda.net/60_1247376886.jpg10:36
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fenni still don't get why it matters what shape the outside corner is11:17
fennalso you can just etch a fillet on the inside corner? (in 2d artwork)11:18
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nmz787ThomasEgi: you around?11:33
nmz787ThomasEgi: saw you talking cars with jrayhawk, a friend who is an auto engineer is looking to send around his resume11:34
nmz787I guess he's tired of Delphi11:34
ThomasEgiso.. what would i have to do with this?11:34
nmz787my friend just asked if i knew anyone in auto industry that I could forward his resume to11:35
nmz787and i was just reading the logs11:35
nmz787Maluseth1: you there?11:36
ThomasEginmz787, well in that case.. i'm not in the auto industry at all.11:36
nmz787:D ok11:38
nmz787ThomasEgi: that electron density diagram you posted for fenn, what would you call that instead of 'electron density diagram'?11:39
nmz787that one11:39
nmz787i've wondered about that sort of image for things like capillary electrophoresis11:40
nmz787basically ions migrating due to the e-field11:40
ThomasEgihm in this case. it is ions getting pushed around by a massive rush of electrons11:40
nmz787but if I wanted to have a folded channel for those ions, what would the ideal corner be?11:40
nmz787i imagine like cars on a track, the ions with a tighter radius would make it through the curve faster11:41
ThomasEgiin early days of pcb designing. people used hand drawn acrs11:41
nmz787so I may need to have as many Right turns as Left to keep the ions in line by the time they got to the end of the trace/channel11:41
ThomasEgiwith computer aided design, arcs are possible but a bit ... well not so easy to compute. lines are by far simpler.11:41
ThomasEgiand 45degree angles turned out to be ok-enough for most applications.11:42
ThomasEgiit is not like a 90 degree corner will go bad just like that. but the risk that it will take damage under worst-case operation is a lot higher than that of 2x4511:44
ThomasEgiso.. it established as good practice to use 45 degree angles. another point where current density can ruin your day are vias.11:45
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nmz787 cause they're basically 90 degrees?11:51
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ThomasEgishar angle, and often an even smaller area for conductance. there are entire studies around vias11:51
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Maluseth1fenn: thank you for the reference. I am researching it right now.16:25
Maluseth1it looks like they have similar functions..16:26
Maluseth1i think i fundamentally need: laser cutter (if i can afford it), 3D printer, CNC milling machine, 3D scanner.16:26
Maluseth1what is the difference between a CNC router and a CNC milling machine anyway16:27
Maluseth1My grandma is kinda rich16:27
Maluseth1hehe :)16:27
Maluseth1but - i have to convince her that this is good for me16:27
Urchinwhat are you trying to do?16:27
Maluseth1i want to build a fab lab and build things16:27
fennfirst, decide what you want to build16:34
fennthen decide if it makes sense to buy the tool or just contract out the work16:34
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Maluseth1yes i have a vague idea but mostly impractical. it's my grandma's money that i am thinking to spend it so much...16:38
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Maluseth1right now thinking electronics programming + metal shells, plastic gears for toys :)16:39
fenni wish i could point you at a list of useful things to do16:39
uf6667Maluseth1: I would suggest getting stem cells16:39
uf6667and electrodes16:39
uf6667fucking awesome stuff16:39
Maluseth1electrodes? stuff that goes on glass panels?16:39
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fennuf6667: what are you suggesting exactly?16:40
uf6667I'm suggesting you grow a brain16:40
uf6667around electrodes16:40
Maluseth1how do you go about making an lcd anyway? can you print the electrodes directly onto the glass by using inkjet?16:40
uf6667so that you can probe those fuckers16:40
uf6667that shit would be AWESOME16:40
uf6667even nanotubes in there16:40
Maluseth1i am trying to grow a brain hahaha16:40
fenni think warwick has a little robot like that16:40
uf6667man that shit would be amazing16:40
Maluseth1in me though. not outside16:41
Maluseth1i dont think brains can live outside the body not with todays technology16:41
uf6667got someone with shizophrenia and not sure if it's a MAO related issue? no problem, grow his brain on a stick with nanotubes n shit16:41
fennsure they can, just need lots of antibiotics16:41
uf6667Maluseth1: using cerebral fluid it can16:41
uf6667it's how it survives in your cranium16:41
Maluseth1fenn: i will update as i go thank you for your suggestions - im making a blog.16:41
Maluseth1my grandma wants to support me as much as possible, if there be a good reason. and i think this is it.16:42
uf6667Maluseth1: do you have any degree?16:42
Maluseth1i want to be a chemist but this mechanical engineering stuff is amazing too16:42
fennperhaps you should be an analytical chemist16:42
Maluseth1no... i'm 19 and i just got out of school16:42
uf6667maybe you could become a pharmacist16:43
Maluseth1i'm thinking chemical engineering16:43
Maluseth1so that i connect to all areas and industries16:43
Maluseth1like chemistry connects everything right?16:43
fennwell see, analytical chemistry involves lots of "stuff" that you generally have to hack on to make it do exactly what you want16:43
Maluseth1biochem organic chem, material chem16:43
Maluseth1minerals, metallogy16:44
fennwhere said stuff is made of metal and electronics and chemical solutions16:44
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Maluseth1i wonder how chemical engineering compares to that16:44
fennchemical engineering is boring, just lots of spreadsheets16:44
browniesoccasionally a graph16:45
browniesbut always a very boring graph.16:45
Maluseth1ooooo spreadsheets :)16:45
Maluseth1i see so it's like data crunching16:45
Maluseth1lots of things to memorize16:45
fenntoday i was reading about crossed tunable dye laser spectrometers16:45
browniesi studied chem e for a year or so. i assure you that "crunching" is far too exciting of a word.16:45
fennfor measuring the lamb shift16:45
fennreally the worst thing you could do is go to school as a student16:47
browniesoh, here comes the anti-college hype -_-16:47
fennwhatever, been there, done that, big fucking waste of time and money16:47
fenn"but it makes me FEEL good!"16:47
browniesgenerally only for you, for the bitter dropouts, and for the fools who majored in useless things16:48
browniesbroadly speaking, it can be very useful.16:48
fenni don't think molecular biology is useless16:48
fenni just learned more on my own outside of class16:48
Maluseth1yeah to be honest it's hard and my mind is all over the places i can't make the grade. but if i focus and learn in my own way, i am sure i'll eventually know everything there is to the topic then i might go back to school.16:48
browniesright, i meant those as 3 different categories.16:48
brownieswell, if you want to major in, say, experimental physics, you're not going to get far without a university16:49
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fenni'm actually thinking about going to grad school for experimental physics :(16:49
fenni wish it weren't set up this way16:49
browniesby the time you get over to the more abstract end of the spectrum -- say, math -- it becomes a lot more important the nature of the specific people and department at a given university16:49
browniesset up what way?16:49
fennbut then how am i going to accumulate smart physics people in my cult compound in the desert?16:50
fennthe world is structured such that there's no (meaningful) independent experimental physics culture16:50
fenneither it's mega corporation r&d lab, or mega university16:51
Maluseth1physics = money. research follows money. i think.16:51
Maluseth1not the other way around.16:52
Maluseth1then more independent experimental physics16:52
Maluseth1far from theories16:52
Maluseth1would be nice to see that happening to every individual16:52
Maluseth1then the world would be an interesting place16:52
fennhrm i could swear there was a short story called "chlorinating the moderator" about some nerd utopia where people built nuclear reactors in the conference hotel swimming pool16:53
Maluseth1hehe i talk like i know something i dont16:53
Maluseth1must have had connections in the first place to do that16:54
Maluseth1you need special ingredients16:54
Maluseth1im guessing16:54
browniesthat all sounds like a terrible idea.16:54
fennah i found it, but i can't copy the url because dillo sucks16:54
fennman, stross is such a terrible writer16:57
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superkuhI like his writing, even divorced from the awesome concepts.17:14
fennfor me the hodgepodge of ideas lifted wholesale from tt and similar mailing lists is too distracting from any story that might exist17:16
fennit is useful as a quick getter up to speed for introducing people to a large set of new ideas though17:17
fennah that reminds me, Maluseth1 if you are looking for some projects to work on, you might find something you are interested in here: http://diyhpl.us/cgit/skdb/plain/doc/proposals/trans-tech.yaml17:19
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fennhm some of those dependencies are backwards17:21
superkuh"neuro->infrared stim" ?17:21
fenniirc near IR can cause blood vessel dilation17:21
superkuhHeating in general then?17:22
superkuh(the mechanism)17:22
fennnot sure17:22
fennA novel method for damage-free, artifact-free stimulation of neural tissue using17:22
fennpulsed, low-energy infrared laser light is presented17:22
fennOptical stimulation elicits compound nerve and muscle potentials similar to responses obtained with conventional electrical neural stimulation in a rat sciatic nerve model.17:23
fennthat's not through the skull though17:23
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superkuhOkay. Very neat, regardless. I'll read more.17:24
fennStimulation of nerves via infrared rather than electrical methods offers benefits17:24
fennsuch as improved spatial selectivity in the brain and cochlea17:24
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fennaha, clonezilla is what i was looking for17:32
ThomasEgifenn, got a paper on stimulation on motoric/sensoric nerves?17:36
ThomasEgiif that turns out to be working there too. stimulation should be rather reasonable, given today's advances in micro-optics.17:40
fennThomasEgi: just reading interesting bits from the first page of a google search17:42
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fennanyway this was the paper http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1640906917:43
ThomasEgisounds pretty sweet for stimulation..17:48
ThomasEgiwish nerves would light up just the same way :D would make things a lot easier17:48
ThomasEgipaywalled. :(17:49
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Maluseth1please give me a listing of bioinformatics/ PCR? equipments for biology. I may be able to get a grant of $50,000 from grandma and i'm gonna buy these and learn.18:43
Maluseth1she's so far approving it - if i can make a great presentation of their use.18:43
yashgarothbioinformatics: a computer18:44
Maluseth1My goal is, 01. Electronics control system for motorized machinary,18:44
Maluseth1& toys.18:44
Maluseth1err... 02. for biology, hacking into cells?18:45
Maluseth1cell programming and genetic sequencing?18:45
Maluseth1for making pharma products +18:45
Maluseth1stem cells?18:45
Maluseth1i put question marks there, as i'm just reciting my hunches i dont understand them.18:45
Maluseth1the goal is to have the tools to produce something of this nature18:46
yashgarothso, for 1: you want to do lab automation? like having a robot perform all the liquid transfers?18:46
Maluseth1yes, that's one of the goals.18:46
Maluseth1and working with vehicles18:46
yashgarothwell I can't really speak to the except for the lab side, so I'll try and take on 218:47
Maluseth1i'll be posting my progress here in a blog.18:47
yashgarothpcr machine, centrifuge, heat block, water bath, gel box + power supply, pipettors, stir plate...18:48
yashgarothmany types of tubes and flasks and beakers to hold all the various chemicals...oh, and a whole bunch of chemicals18:48
yashgarothautoclave, incubator, fridge/freezer/microwave18:49
yashgarothprobably don't need a microscope unless you do work with eukaryotes18:49
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Maluseth1all i know is gpu processing helps gene sequencing lol...18:50
yashgarothbiological products, i.e. cell lines, genetic fragments, enzymes18:51
yashgarothgene sequencing isn't really computationally restricted at this point, unless you count analysis18:51
yashgarothGPUs are great for a lot of things though18:51
Maluseth1plan on getting k10 kepler18:52
yashgarothoh and a whole stack of books, by which I mean pdf files18:52
Maluseth1like diy bio?18:52
Maluseth1 sorry typing w. one hand dislocated right shouldr18:53
yashgarothin what regard, for GPUs? I suppose18:53
Maluseth1o it hurts18:53
yashgarothpop that sucker back in18:53
Maluseth1its in but hurts18:53
yashgarothget drunk18:54
Maluseth1searing pain joint tendon damage18:54
yashgarothreally drunk18:54
Maluseth1im 19...not  allowed18:54
yashgarothgo downtown and get some weed then18:55
Maluseth1not in this house neway18:55
Maluseth1yeah maybe18:55
Maluseth1but i gotta finish the list18:56
yashgarothanyway I'd recommend starting on reading before you buy a bunch of equipment you don't know how to use/don't understand whyhow it's useful18:56
nmz787yashgaroth: hey I have access to a FIB18:56
nmz787got any ideas for generating $ or customers?18:57
yashgarothgreat can you carve my face onto the moon18:57
yashgaroth...I will give you ten dollars to carve my face onto the moon18:57
Maluseth1yes i agree ty 4 the lead18:57
nmz787like, they have a master of the whole bible on a cross that is maybe 1 inch square. the text is literally etched into the silicon18:57
yashgarothlet me read up on ion beams, I only know about ion cannons18:58
nmz787so you can just heat it on a hot plate and melt a piece of plastic to make copies18:58
nmz787could easily read it at 500X optical mag18:58
nmz787ahh, it is a stream of gallium ions18:58
nmz787field of view is 1mm x 1mm18:58
yashgarothwhat's the minimum reliable channel width you can carve into something?18:58
nmz787but it can resolve around 10-30nm18:59
nmz787so it images and ablates and implants via shooting gallium ions18:59
nmz787the image comes from secondary electron emission after the gallium hits18:59
nmz787yashgaroth:  do you have contacts for me in portland19:00
yashgarothnot any bio people19:00
yashgarothmay I recommend washington state, the leaves turn such pretty colors in about a month from now19:01
nmz787micro people?19:01
nmz787or midgets even19:01
yashgarothnope, artsy types19:01
nmz787well lemme know if you hear about anything cool going on, artsy has its place19:01
nmz787can't always be psyched about python and shooting ions at stuff19:02
yashgarothhard as I try19:02
fenn(why not?)19:02
* fenn is always psyched about python and shooting stuff19:03
fennokay time to upgrayeddd19:04
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