
--- Log opened Sun Nov 11 00:00:08 2012
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thesnarkhey kanzure04:15
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loansharkhey, anyone know the effects of using nootropics with anti-depressants?07:13
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irctc154anyone alive?09:49
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doclI'm not a nootropics expert though09:52
foucistloanshark: well depending on the nootropic stack you go with, you might be getting extra choline, so i guess you could check to see if bipropion plays nice .. find out what it does in the brain, what mechanism is it operating on, and do any of the nootropics disagree with that mechanism?10:04
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fennloanshark: bupropion affects norepinephrine/dopamine reuptake so in effect it's similar to amphetamines which are widely used in combination without too many reports of side effects11:01
fenni would be more worried about combining nootropics with heart medicine as they often act via blood flow11:02
fennit is sort of an overly broad category though, better to investigate specific combinations11:06
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doclTrehalose expression can be triggered in human cells with an engineered adenovirus11:55
doclI wonder why nobody has proposed this for cryonics?11:55
doclBen Best has written about trehalose on his vitrification page. http://www.benbest.com/cryonics/vitrify.html#sugars11:56
fenntrehalose is generally useful for counteracting aging as well11:57
doclThe adenovirus trick uses two genes from e. coli to get cells to produce their own trehalose (I think from glucose)11:57
fennthere aren't any existing gene therapies for cryonics preparation are there?11:58
doclglucose can enter cells relatively quickly because all cells have transport proteins to facilitate it11:58
doclnot that I'm aware of :(11:58
fennit's a big legal problem just to get any gene therapy approved for any purpose at all, even neglecting the fact that by medical standards the treatment isn't doing any good11:59
fennif the patient is going to be dead anyway12:00
doclbut this could impact organ transplant stuff too.12:01
AdrianGthere are some gene therapies already approved12:01
AdrianGare they any morex epensive than drugs?12:01
fenner, you tell me12:01
AdrianGi think cheaper approval than drugs, due to small trials?12:03
AdrianGthey are niche products12:03
AdrianGthe problem with gene therapies, they'll end up like vaccines12:03
AdrianGamazing for 99.999%12:03
AdrianGand vaccine court or gene therapy court for the unlucky ones12:03
fennsee this is why i don't believe in money12:07
fennyou can strap yourself to this rocket booster. the fuel costs twenty bucks but you might wipe out a small town so you have to pay ten million in insurance12:08
fennthere's nothing wrong with the rocket though12:08
AdrianGyou mean you dont believe in liability12:09
AdrianGnot money12:09
fennif liability significantly affects the price of *everything* then what's the difference12:09
fennconsider the defense department budget a liability12:10
fenner, insurance i mean12:10
AdrianGso i guess you are ok with me accidentally blowing up your house12:10
fennyou wouldn't be able to blow up my house if it werent for stupid building codes12:10
fennanyway, shit happens all the time, just look at the latest hurricane12:11
AdrianGso would you be ok with it12:11
fennhurricane insurance doesn't keep you from losing everything12:11
AdrianGand just swallow sadness12:11
AdrianGor sue me?12:11
fennthere's a bit of a difference with gene therapy12:12
fennyou need the treatment, and you can decide whether to take it or not12:12
fennit's not like mad scientists are running around injecting people with viruses12:12
AdrianGtranslation for cognitively challenged12:13
AdrianGscenario: I am paving your driveway.12:13
AdrianGmy equipment blows up, i die, your house is gone12:13
AdrianGyou lose left leg, right arm, permanent vision loss12:13
AdrianGdo you just go, ooh ok kewl12:13
AdrianGshit happens!12:13
fennwell, you're dead, not going to get anything from you12:14
AdrianGyou can sue dead ppl.12:14
AdrianGthey still have an estate.12:14
fennreally? i didn't know that12:14
AdrianG"i die" is to take out the emotional part12:14
AdrianGliek, he doesnt need all that money! he's dead!12:14
fennbut think of all the driveways that have been paved with your fusion driveway paver12:15
fennis it worth the cost to society to ban them for the sake of one idiot?12:15
AdrianGyour opinion will change suddenly once you end up in a scenario like that12:16
AdrianGi knew some highly paid contractor who was like "fuck this nanny state" until he lost both legs in a motorcycle accident12:16
fennundoubtedly, selfishness is a fitness enhancing cognitive bias12:16
AdrianGthen he suddenly grew a different opinion overnight12:17
AdrianGwell, not overnight, he was in coma for liek a couple of days12:17
AdrianGand the concept of liability is a deeply entrenched concept in  common law12:17
fennand the decided motorcycles should be made illegal?12:17
AdrianGits not changing any time soon.12:17
AdrianGfenn, no, decided the nanny state is gud, and should pay all his expensive medical bills12:18
AdrianGand pension etc12:18
fennoh i see12:18
fennmy point is the reason medical bills are expensive in the first place is all the liability insurance12:18
AdrianG1) medical technology is expensive12:19
AdrianG2) new drugs are expensive12:19
AdrianG3) doctors have a very good cartel]12:19
AdrianGthese are the 3 top factors12:19
AdrianGprobably with doctors cartel being #112:20
fennnew drugs are barely more effective than old drugs most of the time12:20
AdrianGyes but they are expensive due to patent laws12:20
AdrianGnot liability12:20
AdrianGalso, depends on the drug12:20
AdrianGbut yes, overall drugs arent that amazing12:20
fennno, it actually costs something to market a drug, otherwise we'd have tons of pharma startups12:20
fenner, s/market/bring to market/12:20
fenn60 to 800 million depending on your source12:21
fennthough they like to claim 4 billion12:21
AdrianGregulatory costs are negligible to large corps12:21
AdrianGits an artificial barrier to prevent smaller corps from entering the market12:21
fenni agree it's artificial12:21
AdrianGits not like any regulation prevented class action lawsuits against drugmakers12:22
ParahSailinbring to market meaning paying off the fda12:23
fennbut nobody ever calculates the costs of not having any drug at all12:24
AdrianGits not a cost.12:24
fennis dying a cost? fuck yeah it is12:24
ParahSailinwe should be happy that the guy who chops off your leg is willing to sell us a prosthetic12:25
AdrianGnot having drugs is an externality12:25
fennif it means not dying of gangrene12:25
fennanyway i'm in favor of gene therapy. it remains to be seen whether the liability cost will be higher than conventional drugs12:27
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Malusethmy grandma approved of 200K19:02
MalusethOMG O19:02
MalusethCan someone please tell me what equipment i need to buy in order to build a micromanufacturing lab?19:03
yashgarothmicromanufacturing of what19:03
MalusethTo MEMS, not to Fab19:03
Malusethi've been researching19:04
Malusethand there appears to be equipment just like the fab lab19:04
Malusethbut higher in it's definition19:04
Malusethand more expensive in some cases19:04
Malusethbut which areas do i need?19:04
ThomasEgiguess the equipment is not all too different from regular semiconductor stuff19:04
MalusethYes Parah!19:04
ParahSailin200k is what?19:05
Maluseththats why i didnt take on your job!19:05
Maluseth$200,000 dollars!19:05
ThomasEgithat's a lot.19:05
ParahSailinyou didnt tell me you were rich19:05
Malusethi know!19:05
Malusethi'm not rich!19:05
Malusethmy grandma is!19:05
ThomasEgiand now you have 59 people asking you for funding their projects19:05
ParahSailinsame diff19:05
Malusethwow she really loves me YES19:05
yashgarothhello good sir, I have a business proposal that19:06
Malusethi want to learn MEMS and post my progress hereeee19:06
ThomasEgiyashgaroth, ... nope.. i don't have a business proposal.. i just want some money :D19:06
ParahSailinwell i hope im at the top of your consideration list for business plans19:06
yashgarothhey man you don't get money without a fake business proposal19:06
ThomasEgimy fake business proposal is being honest?19:06
yashgarothI'd go with nigerian prince19:07
Malusethso nobody knows about MEMS?19:07
ThomasEgiok i could tell you what i'd use it for. but i totaly don't need 200k for  buying a piece of desert, one piece of forest and then setting up geek-village there.19:07
yashgarothnot one of the 3 people in here right now, but someone does maluseth19:07
ThomasEgiMaluseth, i have a friend who does.19:07
ThomasEgibut.. that guy's asleep atm19:08
ThomasEgii only have very rough knowledge about it.19:08
fennMaluseth: we have a MEMS project in progress but i personally lost interest a while ago19:08
fennMaluseth: talk to kanzure and nmz787 about it when you see them19:08
Maluseththe process of micromanufacturing seems almost same as a fab lab- in their equipment uses19:08
Maluseththere's 3d printers, cnc mills and stuff for this work19:08
Malusethfenn: got it19:09
fennalso azonenberg has been doing some home chip fab19:09
MalusethOMG i can't believe this19:09
ThomasEgifrom what i recall.. you etch those structures into silicone.19:09
Malusethshe's also buying me a house (80,000) in Ontario19:09
ThomasEgiso.. it'd be the usual masking, exposure etc.19:09
yashgarothhey is your grandma single19:10
Maluseth...sigh she's dying...19:10
fennof what19:10
fennmaybe you should work on fixing that eh19:10
Malusethshe already had stroke twice... she says her time is coming19:10
fennget her some piracetam and hydergine and some magnesium supplements19:11
Malusethi have no idea where to start doing that although im doing my best19:11
Malusethshes taking everything doctor ordering... but she has anger issues19:11
ThomasEgiMaluseth, anyway. if you have some money left after buying that lab and house and everything, drop me or fenn a note. we still need some funding for setting up a self-sustained village19:11
fennyes definitely lots of projects in the pipeline19:12
fenni'm not accustomed to having a budget, that's all19:12
Malusethi dont have much anywhere to go, so i'll definetly update my progress19:12
ThomasEgiMaluseth, be glad. when my grandpa died all he did was telling me "don't get the wrong friends" ... and i was 25 when he said that.19:12
Malusethyeah... yea im grateful.19:13
Malusethi just gave her a presentation on building a fab lab, and my prospects of wanting to learn different fields of science through it-19:14
Malusethand she was like completely mesmerized by the process19:14
Malusethi didn't think she'd understand but i showed her youtube videos in the presentation cut out in 5-8 seconds19:14
Malusethso to move onto the next topic19:14
Malusethanyways, fab lab i can do it on a budget-19:15
Malusethbut im really interested in getting these MEMS equipments19:15
fennjust dont blow it all on a brand new FIB19:15
Malusethwhats a FIB?19:15
fenn$200k aint much in the scheme of things19:15
fennsort of like a nano laser cutter19:15
yashgarothfocused ion beam19:16
fennit's a powerful electron microscope that can blow holes in things19:16
Malusethi really am interested in the laser additive manufacturing process now19:16
Maluseththey could take so much money19:16
Malusetheven though it eliminates the need for most stuff19:16
ThomasEgithe words "powerfull" "blow holes into things" and "microscope" sorta don't really make a good combination^19:16
fenni'm biased towards the feynman approach.. when you can build something from scratch you understand it19:16
ThomasEgiif i read"powerful and blow holes into things.. i am thinking of something bigger..19:17
Malusethyeah im trying to learn, i shouldn't focus on power through owning19:17
fennThomasEgi: hey it's like 100W of power in a square nanometer, that's power!19:17
ThomasEgithat's indeed extremly high power-density19:17
ThomasEgibut the resulting holes are too small for my taste :D19:17
Malusethoh man what to do19:18
Malusethmy heart's beating19:18
ThomasEgithat's what you should do.19:19
Malusethi made some equipment listing if anyone wants to check it out19:19
fenngo run around the block19:19
Malusethso far it's what i plan on buying19:19
ThomasEgidon't. buy .. anything19:19
ThomasEgiwait until your mind chilled down to normal operation levels.19:19
ThomasEgithen think about what to do. and then triple check that.19:20
fennyeah you really need to learn a basic semblance of how things work first19:20
Malusethim not gonna spend a penny until i have a clear motive19:20
Malusethand plan of income maybe or at least prospects of penetrating into a market19:20
fenni suggest perusing wikipedia categories19:20
Malusethi got some serious reading to do19:20
ThomasEgii suggest you take those 200k.. and buy me a candy bar.19:21
Malusethbut grandma told me to give her a listing of items im planning on buying and why -19:21
fenna hafnium candy bar19:21
Malusethyou'll blow up thomas19:21
ThomasEgifrom one candy bar?19:21
ThomasEgino way.19:21
Malusethof sugar19:21
Malusethi saw willy wonka19:22
ThomasEgiyou see.. i mean.. i wanted to buy 1 (in words one) candy19:22
ThomasEgiif you are too excited to count on 1. you should probably just do nothing.. or maybe order a pizza or so19:23
ThomasEgiand put that pizza on the list of things you bought.19:23
Malusethim gonna download magazines about micromanufacturing and try and piece out equipment listing19:23
ThomasEgireason "cause i was hungry"19:23
Maluseth...i am going to burger kings...19:24
Malusethright now. too much excitement19:24
Malusethi need a thick milk shake to clog my heart19:24
Malusethand slow it down19:24
ThomasEgi.... the best thing to do.. when suddenly getting hands on a lot of money... wolud be to not announce it on the internet. but hey, what do i know.19:25
yashgarothI've traced his address to 23 canada street, ontario19:27
fenn23 eh, it must be some kind of cosmological conspiracy19:32
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AdrianGwhos address20:00
thoughtcrimepiss cakes20:01
ParahSailinMaluseth, i used to do mems stuff20:01
ParahSailinworked in a university lab as an undergrad20:01
Malusethcould you please give me some suggestions on20:08
Malusethwhat equipment to purchase to have a functional MEMS lab?20:08
Malusethwith fabrication equipment meant for MEMS20:09
Malusethi see 3d printers have high definition - that can print out MEMS materials20:09
MalusethI see that there's waterjets and laser cutters that "cuts" micro stuff20:09
Malusethwhat else is there?20:10
fennspin coating, photolithography (masked and digital), fib, sputtering, bulk ion etching, doping oven, depends what you want to do really20:12
fenntry reading jeri ellsworth's blog20:12
fennoh maybe its all just videos now20:13
ParahSailinmems is crazy expensive20:15
fennchemicals cost a fair amount as well, dont forget to budget for disposal20:16
fennhonestly i think it's a bit much to chew for a first project20:17
Malusethi think you are approaching a different side of mems? im looking for i think milling, laser cutting20:17
fennthats not MEMS20:17
Malusethoh i see now i see the difference20:17
fennedm minimum feature size is what, 0.05 inch?20:18
Maluseth0.005 mm?20:18
fenni'm seeing 20 micron ish20:19
fennfeature size and accuracy are different things, mind20:19
Malusethi guess it's what i'm after. mems process seem very complex/ but these tools i cn afford. micromanufacturing20:19
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fennEDM is pretty cool, but slow and not a lot of good practical info out there20:20
fennit's one of those "black arts" primarily due to secrecy that for whatever reason didn't happen in other manufacturing fields20:20
fennben fleming wrote a pretty good book20:20
Malusethi need to buy tools that can cover all spectrum/angles of shaping a design, in it's automation...20:21
fennno such thing i'm afraid20:21
fennpraps you should fund nanotech development :P20:22
Malusethim reading on these magazines from a website20:22
Malusethand lotsa tools20:22
Malusethi just cant find the price20:22
fennyeah better get used to it20:23
Malusethall have quote i have to ask for20:23
fennanything industrial, getting a price is like pulling teeth20:23
fennat least alibaba started keeping track of price quotes for some things20:23
Maluseththey wont even reply unless im a corporation20:23
fennso make yourself a corporation20:23
fennnot a bad idea anyway20:24
Malusethyeah maybe20:24
Malusethi thought i should learn something first20:24
fenni agree20:24
fennforming a corp is pretty easy, i think you can even do it online now20:24
fennthen a letter shows up and you sign it and send it back20:25
Malusethi saw these tools for precision workshops (making parts for watches)20:26
Malusethall is manual and not computer automated by CAD20:26
Malusethand cost 3000 or so per machine20:26
fennsort of like photolithography right?20:26
Malusethall tabletop size20:27
Malusethno, i'll show you sec20:27
ParahSailin_not really anything cash flow positive that you could do in a small mems lab20:27
fennprints a mask on a sheet of brass and etches it?20:27
fennParahSailin_: the corporation is a formality that makes it useful to get anything done20:27
Malusethim looking for something like this but by computer contolled --- so i can work w/ cad20:28
fennhum okay20:28
ParahSailin_not saying that, im just advising caution in blowing his grandma's inheritance20:28
Malusethno this is an allowance - she got much much more20:29
ThomasEgiMaluseth, get a 3 or 4 axis nanometer table?20:29
fenntry joining #emc and see if anyone has recommendations for very small cnc machines20:29
ThomasEgiif you ask why.. might be useful, but mainly just for fun20:29
Malusethegi i dont know what that is i will look into it thank you20:29
Malusethfenn: ok20:29
ThomasEgiMaluseth, like x-y tables driven by piezo elements.20:30
ThomasEginot cheap. but very precise.. oh and. mechanical manufacturing has limits.20:30
fennactually you can cnc lap things to sub-nanometer precision, whatever that means20:31
ThomasEgiat some point stuff like the cristals on your grinding tools or the edges of your knives are simply too unprecise for building any more precise parts.20:31
ThomasEgiyeah but.. not with a lathe and mill20:31
fennwell, diamond turning lathe maybe20:31
fennbut that's millions of dollars20:31
* fenn goes back to the packing of stuffs20:33
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ThomasEgisry router reconnected. did i miss anything?20:34
ThomasEgiafter my last post20:34
Malusethnot really20:34
ThomasEgiif you look for money payback. you definetly want to read about litography. it simply scales well and you can produce many parts in one step20:35
ParahSailin_go straight to opencmos then20:36
Malusethso many arrays20:36
ThomasEgiindeed. i'd love to see someone here manufacture custom cmos stuff.20:37
Malusethi will list down everything everyone says and will carefully read about it20:37
Malusethi hope i;ll eventually make a right decision20:37
ThomasEgimems and cmos. on one chip.20:37
ThomasEgithat be pretty awesome.20:37
ThomasEgii mean.. building a multi-elecrtode array for a whole nerve-bundle.20:37
ThomasEgiand put all the circuits on the same piece of silicone on the other side.20:38
ThomasEgiand only have a high speed serial interface. totaly for it.20:38
ThomasEgiprobably not something you'll be able to produce just like that.20:38
fennlots of electronics hobbyists would pay for an open source FPGA, even a crappy one20:40
fennyou'd need to outsource manufacturing eventually20:41
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kanzurefenn: it would be cool if you were around when i return23:29
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