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kanzureeri gentry again :\ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4k2uUW56ZU03:03
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kanzureweird. petroleum and cholesterol only show up twice in my meetlog.12:31
jrayhawkhmm. how to combine the two...12:36
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kanzure13:25 <@brownies> a fermentosecond?13:26
kanzure13:25 < kanzure> brownies: it's the time it takes for yeast to ferment13:26
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kanzure"Is it socially acceptable to drink beer that includes even a trace amount of vaginal yeast?"18:43
kanzurei think i am on the weird part of the internet again18:43
browniestook you all of 24 hours since getting back on the internet eh19:04
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strangewarpVaginal yeast beer? Honestly... culture the yeast en masse and market the beer to frats, instant microbrew success story! And only sort of unethical maybe21:49
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kanzurefoucist: hi22:04
foucistit speaks to me22:07
foucistjust autojoining up in here!22:08
doclhi foucist22:10
doclhow goes?22:10
foucisthow about you buddy?22:11
* docl has been studying biochemistry22:11
docldoing pretty good22:11
foucistcool beans22:11
fouciststudying biochem on your own?22:11
doclwikipedia, online papers, etc.22:11
foucistcryonics bent? ;)22:11
doclabsolutely :)22:12
foucistcryonics is simple.. just figure out how to stop all the molecules in our body simultaneously22:12
docllately I've been learning metabolism related stuff like glycogen and glucose22:12
foucistor some way of storing our bodies in space22:12
doclthe idea with glycogen (the animal equivalent of starch) is to store glucose/sugar in a form with low molecular weight22:13
doclmolecular weight basically is what causes osmotic pressure22:13
doclit is caused by there being lots of molecules dissolved in the solution22:14
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docllike salt and sugar22:14
doclwith starch or other polymers (starch is a polymer btw) you pile a bunch of the basic molecule (aka monomer) together and that makes less molecular weight22:15
docltable sugar (sucrose) is a disaccharide made of glucose and it's mirror opposite, fructose22:15
doclthere's another cool disaccharide called trehalose that protects dehydrating organisms22:16
doclit is made of two glucoses22:16
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yashgarothglycogen has an extremely high molecular weight22:16
yashgarothI think you mean it's insoluble so it doesn't suck up water like glucose does22:16
doclam I confused? hmm.22:16
yashgarothall the glucoses are covalently bonded together so they form a single molecule22:17
doclI thought molecular weight was how many moles per unit of mass. I could be getting it wrong.22:17
foucistyashgaroth: but what about glycogen's osmotic pressure!22:17
yashgarothsince it's insoluble and not sucking up water around itself as much, it causes less osmotic pressure22:18
foucistdocl: how does your molecular weight definition alter the fact that glycogen is heavy?22:19
doclfoucist: I was assuming "weight" means something different in this context besides heaviness.22:19
yashgarothdocl, molecular weight is, like, the inverse of moles per unit of mass22:19
yashgarothfewer mol(ecules) in a given weight22:20
doclah, ok.22:20
doclok. so sucrose (or trehalose) is 2x the number of atoms per molecule so twice the weight as either glucose or fructose. thus 1 gram of sucrose in 1 liter of water has half the effect on osmotic pressure as 1 gram of glucose.22:21
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doclbecause we have half the number of molecules, thus half the moles22:22
doclmy reasoning is that glycogen is basically an extreme version of this... it has hardly any effect because we have thousands of glucose monomers per molecule.22:23
doclParahSailin: judging by the summary, they are using osmotic pressure to determine the molecular weight.22:31
doclThe graph shows high osmotic pressure for the lower weight molecule22:31
docl(fig 4)22:32
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doclwhich makes sense with yashgaroth's explanation. big heavy molecules like glycogen = high molecular weight compared to little molecules like glucose.22:34
doclmolar concentration is different though22:37
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doclhigh molar concentration (molality or molarity depending if we are measuring vs mass or vs volume)22:38
ParahSailinit's gotta have to do with activity-- for a molecule like glycogen, the activity coefficient couldnt be the same as for glucose22:41
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kanzureuser123abc: are you sally22:54
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doclhmm. not sure what the activity coefficient does in this context.23:00
klafkathere you are23:05
kanzureklafka: yes i'm back23:07
klafkahey so i talked to people23:09
klafkathey would like to know more23:10
klafka i can intro you if you'd like23:10
kanzurei would love intros23:11
kanzuregimme intros23:11
kanzurei can also throw together some slides23:12
klafkaok cool23:16
klafkayeah basically your 2 sentences weren't enough23:16
klafkaum bu tthey wanted to make sure you're not boosting installs via whatever yo're doing23:16
kanzureah, definitely not23:17
kanzureyeah that's easy for me to prove23:17
kanzureat worst there's only one install, but i do a fake "uninstall" which subtracts the number anyway23:17
klafkaok im me what email yo want me to intro you under23:19
kanzureah i haven't setup another email address yet23:20
kanzureklafka: i have emailed you another blurb. hopefully it is more descriptive.23:22
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kanzuresetting up a call soemtime would be ideal23:26
kanzurethese things usually happen via phone23:26
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sheenaso i got some urine testing sticks off ebay. i'll be trying them out on 'healthy' dogs this weekend to see how they measure up23:37
sheenastill seeking a refractometer though23:38
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