
--- Log opened Wed Nov 21 00:00:22 2012
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kanzuregba https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1At4nh18WJc&feature=plcp06:56
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strangewarpnote to self: noopept + cognizin + moderately large amount of caffeine = feeling closer to the Buddha, but less productive and less capable of crunching information. May be a good mix for more hands-on high-level music work though, idk08:16
strangewarpeducated guess: supplement noopept with cognizin or caffeine, but not both08:17
strangewarpfurther note to self: austerity chic does not translate to haircuts unless they're shaven ones08:20
browniesstrangewarp: really amping up your nootropic explorations, eh?08:27
browniesinteresting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citicoline08:27
strangewarpindeed, Cognizin = Citicoline08:30
strangewarpIt's a surprisingly peppy nootropic with an instant effect08:30
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strangewarpI think I prefer noopept, honestly - if I get hired for this studio tech position, I'll see how it stacks with 'racetams08:35
strangewarpgonna start growing weed in a month or so, as well08:38
* strangewarp Coloradoan patriotism, for once08:38
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strangewarpAs a musician living in a state that just outright legalized weed, I am fascinated by the possibilities of mixing weed and noots - sort of wondering whether there are any hidden productivity or insightfulness sweet-spots in there that I could find08:50
kanzureand what has led you to this conclusion08:51
strangewarpkanzure: the experimental spirit, mostly08:52
strangewarpIt might be a total wash, I admit08:52
strangewarpa high-cannabinoid, low-THC strain would be the most likely candidate, since the lethargy comes from the THC, whereas cannabinoids stimulate the imagination..08:54
ParahSail1inwhats the part that makes people conspiratards08:59
strangewarpweed culture08:59
ParahSail1inaccidental to the drug itself?09:00
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strangewarpit might cause paranoia, or it might be an effect of knowing it's illegal and being made prone to suggestion, or both09:00
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strangewarpweed culture sucks though, I'm gonna lay the blame there09:01
kanzure"let's try it with weed, because!"09:02
strangewarpoh shush, it's just an idle fascination, I'm not expecting anything to come of it honestly ;)09:02
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strangewarpwhoop, gotta go make a shopping list for the recipes I'll be contributing on Thanksgiving, zoom09:05
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kanzurehow many different restriction enzymes do we have these days?09:26
ParahSail1inon the order of 20009:29
nmz787so does anyone here know if there are cheaper similars to Molecular Probes09:33
nmz787Molecular Probes' YOYO-1 DNA Dye?09:33
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ParahSail1infor what purpose?09:34
nmz787it is a bis intercalator (2 bases, 1 dye) so its bery bright and has high affinity for DNA, plus fluoresces like 1000X brighter when bound to DNA09:35
nmz787looking at single DNA molecules09:35
nmz787I figure if I'm bulding micro/nano channels, moving a piece of DNA through is a good first experiment09:35
nmz787once i get the whole fab process figured out09:36
kanzuremoving colored dyes is a better first experiment09:36
nmz787that's kind of 0.5 step09:36
ParahSail1infancy dyes are usually pretty expensive and only sold by invitrogen09:38
kanzurei was thinking more like... food coloring dyes09:38
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nmz787yeah its $400 for 200uL09:38
nmz787kanzure: yes that is a simpler first step09:39
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nmz787kanzure: http://diyhpl.us/~nmz787/microfluidics/Rapid%20prototyping%20of%20glass-based%20micro%ef%ac%82uidic%20chips%20utilizing%20two-pass%20defocused%20CO2%20laser%20beam%20method.pdf12:01
nmz787kanzure: this one too is pretty cool for doing lots of valves http://diyhpl.us/~nmz787/microfluidics/Design%20and%20characterization%20of%20a%20platform%20for%20thermal%20actuation%20of%20up%20to%20588%20micro%ef%ac%82uidic%20valves.pdf12:11
kanzureif you can't find things i might have a copy in http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/microfluidics/12:16
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strangewarpI had some yerba mate and I feel like a living god12:33
strangewarpinteraction of yerba mate and nootropics: ?????12:33
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ParahSail1inyerba mate is just caffeine12:43
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strangewarphmm, I could have sworn it contained herbal sedatives plus caffeine?13:05
strangewarpI'll have to look into that13:05
fennit also contains mateine and theophylline13:25
strangewarpah, there we go then13:27
fennegad, "Citicoline has also been shown to elevate ACTH independently from CRH levels and to amplify the release of other HPA axis hormones such as LH, FSH, GH and TSH"13:29
ParahSail1inmateine is caffeine13:30
strangewarpyeah, I wikied mateine and raised an eyebrow, there13:30
strangewarpyerba mate also contains theobromine (not to be confused with bromine).. hm13:31
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fennanyway, don't overdo it on the caffeine or you'll find yourself not liking it anymore13:36
strangewarpyeah, I usually just consume light-to-moderate amounts of caffeine13:36
fennthanks for reminding me about noopept13:36
strangewarpno prob13:37
strangewarpnoopept + cognizin13:37
strangewarpA+ combo13:37
fennthought i had left all my nootropics in SF, but noopept managed to sneak in because it's so small13:37
fenni'm surprised swanson sells citicoline13:37
fennis there anything special about "cognizin" brand?13:37
strangewarpBrainpower Nutriceuticals sell a noopept supplement that's much cheaper per dose than the others I've seen, btw13:38
strangewarpoh, nope, I just call citicoline "cognizin" to keep people from confusing it with choline proper13:38
fennum, how much is a dose anyway?13:38
strangewarpone dose of noopept should be no larger than 30mg, for safety reasons13:38
fennon what basis?13:39
strangewarpif you take 60mg at once, you start getting close to the range where you risk liver damage13:39
strangewarp(from what I understand of it, anyway; I'm not a chemist or doctor)13:39
strangewarpalso, you have to take it with one of the standard 'racetam absorption agents; choline or whatnot13:40
strangewarpBrainpower Nutriceuticals put noopept/choline citrate in single pills, together. very convenient13:41
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jrayhawkyerba mate, like all teas, also has piles of interesting phenolics14:10
chris_99what about chocolate, is that any good for brain power?14:13
jrayhawkInitially, yes, but, I find my HPA axis getting really trashed if I use it very long.14:15
jrayhawkAnd my intestines start complaining. Don't know if it's the magnesium or the theobromine, there.14:16
jrayhawkthankfully my chocolate cravings go way down when i supplement with a chelated magnesium14:18
chris_99heh, i eat far too much chocolate14:19
fenni noticed that too14:21
fennalso mate isn't a tea14:21
chris_99oh it's holly apparently14:22
fennsomething like that14:22
jrayhawki used to buy these http://www.ohnuts.com/buy.cfm/baked-goods-baking-supplies/callebaut-finest-belgian-chocolate-11-lb-bar14:23
fenni just get the trader joe's pound plus 72%14:24
fennhow do you even eat a brick of pure chocolate?14:24
jrayhawkit involves a hammer14:25
fenni mean it must be physically difficult to chew14:25
jrayhawkbasically any day that involves preparing food with a hammer is a good day, in my book14:25
jrayhawkthis is why i like coconuts14:25
fennand lamb brains14:26
jrayhawkgood thinking!14:26
fenni think chlorogenic acid is a mild laxative, could be why too much chocolate upsets your tummy14:30
jrayhawkoh, neat14:30
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jrayhawkYeah, I've messed with unchelated magnesium before, and while it does cause a lot of stool water retention, it is not nearly as dramatic as the typical effects of chocolate, so that makes sense14:31
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fennsetting up a small electronics bench area18:41
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* fenn yawns19:28
fennwell at least it's something to point people at19:28
kanzuredo you feel like looking at an encryption problem for me?19:29
fenni dont know anything about encryption19:29
fennthese oshw people seem to think everything is super amateur and hopeless from the start19:30
fennit's not like "here's how to do it" it's "you're a clueless fucktard and try not to fuck it up too bad but nobody is going to care anyway"19:30
fenna wiki is not a manual19:31
fennobviously they were trying to list open source cad formats but ran into the problem that there aren't any19:32
fennbut why list altium? it's $15k/seat19:32
fennalso it's extremely electronics focused19:33
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fennthis quote requesting stuff really chaps my ass19:50
fennjust tell me the price dammit19:50
fenndo we really need 5 back and forth emails about which specific subtype of the four options that are available is best suited to my needs? just give me the price of all four19:50
kanzurethe people who have taken over oshw like to assume it's all electronics20:00
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sylph_mako_origiantis.. it's this mako.23:27
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