
--- Log opened Fri Nov 23 00:00:25 2012
-!- antis [~IceChat77@c-75-66-82-84.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has left ##hplusroadmap []00:11
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kanzureinternet archive live stream http://crawl432.us.archive.org/crawling/domain/liveupdates.html01:40
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kanzurespam is so weird06:08
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]06:30
juri_people are weirder. and thats *before* we start hacking them.06:32
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kanzurejuri_: what?06:52
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juri_what did i say that was unclear?06:58
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eudoxiai think he's saying people will get wierder when they start going full transhuman08:16
antifastheres no reson not to go full transhuman08:17
antifasppl arnt going to get any better08:17
antifasthats for sure08:17
-!- abetusk_ [~abetusk@cpe-24-58-232-122.twcny.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving]08:22
eudoxiabut i thought the whole point was to get better08:23
antifasnot getting better without science08:24
eudoxiaof course08:28
kanzurei still don't get it. i was complaining about spam, and for some reason this leads to epic philosophical crap?08:30
antifasnothing epic or philosophical, just the facts maam08:31
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kanzurehah since when does andrew have a site http://andrewhessel.com/09:26
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kanzureyashgaroth: hi10:23
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archelskanzure: what websites is Eugen talking about?13:45
kanzurereally it's just a mailing ilst13:45
kanzurei'm not sure why that would be any trouble to host13:45
archels~4000 euros in bandwidth?13:54
kanzure"Still, when faced up to 4 kEUR/month additional costs overnight"13:55
kanzureoh ok, so that's just +4000 not his usual payment13:55
jrayhawkoh, it's a separate domain13:57
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-!- cakeboss [~r00t@c-68-52-67-194.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:39
kanzurecakeboss: hi14:41
cakebosskanzure: h14:46
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kanzurecakeboss: what brings you here?14:52
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cakebosskanzure: I am a hacker of sorts. Interested in biology, worked in a genetics lab. Thought this would be a fun hobby.14:57
cakebossI am minoring in biology.14:58
kanzure"Why 3dsystems lawsuit against Formlabs for patent infringement has no merit"15:15
kanzureoh the lawsuit is against kickstarter itself?15:16
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cakebosskanzure: Is there a website?16:47
kanzurefor kickstarter?16:48
cakebosskanzure: for hplusroadmap or diybio. An active group that participates in research, anything.16:48
cakebosskanzure: thanks16:49
cakebossHm. There aren't any for my region, is there information on starting a group in the faq?16:50
kanzureprobably, but i forget where16:50
kanzurebasically just hang out with interesting people16:50
kanzurewhere are you?16:51
cakebossDo any of them conduct legitimate research?16:51
kanzurewhat do you consider legitimate16:51
cakebossI am in the deep south of the UA16:51
kanzureunited arab emirates?16:51
cakebosskanzure: scientific journals16:51
cakebosskanzure: sorry, multitasking. I am in the US.16:51
kanzuresome of the diygenomics people published some crap in a journal, if that matters16:52
kanzurewell, where in the US?16:52
kanzureyou should talk with heath matlock (ybit)16:52
kanzurehe's our guy in alabama for this16:52
cakebossIs he a student or a professor?16:53
cakebossHence the diybio part, I forget. heh.16:53
cakebossWell great. I will stick around to get into contact with him then.16:54
kanzureeh just pester him at heathmatlock@gmail.com16:54
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juri_are there any people for this in the DC area?17:03
cakebossI am sure there are, kanzure?17:03
kanzurethere's the baltimore stuff17:06
juri_I have a LOT of reading to do, in order to accomplish what i want to do. its all impossible, at the moment.. but that doesn't mean i can't make it slightly-less-impossible.17:09
juri_I'm thinking that first, we should build a 3d printer with a self leveling bed.17:14
juri_then learn to move the extruder around (and hense the nozzle) at increasingly high precisions, using cdrom drive laser/optic mechanisms to determine position of extruder relative to x carriage...17:17
juri_so, step 1 is new X carriage, that allows for a trinary optics system, so we can range-find the bed.17:19
juri_I should be able to handle the image recognition output from three laptop-web-cams, to pull that off.17:20
juri_oh, wait, i'm in the wrong channel. sorry about that. ;)17:21
cakebossjuri_: what are you wanting to do exactly?17:22
juri_cakeboss: i've got a friend who wants to design high quality neural probes. instead of using live animal testing, i'm trying to get good enough at building small structures to send him repeatedly back to the drawing board.17:23
cakebossjuri_: ah17:23
juri_basically, he can build, then i can build, then we test, and i send him back to the board.17:23
juri_so, i need to build animals, specializing on neural tissue to pull that off.17:24
juri_i figure the first thing to do is build the algae pick-and-place machine that's at http://diybio.org/2012/06/12/gaudilabalgaepicker/ , only on top of a prusa mendel 3d printer style.17:25
juri_something between the two, with much better documentation.17:25
juri_this way i can pick-and-place cells, while i learn about methods of generating appropriate extracelular matricies.17:26
juri_it also gets me to the point of 'contributing back' very quickly, as the documentation on that picker is lacking, to say the least.17:27
cakebossjuri_: I actually used to do my own research in something similiar17:29
cakebossjuri_: specifically with p21 and neural regeneration17:29
juri_I'm not so interested in changing cell behavior. more in just printing out the stuff we already have.17:33
kanzurejuri_: if you modify cell behavior, that becomes easier.17:33
* juri_ nods.17:33
juri_I can tell.17:33
juri_still, the 'great unsolved' is still printing an ECM, and transporting live sells into the ECM.17:34
kanzureby the way, you're evil for perpetuating inconsistent personal pronoun capitalization17:34
juri_hah. ;)17:35
juri_I try to remember. I just fail. ;)17:35
kanzureprinting cells isn't unsolved, you should read jmil's work17:36
kanzureit seems jmil isn't logged in17:36
juri_i don't figure its unsolved, just poorly documented. afte all, i've seen the TED talk. ;)17:36
juri_just trying to reproduce work, and build better printers.17:37
kanzureTED is not a useful medium for science17:37
cakebossFor the record, cakeboss' cakes are just awful.17:38
juri_my 3d printers look pretty terrible. i build out of mostly scrap. ;)17:41
kanzurewhy are you always winking, shit17:41
* juri_ shrugs.17:41
juri_i've always been emoticon-heavy.17:41
cakebossprotip: juri_ is flirting with kanzure17:42
AdrianGTED is worthless and must be destroyed17:44
cakebossAdrianG: TED is so meaningful and really gives us lamers the most simplicitive explanations of what we just can't understand without them.17:44
cakebossno, not rly17:45
AdrianGfor a second I was woried you may be suffering from an occult mental illness17:45
cakebossAside from my obsession of TED, none whatsoever17:45
juri_I enjoy ted talks.17:47
juri_they make good background, while doing useful stuff.17:47
cakebossjuri_: useful stuff like reading about TED?17:47
juri_no, like writing patches to softwares. ;)17:48
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cakebossjuri_: what languages do you know?17:48
juri_cake: primarily, i write in shell/XSLT/C.17:49
-!- juri_ was kicked from ##hplusroadmap by kanzure [;)]17:49
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juri_for a full list, i'd scroll the channel into oblivion. ;)17:50
cakebossI am currently writing software that will automate catching intruders in a network by various means, including watermarking data streams17:50
@kanzurecakeboss: what a coincidence, i find new ways to obfuscate my footprint17:50
@kanzureand ripping out watermarks from pdfs17:50
cakebosskanzure: aha. Also I am building software that will track hackers by nothing more than their handle. I have around a 90%+ success rate.17:51
cakebossFor instance, I take your name 'kanzure'. I can use that to find out your full name where you live.17:52
@kanzurewelcome to whois17:52
juri_ah. another person who uses 'hacker' to mean 'network intruider'.17:52
@kanzureare you an idiot, or are you trolling me17:52
* juri_ throws rocks at cakeboss.17:52
cakebossjuri_: nope.avi17:52
cakebosshacker != network intruder17:53
cakebossread above17:53
cakebosskanzure: I am not talking about with just your /whois....17:54
@kanzureyou'd have to be an idiot to not be able to get my address from the web17:54
@kanzurei paste it all over the fucking place17:54
@kanzurewhat do you mean 90% success rate.. it should be 100% success rate.17:54
cakebosskanzure: You aren't a hacker, this is designed for people who aren't spreading their information across the web...17:54
@kanzurehear that everyone, i'm officially not a hacker17:55
@kanzureYOu HEARD IT HERE FIRST17:55
juri_you'd have to be pretty smart to get my address (i do not know what it is), but information about me is everywhere.17:55
cakebossmeh, w.e17:55
juri_kanzure: congratulations!17:55
cakebosskanzure: from what I know about you, you aren't a hacker. You are just someone in an IRC channel. This software has been used on people like Sabu, for instance.17:56
juri_ah. so again, someone who intrudes on networks.17:56
@kanzurecakeboss: i know you mean well17:56
cakebossjuri_: That is not the only thing he ever did.17:56
* juri_ continues pelting cakeboss with bigger rocks.17:56
@kanzurejuri_: i think english isn't your native language17:56
juri_kanzure: astute.17:57
juri_its close to my native language, does that count?17:57
cakebossjuri_: Tu hablo espanol?17:57
cakebossMy brothers speak german. I have been wanting to learn.17:57
-!- juri_ was kicked from ##hplusroadmap by kanzure [;)]17:57
@kanzurei hate this guy17:58
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juri_supengo wa iie wakarimashita.17:58
juri_stop that. :P17:58
strangewarpoh my god what am I even reading17:58
juri_three hackers, one irc channel?17:59
juri_my german skills are so old as to be near-useless. i learned english afterward, forgot german, and am still studying japanese.18:00
juri_so, my linguistic slant is all kinds of sideways.18:00
-!- cakeboss is now known as onethreethreesev18:11
-!- onethreethreesev is now known as cakeboss18:11
nmz787ai ai ai, que paso y'all, es grasa albert18:17
cakebossDamn albert grasa que necesita para bajar de peso18:21
cakeboss"Damn fat albert you need to lose some weight"18:21
nmz787traductor Google es bueno18:22
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cakebossI learned spanish in colombia18:22
cakebossy ecuador18:22
nmz787how would you detect a virus in linux18:23
nmz787or rather, a linux virus18:23
nmz787all i know is clamav18:23
cakebossnmz787: in terminal type, "rm -f /"18:24
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nmz787ahh, yeah that worked!18:24
nmz787i guess that's not your field of intrusion detection, eh?18:25
cakebossNo, I am actually very skilled in detecting/removing viruses. I don't use software, none that I don't make anyways.18:26
juri_I've trained clamAV to remove a virus before. pretty simple.18:31
yashgarothhaha what the hell is going on in this channel18:58
cakebossyashgaroth: propane and propane accessories19:00
cakebossnmz787: fyi, you wont get a virus in linux unless you are logged in a root...not usually.19:12
cakebosskanzure: unless its something cross platform...19:14
cakebosskanzure: I assume you use linux, how many viruses have you gotten?19:14
@kanzurei have a couple of GB of collected samples19:15
cakebossThen you are a moron19:15
@kanzureor a security researcher19:15
cakebossor that19:15
@kanzureyou're full of shit19:15
cakebossno, you19:15
cakebosskanzure: for the average linux user I highly doubt there are many infections at all.19:16
@kanzure"as long as you're not root, you're safe" is bad19:17
@kanzurefor instance, root exploits19:18
cakebossWell, no shit. Here is my thing though, unless they are torrenting, connected to networks that have infected computers, or going to sketch sites, they are fine.19:18
cakebossThere is no reason they would get a virus otherwise.19:18
cakebossI am not saying its impossible, I am saying that in order to get infected someone has to give it to you. If you don't put yourself in that situation you are normally fine.19:19
cakebosskanzure: http://www.unixmen.com/meet-linux-viruses/19:21
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nmz787cakeboss: i never said what i was or wasn't doing, as root or otherwise19:36
nmz787but yes i was thinking of torrent related stuff19:36
nmz787like what kind of exploits might already exist out there19:36
cakebossnmz787: most of them are kernel related19:39
cakebossnmz787: If it is a distro that is a splinter of any ubuntu version it will most likely be a DDoS vulnerability for the kernel19:39
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nmz787i didn't know people based distros on ubuntu no19:43
cakebossnmz787: blackbuntu, backtrack are the two splinters I am most familiar with. There are an array of others.19:43
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xlhlhello mgodinho21:46
xlhlwhat are your interests here?21:46
@kanzureyashgaroth: this one has questions about synthetic proteins or something21:47
yashgarothwho does21:48
yashgarothhokay then21:48
@kanzuregrinaway, i mean21:48
* kanzure goes back to sleep21:48
xlhlyeah i am interested in synthetic protein interaction networks21:49
yashgarothas in, interactions between synthetic proteins, or calling interaction networks 'synthetic'21:49
xlhlcalling interaction networks synthetic, i presume. i'm not sure what synthetic proteins would really accomplish (unless we are talking about protein engineering)21:50
xlhli am interested in altering/creating protein signaling pathways21:50
yashgarothwell that's gonna be protein engineering21:50
xlhli think protein kinase networks are very interesting, i suppose engineering them would involve an understanding of how the kinases recognize their targets21:51
yashgarothwe have an idea of how they recognize targets...like with most protein interactions, you've got mostly electrostatic attraction, and then a phosphate donation to a hydroxyl21:53
yashgarothbut that doesn't really tell you how to make one21:54
xlhlyeah it strikes me as a sort of molecular docking problem?21:54
yashgarothand retaining that binding during the phosphorylation, while modifying the surrounding amino acids so it actually binds your intended target21:55
yashgarothidk I'm sure a good review of GPCRs would cover the topic pretty well21:57
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yashgarothif they can bind to thousands of ligands and signaling proteins, anything can21:58
xlhlyeah GPCRs are pretty versatile21:59
xlhlas are immunoglobulins21:59
xlhlthough i guess downstream GPCRs have many more targets21:59
yashgarothsure but IGs get the benefit of nearly infinite mutation22:00
xlhlwell GPCRs are very varied as well, I haven't tried a sequence alignment but I assume there is considerable diversity22:00
xlhlso over evolutionary time scales they get to accumulate mutations as well22:01
yashgarothoh totally, but not like IGs do22:01
xlhlgotcha. I'm an EE by training, just started with systems biology22:01
xlhlso bear with my potential errors in biology22:02
yashgarothIGs get recombined in every immune cell after you're born22:02
yashgarothGPCRs have a lot of diversity but it's all heritable, unlike IGs22:03
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yashgarothbut yes they are both cool and unique22:05
mgodinhoxlhl: hello, you meant my interests here?22:05
xlhlyeah, i just figured i'd start something :P22:06
xlhlthey are. actually, on the topic of GPCRs, it would be cool to use them as biosensors22:06
xlhlthough I imagine expressing them in another organism might be difficult22:06
mgodinhoxlhl: right ;) i bit bioinfo, tools for synthetic bio, more on the DIY side22:07
yashgarothwell you'd have to use eukaryotes to express gpcrs, but that doesn't limit you terribly22:07
xlhlright, so maybe yeast22:08
xlhlsince that seems to be the easiest eukaryote to work with22:08
yashgarothyeah yeast are great22:08
xlhli was recently working with 293T and yeast seem much easier :P22:08
xlhlmgodinho: cool, the diy stuff interests me as well22:09
yashgarothoh man 293s are like the easiest mammalian cells22:09
xlhlthis should be fun then22:09
juri_document, document, document! ;)22:10
xlhlhave you worked with K562? I have to deal with those at some point22:10
yashgarothnot that I know of but it might have been in some multi-cancer screen plate22:10
xlhlah understood. i suppose the only thing about 293T that annoyed me is their quasi-attachment22:11
xlhlat least the transfection was easy22:11
yashgarothindeed, you'll be happy to work with yeast then; and the media costs about 100 times less22:12
xlhlyeah, and no need for the 5% CO2 incubator, right?22:12
yashgaroththat too22:13
yashgarothwhat types of molecules are you interested in biosensing?22:13
xlhlsmall organic molecules, common pollutants22:14
xlhli guess one might be able to use bacteria for that as well, using one of their transcriptional regulators that responds to the compound of interest22:14
yashgarothwould be the far easier method22:15
xlhlbacteria have those cell surface receptors too (receptor histidine kinases?) but idk how much is known about them22:15
yashgarothdepending on how small the molecules are, they may just float into the cell at a sufficient level22:16
xlhlthats true22:16
yashgarothunless you've got a pollutant that's already known to bind to some GPCR or whatever, though, you'll have a long road ahead of you22:18
xlhli don't have a very good sense of the timescale of directed evolution with GPCRs, i guess it would be very tedious22:19
yashgarothten years in a well-equipped lab22:19
xlhlwell, that's pretty intense22:20
yashgaroththe timescales are coming down, slowly22:21
yashgarothbut yes generally it's not feasible unless you're going after them sweet sweet cancer moniez22:21
xlhlyeah i've realized that22:21
xlhlcancer is interesting but there is so much more to biology22:22
xlhlthough my recent limited experience with cell culture comes from working in a cancer lab, so there's that22:23
yashgarothit definitely keeps biologists employed22:23
xlhlwell im going to head off to bed. it was nice talking to you, thanks22:25
yashgarothsure thing, come back soon22:26
xlhlwill do22:26
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nmz787i want to design a GPCR-based biosensor using a serotonin receptor23:57
nmz787then i could do TLC on random stuff and easily see if it might be interesting23:58
yashgarothwell that should be relatively easy23:58
nmz787i hadn't seen any good examples of taking human GPCR and linking it to GFP production, etc23:59
nmz787GPCR reporter23:59
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