
--- Log opened Mon Nov 26 00:00:30 2012
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fenn/system/bin/rft "This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of MMC Technology, Inc.; the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied, or duplicated in any form blah blah blah" so what's this supposedly unpublished source code doing hanging out on my phone eh?00:47
fennat least have the decency to obfuscate your "unpublished" code00:47
@kanzurefenn: related, http://www.strazzere.com/blog/2012/03/ops-did-i-publish-that-in-the-aosp/00:53
@kanzurei was reading that earlier today because strazzere committed to a project that i forked00:54
@kanzureerm, i mean commented. he didn't make commits.00:54
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fenn"definitely an interest repository of code to take a look at, if not to see how Google coders work on “internal” code which isn’t released but to see their comments and documentation that is sometimes stripped from AOSP"01:21
fenndo they really strip comments from the source?01:22
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fennwhy am i getting spam from a company that manufactures scales and load cells01:48
fennis this normal?01:48
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RebelBunnyThey should make slideout mini laptops like tablets with slide out keyboards but mini ones, like samsung galaxy note-sized... that would be swell, wouldn't it?02:49
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fennthey're called tablet computers03:21
fennuh, nevermind03:21
fennnokia n810 probably isnt big enough03:22
fenneee pad slider maybe03:24
fennsomeone's a victim of advertising here. i sure hope it isn't me03:24
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RebelBunnyfenn: proper OS would be needed for that03:29
RebelBunny(for screen resolution and such)03:30
fennplease elaborate03:30
RebelBunnyfenn: pad slider is too big03:33
fennit's too big, it's too small, wah!03:34
fennmake your own03:34
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chris_99that sounds like such a great job07:27
ThomasEgigetting paid for writing sci-fi? pretty good07:46
chris_99heh ThomasEgi this is the FUTURE we're talking about ;)07:48
ThomasEgitechnologic dependency, hacked killer drones, collapse of infrastructure.. why do they even do a study about such stuff. it pretty much is obvious07:49
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@kanzurei have no idea what this is http://quadrigy.com/questionsandanswers.html11:41
@kanzureone of their recruiters spammed me11:42
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foucistyou know, it pisses me off that we need specific screwdrivers for specific screws.. what a clossal waste11:56
foucistgot a t6 torx screw?  need a torx 6 screwdriver!11:56
foucistfuck that shit11:56
foucisti want a screwdriver that changes configuration to fit the smallest or biggest screws11:57
@kanzurefoucist it sounds like you need a toolset for christmas11:57
foucistkanzure: nah man, i don't want a zillion screw drivers11:57
foucisti want 111:57
foucisthave you seen those hardware magazines?11:57
foucistlike lee valley11:57
foucistor whatever11:57
foucistjust a big catalogue of tools?11:57
foucisti look at that and i see a clossal waste11:57
foucistall we need to do is step back11:58
foucistand re-engineer everything11:58
foucistreduce the tools needed to a fraction11:58
foucistOR just fucking get on with nanotechnology11:58
foucistamirite or what!11:59
browniesit seems that buying a screwdriver might be simpler than re-engineering the entire world ;)12:02
browniesyou could also invent a screwdriver that reconfigures itself. wouldn't be too hard.12:02
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nmz787fenn http://phys.org/news/2012-11-self-filling-bottle-cues-beetle.html12:32
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foucistbrownies: yeah? i don't have any idea of where to start for a screwdriver that reconfigures itself :P13:14
foucistbrownies: except some sort of micro or nano tech13:14
foucistor maybe something that's glue-based or gecko-sticky-thingie-based13:15
foucistsomething the flows to mold, then freezes into shape, using electrical current?13:15
@kanzurefoucist: all you really need to do is re-tap everything, so just carry around a drill13:15
foucistkanzure: pfft, overkill! and not everyone has a drill13:16
@kanzurepeople in thailand don't have drills?13:16
foucisti'm back in canada13:16
@kanzuredeep down inside i knew that13:16
foucistand anyways i'm talking about in general13:16
@kanzureok fine, people in canada don't believe in drills?13:17
foucistwtf bro13:17
foucistwe're trying to invent new technology13:17
foucistand you're worrying about hte present13:17
foucistthought this was the future thinking channel, sponsored by the NRA13:17
foucistam i in the wrong place?13:17
@kanzuregaaah a guy who works on yeoman is in diybio and splicer doesn't want me to invite him in here13:20
@kanzuresplicer has always hated me13:20
nmz787yeoman is what?13:23
@kanzurelousy ui prototyping tool for web developers who hate themselves13:23
browniesfoucist: i was envisioning basically a very tightly compacted array of thin "needles" so you could press the screwdriver end onto a screw and a tip would form that conforms to whatever shapes are in the head of the screw13:47
browniesthen perhaps a locking mechanism, mechanical or magnetic or whatever, to hold the pins in place while you screw your heart out13:47
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foucistbrownies: yeah that's a good idea too14:01
foucistthough the needles or pins would definitely need to be super tiny, probably need thousands of needles to get the "resolution" required to mold properly14:01
browniesit wouldn't be trivial, but it would be pretty cool14:02
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nmz787brownies: for what?14:12
browniesnmz787: eh?14:12
nmz787what are you and foucist talking about?14:12
nmz787something nano14:13
nmz787then pins14:13
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foucistnmz787: 1 screwdriver to handle all variations of screws from flat, hex, square, etc, small to big14:29
foucistnmz787: since i think it's frigging retarded to have a million screwdrivers, screw bits, etc to handle all the fricking different screws14:30
browniesnmz787: i was just brainstorming a universal screwdriver14:34
browniesno idea how feasible it is14:35
nmz787brownies: foucist : so 1-upping this huh http://www.endeavorproducts.com/Gator_Grip/page/Gator_Grip.html14:40
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foucistnmz787: nice, that looks like the inverse14:48
foucistgoes around the nut/bolt/etc14:50
foucistrather than inside of a screw14:50
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nmz787Microelectronic Engineering @ RIT - Silicon Wafer Preparation https://connect.rit.edu/p60701205/14:55
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@kanzuretls sni testing endpoint https://sni.velox.ch/15:06
brownies3d printing is totally mainstream now http://dilbert.com/2012-11-05/15:07
@kanzureI don't really like all those verify=False in all requests calls, but it seems that it complains when switched to True. Indeed, urllib3 doesn't handle SNI so the SSL connection on android.clients.google.com falls back to google.com. There are already 2 pull requests for SNI support in urllib (here and here, let's hope one will get through :)15:07
@kanzurehow did that get pasted15:07
browniesnmz787: heh, actually, yeah. higher resolution and inverted version of that.15:08
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@kanzuresome people are claiming a $49 genome sequencing from 23andme today17:39
@kanzureoh is this just their snp kit?17:40
@kanzurethat's stupid.17:40
browniesi'm still vaguely uncomfortable sending my DNA into the cloud17:43
@kanzurewhen you urinate you're sending dna to the sewars. is that also making you uncomfortable?17:44
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brownieskanzure: yes. i demand privacy clauses.18:38
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@kanzure"we'll keep your toilet contents private"?18:39
@kanzureoh are we still talking about 23andme?18:39
yashgarothhttps://www.23andme.com/about/privacy/ ?18:39
yashgarothI would like to see some sort of hyper-paranoid plumbing system that gamma-irradiated all your wastewater18:41
@kanzureyashgaroth: do you poop straight into an autoclave18:41
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yashgarothdepyrogenation oven, actually - whole lotta endotoxin in poop18:42
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yashgarothI imagine the massive HEPA filter and negative pressure ventilation in the house could get annoying, not to mention the NBC suit for the outdoors18:43
@kanzureobviously, the correct thing to do is to incorporate a radioisotope into your dna with a very short half life18:43
@kanzurealso, you have to make sure you're the only source of the radioisotope18:44
@kanzureas soon as it gets out of your system, poof?18:44
yashgarothoh I thought you mean it would destroy itself by emitting radiation...that works too18:44
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fennyashgaroth: haven't you seen GATTACA? all you need is a crippled wino and some scrubbie pads for the shower19:40
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yashgarothfuck that movie, poor mission to jupiter will float off into space when the navigator dies of his heart condition19:42
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fennmeh, the robots will take care of it19:45
fennwhy send a human on an exploration mission anyway?19:45
yashgarothpublicity or something19:46
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fennthat's why they had to kill the other mission commander, he kept pointing out the logical inconsistencies19:46
yashgarothit's hard to make a good space alien horror movie with a robot as the protagonist, though I'd still like to see one19:47
fenncome on, aliens 2? hello?19:47
fennbishop saved everyone's ass multiple times over while they were fucking around with their own personal issues19:48
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yashgarothsure, but he's not the main character; we expect robots to help out, not be the center of the story...unless it's a pixar thing or whatever wall-e was19:48
yashgarothok I suppose there's been a few others so I'll withdraw the point19:49
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@kanzureso uh rfid tags are $0.07/each now22:14
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ParahSailinnmz787, carbonate is not redox active in aqueous solution23:11
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--- Log closed Tue Nov 27 00:00:31 2012

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