
--- Log opened Thu Dec 13 00:00:54 2012
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joshcryerBasalt makes a nice concrete replacement.01:32
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@kanzurewhere did the fake google scholar papers guy go? he had been recompiling latex and inserting fake references.07:05
@kanzureand his results don't seem to show up anymore?07:05
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@kanzure"The famous "bible" of chemistry, The Merck Index, is to join the highly acclaimed publishing portfolio of the Royal Society of Chemistry."08:02
@fenni thought the "bible of chemistry" was the crc handbook09:02
@fennperhaps the merck index is the new testament09:02
@kanzure"The Merck Index is also available by subscription in an electronic searchable form, commonly carried by research libraries, as well as in a web-accessible form."09:03
@kanzureoh so now there's an "electronic searchable form" and a "web-accessible form"... wtf.09:03
@kanzure"It contains more than 10,000 monographs, 27 supplemental tables, 450 Organic Name Reactions, and now includes a companion CD!" oh boy a CD?!09:04
@fennwell let's see what's on it http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/7520594/The_Merck_Index_13.1_CD09:08
MariuCD lol09:11
@fennhey man 693 MB is a lot of tables09:28
@fennbut i bet it's poorly scanned pdf's of the book09:29
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ArmilusDajjalnow includes a compainon cd09:31
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@fenni wonder where one can get all this data without having to OCR some stupid scanned in tables09:48
@fenneven if it's in text, it's still just a PDF, there's no structure to the data, only layout09:50
@kanzurethese databases are available through paywalls at universities09:50
@kanzurethere are many proprietary databases just sitting there with all this info09:50
@fennwhat is the interface like? can you do real API queries or is it just some web form?09:54
@kanzureweb forms09:54
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archelsso we've all seen this 1-pixel contact lense display, right? http://bit.ly/VpH2gL11:16
archelshow could you ever actually focus your eye to that?11:17
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chris_99yo.  The resolution of that seems quite nice11:18
kirkaAre you Chris Phoenix?11:19
chris_99alas not11:19
kirkaAh, ok11:20
archelschris_99: but how could that ever work without any intervening optics?11:20
chris_99yeah i'm not sure about that either, i see what you mean about focussing11:20
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delinquentmeHas anyone sat down and taken inventory of the qualities they look for in someone who manages them?11:26
delinquentmespecifically the relationship to power versus passion?11:26
@kanzurewhat do you mean versus11:26
delinquentmelike would you prefer one over another?11:26
@kanzureneither of those two things matter to me11:27
delinquentmelike I'm okay working in my current spot bc this person clearly has more power than my previous employer11:27
delinquentme( at least I think )11:27
delinquentmebut the other dude didn't even have passion11:27
@kanzurewho cares how much he passion he claims to have11:27
@kanzure*much passion11:27
@kanzurehe can claim zero or a million and still be wrong either way11:27
@kanzurehave you read the valve management handbook?11:28
kirkakanzure Hi, I have digged old nanotech CADS (Will Ware's NanoCAD and Crystal Clear)11:29
kirkaWill Ware was on the right track with Common lisp and Scheme.11:29
@kanzurekirka: i already told you weeks ago that chris_99 is not chris phoenix..11:29
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kirkakanzure I wanted to be sure, heh (and maybe I misunderstood you a little then)11:30
delinquentmekanzure, no but I value passion highly so I think I might already disagree11:32
@kanzurepassion can be faked, why would you value that?11:32
@kanzurehow about valuing results11:32
delinquentmekanzure, perhaps11:33
delinquentmeand results are unquestionable11:33
@kanzurethey are?11:33
kirkakanzure Don't you know any forum on MNT? (I have searched but haven't found anything. Seems that some people from sci.nanotech would like to have such a forum)11:34
@kanzurekirka: eugen leitl keeps some nanotech people around on his transhuman-tech mailing list11:35
kirkaThanks, I'll look11:35
@kanzuremems-talk does slightly-larger-than nano stuff.11:35
@kanzureand nanoengineer-dev is the only one with software developers11:35
kirkaIt's strange that there isn't much technical discussion on MNT on the net.11:35
@kanzurethat's because they keep publishing their discussions in proprietary academic journals that nobody has access to11:36
kirkaYes, I don't like paywalls11:36
kirkaActually, there is one good paper11:36
kirkaI think that's breakthrough11:37
archelsman, we were this far in 2002?11:38
kirkakanzure But IMM, Freitas & co publish their papers freely. I think there must be another reason for lack of interest in MNT.11:38
kirkaMaybe people are just tired11:38
@kanzurefreitas is not evidence of a lack of interest11:38
kirkaYes, quite the opposite11:39
kirkaBut he, Merkle and people affilated with anofactory collaboration is, maybe, 20 or 30 men11:39
kirkaToday's scientific community seems largely ignorant of mechanosythesis11:43
kirkaI have asked some physics students11:43
kirkaAnd even two students that study "nanotechnology"11:43
kirkaNobody haven't heard about mechanosynthesis11:44
kirkaAnd it's difficult for them to understand the concepts' utility11:44
kirkaMy sample could be small, something like ten people11:46
kirkaBut anyway.11:46
@fennarchels: the contact has a microlens array built in to focus (demagnify) the LED11:46
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kirkaDoes anybody have acces to this paper? http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.122562411:47
kirkaIt's cool11:47
@fennlols "some people from sci.nanotech would like to have a MNT forum"11:48
@fennthat is just so sad11:48
kirkafenn Yes11:48
kirkasci.nanotech dies11:48
kirkaANd what's more frightening the very idea of MNT seems dying11:48
@fennit's a conspiracy! time lords from the ulterior dimension have reorchestrated congress!!111:48
kirkaYou know, I have talked to students and they haven't heard about it11:49
kirkaThey have heard about "nanotechnology", maybe "nanobots" (what a bad word)11:49
@fennevery time i talk to anyone either they gush uncontrollably or it's all eye-rolling 'been there done that, so over it'11:50
@fennbut really the field was never given a chance11:50
kirkaWell, I have hope and I can help a little. With software for example.11:51
kirkaActually, I think there should be a forum, devoted to MNT.11:51
@fennwhat i think really needs to happen is for a large company such as IBM to throw some serious investment into studying the mechanosynthetic reactions themselves11:52
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kirkaYes, I agree with you11:52
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@fennsure it will all be patent encumbered for eternity, but at least it would happen11:52
@fennand if they have all the patents in one place it's not a minefield11:52
kirkaThis grant is already good: http://gow.epsrc.ac.uk/NGBOViewGrant.aspx?GrantRef=EP/G007837/111:53
@fennwouldn't it suck if humanity knew how to place carbon and remove the hydrogen groups but no one company were legally allowed to do both reactions?11:53
kirkaAnd Zyvex makes progress11:53
@fennzyvex is still functioning?11:53
kirka>no one company were legally allowed11:54
kirkaThat's uncontrollable on global scale11:54
@fennin that grant, why is room-temperature capability important?11:55
kirkaI don't knoe11:56
kirkaLook http://www.psma.com/sites/default/files/uploads/tech-forums-nanotechnology/presentations/2011-apec-sp-141-nanotechnology-about-nano-precision.pdf11:56
kirkaZyvex has some success with PALE11:56
kirkaIt's "unpublished"11:56
@kanzurekirka: foresight.org runs yearly in-person conferences, you should pester them to record them and post them online11:59
@fenni'm here to tell you that "one micron" is not "normal precision machining"11:59
kirkaMicromachining isn't interesting11:59
kirkakanzure I'll think about it (and try)11:59
kirkaLook at H depassivation12:00
@kanzureand nanoengineer-dev is the only one with software developershown 412:00
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@fennit should be possible to machine blocks to small enough that they contain discernable numbers of atoms; then you sort the blocks (try not to let them stick together) and assemble the ones with the correct dimensions12:01
kirkaOh Hi12:01
eudoxiahey kirka12:01
kirkaeudoxia Look at log, we discussed MNT here12:01
eudoxiayeah i was just reading thsat12:01
@fennhooray for us :\12:01
kirkaActually, if you want to discuss something, mail me12:02
kirkaMy email is on the github12:02
eudoxiakirka congratulations you are the second person to know crystal clear exists12:02
eudoxias/know/find out12:02
kirkaLook at github, I have revived nanocad12:02
eudoxiaactually i think i told kanzure about that12:02
eudoxiaand i saw your new repo12:02
kirkaI found out by mysle12:02
eudoxiai initially thought you were going to roll your own nanoengineer12:02
@kanzurenanocad.git has none of his revision history12:03
kirkaI have read old mailing lists about NanoCAD development12:03
kirkakanzure Yes, I have downloaded archive12:03
@kanzurewhat is README.txt.bak for?12:03
kirkaIt's his software, I just created backup12:03
kirkaThat's artifact12:03
kirkaI'll remove that later12:03
kirkaYou are so perfectionist~12:04
@fennhe wasn't always that way12:04
@kanzurei got hit in the head by a radioactive meteorite12:05
kirkakanzure You seemed more enthusiastic about MNT in 2009 (I hav read some logs). Do you think that synthetic biology is more real alternative (for now) ?12:05
eudoxiathese days i just stay out of archived late nineties mnt discussions because it's so depressing12:06
eudoxiaso depressing12:06
@kanzurekirka: why do you say i was more enthusiastic?12:06
kirkaeudoxia Well, the very thing that we know about it (and we are young) means that there is hope.12:06
@kanzuresynthetic biology is not mnt, i don't know who told you that12:06
kirkakanzure I just  get that feeling when I read logs. Maybe I'm mistaken.12:07
@kanzureyou are mistaken.12:07
kirkaOf course12:07
kirkaBut synthetic biology is an approach for creating working molecular machinery12:07
@kanzureuh, i guess.12:07
@kanzureif your goal is to produce proteins, yes, biology is useful12:07
@fenni agree on this point. the confusing part is that proteins were evolved, not designed, so people think they must be floppy and weird12:08
kirkaYes, proteins and enzymes12:08
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@kanzurefenn: well, i haven't seen a cuboid protein12:08
kirkaMy goal is to use them for productive work12:08
@fennrecent designed proteins have very high denaturation temperatures, because they aren't teetering on the edge of catastrophe (in the catastrophe theory sense)12:08
kirkaE.g. grow good polymer for some application12:09
@fennthis is in fact eric drexler's current stance12:09
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@kanzurekirka: are you trying to say that because i know biology things, i must therefore be less enthusiastic about carbon placement?12:09
@fennthat "nanotech" engineers should be pursuing protein design12:09
@kanzureno, i don't think kirka thinks that12:09
kirkafenn Yes, and he is probably right12:09
@kanzurewelp nevermind12:10
kirkaI like mechanics, yes12:10
@kanzurekirka: you are an enigma wrapped in an enigma12:10
@fennan enzyme wrapped in a eudoxia12:10
kirkaBut if it's impossible for now, we'll have to use other approaches12:10
eudoxiahahaha what12:10
eudoxiasometimes i think i have DID and kirka is one of my multiple personalities12:11
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kirkaeudoxia Same think12:12
kirkaeudoxia It may be generational thing12:12
kirkaCommon information medium, etc12:12
@kanzurefenn: anyway, where's my cubic protein12:13
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kirkaThis special purpose cluster could greatly help in protein design http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anton_(computer)12:13
@fenner.. it was mentioned in here a couple weeks ago12:14
kirkaI have read about it's architecture12:14
@fennhow do i get grep to return irc log results in chronological order?12:14
@kanzureclusters only help once you have software, what software are you thinking of12:14
kirkaIt's interesting, very high MIPS/mm^212:14
@kanzurefenn: grep -r whatever 2012* | tac12:15
@kanzureerm, -r was not necessary12:15
@kanzurebackwards cat12:15
kirkakanzure This cluster is composed of ASICS that are designed to run very high performance MM calculations (to the point of 7, 18 bit adders inside, etc)12:15
@kanzurewhich MM calculations12:15
eudoxiathat's actually a thing12:15
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kirkaIt's usefule for verification12:15
@kanzurewhich MD calculations -_-12:16
kirkaIt's customizable to some extent12:16
@kanzurethey are ASICs.12:16
kirkaThay have CPU and accelerators inside12:16
eudoxiai think kanz is asking whether it's ab-initio or md12:16
@kanzurewhich MD algorithms are implemented on these ASICs12:16
kirkaHmph, they didn't say that or I didn't look carefully12:17
@kanzuremaybe they are lying12:17
@kanzure"rate-limited interactions and performs charge spreading and force interpolation"12:19
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kirkaYes, they don't mention specific force fields12:20
kirkaAh, that's what you mean by "algorithm"12:20
@fennah here we go: http://www.nature.com/news/proteins-made-to-order-1.11767  koga and koga et al.12:20
@kanzure"and is capable of computing the combined electrostatic and van der Waals interactions between a pair of atoms at every cycle. This 26-stage pipeline includes adders, multipliers, function evaluation units, and other specialized datapath elements."12:20
@fenni would settle for a dodecahedral protein12:21
@kanzurehow about anything regular12:21
kirkaYes, long range is calculated Particle mesh Ewald and pair-pair interactions are computed directly12:22
@fennis a flat sheet not regular enough?12:22
kirkaAgain, I don't understand why I do not hear about this machine often12:23
kirkaMillisecond runtimes witout larges supercomputer is very cool12:23
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@kanzurefenn: probably breaks too easily if you're thinking of graphene?12:24
@fennnot graphene, beta pleated sheets12:24
@fennyou know, it's rather surprising nobody has made a cubic protein yet12:25
@kanzurewhat about virus capsids? are any of those cube-like?12:25
kirka* Dreams of enzyme that catalyses growth of strong fiber12:25
@fennno, but they're almost always regular or snub polyhedra12:25
@fenncubes just aren't energetically favorable12:26
Cat4Dhas anyone bothered to make a tzolkin or long count calendar for this week's solstice? http://www.maya3d.mobi is close but there are 5 gear rings.12:26
@kanzuremaybe the dna origami pimps have done a cube12:27
kirkaeudoxia You know Will Ware wrote first versions of NanoCAD in common lisp (and/or scheme)12:27
eudoxiai thought it was a java applet12:27
@fennyes they have done many cube-based structures (including cubes)12:27
@kanzureeudoxia: scheme can be compiled to run on the jvm12:28
kirkaeudoxia Then he switched to java, because tehre wasn't much lispers12:28
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eudoxiawhen was this again?12:28
kirka* digs archives12:28
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@kanzurehaving read wware's python contributions to nanoengineer, i'm not convinced that guy knows how to write software12:29
kirka* feels like cyberarchaeologist12:29
kirkakanzure Maybe, I don't know12:29
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@kanzurewelcome back brownies_12:30
@kanzurefenn: dna origami cubes are probably terrible... "yeah let's pick the one material that has to constantly replicate itself to maintain any sort of integrity"12:30
kirkakanzure What do you think about DNA-origami ion channel?12:30
brownies_what the fuck?12:31
@kanzurehaven't read that paper yet12:31
kirkaIf you'll get it, I'd like to read it too.12:31
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kirkaeudoxia I was very small when they wrote that software12:32
eudoxiadoes it say what guy he used?12:32
kirkaMrEd probably12:33
eudoxiai was one year old12:33
eudoxiaactually not even that12:33
kirkaI was two years old12:33
kirkaActually, I'd do the same representation http://web.archive.org/web/20010420225736/http://discuss.foresight.org/~pcm/nanocad/0019.html12:34
kirkaAt least for prototype.12:34
@fennkanzure: actually dna is very stable, it just doesn't have any cool functional groups12:34
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@kanzurefenn: it doesn't even last 1M years, how is that stable12:35
kirkaI'm using Racket extensively for some time12:35
eudoxiaholy fuck that is old12:35
kirkaIt runs inverse kinematics in my robot, and operates with binary decision diagrams12:35
kirkaRacket is good for prototyping, it's JIT-compiled12:36
kirkaAnd has extensive library12:36
@fennkanzure: lasts longer than teh interwebz12:38
eudoxiacertainly lasts longer than most files online12:39
@fennman i really hate archive.org's new interface12:39
eudoxiaand mind you fenn some lisp interpreters have been up for years12:39
eudoxiain space and what have youy12:40
kirkaAnd some are run at sapce12:40
@kanzurearchive.org's index page for files takes forever to load thanks to all of the javascript12:40
@kanzureit forces the page to finish loading before the javascript is done, so you can't do anything12:40
@fennyes i'm a big fan of lisp scheme etc12:40
@kanzurebut if you wget the index page it's actually easier to navigate12:40
kirkaAnd I have heard about common lisp system running for ten years12:40
@kanzureyou don't even have to click "next" after 10 items.12:40
eudoxiaDeep Space 1 is apparently still running12:41
eudoxiahow about that12:41
kirkaWell, about MNT:12:41
kirkaThere should be a forum12:41
@kanzurefuck forums12:41
@kanzureabsolutely not12:41
kirkaWhat then?12:41
emancipatehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fd7FZkT9Y_s&feature=plcp live now12:41
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@kanzurethere are already tons of awful blogs, i don't see the benefit of another one12:41
@fennoh, does "forum" mean phpbb-type software?12:42
kirkaI'm actually writing article in russian about MNT12:42
kirkaBut that's not it12:42
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eudoxiai should learn a few more languages12:42
@fennah i had interpreted "sci.nanotech wants a MNT forum" to mean they weren't allowed/encouraged to talk about MNT there12:42
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@kanzurekirka: how about using diyhpl.us/wiki as a wiki, and continuing to use the irc channel12:43
eudoxiano use wiki.transhumani.com12:43
kirkakanzure It's ok, but does it have a large impact?12:43
@fennno use fennetic.net/machines/ !!12:43
kirkafenn Bookmarked12:44
@kanzuremachines/ is not git controlled, shame on you fenn12:44
@fennsorry nothing about nanotech there either :P12:44
kirkahttp://fennetic.net/machines/hexapod.html :312:44
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kirkaI have walking hexapod12:44
@fennjrayhawk won't let me run php12:44
@kanzurefenn: i installed php in a chroot if you want to do that12:44
@kanzurebut really, i don't think mediawiki is a good idea12:45
@fennno, it's abandonware12:45
@fennoh, this is pukiwiki, not mediawiki12:45
@kanzurei was responding about the other link12:45
@fennmy brain isn't working right lately12:45
kirkaI thank that there should be more students inspired to become sciencists and contribute to MNT12:46
@kanzureone topic at a time kirka12:46
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kirkaThat's one topic12:46
jrayhawkit's true, i am indeed a cruel and vicious monster12:46
@kanzurehow about instead of a forum, you just continue talking with people in here12:46
kirkaIt's ok, but there is a few12:46
@fennlet's petition congress to create a fund for research development and promotion of nanotechnology ... oh wait12:46
@kanzurealthough, i do think pestering foresight.org to post their videos would be useful12:46
nmz787when XCOM0 is a grep command, then there is this if if [ -n "$XCOM0" ] || [ ! "$XCOM0" = "" ]; then echo $XCOM112:46
kirkaI think we need some good articles12:46
nmz787what is the -n12:46
eudoxiahaha fenn that's not funny :(12:47
nmz787i need some good particles12:47
kirkaThe http://thenanoage.com/ isn't that bad, but should be better12:47
jrayhawknmz787: man test12:47
jrayhawkor man \[12:47
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kirkakanzure I'll write that down, about foresight12:47
nmz787jrayhawk: I know I'm a man12:47
@kanzurenmz787: -n is "True if FILE exists and has been modified since it was last read."12:47
@kanzurenmz787: no he was telling you to type "man test"12:47
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nmz787yes i know12:47
nmz787i was joke12:48
@kanzurehow original..12:48
jrayhawkactually -n is 'the length of STRING is nonzero'12:48
nmz787that makes more sense12:48
@kanzureah i see that now12:48
nmz787so is there any benefit for if [ -n "$XCOM0" ] || [ ! "$XCOM0" = "" ]; then12:48
nmz787having the two cases12:49
@kanzurekirka: the other thing that i'm disappointed abouti s the lack of continued contributions to nanoengineer from the original development team12:49
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@kanzurekirka: what has drexler been doing exactly? why doesn't he publish his software?12:49
kirkakanzure Yes, that's sad12:49
@kanzurethey are a bunch of jerks anyway..12:49
kirkakanzure He isn't a programmer as far as I know12:49
@kanzurenanoengineer needs to be split into separate python modules without the gui12:49
kirkaI agree12:49
@kanzure"import nanoengineer" doesn't really work, except in the non-gui branch. but that's because i used mocks.12:50
kirkaACtually, being honest, I'm already developing architecture for simple molecular CAD, UHV-nanotech oriented.12:50
@kanzureyou already told us12:50
@kanzurei didn't forget12:50
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kirkaAh, ok12:50
nmz787kirka: cool12:51
kirkaI'll have time for that after january 15th12:51
nmz787kirka: why have we only talked about CNC before?12:51
kirkaI think minimal cad won't be larger than 2k lisp lines of code12:51
@fenndoes everyone re-use those same atom scale gear animations?12:51
@kanzurefenn: yes12:52
@kanzurefenn: sad isn't it12:52
kirkanmz787 I have some interest in CNC, there is some stepper motor graveyard in my home, heh12:52
@fennsomehow it seems more "real" by leaving in the thermal noise artifacts (which should be blurred out on the gear rotation timescale)12:52
kirkaACtually, these gears are very far into the future12:52
kirkaYou know this fo course12:52
@fennyeah, i'll be impressed if we can make carbon anything12:53
kirkaJust manufacturing diamond strained shell bearing won't be easy12:53
nmz787"once upon a time people thought they could make atomic gears"12:53
kirkaI'm thinking about minimal prt sets12:53
eudoxiai'm waiting for an ab-initio simulation of those gears12:53
jrayhawkI can slap up vhosts reasonably easily for Sympa, which is a sort of web forum/mailing list hybrid12:53
@kanzurejrayhawk: i don't think these people will like sympa, to be honest12:53
kirkaeudoxia Yes, that'd be interesting12:53
eudoxiai mean even freitas and merkle have admitted they have only done MDs and don't know if there will be mechanosynthethic reactions between the gears12:53
@kanzurejrayhawk: the reason they want forums is because they are familiar with those layouts, and i don't really want to mod sympa for that12:53
@fenni think people prefer forums because they can be divided up into sub-forums12:54
@fennand of course the web browsing aspect12:54
@kanzurepeople prefer forums because they don't know how to use email12:54
@fennyeah, that's that i meant12:54
@fennfuck why did wave have to die12:55
@fennnow we're stuck with phpbb for eternity12:55
kirkaThere is a lot of black boxes in Nanosystems12:55
eudoxiai don't even know how to use mailinglists12:55
@kanzureno we're stuck with phpbb, disqus, discuz, ikonboard, invisionboard, infopop, ubb, vbulletin, smf, and a million other shitty things.12:55
kirkaI think that it would be useful to design and analyse additional simple  components12:55
kirkaRod logic element for example (springs, etc aren't obvious)12:56
@kanzurefenn: also there's a community-supported version of wave somewhere12:56
kirkaAnd method of manufacturing for rods12:56
kirkaHow do we "tear" rod from substrate?12:56
kirkaThat bugs me12:56
@fennthe sticky fingers problem?12:56
eudoxiadude kirka12:56
eudoxiabuild things on a germanium layer12:57
eudoxiathat is etched away12:57
kirkaThat's not bad12:57
@fennare rods built separate from the mechanism, or built in place like a 3d printer?12:57
kirkaSo the first dimers will be held in place by non-covalent  forces?12:57
* fenn hasn't actually read nanosystems12:58
kirkafenn Probably separate12:58
kirkaBut it isn't described there12:58
kirka>etched away12:59
kirkaeudoxia SO there should be separate tool for adding dimer to Ge surface?12:59
eudoxiai was thinking PALE13:00
eudoxiaat least for an initial layer13:00
kirkaAha, that's another story.13:00
eudoxiayou are rigth: the dimer tools have Ge behind the dimers, they only work for depositing the dimers on C surfaces13:00
kirkaSomething weaker than Ge13:01
eudoxiaotherwise it's Ge on both sides and that will fuck up the error rates13:01
kirkaBut it won't be reliable13:01
eudoxiawe're running out of Group IV kirka13:01
kirkaAnd etching isn't allowed in mechanosynthesis13:01
eudoxianext down is lead i think13:01
jrayhawksympa is pretty low investment for us and has a lot of desirable characteristics, so we don't really need to speculate about its suboptimalities, we can just build it and see if people come13:01
@kanzurejrayhawk: okay fine13:02
kirkajeayhawk Are you talking about some bbs-line engine?13:02
jrayhawkwhat do those words even mean13:02
kirkaSorry, a lot of typos13:03
kirkabbs-like of course13:03
@kanzuredepends on what you mean by bbs... if you consider newsgroups and mailing lists and forums to be bbs like, then anything is possible13:03
kirkaeudoxia I was wrong with Si, maybe Sn would do it.13:04
jrayhawkwell, you can telnet into port 80 and pretend you're using a really ugly BBS13:04
jrayhawkreally ugly, really tedious BBS13:04
kirkaNew generation uses imageboards, heh13:04
@kanzurenot really13:04
jrayhawkclearly i should embed ANSI art in HTML comments for people who try to do that.13:05
@kanzurejrayhawk: also, the chinese call php forums (like 'discuz' (not 'disqus')) bbs13:05
@kanzureso that complicates things13:05
jrayhawkif you don't mind me hijacking the entire local part namespace for diyhpl.us, you can MX it over to mail.svcs.cs.pdx.edu13:06
@fennis there some kind of meta forum scraper interface so i can read forum posts from a command line?13:06
jrayhawkthey often have RSS/Atom feeds13:07
kirkaeudoxia Well, I think it'll be very useful to analyze these questions. And design some structures for manufacturability.13:07
@kanzurefenn: there's boardreader and rss stuff, but you can't reply by rss and boardreader doesn't have a cli ui13:07
@fennjrayhawk: but that's only recent posts right? typically i want to read threads that are years old13:07
@kanzureman why isn't cli ui called clui ("they haven't got a clui")13:07
@kanzurefenn: nope doesn't exist.13:07
jrayhawkRSS interfaces are often parameterized. "?past=100000" or some such13:07
@kanzurei wrote a common api to interact with forums like that, but it was primarily for spamming purposes13:07
eudoxiakirka did you make that thread on /sci/13:08
* kirka so embarassing13:08
@kanzureso you two are 4channers13:08
kirkaI haven't read 4chan for years13:08
@kanzurelet's see.. which thread is he talking about http://boards.4chan.org/sci/13:08
kirkaActually I think that /scis's intelelctual level is quite low13:08
eudoxiai know13:09
kirkaI think that if somebody downloads the book and will read that a little, that'll be a good thing13:09
@kanzurebtw, pmetzger made a nanotech facebook group that he wanted to be high quality13:09
@kanzurebut sadly the only contribution was my post on nanoengineer13:09
@kanzureso i'm pretty sure perry failed at his mission13:09
kirkaOn one russian imageboard I had something like 80 downloads13:10
jrayhawkhaha "facebook" "high quality"13:10
@kanzurejrayhawk: yes i agree13:10
@kanzurebut hey, i was being friendly and helped him out13:10
kirkaI don't have accounts in any social networks (irrational feelings towards data mining)13:10
@kanzurepretty weird for someone who just suggested a forum13:10
@fenn4chan is about as anonymous as you can get without resorting to tor13:11
@kanzurealso, this is the second time in the last 48 hours someone has linked me to my github repos13:11
kirkaForums are perceived as something "oldschool" these days13:11
@kanzuresomeone else posted a link to my github account in /vp/13:11
jrayhawkalternatively lists.diyhpl.us would work, if you want less namespace pollution13:11
@kanzurejrayhawk: oh sorry, i meant to reply to you, uh13:12
@kanzureit would be nice if i could have access to my mailbox from gnusha/bryan.svcs.cs.pdx.edu13:12
@kanzureif that's still the case then go for it with the MX record changes13:12
@kanzurethere's nothing important in the current mailbox13:12
@kanzureoh right everything is forwarded?13:13
@kanzuredamn mutt isn't even installed. well, i guess i never checked my mail huh.13:13
eudoxiawhy would13:13
eudoxiaoh right13:13
jrayhawkmail:/# grep -ri bryan /etc/exim4/aliases/13:13
jrayhawk/etc/exim4/aliases/diyhpl.us:bryan: kanzure@gmail.com13:13
eudoxiaright, your pokemon thing13:13
jrayhawkwhich only local delivery would hit13:14
@kanzureah i see13:14
@kanzurei'll modify dns in a few hours13:15
jrayhawkping me when you do13:15
jrayhawki guess forum.diyhpl.us is more comically manipulative of people's expectations13:16
@fennugh why do people use these file hosting services with timers13:16
@kanzurethere are various tools that auto-skip the timers13:16
@kanzurethere's a cli tool i forget the name of.. hrm.13:16
@fennand popups and redirect loops and endless upsells13:17
@fenn"are you SURE you want to download the file at REGULAR SLOW speed?"13:17
@kanzureand all of the ads that you're never quite sure if they really are ads13:17
@kanzurei usually have excellent ad detection skills, and those ads are getting really good at looking like the right thing to click. almost.13:17
@fennand then it hangs because the javascript was bad or something, and you can't download the file anyway13:17
browniesAdBlock + Ghostery removes most of them13:18
jrayhawkslimrat-nox maybe13:18
@kanzurebrownies: yes, yes, but i sort of want to look at ads for other reasons13:19
@fennoh neat13:19
@kanzurebrownies: i use adblock as a whitelist heh13:19
@fenn"we do not recommend that you place landscapes on the ceiling. To do so has the potential to create subtle confusion or disorientation in the mind of the observer."13:27
kirkaWow, that's some cool number http://rghost.ru/4222666413:29
kirkaThere are people in that site who upload a ton of files to "get" the cool one13:30
@fennit is an omen!13:30
strangewarpo man13:34
@fennthis is actually kinda neat. would be even better with lenslet arrays for a 3d effect http://www.skyfactory.com/products/13:36
@fenn"integral imaging" is the magic nonsense word13:40
eudoxiaguys what is that molecule that's one big chain of carbon atoms, that has single and triple bonds13:48
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eudoxiai can't remember the word13:49
eudoxia"intercalates" single and triple bonds13:49
eudoxiacome on brain13:49
eudoxiaalternating, that's the word13:49
eudoxiaa long chain of C alternating single and triple bonds13:50
@fennoh not quite13:51
eudoxiait was something like polyene13:51
eudoxiathe name13:51
@fenni bet that purplebook is the only place the word polyalkynlene exists13:53
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kirkaAnd is there any polymer with hexagonal monomers and double bonds between theme?13:53
kirkafenn you are right13:53
eudoxiakirka, my logic rod was made of that, and the knobs were benzene with two contiguous H's replaced with Fluorine13:54
eudoxiait was not really stiff enough to be called a rod though13:54
@fennsee even wikipedia calls it polyacetylene13:54
kirkaI think for initial deign that's ok13:55
eudoxiayeah mine was too scifi13:55
eudoxiawell i gotta run now13:55
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kirkaExaflop per cubic cm probably could be reached with that13:55
@fennwhy do the rods have to be so big? why not just a simple cis/trans isomerization?13:56
kirkaOf course later smaller devices will be developed13:57
kirkaI think we should design for manufacturability for now13:57
@fenni bet from an information theoretic perspective, more copies that are individually less reliable are more reliable in aggregate13:57
kirkaThat's good point13:57
@fennalso it may turn out that smaller devices are more easily fabricated13:57
@fennfor example as protein conformation changes13:58
kirkaDo you think that it's possible to build mechaniical logic with proteins?13:58
@fennotherwise what's the point of doing nanotechnology at all13:58
@fennyou're back at stonehenge, i mean it's still there right? pretty reliable13:59
kirkaAs the end target super-miniaturization is ok13:59
@fenni would be surprised if there doesn't already exist a mechanical logic system made of protein, we just have to recognize it13:59
kirkaBut complex side group chemistry of polyyne rods will require advanced toolsets14:00
@kanzurehuh? receptors are mechanical logic.14:00
kirkaYou are right14:00
kirkaYes, e.g. Rhodopsin14:00
kirkaIt changes conformation when a photon hits him14:01
@fennpolyynes dont have side groups14:01
@kanzureyes we know about rhodopsins14:01
@kanzurebut that's not what i mean by mechanical14:01
kirkafenn knobs?14:01
kirkakanzure What then?14:02
kirkaAh, receptors14:02
@kanzureg-signal crap14:02
@fennwhy does that require "advaned toolsets"? nature does it already, apparently: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyyne#Biological_origins14:02
kirkaI'm still dreaming that with UHV-STM could help in bypassing "biological bootstrap".14:04
kirka*that UHV-STM14:04
@fennwell, plain old organic chemistry even14:05
@fennto be honest i don't really understand the rod logic idea, so i should go read that book14:05
kirkaThat's quite simple14:06
kirkaBut it's very mechanical14:06
kirka"Showing utter contempt for chemistry" as someone said14:07
@fenn"The entire computation could in principle be performed by a single block of complexly shaped oscillating elastic material." is what i'm saying14:07
kirkaThat's more complex14:07
kirkaIt's Merkle's ideas14:07
@fenni don't agree that it will dissipate no energy though, otherwise how do you do anything at all? (bit erasure energy)14:08
kirkaHe is into reversible logic14:08
kirkaThat's complex too14:08
kirkaWe need just rod logic14:08
kirkaHmph seems nanosystems' treatment of rod logic is simpler than anything evailable on the internet14:10
kirka"1" means ther is knob which belongs to rod that's perpendicular to the image14:11
kirkaIf ther is at least one knob, then the main rod cannot slide14:12
@fennhmm this isn't OCR'd14:12
kirkaThat's it, you have a switch.14:12
kirkaWhen I'll have full design of logic rod cell, register and a couple of other components, I can design a whole CPU.14:14
kirkaI have some experience with that.14:14
@kanzurefenn: there's a nanosystems.tar.gz on the server which isn't OCR'd if you'd like that version14:15
kirkaFor the begininng, of course, I'll do simple things like full adder14:15
@fennyeah i have that version already, thanks14:15
@fennkirka might want it though14:15
kirkakanzure my DJVU isn't OCR'd too14:15
@kanzurewho the hell uses djvu14:15
@fennit's much higher resolution than the djvu file14:15
kirkaAh, could be14:15
kirkaI find 15 mb djvu more convenient14:16
@fenndjvu is pretty good compression ratio; it can store text layout and images. what more do you want?14:16
kirkaI have compressed it lossless14:16
@kanzurehmm where did i put it14:16
@kanzure2012-09-21.log:08:34 < kirka> That's it http://gnusha.org/stuff_to_deal_with/nanosystems.tar.gz14:17
@kanzurei wonder why that doesn't exist14:17
@kanzurelousy place to store it anyway14:17
@fennby definition14:18
@kanzurefenn: if you have a copy could you upload it? it would take me an hour or something.14:18
kirkaI have a copy14:18
kirkaBut it's too late for today14:18
@fenni only have .jpg's i made from the original .png's14:18
@fennwhy isnt the original .quark file available? sheesh14:19
@fennall this stupid reverse engineering14:19
@kanzurei don't understand why merkle doesn't have a giant file drop of all these things14:20
@kanzurei guess it doesn't occur to people that http is a nice thing to serve14:21
kirkaBye, I'm sleeping14:23
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@kanzureso, after looking at nanoengineer's code for months, i'm not convinced there's anything useful in there14:24
@kanzuremost of it is gui stuff14:24
@kanzureand the stuff that isn't gui stuff is riddled with gui stuff anyway14:24
@fennis this surprising? it's a GUI program after all14:25
@kanzuretheoretically there's a core library14:25
@kanzurewith the file format stuff (which, surprise, is not separable)14:25
@fennnot separable from what?14:25
@kanzurefrom all the other code14:26
@kanzurei should be able to "import nanoengineer" in python and get useful things, not a gui.14:26
@fennmake it so, number one14:26
@fenn:set editor=vaporize14:26
@fenndo you have an archive of _Nanotechnology_ by IOPP?14:28
@kanzuredoesn't sound like a thing i have, no14:28
@fennapparently that's where merkle published a lot of stuff14:29
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emancipatehey anyone playing with opto genetics? and good reads you can point me to?16:08
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paskylaser printed dna?16:11
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@fenna cute phrase that conveys little information about what's actually going on16:16
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@kanzuresloan foundation bioterrorism preparedness http://www.upmc-biosecurity.org/website/resources/publications/2012/2012-12-12-prep_bioterrorism.html#pdf16:30
safitanpaid for by the sloan foundation and listeners like you16:31
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@fennio error: brain not found17:25
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@kanzureyashgaroth: you got a beat on any cubish proteins?17:35
yashgarothBorg1 is the only one I'm familiar with17:35
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yashgaroththey tend to form spheres if they're gonna be big enough to form cubes17:36
AdrianGhow safe is TDCS17:37
@kanzureyashgaroth: i can't find any pdb files of it, it seems to be better known as CDC42EP217:38
yashgarothyeah sorry I was joking, y'know borg cubes and all17:39
@kanzurewell some fucking biologist thought it would be funny to name his protein borg1 apparently17:39
yashgarothit's all about the puns, gotta stand out from the crowd of 100,000 other proteins17:39
@kanzureif they take up all the cool names with trivial crap, what are we going to name the really cool shit17:40
yashgaroththere's no formal rule against using profanity, and naming your protein 'Fuck' would certainly help keep it out of all the shitty pop-sci articles17:41
emancipateit might not be related but you might find something usefull here, pdb rich server http://qsad.bu.edu/data/pdbfiles/17:42
yashgaroththose all look like small molecules17:42
emancipateyeah they are, I just came across them a whhile back17:43
emancipateanother might have doubles from other server http://cat.middlebury.edu/~chem/chemistry/pdb/17:44
emancipatemy other link was dead too bad, but heres the last I have http://mouse.belozersky.msu.ru/npidb/pdb/dna/17:46
emancipatego up one directory he has other interesting stuffs17:47
emancipatehmm I havent been to it in a while, looks like he updated it http://mouse.belozersky.msu.ru/npidb/pdb/pdb_new/17:48
emancipateok back to lurking, enjoy17:48
yashgarothdon't take this the wrong way, but all pdb files are available at PDB and I have no idea what that guy's research is about17:49
emancipatewhoops sorry, I just thought one of his pdb would be what you were looking for17:54
emancipateI never did check against pdb if it was available there too, kinda new still playing around sources and reading17:55
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@fenninteresting. the dawn spacecraft (that went to vesta and now going to ceres) main telescope image processor uses a "soft" fpga based CPU, available under the LGPL from opencores :O17:59
@kanzureis there an alt-tab shortcut to not have to cycle through all the tabs to get back to your current tab? and not "alt-tab release alt-tab release"17:59
emancipatectrl+number I think18:00
emancipatewell depends on the client18:00
emancipatewhen I used hydra , and pidgin I think18:01
emancipateohh its alt+number in chatzilla :D18:02
@fennEVOLVE OR DIE!!!1 http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-pyWHC2_OWYQ/Tgnxf5JWwJI/AAAAAAAAA-Q/lg32DmTzol8/s1600/Cybergen.jpg18:22
@kanzurealt-shift-tab just goes backwards instead18:22
@kanzuremaybe it's time to get off of gnome/kde18:22
@fenni've been using lxde and various bits from gnome18:23
@fennit's not that super duper really, but i figure eventually gnome will drop the "classic" mode altogether and be completely useless18:24
@kanzurearen't we all supposed to be using xmonadnads or something18:25
@kanzureaha jrayhawk-approved18:25
@kanzurewell it's decided then18:25
@kanzurecan't be much worse than gnome18:25
@fenni could never figure out what a monad was, that's my excuse18:26
@kanzuresomething about philosophical optimism.. and german encyclopedia projects.18:27
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jrayhawksomething about burritos18:27
@kanzurealso, what's the right way to reset the keyboard on linux if something goes terribly wrong? xsetkb isn't doing the trick for a friend.18:28
@kanzurei thought it would appear in lsmod but it doesn't18:28
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jrayhawkburritos within burritos, my friend18:37
jrayhawkit's just burritos all the way down18:37
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jrayhawkre: kbd: too many potential layers to think about, and I don't fully understand it myself. oftentimes restarting udev helps.18:38
@kanzurethanks, i think "sudo service udev restart" might work in that case.18:40
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@fennJohnny Depp will play Will, a scientist whose brain is uploaded into a supercomputer in Transcendence (2014)19:35
@fenn2014 refers to the movie release date presumably, not the date johnny depp is uploaded.19:35
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AdrianGlol fenn19:48
joshcryerOblivion and Pacific Rim are two new-tech blockbusters coming out. Guess hollywood is getting back into tech stuff again.19:52
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@kanzurejavascript sure has gotten weird http://possan.se/junk/webglass/index.html20:53
@kanzurefinally someone came to their senses and made hatsune miku webgl http://edv.sakura.ne.jp/mmd/21:10
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@kanzurewell.. sort of.21:12
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@kanzure"Wednesday 12/19: 6pm - 7pm Molecular Biology of the Cell Study Group"22:24
@kanzuredidn't know biocurious had that22:24
@kanzure"nature publishing group" are the last people you should ask about diybio22:25
@kanzureoh look they even linked to me, how rebelious of them to actually care.22:26
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@kanzureBioGuy: hi22:34
BioGuyHey, long time no chat22:36
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