
--- Log opened Fri Dec 14 00:00:55 2012
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chris_99http://blog.medigr.am/?p=115 tiny little EEG/ECG board05:09
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@fenni like wireless power for EEG/ECG because it reduces the risk of electrocution, as well as ground loop noise11:53
@fennoh it's a commercial device.. bummer11:53
@fenni'm gonna revers engineer that from their photos :P11:54
chris_99alas it doesn't show the chips11:54
ThomasEgia wirelessly powered eeg?..11:54
ThomasEgias in.. battery+inductive charging?11:54
@fenn"What we’ve enabled is the integration of these large components onto a single microchip, achieving significant improvements in power consumption"11:57
@fennso perhaps not especially DIY11:57
@fennreally i dont see why eeg or ecg should consume very much power, even with existing amplifiers and transcievers11:57
@fenn"the system doesn’t have a battery. It harvests the sparse radio-frequency energy from a nearby device – in this case, a cell phone. The small smart phone carried by hundreds of millions of people around the world can now provide the energy for important biomedical monitoring"11:58
@fennthat's the extent of the technical description :\11:58
@kanzureso apparently cwm does window labeling and searching12:06
@kanzureyou just type for what you want instead of tabbing or rotating or workspaces12:06
@kanzurei think this also means you don't need to use tabs in browsers, too12:06
@fenndoesn't that mean you have to have a separate window (and therefore separate process) for each tab?12:07
@kanzureno it's not "therefore separate process", to my knowledge12:07
@fennnot that i think it's a bad thing to use a window manager to manage windows..12:07
@kanzurewhen you launch google-chrome multiple times it alerts "Created new window in existing browser session."12:08
@kanzuredunno about firefox, but i imagine it's similar12:08
ThomasEgifenn, the reason why most amplifier devices require comparebly lots of power is that working with higher currents can lower the noise levels. i doubt an EEG could run off radio-energy-harvesting. even if burned in a single soc12:09
chris_99EEG deals with low currents though surely12:14
chris_99even after amping the signal the current could still presumably be low12:14
ThomasEgiusualy. the first stage in the amplifier design is an impedance matcher. and from there on, currents have nothing to do with the inputs anymore. unless your entire amp stage is current based, which is very uncommon.12:17
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ThomasEgihaving said that. it is, theoretically possible to build amps based on ridiculsly high impendance input stages. but those are extremly prone to environmental influences. EM crap, temperature, humidity, drifts etc. and then you still didn't gain much.12:23
@fenni figured responding to "environmental influences" was the goal12:25
@fennEEG is sensing the electric field coming off the brain, no?12:25
ThomasEgiyeah. but that thing is so sensitive you can get the video signal of a tube-based tv that's 2 rooms next to yours.12:26
ThomasEgidoing nothing but having the input pin floating. no antenna, no nothing.12:26
ThomasEgipicks up everything. walk across the room, watch the effects of your body changing the electrical field in the room.12:27
@fennokay so have two amplifiers, one acting as the control12:28
ThomasEgihehe. no chance. the only way you can get meaningful results is to do full copper shielding. massive shielding.12:28
@fennwhy can't you do differential measurement?12:28
ThomasEgiwell you can, if you have a reference.12:29
ThomasEginot sure how it would hold up for eeg stuff. i mainly designed it for microphones. it does perform fairly well at very low frequencies.12:30
ThomasEgii can test it. i should receive the parts for building it rather soon12:32
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@fennwell anyway, easier for me to just use a battery in the meanwhile12:34
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ThomasEgiyou'll need that anyway :)12:39
ThomasEgithe more energy you have available. the easier the design for the electronic12:39
@fennthe wireless eeg thing reminds me of the smart dust from the book "deepness in the sky"12:43
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juri_thomas: our hackerspace is building EEGs. we're trying to nullify outside signal sources, by referencing the leg of the patient.13:53
@kanzurei don't understand why eegs are hyped so much13:54
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@fennjuri_: but that uses a common ground point, right? you're not doing two completely separate measurements (from two pairs of points)13:57
@fennit's not really "wireless" if you need a wire going from your head to your leg13:57
@fennbtw who's doing that project?13:59
juri_we're shooting for 'battery powered.'13:59
juri_hacDC is building at least three of them13:59
@fenncool. i'm definitely interested in all three use cases (eeg/ekg/emg)14:00
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juri_we have a very active, if eclectic biohacking group.14:25
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@fennhow come there was so much noise about 11-11-11 but nothing about 12-12-12?14:48
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Mariuwhat was the noise about 11-11-11 ?14:49
@fennthere were parades and parties and so on. maybe i'm just out of the loop now14:49
@kanzureyou don't live with twenty people now14:49
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@kanzureugh :(15:43
@kanzuredirector.. of engineering?15:44
@fenni really hope i'm reading that wrong15:45
@kanzurepeter norvig could totally murder ray in a caged match15:46
@kanzureah pete is only "director of research".. dafuq15:46
@fennengineering is like ... making sure their server farms are reliable and performance scales15:47
@kanzurelife is so confusing15:48
@fennmaybe he will invent the second generation of fuck-up-my-search-query technology15:48
@fenngoogle masturbatim15:49
@kanzureno, he'll fuck up google glass15:49
@fennyeah that's a reasonable interpretation15:49
@fenni never had high hopes for google glass anyway15:50
@fennbest result is something like what happened with phones15:50
@kanzureandroid turned out okay (in the scheme of things)15:50
@fennthey still really let the whole open source part down15:50
@fennthere's way more incompatibility in the android realm than there ought to be15:51
@kanzurebecause they do a bulk merge instead of incremental merges?15:51
@kanzureoh, that, yes15:51
@fennproprietary drivers, "locked" phones etc15:51
@fennwhy the fuck would you have to "root" an open source phone? it makes no sense15:51
@kanzureyou don't-- all of google's phones have a boot loader now that lets you boot into saner things15:52
@fennfrom what i understand, stock android is pretty reasonable (disabled ad-hoc wireless not withstanding)15:53
@kanzurealso, the rooting is because of carriers. they are afraid of phone users.15:53
@fennhow is it even possible though?15:53
@fennsometimes the law is just beyond me15:54
@kanzurethe carriers probably disable root or give it an obscure password15:54
@fenni read that there's a DMCA circumvention exception for phones, but not for tablets or other devices that don't make phone calls15:57
@fennbut the courts go back and forth on whether you are or arent allowed to root some particular device.. to the point where you can't predict what you will be allowed to do in two years' time15:58
@fennanyway i'm just ranting, plz ignore15:58
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@kanzureman it's weird seeing people defend ray16:30
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nmz787i am actually looking for a new ROM for my android phone16:42
nmz787because skype doesnt seem to work, and with a 720P camera on the back, and a VGA cam on the front, why do I not make as many video calls as possible????16:43
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nmz787some of those 'proprietary' drivers are my suspicion for why skype is being a pain16:43
@kanzurecyanogenmod tends to be okay16:43
browniesi had CM on my 'droid. it was solidly okay.16:44
browniesoccasionally it would hard-reboot the phone while i was using it, but that may have been my obscure/old hardware.16:44
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nmz787yeah I'm on CM6 now because its the last CM that they hacked the proprietary driver from or something16:49
nmz787so 720P works in the video cam mode16:49
@fennhaha "creationism for people with an IQ over 140"16:54
@fenni wonder why anyone would buy a plain SD card instead of a microSD with adapter17:02
@kanzureyou know, maybe my iq isn't over 140 and that's why i think ray's full of it17:03
@fennalmost nobody has an IQ over 140, so that doesn't explain anything, sorry17:04
@fennhuh maybe i'm wrong about that. there are ~1.4 million americans over IQ 140?17:06
@fenn(by definition)17:09
juri_there's quite a backlash against anyone who says they have a higher IQ.17:09
nmz787did you just move the decimal fenn?17:09
juri_especially since IQ is in no way correlated to success in life.17:10
juri_(however one defines success)17:10
nmz787that would mean there are 300 million americans with an IQ off 3000017:11
@kanzurejuri_: iq is really uninteresting in here, because people conflate it with whatever super powers the human brain has17:11
@fennnmz787: no i consulted a standard deviation vs percentile chart17:11
juri_kanzure: makes sense.17:11
@kanzurefenn: so, maybe it's a good thing. of all the places to give him a reality check, google might be it.17:11
@kanzure"no, file systems can't do that you jerk"17:11
@kanzureand "no, our ocr is better"17:11
@fenntesseract leaves a lot to be desired17:12
@kanzureno i mean the one they actually use17:12
@fenni think they use tesseract17:12
@kanzurepretty sure they aren't using default tessera-- oh17:12
@kanzurewell maybe they are just better at using it than i am.17:12
@fennit's probably just really fiddly, and since they display images of the books (ocr text is only used for searching) nobody notices the amazingly high prevalence of errors17:13
@fenni mean it might work okay if you have perfect input17:13
@fennand it needs all kinds of support programs like unpaper and dewarping/deskewing that really should be integrated17:14
@kanzurethe thing is, it's really easy to test those things17:14
@fennto test what?17:14
@kanzuregenerate random unicode data -> print it out -> run it through the ocr machine17:14
@fennprint it with a printer?17:14
@kanzure(unless you can generate the same artifacts without printing it)17:14
@kanzureeither way. i don't care.17:15
@kanzure"this generator produces images that look like poorly scanned books"17:15
@fennwell two things; books are printed in various fonts and formats, and there are better and worse ways to scan books17:15
@kanzurealso- you can scan multiple pageso f the same book and collect data on similar artifacts17:16
@fenntesseract seems to have been designed or tuned to work only with perfectly scanned books17:16
@kanzure(or whatever awful font they were using)17:16
@fennyeah i know that's possible, i just dont know how to do it17:16
@kanzurewhere is steve when you need him?17:16
@fennyou have to manually go through and build up libraries of individual "glyphs"17:16
jrayhawk"Apparently, ATLAS used this last month to search for the systematic errors that might be responsible for the discrepancy but, having found nothing, they decided to go public."17:16
jrayhawkIt looks like ATLAS... *puts on sunglasses* shrugged. YEEEEAAAAHHH!!!!!!17:16
@fennyour rabid randism won't save you from death17:17
@kanzurewrong rayhawk17:17
@kanzurei wanted the other one17:17
@fenni thought they were the same person :P17:18
@fenn(no not really)17:18
@kanzurejoe can't you just go sneak into his room and type /join on his machine17:18
@kanzureworked with sauri k17:18
jrayhawki actually have direct control of his irc client from here17:18
@kanzureexcellent work17:18
@fenndoes steve have OCR expertise?17:18
@kanzureprobably not, but he probably also has experience in something that is ocr but not called oc17:20
@fenner, what?17:20
juri_I'm actually the maintainer of GNU GIFT.17:21
juri_i do form recognition, including stamp recognition.17:21
@kanzurefenn: lots of pattern recognition stuff17:21
@kanzurefenn: and accounting for obscure edge cases17:21
juri_my online demo sucks. i really should work on it.17:21
@kanzurepeter norvig picked him ?17:25
@fennthat seems to be the implication17:26
@fennjuri_: old gqview has a 'find duplicate files' mode that will group images in a folder by similarity.. is there anything like that for gift?17:29
juri_that's kindof what gift does.17:29
juri_that would be 'doing a search for each image by each image.17:29
@fennthis redirect to 'mrml clients' is sorta confusing for a new user17:30
@fennlike, what is mrml?17:30
juri_just have fun with the online demo. ;)17:30
juri_its a bad idea of a image query language.17:30
juri_there's lots about that software i need to change, to really bring out its potential.17:31
juri_i've more of just been focused on using it practically.17:31
juri_my next project is to use 3d gabor filtering with multiple cameras to do 3d microscopy.17:32
juri_i'm trying to improve/document the concept of a 'cell printer'.17:33
@fennwhat are the cameras for?17:33
@fennyou know about flow cytometry right?17:34
juri_never heard of it.17:34
@fennoh, it's pretty neat17:34
juri_they're there for ultra-precise positioning control.17:34
juri_i want to safely pick up and deposit cells.17:34
juri_to do that, i need to know exactly where my picker is, and where the target is. 2d won't do it.17:35
@fennyou spray a stream of droplets past two capacitive deflector plates; on average each droplet contains 0 or 1 cells, if the cell is there and of the correct type (it's glowing because you stained the correct type of cell with a fluorescent tag) the droplet gets deflected to one place, otherwise to a different place17:35
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juri_ah yess, someone was telling me about that the other day.17:36
@fennyou can realistically do 2-3 tags at a time17:36
@fenni think it works for single molecules, with a fancy enough camera17:36
juri_me being myself, i go with nothing fancy. its all stuff i 3d print, or parts of computers/printers. ;)17:37
@fennyou can use a photodiode if there's enough tag in the droplet17:37
@fenni really dont know why they're so expensive17:38
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yashgarothoh dear17:39
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@fennwould be fun to play with this similarity data as an elastic graph of icons17:54
@fennhttp://fennetic.net/irc/gqview_duplicate_files.png http://fennetic.net/irc/gqview_duplicate_files2.png17:58
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@fennjuri_: images tagged cc-sa on flickr might make for a less wonky demo18:08
juri_fenn: the real enemy of my demo is transparency.18:08
@fennor wikimedia18:08
@fennyou mean alpha channel?18:08
juri_yepyep. the software isnt built to handle it.18:09
@fennman sourceforge makes it so hard to download repositories18:10
kanzure_someone should make a sourceforge site that makes things not suck, and just redirect the important stuff to sourceforge.18:11
kanzure_you could just http 302 to the actual download url18:12
@fennthere is no "actual download url"18:12
@fenni'm figuring out how to use git-cvs again18:12
kanzure_whoever does that will be the hero of the world18:12
jrayhawkha ha man it'd be funny to scrape and deploy the entirity of sourceforge18:14
jrayhawki guess i am not that far off with piny18:14
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kanzure_maybe we could scrape sourceforge and then get everyone to block sourceforge by dns18:15
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@fennoh good rsync works18:19
@fennrsync -av rsync://PROJECTNAME.cvs.sourceforge.net/cvsroot/PROJECTNAME/* .18:19
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kanzure_"There is a common delusion that if you pretend to be 'professional' with enough sincerity, wear the suit and go through all the executive ritual motions, are always positive in attitude, and never--ever--complain, then money will happen."18:42
kanzure_well, at least eric's honest about luf18:42
kanzure_"he very hard reality is this; right now there is more talent, practical skill, creativity, and vitality among the Bronies than there is among the entire global space advocacy community. The empirical proof of that is seen all over the Internet. They do stuff!"18:43
kanzure_brownies: yo dawg, he's mentioning your next of kin.18:43
browniesuh. what the fuck?18:43
kanzure_brownies: https://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing/browse_thread/thread/49873e1065ef012f18:47
brownieswhat's the LUF?18:51
browniesi see.18:51
brownieswell, that message is just far too long.18:52
kanzure_"Since I first joined the FMF--now going toward twenty years ago--I have been continuously generating and proposing project ideas for this group, always seeking things that were more accessible in terms of cost and skills. I always knew the demographics of space enthusiasts was weak, but I long believed that, in a community so international and large, there had to be some latent reserve of practical skills waiting for the right project to draw it 18:52
kanzure_"So that's what I tried to do. And I didn't just float trial balloons. Despite not being the most healthy person or personally having much resources, I have tried to get things to critical mass on my own, but it's really slow-going alone. Right now I have about a dozen pans on the stove, and I have seen little to no help on offer for them. I can't blame people for that."18:52
kanzure_"The skills and means just aren't there. I've now hit bottom. I am now routinely proposing project ideas in this forum on the level of hobby, craft, and DIY home improvement and that's still too difficult for you people. If our community can't handle activity on the level of scout troop crafts, what the hell can we realistically ever hope to accomplish?"18:52
kanzure_"... And one of the problems with that is that these poor sods routinely bite off more than they can chew because they foolishly think getting the ball rolling will inspire the rest of you to help carry things through. Nope."18:53
browniesi see.18:53
AdrianGi dont get it18:53
AdrianGwhat is this chat about18:53
brownieswell, these are reasonable points. and generally a common problem with volunteer organizations... especially organizations that have lofty poorly-defined goals18:53
AdrianGliek transhuman18:53
AdrianGor human+18:54
kanzure_"There already is an open source space movement, but it has almost no connection to the space advocacy community. How many people in this forum have ever heard of Open Luna?"18:54
kanzure_openluna is a lame reference. how about copenhagen suborbitals.18:54
kanzure_AdrianG: humanityplus, if that's what you mean, is not a technical organization. but it tries to lie about this because it wants to be inculded.18:54
AdrianGso r u like about pilz and implantz18:55
AdrianGand nanobotz itstead of blood cells.18:56
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browniesjesus fuck what is wrong with your brain that you must always type like a retard18:57
AdrianGsry its OCD18:57
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@kanzureno go away18:58
@fennfor teh lulz18:58
brownieskanzure: are you still hanging out with h+ at all?18:58
@kanzurei occassionally chat up some of the people that associate themselves with that organization, yeah19:02
AdrianGwhat is copenhagen suborbitals?19:04
@kanzurea group of aliens displaced from the future attempting to not die in misery19:07
@kanzure"Copenhagen Suborbitals is a non-profit organization based in Denmark's capital, Copenhagen. The organization's main goal is to develop relatively inexpensive forms of suborbital manned spaceflight outside of government programs and the influence of large, for-profit corporations. "19:07
@kanzure"Copenhagen Suborbitals has also focused on the promotion of an open source working environment."19:07
AdrianGthey have a snazzy seal.19:08
jrayhawkregistered users only19:08
jrayhawkactually archive users only, even19:09
@kanzurewell, just imagine usual SA awesomeness19:09
jrayhawkit was GBS; less acculturated19:09
@kanzurefenn: why don't you go with live with those guys for a while and learn you some danish19:10
@kanzureprobably more functional than tractor-e-farm19:10
@fennnot a bad idea actually19:20
@fenni wish i could get excited about rockets19:21
@fenn(chemical rockets that is)19:21
@fennunfortunately nothing much has changed in the last 50 years19:21
* heath tickles fenn19:22
heaththat working?19:22
@fennwhere did you come from19:22
@fenni saw some space stuff there, i think19:23
heathin hsv?19:23
heathmakes sense19:23
@fennat a rest stop on i-1019:23
heathit's where we stashed the german engineers so we could make it to the moon19:23
@fennwhat's GBS?19:24
heathgame boy system19:24
heathi dunno19:24
jrayhawkGPS is new and fairly integral to modern rocketry, and components and manufacturing are a lot cheaper and more accurate than they used to be19:27
jrayhawktripropellant setups are still largely untested19:28
jrayhawkaerospikes are still largely untested19:28
heathjrayhawk: gbs, not gps?...19:29
heathalso hi jrayhawk19:29
@fenndoes GPS even work without some crazy mil-spec receiver?19:30
heathfenn: what were you doing near these parts without calling me huh?19:30
@fennconsumer GPS is required to shut down above mach 1 or somesuch19:30
@fennheath: driving as fast as i could to get the hell out of there19:30
heathwe got a neat little robot roaming our offices with 4 gps sensors :D19:30
heathand fuckton of python code19:30
heathfenn: lul19:31
@fennjrayhawk: none of these things change the scale of operations significantly19:31
jrayhawkthe only limitation on GPS is that the unencrypted signals have a lot of dithering19:31
heathwe've got bna, bhm, atl, and bna(nashville), but not much outside of that :)19:31
@fennor the operational envelope19:31
@fennjrayhawk: i thought they turned that off in the late 90's19:32
@fennnow encrypted and unencrypted is the same19:32
heathoh, and rocks to fall of19:32
@fennanyway there's GLONASS19:32
jrayhawkoperational envelope is defined by the amount of fuel you have, which is, all things considered, a tiny cost19:32
@fenni disagree19:33
@fennwhen the minimum viable rocket to orbit is thousands of pounds of wasted junk.. it's all just money down the drain19:33
heathanyone disagree with the use of ternaries like this?19:34
@fennternary statements are bullshit19:34
* heath needs to write a blog post on using sweet.js to improve code like thsi19:34
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@fennuse a hash/dict whatever the fuck it's called in js19:34
@fenngod damn how many times do i have to say it19:35
@fenndoesn't js have map()?19:35
@kanzureheath: fenn would not like your office, sorry to disappoint19:35
@kanzurefenn: yes, but only when you use underscore19:35
heathfenn: yerp19:35
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@kanzurethat too. but underscore makes things pleasant.19:35
heathtis true19:36
@fennso your_object.map(operator,num)19:36
heathit's a gov project, can't use underscore for this particular project :|19:36
@fennno need for any code beyond that19:36
@fenni hope you're joking19:36
heatheh, i'm not19:36
@fennis camel case federally mandated now? wtf19:36
@fennand people wonder why all the killing sprees19:37
heathi'm talking about the lib19:37
heathwe used it on the prototype19:37
heaththat along with node.js, stitch, express, coffeescript,er...and backbone19:37
heathand mocha19:37
heathit was hipster's dream19:37
@fennoh, so there is no map19:38
heaththere  is a map in es5.119:38
@fenni would just copy it from underscore then19:38
heathiit's available19:38
@fennum.. then why did you mention underscore?19:39
heath[1,2,3].map(function(num) { return num * 2})19:39
heathbecause kanzure mentioned it19:39
juri_some consumer GPS gear can be rigged to forget those limits.19:40
@kanzurei was wrong. also there's byte arrays now.19:40
juri_i have four receivers that do not respect that crud.19:40
heathand typed arrays via intel's work19:41
@fennhow do oyou call map from js? i don't see it in chrome's console19:41
heath[21:39:17] <heath> [1,2,3].map(function(num) { return num * 2})19:41
@fennit only works on lists?19:42
@fennokay i'm feeling dumb now19:42
heathyou work in a diff environment19:42
@kanzureone that doesn't drive you crazy19:43
@kanzureone that doesn't involve endless flamewars on semicolons and whether coffeescript is useful19:43
@kanzureone that doesn't have a billion modularization "standards"19:43
@fennwell, i mean i'm literally feeling not up to thinking about programming stuff right now19:43
* heath didn't realize his text editor had flamewars on semicolons19:47
* heath investigates19:47
@fenni'm trying to translate your ternary statement to python19:50
@fennbut it doesnt use map at all, so i dont know what i was thinking19:50
@fennfoo={'add': lambda x,y: x+y, 'subtract': lambda x,y: x-y}19:51
@fenn compute=lambda operation,x,y: foo[operation](x,y)19:52
heathit's just a lookup table19:53
@fennalso in the example i think subtract would always return 0 (since val is the same as val)19:53
heathmap is probably appropriate19:53
heathi'll play around with it when i get through this dojo dnd stuff19:53
heathnice observation19:54
heathi was kind of curious which was faster, 1% doesn't seem too big of a deal19:54
heath and most people can read the lookup tables example a lot easier19:54
@fennyeah ternary is despised for its (un)readability19:54
heathoh you're translating the ternary example, er, yeah, not a lookup table19:55
heatheveryone scratched their heads on that one19:55
heathi like it because it's like a switch statement without the accidental fallthrough19:55
heathby not inlcuding break;19:55
heath..which is common19:55
* heath needs a 5th of monitor :'(19:56
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@fennno i just didnt understand what you were trying to do, i get it now19:58
heathfenn: what are you up to these days?20:02
heathi haven't really kept tabs on everyone20:02
heathstill in sf?20:03
@fennno, i went to NM to build a house, but that didn't happen. now i'm in DC feeling sorry for myself20:04
heathi found an acre plot for $2k20:04
heaththinking about it20:04
@fenndigging through old projects and trying to sort out my life and maybe even do something useful20:04
heathwon't have to worry about zoning laws and it's only 15 mins from downtown20:04
@fennmake sure your neighbors aren't paranoid psychopaths20:05
@fenneverything else is just engineering :P20:05
juri_fenn: in DC, eh? want to help build a cell printer? ;)20:06
@fennjuri_: maybe. i'm not convinced it's the right thing to do first20:06
heathso... google hired kurzweil...20:06
juri_well, don't look at me to convince you. i'm just a crazy printer-person, doing what i know.20:07
@kanzureheath: check the logs.20:07
@fennjuri_: why are you building a cell printer?20:07
@kanzurejuri_: yes but if you practice applied crazyness, you can be more effective.20:07
juri_because someone else in DIYBIO tried, and did a horrible job of it.20:07
@kanzureinstead of choosing random projects20:07
juri_obviously, they thought there was a use for it.20:08
@kanzurejmil's cell printer is pretty good, dunno what you're smoking20:08
@kanzurejmil: ping.. oh he's gone.20:08
@fenn"someone in DIYBIO tried it" isn't a valid reason20:08
juri_really? have you tried reading the documentation? WHAT documentation?20:08
@kanzurehis documentation is reprap.org's20:08
juri_i must be epicly missing it, then.20:09
@fennis this the one where they stretch sugar (pla?) out into vasculature, and then apply magic20:09
juri_i'd like links, if you could provide them.20:09
juri_I don't think so.20:09
@kanzureyou're avoiding the reason question20:10
@fenn(expanding on apply magic) a gel of some sort surrounds the vasculature frame and dissolves it, leaving the negative space, which cells then colonize20:10
@fennmaybe she's missing a spleen, or some other blob shaped organ20:11
juri_i do have a reason.. and its very 'driving'.20:11
@kanzurebiocurious has a cell printer group but they don't publish anything because they are assholes20:12
juri_my father is currently dieing of kidney failure.20:12
juri_I'm hypoglycemic, and will probably be diabetic.. so i might even end up down the same path.20:12
juri_now, he has years to live.. but they're not good years.20:13
juri_i'm not under the illusion that i'll have revolutionized the world by then or anything..20:13
@kanzurenobody claimed you were under that illusion20:13
juri_but i switched careers from banking (specializing in image recognition) to electronic medical records systems, to try and drive down the cost of healthcare.20:14
juri_i've managed to do something about it. every patch is a victory.20:14
@kanzureyou could just move to a country with cheaper healthcare20:14
@kanzureor you can even pay for shady black market healthcare20:14
juri_I'd like to take a more active role in pushing technology forward in medicine.20:15
juri_and as usual, i'm not interested in something expensive for the few. 100% free software, distributed on the internet all the way.20:15
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juri_sorry. you got me into rant mode. its a Big Deal. i'm tired of the people i care about dieing.20:16
@kanzurewrldpc: welcome back. you off deployment?20:16
wrldpcKanzure!! :D20:16
wrldpcI'm still in Japan.  I've been wanting to link up with Amadeus and see if he knows of anything cool happening but I'm so far south of any major metropolitan area, and given our current liberty restrictions, its made it difficult to do so.20:17
wrldpcKurzweil is now Director of Engineering for Google?  That struck me as interesting.20:17
@kanzurewrldpc: you should also get in touch with Hiroo Komine <qjp.8.qjp@gmail.com> and Michael Turner <michael.eugene.turner@gmail.com>20:17
@fennwoah cool i totally want this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:40%22_Mild_Hyperbaric_Chamberexternal.jpg20:17
heathno.. no i don't feel old20:18
heath"Burning off parts of the brain can help with severe addiction. http://ow.ly/g6HJy "20:19
heathlove these catching titles20:19
heath'cept this is a thing...20:19
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@fenngah this guy just won't get off my screen20:24
@fenn"Another critic of the ADA [diabetes diet] program is futurologist and transhumanist Ray Kurzweil, who together with Dr Terry Grossman .." blah blah blah20:24
@kanzurepretty awful huh20:25
heathseattle has weed and gigabit internet20:25
heaththe guy who built that, works here.., was on the phone with them explaining how to put that together20:26
heathapparently it took them awhile :)20:26
@kanzurecan you describe your links please20:26
@kanzurestatus/2797whatever isn't descriptive20:26
@kanzureand TM-AfbhSU isn't either20:26
heathmake magazine girl riding around on a segbot20:26
wrldpctransfer rates in the states are criminal.20:27
@kanzure/fun-places-on-the-internet-in-1995/ was reasonable descriptive20:27
wrldpcEven on base we get price gouged for shit service … you step off base and you pay 1/3 the price for 4 times the speed.20:27
@kanzureheath: i'm worried about your health20:27
@kanzureyou're chewing javascript and linking to instagram and twitter20:27
heathyou definitely should be worried sir20:28
* heath needs a better way to link content..20:29
juri_kanzure: any opinion on that 'printer' i linked to?20:29
@fenni think you're supposed to skeptically raise eyebrows20:30
@fennjuri_: what is it supposed to do exactly?20:30
@kanzurejuri_: if it's not documented, you should assume it doesn't exist20:30
@kanzureeven if there's a pretty pic.20:30
juri_pick up cell A, and drop in position B.20:30
@fennbut why would you do that?20:30
juri_kanzure: nods. thats why i've started from scratch.20:30
@kanzurethat's not how cell printers work20:30
juri_yea, picking up cells, while a neat trick, doesn't seem very efficient when you can get them in solution.20:31
@fenn(fwiw "cell printers" i know of are essentially inkjets that shoot some sort of gel matrix that is seeded with stem cells)20:31
@fennor progenitor cells20:32
@fennnow that would be useful, and not just for bio hacking20:32
@fennmumble jeff something wax printer http://ourduino.wordpress.com/2011/01/11/printing-wax-onto-pcbs-simple-quick-diy-pcbs/20:33
@kanzurealso, in a practical sense, you could probably get a dialysis machine working more quickly20:34
@fennhigh resolution 3d solids in any subtrate would be useful20:34
@fennyeah what's up with dialysis.. why are the machines so big and klunky20:34
@fenna kidney does it in a volume the size of a kidney20:34
@fenna portable unit can have lower performance since you wear it for longer20:36
@kanzuresize don't matter if you got no working kidneys left20:36
@fennanyway it doesn't fix the root cause, which is poor diet20:36
@fennit's much more fun to think about designing machines than to think about .. evolution, and not eating bread or 90% of the stuff in the grocery store20:37
@kanzurego buy a dialysis machine on ebay, get it to work and make sure your dad doesn't fucking die20:37
@kanzurea cell printer is neat and useful, but probably not in time to matter20:37
@kanzureoh hey they are pretty cheap. <$5k.20:40
@fennthis would be great if i could read the fucking text!!! http://bigdandme.wordpress.com/2009/09/04/hello-%E2%80%98wearable-kidney%E2%80%99-goodbye-dialysis-machine/wak-schematic/20:41
@fennlooks like there are quite a lot of these devices20:43
@fennall in some stage of development20:44
@fennthis is basically reverse osmosis with feedback right?20:44
@kanzurenot sure if feedback is required?20:45
@fennthe dialysate buffer is all that is different from regular reverse osmosis20:47
@fennthe ion concentration in the buffer cause preferential osmosis of ions that aren't in the buffer20:47
@fennomg this man is my hero20:49
@fenn"Dr. Willem Kolff, a Dutch physician, constructed the first working dialyzer in 1943 during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.[5] Due to the scarcity of available resources, Kolff had to improvise and build the initial machine using sausage casings, beverage cans, a washing machine, and various other items that were available at the time. "20:49
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@fenni was pissed off at the episode of "house" where they had Amber on life support so everyone could say goodbye, and there was like zero discussion of artificial organs20:50
@fenn"she would never qualify"20:51
@kanzurehow do dialysis scams work? it looks like there are dialysis facilities that people are shuttled to, instead of owning the machines. why?20:52
@fennsomething about medicare requirements20:52
@kanzuresurely owning the machine would cost less than the price that each facility pays (healthcare industry always pays more, etc..)20:53
@fennbut the patient isn't paying for it20:54
@kanzurenot everyone qualifies for medicare20:55
@fennThe dialysis empire is run by CEO Kent Thiry, who dresses like one of the Three Musketeers, has adopted a company slogan of 'One for all and all for one' and in company staff meetings leads his employees, who he calls villagers, in cheers of "DaVita!"20:55
@kanzurei don't think i qualify for medicare20:56
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@kanzure"DaVita has grown in the past couple of years and now runs roughly 2,000 dialysis clinics across the country, which has added up to a $7 billion business."20:56
@kanzure$7 billion to operate these $500 machines?20:56
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@fennwhere'd you get that number?20:57
browniesdamn. what kind of margin do they make?20:57
@fenni'm seeing more like $4k "refurbished" so more like $20k new20:58
@kanzurelet's see.. http://www.billpeckham.com/from_the_sharp_end_of_the/2010/01/the-business-of-dialysis-revenue-margin-and-profit.html20:58
@fenngood luck getting a real price quote on anything like that20:58
@kanzure"In the third quarter of 2009 their total revenue from Dialysis and Related Lab Services was $1,490,000,000 and their margin was $260,000,000."20:58
@kanzure"The Renal Fellow Network calculates the yearly per patient average revenue, additionally, the average yearly per patient margin would be $9,360."20:59
@fennthat's not a very high margin20:59
@kanzure"That makes the average yearly per patient profit $3,744"20:59
@kanzurethis one says 1.3% http://www.renalbusiness.com/news/2010/12/medpac-estimates-13-dialysis-medicare-margin-in-2011.aspx21:00
browniesno, it's a pretty bad margin21:00
@kanzure"The Medicare margin for clinics affiliated with the two largest chains—DaVita and Fresenius—was 4.4 percent that year,"21:01
@kanzureoh, medicare margin. not margin.21:01
brownieswhat's the medicare margin?21:01
browniesas in, margin on medicare patients?21:01
@fennstill, they're throwing brand new drugs in the trash. where does all that go in the accounting?21:01
@kanzureit might be margin on medicare grants(?) i dunno how it works. maybe they get reimbursed at a standard rate.21:02
@fennpardon the link to cnn http://www.cnn.com/2012/11/30/health/medicare-fraud-case/index.html21:02
@kanzureah it's reimbursement21:02
brownieswhat % of their patients are on Medicare?21:03
brownieseh, probably a relatively high number? >25% ?21:03
@kanzureit might be all of it?21:03
@kanzure"Because Medicare patients produce roughly 50 percent of DaVita's dialysis revenue and dialysis patient service operating revenues account....."21:03
browniesholy shit, though. if they make 4% margin on 50% of their patients, their total net margin is 18% on their whole customer base...21:04
browniesso 32% mark-up for the non-medicare folks -_-21:04
@fennthat sounds backwards21:05
@fennwho's paying for the non-medicare people?21:05
@kanzurewhy? non-medicare folks need the service.21:05
@kanzurenon-medicare folks are probably those people who don't qualify due to income.21:05
browniesnon-medicare = people with private insurance, or younger folks who aren't old enough for medicare, or something like that, right?21:05
@kanzureoh sorry i'm thinking of medicaid21:06
@kanzureyes, medicare is for the elderly (or disabled)21:06
@fenndisabled, like, people who are dying of kidney failure?21:06
* fenn scratches his head in confusion21:06
@kanzurebut the davita lawsuit was for both medicare and medicaid21:06
ArmilusDajjalwhatever happened to good old natural selection21:07
@kanzurehehehe "Medicare and Medicaid fraud has been estimated at $60 billion a year,"21:07
@fennis that all21:07
@kanzure"About 66% of DaVita's revenue comes from either Medicare or Medicaid. "21:07
@kanzure"Medicare and Medicaid comprise 90% and 66% of DaVita's treatments and revenues respectively,"21:08
ArmilusDajjalINAGODDA DaVita21:08
brownieswait what21:09
@kanzure"Medicaid is mostly for people who have no health insurance and are low income. Medicaid requirements are handled state by state but generally the qualifications are you cannot have more than $2000 dollars, a car worth more than $4500 dollars, and an extremely low to no monthly income. "21:09
@fennyou cannot have more than $2000?21:11
@kanzureyeah so medicaid only covers you if you're up to 1.33x the poverty line, which is like $25k/year or something stupid21:11
@kanzureso everyone else is probably paying out of pocket or with private insurance21:12
@fennyou can't even get your teeth cleaned for that much money21:12
@kanzurebrownies: their medicaid stats should be public since they are a public company, right?21:13
@kanzuretheir 10-K ?21:14
browniesbut data about government spending is always damned difficult to track down, let alone parse and understand21:14
brownies10-K would be a good place to start.21:14
@kanzuremedicaid is 5% of their revenue21:15
@kanzure"The payments we receive from commercial payors generate nearly all of our profits."21:16
@kanzureweird. 11% of the patients were paying with commercial insurance, generating 34% of dialysis revenue.21:17
@kanzureso i guess nobody is paying out of pocket?21:18
@kanzurewhat happens if you make >1.3x the poverty line, your kidneys fail, and you have no insurance because pre-existing condition?21:18
@fennyou don't get dialysis, that's why they don't have any customers paying out of pocket21:19
@kanzureoh right there's "home dialysis" commercials all the time21:20
@fenn(you added up the percentages? i wasn't really paying attention)21:20
@kanzure"For dialysis, either home or incenter between $3000US - $5000USer month "21:20
@kanzurethat's a pretty big gap from the top of the poverty line21:20
@kanzureoh i see.. stage 5 kidney failure patients qualify for medicare. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/End_Stage_Renal_Disease_(US_Federal_Program) makes sense.21:22
@fenn" the composite rate is adjusted up or down by a geographic wage adjustment. The final adjustment is for case mix; certain beneficiary characteristics trigger composite rate adjustments. These are based on age, body surface area and body mass index"21:24
@kanzure"Incenter dialysis and home hemodialysis are reimbursed to exactly the same amounts in the United States under the ESRD program. From CMS's point of view any form of dialysis is still more expensive than renal transplantation if looked at over a three-year period."21:24
brownieswhy are you guys so into dialysis all of a sudden anyway?21:24
@fennit's easier than doing my homework :\21:25
@kanzure" Nosé's machine consisted of a coil (to transport the blood) placed in a household (electric) washing machine filled with dialysate. It did not have a pump and blood transport through the coil was dependent on the patient's heart. The dialysate was circulated by turning on the washing machine (which mixed the dialysate and resulted in some convection) and Nosé's experiments show that this indeed improved the clearance of toxins."21:25
@kanzurebrownies: oh, juri_ has a parent that's gonna die21:25
@kanzureand i was saying a dialysis machine is more practical than building a cell printer21:26
browniesoh. =/21:26
browniesfenn: they let your dirty hippie self into a school?21:26
@kanzureand then i was curious why they were so cheap on ebay, considering they are medical equipment21:26
@fennbrownies: also the concept of artificial organs is interesting in general, and i have a morbid fascination with broken healthcare systems21:26
@kanzurefenn: you missed the washing machine quote21:26
@kanzure"In the early 1970s, approximately 40% of patients used it. Today, it is used by approximately 0.4%"21:26
@fenn"it" meaning what?21:27
@fennwell duh21:28
* fenn sighs21:28
@kanzureso, a washing machine is pretty simple21:29
@fennthis stuff isn't magic21:29
@kanzurethen why are they paying $3000/mo for this non-magic21:30
@fennthe trick is not getting infections when you have a tube in your artery for years21:30
@fennthey charge so much because they can21:30
@fennwhat are you gonna do, not get dialysis?21:30
@fennsame as any healthcare21:31
@kanzurewell it didn't even occur to juri_ to just get the damn machine -_-21:31
@kanzurei'm sure there's some supplies that cost a bit, but i dunno about $3000/mo..21:31
@fenni wonder if the same strategy used for seeding pig livers with human stem cells works for livers21:34
@fenner, kidneys21:34
@fennbasically use the collagen in the existing organ as a scaffold21:34
@fennmake sure to wash out all the existing cells with a harsh detergent21:35
@fennthat would be a neat science fair project21:35
@fennthe irony is you'd probably get expelled for "cruelty to animals" or somesuch21:35
@fennmeanwhile everyone gobblin their fried chicken21:36
@fennif you eat your experiments afterwards does that make it okay?21:38
yashgarothif that experiment is successful, does it become cannibalism21:39
@kanzuredon't we just call that an immune response?21:40
@fennwait, what?21:40
@kanzureimmune rejection21:41
@fennif the experiment is successful, the organ becomes a "part" of you21:41
@kanzureand another name for auto-cannibalism is immune something or other21:41
@fennif the experiment is unsuccessful, you eat the organ, and it becomes a "part" of you, but in a different way21:41
yashgarothoh and fenn since no one appears to have answered, GBS is http://forums.somethingawful.com/forumdisplay.php?forumid=121:43
@fennman what a waste of a day21:48
ParahSailingoing to austin tomorrow21:53
@fennjuri_: if you are worried about developing diabetes, i suggest you buy a copy of and read "the anti aging zone", or if you don't have time for a whole book, at least read this http://www.drsears.com/portals/6/Documents/Inflammation%20Medical%20Brochure.pdf21:53
@kanzureParahSailin: we could hang out, and if you need a place to stay let me know21:53
@fennalthough i doubt that brochure makes a lot of sense unless you know what it's talking about to begin with21:54
ParahSailinwe're staying at a hotel21:54
ParahSailinbut could i get your number?21:54
ParahSailinwe could do dinner or some other meal21:54
@kanzuresounds good to me21:54
@kanzurei am awake during most hours of the day, so just pick a few21:55
ParahSailinyou have any suggestions of stuff to do? gf is coming along, we're probably doing most of the first time in austin stuff like capitol, museums, state park21:56
@kanzureit's the right time of the year to go to the bridge and get pooped on by bats21:56
@kanzureoh wait, no. that might have been october.21:56
@kanzureyep they've migrated already, sucks to be you21:57
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@kanzureParahSailin: http://atxhackerspace.org/ has some okay people21:58
@kanzurethere's a wildflower museum since you seem to be into museums22:01
ParahSailinim not, gf is22:02
@kanzurethere's a bioinformatics startup called lab7 somewhere in austin that might be interesting to visit22:03
@kanzureoh it's saturday.. no idea if they are into weekends22:03
@kanzurebrownies: the other reason is that there might be pent-up demand for open source dialysis machines, which would be interesting to explore22:10
@fennopen source medical anything is a clusterfuck waiting to happen22:11
@kanzure"assemble your own life-saving thing" what could go wrong22:11
@fenni wonder if we'll get into a situation like with gun manufacturing, where you're legally allowed to make your own medical devices, but only can sell them with prohibitively expensive testing and certification22:13
@kanzurei'm sure that's already the case.22:13
@fennis it? am i legally allowed to make my own medical devices?22:13
@kanzureoh, for yourself? hrm.22:13
@fennand am i allowed to tell others how to do so?22:14
@fennnot like your opinion counts22:14
@kanzureno, i don't happen to know case law on this one22:14
@fenni should make some list of questions for next time i bump into a lawyer22:14
brownieskanzure: it does seem like an interesting market22:15
@kanzurebrownies: i keep hearing these tales of people paying >$10k/mo for blood treatments in some rare blood diseases22:15
@kanzureyashgaroth: you wouldn't happen to know the names of these diseases, would you?22:16
yashgarothlike hemophilia?22:16
@kanzurei dunno, the more expensive the better22:17
@kanzurealso, could dialysis get alcohol out of the blood stream?22:17
yashgaroththe ones I know all require factors sourced from human blood, I dunno about dialysis and other machine-based ones22:17
@kanzurewhy aren't they standard in vehicles then22:18
@fenndialysis is prescribed for isopropanol poisoning22:18
@fennwell, i think breathalyzers should be a standard feature, but dialysis is going a bit far22:19
@fennthere's a high risk of blood poisoning if the machine isn't perfectly clean22:19
@fennalso, how are you going to put needles in your veins when you're sloppy drunk?22:20
@kanzureit's a prototype there are bound to be flaws22:20
@kanzurepossibly life-threatening flaws22:21
ParahSailinhow about a celephone charger that hooks into a vein that runs off an ethanol fuel cell22:21
yashgaroth"I swear I'm not trying to dialyze alcohol out of my blood, officer, I'm uhh...a heroin addict?"22:21
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@kanzureoh right have you pdx people assimilated lichen or BioGuy yet?22:59
@fennjuri_: also it seems that magnesium deficiency causes insulin resistance23:15
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juri_sorry, was repairing LCD monitors. one success, one failure.23:33
juri_yes, i realize i could be more practical, and hook him up with a machine... but not everyone can do that, and me being myself, ive always shot for the 'everyone can do this' solutions.23:33
@kanzurewtf? why can't everyone use a dialysis machine?23:34
juri_if it doesn't scale, it really doesn't enter into my thought paterns.23:34
@kanzurehow does it not scale? it's a giant washing machine.23:34
juri_everyone can use one, but not everyone who needs one has a child who can just get / fix one.23:34
@kanzureif that's the source of the problem, then a printer would also be problematic23:35
@kanzurebecause they can't do implant surgery23:35
juri_he's not to that point yet, anyways. not a stage i like to think about.23:35
* juri_ nods.23:35
juri_i can only solve the problems within my skillset, and that's one i can't solve.23:35
@kanzurebuilding a dialysis machine is orders of magnitude easier23:35
juri_i CAN solve 'make 3d printers useful for biomatter'.23:36
@kanzurefenn: help me out here. i can't tolerate this for long.23:36
juri_kanzure: take it a little less seriously.23:36
juri_my father's not at stage 5 yet.23:36
juri_death is a problem we all have.23:37
@kanzureno, i will be as serious as i want to be23:37
juri_when he needs a machine, you're right, i'll have to get ahold of one.23:37
juri_but for now.. i'm shooting for the 'big' target.23:37
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@kanzureJayDugger: hi.23:50
JayDuggerGood evening!23:50
@fennah finally found an explanation of _why_ diabetes leads to kidney failure23:57
@fenn"glycosylation endproducts (AGEs) accumulate on the walls of the blood vessels in the kidneys, which makes the nephrons' filters too porous or leaky. As a result, protein molecules begin to slip through the kidneys' filters and into the urine."23:58
@fenn"and, of all things, frequent bouts of the hiccups, which for some reason often accompany kidney failure" sounds like a straightforward case of magnesium deficiency to me23:59
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