
--- Log opened Sat Dec 15 00:00:57 2012
-!- OldCoder_ [~OldCoder_@c-69-181-140-134.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:01
@fennoh, glycation, not glycosylation00:03
@fennAlagebrium, an anti-AGE drug "is that it is not a difficult compound to synthesize. An active black market arose very quickly after the early Phase I and II tests ended. Independent, lab-tested, certified for purity product was available for a short time on the grey market at about $3 per gram."00:08
@fennwhere can i get this stuff?00:08
@fennjuri_: that's what you should be working on, grey-market drug synthesis00:09
@fenndrugs work, people just can't get them00:10
@fenn"Although Alagebrium has shown very promising Phase I and II clinical trials, active research stopped because Alteon had run out of operating cash."00:11
@fennand nobody's heard of it since00:11
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juri_mm. not even tempting; i don't mind enabling geeks, but i could never sleep again if i manufactured things that hurt people... again.00:20
JayDuggerAmbien would take care of that, just fine.00:21
@fenni'm not following your logic. what's hurting who how?00:24
juri_oh, i simply don't know enough chemestry, plus would hate to give people something that caused cancer later-in-life.00:27
@fennbeats dying of diabetes when you're young00:28
@fenndon't let a possible future danger outweigh a clear and present danger00:29
@fennanyway if chemistry isn't your thing, that's fine00:30
@fennit's understandable that nobody's interested in chemistry, when we aren't exposed to it (how many chemical engineers do you know) and effectively not allowed to do it as a hobby00:32
juri_my things are good documentation, 3d printing, image recognition, clustering, and virtualization. I also program in pretty much every language i come into contact with.00:32
juri_given that skillset, improving the documentation and technology for 3d printing biomaterials makes sense, if i want to be helpful.00:33
juri_sorry if i sound disconnected. i've been up way too long, on way to little of sleep.00:34
@fennmight i suggest helping out with basic cad software00:34
@fenni mean it's really pathetic what we're dealing with00:35
@fennevery other year someone comes out with another half-assed CSG modeler00:35
@fenni really liked implicitcad but it currently has severe implementation bugs00:36
@fennalso there's the whole issue of part assembly and constraints00:36
juri_I'll be doing that 'naturally', as implicitcad is my go-to language of choice for designing new parts.00:36
@fenni'm sort of confused why no cad programs allow you to design by manufacturing operation00:37
@fennit's all pure geometry and you have to keep in mind how you're supposed to actually make the damn thing00:38
@fennyou should give the computer a set of machining operations or bending operations or whatever, and specify the interfaces and let it come up with the optimum solution00:38
@fenneven reprap has pretty severe shape constraints00:40
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wrldpchas anyone printed the wiki weapon?03:16
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JayDuggerWrldpc, do you mean anyone at all, or anyone here?04:20
JayDuggerAt least major printed sub-assembly got tested to destruction, according to their blogs.04:21
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wrldpcthe latter04:32
JayDuggerI haven't, but I have no place to test fire it. My neighbors are sissies and the local indoor ranges fussy.04:33
JayDuggerI've an ex-co-worker who might try it in a year or two.04:34
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kirkaHi, kanzure07:05
kirkakanzure I have three paywalled papers07:07
kirkakanzure If you like, you could add them to your collection07:08
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kirkaSome insight into Zyvex' splitting: http://www.bizjournals.com/dallas/stories/2007/04/16/story5.html?page=all07:43
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-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r186-53-171-125.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:02
eudoxiai heard zyvex had like 80 projects before they changed director and fired Merkle and co.09:03
eudoxiathen they had 3 or something lol09:03
kirkaVon Ehr was always a founder09:07
kirkakanzure eudoxia http://rghost.ru/4226661809:12
kirkaGood articles.09:12
@kanzurewhat is 422666618?09:14
@kanzurefenn: i don't think juri_ is capable of reasoning in that sense09:14
kirkakanzure Some paywalled articles, including that paper on DNA channel09:15
@kanzurewhat is the doi or title09:15
@kanzurei guess i deserved that -_-09:16
@kanzureyou can't answer one obscure link with another one09:16
kirkaIf you don't need it, it's ok, heh09:16
@kanzureok what you should have said is this:09:16
@kanzure"Synthetic Lipid Membrane Channels Formed by Designed DNA Nanostructures"09:16
@kanzurethat's way more descriptive than 42266618 or 122562409:16
* kanzure leaves09:17
eudoxiaoh the moriarty paper09:17
eudoxiaso the grant ends in a couple weeks09:18
eudoxiamaybe he's secretly already implemented the minimal toolset, hahaha09:18
kirka>Ends:31 March 201409:19
kirkaIf he hasn't already, he has only 15 months left09:19
kirkaHe should hurry09:19
kirkaOr his UHV-STM chamber will turn into a pumpkin09:20
eudoxiai thought it ended in 201309:20
eudoxiayou're right09:22
-!- Mariu [Jimmy98@] has quit [Quit: leaving]09:25
kirkaBrenner's potential is interesting09:27
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eudoxiabtw kirka check your inbox09:31
kirka>Social network09:31
kirkaI don't like them09:32
kirkaBut it's ok to mail me09:36
eudoxiawhat's that thing about data mining09:36
kirkaI'm stidying machine learning (in application to computer vision), so I don't want to be the object for these algorithms, heh09:38
eudoxiai wouldn't worry much about data mining, at least in a dataset with a billion other people you'd be just a tiny data point09:39
kirkaIt's irrational09:39
kirkaAnd social networks can take a lot of time09:39
eudoxiai wish they took more of my time, i can't spend more than a few idle seconds on facebook without closing the tab09:40
@kanzuremaybe you need better friends09:41
@kanzurethat post interesting things09:41
* kirka left for 1 hr09:47
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AdrianGare you an interesting friend kanzure09:56
@kanzurewhy are you here? can't you just leave and never return?09:58
eudoxiais AdrianG bad?09:59
eudoxiai always confuse him with the other guy, the one who still posts on technocalypse09:59
AdrianGno :< I'll be good.09:59
AdrianGeudoxia: kanzure dislikes my non-conventional grammar.09:59
@kanzurei dislike your stupidity10:00
@kanzureif you have nothing to say, stfu10:00
doclhi eudoxia10:06
doclhow's it going?10:06
eudoxiahey docl10:08
eudoxiashit's great10:08
doclI just started a cryonics improvement forum at bettercryonics.com, thought you might be interested.10:08
doclI've only put in a few articles for structure and such so far.10:09
eudoxiayay i can loose that yahoo account10:09
@kanzureloose? lose?10:10
docllet it out of its cage!10:10
doclway to correct spellingz man10:10
AdrianGim not stupid.10:11
AdrianGi r genias.10:11
docld'aw, so cute!10:11
-!- AdrianG was kicked from ##hplusroadmap by kanzure [AdrianG]10:12
@kanzureno geniasses allowed10:12
* docl meekly stops baiting kanzure10:12
-!- kirka [~Kirka@95-161-252-108.broadband.spb.TiERA.org] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]10:23
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docleudoxia: for my forum, I figure the best thing is to focus on science topics at first. let the community stuff build around that.10:41
eudoxiadocl: i suppose10:42
kirkadocl That's good approach10:42
eudoxiadocl have i already shown you the cryonics article in the h+ wiki?10:42
eudoxiait has a list of everyone who's been cryopreserved except some of the latest cases10:43
-!- AdrianG [~dextro@unaffiliated/amphetamine] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:44
AdrianGsee what he does :<10:44
docleudoxia: woah, that's a big list.10:46
eudoxiathanks, i did my best10:46
doclgood for future reanimators to have.10:47
eudoxiahah, yeah10:47
eudoxiai tried to get the pictures where they looked youngest10:48
eudoxiasee ettinger and leaf10:48
* kirka signs in relief: he doesn't need to think about cryonics11:00
eudoxiarussians and their permafrost11:00
doclI'm not committed to a particular forum style yet, but I like the idea of something that works well on mobile.11:02
@kanzurelike email!11:03
eudoxiahey i just remembered and you guys aren't going to believe this, but yesterday at work the subject of cryonics came up11:03
eudoxiawalt disney, frozen, and one guy said that thing about the ice crystals smashing the cells11:04
eudoxiabut i didn't say anything because i would've looked like a crazy cultist who actually knows cryonics companies' procedures11:04
jrayhawkdid cryo companies have procedures back then11:05
doclwell, darn11:05
eudoxiawell, at least one person had been frozen the same year walt died11:05
eudoxiabut it was a cosmetic preservation, straight-frozen to liquid nitrogen temperature11:06
eudoxia"The patient had been stored at above-freezing temperature in a mortuary refrigerator after being embalmed for two months before being straight-frozen to liquid nitrogen temperature."11:06
AdrianGsuspended kind of implies they were able to revive11:07
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eudoxiawell maybe the embalming did something11:18
eudoxiamike darwin was going to write an article about pedro ara's embalming techniques and high-temperature vitrification but i don't think that's up yet11:18
@kanzuremike's the guy behind chronopause, right?11:18
kirkaYou know, in semiconductor journals they say that Moore's law is slowing down.11:25
kirka>Chang said that Moore’s Law is slowing and chip-production costs continue to soar.11:25
kirkaTime to adopt new process rises slightly with 22 nm, 14 nm nodes11:25
kirkaPrice per transistor begins to grow11:25
kirka14 nm requires triple patterning (there is still no comercial EUV)11:26
jrayhawkwafer production costs continue to soar; chip production costs are mostly stagnant at this point11:26
kirkahttp://chipdesignmag.com/images/uploads/0911CderFig2_Wafer_Cost.jpg ?11:27
kirkaThat means poor "moore's law will solve my problems" guys are wrong.11:34
kirkaYou knew that, of course.11:34
archelsShould we still call it Moore's law when it comes to other substrates?11:42
ThomasEgiarchels, do you have graphene in mind?11:47
ThomasEgior diamonds?11:47
kirkaFor me the most important thing is that someone should do it instead of taking it for granted.11:48
AdrianGok so you ppl are into diybio11:49
AdrianGhow do i prepare: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid_lipid_nanoparticle#Use_for_drug_delivery11:49
AdrianGkirka: i think intel will prove chang wrong.11:50
archelsThomasEgi: carbon-based comes to mind, but not necessarily that. Probably not down to quantum computing though.11:51
archelsperhaps as rudimentary as 3D silicium11:52
kirka>quantum computing11:52
kirkaYou are saying like it's easy, heh11:52
kirkaEUV could be of help.11:52
archelsI was hoping to place that aside for this discussion, because it's in a class of its own11:52
archelsEUV and FinFETs seem to be the industry's bet right now11:53
kirkaEUV lags11:53
archelshence why Moore's law lags :)11:53
kirkaIntel says about triple patterning on 14 nm node11:54
* archels wonders if e-beam lithography will ever really take off11:54
kirkaCreating 14 nm features with 193 nm light costs much11:55
kirkaarchels I have read about http://www.mapperlithography.com/news/201211:55
kirkaLooks promising11:56
AdrianGwhy arent they using x-ray frequencies yet11:57
AdrianGhard xray goes to 10 picometer11:58
kirkaThey'll create defects in Si crystal11:58
AdrianGthey do? too energetic?11:58
kirkaThay are almost impossible to control11:58
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AdrianGsilicon is on its last legs anywya11:58
AdrianGwhats the next projected  material?11:59
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AdrianGcarbon nanotubes?11:59
-!- Urchin[Emacs] [~user@unaffiliated/urchin] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:59
kirkaAlways windered how do you make enything with carbon nanotubes as raw material12:03
AdrianGin-situ generation?12:04
AdrianGalso, did anything come out of this memristor buzz?12:04
kirka>in-situ generation?12:04
AdrianGif i knew - i'd be busy destroying intel12:04
AdrianGor negotiating my sell-out to them at the highest possible price.12:04
kirkaRRAM seems to mature12:05
AdrianGno production chips yet?12:06
-!- lws [~lws@c-68-54-23-10.hsd1.sc.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:06
lwssuper college?12:06
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AdrianGlol struggling ram maker12:13
AdrianGgigabit scale eh12:13
eudoxiai think super college refers to grad school lws12:13
lwsI want to get a PhD...12:14
@kanzurelws: hi.12:15
@kanzurewhat brings you here?12:18
AdrianGa phd is a waste of time.12:19
chris_99not if you want to work in academia ;)12:19
@kanzurechris_99: not true, there are many non-degree holders that work in academia.12:19
AdrianGsecond-class citizens.12:19
chris_99maybe, it probably makes it easier to get positions though12:19
curt1sdo we have a good biohackery solution for my eczema yet12:20
curt1sits really flaring up bad D:12:20
curt1sdermatologist gave me some steroid crap12:22
curt1sit works sort of12:22
curt1sbut really weakens the skin12:22
curt1snot cortisone12:22
curt1slets see12:22
curt1syeah i dont really like to use it so much12:23
curt1sso if i could just trade up for superior genetics12:24
curt1sthat would be rad12:24
AdrianGyou people ever seen ads asking to reduce hunger? I always feel like they are asking for meth or something.12:25
curt1sdiet pills12:25
AdrianGbennies is just meth.12:41
lwsI really don't understand why 2-DPMP isn't prescribed for ADHD.12:46
kirka>Doesn't exist12:47
lwsOh yeah?12:47
lwsWhat is it?12:47
kirkaYep. Definetly.12:47
lwsSo what do the people with those symptoms have?12:47
kirkaI haven't seen any12:47
AdrianGr u blind12:48
kirkaWell, in Russia ADHD is unheard of.12:48
kirkaIt's matter of hype12:48
kirkaAnd big pharma creating markets for their "meds"12:48
AdrianGr u in russia12:49
AdrianGrussia does not even allow their physicians to prescribe amphetamines12:49
AdrianGor methylphenidate12:49
AdrianGinstead, they get it from street dealers.12:49
AdrianG70% of meth addicts are simply people with unmedicated ADHD12:50
AdrianGdo you have any meth addicts in russia12:50
kirkaProbably, I haven't seen any in person12:50
kirka"Mental illness" is very subjective thing12:50
AdrianGadhd is not really a mental illness.12:50
kirkaIn Russia's past it was used to isolate dissidents from society12:51
AdrianGits a neurologic disorder, used to be called minimal brain dysfunction.12:51
kirkaWe don't yet know how the brain works12:51
kirkaHow can we know that some behaveoural patterns are sign of "disorder"?12:52
kirkaWe don't have biological basis for that12:52
lwsThat's simply not true.12:52
kirkaWell, probably you can find correlation between behavioural patterns and genotype/brain structure etc12:53
AdrianGkirka: that's stupid.12:53
AdrianGadhd is simply a frontal lobe disorder.12:53
kirkaBut why can you say that this behaviour is wrong?12:54
AdrianGits not a behavioral problem.12:54
AdrianGits inability to concentrate, maintain stable attention12:54
AdrianGbehavior stems from that.12:54
kirka>frontal lobe disorder12:54
@kanzurekirka: "we don't yet know how the brain works" is a lie12:54
AdrianGkirka: google fmri adhd12:54
AdrianGor genetic studies and D4 polymorphisms.12:54
kirkakanzure "What I cannot build I do not understand"12:55
@kanzurekirka: surely you know that we have many wonderful neuroscience projects; it's not exactly a black box.12:55
@kanzurekirka: maybe you just suck at neuroscience?12:55
lwsAutism isn't a disorder either.12:55
lwsSo says Kirka12:55
kirkaFeynamn said so12:55
@kanzurekirka: yes i know who said that quote, so what12:55
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AdrianGyes, understanding is a binary thing12:55
AdrianGblack and white, ffs.12:55
AdrianGpartial understanding does not exist according to kirka12:56
kirka>we don't yet know how the brain works12:56
@kanzurelws: why are you here again?12:56
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kirkaI think that trying to modify subject's behaviour with mind-altering drugs is wrong.12:57
kirkaEspecially in compulsory manner.12:57
lwsSubjects often want help12:57
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lwsIn the US you voluntarily take the medication12:57
kirkaSociety hypes them with "drugs will help you" and they eat them, instead of trying to solve their problems themselves12:58
kirkaADHD is also unheard of in Europe.12:58
lwsSo what is autism?12:58
kirkaSome extreme variation of phenotype12:59
kirkaIf it doesn't bother the subject it's ok12:59
lwsYou're very confused.12:59
lwsADHD is treated with CBT and low dose stimulates usually13:00
kirkaAnd I'm sure that subjects were much less bothered if society didn't mark them as "ill"13:00
lwsYou still haven't offered any explanation for the paradoxical stimulant response in ADHD patients.13:00
chris_99huh, why is ADHD unheard of in europe?13:00
kirkaI haven't heard about ADHD mediaction debate in Europe13:00
AdrianGlol 'unheard of in europe'13:00
AdrianGadhd is very well known in europe.13:01
AdrianGadhd is real.13:02
AdrianGvery real.13:02
lwsADHD is differentiable, both in heritability, brain structure, and behavior.   Stimulants provide paradoxical responses in children with ADHD.   It also presents negative symptoms.13:02
AdrianGwe just had another person dx'd with it at nootropics chat.13:02
kirkaSubjective, it is. As any other mental condition.13:02
AdrianGnope, not subjective13:02
lwsMost people want medication, not because of societal pressure, but because they're failing through school/college13:02
AdrianGunable to perform as well as healthy controls - NOT subjective.13:02
kirkalws I think left-hanedness is differentiable too. It's just the question of what to call "normal".13:02
AdrianGleft-handedness is not an impairement13:03
lwsLeft handedness doesn't prevent you from carrying on a conversation.13:03
AdrianGunable to organize your life - is an impairement13:03
kirkaI actually know stories about left-handed people, that were compulsory relearned to use right hand. They had serious problems later.13:03
Mariuyes, my case13:04
Mariuand I was in europe13:04
Mariustill m13:04
kirka>carrying on a conversation13:04
kirkaIf you cannot carry out a conversation, you are marked as ill and compulsory medicated?13:04
AdrianGit is never compulsory13:04
AdrianGare you stupid?13:04
kirkaThat's ridiculous.13:04
AdrianGpeople BEG for it.13:04
lwsNobody is talking about compulsory medication13:04
kirkaSociety made them beg.13:04
AdrianGdoctors are very reluctant to prescribe stimulants13:05
AdrianGespecially to adults13:05
AdrianGkirka: yes, they fail at life13:05
AdrianGand then they beg for help13:05
kirkaScial pressure is strong, isn;t it? Are they allowed to study if they don't take mediactions?13:05
AdrianGyou call it compulsory medication.13:05
lwskirka you are so full of shit.   I am 27 years old and was finally diagnosed with ADHD.13:05
AdrianGkirka is russian.13:05
kirkalws If you like drugs, that;s your choice.13:05
AdrianGrussia has a lot of issues with psychiatry.13:05
AdrianGdue to abuses of psychiatry under the commie regime.13:05
lwskirka: I was already taking drugs for my ADHD.  I was smoking multiple packs of cigarettes and drinking upwards of 2 pots of coffee a day to stay on task.13:06
kirka>to stay on task13:06
lwskirka: When I got put on medication, I magically stopped doing that.13:06
lwskirka: I am a physicist for a living.  If I can't focus, I can't work.13:06
AdrianGits all about comparision to healthy controls.13:06
AdrianGif you cant keep up with controls, you are not healthy. the end.13:07
kirkaThat's your choice. I respect it.13:07
AdrianGno matter what measure we are talking about it.13:07
kirka>keep up with controls13:07
kirkaThat's pure socialism13:07
AdrianGlol wat13:07
lwskirka: You don't respect it, because you don't acknowledge it.   People like you are the reason why people with ADHD who are on medication are looked down upon.13:07
AdrianGkirka is the reason mental illness is stigmatised still.13:07
lwsI shouldn't be scorned because I choose to take medication for a condition I have.13:07
AdrianGit is just as legitimate.13:07
lws"I respect it, but I'm going to tell you you're fine and you shouldn't take medication."13:08
kirkaMaybe you misunderstood me. I just don't like when, e.g. parents make their shildren be "medicated" with mind altering drugs.13:08
lwsCognitive dissonance at it's finest.13:08
AdrianGbecause otherwise their kids will fail at life?13:08
AdrianGshould parents be reprimanded for making other choices for their kids as well?13:08
kirkaWell, that's one of most serious dangerous choices.13:09
kirkaMy point of view is libertarian.13:09
lwsBad parent! Don't choose what cereal your children should eat!13:09
AdrianG"mind altering" lol13:09
lwsBad parent! don't choose what clothes your children wear!13:09
AdrianGkirka: is intranasal insulin mind-altering?13:09
AdrianGwhat about calcium channel blockers ?13:09
AdrianGor TTX sodium channel blockers?13:09
kirkaHaven't read/heard/used them13:09
AdrianGepilepsy drugs are mind-altering.13:10
lwsHow are you even in Hplus if you're against all this stuff?13:10
AdrianGshould they stop giving them to children?13:10
AdrianGpiracetam - mind altering.13:10
AdrianGany and all drug that has central effects is mind altering by definition.13:10
kirkaYes it is.13:10
AdrianGshould they stop giving them to children?13:10
AdrianGwhat about omega3? another evil drug?13:10
AdrianGzomg fish oil for kids ?!??!?!?!?13:10
lwsExercise! Mind altering!13:11
kirkaI think that I should inform them on all possible side effects, and if they don't like it, I won't give that to them. Isn't it the only ethical choice?13:11
lwsSugar!  no sugar for you children!13:11
AdrianGkirka: low doses of stimulants are incredibly safe.13:11
AdrianGon the balance of benefits and risks they are a godsend for somebody with adhd.13:11
kirkaI would rather become "failure in life" than eating some weird stuff and becoming another human.13:12
AdrianGanother human?13:12
AdrianGkirka i think just has a problem with eating chemicals lol13:12
eudoxiamaybe the other human is a better human13:12
AdrianGyou dont become another human.13:12
AdrianGyou become a better self.13:12
kirkaeudoxia I think that it's up to subject to decide the best way, as he has free will.13:13
eudoxiaoh sure, but children can't consent13:13
kirkaActually that's the large problem with parenting.13:13
AdrianGparents consent on their behalf as legal custodians.13:13
@kanzurelws: i promise we're not usually this stupid in here13:13
eudoxiawhat AdrianG said13:13
AdrianGif my child will display any symptoms of adhd that I can recognize.13:14
eudoxiait's not just a legal matter, children just can't consent. kids are stupid.13:14
AdrianGI'll have him drugged immediately with "mind-altering drugs"13:14
kirkaThat's sad.13:14
kirkaYou know, symptoms of ADHD are som wide13:14
AdrianGkids will never appreciate it ofc.13:14
AdrianGthey'll either be mad at u for putting them on drugs13:14
kirkaYou can find it in any human13:15
AdrianGbut if u dont put them on it, they'll be mad for not medicating them13:15
kirkaThat's your local US consensus13:15
AdrianGkirka: nope, wrong.13:15
AdrianGI did not grow up in the US.13:15
AdrianGnever even lived in the US. I came to study in canada, on scholarship, i never left, he he.13:16
@kanzurekirka: i suspect you haven't actually read any of the adhd research13:16
eudoxialet them be mad13:16
@kanzurethe stimulant response that lws was talking about isn't just made up13:16
AdrianGkirka's attitude is very common in russia.13:16
kirkakanzure Well, I have, a little.13:16
@kanzureand you think they are lying ?13:16
AdrianGI have relatives in that country, its sad.13:16
kirkaI'm not13:16
kirkaThat's a philosophical problem.13:16
AdrianGenormous stigma against -any- mental illness, even depression13:16
@kanzurei said, do you think those researchers are lying?13:16
AdrianGnobody thinks depression is real in russia13:16
kirkaWell, I don't think so13:16
kirkaPeople get tired from time to time13:17
kirkaThat means they work too hard and ned rest.13:17
kirkaThat's all about it.13:17
@kanzuredo you have an actual refutation to research about depression, or are you bullshitting us?13:17
AdrianGlol "get tired from time to time"13:17
* AdrianG gives up on kirka13:17
AdrianGkirka: are you in moscow?13:18
kirkaActually there begins such situation in Russia: in some daycare faculties children eat "food additives" that make them sleep for 2 hours. That make daycare workers' work easier.13:18
kirkaSaint Petersburg.13:18
@kanzurei don't understand why you are bringing up food additives13:18
@kanzuremy question was do you have specific research you can cite that disproves depression13:19
kirkaThay are just called so13:19
@kanzureor related diseases.13:19
kirkaThat's some ыдуузштп ьувсшту13:19
kirkasleeping medcine13:19
AdrianGunfortunately, i think this is just a cultural backlash against abuses of psychiatry during commie times13:19
kirkakanzure How do I "prove disease"?13:19
@kanzurei am having trouble following your line of thought13:19
AdrianGlike compulsory medication of "sluggish schizophrenia"13:20
kirkaMy position is simple13:20
AdrianGhe's just been conditioned that way.13:20
@kanzurekirka: i am asking you to cite research that proves that depression isn't a disease13:20
kirka"Mental illnesses are subjective"13:20
@kanzuredepression has a distinct neuroanatomical footprint13:20
@kanzureautism does as well13:20
kirkaCan you give me a research that proves that it's a disease?13:20
kirkaI'll read it13:20
AdrianGkirka: are you familiar with dr. salopolsky13:21
kirkaBut I don't think that it "proves" that fact.13:21
AdrianGpls read his publications.13:21
AdrianGwhats next13:21
AdrianGdowns syndrome isnt real?13:21
@kanzurekirka: wait while i pull up the papers.13:21
kirkaI just hate that I could easiliy be said to have ADHD.13:21
kirkaThe symtoms are soo wide13:21
@kanzurewhy do you hate that ?13:22
kirkaAnd any samrt human from math schhol could be described as "having ADHD" or "autism" or "asperger's"13:22
AdrianGthey are not wide.13:22
AdrianGadhd is very distinct from autism.13:22
AdrianGor aspergers.13:22
kirkaBecause I could be drugged and lived another life13:22
kirkaAgainst my will.13:22
AdrianGin fact, i think DSM V is doing great disservice to aspergers.13:22
@kanzurewhat do you mean "lived another life"13:23
@kanzurei don't understand13:23
kirkaWell, drugs change behaviour13:23
@kanzureso does food, so what ?13:23
kirkabehaviour influences choices one makes13:23
kirkaDrugs change it more radically13:23
kirkaMood, concentration13:23
kirkaMaybe my interests were different13:24
AdrianGkirka: its very easy to find13:24
AdrianGjust do CPT-II.13:24
@kanzurekirka: depression is debilitating and prevents you from making choices.13:24
@kanzureso in those cases you don't even make choices in the first place13:24
kirkaDepression just means that you need to rest13:24
Mariukanzure: indeed13:25
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AdrianGdownload it. and test yourself.13:25
kirkaAnyway, what's your political/philosophical stance?13:25
AdrianGdepression is a very insidious, very harmful disease.13:25
@kanzurekirka: my political stance is that you're full of shit13:25
kirkaAdrianG Sorry, don't like tests13:25
AdrianGkirka: why13:25
AdrianGbecause they produce objective measurements of your behavior?13:25
@kanzurekirka: i think you have been misinformed. depression doesn't mean anything about rest..13:25
AdrianGquantified. solid. numerical.13:25
kirkaThwy are shallow13:25
@kanzuredepression doesn't mean you're "sad"13:26
kirkaAnd have no real basis13:26
@kanzuredepression doesn't mean that you have had a bad day and are upset13:26
AdrianGkirka: so you cannot measure how memory performs with tests?13:26
kirkaMaybe I haven't real depression than, could be. If I'm tired I just go to sleep.13:26
kirkaAdrianG Why should I do it?13:26
@kanzurenobody said you were depressed13:26
kirkakanzure Yes13:27
AdrianGkirka: you will know how well your working memory performs. as well as how well is your executive functions are working.13:27
AdrianGits a simple test.13:27
kirkaInteresting position you have, deciding future for your children. If may parents were like that, I would be an artist.13:27
kirkaAdrianG I'm satisfied with my memory, really.13:28
kirkaAdrianG And with my executive functions.13:28
AdrianGkirka: its not about deciding their fate.13:28
AdrianGit is to allow them to enjoy full ability.13:28
AdrianGinstead of limping along.13:28
@kanzurekirka: http://archpsyc.jamanetwork.com/data/Journals/PSYCH/5232/yoa40146.pdf13:28
AdrianGwould you not buy your children crutches? or tell them to man up and limp along?13:28
@kanzure"unctional Neuroanatomical Substrates of Altered Reward Processing in Major Depressive Disorder Revealed by a Dopaminergic Probe"13:28
kirkaWell, on meds they could get BS in colledge, withou they can drop out and become pizza couriers or someting.13:28
kirkakanzure Ok13:29
AdrianGkirka: I have a graduate degree.13:29
AdrianGand I recieved it before I even knew I had ADHD.13:29
AdrianGI knew something was fucked, but never found out until later.13:29
kirkaOh guys, thats's painful question for you, probably13:30
kirkaI didn't mean to hurt you13:30
@kanzurewhat ?13:30
kirkaI just don't want that my children would be medicated13:30
kirkakanzure That's not about you13:30
kirkaAdrianG and lws13:30
kirka*medicated against some subjective illness13:30
AdrianGlol "subjective"13:31
AdrianGit is not subjective.13:31
AdrianGat all.13:31
AdrianGit is very much quantifiable.13:31
@kanzurekirka, if you blow up the cerebellum, is that subjective?13:31
kirkaIt is. Doctors and association decide what to call an illness.13:31
@kanzurewhat if you irradiate the amygdala? is that still subjective?13:31
AdrianGkirka: lol who has to decide then?13:31
AdrianGwho is the final instance of "objective" truth13:31
kirkakanzure That's extremities13:32
eudoxiaif parents can't decide their kids' future, then who will do that? certainly not the kids. the community? the state?13:32
kirkaAdrianG That is, there is no.13:32
AdrianGdoctors will often prescribe off-label, for a bs dx13:32
AdrianGif they know it will help you.13:32
AdrianGgood doctors - help you.13:32
@kanzurekirka: the brain is knowable.13:32
AdrianGnobody, and most certainly in north america is going to medicate somebody compulsory.13:32
AdrianGnot even on psychiatric hold.13:32
@kanzurei think you said earlier that we don't understand the brain at all13:32
kirkaeudoxia The kids, of course, Parents can propose something, that's all.13:32
jrayhawkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOAgplgTxfc is pretty good for showing both the cognitive and the biochemical side of things13:32
AdrianG5 year old kids will decide13:33
AdrianGabout their health13:33
AdrianGan educated choice.13:33
eudoxiaand i don't see how that's incompatible with libertarian or anarchist idas13:33
@kanzurelet's not bring kids into the question.13:33
kirkakanzure It is, but we don't have enough information. Just some vague models.13:33
@kanzurethey aren't that vague. you should look some time.13:33
kirkaeudoxia Why do you take that as imperative?13:33
AdrianGneuropsychiatric tests are not vague.13:33
eudoxiawhich part13:33
AdrianGeither your memory is good, or it isnt.13:33
AdrianGsame with attention. its either good, or not.13:33
AdrianGkirka: is dementia real?13:34
AdrianGdo you believe its real? or subjectve13:34
jrayhawkhttp://evolutionarypsychiatry.blogspot.com/2012/03/depression-genetic-faustian-bargain.html http://evolutionarypsychiatry.blogspot.com/2012/11/inflammation-and-depression-cause-or.html discuss the etiology a little better13:34
eudoxiathe part where i said 5 year olds with no sense of rationality or mortality or anything shouldn't make medical decisions13:34
AdrianGjrayhawk: oh pls13:34
AdrianGthats just a very newish theory13:34
AdrianGlet it prove itself first.13:35
AdrianGbefore it becomes THE etiology.13:35
jrayhawk'The science, doctrine, or demonstration of causes'13:35
kirkaWhy are some deviations from behavioural mean allowed and some aren't? (assuming they don't harm other subjects like maniac shooting)13:35
kirkaeudoxia I always knew what I wanted.13:36
@kanzurekirka: we're still trying to diagnose your understanding of neurobiology first13:36
jrayhawkis this like weirdo nihilism where there are multiple sciences dependant upon agency13:36
kirkaeudoxia Why should I think that my children don't know?13:36
@kanzurekirka: i think bringing children into the question is too complex, especially since the basics aren't yet solidifed13:36
kirkakanzure That's question of ethics, not neuroscience.13:36
kirkaThat's scary13:37
@kanzureif you don't even believe the brain is understandable, then why would you pretend to understand or assume your child's brain can do anything? so leave them out for the moment.13:37
eudoxiaoh ethics13:37
kirkaYes, ethics13:37
kirkaFor me it's imperative not to force other subjects into decisions, especially my children.13:39
kirkaI want that others applied the same principle when dealing with me.13:39
kirkaIsn't it rational?13:39
@kanzuredo you have children?13:39
kirkaI just know to much people that don't like their life because someone made decisions for them.13:39
kirkaNot yet.13:40
kirkaLaso, because I'm not ready for that.13:40
@kanzurewhat does any of this have to do with whether or not depression is real13:40
kirkaParenting is a complex thing.13:40
@kanzurei am confused.13:40
kirkaIf you say that it's illness you make basis for forcing someone to take antidepressants13:40
AdrianGwhy forcing?13:41
AdrianGnobody is ever forced.13:41
AdrianGthey are offered help. yes.13:41
AdrianGnobody EVER been forcefully medicated for depression.13:41
AdrianGnot a single person in the history of this universe.13:41
kirkaIt's a question of defintion of "applying force". I think lots of people are forced to take medications by social pressure. I find it bad.13:42
@kanzurekirka: saying it's not an illness doesn't make people more healthy13:42
jrayhawksuicidal ideation is a major part of depression, and it is forcibly medicated rather often.13:42
kirkaLet the people decide what to do with their bodies and minds.13:43
@kanzurekirka: that's the part of them that is diseased13:43
kirkaFor me it's natural.13:43
kirkaYou know, nazis believed that every jew is genetically diseased13:43
@kanzurekirka: yes, it's a disease. things get broken.13:43
kirkaAnd you could say that by phenotype13:43
@kanzureevery jew is genetically diseased, and so is everyone else on the planet. who cares?13:43
curt1sim jew13:44
jrayhawkunfortunately those with suicidal ideation are a major threat to themselves and others and their decisions have a lot of externalities13:44
kirkaIt's not like the bone is broken13:44
curt1si have a lot of old jewman conditions13:44
curt1ssuch as eczema13:44
kirkajrayhawk I think people have right to die. Isn't it natural?13:44
curt1sabove-average nose size13:44
curt1scircumcized dong13:44
@kanzurekirka: the point is that the brain actually changes13:44
kirkacurt1s I may have some jewish blood too, but I'm not sure.13:44
@kanzurekirka: depression isn't the brain's normal operating mode.13:44
jrayhawkit's also natural for your psychopaths to murder you13:44
kirkaYes but they aren't different from murderes then13:45
kirkaAs pedophile isn't different from usual rapist13:45
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jrayhawkat some point economic externalities become an issue.13:45
kirkaIsn't that obvious?13:45
jrayhawkI would hope so, but you don't seem to be thinking about them.13:45
kirkaSo in the end children are forced to take drugs to frow countries' GDP. I knew that haha13:46
kirkajrayhaawk I believe everybody should think for himself13:46
@kanzurethe brain is the part that gets broken and thinking is impaired13:46
kirkaActually, isn't there any on libertarian?13:46
kirkakanzure Thinking can work in so diffirent way, that it's complex to syat when it's broken.13:47
jrayhawkIf you want to claim that the efficacy and cost of treatment is such that suicide is more prudent under a variety of different value systems, that'd be one thing.13:47
jrayhawkDescribing it as virtuous because it's natural is silly.13:47
kirka5-level plans? Gone through that. There is no country level or society level efficiency.13:48
kirkaGuys you look like leftists13:48
kirkaI know some13:48
kirkaAnd thwy have similar views13:48
@kanzuredo you think that depression is virtuous because it's natural?13:48
kirkaE.g. "Society should forcefully vure drug addicts" etc.13:48
kirkaI think that children should have infromed choice in case of medication.13:49
kirkaThat;s all13:49
@kanzurethat's not what i asked.13:49
AdrianGkirka has some serious cognitive distortions13:49
@kanzurelet him speak13:50
AdrianGwhats his obsession with forced treatment13:50
AdrianGnobody is forced.13:50
kirkaI think that relation to depression is personal. I know people who like depression.13:50
AdrianGmany kids dont take the pills, btw.13:50
AdrianGi know some like that.13:50
AdrianGhe told me he'd spit them out every time.13:50
kirkaIf they like then it's good for them.13:50
jrayhawk'forced' might be the wrong word to use. 'coerced' is probably a more useful word.13:51
kirkajrayhawk Indeed.13:51
jrayhawkthough the distinction seems a bit silly to me.13:51
chris_99"people who like depression" isn't that an oxymoron?13:51
kirkajrayhawk What's your opinion?13:51
kirkachris_99 I don't think so.13:51
kirkachris_99 They like this mood.13:52
@kanzureit isn't a mood -_-13:52
jrayhawkkirka: so, say you have a penniless hungry person. is it better for that person to steal groceries and go to jail, or better to provide them food stamps?13:52
kirkaHow do you differentiate?13:52
kirkajrayhawk I think they should go to work.13:52
kirkajrayhawk If they steal something it's natural to go to jail.13:53
jrayhawkYes, it is natural.13:53
AdrianGkirka probably thinks schizophrenics must recieve death penalty13:53
AdrianGif they hurt anyone13:53
kirkaAdranG Dark mood/ennui and depression?13:53
jrayhawkIt does, however, cost ten times as much in externalities for them to go to jail than to be given food stamps.13:53
kirkaAdrianG Not at all.13:53
kirkajrayhawk Costs to whom?13:53
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jrayhawkTaxpayers, typically.13:54
kirkaMaybe you wanted to say "society" or "collective"?13:54
jrayhawkInmate costs are around $500/wk and food stamps are around $50/wk13:54
jrayhawkSure, whatever.13:54
AdrianGits hard to go to work if you are in jail, kirka13:54
AdrianGthats why stamps are better. use logic.13:54
@kanzureAdrianG: hush13:54
AdrianGkanzure: why u hate me.13:54
jrayhawkIt's a useful point.13:54
AdrianGI am even spelling properly, u nazi.13:55
@kanzureAdrianG: joey is trying to debug kirka and you keep distracting kirka13:55
jrayhawkeh, i might leave abruptly anyway13:55
@kanzureah okay13:55
kirkajrayhawk Do you like socialism? Be honest, please.13:55
kirkaYour point of view is leftist.13:56
jrayhawkNo, I have a strong natural law tendency that actually gives me a similar cognitive distortion as you.13:56
jrayhawkI think stealing $50 from other people is one hell of a lot better than stealing $500 from other people, however.13:56
jrayhawkIf it's even appropriate to put it in those terms.13:57
kirkaHow do I know the original information, If everybody has some kind of distortion?13:57
kirkaWhy not count your own processed information as original in the case?13:57
kirkaYou know, that's econ. question13:57
kirkaIf people will know that they will have free lunch, they won't work13:58
@kanzurespeak for yourself13:58
kirkaAnd some day there will be 10 freeloaders on one possible jailed13:58
jrayhawkPeople in jail aren't about to get jobs, either.13:58
jrayhawkBy this view all charity is evil.13:59
kirkaBut thThey made a crime and should be punished (by a contract thwy have with state, called constitution, or federal law)13:59
kirkaTax-payed charity is evil, of course13:59
kirkaWhy should people who don't work earn money?13:59
kirkaThat's not evolutionary stable strategy14:00
jrayhawkFood stamps keep people alive. They don't make people comfortable.14:00
kirkaSuch society will collapse one day14:00
kirkaComfort is relative.14:00
kirkaThey could work, thwy could grow their own food (there is anough land), but they don't do it14:00
kirkaBecause they get free breakfast and dinner14:01
kirkaWhy should I pay for that?14:01
kirkaThat's a problem with Europe and US now.14:01
kirkaTaxes are high, there is a lot of freeloaders.14:01
@kanzureyou should pay for it because it is cheaper than paying for them to be in prison14:01
AdrianGjail breakfast sucks. u ever had it?14:02
kirkaActually, they could be forced to pay their debt back14:02
kirkaE.g. that stolen food14:02
jrayhawkSelf-determinism works only for those that have the privilege of having a sound upbringing.14:03
kirkaThat's just your personal opinion.14:03
kirkaI don;t understand why should it influence other people.14:04
kirkaAgain, I always knew what I want.14:04
jrayhawkOther people don't have a choice on their upbringing. If you haven't been taught to, for instance, advocate for yourself, it is highly unlikely you will find a job.14:04
AdrianGmost penniless hobos are schizophrenics, actually.14:05
AdrianGthe overwhelming part of homeless are.14:05
jrayhawkYour belief in natural law is one that appears to largely be built on a privileged perspective.14:05
kirkaI don't think so14:05
jrayhawkI do not wish to attack your privilege; it allows you to be more effective than most people.14:05
kirkaIt always was built into me.14:06
jrayhawkJust to point out that not everyone is as fortunate.14:06
kirkaThe only natural way of life.14:06
AdrianGthe only natural way of life is to be privileged?14:06
AdrianGlol wat14:06
AdrianGjrayhawk: it is a hopeless case thx for trying14:06
kirkaI believe in free will, not in natural law.14:07
AdrianGwhat if your will is impaired14:07
jrayhawkIt's more "The natural way of life is for the unprivileged to suffer, and possibly cost the privileged a lot of money."14:07
@kanzurekirka: can you show me where in the brain free will exists?14:07
kirkaI think that everything that interferes with free will is evil, and from utilitarian point of view has negative effects on economy.14:07
AdrianGI do not even want to mention abulia.14:07
kirkakanzure I don't know. Can you prove that it doesn't exist?14:08
kirkajrayhawk Nope14:08
@kanzurekirka: i can't prove a negative14:08
jrayhawk"and the privileged will do a lot of ineffectual bitching about the unprivileged because the privileged are tragically myopic about the possibility of uplifting"14:08
kirkajrayhawk I would be an artist if I listened to parents. Mediocre artist probably.14:08
kirkakanzure So that's a question of preference. Does my belief hurt someone?14:09
jrayhawkhttp://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=food+stamps you can test your assumptions fairly easily14:09
@kanzurei think your belief is uninformed and you should read more science.14:09
kirkajrayhawk I don't see myself as priviligued in any sense14:09
kirkaMiddle class income14:09
kirkaLike 60% in any developed country14:09
kirkaWhat's privilegued about that?14:09
jrayhawkWhere did you learn the value of self-determinism from?14:10
kirkakanzure Here the question becomes even more philisophical and you don't like that.14:10
kirkajrayhawk I don't know14:10
@kanzurewho says i don't like it? you're a liar.14:10
kirkajrayhawk I though a lot about subjects and their relations in childhood.14:11
kirkakanzure Sorry, then.14:11
jrayhawkThat's good. Most people don't have that opportunity.14:11
jrayhawkUgh, I need to leave.14:11
kirkajrayhawk I understood that it's not hard to build a house and grow my own food, so I will have possibility of independence anyway.14:12
kirkaGuys, I asked threee times about your political and philosophical stance.14:12
kirkaYou seem lefties to me.14:12
@kanzurelefty sounds like a useless label to me14:12
kirkaSocialist, communist14:13
@kanzurethose terms have a lot of baggage in the US and are not useful14:13
@kanzurebecause their meaning is so generalized14:13
eudoxiawait i thought everyone here was an anarcho-transhumanist14:13
AdrianGeudoxia: you thought wrong14:13
AdrianGwe are all commie lefties.14:13
@kanzurein general, our position is providing extreme carefulness when thinking about issues14:13
kirkaThere are different degress, but the main idea is that they place society above individual.14:13
@kanzuresubscribing to an entire political banner is going to lead to carelessness14:13
kirkaWell, I'm anarcho-capitalist.14:14
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@kanzurewho cares14:14
@kanzurethe reason why i usually don't allow philosophy in here is because everyone is so awful at it14:14
kirkaWhat's awful about it?14:15
kirkaJust generic libertarian philosophy.14:15
@kanzuretheir understanding of philosophy, transhumanism, and so on.14:15
@kanzureit hurts me.14:15
kirkaI'm not h+, just humanist.14:15
AdrianGa label cannot fully describe each persons views and aspirations.14:15
kirkaOf course.14:15
AdrianGat most, its  very, very, rough guide perhaps14:15
@kanzureyes, i know you're not interested in self-improvement kirka14:15
AdrianGto the point of useless.14:15
kirkaI am14:15
@kanzurekirka: you just said you're not a transhumanist14:15
kirkaBut there is no need in radical self improvement.14:16
kirkaFor me, of course.14:16
kirkaWhat's the difference between humanism and transhumanism?14:16
@kanzuretranshumanism is a personal philosophy of technological self-improvement14:16
@kanzureand accelerating returns on top of said improvements14:17
kirkaHumanism places human being into the center, and searches for perfection in human sense.14:17
@kanzurei don't think humanism is about perfection, no14:17
eudoxialol perfection14:17
@kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanism doesn't even have the word 'perfect' anywhere14:17
AdrianGlol kirka requires no radical improvement14:18
AdrianGhe has achieved perfection.14:18
kirkaActually, I feel good in this body and mind.14:18
@kanzurenobody said otherwise kirka14:18
kirkaI just want to live longer.14:18
Mariuhow much longer ?14:19
@kanzurelife extension is transhumanist.14:19
kirkaHmmph, wiki [...]14:19
@kanzurei think you have been misinformed about transhumanism.14:19
kirkaThen transhumanism is everything14:19
jrayhawkif it helps I don't think I have ever voted anything other than libertarian for president14:19
@kanzurejrayhawk: aren't you supposed to be driving14:19
kirkaI think there is a border between radical and conservative slef improvement.14:19
jrayhawkyeah probably14:20
kirkajrayhawk Cool.14:20
kirkaE.g. copying one's mind, or seriously altering brain is radical14:20
jrayhawk"Capital L" Libertarianism is pretty much synonymous with "has no real understanding of externalities" to me, though.14:20
kirkaWhile repairing damaged tissue is conservative.14:21
@kanzurewhy is it conservative?14:21
eudoxiawhat do you mean?14:21
@kanzureeudoxia: in the us, Libertarianism and libertarianism are two different things.14:21
kirkajrayhawk Didn't Pareto prove that in abscence of coercion free market comes to Pareto optimality?14:21
kirkaAny coercion can only make cumulative happiness lower.14:24
eudoxiai was actually asking kanz14:24
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eudoxiasomething about the difference between "votes libertarian" libertarian or "votes republican" libertarian?14:24
@kanzureeudoxia: don't bring me into this14:24
@kanzureeudoxia: i'm sorry that US politics is so messy, but i'm sure some other website wll be able to help you with Libertarianism/libertarianism14:25
archboxwhat are the best life extension drugs after basic vitamins?14:25
eudoxiaoh no i just realized i'm reading the definition on conservapedia14:26
kirka"If a human being doesn't hurt other human beings, then it shoudn't matter if his brain is 'broken' due to some criterion or not."14:28
kirkaOk, I think this question is settled.14:30
eudoxiawatching SVU, can't debate14:30
eudoxiatv series, closest thing available to the late law & order14:34
eudoxiadid you register on transhumani already?14:36
@kanzurepfft don't be pimping transhumani in here, splitter14:37
kirkaWell, "Dopamine-related neuroanatomical sub-strates are involved in altered reward processing in MDD". Surely there is some neural corellate to any emotional state. Are there other implications?14:38
kirkaeudoxia Not yet, I'll do it when I'll contribute to some article.14:38
kirkaWhy should be altered reward process omething bad, or somethink requireing repair?14:40
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@kanzureParahSa1lin: yo14:46
@kanzurethat's a wacky ip address14:46
ParahSa1linkanzure you there?14:46
ParahSa1lintried your phone14:47
ParahSa1linyou up for dinner?14:47
@kanzureoh oops, i was debugging a few things and turned off mobile data14:47
@kanzuretry one more time14:48
@kanzureParahSa1lin: actually, give me 20min to get to you14:53
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* kirka sleeps14:56
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AdrianGfinally kirka left.15:48
AdrianGHe was hurting my hippocampus.15:48
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Urchin[Emacs]looked like some crazy conversation15:58
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@kanzurebasic verilog stuff http://www.gibiansky.com/2012/12/your-very-first-microprocessor.html17:12
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@kanzurethis was a webinar on high-pressure ion chromatography sponsored by thermo fisher from a few months ago17:35
@kanzureany ideas where it was advertised? utm_source=twitter but from where?17:36
juri_"As an adolescent I aspired to lasting fame, I craved factual certainty, and I thirsted for a meaningful vision of human life -- so I became a scientist. This is like becoming an archbishop so you can meet girls." -- Matt Cartmill18:01
@kanzurei didn't choose to be a bishop18:02
@kanzureperhaps i should upgrade my name from bishop to archbishop so i can be an even more powerful bishop18:03
juri_wow. i have a lot of backlog to read.18:09
juri_and kanzure: if i wasn't willing to reason, i wouldn't be here. Like most, i have a long history, which takes effort to overcome, and is a treasure trove, for resources.18:11
juri_i used to understand enough chemistry to get the local police harassing me, rightfully. I was doing people favors, and doing them non-favors at the same time. I don't wish to repeat that part of my past.18:12
juri_therefore, i'll stay out of the chemical side of H+. I'll just provide better technical tools, and put on some blinders about what people are then able to do with those toys. ;)18:15
-!- yash is now known as yashgaroth18:15
@fennarchbox: "what are the best life extension drugs after basic vitamins?" not eating sugar in the first place, blood sugar control such as metformin and various flavonoids, glycation endproduct breakers (which are still under development), DMAE (deanol), intermittent fasting18:55
@fennpossibly rasagiline (dopamine enhancer)18:56
@fennand various hormone replacement therapies18:56
jrayhawkRe: Pareto optimality: only really works for rivalrous excludable goods18:57
@fennthere are several theories of aging which may all be correct: senescence due to telomere depletion, hormonal miscommunication, damage due to free radicals, damage due to glycation18:57
jrayhawksoooorta works on rivalrous nonexcludable and nonrivalrous excludable goods sometimes, basically never works on nonrivalrous nonexcludable goods.18:58
@fennand maybe something about methylation18:58
@fennsorta hard to draw the line of what's a vitamin anymore18:59
@fennis PQQ a vitamin?18:59
@fennoo there's even a "controversy" over whether it's a vitamin or not19:01
@fennthe great thing about curing aging is there are so many things to be fixed :\19:02
@fennpossibly low dose radiation can extend lifespan19:04
@fennthere was that C60+olive oil study which i haven't followed up on19:04
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@kanzurewhat is it?19:18
browniesmy link?19:19
browniesit's some random guy who did a nice summary/analysis of many available studies regarding babies and IQ19:20
@fenn"how to have a baby the transhumanist way"19:20
browniesor, in layman's terms, "how to have the least stupid baby you can"19:20
@fennor something like that19:20
browniesso far it seems like i should move to Portland and date women in their 20s19:20
@fennthat sounds like a good plan either way19:20
browniesyeah, i'm strangely ok with it.19:21
@fennwhy does this page not wrap text correctly19:22
browniesit's LiveJournal. frankly i'm amazed it even exists.19:24
@fennLiveJournal, the last bastion of long form blog posts19:26
browniesi thought that was... hm... no, i guess you're right.19:27
@fennwrapping works fine in elinks :\19:27
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@fennhe makes an interesting point about parasite load20:06
JayDuggerHas he any suggestions about lowering parasite load, fenn?20:08
@kanzurediy reflow oven http://viennot.biz/reflow_oven.pdf20:10
@fennJayDugger: yea, move to northern latitudes and don't enroll your kids in public school20:11
JayDuggerI'm all for the former, and don't worry about the latter. Unfortunately, my wife has a veto.20:12
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@kanzure"Scribe can be used to record application exeuction, then replay a slight modified application while tolerating certain divergence from the expected execution indicated in the logs."20:23
@kanzure"Scribe records application execution into a log file, and can later replay the same application from the log file. It has APIs to inspect the log files, to modify the logged execution, to control the recording and replaying and fiddle with its state."20:23
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@kanzurei'm pretty sure mreplay on that page is the blackest black magic i've ever seen20:37
@fennit's just storing all the syscalls right?20:38
@fennlike what you see with strace20:39
@kanzureyes but then it replays against your new input and the original executable20:39
@fennseems like that would be impossible to do for all input and code20:40
@fenni.e. what if i modify the input to ask for the date, but the original run never bothered to check the date, where does it get that data?20:40
@kanzurecheck out the video near the middle, his wget example is alright20:40
@fennwah. i hate videos20:40
@fennalso i don't have any working sound atm20:40
@kanzurealso, regarding the date, it periodically logs the timestamp every second or so (apparently)20:41
@fennwhat about ... everything else?20:41
@kanzureso when you encounter a new gettimeofday() in the execution20:41
@kanzuremreplay must figure out a consistent time to give20:41
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@kanzure“Mellophone, you say? Why, that’s the instrument of a budding virologist! Give this man a pipette!”20:53
@kanzure"So I called each individual department and asked: When reading my application, would the committee rather see that I’m well-rounded or that I’m 100% dedicated to molecular biology?"20:54
@kanzure"“Um … 100% focused on molecular biology, please. The sheer fact that we’re having this conversation means that you possess communication skills, upon which we frown.”"20:54
yashgaroth"it says here that you require sleep? that's gonna be a deal breaker"21:00
@fenn"Mathematician Paul Erdős famously spent 19 hours a day doing math, and he may be the most prolific mathematician who ever lived." a methamphetamine success story for kirka21:10
@fennthough i get the impression most kids on ADHD medicine just play more pokemon21:11
@kanzurei'm allowed to do things other than typing down code dude :(21:12
browniessometimes you can delete code too.21:13
browniesbut that is IT.21:13
@fennlike michaelangelo, deleting everything that isn't the desired program21:14
@fennthe code is in /dev/random just begging to get out21:15
@fenni'm sort of concerned by the "reram has a write endurance of more than 1 million cycles" which sounds pretty low for use as main memory21:16
@fenni'm sure you could do hardware wear leveling21:17
delinquentmekanzure, can I relocate controller code in something akin to a helper?21:24
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@kanzuredelinquentme: please don't21:36
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Thorbinatorconfession time: The inevitable gun control shitfest bothers me more than the actual act of mass murder22:17
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yashgarothhow so22:23
brownies"Scientists with outside interests are often regarded with suspicion in the lab; we can be seen as undedicated, unfocused, easily distracted, and so divorced from the scientific frame of mind that we’ll probably end up working in—oh, the shame—industry."22:26
browniesthis article is hialrious22:26
@kanzurebecause it's so true :/22:26
delinquentmeshame industry?22:27
@kanzureno it said "working in, oh the shame, industry"22:27
brownies"Still another played 8 hours of video games a day—not a Batman job exactly, although it’s possible he sometimes played games involving Batman."22:28
delinquentmewhy are kids acceptable hobbies?22:31
delinquentmealso has anyone else LOVED seeing the research that sex and booze makes for a higher level of happiness than marriage and children?22:32
erasmusinteresting channel, how do most here feel about disorders like Attention decifit?22:32
@kanzurewhat do you mean feel22:32
erasmuswhat opinions do you have about it22:32
@kanzuremy opinion is fuck you let me have my stimulants22:33
erasmusdo you think it's a made up disorder?22:33
@kanzurewho cares?22:33
@kanzurejust let me have my stimulants.22:33
erasmusI suppose I do.22:33
@kanzurewhether or not it's fake doesn't matter if it produces results.22:33
erasmuskanzure which ones are you taking?22:33
@kanzureall of them22:33
erasmuswhich ones do you prefer22:33
@kanzureerm, i mean, dextroamphetamines.22:33
erasmusdex is nice22:33
erasmushow much dex can you take in a day?22:34
@kanzurei have never overdosed22:34
browniesi don't think it's supposed to be a competition22:34
erasmushow many mg a day?22:34
browniesanyway, i know some folks that are *really* ADD22:34
erasmusbrownies I take 2.5mg cause I'm hyper sensitive, you are right it's not a contest.22:34
@kanzurebrownies: the reason i don't seem add is because i'm well medicated.22:34
brownieskanzure: yeah, i figured.22:35
brownieserasmus: what's the usual dose?22:35
erasmusI would say 10mg 3x a day for dex22:35
@kanzure5mg, 10mg, 20mg, not much higher than 50mg22:35
erasmusbut most use Concerta which is long lasting ritalin22:35
@kanzurebut i've heard one person taking 100 mg/day22:35
erasmusVyvanse is like long lasting Adderall22:35
browniesall of these dosages sound horrifying.22:35
@kanzurevyvanse isn't the same thing22:35
@kanzureadderall xr is the long lasting version of adderall22:35
erasmusit's very close22:36
browniesAdderall XR is long-lasting Adderall22:36
@kanzurevyvanse is their rebranding effort and their reformulation22:36
erasmusdex and adder all are more similar to each other then ritalin is22:36
@kanzureto get around patent expirations22:36
brownieswhat did they do to reformulate it?22:36
@kanzureadd some bullshit22:36
erasmusfda also approved a liquid adder all recently22:36
@kanzureall i know is that vyvanse doesn't work for me.22:36
browniesi see. i don't really follow it all. i'm just curious.22:36
erasmusbrownies say that again?22:36
brownieskanzure: now that is interesting. so it has a different mechanism of action? it's not an amphetamine?22:36
erasmusit's different salts or something like that22:37
@kanzurefirst, adderall has a proprietary delivery mechanism that they haven't released22:37
erasmusit's well known dex and add are more powerful then ritalin22:37
@kanzuresecond, yes there are different salts but it's also an extra -cooh group or something stupid22:37
erasmusthey are more intense I guess is all22:37
@kanzurei haven't checked the patent.22:37
erasmusI don't like how I feel on psychostims, so I take a small amount in conjunction with modafinil.22:38
erasmusbut if I don't take some stims with the moda then I don't get the same benefits22:38
erasmusfor me it's all about my inner voice22:39
@kanzureuh oh, here comes the crazy22:39
erasmusI have a hard time reading and organizing with a stim22:39
erasmuswhen I take one even at a low dose, it's like no effort I just do it22:39
JayDuggerDo you notice any change in the pitch of your speaking voice?22:39
erasmuskanzure it's not voices talking to me. It's when you read or talk to yourself in your mind when you are planning22:39
erasmuslike executive functions22:39
JayDuggerDoes it lower?22:40
@kanzureerasmus: you should try to avoid that dude22:40
erasmusI cannot really get in tune with that voice when I'm not on dex.22:40
@kanzureJayDugger: it becomes more controllable22:40
erasmustry to avoid what?22:40
@kanzureerasmus: that voice sounds like a stupid idea22:40
@kanzuredo you also subvocalize when you read??22:40
erasmusAbe Lincoln used to drive his coworkers in his office crazy everyday cause he would read the newspaper out loud to himself in the morning22:41
erasmusI could do the same but that's not needed when on a stim.22:41
@kanzurei don't see how that comment about licoln is relevant22:41
@kanzurei still think reading with a voice is slow and ridiculous22:41
erasmusin addition to add-pi I have an auditory processing problem22:41
@kanzureyeah, well, you're not missing much22:41
erasmusit's funny how clearly I can explain my situation and yet you find issue with what I'm saying.22:42
@kanzurei just don't think it's a good idea22:42
@kanzurehave you considered not doing these things22:42
erasmuswhat isn't a good idea?22:42
erasmusnot reading?22:42
@kanzureinner voice, subvocalizing, etc.22:42
erasmusyou need to do that in order to retain the information22:42
erasmuseveryone does that.22:42
@kanzurei'm here to tell you etc..22:43
erasmuseven as you are reading what I'm now just typing you are hearing the words in your mind.22:43
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@kanzureno, i assure you i am not22:43
erasmusare you saying you do not?22:43
@kanzurethat sounds boring and lame dude22:44
erasmusthen with you I need to have compassion or just indifference.22:44
yashgarothI started doing it once you typed that, I hope I get back to normal soon22:44
@kanzureyashgaroth: i feel for you'22:44
erasmusit's all about processing.22:44
@kanzurewhy is it suddenly all about that22:44
erasmushow we process information.22:44
@kanzureare you an neuroscientist or are you full of shit?22:44
@kanzuresorry, a neuroscientist22:45
erasmusI'd say indifference at this point.22:45
@kanzurei see no reason that processing has anything to do with subvocalizing or an inner voice22:46
@kanzurenow, it's true that broca's area is activated during some forms of reading22:46
browniesyashgaroth: haha, yea, goddammit22:46
browniessometimes i get stuck subvocalizing22:46
yashgarothit's like manual breathing (sorry in advance everyone)22:46
browniesand your tongue's position in your mouth22:47
* brownies ducks22:47
@kanzureyashgaroth: i have trained myself to become impervious to that one22:47
@kanzure"Do you know how I do it? I am breathing all the time." bruce brenner style.22:47
@kanzure*bruce banner22:47
brownieswhere is that quote from anyway?22:47
browniesi see that reference everywhere22:47
yashgaroththe avengers, and possibly also the comics/movies I haven't read/seen22:48
browniesahh. haven't seen it yet.22:48
yashgarothI'm afraid you nerd license has been suspended22:48
@kanzurebrownies: http://youtube.com/watch?v=NvY_sMf9b_Q22:48
browniesi haven't been to the movies in years22:49
browniesdoesn't leave enough time for coding22:49
yashgarothneither have I...well okay I saw prometheus and that sucked22:49
@kanzurebrownies: dude you're missing out22:50
@kanzurego to a theater asap22:50
@kanzurehang out in the back row with your laptop22:50
browniesand watch what?22:50
@kanzurecode while watching movies22:50
brownieshaha, not a bad idea.22:50
@kanzuredoesn't matter, just fucking code while watching movies.22:50
@kanzurealso best if you can find an outlet.22:50
@kanzureif you want to be the biggest ass of all time, sit in the front row while working on your super special rails app22:50
erasmusso kanzure can you describe exactly what you get when you take a stimulant?22:50
@kanzureerasmus: angry, i get fucking angry22:51
@kanzurealso, i get a working memory bigger than 2 minutes.22:51
erasmushave you ever been diagnosed with add?22:51
@kanzureyes, i'm diagnosed with all sorts of wonderful things like adhd, aspergers, hfa, etc.22:51
browniesaren't you *always* on stimulants?22:52
erasmusaspergers doesn't exist anymore.22:52
brownieshow is aspergers different from HFA?22:52
@kanzurebrownies: it's not22:52
@kanzurebrownies: and yes i am.22:52
erasmusassburgers was removed from the DSM-V22:52
@kanzureyes i'm aware of that22:52
@kanzurethat doesn't mean that the word doesn't exist -_-22:52
browniesdo you use stims with time-release coatings, or just re-dose regularly?22:52
browniessince, apaprently, we're interrogating you about your brain now.22:52
erasmuskanzure do you do anything else to improve your working memory besides take stims?22:53
brownieswhy are you so angry?22:53
@kanzurebrownies: because things are awful and i have to fix them, and you guys aren't helping most of the time.22:53
@kanzureif you were better people, you would actually submit pull requests once in a while22:53
@kanzureinstead of watching me like a caged animal22:53
browniespull requests to what?22:54
erasmuskanzure how old are you?22:54
* brownies pokes kanzure with a stick22:54
@kanzurebrownies: to the things that we work on in here -_-22:54
brownieswhat do you work on in here?22:54
browniesthis is the first i'm hearing of this.22:54
@kanzurefor all of kirka's fucked up philosophy, he at least submits a few pull requests once in a while22:54
erasmusare you comorbid anything else?22:54
@kanzurebrownies: http://github.com/kanzure/nanoengineer is the current topic concerning kirka22:54
erasmusI'm taking Trzodone for the first time tonight, doesn't anyone have any advice?22:55
@kanzureerasmus: i'm 22, but i have the heart of a 2 year old.22:55
brownieswhat the hell is Trzodone?22:55
erasmusheart or penis?22:55
yashgarothso did kirka turn out to be a fascist because there's no way I'm reading that backlog22:55
browniesother than a gratuitous typo?22:55
erasmusit's an anti-dep for sleep22:55
brownieskanzure: oh your'e only 22? i had no idea.22:55
erasmusor I got it for sleep22:55
@kanzureyashgaroth: i can't even diagnose him22:55
@kanzurebrownies: aren't you like 300 or something?22:55
erasmusso now I'm on 3 anti-depressants.22:55
browniesyes. 300.22:55
erasmusand 4 if you count fish oil;22:56
browniestry melatonin?22:56
brownieshaha, no, fish oil doesn't count.22:56
@kanzurehow about not sleeping?22:56
@kanzurethat skips the problem completely.22:56
erasmusyes but I learned recently something new about melatonin22:56
erasmusI always used to take it 30 min before sleep22:56
erasmusbut that's not right22:56
erasmusyou should take it around 6 or 7pm or with dinner22:56
erasmusand then you will be able to sleep later22:56
@kanzure6pm? so when you wake up?22:56
erasmusI get up around 722:57
browniesi don't take it at all; just suggesting.22:57
erasmusbut if it doesn't work for me tonight I'll just take 400mg Moda22:57
@kanzurebrownies: how do you not know my age by now?22:57
@kanzurei guess it changes each year so it might be confusing22:57
brownieskanzure: i thought you were a couple years older, for some reason.22:57
@kanzureoh neat, okay22:57
brownieskanzure: i just hate it when people younger than me have their own wikipedia articles and i don't22:57
@kanzurei don't think i have a wikipedia article22:58
yashgarothdidn't know you were bald22:58
@kanzureman that would be a neat christmas gift22:58
browniesah, no, you don't. alright then.22:58
brownieshaha, yeah, some bald guy with your name does though.22:58
@kanzurewell he has cancer22:58
@kanzureso hopefully he'll be dead soon22:58
@kanzureand then that asshole writing for verge with my name, not sure what to do with him22:58
brownieswell you just have to beat him to wikipedia23:01
browniesor possibly change your name to something more exciting23:01
@kanzurebryan archbishop23:03
browniesyes, a promotion.23:03
@kanzurelooks like nobody has claimed that name23:05
browniesthat's pretty rare in today's internet age23:06
browniesbetter jump on it23:06
@kanzureand get the .com too huh?23:06
@kanzurei'm just waiting for people to take names like "bytesmith" and "bitbanger" or "pixelpusher"23:06
-!- erasmus [~esb@unaffiliated/erasmus] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]23:08
browniesyou can start the trend23:08
browniesBryan Bytesmith... founder of a long line of byte smithers.23:09
@kanzureAbraham Lincoln Hamlsmith23:09
browniesit would make socieconomics stratification so much simpler23:10
browniesyou meet a Javasmith, you know to look down on him right away23:10
@kanzuremips would be a funny one23:12
@fennah now i can't stop breathing!23:14
@fennyashgaroth: damn you and your tricksy ways23:14
@kanzureisn't that.. good?23:14
@kanzurestopping would be deadly23:14
yashgarothhey man I apologized23:14
yashgarothquick, think about blinking instead23:15
@kanzureyour jedi mind tricks do not work on me.. only money.23:15
@kanzureyashgaroth: i bet that worked, but now he can't stop blinking23:16
@fennwhy the hell am i reading about semiconductor technology node cost trends23:18
brownieslearn anything good?23:18
@fennnot really23:18
@fennmultilayer seems to be the only way out23:18
@fennapparently a key patent related to monolithic 3d chip fab expired late 201223:24
@fennnobody's developed contact nanoimprinting either23:26
-!- yashgaroth [~f@cpe-66-27-117-179.san.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving]23:35
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