
--- Log opened Thu Dec 27 00:00:12 2012
joshcryerOne act worthy of a death sentence is pursuing holistic medicine for a very curable illness that, without scientific treatment, will result in said death sentence.00:01
erasmusfenn the world isn't flat.00:01
strangewarpI read this entire conversation and I wanna barf btw00:02
* strangewarp goes back to hardware hacking00:02
@kanzure00:02 < user___> is there a way to use ultrasound to apply net forces to fluids in a sealed chamber00:10
@kanzure00:03 < kanzure_> yes... consider ultrasound surgery, transcranial ultrasound stimulation, ultrasound imaging of fetuses, etc.00:10
@kanzure00:07 < user___> no i don't mean mean squared strain or something, i mean dc forces per unit volume00:10
@fennno, ultrasound is inherently AC00:11
@fennyou'd need something like a valvular conduit (flow rectifier)00:12
@fenna check valve in plumbing terms00:12
@fenni guess something similar to optical tweezers (the lemon pip effect) might work, but that's solids, not fluids00:13
@kanzure00:08 < user___> i thought of it when i heard of doppler measurement of jet engine fuel line flow rates00:13
@fenni guess the ultrasound reflects off flow instabilities in the fluid in that case00:15
@kanzurecouldn't you add some responsive material that gets filtered out before it hits spark plugs or w/e?00:16
@fennyes, solids00:16
@fennthere is a haptic interface that uses standing ultrasound waves, so it's definitely possible with solids00:18
@fennbut you would have to track and target large numbers of these dust specks00:18
@fennanyway what's the point? microfluidics?00:19
@kanzurei told user__ that i don't want to play channel bridge00:19
@kanzurejrayhawk: can't you just type /join on his client for me?00:20
joshcryerI thought you'd initiated a new bridge feature on your nickname and felt it was inelegant, heh.00:27
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=ee3e909c Bryan Bishop: an actually transhumanist declaration00:43
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=54526ca2 Bryan Bishop: fight with markdown syntax00:46
@kanzureah much better00:46
@kanzurejrayhawk: any ideas on fixing the redirect? http://diyhpl.us/wiki/declaration01:03
@kanzurethat redirect has always annoyed me01:03
@kanzureit's not a directory so i don't see why it wants to add a slash01:03
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@fenndo conversations with steve always converge on hyperbolic discounting or is it just me?04:11
jrayhawkdirection.mdwn gets rendered as direction/index.html; otherwise there'd be no way to hint an appropriate mimetype to the httpd04:14
jrayhawkthough apache supports client mime negotiation, so i guess that would still technically work for the common case04:15
jrayhawkmost httpds suck, though04:15
@fennanother potential contender for the nootropic effects of butter is serine, a NMDA receptor agonist04:15
@fennco-agonist, whatever04:16
@fennheh there's a group promoting this molecule http://www.serine.org/backgrounddr.htm04:18
@fennin butter it would be found as phosphatidylserine04:21
@fennhmm i can't seem to find any data on how much is actually there per gram of butter04:30
juri_you know, i've thrown away two GC/MS systems in my life. questions like that make me regret.04:31
@fennyeah i would really like to see an open source mass spec04:32
@fennHPLC or even TLC would answer a lot of these questions though04:33
@fennthey require purified standards for calibration though, making it less convenient04:33
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@fennwow 480ug/g phosphatidylserine in atlantic mackerel04:43
@fennthat's almost as high as brain04:44
@fenni wonder why they dont do studies on "mackerel extract"04:44
@fennaka mackerel-derived phosphatidyl serine.. at least it would stop all these people from trying to find cow brain extract04:45
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jrayhawkwhat's wrong with cow brain extract04:53
@fennit's contaminated with BSE04:53
jrayhawkBSE is a CAFO malady04:54
jrayhawknobody should be eating CAFO beef in the first place04:54
@fennwell anyway it's illegal to sell cow brain extract, and nobody is providing mackerel extract (fish oil aside)05:01
@fennit doesn't seem so hard to just synthesize the fucker from serine and DHA05:01
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archelsI am writing to invite you to submit an article to the journal07:34
archels"Lovotics: Academic Studies of Love and Friendship with Robots," which07:34
archelsis is an open-access peer-reviewed, and fully refereed journal that07:34
archelsedited by a07:34
archelsJapanese, appropriately07:34
* archels checks the calendar... no, not April 1st yet07:35
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fommilHi all – I've just cloned emokit and I'm hoping to get the emo working from Scala by possibly porting the python code. Anyone done anything similar?07:49
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delinquentmeHow do mesenchymal stem cells from fat?09:03
delinquentmekanzure, ?09:06
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@kanzuredelinquentme: probably the same way you convert any other cell into stem cells, http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/stem-cells/11:07
@kanzurefommil: to my knowledge nobody has ported emokit to scala.11:08
@kanzurelucas_: stay more than a few minutes dude.11:08
yashgarothI think agevivo meant extracting the adult stem cells from fat tissue11:08
yashgarothfat tissue is rich in mesenchymals, and you won't miss it11:10
yashgaroththen again it might be easier for him to induce them instead, since separating, indentifying and expanding them is hella difficult11:11
yashgarothalso did you guys see the story about the woman who had some cosmetic stem cell surgery and got bones growing in her eyes? because HEH11:12
yashgarothyeah I told lucas_ I'd be here, but I'm sure as fuck not waking up early this week11:13
@kanzurenope i did not see that story11:17
yashgarothhttps://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=stem-cell-cosmetics is a decent coverage of it, I suppose11:18
yashgarothI'm mostly interested because myostatin inhibition could conceivably be considered "cosmetic" and then I can do whatever the fuck I want, apparently :V11:19
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@kanzureit only costs $290k?11:31
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ThomasEgithat rendering is funny. note the balljoint at the shoulder.12:25
ThomasEgibut how did they rise almost 300k?12:26
@kanzure /win 412:26
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juri_FWIW: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5yOqY7wk8E <-- new favorite 3d printer design, for printing biomaterials.14:47
juri_cheap, and non-moving bed.14:48
@kanzurewhat is it?14:48
@kanzureso we don't have to watch the video.14:48
juri_sure. its called the makibot.14:48
juri_the a6, specifically.14:48
@kanzuredo you mean makerbot14:48
juri_it uses a head moving on three axises.14:48
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juri_moving X-Y, and the plate on a moving Z.14:51
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juri_I think thats more useful, for biomaterial printing. moving-Y plate is just asking for trouble.14:51
@kanzuredid we successfully convince you against pick and place?14:52
juri_i think we're having a terminology problem: i'm talking about doing pick-and-place on this platform. tho, i'm fine with 'grow_in_a_bath-extrude'.14:53
@kanzureindividual cell pick and place (like with an atomic force microscope) is just horribly inefficient14:53
* juri_ nods.14:54
@kanzureerm sorry, i mean some bigger tip than an afm.14:54
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@kanzure"Foresight has been joined in the program by support from sister organizations and others including 20Under20 (the Thiel Foundation), Autodesk, SENS, Humanity+ and The Singularity Institute."18:24
@kanzureit's still weird to see autodesk dicking around in these things18:24
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yashgarothcarlo's working there now, for whatever reason18:25
@kanzurewhat i thought he was betting it big on aquinas18:26
yashgarothhouse-swapping with jojack18:26
yashgarothyeah idk what he's doing with aquinas, that's just what I hear18:26
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nmz787so i'm interested in SLS or layer-by-layer lithography type methods for physical construction21:32
nmz787making a gantry for nano or micro scale stuff is pretty hard, but maybe a stepper for a DLP chip exposure system would work... the small features are defined by the DLP chip, and using XY and maybe rotation, you could match up the corners if you wanted to21:34
@kanzurewhat did you think about that dlp-converted-reprap-thing?21:35
@kanzureno superkuh has it right.. lemoncurry.21:36
nmz787yeah i remember seeing that, i'm not sure they moved the DLP projection area21:37
nmz787or if tey just did layers21:37
@kanzurelemonparty is for old guys21:37
nmz787i.e. moving the Z21:37
yashgarothcouldn't resist, sorry21:37
@kanzureyashgaroth: next you'll be quoting me tubgirl.. you're an old geezer.21:37
yashgarothhey now21:38
nmz787i've also been thinking about fresnel lenses, but being used as reflectors21:38
nmz787sputtering metal is relatively easy, making reaplicas of fresnel lenses would be easy21:38
nmz787and reflectors don't suffer from chromatic aberration21:39
nmz787they sufffer from other aberration but I think that's somewhat easier to correct for in software than chromatic smudging is21:39
nmz787so then you could really have a whole replicable optical system for something like a reflecting microscope or spectrometer21:40
superkuhReflectors might not but won't fresnel reflectors will have slightly different focal lengths for different frequencies?21:41
nmz787i'm not sure if reflection follows the same wavelength dependence as refraction21:42
nmz787or if they're the same, but with much differnt ratios of relfection to transmission21:43
superkuhYes. I have understood how I was confused now.21:46
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=55710c4e Bryan Bishop: some text about the proactionary principle23:34
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=31ad6818 Bryan Bishop: write down some obvious transhumanist statements23:34
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=4d83a1bf Bryan Bishop: switch the font to Times New Roman23:37
@fennnmz787: reflection is wavelength independent but such a small spacing between fresnel rings is bound to give diffraction artifacts, which is wavelength dependent23:45
@fennlooks like i was already into nanotech in 1991 http://fennetic.net/irc/redesign_the_human_body.jpg23:46
nmz787fenn: hmm good point, but would the diffraction crap be filterable easily?23:47
@fennwell if you're only using one wavelength it shouldnt matter as much23:48
nmz787it would probably go all over the place at the edge, huh, spewing light out in all directions?23:48
nmz787well i was thinking of reflective optics for cheap microscopes or spectrometers, or at least easily replicable23:49
@fenni dont get how you're planning on making a smooth slope with SLS anyway23:49
nmz787so multiple wavelength correction was what i was thinking23:49
@fennand what does "replicable" mean23:49
@fennlike with vinyl records?23:49
nmz787good point actually23:49
@fennor compact discs23:49
nmz787well i know some stuff is made using diffraction patterns23:49
nmz787so the resist is brigther where it needs to be thinner, erc23:50
@fennoh so this is a completely analog process?23:50
nmz787i'm not sure :/23:50
@fenndo you know how holographic diffraction gratings are made?23:50
nmz787rather i'm not sure on the holographic/diffraction pattern stuff23:51
@fennwell me neither23:51
@fennder. well this is something i've never heard of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ridged_mirror23:53
nmz787fenn check this out http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2011/lc/c1lc20411d23:56
@fenn"The multiple Fresnel diffraction at nearly placed periodical ridges (ridged mirror) causes the specular reflection"23:56
@fennso perhaps taking diffraction to the limit will simply equate to a flat mirror23:56
@fennwhat are the lego dots for?23:58
--- Log closed Fri Dec 28 00:00:13 2012

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