
--- Log opened Fri Dec 28 00:00:13 2012
-!- yashgaroth [~f@cpe-66-27-118-94.san.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving]00:00
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=31151513 Bryan Bishop: improve the section on the precautionary principle00:00
nmz787so the micro structure doesnt collapse00:00
nmz787i got thinking about this after we went to the movies last week00:01
@fennoh, i was thinking for dna chromatography or something00:01
nmz787they had a 4k projector (4 times area of bluray)00:01
nmz787but i could still see significant chromatic aberration on black on white lettering00:01
@fennyou'd think they would calibrate that out00:02
@fenni think jaydugger does something along those lines for his day job00:02
nmz787and i was thinking, why didn't they spend a few more thousand on better optics... or do those not exist? or are they phenomenally more expensive?00:02
nmz787like isn't there a 'perfect' way to do optics?00:03
@fennit could be just improper assembly00:03
nmz787i guess there's not a 'perfect' way to do electronics unless you get superconductors00:03
nmz787so what are the superconductors of light?00:03
@fennlike, the machine works as designed, but you have to align it after putting it together00:04
nmz787the problem is shit being non-linearized00:04
@fennyou know how superconductors work?00:04
@fenni guess not00:04
nmz787i assume its something where the conduction band is perfectly synced at all lattice locations00:05
nmz787so there aren't emergent traffic jam type ripples00:05
@fennwhen an electron in a metal gains enough energy to leave its valence band, it moves into the space between atoms. eventually it falls into another atom's valence band and gets stuck, and this has to happen a zillion times to conduct 1 coulomb over 1 meter00:06
@fennin superconducting materials, there are ordered crystal patterns that leave charge neutral spaces, tubes that the electron can coast down without running into anything00:06
@fennthat's my understanding at least00:07
nmz787ok, fits well with what i sorta thought00:07
@fennjacobson coupling is like a flock of geese, one electron following another electron's wake field00:08
@fennerm, josephson00:08
@fenni hate things named after people00:09
@fennkanzure: that's an extension of me, of course it bears my name00:12
nmz787atomic nanoscope is pretty cool00:12
@fennwhy is it "nanoscope" instead of "atomic beam microscope"00:13
@fennthere aren't any other "nanoscopes" are there?00:14
@fennwhile i'm hating on naming systems, people need to stop calling every little thing "nano-something"00:15
@kanzurefenn: make this suck less http://diyhpl.us/wiki/declaration00:16
@kanzureit's missing a section about transhumanist things like life extension or whole brain emulation00:16
nmz787well because it has nano resolution00:18
nmz787FIB is a nanoscope00:18
nmz787but it uses ions not atoms00:18
@fennbut nobody calls it a nanoscope00:19
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=d1e2348d Bryan Bishop: fix markdown/css errors00:20
@fennis there such a thing as a neutron microscope?00:22
@fennat least you can focus neutrons with lenses, unlike helium atoms00:22
@kanzureiirc there was one based on neutron scattering00:23
@fenni guess it's more like x-ray diffraction at that point00:25
@fenn"In principle, neutrons could provide better image resolution than visible light because they have shorter wavelengths—as short as 1 nanometer (nm) compared to 400-700 nm. In this demonstration at NIST’s Center for Neutron Research, the microscope produced a resolution of only 0.5 millimeters and a magnification of about 10."00:25
@fennnot much of a microscope00:26
nmz787this is interesting http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fresnel_reflector00:28
@kanzurethat's odd.. i don't recall starting this article. http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=GameDev.net&offset=&limit=500&action=history00:28
@fennaccording to the "who contributed this article" section, you did.00:31
nmz787" These reflectors make use of the Fresnel lens effect, which allows for a concentrating mirror with a large aperture and short focal length while simultaneously reducing the volume of material required for the reflector. This greatly reduces the systems cost since sagged-glass parabolic reflectors are typically very expensive.[2] However, in recent years thin-film nanotechnology has significantly reduced the cost of parabolic mirrors."00:31
nmz787well how the hell are the thin film ones made00:31
@fennyeah i was going to build one of those in the desert00:33
@kanzureneat.. i'm rereading john carmack's email to me00:35
@kanzure"If you have really hit it big, you can aim right for orbit like Elon Musk."00:35
@kanzurethat one is going straight to my head00:36
@fennwhat the hell does "in recent years thin-film nanotechnology has significantly reduced the cost of parabolic mirrors." mean00:36
@fenni guess carmack wasn't lucky enough00:37
@fennwhy isn't anyone doing nuclear rockets?00:37
nmz787yeah i'm not finding anything interesting on google scholar00:38
@fennor at least beamed power rockets, like jordin kare's modular laser launch system00:38
nmz787neither for 'fabrication perfect paraboic mirror'00:38
@fennnmz787: i dont get what films have to do with parabolic mirrors at all00:39
@fennare they talking about parabolic *fresnel* mirrors?00:39
@fenn"r. The system overcomes the00:41
@fenncost barriers of traditional solar concentrators by using a new weather-proof, low-cost,00:41
@fennhigh-reflectance polymeric film instead of the traditional heavy, glass-based mirror."00:41
@fennyeah whatever00:41
@fenn"nanotech." hrmph.00:41
nmz787guess this is how they make DLP chips??? http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/proceeding.aspx?articleid=133350500:41
@fenni remember seeing a process (long time ago) that didn't involve any transfer step00:42
nmz787this sounded good, but I think its talking about efficient reflection 'perfect' not aberration perfect http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5996488&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D599648800:43
@fennthe metamaterial is only tuned for perfect reflection at one wavelength00:45
nmz787oO this is cool, but sounds hard http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/proceeding.aspx?articleid=127257600:45
@fennisn't that the same thing?00:46
@fennoh not quite00:47
@fennthis one uses conducting wires instead of dielectric plates00:47
nmz787i was reading about newtons rings00:53
nmz787so if you have completely flat surface, you should be able to polish glass to be perfect, but making the non-polised side of the lens flat is another thing i guess00:55
@fenni thought you were doing an all-reflective system00:56
nmz787yeah i am just adding in the lens side of PITAness00:56
@fennbtw making accurate optics is harder than it seems00:56
@fenni tried to make prisms once.. FAIL00:57
@fenni did get something that would transmit a laser beam, but it had a lot of distortion00:58
@fenni ended up using a bent piece of mirrored acrylic, worked a zillion times better00:59
@fenninteresting.. superconductors have very small bandgaps, which means it might be possible to absorb and convert ambient thermal energy to electricity01:03
@fennlike maxwell's demon almost01:05
@fennwow, apparently someone at UT developed an "atom diode", a wall which lets molecules in a gas go one way but not the other01:16
@fenn"these methods will enable efficient isotope separation for medicine and basic research, as well as controlling atoms in gas phase for nanoscale deposition on surfaces. This new, bottom-up, approach to nanoscience is called Atomoscience"01:18
nmz787hmm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_crystal_tunable_filter01:21
@fennyes, and?01:22
@fennit's no different from a dichroic coating01:22
@fennnmz787: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Langmuir%E2%80%93Blodgett_trough01:26
@fennlctf's are definitely useful for spectral imaging, but there are easier ways to make a spetrometer01:31
nmz787that ensures a single surface, but not flatness01:42
@fennyou can use it to construct a dichroic coating from organic polymers, presumably the sort which form liquid crystals01:43
@fenni'm just curious why you linked to the lctf page01:44
nmz787oh just something i remembered, i knew it was pretty lossy tranmission-wise01:48
@fennoh.. blodgett films can also be tuned like a monochromator, without absorption losses01:48
@fennvarying the film thickness changes the reflected wavelength01:49
@fennyou vary the film thickness by moving the sides of the trough in and out01:50
@fennit's not solid state though, so there are probably all sorts of fluid flow artifacts01:51
nmz787moving the sides makes layering happen?01:51
@fennum. the layer thickness is simply the volume of amphiphilic material divided by the surface area.. if you move the sides around it changes the surface area01:54
@fennthere are some nonlinearities of course due to the structure of the monolayer01:54
@fennthere's a limit to tunability.. you can only have one layer at a time01:57
@fennpresumably longer chain molecules can be tuned over a wider range.. but good luck finding extremely long chain liquids01:57
superkuhDissolved ions could affect the birefringence as well depending on the amphiphilic material. If it's a phopholipid then physical phase changes because of monovalent vs divalent cation exchanges in association with the carboxyl groups will cause transient optical scattering and polarization.01:59
superkuhEr, phospholipid.02:00
superkuhI suppose that's tangential to the topic at hand, though.02:00
nmz787interesting tangent though02:01
@fennyes they mention contamination as a problem02:01
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@kanzure"Adafruit to teach electronics through puppets in new kids’ show Circuit Playground"09:36
chris_99this https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/circuit-playground/id492487671?mt=8 ?09:37
chris_99i don't see no puppets :'(09:37
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TheEmpatha posit10:43
TheEmpathAnyone who invests in manifesting the technology that makes deep space transportation possible runs the risk of it being the last investment they can ever make.10:43
@kanzureTheEmpath: welcome back10:45
TheEmpathhail kanzure10:45
TheEmpathbeen busy coding something that can analyze the picture of a flowchart on a whiteboard and convert it into a REST platform based on the relationships in the picture.10:46
TheEmpathsolves the persistence aspect of rapid prototyping very quickly10:46
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@kanzurewhy not just take a flowchart as input instead? the vision problem is separate.10:51
TheEmpaththe vision problem is just for advertising purposes anyways10:54
TheEmpathideally, it iwll take UML, XML representations of flowcharts, or actaul pictures of it10:54
TheEmpathwalk into a software company, take a picture, ask for an email, walk out10:55
TheEmpaththats my demonstration10:55
TheEmpathlet the results speak for themselves10:55
@kanzuredrawing a flowchart takes me longer than writing some sinatra code.10:58
TheEmpathplenty of little guys out there that can't quite get ruby running11:01
TheEmpathfor one reason or another11:01
TheEmpathalso, anyone familiar with running SILC servers?11:02
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browniesthat's your market?11:04
browniespeople who routinely architect REST APIs but can't get Ruby running?11:04
TheEmpathits bigger than you think11:04
TheEmpathbut thats just one part of it11:04
TheEmpaththere are companies that haven't adopted to REST yet and want to quickly get on board11:04
TheEmpathand dont wanna drop 100k a year on a ruby team11:05
TheEmpathi can even analyze their standing database and convert it to REST11:05
TheEmpathits small11:05
TheEmpathim not solving ontological problems, im just solving one specific one11:06
TheEmpathspecific case*11:06
@kanzure100k/year will get you 1 ruby person.11:15
@fennhow much for a diamond person11:17
* fenn bows11:19
@kanzureTheEmpath: do you actually have clients that want more uml and less people?11:19
TheEmpathi have 4 beta testers lined up right now11:19
TheEmpathhumble beginnings, etc11:20
TheEmpathcan this stand in lieu of a proper production server?  probably not11:20
TheEmpathbut there is always that one exec who wants things now and will pull assets off of a milestone to prototype an idea11:20
TheEmpaththat's my true target audience11:21
@fennso, uh, get to it11:23
TheEmpathall over it :D11:23
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=01b96b26 Bryan Bishop: add links to hackerspaces and biohacking groups11:39
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=1edc1dd0 Bryan Bishop: minor wording changes11:39
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=a975fe83 Bryan Bishop: even more word choices11:39
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=050871b5 Bryan Bishop: add an explicit list of transhuman tech11:39
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=e65ec484 Bryan Bishop: forgot neural implants11:40
@fenncan we get a filename in the commit notice?11:42
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jrayhawkThey aren't guaranteed to be one filename.11:42
@fenncan we get a filename in the commit notice?11:43
jrayhawkBut I guess that's the common case, so I can probably make that work...11:43
@fennideally it would say something like <commit url> foo.txt (and 87 other files) <author> <commit msg>11:44
jrayhawkugh, bash arrays11:48
@kanzurehooks don't have to be bash scripts11:48
jrayhawksadly, it is appropriate11:49
@fenncan you just do wc -w11:50
@kanzuredon't you mean -l11:50
@fenni figured it would be on one line11:50
jrayhawkWell, I need to both store at least one line and also count all the lines11:51
@kanzureyashgaroth: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/declaration today's work11:53
yashgarothI like it11:54
* chido likes it too11:56
TheEmpathfucking spiffy11:56
TheEmpathone addendum!11:56
yashgarothI mean, "Obvious statements" is a hell of a section header, but it does work11:56
TheEmpathi think we all agree that tech is disruptive, not only to the consumer, but to the powers that be.11:57
TheEmpathso.. when we start building all these things… a review on the economic impact has to be considered as well.. and not just a basics "more productivity = more profit"11:57
chidoI love how genetic engineering is the first point under transhumanist technilogy, makes me feel relevant :D11:57
TheEmpathhow does this affect central banking paradigms?11:57
TheEmpathits worth reviewing, imo11:57
@fennwho gives a shit11:58
@fennbankers haven't stopped bitcoin have they?11:58
@fennso what are they going to do about matter compilers or brain scans or whatever11:59
TheEmpath“Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the BAnk.”12:00
TheEmpathjust saying, broski12:00
TheEmpathbrb lunch12:00
* fenn chews on a light saber12:01
chidoquestion: why is programming "the best way to experience the most immediate gains in transhumanist undertakings"?12:07
jrayhawkcomputational power is a brain augmentation, and the better you know how to interface with the computational power, the better the augmentation12:08
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@kanzureTheEmpath: what the hell? why are you bringing banking into this12:15
@kanzurechido: when looking at other transhumanist docs, don't you find it strange that none of them mention programming?12:15
@kanzurehow on earth are you going to do any of this without at least some understanding of programming?12:15
@kanzureprogramming is absurdly easy to get into these days. you don't even have to type crap up from magazines.12:16
chidokanzure: to be honest, I don't really look at other transhumanist docs... I'm too busy teaching myself genetic engineerig :)12:16
@kanzurefenn: apparently, people used to read magazines and then type source code from them12:16
@kanzureand this is how they learned to write code.12:16
@kanzure... or something.12:16
chidokanzure: but I see your point; there's probably no other skill with so many resources available online like programming12:17
@kanzurealso, jrayhawk's answer is more correct in the sense that he explains why it is relevant12:17
@fennmore importantly, the realm of relevant human functions is shrinking as technology progresses. we no longer have "computers" or "millers" or "smiths"12:18
@kanzureholy hell is that where the last name miller comes from12:18
chidoI just didn't realize that computational power can be considered a brain augmentation, but it makes sense12:18
yashgarothbut surely I can hire a programmer with the fat stacks of cash that biology pays...oh wait12:18
* yashgaroth grudgingly opens up the 500 page biopython tutorial12:19
@kanzureehh bioinformatics is easier to learn if you have an actual project12:20
chidoI chose biology over programming as my contribution partly because I got the feeling that there's a lack of people with that kind of skill; most transhumanists I ever ran into happened to be programmers12:20
yashgaroth"most" being "practically all"12:20
@kanzurechido: maybe you should focus on just learning things that you need to know, rather than based on who you meet?12:20
@fennchido: most of the technologies behind the internet were invented at the  augmentation research center, guess what they were referring to12:21
@fennor at least the UI parts12:21
@kanzurebut yes, most transhumanists are painfully uneducated about biology12:21
chidokanzure: I said partly because :) my main reason was because genetic engineering is fucking awesome12:21
@fennmouse, wiki, hyperlinks.. what am i forgetting12:21
@kanzuremenus :(12:22
@kanzurewait no. menus existed before menus.12:22
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@fenni thought NLS was chord shortcut based anyway12:22
chidoI learn things I want to know, I'm selfish like that12:23
@kanzurejrayhawk: i feel like i'm missing a few agency-related things, and that my explanation of recursive self-improvement is lacking. it's not "cool shit just because it's cool" but rather "this shit because any reasonable agent with these motivations would probably come to these conclusions by blah steps"12:24
@kanzureoh god i am breaking my no philosophy rule12:25
@kanzuremaybe i should perma-ban myself.12:25
@fenni didnt detect any philosophy12:25
@fenngame theory doesn't count, it's just math12:25
@kanzuremath doesn't count huh. good to know.12:26
@fennin soviet russia, count doesn't math you, or something12:26
yashgarothsoviet romania if you're involving the count12:27
@kanzurei bet chido's parents were soviets12:28
@fennhey now12:28
@kanzurethat's a good thing, it means we have a primary source right here.12:28
jrayhawkThree! Three permabans for philosophy! Ah ah ah...12:28
@kanzuresoviet dracula12:29
chidohmm, I don't know about my father, but I'm pretty sure my mother does know how to speak russian, does that qualify?12:29
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=568eafbe Bryan Bishop: be consistent about character choices12:30
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@kanzurefenn: also, while reading wikipedia today i noticed this terrible truth..12:37
@kanzure"This hypothesis would lay the intellectual groundwork for the British philosopher Max More to begin articulating the principles of transhumanism as a futurist philosophy in 1990, and organizing in California an intelligentsia that has since grown into the worldwide transhumanist movement."12:37
@kanzureintelligentsia: "is a social class of people engaged in complex mental labour aimed at disseminating culture. This therefore might include everyone from artists to school teachers and book readers."12:38
@kanzurewikipedia is often not correct but in this case i think it's probably right that they wanted to be an "intelligentsia"12:38
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@fennyes, uh, good job?12:39
@kanzureno i'm just disappointed that i wasn't aware that they considered themselves an intelligentsia.12:39
@fennthere's a long history of the word with various connotations12:39
@kanzurehell their austin group was called "austin intelligentsia", i thought that was just because they were elitist pricks and i ignored it12:39
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@fennmmm scones12:41
@fennaw man, no hits for "sconist"12:42
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/morewinks/commit/?id=177a7967 : Joe Rayhawk: MORE WINKS FOR THE WINK PILE12:44
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/morewinks/commit/?id=3102d1af i +2: Joe Rayhawk: ;) ;) ;) ;)12:44
@kanzurewait are you still fighting with bash?12:44
jrayhawkI ADMIT NOTHING12:45
jrayhawkif you create a new head, gnushabot would spit out the entire revision history if it weren't for git being dumb12:46
jrayhawkwhat's it called when the only reason a bug doesn't manifest is because of another bug12:47
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@fenndefense in depth12:49
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jrayhawkserendipity is a php "weblog manager with extensive theming and plugin support"12:51
jrayhawkserendipitously, you are probably therefor correct12:52
jrayhawka fractal of bad semantics12:52
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@fennmy brain hurts12:56
@kanzuretoo much magnesium12:58
jrayhawkhair of the dog!12:58
@fenngood lord it's sunset already?12:59
@fennwhat is wrong with this timezone12:59
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@fennkanzure: it was the "serendipity is a ..."13:03
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/morewinks/commit/?id=177a7967 i +4: Joe Rayhawk: MORE WINKS FOR THE WINK PILE13:06
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/morewinks/commit/?id=3102d1af i +1: Joe Rayhawk: ;) ;) ;) ;)13:06
jrayhawkhmm. So what should I do about the 'new head' problem? For an ref update with no previous revision, should I just print *only* the current ref information?13:10
jrayhawkI could use a date heuristic, I guess.13:10
jrayhawkor maybe the reflog would help me...13:10
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@kanzurejrayhawk: how about limiting it to 5 commits and then the next message being ".. and 400 other commits."13:11
jrayhawkhah, okay13:12
jrayhawkeh, still ugly. hmm. There must be a way.13:15
@kanzurefenn: could you at some point update the laser_cutter.git todo file or make sure it's correct?13:15
@kanzuresigh i mean laser_etcher.git13:15
@fennum, there isnt much there really13:16
TheEmpathkanzure: humans invent technology.  banks motivate humans to invent technology by controlling the definition of value.  therefore, if technology feeds back or encroaches upon the definition of value, its worth looking into13:16
TheEmpathi don13:16
TheEmpathi don't believe the industrial revolution was a willy nilly free for all.  someone could easily map the outcome of the game the same way we are doing it13:16
@fenn"banks motivate humans" do they13:17
TheEmpaththey most certainly do.  its their only job13:17
TheEmpathkeep the demand for currency higher than the currency thats in the system.  bamf.  humans are now motivated.13:17
@kanzurethe 'industrial revolution' wasn't about technology. most of that technology already existed.13:17
TheEmpaththe concepts already existed thanks to Newton13:17
@kanzureno it was not because of newton, wtf..13:18
@fennit was because of newcomen and the progression of cities13:18
TheEmpathyou think principia had no impact on why the british led the charge into the industrial age?13:18
@fennand maudslay and ...13:18
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@kanzurei seem to recall the arabs "inventing" most of that stuff a few centuries earlier..13:19
TheEmpathand yet, no industrial revolution for them13:19
@fennthe arabs had no engine lathe13:19
TheEmpathfigure out that discrepency13:19
TheEmpaththe key is the banks13:19
@kanzurewhy are you focusing on the industrial revolution?13:19
TheEmpathits a great model for disruptive tech13:20
TheEmpaththe same we are promoting13:20
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@fenni can see the analogy13:20
@fenni don't get what banks have to do with anything though13:20
@kanzureTheEmpath: it doesn't matter if it's disruptive or not13:21
TheEmpaththe example is there, as kanzure pointed out, the arabs did have many of these concepts and implementations down post-antiquity13:21
TheEmpathdistillation, chemistry, algebra, etc13:21
@kanzurei didn't know about arabs not having lathes, that sucks13:21
@kanzurewhat did they do, chissel their things13:21
@fenncasting mostly13:21
TheEmpaththey had all the tools to get it there, but they lacked the ability to get those tools to a scale which transforms their economic base13:22
@fennthey had simple lathes, but nothing capable of making a steam cylinder13:22
TheEmpaththeir guns were impressive by dark ages standards13:22
@kanzurebut who cares about their economic base?13:22
@kanzurei mean why are you bringing that up?13:22
@fennbecause islam forbids usury13:23
TheEmpaththere is a relationship between financial innovation and scientific innovation13:23
TheEmpathislam forbids usury13:23
@kanzurei'm not interested in innovation13:23
TheEmpaththerefore, no one can say "I gamble that my tech will meet this much profit"13:23
@fennin case you don't know, the word means earning interest on loans13:23
@kanzureif this stuff was already created i would still want it13:23
@fenn"i'm not interested in innovation"?13:24
@kanzurefenn: i don't care if it's innovation or not13:24
@kanzurei asked why she was bringing it up, and she said "there is a relationship between financial innovation and scientific innovation" so i commented about innovation13:24
@kanzureTheEmpath: there are a thousand different ways to organize a society or economy and we have barely experimented with the most of them13:26
@kanzureTheEmpath: i'm not sure i'm motivated by disruption for the sake of disruption13:27
@fenndon't you want to invest in my genetically re-engineered smallpox startup?13:27
@kanzurejuri_: ah i didn't know that makibox was nils hitze. i know nils.13:29
TheEmpathsorry phone call13:29
TheEmpathkanzure: yes, these are many ways to organize human potential to achieve desired ends13:29
TheEmpathbut that assumes that the current organization scheme lies down and simply takes it13:30
@kanzureso, in the context of the link that we were discussing, there was nothing on that page about 'the current organization scheme' for a reason13:30
TheEmpathsorry, looking for the link13:30
TheEmpathoh, yes13:31
TheEmpathyes, that lack of recognizing that scheme is, of course, what i am discussing13:31
@kanzureif you're not talking about that, then that would explain why talking with you is so hard for me13:31
@kanzureah okay good13:31
TheEmpathi dunno how to go about disucssing that topic communally, to be honest13:31
@kanzurethe document doesn't claim to address 'ways to organize human potential'13:32
@kanzureso i don't see how that is relevant... see?13:32
TheEmpaththe gaps are filled in my mind13:32
TheEmpathi just assume they are filled elsewhere13:32
TheEmpathwe are in the business of inventing new toys that do amazing things13:32
TheEmpathbut what made us invent the new toys?13:33
@kanzuremy brain.13:33
TheEmpaththats a big big part of it13:33
TheEmpathbut it isn't the only factor13:33
@fennwho is "we" referring to?13:34
TheEmpathby we, i mean the people who recognize the impact these new technologies will have.  which would be us, the h+ community13:34
TheEmpathor as per this IRC channel lol13:34
TheEmpathnew toys means new power13:35
@fennokay. you'd be surprised how often pronoun abuse leads to confusion13:35
TheEmpathnew ways to bend the universe to our will13:35
TheEmpathbut not just the will of the h+ community13:35
TheEmpathif you do not understand the technology, what is more efficient?  learning the tech or controlling the technician?13:35
TheEmpathefficiency being measured as utilizing the new tech to bend the universe to your will13:35
TheEmpathsome people are inclined to learn tech quickly.. im sure many of us in this channel fall intro that category13:36
TheEmpathbut there is another skill set worth observing13:36
TheEmpathand that is manipulating human nature13:36
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@fennum, taking drugs that enable you to learn faster?13:36
@fenn(that's what i call manipulating human nature)13:37
TheEmpathin the end, the human brain is only possible of the human body is taken care of13:37
@fenni assume you mean "business as usual"13:37
TheEmpathbusiness as usual13:37
@fennbig fucking deal13:37
TheEmpathit certainly is13:37
@fennhow is that even anything? why call yourself a transhumanist if it's just maximize ROI13:37
TheEmpathit's not me thinking this way natively13:38
TheEmpathits me recognizing that people do look at it this way13:38
TheEmpathand if you just reject the premise, you are missing on a very important part of the transition13:38
TheEmpathaye… moving from post-indsutrial/pre-information to a GRAIN methodology isn't an overnight process13:38
TheEmpaththere is a time delay13:39
@fennthere are many ways to take money from people that don't result in any increase in potential..13:39
TheEmpathim not talking about money.  im talking about power13:39
TheEmpaththose that control the current scheme will look to these techs as ways to maximize their power13:39
@fennfine. there are many ways to take power from people that don't result in any increase in potential.13:39
TheEmpathbe it an army of genetic misfits or good-enough drones are going to make certain people powerful is also not what im talking about13:40
@fennwhat's "GRAIN methodology"?13:40
TheEmpathGenetics/Robotics/Artifical Intelligence/Nanotech13:40
@fennoh. i hate acronyms like that13:41
TheEmpathyeah, it kinda does lump them all together in a very ugly way13:41
TheEmpathwhat im saying is the people who are going to pay for these toys initially are the big boys of hte current scheme13:42
TheEmpathand they are going to want these toys to prolong their current hold13:42
@kanzurei don't follow you. why not do it first with your own money instead?13:43
TheEmpathsure, the DIY aspect is there13:43
TheEmpathuntil an army of people take your discovery and apply it to their power paradigm13:43
TheEmpathto preserve their influence13:43
TheEmpathim not saying dont do anything13:43
@kanzurei just don't care about their influence13:43
@kanzurewhy should i13:43
@kanzureit would be nice if they assisted me but it's not the end of the world if they don't13:44
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TheEmpaththats a good question13:46
TheEmpathwhy should anyone care about a collection of people whose sole job on this planet is to manipulate human behavior towards their desired goals13:46
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TheEmpathif they aren't hurting anyone, meh13:46
@kanzureokay, but what does that have to do with /declaration13:47
TheEmpathbecause wild growth gets tamed13:47
TheEmpaththe technology being discussed will grow emensely13:47
TheEmpathand have all of the outcomes we are seeing13:47
TheEmpathbut its not just us seeing it13:48
TheEmpathit will be other perspectives that want to shape that outcome13:48
TheEmpathpotentially away from what we envision13:48
TheEmpathbeing cognizant of those other perspectives will allow us to ensure that our outcomes are not hijacked13:49
@kanzureit appears that you're the one doing the hijacking at the moment13:49
@kanzurei'm just trying to understand.13:49
TheEmpathim pointing out obvious outcomes of technology.13:50
TheEmpathwe were told the internet was to liberate us, but it has been twisted to be a panopticon13:50
TheEmpaththe industrial age was supposed to free us from the hardship of farm work, but instead, we donned the chains of wage slavery13:50
@kanzurethat's a lot of nice words, but maybe you just suck at deploying networks and maybe you suck at automating farm work13:51
TheEmpathor maybe i dont suck at saving time and its cheaper to hire mexicans than invent drones13:51
@fennor maybe political systems that perpetuate pointless competition reduce overall efficency13:52
TheEmpaththere are ramifications to this technology, and i dont mean ethical ones13:52
TheEmpathbeing aware of what the next seven steps are can help you in your first few steps13:53
TheEmpathbut if you truly believe that the power of this tech will steamroll through the current power paradigm13:54
TheEmpathwell, you are right13:54
TheEmpathmany people will be bankrupted and old empires will fall13:54
TheEmpathbut it will be the biggest bull on the scene, and it will create the incentive to master the growth of that tech13:54
TheEmpathwhat im suggesting is to discuss the ways in which those who will react that way can operate13:55
@kanzureyou sound more interested in global governance schemes or something.. nobody has claimed that transhuman tech is an answer to governance or whatever.13:55
TheEmpathand not let them lead the discussion13:55
@kanzuremaybe you've been fooled by someone13:55
TheEmpathjust follow things to their natural conclusions13:55
TheEmpathyou invent farming drones, and you destroy Dole13:55
TheEmpathbut all of their competition will want a piece of that action13:55
TheEmpathand they'll come to you13:56
TheEmpathnot to mention Dole will still be around, probably wanting some degree of revenge13:56
TheEmpathso who controls the path of the development of that tech at that time?13:56
TheEmpathyou?  the inventor?13:56
TheEmpaththe market does13:56
delinquentmewe're automating congress?13:57
delinquentmeenstating proxy voters?13:57
TheEmpathat that point, you have now been thrusted into the game of power where you will either maintain your position or have people who emulate your tactics and potentially supercede you13:57
TheEmpathnow that might be fine13:57
@kanzurei don't even know how to respond to you, you're making up stuff left and right13:57
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TheEmpathim creating a thought experiment on how technology takes out the powerful13:57
eudoxiaTheEmpath can you just write that manifesto up somewhere else and link it to us13:57
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TheEmpathwhich is an inevitable outcome to this endevour13:58
TheEmpatheudoxia: sure13:58
@fennwhy can't dole just invent the drones themselves in the first place?13:59
TheEmpaththe same way Warner Music didn't invent iTunes14:00
TheEmpathdudes get entrenched, full of hubris, whatever14:00
TheEmpathhumans are stupid14:00
@kanzurei think eudoxia's idea is best14:00
TheEmpathi'll submit it for review14:01
TheEmpathtear it apart at will :D14:01
delinquentmewhat was the idear?14:01
@kanzurei have no clue14:01
* fenn sleeps14:01
TheEmpathto discuss the economic ramifications and to discover the power interests of these h+ techs so to be aware of them14:01
@kanzuremaybe you would prefer to go somewhere else to do that14:02
TheEmpathyou stand on the cusp of the most destabilizing transition in human history and you're not even remotely interested in how it's going to turn out?14:02
TheEmpathyou must be a technician14:02
TheEmpaththose who don't do power are done by power14:03
TheEmpathnone the less, i'll submit14:03
@kanzurei think you're making things up. who is it that isn't doing power?14:04
@kanzurewhat does "doing power" even fucking mean14:04
TheEmpathit means being cognizant that there are powerful collections of people out there who will do -whatever- it takes to maintain their position14:05
TheEmpathhere's a good example14:05
TheEmpathlets say by some twist of innovation, humans can colonize mars14:05
@kanzureokay.....  but i don't know why you care about their position?14:05
TheEmpaththats a good observation14:05
TheEmpaththe conclusion of this thought experiment will explain it14:05
@kanzurei doubt it14:05
@kanzurei am not interested in this discussion14:05
TheEmpathhumans are on mars and they go "fuck earth, bro!"14:06
TheEmpathand they rebel14:06
TheEmpathand now they are the Martian PEople's Front14:06
TheEmpathwhat does Earth do?14:06
eudoxiawell invade obviously14:06
eudoxiaotherwise how is the novel going to get going?14:06
TheEmpathhow about nuke them from orbit14:06
TheEmpathand eliminate them entirely14:06
TheEmpathand push out the next wave of poor people to be the next colonists14:06
@kanzuretruly you are a military master14:07
eudoxiayou'd think the people on mars would have some basic defenses against something slow like a nuke14:07
@kanzurenah only earth can have that14:07
eudoxiai'm assuming it's not a _relativistic_ nuke, but that would be just silly wouldn't it?14:07
TheEmpathi think that their Earth masters would never allow it14:07
TheEmpathbecause thats what power is about14:07
@kanzureearth.. masters..14:07
@fennspacefaring civilization with relativistic weapons? never14:08
eudoxiawhat are their earth masters going to do about that'14:08
delinquentmeso how do I approach something like designing codified protocols for something like ... dropping and then adding new pipettor tips?14:08
TheEmpathyou think Earth will let people just go on Mars free market?14:08
eudoxiai mean, they can build some kind of orbiting laser platform thing and some Rods from God, and launch them when they decide they are independent14:08
TheEmpathwith no way to reign them in in case they rebel?14:08
eudoxiaabsolutely not14:08
@kanzuredelinquentme: you probably want to drop them into the garbage14:08
TheEmpaththey won't14:08
TheEmpaththe technology, then, doesn't liberate mankind14:09
TheEmpathit just extends the chains of slavery14:09
eudoxiatechnology can't do that alone14:09
delinquentmethe pivotal question might be " will I ever want to NOT have tips present " ... if the answer is no .. then there should simply be a "swap tip" operation versus two operations: " add tip " and "remove tip"14:09
eudoxiait needs people14:09
TheEmpathit needs rutheless people wielding the technology14:09
eudoxiauntil then, it is ethically neutral14:09
@kanzuredelinquentme: you don't store tips for later14:09
delinquentmekanzure, I'm wondering if theres some kind of related operation in programming14:09
@kanzuredelinquentme: malloc?14:10
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delinquentmekanzure, right .. I just mean should I bundle the remove and new tips into a single operation14:10
TheEmpathethics are for… i dunno who ethics are for14:10
delinquentmegot it :D14:10
@kanzuredelinquentme: probably not, it would be better for testing to have separate operations14:10
delinquentmemake two methods with a 3rd method which functions as a swap tips operation .. and calls the previously mentioned methods14:11
delinquentmeagreed kanzure ?14:11
TheEmpathyou invest in these massive technological platforms that allow for spacefaring, and you are going to want a return on your time14:11
delinquentmeso an add tip, remove tip .. and swap tip  which calls remove and add14:11
@fennwhy would anyone live on mars once they got out of the gravity well14:11
@fennthat's just dumb14:11
@kanzurefenn: people who are studying mars would probably want to live on mars14:12
TheEmpaththe same reason people would flee britian and live in a foreign land with angry natives and harsh weather14:12
@kanzurebut i can't imagine that would be many people14:12
TheEmpathbecause home sucks14:12
@kanzureeudoxia: see anything worth editing? http://diyhpl.us/wiki/declaration14:14
eudoxiakanzure i saw that earlier, let me read it14:14
@fenni think you actually need counter rotating pairs to fix the coriolis force14:18
eudoxiaso, bernal spheres14:19
eudoxiaanything above the lowest latitudes would basically just be windows, right?14:19
@fennhm? you don't need a particularly large surface area for optics14:20
eudoxiaa diamondoid sphere with a thin strip in normal gravity area14:20
eudoxiai mean because of the rotation near the poles14:20
@fenner, the other coriolis force, from going around the sun. precession of the entire colony14:20
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@fennmaybe that's the wrong word..14:22
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eudoxiai didn't know that was a thing14:23
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eudoxiaoh no kanzure your declaration mentions max more14:24
eudoxiai thought the plan was to pretend extropianism never existed14:24
TheEmpaththats the basis of my critique, btw14:26
TheEmpathmax more14:26
eudoxiathat he's a bad philosopher?14:26
TheEmpathhe uses "progress" as a justification eight times, and fails to explore what progress actually is14:26
eudoxiayou know, i remember an old issue of cryonics magazine where they had merkle, more and vita-more doing this panel thing14:27
eudoxiajesus christ what a fucking circlejerk14:27
TheEmpathyou show me something that is progressive, and i'll show you a thermodynamic system that hasn't balanced yet14:27
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@kanzureno, i don't think he uses "progress" or "a thermodynamic system that hasn't balanced yet" as a justification for agency14:36
@kanzureeudoxia: i think the proactionary principle is separate from extropianism, yes?14:37
eudoxiawell i suppose you could separate them14:37
eudoxiabut you should say the original PP paper appeared out of the aether14:37
@kanzureinstead of what?14:38
@kanzurei mean what are you objecting to specifically, the read more link?14:38
TheEmpathFrom Max More: The Proactionary Principle stands for the proactive pursuit of progress.14:38
eudoxiawell, I guess that's one thing. it's just that any link to extropians might make it look like we approve of any of it14:38
eudoxiaand it sucks14:39
@kanzurethe precautionary principle sucks even more14:39
eudoxiaof course14:39
TheEmpathi dont think its an either/or scenario14:39
TheEmpaththats the basis of what im going to submit14:39
@kanzureeudoxia: do you think this should be removed completely, or just the link?14:40
eudoxiajust the link14:40
@kanzureah okay.14:40
@kanzureyeah he doesn't argue it very well does he14:40
@kanzurei think his biggest argument for it is simply "the precautionary prinicple doesn't take into account possible upsides", which is a reasonable thing to point out.14:41
TheEmpathright, and in that, he's correct14:41
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TheEmpathand taking the dialectic position is a good start14:41
TheEmpathbut it won't protect you in all cases14:41
@kanzureprotect you from what ?14:42
TheEmpathchallenges to your motiviation which will become PR coups later on14:42
@kanzureyou lost me already14:42
@kanzureit's not about protecting against PR mishaps14:43
TheEmpathi'd say the Nazi's did a hell of a horrible PR stunt to transhumanism14:43
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TheEmpathyou couldn't even mention the words "genetics" in America between 1946 and 198014:44
@kanzuresigh again what does this have to do with anything14:44
@kanzurethe proactionary principle isn't a principle of PR14:44
eudoxiayeah seriously14:44
eudoxiayou shouldn't even bring it up14:44
@kanzureeudoxia: maybe i'm being trolled14:44
@kanzureeudoxia: it's so hard to tell these days14:45
eudoxiawe have enough with the "libertarian" fascist eugenicists14:45
eudoxiaa a den otter14:45
TheEmpathand how are you countering them?14:45
eudoxiakanzure: sometimes i get the same feeling14:45
@kanzureeudoxia: the problem is that i would feel bad if i kick out TheEmpath14:45
TheEmpathwhat the hell14:45
eudoxiaoh he's cool14:46
TheEmpathno matter what your technical solution is, no matter how you manifest the technology, you will still hit the same problems14:47
TheEmpathhow are you going to deal with power?14:47
TheEmpathits a discussion worth having14:47
@kanzureno it's not14:47
TheEmpathhead in sand is not acceptable14:48
@kanzurenothing about sand here dude14:48
eudoxiademocratic transhumanists believe we can deal with power by making governments transparent and wholly democratic14:48
@kanzureeudoxia is channeling james hughes i think14:48
eudoxiawith a touch of carrico14:49
TheEmpaththats an industrial age concept, imo14:49
@kanzureeudoxia: i'm disappointed in you. you're supposed to hate hughes/carrico and avoid them i thought.14:49
@kanzuremaybe that was epitron and not you.14:50
eudoxiameh, i think it's healthy to interact with your diametral opposites, then again the guy does have a PhD in bullshitting and i'm easily influentiable14:50
TheEmpathyeah, i dunno about democracy and all that jazz14:50
eudoxiaTheEmpath: well then there are anarcho-transhumanists who want to do away with power, but that's just William Gillis and... nope, that's it14:50
eudoxiait's rather sad14:50
TheEmpaththe lack of support or the belief?14:50
eudoxiathat it really is just william gillis14:51
TheEmpaththat does sound sad14:51
eudoxianow, i'm not delusional enough to go the way of hughes, but i'm not doom paul enough to go the way gillis14:51
TheEmpathlook, im not about applying breaks because i imagine the worse scenarios14:52
TheEmpathit may seem that way but thats not correct14:52
TheEmpathif it required the loss of 99% of the human population to achieve transhumanist goals, i'd probably be on board14:52
TheEmpathin fact, there is only one aspect of human nature i really only care about it… the rest is mutable14:52
TheEmpaththe POINT is that people like me DO exist14:52
TheEmpaththats the point14:52
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TheEmpathand im just a very, very, very mild version of it14:53
@kanzurei'm sorry, that fact isn't surprising or interesting14:53
TheEmpathare you going to cater to these people, destroy them, or trick them?14:54
@kanzurewe're going to kickban you14:54
TheEmpaththen power has beaten your cause14:54
@kanzurei think you just like typing things14:54
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TheEmpathi think you're refusal to address the issue or power is because you harbor desires for it14:57
TheEmpathor = of14:57
@kanzurei think it's because you just don't make any sense14:57
TheEmpathi'm very sure other observers understand what I'm saying14:58
delinquentmeTheEmpath, you dont want power?14:58
delinquentmeyou're full of shit.14:58
TheEmpathdo I want power?14:58
TheEmpathpower to do WHAT?14:58
delinquentmeyou may not want to NOT have power ... but no one chooses to have no power14:58
delinquentmeTheEmpath, power to handle whatever you think you're capable of maybe .. but thats just details14:58
delinquentmeto say one doesn't want power is dumb14:59
TheEmpathDo you truly believe i am incapable of getting power at any time on my own terms whenever i want as of this moment?15:00
TheEmpathas if something is stopping me?15:00
jrayhawkpasky: I need some git help. http://www.omgwallhack.org/home/jrayhawk/src/post-receive-announcebot.sh right now the diyhpl.us repos' post-receive scripts construct a list of commit messages from the 'oldrev newrev ref' inputs they get. It's undesirable for something like 'git push origin master:newbranch' to replay the entire history; is there some magic git way of acting only on *new* commit objects? Like, an object-upload hook ...15:00
jrayhawk... equivalent? Otherwise I'm left with filesystem datestring heuristics (unreliable due to packing) or storing my own object lists and using sort -u and comm to work out what's new, which seems inefficient.15:00
@kanzureTheEmpath: hey can you take this to another channel with delinquentme? thanks.15:01
@kanzuremaybe #lesswrong15:01
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jrayhawkokay so what i should do is reverse the ref update, git fsck --unreachable or dangling or something, redo the ref update, git gc, then kick myself in the head to keep from thinking too hard about what it is i just did15:09
jrayhawkit's a flawless plan15:09
delinquentmekanzure, yeah he sounds like a jerkoff15:10
@kanzurehaha does --unreachable do what i think it does15:11
@kanzurethat's a silly way to go about it15:11
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jrayhawkof course, it's unsafe for me to do a manual ref update, so I'll need to be recusion-safe and oh golly am i going to need a lot of head kicking15:12
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paskyjrayhawk: something awfully ugly tends to be used15:13
pasky        other_branches=$(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' refs/heads/ |15:13
pasky                git rev-list --pretty --stdin $revspec15:13
pasky            grep -F -v $refname)15:13
pasky        git rev-parse --not $other_branches |15:14
paskylike this in post-receive-email contrib hook15:14
paskyrevspec is                 revspec=$oldrev..$newrev15:14
pasky(or just $newrev)15:14
jrayhawkah, okay, that makes sense15:17
jrayhawkI hadn't realized it would be quite that practical with git porcelain to reconstruct trees like that. Badass.15:18
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delinquentmeso what is the value added in software interfaces with arduinos and raspberry pis15:48
delinquentmealso Prions15:49
delinquentmeself-replicating proteins15:49
TheEmpathsoftware interfaces as in users interacting with processes running on the computers?15:50
delinquentmesomething to facilitate simple *codified* protocols into physical movements on machines15:52
TheEmpathmodularity comes to mind.15:53
TheEmpathesp. when having coordinated physical movements on a single or multiple machines15:55
TheEmpathbut thats rather obvious15:56
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delinquentmeTheEmpath, that is a concern :D15:59
delinquentmeI'm really interested in ways that I can add additional components : steppers , encoders and the like15:59
delinquentmewithout having to redesign a circuit board16:00
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delinquentmemaybe the answer is just stacking additional protoshields and something with I2c connections16:00
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TheEmpathmight have something off the shelf for your needs?16:13
TheEmpathlego that bitch together16:14
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@kanzuresuperman can type 5000 wpm :(18:59
@kanzurei'm boned18:59
@kanzureis there such a thing as a 'retry uphill' algorithm?19:05
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strangewarpah yes, the Sisyphus algorithm19:17
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@kanzure"SISYPHUS: algorithms for accelerating dynamics through a mixed Monte. Carlo-molecular dynamics approach" ?19:21
strangewarpI was making a mthology joke, apologies...19:33
* joshcryer installs humor chip in kanzure19:40
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delinquentmedoes anyone get themselves tested on a regular basis for aging related biomarkers?21:51
delinquentmeI'm guessing theres a ton of stuff which can be tested like transcendent man has21:51
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@kanzurearrrghh s3 :(22:21
@kanzure<RoutingRules> <RoutingRule> <Condition> <HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals>500</HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals> </Condition> <Redirect> <HttpRedirectCode>301</HttpRedirectCode> </Redirect> </RoutingRule> </RoutingRules>22:21
@kanzurewin 422:24
@kanzuresaurik: does that solve your problem with the http 50x series errors?22:27
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delinquentmeshould it worry me that people are asking me about things that I've actually got an educated response to?22:46
delinquentmelike in the way that it means I'm developing a deep knowledge in something ... and well deep knowledge in java means you're a slow developer :D?22:47
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saurikkanzure: so the idea is "if I get a 500 error from the underlying S3 data store, and taht would have been returned to the user, instead give them a 301 location to the same url and hope they retry"? I feel like that would generate a "redirect loop" error, especially given the 301 instead of 30223:37
saurikah, I see that was a response from someone on HN23:39
saurikthat would not have fixed the problem I was running into, as I was pretty much getting a 500 error from the attempt to 301 itself (which was proably specified by an automatically-generated bucket routing policy)23:40
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