
--- Log opened Wed Jan 09 00:00:25 2013
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wrldpcso according to Jason Pontin Microsoft's Windows 8 and Surface are disruptive.01:55
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archelsdisruptive for office productivity, right02:00
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archelsthe square root of a dot product is yielding negative values. ugh04:19
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@kanzureyou guys are busy being boring09:50
@kanzureapology accepted, witty retort not found09:54
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archelsUNC-CHAPEL HILL (US) — Snippets of information contained in dark matter, or “junk DNA,” can alter the way a gene gets put together, according to new research.10:42
archelsdark matter? seriously?10:42
@kanzurewe've run out of words, you see10:47
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juri_we've run out of words that simpletons 'understand'.11:37
juri_try telling the average person on the street that dark matter and dark energy have nothing to do with each other. watch dummy mode turn on.11:37
strangewarpBut.. those are both made by Doepfer, and designed to be used with one another11:43
@kanzurejuri_: if you believe in simpletons, please don't reveal it in here11:47
@kanzureor something11:47
nmz787oh they exist11:48
@kanzurei guess you also believe in idiots and geniuses11:48
erasmusI believe in fairies and hobbits.11:51
strangewarpI believe in the existence of a physical Kurzweil11:52
chidoI believe in oxidative phosphorylation11:54
erasmusI believe true love waits.11:55
jrayhawkI want to believe.11:56
erasmusI believe my attic is haunted.11:57
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juri_kanzure: i believe there are people seeking knowlege, and those who don't seek it.12:23
juri_i also believe in the lack of distribution of knowledge, and that its a shame.12:24
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@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1050657613:21
paperboterror: didn't find any pdfs on http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1050657613:21
@kanzurewell i guess that's true13:21
joehoti believe there are people who believe in idiots and geniuses13:29
ThomasEgithat'd be.. other idiots ?13:30
joehotit's an important distinction13:32
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@kanzurehttp://thingtracker.net/ yawn, yet another thing without a data format13:55
@kanzureeh it's just json http://thingtracker.net/specification.html13:55
@kanzurethis says nothing about the actual cad formats13:55
@kanzureand the fucker uses whoisguard13:56
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nmz787what is whoisguard?14:33
@kanzurean evil thing that fucks up whois14:34
@kanzuretry this: whois heybryan.org14:34
@kanzurenow try: whois thingtracker.net14:34
nmz787oh, i thought that is just called 'private registration'14:35
nmz787that's what godaddy calls it i think14:35
@kanzuregodaddy is also evil. just say nodaddy.14:36
@kanzurei suggest something like gandi instead14:37
@kanzurewow my yahoo account just got hax0red14:42
@kanzurewhich is weird because the email account was disabled14:42
@kanzurehaha but they tell me "we detected a suspicious login from TX, US" but not serbia.. great.14:45
brownieshow did they hack your yahoo account o.O ?14:45
@kanzureyahoo has been having some issues all week. last friday they had a major xss exploit. but a few months ago they had a huge leak.14:46
browniesyeah, but iirc you had to actually log in and click on shady-looking things to fall prey to the recent exploit14:46
@kanzurei got notified because of the spam sent from my yahoo mail account (they didn't notice that my email address was in my own address book)14:47
@kanzurei stopped using yahoo mail years ago when they deleted my 2001-2006 email "due to your inactivity"14:47
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brownieshow thoughtful of them.14:50
@kanzureyeah isn't that nice?14:52
@kanzurewhat's better is that they event sent me a notice that they had deleted things14:52
@kanzurebut they didn't send me a warning email14:52
@kanzurehttp://www.readcube.com/ seems to be an even more awful deepdyve.com competitor14:56
@kanzureso what happened to the idea of doing a company that subscribes to publishers, and just pools money from monthly subscription fees?14:57
@kanzurefrom its users?14:58
@kanzuresay you do $20/user-mo over 100k users ($2M/mo).. i bet the publishers would look at your cost per user and try to charge you as much as possible.14:59
-!- Guest84906 is now known as abetusk15:02
joehotsounds like a terrible idea15:09
joehotanything they throw at you is multiplied by your userbase and frankly if people want subscriptions to stuff they're going to trust the real deal over a middleman15:10
joehotunless you find a way to offer it for cheaper (which will send dozens of lawsuits your way) nobody's going to come15:10
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@kanzure"For example, the University of California pays Elsevier $8.2 million each year. They sell us 34% of all the journals we get, and 27% of all the electronic content."15:12
@kanzure"The next biggest publishing company is Wiley-Blackwell — we pay them $5 million each year. The third is Springer — we pay them $3 million each year."15:12
@kanzurejoehot: the real deal costs millions of dollars15:13
@kanzurejoehot: you can't afford that15:13
joehoti misunderstood your premise15:13
@kanzure"On the other hand, the average cost per use was $0.43 for American Chemical Society journals, $1.30 for Elsevier and $2.70 for Springer–Kluwer."15:14
joehothow much can they charge you? is there something keeping them from just charging $1 more than your revenue15:14
ParahSailindoes python have a function of type [(k,v)] -> Dict k v15:15
@kanzureyes, it's called dict()15:15
@kanzuredict([(k, v)])15:15
ParahSailinah, didnt realize dict() was weird and polymorphic like that15:16
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ParahSailindoes python have a concat function of type [[a]] -> [a]?15:20
@kanzurethat sounds more like a flatten, and no i don't know of one in the stdlib15:21
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@kanzurepfft "Steve Wozniak Joins DeepDyve Advisory Board"15:22
@kanzure"Today, scholarly publisher sites receive over 2 billion visits per year from users who are unaffiliated with an institution yet convert less than 0.2% into a purchase or a subscription."15:32
@kanzurejrayhawk: please insert your complaints about http://thingtracker.net/15:44
nmz787kanzure how do i meet more people like us in portland?15:46
jrayhawki like these distributed search/aggregation pub/sub things in principle, but they never seem to gain much traction :(15:46
nmz787i posted a Washington County Science Club listing in Events on craigslist15:46
jrayhawkthere's hackerspaces, student groups, and also #pdxtech15:46
@kanzurenmz787: go meet lichen and mokbortolan and the others15:46
nmz787almost posted same to meetup, but then they wanted $$$15:46
@kanzureyes, meetup is evil15:46
@kanzurealso bioguy15:47
nmz787i haven't seen any of them around here in a while15:47
@kanzureand Emil Mcdowell <sir.galimore@gmail.com>15:47
@kanzureJustin Dormandy <justin.dormandy@gmail.com>15:47
@kanzureSaffron Thomason15:48
nmz787who are these people and what do they do?15:48
@kanzuremokbor <moktarino@gmail.com>15:49
@kanzuremostly diybio/transhumanism people15:49
@kanzurethis guy i met through singularity university Ron Sikes <pdxsikes@gmail.com> but i'm not sure his exact specialty15:50
@kanzureand Nathan DiNiro <unclenate@gmail.com> wanted to do a biocurious thing in portland15:50
@kanzureand gabriel paparella <contact@gabrielpaparella.com> is into life extension and hackerspaces15:50
@kanzureoops gabriel moved to austin, my bad15:51
nmz787btw kanzure back in july you mentioned thinking you were banned from the diybio-seattle mailing list, but I think that may have just been closed down15:53
nmz787should I address all these people as 'You all know kanzure'15:53
@kanzurethey might possibly know me as bryan bishop15:54
@kanzureand they might possibly not know me at all because of my creepy stalking skills15:54
nmz787who the hell is that?15:54
@kanzuresome jerk15:54
nmz787and you impersonate him?15:54
nmz787quick kanzure do your bryan bishop impersonation15:54
@kanzuretype type type15:55
nmz787so there's like one main road that travels east west, just north of the himalayas, in Tibet... how do I get google street view to hire me to collect that data15:57
nmz787hmm, apparently you can get a chinese driver's license, but it's a real PITA or impossible to get a permit to drive in Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR)16:02
nmz787unless you're with a 'tour' that's guided (i.e. there's an itinerary)16:03
@kanzuregoing somewhere?16:04
nmz787i've been studying a bunch of geography the last week or so16:13
nmz787hiking around mt kailash (52km) in a day is said to wash away the sins of one's life16:13
nmz787or maybe that's after 100 times around16:14
nmz787but kailash is in TAR16:14
nmz787and the area around it looks absolutely inhospitable16:14
@kanzureand if you walk counter-clockwise do you get evil superpowers?16:14
browniescouldn't you just hang out in a hot tub or something? that should wash away most of your sins16:14
nmz787kanzure: checking16:15
nmz787"Sacred to Indian Hindus and Tibetans, one is considered to gain much merit by performing an entire "kora": complete circumnabulation of the mountain.16:16
nmz787Traditionally one travels in a clockwise fashion. Daniel chose to peform kora in both clockwise and anti-clockwise directions. The anti-clockwise kora is characteristic of Tibetan Bon religion which predates Buddhism by 15 000 years."16:16
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nmz787brownies: do hot springs count?16:28
nmz787also would they potentially redeposit on someone else if they were in the tub with you?16:28
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@kanzurewhere does java pull its certs from? i thought it would be /etc/ssl/certs/ but it seems this is not true.16:30
nmz787kanzure: i pinged you elsewhere16:30
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browniesnmz787: sure16:30
browniesnmz787: i'm not familiar with the finer details of karmaphysics. perhaps you could bring some of those fish that nibble on you.16:31
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lichensomebody namedropped me16:41
@kanzurenmz787 is lonely and wants to meet cool people in portland16:41
lichenoh right, i think i chatted with him a while back16:42
jrayhawki am just not man enough for him16:42
licheni just got back from a chem ii lab... for some reason i was expecting this class to be hard16:42
@kanzurejrayhawk: i think the problem is that you require 48 hour notice before doing things, and nmz787 seems to schedule things 2 hours before leaving.16:42
jrayhawkactually most of the crap we do we schedule pretty shortly16:43
lichenyou also in pdx?16:43
lichencool cool16:44
lichenim just some weird chick who idles in here16:44
lichenand lives in pdx16:45
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nmz787wow kanzure somehow knows I'm bad with time16:46
nmz787keep portland weird lichen16:47
nmz787:P I live in Hillsboro16:47
@kanzureoh yeah i should make the edmonton optics bot16:49
lichenlol doing my part nmz78716:49
@kanzurenmz787: just an irc bridge to their support chat thing..16:50
nmz787i wonder how many watthours my gutters/downspout would generate here16:50
nmz787gee didn't i tell you about that? and i forgot...16:50
nmz787i should bug them when you guys aren't around :D16:50
nmz787"we discovered the anxiogenic properties of our new drug accidentally, while trying to fuck with labmate Steve's coffee #overlyhonestmethods"16:53
nmz787this dude https://twitter.com/talyarkoni16:53
@kanzure"we haven't heard from our advisor in 8 months #overlyhonestmethods"16:53
nmz787Practitioner of psychology, cognitive neuroscience, & informatics. Likes science. Also likes ice cream. Not necessarily in that order.16:53
nmz787Boulder, Colorado  http://talyarkoni.org/blog16:53
nmz787I wonder if he slips things in a lot of peoples drinks16:54
@kanzurewhy do i not have a $JAVA_HOME how does this work17:03
@kanzure"peer not authenticated" hrmm17:10
lichennmz787: wasnt it you that was talking about gluten stuff17:22
@kanzureoh great, so java only support tls1 and not ssl3?17:32
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jrayhawklichen: I/fenn/nmz787 mention it from time to time, probably me the most18:11
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lichenwas going to say i tried it and it didnt help me at all18:12
lichenbut cutting aspirin out seems to have fixed me18:12
lichentried a gluten-free diet, i mean18:12
@fenni've been doing gluten free for the past two weeks and i haven't noticed any improvement either. oh well18:13
lichenadmittedly there should be no reason cutting gluten would help me18:14
jrayhawkGluten-free isn't particularly significant unless you have a specific active immune response to gliadin. The more global response is to prolamines found in essentially all grains and legumes.18:14
lichenfrom everything ive read, gluten has no links to ulcerative colitis, which is what i have18:14
lichenfigured id give it a try anyways because why not18:14
lichenit hadnt occured to me until recently that the small amount of aspirin i took daily to prevent clotting might be an issue (as nsaids are well known for aggravating ulcers)18:15
@fennjrayhawk: what bout random inflammatory reactions due to LPS coming through the intestinal wall?18:15
jrayhawkSure, lots of crazy shit happens when you're permeable18:15
lichengiven that my problems are ultimately linked to autoimmune problems i gave gluten a try18:17
lichener, no-gluten18:17
lichengluten free really isnt that hard once youre in the habit18:17
jrayhawkYou really need to remove all grains and legumes. They all have prolamines that set off CXCR3 and cause zonulin release.18:19
brownieswhat's so bad about legumes?18:19
browniesdo lentils fall into this category too?18:19
jrayhawkhttp://chriskresser.com/pioneering-researcher-alessio-fasano-m-d-on-gluten-autoimmunity-leaky-gut for more on the mechanism.18:20
brownieshmph. but i like breads and things.18:20
@kanzurebecause they are toxins and delicious.18:20
jrayhawkWell, have fun with those, then.18:21
brownieswhat i lack is grain-and-legume-free recipes that are properly matched to my laziness level18:21
lichenill give those articles a look18:22
browniesi guess i should just hire a chef at this point.18:22
@kanzurei think jrayhawk runs a mail-order food service18:22
lichenive pretty much gotten rid of my symptoms by taking nicotine and cutting aspirin out18:22
@kanzurehe just puts raw bones into baggies and ships them out weekly18:22
lichenanyone know much about the long term effects of nicotine on its own?18:23
lichenas in, not in tobacco18:23
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@fennlichen: similar to long term use of corticosteroids i bet18:25
@fennexcept it's addictive too, yay!18:26
licheni figured id rather take nicotine than immunosuppressants and steroids18:27
brownieshow do you take nicotine?18:27
licheni use an e-cig18:27
lichennicotine suspended in oil, then atomized18:28
lichencheaper/easier than using gum or patches18:28
@fennthe gum would be less addictive with the same immune effects18:28
@fennslower onset18:28
lichenwell, ive been using this for two years now18:28
lichenany addiction is there18:29
lichenhavent ever tried stopping because having horrible colonic pain is not high on my list of priorities18:29
@fennwow nicotine does like a zillion things18:29
jrayhawkit's pretty innocuous stuff toxicologically18:29
lichengood to hear18:29
@fenn"stimulates the release of many chemical messengers such as acetylcholine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, vasopressin, histamine, arginine, serotonin, dopamine, autocrine agents, and beta-endorphin."18:30
lichenim mostly concerned about long-term circulatory problems18:30
lichenor anything else significant im not aware of18:30
jrayhawkit causes some vasoconstriction18:30
lichenand thats also why i was taking daily aspirin, to counteract thrombosis risk, but aspirin was just making things worse18:30
jrayhawkYeah, NSAIDs are pretty nasty18:31
lichenim now using piracetam again18:31
lichenwhich also has anti-clotting effect18:31
lichenin addition to the nootropic effects18:31
@fenni'm guessing it works because the adrenaline prevents formation of inflammatory prostaglandins (and any other prostaglandins) similar to how aspirin works18:32
@fennit = nicotine18:32
lichenthe explanation i gleaned from online was that nicotine increases mucous secretion in the colon18:33
lichenwhich helps buffer damage18:33
@fenni'd add fish oil and magnesium citrate to your daily regimen18:35
@fennalso make sure to eat foods high in potassium; avocado and banana are good18:37
@fennany leafy green really18:37
lichenmy diet is currently a lot of stir frys, lots of rice, rice noodles, potatoes, spinach, mushroom, tofu18:38
lichenvegetable proteins18:38
lichenpeppers, egg, lots of yerba mate18:38
@fennthere ain't no such thing as vegetable protein :P18:38
lichenits uh18:38
lichenwhatever you want to call the veggie crumble stuff18:39
lichenmeat substitute things18:39
@fennoh, TVP18:39
@fennah i was right, "an excess of ACTH causes Cushing's syndrome"18:40
lichentheres no good term for that food category18:40
@fennnicotine -> adrenaline -> acth -> cushing's18:40
@fennit's the typical "stressed businessman" look18:41
lichenidk what that means18:41
lichenill look up cushing18:41
lichentumor in the pituitary gland18:42
lichenwait no18:43
lichenthats just the normal cause of excess acth18:43
lichenyeah im not gaining any weight18:43
@fennanyway i don't think nicotine alone will cause cushing's18:43
licheni havent really be able to gain any weight ever18:43
lichenNicotine has been noted to directly cause cancer through a number of different mechanisms such as the activation of MAP Kinases.[74] Indirectly, nicotine increases cholinergic signalling (and adrenergic signalling in the case of colon cancer[75]), thereby impeding apoptosis (programmed cell death), promoting tumor growth, and activating growth factors and cellular mitogenic factors such as 5-LOX, and EGF. Nicotine also promotes can18:45
@fenni wouldnt worry abou the growth promoter stuff18:48
jrayhawkYeah, "calories" are also promote tumor growth.18:48
lichenim not really at risk of anything right now but i want to know if what im doing now will bite me in the future18:52
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delinquentmehttp://www.longecity.org/forum/blog/90/entry-580-fundraiser-success/  ??19:12
delinquentmewhat are they doing with $800 dollars?19:12
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@kanzurethey run various fundraisers for small projects like "collect & eat some soil samples"19:13
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@fenni thought the mouse/C60 replication study was worthwhile19:16
@fennoh, and that's what the fundraiser was for, cool19:16
@fennthey only raised $167 :(19:18
delinquentmefenn, the post says its complete?19:20
@kanzurewe had that french guy in here (AgeVivo?) a few weeks ago doing his own mouse/C60 work19:22
@fenndelinquentme: i think the $800 is to buy C60, as it's hard to get in small quantities19:24
delinquentmeI didn't think these guys actually do stuff19:25
delinquentmeits awesome to see19:25
@fennyes it would be nice if this sort of double blind randomized distributed experiment could be done with all the nootropics people are taking19:26
@kanzurenmz787: so now that your location is semi-stable, can we order parts or what19:26
@kanzurefenn: "BUT I FEEL GOOD!!"19:27
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@fennjrayhawk: do you have any references on prolamins and cxcr3 or zonulin?19:35
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@fennspecifically non-gluten non-gliadin prolamins19:37
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nmz787yes lichen i've beengetting lots of good info from jrayhawk19:46
nmz787very little of it is pur bloggery19:46
lichenim watching a talk on nutrition from a biochem perspective he linked me19:46
nmz787i don't think i will 'feel' paleo kick in tho19:46
licheninteresting stuff19:46
nmz787i can eat grain and beans like a champ19:46
lichenfeel what?19:46
nmz787but my father and his father both had heart problems19:47
jrayhawkhey that peter attia thing was a blog19:47
nmz787so if i don't get a heart attack i'll thank jrayhawk even if I dont know if paleo helps19:47
lichenpaleo is what?19:47
nmz787because from my own opinion i think it's pretty significant19:47
nmz787paleo is no grain, no pseudo grain, no legumes19:48
nmz787they also say no milk19:48
brownieswhat's a pseudo-grain?19:48
nmz787but i like milk a lot19:48
nmz787and so do all the billions of hindus19:48
licheni avoid milk already lol19:48
nmz787like amaranth or quinoia19:48
nmz787maybe amaranth is a real grain19:48
lichenwhats your main source of carbs in that type of diet?19:49
jrayhawkroots, tubers19:49
nmz787A Paleolithic diet is a modern dietary regimen based on foods19:49
nmz787presumably eaten regularly during the Paleolithic, which includes lean19:49
nmz787meat, fish, shellfish, fruits, vegetables, roots, eggs and nuts, but19:49
nmz787not grains, dairy products, salt or refined fats and sugar, which19:49
nmz787became staple foods long after the appearance of fully modern humans.19:49
lichen mmm, potatoes19:49
nmz787In a randomized cross-over study, 13 patients with type 2 diabetes, 319:49
nmz787women and 10 men, were instructed to eat a Paleolithic diet based on19:49
nmz787lean meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, root vegetables, eggs and nuts;19:49
nmz787and a Diabetes diet designed in accordance with dietary guidelines19:49
nmz787during two consecutive 3-month periods. Outcome variables included19:49
nmz787changes in weight, waist circumference, serum lipids, C-reactive19:49
nmz787protein, blood pressure, glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), and areas under19:49
nmz787the curve for plasma glucose and plasma insulin in the 75 g oral19:49
nmz787glucose tolerance test. Dietary intake was evaluated by use of 4-day19:49
brownieswhy so few? why not 1300 patients?19:49
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nmz787weighed food records.19:49
nmz787Beneficial effects of a Paleolithic diet on cardiovascular risk19:49
nmz787factors in type 2 diabetes: a randomized cross-over pilot study19:49
nmz787Tommy Jnsson, Yvonne Granfeldt, Bo Ahrn, Ulla-Carin Branell, Gunvor19:50
nmz787Plsson, Anita Hansson, Margareta Sderstrm, and Staffan Lindeberg19:50
nmz787sorry i should have put that in pastebin i guess19:50
@kanzurei think today is the day i introduce nmz787 to pastebin19:50
nmz787brownies: ask jrayhawk19:50
@fennthe url and a short desription would have sufficed19:50
nmz787i think he may follow the authors lineage of work19:50
browniesnmz787: can you paste the entire paper in here19:50
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2724493/19:51
paperboterror: HTTP 501 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2724493/ (battle station not fully operational)19:51
lichenso the advantage in that is assuming that cutting those out is good because of the short span those foods have been in the human diet to be adapted to?19:51
browniespreferably line by painstaking line19:51
nmz787gimme a sec19:51
@fennno salt?19:51
nmz787i guess eat salty fish?19:51
lichenpaleo diet sounds pretty expensive19:51
lichenmaybe if i saw a guide it wouldnt19:51
lichenbut like19:51
lichenfruit, nuts, and meat isnt really that cheap19:51
jrayhawkWell, there's a strict empiricism-and-biochemistry approach and a observational paradigm approach that mostly arrive in the same place; in general i don't like to advocate for the observational paradigm19:52
brownieseggs and vegetables would suffice19:52
nmz787expensive diet is cheap insurance19:52
lichenfair enough19:52
@fennby "observational" you mean based on paleontology/anthropology?19:52
jrayhawkI also don't like to advocate specifically for Paleo since the GAPS and SCD communities have the same success with different paradigms.19:53
browniesSCD = slow carb diet? GAPS = ?19:53
jrayhawkYeah; "our ancestors didn't eat these things and didn't have all these modern diseases, therefor we should do the same."19:53
jrayhawkspecific carbohydrate diet19:53
@fennspecific carbohydrate diet; gut and psychology sy(stem)?19:54
browniesoh heh19:54
@fenn"syndrome" just doesn't make sense as a name for a protocol19:54
@kanzurehmm google scholar is using googleusercontent.com as a cache19:55
@fenni can't figure out what they're saying anyway19:55
jrayhawkwell, it was supposed to tie together a giant pile of brain disorders with a common etiology of intestinal permeability, so it's a diet that is also advocating a unified pathology19:55
jrayhawkwhich is still confusing, but at least explicable19:56
@fennbut WHAT IS THE DIET19:56
@kanzureit was linked here just a day ago19:57
jrayhawkhttp://gapsdiet.com/INTRODUCTION_DIET.html for interventions, http://gapsdiet.com/The_Diet.html for maintenance19:57
lichenpresuming everyone reads everything linked in here19:57
licheni dont think ive looked in here for months tbh19:57
lichen"microwaves destroy food"20:01
lichenim not sure how much of this is bullshit20:01
lichenso little to back up what theyre saying20:01
@fennit just doesn't match any sort of pattern i can see.. it just sounds like someone's arbitrary idea of what's healthy20:02
@fennpretty much the only thing i can see is "no wheat, no sugar"20:03
lichenand eat fucking all the meat broth20:03
lichenthats all i see20:03
lichenthem rambling about meat stock20:03
jrayhawkpaperbot: http://www.lancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(89)91996-X20:03
paperboterror: HTTP 501 http://www.lancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(89)91996-X (battle station not fully operational)20:03
@fennno abstract?20:04
nmz787"Cellulose in supplements"20:04
Mariuthat sounds like the Death Star20:05
@kanzure501 means that there's no zotero translator for the target site20:05
@fennthe lancet article "is not a formal peer-reviewed article, but is just a short letter to the editor"20:05
@fenn"The authors microwaved milk, and found that one of the proteins changed shape from L-proline to D-proline. This was a worry because D-proline, in large concentrations, is toxic to the kidney and liver. This letter was followed-up by health authorities around the world. The overall finding was that this was not relevant to home heating of milk, because the scientists had exposed the milk to much20:07
@fenngreat levels of microwaves than are used in the home."20:07
@fennreally, that experiment hasn't been replicated?20:07
jrayhawkthe estrogenic activity always seemed more worrying to me, but they don't even mention that20:08
jrayhawkbut anyway, yes, GAPS is hyper-paranoid about everything20:09
jrayhawkit is a scorched-earth diet20:09
@fennestrogenic activity of what?20:09
jrayhawkplastics upon exposure to microwaves20:10
jrayhawkor possibly just heat20:10
@fennoh, right. nobody cooks things on the stove in saran wrap20:10
licheni dont exactly worry about phytoestrogens20:11
lichendont have a great reason to unlike you all20:11
lichenthough ive heard that there is danger that phytoestrogens will outcompete endogenous estrogens but not activate the receptors as strongly20:12
jrayhawkNot really true; estrogen is a liver toxin and pretty badly screws with normal menstrual timing20:12
lichenwhich is bad for women too20:12
jrayhawkI mean, xenoestrogens mess with normal menstrual timing20:12
@fennah jesus christ nothing is what it seems. "However, today's Saran Wrap is no longer composed of PVDC due to environmental concerns with halogenated materials, and is now made from ordinary polyethylene."20:12
licheni really doubt that the phytoestrogens of soy are enough to induce that kind of liver toxicity20:12
jrayhawkobviously the estrogen/progesterone cycle is natural and (usually) desirable20:12
jrayhawkEverything has an oxidative and inflammatory cost.20:13
jrayhawkhttp://www.westonaprice.org/soy-alert/studies-showing-adverse-effects-of-isoflavones http://www.westonaprice.org/soy-alert/studies-showing-adverse-effects-of-soy haha hot damn those WAPF folks are patient researchers20:21
lichenso basically replace tofu with tempe in my diet20:23
lichenlol... im amused that soy is the worst part of my diet20:24
jrayhawkhttp://www.westonaprice.org/soy-alert/myths-and-truths-about-soy is a more approachable summary20:24
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nmz787but don't paleo ppl say no milk20:26
nmz787paperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S014067368991996X20:26
paperboterror: HTTP 501 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S014067368991996X (battle station not fully operational)20:26
lichen>Japanese housewives feed tofu to their husbands frequently when they want to reduce his virility.20:26
nmz787and i did a bunch of RF and other EM research on bio stuff last spring and i didn't find anything substantial20:27
lichengreat paper here, haha20:27
nmz787the only thing was rotation20:27
jrayhawk"paleo" is not so much a diet as a field of thought; most of the prominent spokesmen treat milk as a potential pathology rather than an inherent one. Only Cordain was particularly vociferous about it.20:29
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panaxi just realized today my soy sauce has sodium benzoate in it20:33
@fennhm i didn't know about trypsin inhibitors20:34
@fennhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunitz_STI_protease_inhibitor i guess this is why TVP makes you fart20:37
nmz787crap, i can't rememeber my UMB password or library 'barcode'20:38
nmz787so i can't see if that lancet article is available20:39
jrayhawkwell, we sorta know its contents20:39
@fennit sounded pretty wonky and the lack of replication sort of seals the deal20:39
@fenni mean if microwaves really did change isomerization of amino acids, don't you think someone would have published a real paper about it?20:40
@fennon the contrary we have "Evidence for the absence of amino acid isomerization in microwave-heated milk" http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jf00010a03420:41
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nmz787kanzure: we can definitely buy parts, but fenn never finished that CAD and as a result I've been thinking more about DLP projector + microscope lithography... using a camera in the optical path for rough alignment then just move the image more finely on the DLP chip in a non-reactive color, before exposing the aligned image20:42
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jrayhawk"microwave infant" -> "Airway burns in an infant following aspiration of microwave-heated tea"20:46
jrayhawknote to self: do not abbreviate searches of that nature20:46
jrayhawkhttp://www.westonaprice.org/blogs/cmasterjohn/2012/03/31/with-the-wave-of-a-wand-raw-milk-wipes-away-the-wheeze-how-our-good-friend-glutathione-protects-against-asthma/ http://www.westonaprice.org/blogs/2010/09/11/the-biochemical-magic-of-raw-milk-and-other-raw-foods-glutathione/ has some anti-heating stuff20:51
jrayhawkbut obviously not microwave-specific20:52
@kanzurepaperbot: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jf00010a03421:01
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jf00010a03421:01
@kanzuregrr. this one requires frames.21:02
@fennhttp://jn.nutrition.org/cgi/reprint/138/11/2172 so does this one, in a bad bad way21:11
@kanzurepaperbot: http://jn.nutrition.org/cgi/reprint/138/11/217221:11
paperboterror: HTTP 501 http://jn.nutrition.org/cgi/reprint/138/11/2172 (battle station not fully operational)21:11
@fenndo i have to say "paperbot:"?21:11
@kanzurepaperbot hides error messages when you don't use the nick explicitly21:12
@kanzureadditionally, it can't parse a url next to text at the moment21:12
@fennoh. somebody should fix that :P21:12
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@kanzurefenn: you just volunteered21:17
@fennkanzure: i know you know regular expressions, what's all this startswith crap21:24
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@kanzurei have no excuse21:27
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@fennpaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/178272821:31
paperboterror: didn't find any pdfs on http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/178272821:31
@kanzurethat's because ncbi doesn't link to pdfs21:31
@kanzurei mean pubmed21:31
@kanzurewe should probably just make it take a pubmed link and find a pdf via google scholar21:31
@fennwell that would explain why i didnt see any link to the actual paper21:32
@fenni can't believe anyone puts up with this21:33
@kanzurepretty awful huh21:33
@fenn1991 isn't that long ago21:34
delinquentmeoutlined in the December edition of Scientific American21:34
delinquentmeanyone happen to have a copy of this research ... specifically the one on using fat cells to revert into MSC ?21:35
@fenndelinquentme: be more specific21:36
@fennwho are the authors, what's the title of the paper, where did they do the research, etc21:36
@fenni'm not going to read the article for you21:39
delinquentmeits mentioned here. and I can tell you it was published in Scientifi American in december 201221:39
@fennso it's one of these articles? http://www.scientificamerican.com/sciammag/?contents=2012-1221:41
@fenni don't see anything about stem cells21:41
delinquentmeyeah me neither....21:42
delinquentmehttp://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=how-to-grow-retina-from-stem-cells wonder if thsi is it21:43
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delinquentme"The initial procedure, outlined in the December edition of Scientific American, used stem cells extracted from her own abdominal fat through liposuction and injected those cells back into her face."21:45
yashgarothyeah they're not reverting the cells, just harvesting21:46
@kanzure09:03 < delinquentme> How do mesenchymal stem cells from fat?21:47
delinquentme=P yeah21:47
@kanzure11:07 <@kanzure> delinquentme: probably the same way you convert any other cell into stem cells, http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/stem-cells/21:47
yashgarothno one's using induced stem cells therapeutically for anything, I hope21:48
@kanzure11:10 < yashgaroth> fat tissue is rich in mesenchymals, and you won't miss it21:48
yashgarothyep there we go21:48
@kanzurewe're just on a repeat loop at this point21:48
delinquentmeso wait I've got latent stem cells sitting in my gut fat21:48
yashgaroththey're everywhere21:49
delinquentmeand if they're exposed to partocular calcium21:49
yashgarothand they're not latent21:49
delinquentmethey'll differentiate?21:49
yashgarothnot sure where calcium comes in21:49
delinquentmein the article they say that exposure to calcium caused the formation of the bone fragment in the ladys eye21:49
delinquentmeit was part of a botox filler or something21:49
@fennin the article they say the woman who had stem cells injected into her face also had "dermal filler" injected, which is primarily composed of calcium hydroxyapatite21:49
yashgarothheh well sure anything's possible21:50
delinquentmeso theres no reverse engineering going on there huh?21:50
delinquentmeits just sucking fat and piping it elsewhere?21:50
yashgarothseparating the stem cells from the fat first21:51
yashgarothand then hoping that stem cells are all basically the same, I guess21:51
yashgarothI don't delve into stem cells much because it's exponentially more black-magic than PCR even21:52
delinquentmePCR is black magic?21:52
yashgarothyou haven't been in a lab, seen the shrines set up next to the thermocyclers?21:53
yashgarothbut at least PCR probably won't become a teratoma21:53
@kanzureanyway delinquentme what you were reading was about a thing called a 'stem cell face lift'21:54
@kanzurehere's one of the guys selling the procedure http://www.stem-cell-lift.com/21:54
@fenn" isolate and grow the customer's mesenchymal stem cells ... Half these cells are frozen for storage; from the other half, technicians harvest hundreds of different kinds of exuded growth factors and cytokines"21:54
@fennhundreds i say!21:55
yashgarothit's technically legal, but only when they don't modify the cells, so I doubt they intentionally expose the MSCs to any factors on purpose21:55
@kanzure"Dr. Richard Ellenbogen charges $15,000 to $25,000." well that sounds like the clinic she probably went to, so there's your answer.21:55
delinquentmethats a huge chunk of cash21:55
@kanzure"Dr. Richard Ellenbogen, a plastic surgeon who also practices in Beverly Hills, says that stem cell face-lifts are a booming business. "I've been performing about one every other day," he says."21:56
delinquentmeand its outside / above / loopholed around the FDA21:56
yashgarothyou should see what burzynski charges21:56
delinquentmeyashgaroth, do you know this person?21:56
@kanzure$20k isn't that much in the scheme of things21:56
yashgarothnot sure who you mean, but none of the people mentioned no21:56
@kanzurehaha what "Ellenbogen's procedure is similar, although he says he uses a low-level laser to "activate" the stem cells before he injects them into the skin."21:57
delinquentmeim asking on the yashgaroth> you should see what burzynski charge21:57
yashgarothyeah he's a quack who uses some bullshit to scam cancer patients out of hundreds of Gs21:57
yashgarothI know *of* him21:57
yashgarothkanzure: you gotta throw some wonk in there, lasers are admittedly a classic choice21:58
@kanzureyes, very sciencey21:58
@kanzure"now we will go to the super technical stem cell activator apparatus.. i call it a laser."21:58
juri_'laser activated!'21:59
yashgarothnow, the laser activates the DNA through quantum interactions that21:59
juri_like you'd expect to read on a cleaning product.21:59
@kanzuresure maybe the laser damages the dna and the stem cells turn into tumors21:59
delinquentmeit would indeed keep the skin nice and tight22:00
yashgarothteratomas are more viscerally horrifying, though "this is your stem cell. this is your stem cell on pseudoscience [balls of teeth and hair growing inside someone's abdomen]"22:00
@kanzuremy only regret is not having invented the stem cell facelift myself.22:01
delinquentmeyashgaroth, so to your knowledge no one is clinically using reverted stem cells?22:01
delinquentmeI mean I've not heard of anyone22:02
yashgarothmaybe in china somewhere, but probably/hopefully not22:02
@kanzurejust call them up and ask. say you have a huge budget.22:02
delinquentmeI thought this was actually reverting ... hence why I was tripping out22:02
@fenndelinquentme: it says in the article the FDA has approved bone marrow stem cell transplant for leukemia22:02
@fennthere are many trials currently underway22:02
yashgarothnope, there's some clinic in colorado I remember reading about, they pull out adult stem cells and shoot them back in to paralyzed people's spines22:02
delinquentme" yes I would like a horn. yes a genuine facial bony protrusion. Yes a unicorn. "22:03
yashgarothand it's apparently legal since it's their own tissue22:03
@kanzuredelinquentme: that's not quite how tumors work22:03
@fennwhat about jackalopes22:03
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yashgarothfenn: that procedure's been around for a while, iirc it has a 50% mortality rate22:03
delinquentmeyashgaroth, not bad!22:03
yashgarothand then there was the corollary story about some guy with HIV and leukemia doing that and getting cured, since his donor was a ccr5 mutant22:04
@fennyashgaroth: the high mortality is because they also nuke the existing immune system?22:04
yashgarothcured of both, I should say22:04
yashgarothyes, pretty much22:04
yashgarothbut compared to dying of leukemia, it's not a bad deal22:04
@fenni think i'll take not dying22:05
@fennah here's what i was thinking about as for horns: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shope_papilloma_virus22:06
Viper168don't knock it till you've tried it22:06
yashgarothit also nukes the red blood cell supply, not sure which is the more dangerous part22:06
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@fennbut the existing red blood cells should be fine22:07
@fenni'd expect radiation induced anemia to be treatable, at least in the short term22:07
yashgarothsure but they don't have a very long half-life, same with platelets and all that22:08
yashgarothit's probably due mostly to the effect of massive chemo and radiation, yeah22:08
@fenn50 days? surely that's long enough for the transplanted stem cells to get a foothold22:09
yashgarothin a body that's as close to death as medically possible22:10
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delinquentmemailing myself dis info22:16
@kanzurewell.. time to watch the world burn22:16
@kanzuredelinquentme: you patched your rails servers, right?22:16
@kanzurethe railsapocalpyse22:18
@fennwow this looks like hollywood code22:20
@fenn"'; (eval(%[#{code}].unpack(%[m0])[0]); @e=true) unless @e #':" +" !ruby/object:OpenStruct\n table:\n  :defaults: {}\n"22:20
yashgarothwatch it, you'll crash freenode22:21
@kanzureyeah, it's a yaml code injection vulnerability for all versions of rails 2.x and 3.x22:21
@kanzureso basically all of silicon valley22:21
@kanzurebecause rails by default parses incoming xml requests22:21
@fennso don't use the internet for a week22:22
@kanzurei had to go through my list of projects i've worked on and upgrade some old customers/clients22:22
@kanzurebecause apparently nobody else called them and told them about this22:22
@fennyou are too kind22:22
@kanzureoh shit i forgot one22:23
@kanzureeh i guess there's nothing valuable on there22:23
@kanzurealso this one was hilarious.. http://stephensclafani.com/2013/01/09/vulnerabilities-in-heroku/22:24
@kanzurenmz787: btw you should also consider asking around in #reprap for pdx people22:27
@kanzurehttps://gist.github.com/4499206 "Proof-of-Concept exploit for Rails Remote Code Execution (CVE-2013-0156)"22:28
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