
--- Log opened Tue Jan 15 00:00:31 2013
@kanzureeuclidean: hi00:04
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@kanzureJuul: sup?00:11
archelshttp://www.cybconf2013.org/ - IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics, Lausanne Switzerland, 13-15 June 201300:24
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Juulkanzure, not much, doing things at sudo room00:44
@kanzuregot libgen seeded yet?00:54
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eleitlmawnin', gentlemen.01:01
eleitljesus fucking christ, this is sure one hell of an active channel01:03
eleitlI doubt I can keep up with the scroll of yesterday01:04
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@kanzureeleitl: but just think of all the amazing stuff you're missing out on01:11
* kanzure futzes around with a buffer overflow vulnerability01:11
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superkuhpaperbot: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023%2FB%3ASOLA.0000043576.21942.aa01:21
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/ae6bfbe75dd5df08ba4954111c7febce01:21
superkuhpaperbot: http://www.springerlink.com/content/n5r500105215w53x/01:22
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/ebf6ef4958f78da45dee563719c15a6f01:22
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.springerlink.com/content/pdf/10.1023%2FB%3ASOLA.0000043576.21942.aa01:23
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/2d334c99ceb73cc0fd0bdf531712259401:23
@kanzurewell i'm confused01:24
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@kanzure"Hey all, I'm coordinating a series of memorial hackathons for Aaron Swartz. Currently there's going to be one at Noisebridge in SF on Jan. 26 (ish) and another somewhere in Boston, but the more the better."01:52
@kanzure"The idea is to bring together people at hackerspaces around the world to work on projects that in some way continue the work that Aaron did to facilitate the sharing of human knowledge, social/political justice, and free culture."01:52
@kanzureJuul: ^02:04
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archelsDoes anyone have a PDF copy around of "Fundamentals of Interface and Colloid Science" volume 1?02:38
archelsI'm reading vol. 2, but it has a lot of back-references to the first.02:38
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eleitlOf course I'm missing out. I have work to do.03:02
eleitllibgen down again?03:04
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eleitlarchels, volume 1 is unfortunately not on libgen04:04
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archelsoh, much obliged for checking. *bookmarks*04:09
archelson the subject of uploading, I just attended a very interesting talk by Seth Grant on protein complexes in the postsynapse.04:18
eleitlpray say more04:19
archelsHe traced these back across evolutionary time to their much simpler ancestors, and his thesis was that their current complexity is what enables a large behaviour repertoire.04:19
archelsBut I don't know whether these are just stereotyped computational machinery, or whether they encode some sort of state that would need to be captured for uploading.04:20
eleitlInteresting. How large are the assemblies, and what kinds of proteins are they? Transmembrane, cytosol?04:20
eleitlThe problem is that nobody knows how much details we need.04:20
archelsClustered around the PSD, e.g. hanging off the long intracellular tails of NMDA receptors.04:20
paperbotHTTP 401 unauthorized http://www.nature.com/neuro/journal/v11/n7/pdf/nn.2135.pdf04:21
eleitle.g. Ken Hayworth thinks some 8 nm voxel resolution is enough, which I find highly dubious.04:21
archelsvoxel size just for morphology? Or is his idea to also capture protein distribution and so with that kind of size?04:22
eleitlmy Nature neuroscience subscription has expired, too bad.04:22
archelsone sec04:22
eleitlHe seems to think that structure is correlated with function, which I do not buy.04:22
eleitlThis assumes we fully know all function today, which is provably wrong.04:23
archelswhat, not even correlation (let alone causation)? :)04:23
archelseleitl: http://turingbirds.com/temp/nn.2135.pdf04:23
eleitlthanks, archels04:24
eleitlI mean, sure, you can infer function from shape, in some cases, but that's not proof that you can do that in every case04:24
eleitlThe gold standard for success would be to fully reproduce function characterized prior, which hasn't been done yet04:24
eleitlI would actually like to try that with L. stagnalis, if I have time.04:25
eleitlIt's a common pond snail, easily cultured and prepared.04:25
eleitlA lot of in vivo and computational work has been done with it.04:25
eleitlThe article is good, thanks.04:26
archelsno prob. Some of the guys here are working with aplysia.04:28
eleitlAplysia is a less good target for first uploads.04:28
eleitlIt's less easily cultured, too distributed, and simply too large.04:28
eleitlIf you look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lymnaea_stagnalis_central_ring_ganglia.jpg04:29
eleitlit's quite large and easily recordable04:29
archelsSadly, in many cases we don't know what to make of precise subcellular synaptic targeting. But one could even argue the case for functional significance based on evolutionary frugality.04:30
archelsand if I put the inhibitory synapses on the wrong pyramidal cell compartment in my model, gamma synchrony is shot. That's good enough for me. :)04:30
eleitlSee, you know way about the problem than me.04:30
eleitlway more04:30
eleitlSo we have to be conservative.04:31
eleitlThat's also the problem with the Brain Preservation Foundation, it just looks at some structure preservation.04:31
eleitlNo idea whether you screw up the rest. No other way to test but to use a reversible preservation method.04:32
eleitlUnfortunately, without heavy metal contrast you see very little.04:32
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eleitlhttp://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/10/451/figure/F1 <-- see the 1 mm scale bar?04:34
eleitlthat thing is huge04:34
archelsHow many neurons in there, order of magnitude?04:35
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eleitl20 k04:35
paperbotHTTP 404 http://www.biomedcentral.com/bmcgenomics/content/pdf/1471-2164-10-451.pdf04:36
archelsMhm, the problem with uploading simple critters like this is, how do you define success?04:36
eleitlYou characterize the dynamics with multigrid/optical methods, and extract operation fingerprints04:37
eleitlThen see, whether the same fingerprints emerge in simulation from first principles04:37
archelsyes but the dynamics will always diverge from any model or other system you compare it with04:37
eleitlThen, you make them learn, and see, whether you can regenerate that behaviour from just structure04:37
eleitlYou characterize a live critter, then vitrify in situ, and scan.04:38
eleitlYou compare the model with the live thing you did earlier.04:38
eleitlSo it's the same system.04:38
archelslearning is easy, you can do spike-timing dependent plasticity with a handful of variables.04:38
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eleitlPeter Passaro has done some very interesting work with multigrid, and making a computational model from it04:39
archelsThe problem I see is that, based on these simple measures, you will declare success. But the methods used will then not scale to more complex organisms because of the things left out that were not apparently relevant to the behaviour of a snail, but that are to the behaviour of, say, a mouse.04:39
eleitlOf course you don't stop with the snail, it's just the first target.04:40
eleitlBut you'll need to start somewhere simple, because the toolchain needs to be built.04:40
eleitlJust to start, even at 8 nm voxels, a cm^3 is a lot of storage.04:41
eleitlOne of the challenges is to develop fully automated segmenting and tracing.04:41
eleitlIt's a huge honking wad of data, with artifacts to boot.04:41
archelsmeh, I'm more worried about the unknown problems than the known problems. ;)04:42
archelsI'm not dismissing automated segmentation and recovery as 'just some machine learning stuff', but at least we know it to be tractable.04:43
archelserr, s/recovery/reconstruction04:43
eleitlI'm more interested in getting my hands dirty.04:43
eleitlI have a chance with the pond snail, but not with higher animals.04:43
eleitlI would like to "merely" validate vitrification there first.04:43
eleitlOn a budget of almost nothing -- we run our lab on ~1 kEUR/month.04:44
eleitlThat's just the rental, no eqipment nor consumables.04:44
archelssaw the photos--cool stuff!04:44
eleitlThanks :)04:44
eleitlthat's one paper by Passaro on the system04:45
eleitlMeh, the equipment alone looks out of reach.04:49
eleitlNot without a real budget.04:49
archelsnice, looks like a very well accessible model system.04:49
archelsdo you mean the MEA setup?04:50
eleitlYes. I'll probably rather try the voltage dyes.04:50
eleitlWe'll need a microscope for SENS stuff anyway.04:51
archelsthe average MEA chip only costs a few hundred euro. Do you think optical imaging will be cheaper?04:51
archels(of course you can only use the MEA a few dozen times before you have to bin it)04:52
eleitlYou'll also need the 256-channels signal acquision.04:52
eleitlAll I need is enough resolution to pick up an activity pattern.04:52
archelslow-frequency... get some kid fresh out of college and put him in a room with a FPGA board. :)04:52
eleitlThink this can be done with a cheap CMOS sensor?04:53
archelsfrom what I heard, the optics is the real pricey bit.04:53
eleitlHm, thanks.04:53
archelssomeone mentioned a $15k Carl-Zeiss lens (!)04:53
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eleitlOk, that's also out of budget, at least for now.04:54
eleitlRight now we only have money for 6 months, and must know whether we'll get more by end March.04:55
archelsI don't know how well equipped you are in terms of chemistry (equipment or know-how), but here's a technique that might interest you http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1929021/04:56
eleitlTechnique looks doable, but Resolution Is Too Damn High!04:58
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eleitlDo you know anything about looking at acting neurons in NIR?04:59
archelsdo you mean intrinsic (BOLD) imaging?05:00
eleitlNot sure BOLD will do a thing with a snail.05:01
eleitlI thought NIR could give a way by working around need for dyes, but probably not.05:01
archelsI'm not sure that firing an AP does much to the spectral profile of a neuron.05:01
archelsHaven't ever read about it, at least. But if you find something let me know.05:02
eleitlCan't find anything about it yet.05:03
eleitlNope. Looks like a dud idea.05:04
archelsnot really straightforward NIR imaging, though...05:04
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archelsand quite crummy temporal resolution, too. :(05:05
eleitlWhoa, experimental methodology way out of our league.05:06
archelssecond-harmonic generation imaging is able to resolve the dynamics of a single AP http://www.jneurosci.org/content/24/4/999.full.pdf05:06
archelsright, sorry :P05:06
* archels lunchtime05:12
eleitlbon appetit05:12
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@kanzureembedding metadata in pdfs https://groups.google.com/group/science-liberation-front/t/b73592f3606b942008:44
@kanzureeleitl: did you see that arxiv is charging "membership fees" starting jan 2013?08:50
balrogthey appear to be voluntary...?08:51
balrogWhat are the benefits of becoming a member?08:51
balrogExclusive benefits for participating organizations include:08:51
balrogParticipation in arXiv's ongoing governance through the Member Advisory Board, which provides input for project prioritization, new service offerings, financial planning, use of discretionary funds, future technical developments, and policy decisions;08:51
balrogAccess to enhanced institutional use statistics;08:51
balrogPublic acknowledgement of members' role in financial support.08:51
balrogSeveral other benefits are under consideration, including automatic posting of arXiv submissions to the institutional repository at an author's host institution and creating a members' portal to provide timely information for the participating institutions. Such potential benefits need to be explored further to understand delivery and maintenance requirements.08:51
@kanzureyes they are voluntary08:52
@kanzurebut i assume that institutions would be shamed into joining if they are a top user08:52
@kanzureimagine CERN not joining.. hah.08:53
@kanzurei think their model makes sense. but it's still weird to call it membership fees.08:53
@kanzurealso, google groups has a somewhat usable mobile interface? https://groups.google.com/forum/m/?fromgroups#!topic/science-liberation-front/PReQS-93WbA08:53
balrogyes they do08:53
@kanzureit seems to work better than their desktop ui08:53
@kanzureaaronsw legacy hackathons https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ai2JAMm86EJbdFg1TW5tenNJSUt3X2dVVmQ3M08xSlE#gid=008:59
@kanzureyet another thingiverse alternative https://github.com/MarcusWolschon/homeprototype/wiki09:10
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@kanzurehow to write a zotero translator https://groups.google.com/group/science-liberation-front/browse_thread/thread/5876a2c03e3e8be109:45
@kanzurethis thing looks useful: https://github.com/zotero/scaffold09:45
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balrogwow, zotero has gone a long way since the last time I used it.09:53
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@kanzureOn Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 12:10 PM, Piotr Migdal <pmigdal@gmail.com> wrote:10:12
@kanzure> (Silly remark: anyway, for the "guerrilla"  Zotero, a good name is10:12
@kanzure> "Zorrotero" ;))10:12
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@kanzureretoshare/jstor dump https://groups.google.com/group/science-liberation-front/t/9f6c865cfdb43382?hl=en_US10:25
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@kanzure"@Bryan, I have a domain name "downloadhardware.com" which I registered since hearing one of your YouTube presentations. Could be a great name for this idea."10:57
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@kanzurebrownies: so this guy emailed me today http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joi_Ito11:42
@kanzurebrownies: you will note that he's on the board of the macarthur foundation11:42
@kanzureperhaps things can be arranged11:43
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balroghe emailed about what exactly?11:47
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@kanzurebalrog: trying to get the hackathons more widely known11:49
balrogahh. :)11:50
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balrogkanzure: is there a way to force zotero to autosave things?15:03
@kanzurebalrog: indeed!15:04
@kanzurebalrog: https://groups.google.com/group/science-liberation-front/browse_thread/thread/2b3b468fca63a6b215:04
@kanzurewe call it.. zorrotero15:05
balrogfirefox-only :\15:05
@kanzurezotero is not firefox only15:05
balrogno, but that plugin seems to be15:05
Mariuzorrotero xD15:05
@kanzureif you find me a link to the chrome source repo, i'll take a look at making it compatible15:05
balrogI use safari here... I could easily port a chrome version to safari15:06
@kanzureellen jorgensen's ted talk is up on youtube now, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWEpeW7Ojzs15:35
@kanzureher biohacking ted talk, i mean.15:35
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@kanzurewelcome back?15:57
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@kanzureremoving watermarks from pdfs https://groups.google.com/group/science-liberation-front/t/c68964cf55d8f6fa16:35
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@kanzureyashgaroth: check out the news https://groups.google.com/group/science-liberation-front16:40
yashgarothhang on zotero looks interesting16:41
@kanzureyeah you should be aware of that in general16:41
yashgarothoh it's another version of mendeley/endnote16:42
@kanzurehaha it's been around longer than mendeley16:42
@kanzureand it's open source16:42
yashgaroth /qiqqa16:42
yashgarothwell if only one of them's open source I guess that makes choosing easier16:44
@kanzurei'm sorta surprised it only has 84,000 users. geeze.16:44
yashgaroth73k on chrome too, though there's surely overlap16:46
nshhave heard good things about zotero16:48
@kanzurensh: it needs more active contributors maintaining the scrapers16:48
nshi find once you start "contributing" to things, it's becomes expected of you16:49
@kanzurethen submit patches anonymously?16:50
nshwhat was just my roundabout way of saying i'm too lazy16:50
@kanzureoh they had a nodejs version of their translation server?16:51
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@kanzureis there a tor implementation written in javascript, possibly for websockets?17:32
@kanzureoh hm, there was a websockets vulnerability that broke tor anonymity a while back.17:33
@kanzurewhat's a good debian package that provides a proxy server?17:56
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superkuhhttps://crypto.stanford.edu/flashproxy/ ?18:37
@kanzure"aaron's law"18:37
@kanzuresuperkuh: actually, i put some thought into it and i think that http://celeryproject.org/ is exactly what we need18:37
@kanzurewith apologies for linking to reddit, http://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/16njr9/im_rep_zoe_lofgren_im_introducing_aarons_law_to/18:42
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@kanzurenmz787: i've referred your question to the zotero team, i don't wanna bullshit you really19:37
@kanzurenmz787: simonster is in #zotero-dev19:37
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rigelanything that uses django i am all for19:55
@kanzurecelery does not require django19:55
@kanzurein fact, i've used celery in production many times without django19:56
rigelif you were suggesting the use of a website to crowdsource the raping of infants, but it ran django, well19:56
@kanzureif you were into political activism, i'm sure that would sound like an acceptable site to make, or something19:56
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rigelwhy the hell are nerds so down on "activism"19:57
rigelother than the fact that most "activists" are dipwads19:57
joehotbecause its associated with peta19:57
rigelpeta has done good things19:58
rigelmost of the time they are a bunch of jerkoffs19:58
rigelbut they have helped to make animal research more humane19:58
rigelthey just go way too far19:58
rigeland they only target the low hanging fruit, most of the time19:59
rigellike foie gras19:59
rigelinstead of industrial animal husbandry like CAFOs that drive antibiotic resistance19:59
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@kanzure"The figure of $145k for individual articles is definitely interesting – only 0.35% of JSTOR’s revenue came from pay-per-view cases? This is vastly lower than I expected; quite possibly the prices are so high (and JSTOR access so common, academically) that very few people are willing to pay and unable to circumvent it via a friend."20:13
@kanzure"The estimate quoted is $19/article as an average – so perhaps only seven and a half thousand articles over the year?"20:13
balrogkanzure: few people pay.20:15
balrogI am fairly certain that most people who really want an article and don't have database access just ask a friend who does20:15
balrogheck, I do that for articles my library doesn't have20:15
balrogwhat annoys me greatly though are papers that are parts of the proceedings of various conferences20:15
balrogand such20:16
balrogstuff where only a few copies were ever produced, and that were bound in books and maybe 5 or 6 libraries have20:16
@kanzurei've heard of some of my friends paying (just, not for JSTOR things)20:16
balrogand only was ever on paper20:16
@kanzurei've been shocked when friends reveal this20:16
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balrogI'd like to see someone perfect a cheap version of the google book scanner20:18
balrogif it cost ~$500 to make one that worked reliably, I'd certainly do so20:18
@kanzureerm, there's a few that have been linked in here before20:19
@kanzurelike http://diybookscanner.org/20:20
@kanzureno comments on cost or reliability20:20
@kanzurebecause i remember neither20:20
balrogno, the google one20:21
balrogthe linear one20:21
balrogwatch that video and you'll see why20:22
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juri_eleitl: re: activity: i'm just reading your words now, 19 hours later. i read all of the backlog, but i get LAGGED.20:32
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juri_hey kanzure: i'd like to do something productive for this group.. and my ideas seem to be a bit out there to apply.20:44
juri_I'd like you to look over my linked in profile, and my gitorious page, and point me at something you think would be the most useful for me to work on.20:45
juri_my favorite right now is a 3d microscope using gabor filtering, and a trinary vision system, but... i'm open to ideas.20:46
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@kanzurejuri_: could you drop a link to those things? i also don't remember gitorious.org's url schema.20:53
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juri_kanzure: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=7467035 https://gitorious.org/~juri20:57
juri_Its also probably worth looking at my project website (linuxpmi.org), and more specifically the 'unsorted information' page.21:05
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* juri_ checks to see if she's locked up kanzure. ;)22:06
@kanzurei need to be rebooted22:12
juri_maybe the anti-uploaders were right... and the conspiracy is that kanzure doesn't want to tell anyone how he did it. ;)22:21
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@kanzureor i don't want to bullshit you needlessly22:22
@kanzureare you just sitting around waiting for me to answer tonight? 'cause i'm sorta doing multiple things and this isn't coming in the next five minutes.22:22
juri_gods no, i'm writing EMR software.22:25
juri_this stuff is made of pain and fail. i could write on it for a year, and not have it 'right'.22:28
rigeloh for fucks sake22:28
rigelwho are you writing for22:29
juri_everyone? its OpenEMR.22:29
rigelthat means you are writing in...php?22:29
rigelsome godforsaken piece of shit, anyway22:29
rigelare you another one of the people in pdx?22:30
juri_no, but the people i'm working on it for are in pdx.22:30
juri_i went to the other coast. in DC.22:31
rigeloh, so tony then?22:31
juri_yep. ;)22:31
juri_how do you know tony?22:33
rigeli find it at least a little bit heartening that even though i have only been in medical school for a year and a half, and have been screaming about the lack of interoperability of EMR/EHR software for about as long, even though noone has taken me seriously that RAND paper came out and said many of the same things22:34
rigelas well as the IOM paper late in 2011, which i cited to anyone who would listen22:34
rigeli know tony through asheesh laroia, who i met at noisebridge in sf some years ago22:35
juri_you're preaching the the choir.22:35
rigeli started a medical informatics interest group at my school22:35
rigeland when i invited tony to speak, i was the only one who showed up22:35
juri_I'm the origional author of the XML form generator for OpenEMR: the only 'standardized' way to exchange forms from practice to practice, without swapping around PHP files.22:35
@kanzureyou guys should upload proprietary medical emr software to the interwebs so people can reverse engineer it22:35
@kanzureso far there's no collection of evil medical file formats that require additional reverse engineering effort22:36
rigelim sure you know that the HL7 spec is now completely free right?22:36
rigelthats a change for the better anyway22:36
@kanzurei heard something to that effect22:36
@kanzurebut there are some others that aren't.22:36
juri_i'm looking at implementing it for tony.. but i also need to eat. ;)22:36
rigelepic rules the roost22:36
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rigelare you aware of scott silverstein?22:37
rigelhe's at drexel in philly22:37
juri_he's fishing for customers who need pieces of it, and i'm doing wht i can to implement it at a low cost.22:37
rigelwrites as "informaticsMD" at hcrenewal.blogspot.com22:37
juri_as we speak, i'm tweaking OpenEMR to make it usable for tablet-type devices.22:37
rigelroy poses, the ringleaderof that blog, is an activist on conflict of interest issues22:38
rigelspoke at wikimania this past year, which is where i know him from22:38
rigelanyway, silverstein has a whole lot to say on EMRs and "good health IT vs bad health IT"22:38
rigeli tend to agree with much of what he has to say22:39
juri_I'll keep an eye on it.22:39
rigelcan you tell me any more about your relationship to CPT codes?22:40
rigeli've been screaming about that for a while too, not many people want to listen but i have gotten a few people interested just because of the AMA monopoly issue22:40
rigelmy understanding is that the CPT codes are licensed on a per-seat basis22:40
rigelwhich means the AMA gets money from every person who uses an EMR regardless of if they do billing22:41
rigelit is the AMA's single biggest revenue source, interestingly. they get more revenue from that than from selling doctors' prescribing information to pharmaceutical marketing firms22:42
juri_not excessive; i specialized in mental health for 2 years.22:44
juri_  22:44
juri_sorry, i'm going through a lag burst. 22:44
juri_ok, un-lagged. :)22:44
juri_yea, i'm much more familiar with the DSM-IV.22:45
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juri_since i was working for a mental health facility customizing OpenEMR for two years.. and they were pretty crazy, I learned a lot about changing OpenEMR quickly.22:46
rigelyeah. php makes me break out in hives22:47
juri_not me. just another language.22:47
rigelyeah, i can totally respect that, i just have some blocks that i havent had the inclination or time to break through22:48
rigelmuch more interesting the money flows behind modern medicine22:48
rigeli mentioned the drug marketing thing in one of our small groups today and people looked pretty horrified22:48
juri_I don't get to involve myself in that, as i'm just an IT geek (all over the board in IT, but almost all IT)...22:48
juri_so, i do what i can to lower health care costs, by making health IT better, and Free.22:49
rigelive wondered for a while about UX in EHRs22:50
rigelthere doesnt seem to be a set of best practices22:50
* juri_ nods.22:50
juri_what i've been doing for the last month is 95% user interface.22:50
rigeland it seems like for FOSS EMR?EHRs to succeed there needs to be a set of guidelines and principles22:51
rigelnot that that will make them succeed, but its a limiting factor anyway22:51
juri_I set a standard, and make sure my commits reach it, but..22:51
juri_there's 500,000 lines of PHP in this tree.22:51
rigellike a think tank or something22:51
juri_I could work on it all year, and not add a single feature... and probably cut the code in a third. ;P22:51
juri_the management of the proect is useless, as well.22:52
juri_typical "i make money supporting my customers, buzz off!' mentality.22:52
rigelthats interesting22:52
juri_its facepalm-worthy.22:53
rigelim sure22:53
juri_i report security issues (like, any one with an account being able to dump the entire medical database with a small script, and get a 'thanks! we'll fix that in the next release.'22:53
@kanzurein my professional opinion, this is not sane22:54
rigeli wonder how much money you would need to get a bunch of customizers, UX people, and docs into a room to hash this oout into a set of principles or at least heuristics22:54
@kanzuremixing templates with logic things is crazy in 2013, even for php22:54
@kanzurephp repented years ago about this22:54
rigeland where you could get said money22:54
juri_kanzure: again, preaching to the choir.22:55
@kanzuresometimes you have to just forget a codebase22:55
juri_I'm doing what i can to not have to do that.22:55
juri_i've been approached by people about forking this, but i need money to survive while doing it.22:56
@kanzureeh at least you keep track of migrations http://repo.or.cz/w/openemr.git/tree/HEAD:/sql22:56
nmz787heh, just helped an old friend with some math homework22:56
nmz787there was a month of high tide times, and she needed to extrapolate 4 days22:56
nmz787so i basically did it for her, with her on chat, in a google spreadsheet22:56
nmz787got the diff, got the mean, got the std dev22:56
nmz787google is broken regarding time maths22:57
@kanzuredo it in python22:57
nmz787so i ended up having to split the timestamp with a : token and do maths when it failed22:57
nmz787she doesn't have them22:57
@kanzuresee https://datanitro.com/22:57
@kanzurepython bindings to common spreadsheet things22:58
nmz787so i signed up for teselagen22:58
nmz787got an account22:58
nmz787and now the dude who sent the email from them confirming my account wants to friend me on linkedin22:59
nmz787don't these people read the TOS22:59
nmz787i remember it mentioning MET IN PERSON22:59
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@kanzureouch "Makes me wonder how many years in prison the prosecutors would give you if you just walked into JSTOR and stole one of their hard drives. It's not even a federal crime anymore."23:06
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rigeli have so many people who've asked me to join them on linkedin23:07
rigeli dont see the fucking point23:07
rigelit's b-school friendster23:07
rigeli dont want any of those thieving motherfuckers knowing my name let alone how to contact me23:08
rigelif i have to have them over for dinner or something i make sure to inventory the good silver and the sterno both before and after23:08
nmz787man this teselagen program is too much23:11
nmz787gentle and aPe were pretty decent DNA editors, why can't someone literally just remake them but better23:11
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nmz787their tutorials are text-heavy23:12
nmz787and it's written in flash23:12
nmz787if it's in flash, the tutorials should be >75% pics23:13
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nmz787in another life i would be an animator23:15
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@kanzureweb tools are the last thing you really want to use for genome work23:18
@kanzurebut i might consider a web interface to managing a fleet of workers that are computing away on a problem23:18
nmz787oh, i think it's just a pro version of jbei's j523:18
nmz787psh, well, not for me, not today at least23:19
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@kanzureobjdump web service thing: http://onlinedisassembler.com/odaweb/run_hex23:23
nmz787anyone in here take a GRE test recently?23:25
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/337/6096/816.abstract23:43
paperboterror: didn't find any pdfs on http://www.sciencemag.org/content/337/6096/816.abstract23:43
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