
--- Log opened Wed Jan 16 00:00:32 2013
nmz787fenn: you around?00:15
nmz787fenn: ever see this http://www.rexresearch.com/index.htm00:15
juri_i can't walk away from my terminal and come back, without tripping on another bloody security vulnerability.00:21
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=2748d54b Bryan Bishop: attempt pdfs when zotero fails me00:21
gnushapaperbot: reload papers00:21
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2013-01-16 08:21:28)00:21
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=723b9f18 Bryan Bishop: make paperbot less verbose00:23
gnushapaperbot: reload papers00:23
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2013-01-16 08:23:31)00:23
nmz787kanzure: what are the alt libgen.info?00:30
nmz787the 'get' button gives me some weird message on .info00:31
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=b1dcaf0e Bryan Bishop: fix title encoding for another pdf case00:32
gnushapaperbot: reload papers00:32
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2013-01-16 08:32:01)00:32
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/337/6096/816.abstract00:34
@kanzure99 academic publishers on the wall, take one down pass it around.00:34
@kanzureoh oops00:38
@kanzurein this case it doesn't download the pdf because it doesn't recognize mnras.oxfordjournals.org as a publisher (because the pdf downloader backup is really only a failsafe that works when paperbot is explicitly asked)00:39
@kanzurepaperbot: http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2013/01/07/mnras.sts497.full00:39
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/A%20structure%20in%20the%20early%20Universe%20at%20z%20%201.3%20that%20exceeds%20the%20homogeneity%20scale%20of%20the%20R-W%20concordance%20cosmology.pdf00:39
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=7c50bdba Bryan Bishop: better case handling for find_citation_pdf_url00:44
gnushapaperbot: reload papers00:44
-!- erasmus [~esb@unaffiliated/erasmus] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]00:44
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2013-01-16 08:44:01)00:44
@kanzurepaperbot: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jf00010a03400:44
paperbotAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encode' (file "/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py", line 161, in download_url)00:44
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=751cb9fe Bryan Bishop: don't encode the title until later00:45
gnushapaperbot: reload papers00:45
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2013-01-16 08:45:23)00:45
@kanzurepaperbot: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jf00010a03400:45
paperbotException: problem with citation_pdf_url or citation_title (file "/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py", line 170, in download_url)00:45
nmz787sebastian cocioba just told me NY has a Recombinant DNA law00:46
nmz787"Maryland and New York have adopted the NIH guidelines as state law. quoted from a pdf on the subject"00:46
nmz787said to google New York State Recombinant DNA Experimentation Certification00:47
nmz787since 1982 MD and NY have adopted NIH guidelines as state law http://lawdigitalcommons.bc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1668&context=ealr00:49
nmz787"Maryland and New York have adopted the NIH guidelines as state law. See MD.  ANN.  CODE00:49
nmz787art. 43,    898-910 (1980); N.Y.  PUB.  HEALTH  LAW   3220 (McKinney Supp. 1981-82)."00:49
-!- Humean [~quassel@unaffiliated/humean] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]00:49
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=191f00ad Bryan Bishop: fix some bugs for pubs.acs.org00:55
gnushapaperbot: reload papers00:55
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2013-01-16 08:55:23)00:55
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=9c7da548 Bryan Bishop: fix xpath syntax00:58
gnushapaperbot: reload papers00:58
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2013-01-16 08:58:09)00:58
@kanzurepaperbot: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jf00010a03400:58
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Evidence%20for%20the%20absence%20of%20amino%20acid%20isomerization%20in%20microwave-heated%20milk%20and%20infant%20formulas.pdf00:58
@kanzurewell. the error message doesn't really make sense in this case.00:59
nmz787Effective Date: NULL01:04
nmz787paperbot: http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/blr.1982.1.18801:05
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/fa8040ba5be7a5576797d7cc5f8f3fae.txt01:05
@kanzurepaperbot: http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/blr.1982.1.18801:05
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/7332f6a02d437d4ef7ba175b81bb32ec.txt01:05
@kanzureno access01:06
nmz787checking through UMB01:08
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@kanzure""Does anyone have any insight as to why people that code CSS complain about it so much?""01:31
@kanzure"This is a much deeper question, but one that I think is far more informative. Having done front-end engineering for 10 years, across industries, and in very pricey and exclusive consultancies, I have never found another engineer who had read the bulk of the CSS spec, or even a book about it, for that matter."01:31
@kanzure"Developers, the ones with the mind and experience to bring technical discipline to CSS and create a set of idiomatic patterns (both low-level and high-level), treat CSS as a second-rate citizen."01:31
@kanzure"The remaining portion of the userbase are equally non-technical hobbyists."01:32
@kanzure"This is the real problem of CSS. Those that have the mindset to devise idiomatic conventions to the community don't think the language is worth it. At best, you have semi-experienced developers duct-taping various non-idiomatic ideas together and giving it a fancy name."01:32
@kanzuredoes anyone have a copy of the jstor charter/constitution?01:43
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juri_i don't mind css. i would have prefered everyone standardized on xslt, but...01:59
nmz787kanzure you awake?02:01
@kanzuresort of02:02
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* kanzure sleeps02:13
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-!- cathalgarvey [~cathalgar@] has joined ##hplusroadmap03:28
cathalgarveyhttp://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0192415X05002795 - 2005 - "Effect of Eucommia ulmoides on Systolic Blood Pressure in the Spontaneous Hypertensive Rat"03:30
cathalgarvey(Pardon me while I test this paper-bot witchcraft)03:31
-!- sylph_mako [~mako@103-9-42-1.flip.co.nz] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]03:41
archelspaperbot: http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0192415X0500279503:42
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/bc1e94ffac6fcdac941d0bf390097344.txt03:42
archels(I think that means it doesn't have access)03:43
-!- joshcryer [~g@unaffiliated/joshcryer] has quit []03:44
cathalgarveyWell played, paperbot.03:44
cathalgarveyThanks archels, usage is "paperbot: link", then?03:44
cathalgarveypaperbot: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00253-011-3613-8 - 2012 - "Structure identification and fermentation characteristics of pinoresinol diglucoside produced by Phomopsis sp. isolated from Eucommia ulmoides Oliv"03:45
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Structure%20identification%20and%20fermentation%20characteristics%20of%20pinoresinol%20diglucoside%20produced%20by%20Phomopsis%20sp.%20isolated%20from%20Eucommia%20ulmoides%20Oliv.pdf03:45
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gene_hackerhow long do you think we'll be able to keep paperbot a secret?03:54
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cathalgarveyI gotta say..04:00
cathalgarveyI think it's a bit reckless to respond to "Prosecutor drives hacker to suicide over downloading paywalled articles" with "Provide means to download paywalled articles using my real name, on a heavily trafficked mailing list".04:00
cathalgarveyI think anyone going down the "Let a thousand Aaron Swartzs' bloom!" route should consider creating architectures that scrape, aggregate, disseminate or accept submissions through Tor.04:01
cathalgarveyGiven that most scrapers I've seen use some level of Javascript,04:01
cathalgarveyI suggest that the bridging software be named "JSTOR"04:02
cathalgarveyCredit for that terrible yet faith-restoring pun belongs with a friend of mine, I should add, not me.04:02
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nshcathalgarvey, yup04:05
nshthat's the plan i think04:05
nshor part of the plan04:06
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r186-52-55-104.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap04:09
eudoxiawell the logs here are public04:09
eudoxiaso keeping paperbot a secret, well04:10
cathalgarveyThat's what I meant; obviously people will set up secret paperbots, or anonymous paperbots.. but this one is clearly attributable04:10
cathalgarveyAre IRC logs kept on this channel?04:10
eudoxiaalso that mailing list, science-liberation-front, IANAL but isn't it kinda risky to discuss those things under your real name?04:11
cathalgarveyI wonder does the fifth amendment over there apply to your self-incriminating IRC logs..04:11
gene_hackeryeah springer's probably going to find out one day04:11
eudoxiaconspiracy to commit grand larceny?04:11
* eudoxia goes back to watching law and order04:11
gene_hackerI think I'll stick to google scholar for now04:12
* eudoxia will get deported for comitting a patch to paperbot04:14
eudoxia(future-deported, over a future, hypothetical patch)04:15
cathalgarveyI imagine git works through tor if you're concerned, but it's not the software design that gets you in trouble anyway04:15
cathalgarveyit's deployment04:15
cathalgarveyFor example, the software they're discussing on SLF is designed for academics to scrape their own citations, but can easily be used for paperbot (and seemingly is)04:16
cathalgarveythe devs of that software won't get in trouble. The person who deploys it for unauthorised but worthy readers will get in trouble04:16
cathalgarveyLikewise, talking about this stuff isn't illegal, hence my comfort being here under my own name!04:17
eudoxiare:the tor scraper, i suggest JS-TOR to avoid legal problems04:19
eudoxiator.js is probably taken by that js implementation of tor04:20
* archels wonders who's paying for diyhpl.us' bandwidth04:21
cathalgarveyTook me a while to find that: http://www.jcore.fr/04:26
cathalgarveyAh, wait: https://github.com/Ayms/node-Tor04:27
cathalgarveyFirst link was just a JS news site04:27
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eleitlI don't see how discussion is illegal.04:46
eleitlI also don't see how releasing code is illegal, though you can still use pseudonyms, of course, as a matter of good practice.04:47
eleitleudoxia, link to tor.js?04:49
eleitlhttps://github.com/Ayms/node-Tor ?04:50
eudoxiator.js would've been a much better name but what do i know04:50
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eleitlI'm very impressed with your all activity, by the way. Major kudos.04:51
eudoxiayou mean this channel or the wiki?04:52
eleitlthe group around this channel04:52
eleitlI haven't seen the wiki yet04:52
eudoxiawell there's http://diyhpl.us/wiki/04:52
eleitlPeople who kick ass are rare.04:52
eudoxiaalso, what do you think about this list of cryopatients i compiled http://wiki.transhumani.com/index.php?title=Cryonics#Patients04:53
eleitlGreat work. I'll send it to Mike.04:54
* eudoxia faints, hits the ground too hard, develops a subdural hematoma and dies04:55
* eleitl fetches ice and begins with cooling04:56
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audyhey kanzure06:30
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@kanzureyou guys have grown enormous vaginas over the past week, since when is discussion and theorizing and coding illegal?10:02
@kanzurelike, you could drive a 787 through those vaginas10:03
@kanzurechido: not you :)10:03
@kanzurechido: in the us, a common derogatory is to call someone a pussy, so i called them a vagina.10:04
chidoI was just confused what prompted you to do it; not as much by the meaning10:07
* chido reads the logs now10:07
@kanzurewell, it was the immediately preceding conversation10:08
chidoit's been a few hours since; and I just got here :)10:10
ParahSailinwho's being cowardly?10:11
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=01a8225c Bryan Bishop: add diybio-seattle people10:13
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=e7cf3de5 Bryan Bishop: add anchors for links10:20
archelsdamn, this guy publishes a lot http://www.kyb.mpg.de/nc/employee/details/nikos.html#=310:25
-!- augur [~augur@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]10:37
@kanzureaudy: yes?10:39
nmz787kanzure: is there a way to keyword search archive/wayback?10:41
audykanzure does your bot just search for a link to a pdf file and download it?10:41
@kanzurenmz787: no10:42
@kanzureaudy: no, it's based on a few other tools10:42
@kanzureaudy: https://github.com/kanzure/paperbot10:42
@kanzureaudy: https://github.com/zotero/translators10:42
@kanzureaudy: https://github.com/zotero/translation-server10:42
@kanzureunderscor: actually, you would probably be better suited to answer nmz787's question about the wayback machine and search (above).10:43
@kanzure"Are you interested in trying to fix/hack a FACSCalibur flow cytometer? I have one that's missing the driver software and the interface card."10:53
balrognmz787: keyword search? not really10:54
balrogyou can keyword search against the url if you know the hostname, that's about it10:55
-!- augur [~augur@129-2-129-34.wireless.umd.edu] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:17
archelswho is neuroskeptic?11:28
-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@pool-71-182-199-191.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:36
@kanzuredelinquentme: how would you like to fix a FACSCalibur flow cytometer? no interface card.11:36
delinquentmedo you have one?11:37
delinquentmeand so I'd be wire sharking everything?11:37
@kanzurephil goetz has one and he's asking around for anyone interested11:37
ParahSailinill take it11:40
* delinquentme thumb wrestles ParahSailin 11:42
delinquentmedoes you oscilloscope?11:42
@kanzureno thumb wrestling11:42
@kanzurethe traditional way to decide this is a pipette battle to the death11:42
@kanzureor a pipetting contest11:42
ParahSailinwhere is the thing located11:42
@kanzurenear jcvi11:43
@kanzureUp close and personal: Alan Charning, UK PostDoc. World renowned pipette pro. His presence on any team is enough to titrate fear in the hearts of his opponents.11:43
@kanzureMerely having him at the lab bench has propelled the austere labs of Cambridge into a force to be reckoned with in the global pro-am wetlab circuit.11:43
@kanzureSwimming 2 miles every day, pumping through massive volumes of treacle syrup to increase training friction, performing hundreds of arm rep lifts per day,11:43
@kanzureand consuming the highlights of the world's literature cell biology output well into the night makes for little time for his wife, Brit, and their son, Watson, and daughter, Sabine.11:43
@kanzureAs he prepares for his date with destiny this summer in Beijing, Alan understand the  kind of expectations physicists, chemists, and biologists have heaped upon him. The bust of Cavendish that sits on his desk and the picture of Fleming on the wall remind him of the titans who preceded him.11:44
@kanzureLittle did they know that one day, endorsement deals with Van Heusen, Dockers, and VWR Scientific would one day be the prizes of their intellectual progeny.11:44
@kanzureSome called it frivolous when Charning halted his cancer research career peers felt would eventually lead to a Nobel prize to instead perfect his legendary pipetting skills. His gold medal performance in the 3 liter medley in Oslo in 2005, 3 medals in the Helsinki Invitational in 2006, and, finally, the world record in dispensing over 3000 separate samples in a time of 5:02:03954 last year,11:44
@kanzureshattering Professor Jan Gulbricks of the Netherlands time by a massive 5 hundeths of a second, made his appearance on this years UK team a slam-dunk.11:44
@kanzureWen asked what drives him onward, Alan adjusted his thick glasses, fumbled a bit with the glass tube in his hand, and cleared his throat. Tears welled in his eyes.11:44
@kanzure"My personal hero was Jesse Owens. In my own way, I'm doing my part to let the world know that Lab Science can be as rewarding as any other Olympic sport. We can create life on a competitive playing field and send it crawling off when we're done. The spoils don't go to the victors but to the storm drains that surround the venues we compete in. We're changing the world. I'm honored to be a part of it."11:44
nmz787kanzure: where is the FACS?11:48
@kanzurenear jcvi11:48
nmz787there is some good shit in there that I would like11:48
nmz787screw that11:48
nmz787tell those maryland diybio ppl11:48
nmz787i think that name is defunct now11:49
@kanzurebuggssss or something11:49
delinquentmewhere cake11:50
chris_99i'm making an electronic hydrometer, http://openhydrometer.com/about if anyones got any suggestions that'd be cool :)11:57
-!- EnLilaSko- [~Nattzor@host-85-30-145-65.sydskane.nu] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:03
chris_99tasty stuff ;)12:03
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nmz787an instrument 100 times more powerful could do the same thing12:11
nmz787why not spend 100 times more time to help me build one of those?12:11
chris_99such as, spectroscopy?12:11
chris_99i'm not spending £1600 on a sensor :P12:11
* nmz787 is kindof a science attentionfreak12:12
@kanzureyou should just tell jules that you're doing it in haskell and he'll do everything for you within 24 hours12:12
nmz787nah it would be like $800-1200 USD for a raman spectroscopy setup12:12
chris_99does that do ~2um?12:12
nmz787nah, that's a diff but similar sensor12:13
nmz787not $10 CCD, maybe $20012:13
nmz787i can't remember if that alibaba company ever got back to me12:14
chris_99you can't use CCDs for alcohol12:14
chris_99or CMOS12:14
chris_99hence the £160012:14
nmz787raman is pretty crazy in that it uses laser to grab a fingerprint12:15
chris_99still not long enough um though12:15
delinquentmenmz787, you didnt answer the question on all the lense work !12:15
nmz787chris_99: ethanol?12:15
delinquentmeessentially you've got these lenses to correct for the distortion of the prism .. and re-linearize the spectrum?12:15
nmz787delinquentme: no12:16
chris_99mm, nmz787 it's around 2um that you need to look at iirc12:16
nmz787delinquentme: mirrors12:16
nmz787chris_99: ethanol is what you're interested in?12:16
@kanzurenmz787: it would be nice if you could do a writeup at some point of where you got stuck on that project, or where it is curerently12:17
@kanzurebecause i keep forgetting12:17
-!- strangewarp [~Christian@c-67-173-247-251.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]12:18
nmz787chris_99: see fig 9 http://www.perkinelmer.com/Content/ApplicationNotes/APP_RamanAnalysisTthrougGlassPolymerAqueous.pdf12:19
chris_99hmm what i read said there was a trough at around 2um i thought12:20
nmz787yeah that's absorbance though12:20
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nmz787not raman scattering12:20
nmz787kanzure: which openSpectrometer?12:21
@kanzurenot the public laboratory one12:21
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@kanzuredistributed routing of websockets http://blog.dotcloud.com/under-the-hood-dotcloud-http-routing-layer12:30
@kanzureios debugging http://shopify.github.com/superdb/12:31
nmz787kanzure: yeah i stopped a year ago beacause of classes12:33
nmz787kanzure: i got a bit stuck because i don't know where to get the best mount for the grating12:34
nmz787i was building one in sketchup for the makerbot12:34
nmz787but i thought why prototype with this if it's not the best material12:34
nmz787i might try my hand at it again though12:34
nmz787unless jblake can help12:35
ParahSailinpaperbot: http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdfplus/2984263.pdf12:35
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/ebf5b63f9921fb575d0c1ec184588aea.txt12:35
@kanzurehmm that one might require cookies?12:36
ParahSailinpaperbot: http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdfplus/2984263.pdf?acceptTC=true12:36
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/dcc215f1e6e848487c859acf29fab769.pdf12:36
@kanzureyeah that one worked12:36
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/298426312:36
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/7ea2217596b5bb2ff55af679de9088a2.txt12:37
@kanzurethe zotero translator for jstor is broken?12:37
ParahSailinpaperbot: http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdfplus/362448.pdf?acceptTC=true12:39
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/6047313d4f920220db95e2f4fc02ec27.pdf12:39
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yash-phonekanzure which jcvi is the facs near? apparently there's twp13:14
yash-phoneand if it's the la jolla one we could totally snag it for the diybio lab13:15
@kanzurehe just sent out another email, he paid $1100 for it13:16
@kanzurenot sure what the going rate on it is13:17
@kanzureno it's not near la jolla13:17
Juulkanzure, thanks13:17
@kanzureJuul: hm?13:17
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@kanzurecathalgarvey: welcome back13:19
Juulyou linked me to the Aaron Swartz hackathon post13:19
yash-phonenew ones are 65k apparently13:19
@kanzureJuul: ah. you should join science-liberation-front too.13:19
cathalgarvey@kanzure Hello again!13:19
Juulkanzure, yeah just did :)13:19
@kanzureyash-phone: hm, so i guess it might be worth buying it from him?13:19
Juulhey cathalgarvey13:19
yash-phonedepends if they part out the missing pieces, and what the hell we'd use it for13:20
@kanzureyash-phone: well, we know it's missing any sort of computer hookup13:20
@kanzurean entire "interface card" is not present13:20
@kanzureand the device has not been tested or confirmed working13:20
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yash-phonethat seems important, but presumably it's not the expensive part13:20
@kanzurewhat is the expensive part anyway?13:21
yash-phonecould use it for isolating MSCs from fat I guess13:21
yash-phonelazer probably, also optics and microfluidics13:21
yash-phonewhole lotta miniaturized components w/ very tight tolerances13:23
@kanzurewell. someone needs to take care of it.13:25
@kanzurewhere should i tell phil to send it?13:25
@kanzurecathalgarvey: can you update us on what's up?13:27
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cathalgarvey@kanzure: Generally speaking?13:28
cathalgarvey@kanzure: Assuming you're just asking about my end of the DIYbio pond, I'm having a slow year so far for personal/family reasons (nothing serious, just time consuming)13:30
cathalgarveyAnd more broadly I'm having minor teething issues with a prototype. Largely due to folding 5' UTRs and somehow designing it with an imaginary promoter.13:30
cathalgarveyThat's what I get for clicking "order" before even checking if the promoter I copy/pasted even had an effing TATAA box...13:31
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ParahSailinno its just a flow cyte, not a cell sorted < yash-phone> could use it for isolating MSCs from fat I guess13:37
@kanzuresciencemag.org scraper https://groups.google.com/group/science-liberation-front/browse_thread/thread/1877ffc90c13db3013:59
balrogha, where did this come from?14:04
@kanzurejosiah zayner found it on pastebin14:06
jrayhawkit fell off a truck14:07
sivoaissimilarly <http://aaronsw.archiveteam.org/>14:09
sivoaisJSTOR liberator14:09
cathalgarveyBye all!14:11
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@kanzurespringerlink ebook downloader https://groups.google.com/group/science-liberation-front/t/b211b34f4ee5112e14:11
@kanzuresciencedirect ebook downloader https://groups.google.com/group/science-liberation-front/t/dc22fec882c5fe214:11
sivoaisNice mailing list. It is similar to what I'm trying to do with one of my projects.14:13
@kanzurelist of ezproxy urls https://groups.google.com/group/science-liberation-front/t/8045091d8d755bad14:25
sivoaiskanzure: these proxies are open?14:28
sivoaisAh, OK.14:29
sivoaisthere may be more proxies that can be extracted through the LibX browser extension.14:32
@kanzurewhat is libx?14:32
sivoaisIt an extension from Virginia Tech, but they publish special editions for different universities.14:33
@kanzurethey um.. seem to be using cvs :(14:34
@kanzurecvs -d :pserver:guest@mozdev.org:/cvs login14:34
@kanzurecathalgarvey had an interesting idea14:36
@kanzurehe says instead of paperbot someone should do a twitterbot based on paperbot14:36
@kanzureit would monitor the twitter feeds for pdf requests14:36
@kanzureand then it would download the paper and post it somewhere public14:37
sivoaismuch like <http://www.reddit.com/r/scholar>, but automated14:37
@kanzureno, much like paperbot14:37
sivoaiswell, that subreddit is for requesting papers14:38
@kanzureso what14:38
sivoaisWell, one could also automate the response to those requests, just as paperbot does14:39
@kanzureexcept that reddit is fucking evil14:40
sivoaisyes, it does not foster the best conversations/communities14:40
@kanzurei don't think reddit is a long term solution for hosting pdfs14:40
@kanzureor for automation14:41
sivoaiswhat do you think about a P2P system?14:41
@kanzurebtw could you possibly extract the ezproxy urls from libx? i don't really want to run cvs at the moment.14:42
sivoaisI'll give it a go14:42
@kanzureand then submit a pull request to https://github.com/kanzure/ezproxy-urls ?14:42
nmz787aww i missed cathal14:45
balroga reddit scraper for that subreddit wouldn't be a bad thing14:45
@kanzureprobably not14:45
nmz787so i'm gonna sign up for CMU non-deg reg14:47
@kanzurewhat are the cmu requirements?14:48
-!- nmz787 is now known as paperPimp14:48
paperPimpkanzure: not much14:48
paperPimpterm, year14:48
@kanzurehaha paperpimp14:48
paperPimpcourse of interest14:48
paperPimp2nd to last page needs printed and mailed14:49
@kanzuremailed? not even faxed or emailed?14:49
jrayhawkThe bookwarez community has historically been reasonably effective.14:50
@kanzurelibgen is still only seeded by 1 guy14:50
@kanzurehow is that effective?14:50
balrogbookwarez? good luck with an obscure book that vanished when MU died14:51
balrogI've run into that.14:51
@kanzurei wonder how i can convince people to start a release group14:54
@kanzurerelease groups used to be glorified14:54
@kanzuremess with the best, die like the rest, and such..14:54
@kanzurethere should be release groups for journals14:54
@kanzureand they should be one-upping each other14:54
jrayhawkansi art packs and demoscenes can be replaced by TeX and postscript hacks14:56
@kanzuremegaupload is not a release group14:59
balrogI meant that people would post ebooks to megaupload and similar sites and now they're gone15:00
balrog(someone asked what is MU)15:00
paperPimpdid anyone mess with that Tyler thing?15:02
paperPimpwho here has all JSTOR now?15:02
@kanzurethat "tyler" thing was just a retroshare dump of the jstor torrent, which only had 18,000 articles out of millions.15:02
rigelhas anyone put the content of these torrents up on usenet binaries?15:03
paperPimpcan we use this name to mirror paperbot albeit with a more verbose argument structure?15:03
rigelbecause if not, someone really should15:03
@kanzurepaperPimp: what argument structure do you propose?15:03
paperPimppaperPimp: can you fetch this paper for me big daddy http://www.paperhost.com/best.pdf15:03
paperPimpi guess whatever stuff people say regularly to pimps15:04
paperPimpall i know is the girls call him big daddy15:04
@kanzurerigel: i haven't seen any related usenet activity15:04
paperPimpI learned that from a southpark episode15:04
@kanzurepaperPimp: you make for a pretty bad pimp15:04
paperPimpi guess paperpimp should be the name for the campus proxy master15:05
paperPimpsince the proxies would be the 'bitches' doing the work in this fantasy15:05
balrogrigel: most people don't have access to usenet thanks to Attorney General Cuomo15:05
rigelplease refrain from mapping your misogynist fantasies onto the business of making science more free15:06
rigelbalrog: not so much for people to get from directly15:06
rigelbut savvy users who can start their own torrents15:06
balrogah well yeah15:07
rigelpersonally, i download all my legal binary content from usenet15:07
rigelmost servers have like 3 years worth of retention these days15:07
balrogbut that costs subscription fees :/15:07
rigel$12/mo is less than cable15:07
paperPimpwhat can you get on there?15:08
paperPimphow does it work?15:08
paperPimpcentral server somewhere?15:08
rigelno, usenet is a distributed network of nodes originally used for coordinating the department of agriculture's fee payment systems15:09
rigelone of the earliest p2p experiments15:09
rigelin 1992 it was hijacked by a hacker named "captain midnight" and turned into a filesharing operation15:10
rigelat the time there wasn't much to share except text files and credit card numbers15:10
rigelbut once mp3s came along, it sort of became the predecessor of friendster15:10
rigelthough they were more likely to use sony's ATRAC encoding, which made them a little oddball15:11
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rigelthe command-and-control structure has basically been the prototype for most of the modern botnets though15:12
paperPimpcommand and control?15:12
rigelyoure kind of new to this, huh. not that that's a problem.15:13
-!- paperPimp is now known as nmz78715:13
@kanzuremost botnets these days are controlled through irc15:13
rigeleverything i just said was completely made up, btw15:13
rigeli didnt realize that's who you were. i just had an issue with the nickname15:13
nmz787so usenet is restricted in some places?15:13
rigelyes, a lot of servers stopped carrying binaries15:14
jrayhawkthat was beautiful15:14
nmz787thought you said it was p2p15:14
rigelif you couldnt be arsed to at least wikipedia it, well15:15
juri_kanzure: you never did answer my question. you've got about a week to come up with something, or i'm going to start building my trinary microscope.15:15
rigeljrayhawk: ?15:15
nmz787juri_: ?15:15
nmz787rigel: sorry maybe later15:15
yash-phonenmz787: ?15:15
nmz787i need to do schoolwork15:15
nmz787yash-phone: ?15:15
jrayhawkrigel: the usenet DoA explanation15:15
@kanzurejrayhawk: ?15:15
jrayhawkjrayhawk: ?15:16
nmz787jrayhawk: wait that was false?15:16
yash-phone?: ?15:16
rigelthanks. i'm pretty proud of coming up with that on the fly15:16
rigelit's the details that matter, too15:16
rigelcaptain midnight was the guy who first pirated HBO in like 198215:16
@kanzurelearn you some respect15:16
rigel86, sorry15:17
rigelnot pirated, jammed satellite15:18
rigeli just knew it had something to do with hbo15:18
nmz787anyone here know about debye-huckel?15:18
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@kanzure"In 2011, we enabled our partner libraries to save an estimated US$175 million in subscription fees, and we achieved an average discount of over 97%."15:37
@kanzurei wonder if EIFL would be interested in licensing to a micronation15:39
@kanzurequick! i need a plausible micronation name.15:39
nshi've thought this many times before15:44
balrogbtw: I'm convinced that at least some publishers put invisible tracking watermarks into pdfs15:44
@kanzurewhy is there a picture of aaron in a tree? http://archive.org/stream/GuerillaOpenAccessManifesto/Goamjuly2008#page/n0/mode/2up15:45
@kanzurebalrog: yeah, i think we should be looking for that15:46
@kanzurei looked at nature and sciencedirect and found no evidence15:46
@kanzure(from multiple universities)15:46
@kanzurebut it would be useful to look at other publishers15:46
balrogI know some use a very visible watermark15:47
balrogcontaining either the uni name, or that and the IP as well15:47
@kanzurei was thinking it would be nice to collect samples15:47
@kanzureso that we can write unit tests for a future not-yet-existing watermark removal framework15:47
balrogI'm told IEEE used to but they don't appear to anymore15:47
@kanzurei wrote up what i know about watermarks here,15:48
balrogis there a wiki for this stuff?15:48
@kanzureyou are very welcome to use diyhpl.us wiki15:48
@kanzuregit clone git://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki.git15:48
@kanzurefor push access, ssh newuser@diyhpl.us15:49
balrogeasy solution for graphics-only papers: pdfimage, repack15:49
@kanzuresure. but talking about it is no good. write a small program to do that.15:49
@kanzureand then tell people about its existence.15:49
nmz787kanzure what if the proxy was just a virus, then you wouldn't have to clean the watermark15:53
nmz787the user leaking it would have been victim, so could deny involvement??15:53
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balrogso far I've just been doing things in an interactive shell; might write up some py scripts though15:54
nmz787i dunno where this would live though15:54
nmz787the server15:55
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@kanzurenmz787: virus?17:02
juri_bad bad idea.17:24
sivoaisyeah, but with pdfimages you lose all that text goodness (not that PDF is a great format in which we should pour all our scientific knowledge)17:26
juri_you probably want a pdf scrubbing application. custom written.17:26
juri_something like a pdflint.17:27
sivoaisyeah, something that identifies the offending object streams17:27
juri_clam is already smart enough to take apart executable formats, and recognise bad snippets.17:27
juri_its got an update mechanism..17:28
sivoaisone could probably train a classifier, but it'll only be as good as the training data17:28
juri_plus, the code would have a 'valid' use of helping someone clean licensed material from their machine.17:28
juri_flagging files.17:28
@kanzuresivoais: you can just edit the pdf file directly. most of the ip address text is injected as a separate object.17:30
@kanzureoh i see what you mean.. add a signature in clamav to detect those strings. haha.17:30
@kanzureyou don't need to train a classifier; there's <200 publishers so there's a limited number of strings that you would have to manually find and add to the system.17:31
@kanzureyeah it would be interesting to run a license-sniffer on a corporate machine to see just how many pdfs were downloaded outside of the corporate network17:31
@kanzureinteresting in the sense that it is evl17:31
juri_well, its easy to add clamAV to a mail server.17:31
@kanzure"Because of the latest aaronsw issue, you want the best for your company. Run this sniffer software to determine how many pdfs you have allegedly downloaded that are not authorized."17:32
@kanzureyou could probably sell that for quite a bit to the legal departments at oil companies, nike, etc.17:32
sivoaisI've been working on information extraction from PDFs recently, so this would be a good extension of that.17:32
juri_sell the service, not the software.17:32
@kanzureoh right, as a service. sure.17:32
juri_the service of taking all those PDFs off of their hands.. ;)17:33
juri_it would probably also be useful for corporate compliance, to make sure your employees are not refering to documents that may be the property of another company.17:34
juri_think intel VS amd VS nvidia.17:34
@kanzurealthough i imagine most use falls under fair use17:35
sivoaisheh, <http://neuroconscience.com/2013/01/16/join-papester-collective-1-0-how-to-reply-to-icanhazpdf-in-3-seconds/>17:35
@kanzuretoo bad it still requires manual intervention17:40
@kanzureit should be a twitter client that a user runs17:40
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@kanzureyashgaroth: welcome back17:59
yashgarothman I was like 'it's bullshit they call it a FACS since half of that acronym is "cell sorting"' but apparently BD owns the term FACS so I guess they can do whatever18:00
yashgarothbut yeah without cell sorting it's kinda useless for anything but blood cancer analysis and testing drug effects on cell cultures18:01
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nmz787unless you wanted to screw with it and hack in sorting yashgaroth18:12
yashgarothI wish you the best of luck with that18:13
JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.18:18
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nmz787that's what i would try to do if it made it around my way18:22
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nmz787Nucleic acid sequencing by Raman monitoring of uptake of nucleotides during molecular replication18:40
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nmz787Through simulation and physical experimentation, we have shown that under ideal conditions it is possible to remotely propel an untethered magnetic probe through a fluid-filled tube using actuators located a significant (8-inch) distance away.18:51
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@kanzurei wonder what would happen if all libraries simultaneously decided to disable authentication on ezproxy18:57
JayDuggerThat seems unlikely.18:59
JayDuggerNo one could do work from home, and I don't think it would take long for "legitimate" users to complain.19:00
@kanzureno, i mean they would enable authentication-less access19:00
JayDuggerOh, sorry.19:00
JayDuggerStill quite sleepy.19:00
JayDuggerWould they realistically have that option? How would they manage that?19:01
@kanzureit's an option in the config file19:02
JayDuggerOkay. Your knowledge of it far exceeds mine. I'll have to understand it better before I can ask worthwhile questions.19:02
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nmz787this spectrometer has games in its menu system http://web.pdx.edu/~atkinsdb/teach/427/App-Biowave.pdf19:25
nmz787aka tetris19:25
nmz787and su doku19:25
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nmz787and you can't even plug a USB flash stick into it to save data19:27
nmz787who builds this crap19:27
ThomasEgibe glad it's not the grindhouse wetware guys..19:52
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superkuhTwo weeks of JSTOR, username: Zadartrial, password: trial13zadar , from http://www.reddit.com/r/Scholar/comments/16pylo/my_university_has_been_granted_of_a_two_week/20:36
@kanzurewouldn't they turn it off after more than ten ip addresses use it20:38
superkuhWe'll find out quickly.20:38
superkuhIt isn't off yet.20:41
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superkuhThere isn't very much "Science/Mathematics" coverage with it.21:09
@kanzurethere's one or two "methods in molecular biology" things.21:09
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@kanzure""Perforce," the name of an AMD internal database containing the AMD's technology and development of the company's process and product, were also added to external drives."21:42
@kanzurenice. i want the amd perforce dump. someone get this for me. it can be a birthday present.21:42
delinquentmekanzure, whos dump are we talking about21:52
@kanzuresome people at amd left and took the perforce (version control repo) with them21:53
delinquentmeI've wondered about VC in big companies before21:55
delinquentmethey rolled their own I take it?21:56
@kanzureno, perforce is not made by amd21:57
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nmz787kanzure: how would i easily list all the files in dir on the server in javascript?22:22
nmz787kanzure: have you ever used jwplayer?22:22
@kanzureyes i've used jwplayer22:23
@kanzurejavascript can do xhr requests, if that's what you're asking.22:23
nmz787no dude22:23
nmz787i have no idea what xhr is22:23
nmz787i'm looking at this http://www.longtailvideo.com/support/forums/jw-player/using-playlists/6534/autogenerate-playlist-from-folder/22:24
@kanzurethis is a bunch of bash stuff22:24
@kanzurenot javascript22:24
nmz787loks like22:24
@kanzureah you're right, i didn't look closely22:24
nmz787how can i do that in js?22:25
nmz787"Autogenerate playlist from folder?"22:25
@kanzurewell, you can use nodejs which has access to the file system22:25
nmz787how do i do that?22:25
nmz787is that ust a <script src=URL>22:26
nmz787just a*22:26
@kanzurenodejs doesn't run in a browser22:26
juri_jwplayer fails on my browsers, spitting out a URL. very handy.22:26
@kanzurecan you explain the exact situation that you need to do this on?22:27
nmz787can i just enumerate all the files in the same dir as the HTML file being viewed?22:27
nmz787using javascript to generate a playlist of all files in that dir?22:27
@kanzureyou can have an endpoint on your webserver that returns a list of files22:27
nmz787no i cant22:27
nmz787i can't install anything there22:27
@kanzurewhy not?22:27
nmz787and no ssh access22:27
nmz787because it's more of a fileserver22:28
@kanzureare the filenames sequential?22:28
@kanzuredo you know the filenames?22:28
nmz787if i browse to the dir in the chrome URL bar i can see the files22:28
@kanzureokay. you could generate some json from that and then make the javascript use that json information to play each one.22:29
@kanzurewhat does this have to do with javascript or jwplayer though?22:29
@kanzuredo you want to just download the files instead?22:29
nmz787so i could have a page that somehow gets that file list?22:29
@kanzurecan you show me the page?22:30
nmz787i want my dad to be able to go to a page, enter usernam and pass, and see whatever media i put there22:30
@kanzureand you can't upload files?22:30
nmz787he won't navigate, copy the URL, then paste it into VLC22:30
nmz787yes i can upload22:30
@kanzureis he using a recent browser?22:31
nmz787that's why i wanted to put an HTML file on there and have jwplayer in a container22:31
@kanzureok well if you don't want to do any server-side application,22:31
@kanzureone idea that comes to mind is to include the videos directly in the page22:31
@kanzure<audio><source src="data:audio/wav;base64,UklGRhwMAABXQVZFZm10IBAAA...." /></audio>22:32
@kanzureexample: http://iandevlin.com/html5/data-uri/video.php22:32
@kanzureyou could also upload the videos to youtube, and just use the youtube javascript api to show a playlist22:33
nmz787how does this look http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/javascript-dhtml-ajax/threads/144152/how-to-list-all-files-in-a-folder-including-subfolder-files22:33
@kanzurethat's for the client's file system22:33
@kanzurenot the server's22:34
@kanzurealso it uses ActiveX, which is internet explorer only and evil22:34
nmz787no man, i want to just drop a lil file that parses the file list and generates a list to click and load into jwplayer22:34
@kanzurewell, you said you weren't interested in a server application22:34
@kanzurewould you be okay with generating that file that includes jwplayer before you upload?22:35
nmz787the second code block is client file sys too???22:35
@kanzureXML.GetFile doesn't sound like a standard thing to me22:36
nmz787yeah saying not defined22:37
nmz787how do i do that with jquery or something22:37
nmz787isn't grabbing a web page a standard thing22:37
nmz787"The XML.getFile function below just wraps and XMLHTTPRequest."22:39
@kanzurei mean, no it is not a standard thing in javascript22:39
nmz787isn't it in jquery?22:39
nmz787or ajax22:39
@kanzureno, it's not in jquery. ajax is more of a concept btw.22:39
nmz787shouldn't this be a 1 line thing to get the dir list22:39
@kanzureyou can call that function with 1 line, sure..22:40
nmz787this http://stackoverflow.com/a/104408/25312722:40
nmz787so can't you help me with it? i thought this was your domain22:41
@kanzureno you should use http://theo.cc/blog/2012/11/javascript-list-directory-contents-with-apache-indexes/22:41
@kanzurethe stackoverflow link you just gave me is about basic xhr22:41
nmz787$.get('/dads/', {}, $.function{content});22:42
nmz787that didn't work22:42
@kanzurewhat's the callback?22:43
nmz787hmm, that link you sent isn't working22:47
@kanzurethe link isn't working, or the javascript isn't working?22:47
nmz787pasting their code into the chrome console doesnt work22:50
@kanzureare you on your server's url?22:51
@kanzuredo you have jquery included on the page?22:51
nmz787after i paste in the functions it says undefined22:51
@kanzurei use this bookmarklet to randomly inject jquery into pages when i'm futzing around:22:51
nmz787in grey text22:52
@kanzureyes, undefined is correct22:52
@kanzuredefining a function does not return a value, it's undefined22:52
nmz787then i paste in the ls function, and i try calling it and it says not defined22:52
@kanzureyes, their code sorta sucks22:52
@kanzureit returns an undefined value immediately because javascript is asynchronous22:52
@kanzurethe actual result happens in the callback22:53
nmz787but i paste the function into the console22:53
@kanzureso you'll have to hack their code up to pass an actual callback that you want22:53
nmz787why can't i call it afterwards?22:53
@kanzurehave you written javascript callbacks before?22:53
nmz787i paste the ls function into the console22:53
@kanzureyes. it should return undefined immediately.22:53
nmz787then i write ls('')22:53
nmz787and it spits out in red22:53
nmz787ReferenceError: ls is not defined22:54
nmz787how do i import jquery in the console?22:56
@kanzurei like to use this bookmarklet:22:57
@kanzurehere's an example of it working:22:57
nmz787copy paste this http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js22:57
@kanzurein the console on this page type: ls("/~bryan/irc/")22:57
@kanzureno.. copying/pasting jquery is sorta silly in this case :P22:58
@kanzureat worst, you would add some dom elements that load the remote cdn hosted copy of jquery22:58
@kanzurelike this: http://www.brandonmartinez.com/2011/04/23/inject-jquery-onto-any-site/22:58
@kanzurebut realistically the bookmarklet idea is more useful in the long-run22:58
nmz787and how do i call ls from the body of the HTML?23:00
@kanzureno. you would have to rewrite the ls function to do what you want.23:01
@kanzureright now it passes a rather useless callback to the xhr. you would presumably want to rewrite it to populate a list of things for jwplayer or something.23:01
nmz787how do I call ANY javascript function from the body of HTML?23:02
@kanzuredepends on how you want to hook it up.. when someone clicks a button? when the page is done loading?23:02
nmz787when the page is done loading i guess23:03
@kanzurethen you want this: http://api.jquery.com/ready/23:03
@kanzureyou'll want to call jwplayer("whatever").setup({}) inside the callback that you pass either to ls or to the thing that you are writing to replace ls23:08
nshkanzure, you know of http://opendoar.org/search.php and http://www.worldcat.org/search? i presume?23:47
@kanzurei know that worldcat is evil, if that's what you're asking23:47
nshhaven't used it23:47
@kanzureit's oclc23:47
nsh.wik oclc23:47
nsh(do you want yoleaux in here?)23:48
@kanzureit seems like a well behaved bot.. we can try it.23:48
@kanzurealready? sbp isn't doing his job.23:49
nshi don't think he's doing anything yet. not sure why the page would be gone though..23:49
@kanzurensh: it's this document, http://archive.is/YjCf23:51
@kanzurecontext: oclc runs worldcat.. he seems to mention this.23:52
nshah ok23:53
nshusual story23:53
nshsomeone turned a library into a business23:53
nshand fail happened23:53
@kanzureoclc controls all libraries23:53
@kanzurei don't think you understand23:53
@kanzurethey own dewey decimal. they own interlibrary loan.23:54
nshmaybe someone should own them...23:55
-!- augur [~augur@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]23:55
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@kanzurensh: ownership isn't the issue of course23:55
@kanzurei'm trying to point out that it isn't "a" library23:56
* nsh nods23:57
nshi was using the verb own in a particular sense23:57
nshoclc would be a good target freelance security auditors23:58
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