
--- Log opened Thu Jan 17 00:00:32 2013
-!- wrldpc [~wrldpc@] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:03
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-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@c-24-3-73-35.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving]00:15
nmz787got that to work pretty well00:36
@kanzurepaste the code http://gist.github.com/00:36
-!- OldCoder_ [~OldCoder_@c-69-181-140-134.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]00:46
@kanzuremy suggestion: never use single letter variable names, ever00:49
@kanzureotherwise looks okay00:49
eleitlmorning, gentlemen.00:50
@kanzuremorning, commander.00:51
-!- Viper168_ [~Viper@node165.] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:54
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-!- sylph_mako [~mako@103-9-42-1.flip.co.nz] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]01:00
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-!- dende [~dende@cpc10-croy17-2-0-cust245.croy.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:38
dendehi using a console-curses irc weechat01:38
dendeusually i use pidgin, which irc clients do you use ?01:39
juri_i'm using irssi.01:40
eleitlalso irssi here01:40
dendeyes looks nice i just saw some screenshots01:41
dendei wonder why anyone would chose standalone clients over multi-protocol programs such as empathy and pidgin01:42
dendedo you use only irc ?01:42
dendei installed this standalone irc "weechat" supports scripting plugins etc , i need him for a project i'm working on which will communicate to programs over an irc channel01:43
dendeon 2 servers01:44
@kanzureeleitl: you should tell liberationtech about science-liberation-front01:44
juri_i only use irc, and keep all my irssi sessions inside of screen.01:44
dendedo you use a gui, windows manager etc ? or plain old terminal ?01:45
dendeyou would be deprived of the internet if that were the case, so i doubt it very much lol01:45
juri_I'm using a multi-headed linux box. one head just for irc sessions with no window decoration, the other running some *box window manager.01:46
@kanzurethe internet works without a gui, i don't see your point01:46
dendeyes i actually meant web browsing01:46
dendetook me too literally01:46
dendemulti-headed is dual boot same ?01:46
juri_not at all. two physical screens.01:47
dendeok i understand01:47
@kanzurei still intend to answer your earlier questions but it will have to wait for another day.01:47
juri_kanzure: you looking for some other project to foist me onto? ;)01:48
eleitlwill do, kanzure01:48
@kanzurei just didn't look at your links01:48
eleitlI thought I've forwarded some emails there already01:48
@kanzurei don't read that list so i wouldn't know01:48
eleitlI read so that you don't have to01:49
juri_oh. ok, you've still got some time. i've probably got a week of hacking still to do.01:49
* eleitl is effectively a human router at this stage in life01:49
dendejuri what are you hacking? biology, hardware or software ?01:49
@kanzureeleitl: i realized years ago that you are a sophisticated postfix spam filter gone terribly wrong01:50
juri_dende: right now, EMR software. i'll get back around to hacking all three soon.01:51
dendei'm wondering what language to put my ircchat script in, i have choice of ruby, perl, pyhton, Lua, Tcl, Guile01:51
dendedo you get paid for your hacking endeavours or are you a spare-time hobbyist01:52
juri_yes. ;)01:53
juri_i'm a full time hacker. sometimes i'm paid, sometimes im just doing to contribute.01:53
dendethats nice01:54
dendei feel like i am working my way up, gaining experience in areas i lack it01:54
dendewhich at the momement is scripting and web-page stuff01:54
dendecurrently i am playing with css and html, probably will have to use js or php because i am going to make a ranking table which is created dynamically01:56
dendefrom input data over an irc channel, fed from some other servers which hold the data which i want to process01:56
@kanzureplease don't start with php01:56
@kanzurei will kickban you01:57
dendethen js it is :P01:57
eleitlfriends don't let friends use php01:57
dendebut my good friend already advised me to use publicfile by djb as web server, but i wanted experience, so i uninstalled it and put apache instead01:57
dendei never have heard negative criticism of php, whats all the fuss ?01:58
@kanzuredude, just leave01:58
@kanzureyou were banned for a reason01:59
dendei will stop , i much rather sit silently than be ushered out02:00
* kanzure sleeps02:00
eleitlgood night02:00
* juri_ sleeps02:00
eleitlwe GMT+1 tribe will shoulder the load interim02:00
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o nsh] by kanzure02:02
dendehow many years it took you to realize the problems of php, did you notice them first-hand? *kanzure can i speak a bit further?*02:04
eleitlthe problems of php were obvious the very moment it was released02:04
dendeok thats all i wanted to ask, thank you02:04
dendei cross php off, now i balance python and ruby and perl02:05
dendeany recommendation ?02:05
eleitlperl is a bit obsolete, though it has a large codebase02:05
eleitlI do not see much advantage of ruby over python, and some or the ruby community gives me the willies02:06
eleitlSo python looks like a good conservative choice at the moment.02:06
eleitlRuby doesn't hurt, though I probably would want to stay away from RoR.02:06
dendei was familiar with webserver addon php-cgi, is there addons for python which can do similar job?02:07
eleitlIf you want to look into python, there are interesting things like Twisted, django, and the likes.02:07
gedankenstueckedende: there are python wsgi adapters for apache02:08
gedankenstuecke(and other webservers as well)02:08
eleitlapart from native webservers in Python, I would look into nginx and fcgi02:09
dendeok, that opens my horizons ty appreciated02:10
-!- nsh [~nsh@wikipedia/nsh] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]02:17
eleitlapache is bit long in the tooth and overkill for many purposes02:18
eleitlyou can combine nginx/apache just fine02:18
-!- nsh [~nsh@wikipedia/nsh] has joined ##hplusroadmap02:18
eleitlfor small footprint applications asynchronous webservers (though apache does have an async option now) have an edge02:19
dendewikipedia irc server ? can i get on there too?02:19
eleitltoo often you see small systems killed by running out of memory by having to serve many requests02:19
* eleitl has no idea about wikipedia02:20
dendeyes i am running only on a virtual private server02:20
dendeso i have not much memory to spare02:20
dendei am reading up django atm02:21
eleitlgood, so do look into nginx then02:21
eleitlare you on debian?02:21
dendeyes the vps is running debian02:23
dendemy home system is linux mint02:23
eleitlnginx is in debian packages02:24
eleitlyou might have to look into backports for more freshness02:24
gedankenstueckedende: depending on what you want to do django may be overkill. it's similar to ruby on rails in terms of size and features, with all the benefits and drawbacks02:24
eleitlin a pinch, roll your own nginx packages02:24
eleitlnginx/fcgi is probably a good start with python on a small vserver02:24
dendeok i'll look into it02:25
nshlet's at least be civilised.02:36
dendeits strange that i do apt-get remove --purge for apache2 and its libraries, yet still remains an apache2 folder and some files in the /etc/ dir02:43
nshit's a conspiracy02:46
dendeoh its apt-get --purge remove maybe02:49
dendeor just apt-get purge02:49
dendei did apt-get remove --purge02:49
dendebut the manual says remove --purge is equivalent to the purge02:50
dendeah found the answer, it was The config files are from the package apache2-common, not apache2, so ...02:52
-!- erasmus [~esb@unaffiliated/erasmus] has joined ##hplusroadmap02:59
nshgood troubleshooting03:23
nshfor future reference there's no way ordering of --purge could make a difference, and it's equivalent apt-get purse <package>03:23
dendei'm not sure i need a web application framework program for my little website, it seems more for businesses03:23
nshthat would be a semicolon03:25
dendewhat ever it offers me, i would have more pleasure doing myself :/03:25
nshor just a new sentence03:25
nshwhat's your website going to do?03:25
dendedisplay a table of names03:25
dendebut the order is dynamic and requires updating03:25
dendeits a ladder, of rankings, for a game, so the players wish is to be at the top ..03:27
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has joined ##hplusroadmap03:27
nshi see03:27
nshWAF would probably be overkill03:28
nshand self-implementation would be educational03:28
dendei want to use python, becasue the others say php is not good03:28
dendebut when i research python + nginx, they all recommend some kind of web framework software03:28
dendei hear of this thing called "flup"03:28
nshphp is an awful language by any metric, however it is well established for web and there are lots of resources03:28
nshpython kinda requires some special sauce to do web stuff03:29
nshhaven't heard of flup03:29
dendeyes , i do not play on the computer only for the end result, i also do it for a learning curve, and it seems more worthwhile to do it on something which is not frowned upon03:29
dendeactually, i only do it for learning curve ^^03:29
dendethe other is ... just to make the learning curve easier to ride03:30
nshi find a toboggan helps03:31
dendei have 2 things to make today, 1) a fcgi python script to dynamically create a html page with a table 2) to make a python script which this ircchat i am using now (weechat) uses to search irc chat for data and to pass that data to the webserver(nginx) somehow03:32
-!- nsh [~nsh@wikipedia/nsh] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]03:32
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chris_99flask is nice dende for python web dev03:33
chris_99it's like a micro web framework03:33
dendeyes wikipedia listed that as a web framework03:33
-!- yorick [~yorick@vredebest.xs4all.nl] has joined ##hplusroadmap03:34
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dendeis it possible for me to not use any web framework at all ?03:35
dendethen i just print or echo html lol03:35
chris_99er, why though03:35
chris_99flask is really nice and saves you implementing a lot of boring stuff03:35
superkuhYou can use nginx and parse the logs with shell scripts to autogenerate pages.03:35
superkuhIt's what I do.03:35
superkuhOr whatever server, really.03:36
* nsh just uses netcat and bash03:36
nshlike god intended03:37
dendeyou auto generate log pages? for which purpose ?03:37
chris_99haha, i've tried that before nsh03:38
dendewait i think i know what you mean superkuh, you make deliberate log statements in say javascript? then you parse thoes log statements later on for more autogenerated pages?03:40
superkuhnginx has an access log. I use event driven perl modules to tail it, then parse with regex looking for dynamic page requests, comment submissions, etc. The perl script then names and writes the appropriate html file.03:40
dendeoh i get ya03:41
superkuhI use a bit of javascript to invoke reloading of the html in browser.03:41
dendeso you are a DIY man03:42
dendeevent driven, such as the event that the access.log file was written to ?03:42
superkuhI suppose. I don't have the patience to learn how other people do things the right and elegant ways.03:42
superkuhIt is a buzzword I am repeating that I believe means the script will not always be taking much processing power and it mostly is sleeping.03:43
dendeoh ok , so it does have a loop? just its very slow ?03:44
dendeor does it use signals ?03:44
eleitlhello superkuh03:45
dendeits clever stuff, leaves me wondering how it knows when to tail it03:46
dendeThis wheel follows the end of an ever-growing file03:47
dendePollInterval is the number of seconds to wait between file checks.Once FollowTail re-reaches the end of the file, it waits this longbefore checking again.03:47
dendeso then it makes it sound simple again, which makes me wonder why fopen doesn't do the job03:48
dendeah right, its about multi threading and saving Lines of Codes03:50
dendenow i understand why its more suited for the job03:50
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r186-54-7-147.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap03:53
-!- EnLilaSko [~Nattzor@unaffiliated/enlilasko] has joined ##hplusroadmap03:56
eleitlnot just lines of code, memory footprint under load03:57
eleitlclassical apache way is to keep a preforked pool03:58
dendeinteresting, i am reading about cgi on wiki now04:01
eleitlI can't really say much about python+fcgi+nginx at this point.04:04
eleitlThere seem to be multiple frameworks, some more supported and/or lightweight.04:04
dendei am thinking to use web.py04:08
dendebut i'm still not sure why i am forced to use a web framework program04:08
SankyI recommend Flask04:10
Sankyfcgi is only required for deployment04:10
Sanky(and there are other options)04:11
dendewhat do you mean by its only required for deployment, what is deployment in this context?04:12
Sankyflask has a development server which is trivial to use, but you want to use a real server like nginx for "deployment" (actually running the site publicly)04:13
dendeok so when it comes to deployment , then i face this problem, but in the meantime i use flask, is that it?04:14
Sankyif you decide to use flask at all, then yes, that's the general workflow04:14
dendebut how does flask relate to fcgi /w nginx and deployment, and why is flask even necessary04:15
Sankyyou want to use a framework, there are multiple, like pyramid, flask, django, web.py as you mentioned04:16
dendei feel i have no choice04:16
dendei don't particularly want to04:17
dendei would rather not04:17
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]04:17
eudoxiaweb.py seems nice04:17
Sankyso what are you solving04:17
dendei want to use python to dynamically create a html page04:17
dendeits usually called cgi i think04:17
dendeand then the faster version fcgi04:17
Sankyif it's only a single page, then you probably don't want an entire framework04:18
-!- qu-bit_ [~shroedngr@unaffiliated/barriers] has joined ##hplusroadmap04:18
dendeso i need a fcgi server which locally communicates with nginx04:18
dendeand supports python ?04:18
dendeits a single page, yes i want something simple04:19
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dendeyes i think the fastcgi communication from teh webserver to the fcgi client is when the content needs to be created, instead of writing to a file, it stores it in memory instead04:22
dendei actually like superkuh's method , which was using an event driven model which responds when a user visits his page, then he responds by writing a file, its very manual, i might try that04:23
dendeAlthough flup is primarily used as a fastcgi server, it also includes a fastcgi client.04:24
dendewhat about that04:26
dendesetting up fastcgi04:30
dendei will follow that04:30
eleitlyou should look at several alternatives04:44
dendei am fairly confident this is what i want04:44
eleitlsee whether they fit your requirements, and are still supported/have a community04:44
dendemy requirements are always very minimum04:45
eleitlunfortunately, this whole web monkey business is full of poo04:45
dendei am a lone soldier :P04:45
eleitlif your requirements are minimal, why not a web server written in Python?04:45
eleitlTry Twisted.04:45
dendeminimum - but still require dynamic content04:46
dendeit seems i am using this after all http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Server_Gateway_Interface04:48
eleitlI humbly suggest that you don't really know what you want yet04:50
eleitlPerhaps you should spend some time evaluating multiple alternatives before deciding on one.04:50
eleitlYou trouble will be that there are too damn many to choose from.04:54
dendemy mind craves understanding05:00
* dende closes his 50 tabs he opened05:01
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* nsh welcomes dpk 06:02
nshsee logs for gist of channel06:02
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.06:20
eleitlgood afternoon06:21
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dendehi whats with the addresses i see06:58
-!- augur_ [~augur@] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:58
dendei thought this channel only existed on freenode network, yet i see strange @domain tags which are not that of freenode.net06:58
-!- ParahSai1in [~eg@50-194-178-148-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:59
-!- qu-bit [~shroedngr@unaffiliated/barriers] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:59
dendethere must be a way to link to the freenode network07:00
dendeor register to it somehow i don't know07:00
-!- SolG [~Sol@c-174-57-58-11.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:00
chris_99what addresses?07:00
dendeleave the channel and then come back07:01
dendei will tell you yours07:01
chris_99that's just the IP/domain of the person connecting07:01
dendeoh ok, what sort of ip is "unaffiliated/barriers"07:01
chris_99that's a cloak07:01
-!- tyler [quassel@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:fedf:8103] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:02
chris_99to hide your IP07:02
dendeok i would like one of those07:02
chris_99go to #freenode07:02
chris_99and ask07:02
-!- tyler is now known as Guest4788507:02
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-!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: augur, streety, rigel, tylergillies, upgrayeddd, _Sol_, ParahSailin, barriers, paperbot07:07
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eleitlvery nice, my all-in-one zfs install seems to be succeeding07:53
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eleitlis it just me, or is imgur turning into 9gag within a mere week?07:58
JayDuggerI've not used either, eleitl, so I can't say.08:31
JayDuggerI'm envious of your all-in-one zfs install, though.08:32
JayDuggerDo you have any details on the zfs all-in-one to share?08:35
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r186-54-7-147.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:02
-!- upgrayeddd [uid2969@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-irhqbfhqnwmyncap] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:05
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dendeis anyone here well informed about ASM ?10:02
dendei have a small favour to ask10:02
ParahSai1inand you've just wasted everyone-who-could-help-you's time by not asking10:03
dendeok i'll say it10:03
dendei am looking at some asm10:03
dendeit looks like this10:03
dendemov     edx, offset sub_10013A5010:03
dendesub     edx, 2005DB66h10:03
dendepush    edi             ; lpAddress10:03
dendecall    esi ; VirtualProtect10:03
dendei skipped some line sinbetween the 3rd and 2nd10:04
dendebecause not relevant to the question10:04
dendebut to my calculations , edi is negative number10:04
dendeand that can't be10:04
dendefirst line : edx stores 10013A50h10:04
dendesecond line : 10013A50h = 10013A50h - 2005DB66h10:04
dende2005DB66 is bigger than 10013A50 so its negative10:07
dendehave i interpreted the asm wrongly , i assume that i must have done, but where10:08
-!- TonyP [~TonyP@] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:17
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@kanzurefor ask.diybio.org10:42
@kanzurei don't know why they don't just answer questions on the mailing list though10:42
@kanzureseems kinda fishy10:42
ParahSai1inits safe to pour anything down the drain that won't corrode pipes10:43
ThomasEgiParahSai1in, even if it is so toxic that the vapours will kill half the town? ;)10:46
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ParahSai1inanything you're likely to get your hands on10:50
ParahSai1inobviously your city's wastewater treatment plant bugs are not going to biodegrade radioisotopes10:51
ParahSai1inand exotic reactive chemicals10:51
@kanzurei wonder if they run geiger counters on that waste water10:51
ParahSai1innah, they just check it for 30 30 -- 30 mg/l oxygen demand, 30 mg/l ammonia10:52
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@kanzurepaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1468-3083.2009.03513.x/pdf11:16
EnLilaSkoOr should I rather link the non-buying page?11:16
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:18
@kanzurewell maybe that would help11:18
@kanzurepaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1468-3083.2009.03513.x/pdf11:18
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/f1863b6640c214ec2e8c9899ab2a1418.txt11:18
ParahSai1inpaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1111/j.1468-3083.2009.03513.x/asset/j.1468-3083.2009.03513.x.pdf?v=1&amp;t=hc2a8moi&amp;s=ca6f1691ca8512738c97890ac8851bc7a26fc47d11:19
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/e3286dca204d9e335d3185c4452fef50.pdf11:19
ParahSai1inpaperbot: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-13772-3_43?LI=true11:22
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/cd628a1592c77382b9f568284d75d185.txt11:23
-!- erasmus [~esb@unaffiliated/erasmus] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:23
@kanzureman, these translators suck11:23
@kanzurewiley and springer aren't exactly uncommon11:23
ParahSai1inpaperbot: www.springerlink.com/index/K7581P72137Q2W74.pdf11:24
@kanzureneeds http11:24
ParahSai1inpaperbot: http://www.springerlink.com/index/K7581P72137Q2W74.pdf11:25
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/bf52af3f7c5d9ffc12e80d75feb00975.txt11:25
ParahSai1inpaperbot: http://csc.sagepub.com/content/9/2/166.full.pdf+html11:26
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Look%20Out%20New%20World%2C%20Here%20We%20Come%3F%20Race%2C%20Racialization%2C%20and%20Sexuality%20in%20Four%20Children%27s%20Animated%20Films%20by%20Disney%2C%20Pixar%2C%20and%20DreamWorks.pdf11:26
ParahSai1inpaperbot: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF03189650?LI=true11:27
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/f133f089d7b5215b531ea7c88254259f.txt11:27
ParahSai1inpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0065230X0860917311:27
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/c782ecd70ce729e93697f7a08f1980f9.txt11:27
ParahSai1inpaperbot: http://pdn.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MiamiImageURL&_cid=273038&_user=1694017&_pii=S0065230X08609173&_check=y&_origin=article&_zone=toolbar&_coverDate=1955--31&view=c&originContentFamily=serial&wchp=dGLbVlS-zSkWA&md5=fa18a32cb7423bacef792089133880e9&pid=1-s2.0-S0065230X08609173-main.pdf11:28
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/73f8f41acaac6bbe88859bf852c66fa8.txt11:28
@kanzureshiet i didn't think about that11:32
@kanzuremost of the zotero translators have spaces in their name11:33
@kanzureoh wait it can still work11:33
@kanzureso i need a post-receive hook in zotero-translators.git on diyhpl.us that will kill the current server and run ~/code/paperbot/translation-server/run.sh11:34
@kanzurerun.sh recompiles translation-server with the new translators and then runs the server11:34
@kanzureit's using the translators from /srv/ikiwiki/zotero-translators/ which get compiled from /srv/git/zotero-translators.git11:35
@kanzurejrayhawk: any thoughts on the best way to track instances of zotero translation-server?11:36
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=0ea4cd0b Bryan Bishop: add article about ellen jorgensen at ted11:44
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ParahSai1inthe big product here apparently is going to be genotyping hundreds of loci while multiplexing thousands of samples on next generation sequencing, and being cheaper than microarray12:00
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sivoaisSpringer changed its site design completely in the last couple of months, so maybe the new translator isn't as tested?12:12
sivoais(I had written my own scraper and I see that it is now in need of fixing)12:13
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@kanzurebalrog: thanks for the ezproxy url13:13
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@kanzureah there's a /etc/init.d/skeleton13:32
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ParahSai1incathal: "I'd consider it unethical to operate on anything with vertebra (or Octopus..)."13:58
ParahSai1inis he some sort of vegan?13:58
@kanzurepfft next he is going to start saying that operating on humans is "morally dubious"13:59
ParahSai1ini ran over a retarded duck yesterday, but mostly i was sad that i couldnt cook it because i was in a hurry to get to work14:01
@kanzureyou're a quack14:02
ParahSai1ini think next thanksgiving im gonna bag one of those14:02
ParahSai1inmuscovy ducks are supposed to have very good textured meat14:02
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@kanzure"On another note, why is there only one 'kind' of copyright? Why do the same rules that apply to work written for profit apply to work written for scientific edification?"14:27
@kanzure"Some differentiation there would go a long way towards solving these problems."14:27
@kanzurefrom http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=507535914:27
@kanzurewelp i broke git on diyhpl.us have fun everyone14:37
eudoxiathis is what you get for not using mediawiki14:41
* eudoxia is joking14:41
nmz787ParahSai1in: yes he's vegan or at least vege14:49
nmz787so i need to replace my truck's speedometer, and I am considering just buying an android table and mouting it where my gauges are currently14:54
nmz787$50 gets so much, except that it has to boot up... so it might be a while to get speeds if i start driving quickly from key-on14:55
nmz787kanzure: could you control the brightness very well in android, or is it driver dependent?14:56
nmz787my cell phone for example is a little too bright on it's lowest setting to work in my dash board at night14:56
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@kanzurenmz787: you could have the tablet in sleep mode, so it would only take a second to activate the screen15:02
@kanzurenmz787: dunno if it works on android, but you could try http://pastebin.com/92neVhUr15:03
@kanzureyou will probably have to poke around in /sys to see if there's anything relevant like that15:04
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nmz787kanzure: do you know of any web libraries that can access a serial port?15:31
nmz787the spectrometer i used today just has a USB to serial converter in it, and spits out ascii over the port when you ask for a reading15:32
nmz787so i copy-pasted from terminal each time we took a reading15:32
@kanzureweb libraries?...15:32
@kanzurewell you could write a small web application that access the serial port of the server15:32
nmz787but i'm wondering what I could write that wouldn't need to be installed15:32
@kanzurefor instance, python/flask15:33
nmz787so i thought browser maybe15:33
nmz787i dont know if python is on the machines they have15:33
@kanzureyou would have to write a small server to proxy information from the serial port to the browser for javascript to get access to, possibly using websockets or a basic json format15:33
nmz787hmmm, so a windows exe15:34
nmz787with all the libs statically linked (or most)15:34
@kanzurewhy is it windows?15:34
nmz787so i wouldn't have to install it15:34
nmz787that's what they have in the labs15:34
nmz787because it's normal people15:34
@kanzurepython can access a serial port15:34
nmz787yes i know15:34
@kanzureyou can deploy python to windows machines with py2exe or nanite or apt-cyg or something15:35
nmz787i wonder how many libs can be linked statically15:36
nmz787i've heard of py2exe i think15:36
nmz787basically the output exe needs to be 'portable'15:36
chris_99what's the exe gonna do?15:37
@kanzureserve the serial port over http or websockets15:37
nmz787well at least interpret the ASCII stream coming from the spectrometer15:37
nmz787and make a CSV file that is also human readable15:37
chris_99you could do that in C easy enough15:38
@kanzurehe said he wanted it "web" i presume he doesn't want to write a web server in c :p15:38
nmz787yeah but then i'd have to use visual studio15:38
nmz787well i said web because it's already installed15:38
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nmz787the javascript interpreter15:38
@kanzureyou can compile things for windows from linux15:38
nmz787python would be way easier than C too, esp if i added graphing15:39
nmz787previously my buddy thought he would make the graphing stuff in javascript15:39
nmz787using some nice graph lib he found15:39
nmz787that did zooming and all that jazz15:40
@kanzuresure, three.js or d3.js would be appropriate15:40
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chris_99can you read com ports directly like a file, via a webbrowser?15:42
nmz787would that be better than any python lib?15:43
nmz787can you pop open a webkit pane in python?15:43
@kanzureyou can do python/webkit things but i wouldn't recommend it15:43
nmz787so maybe it's a python program that sets up a local server port, then opens chrome/etc (default browser somehow) and navigates to itself15:44
nmz787As long as it was 1-click to get working, that would be OK15:45
@kanzurewhy are you running the browser locally? i thought you wanted to do "web stuff" so that you can access it remotely?15:46
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@kanzureif you want to do math visualization stuff you could just use matplotlib directly15:47
nmz787i said i wanted something that didnt need installed15:47
nmz787yeah winpython has that builtin15:47
@kanzureyou're going to need to use something to pipe the com port data to anything15:48
@kanzureyou could write a complicated series of bat scripts to use the com prompt thing15:49
@kanzurereally you should just throw it out and put in a computer that you can install things on15:49
nmz787com prompt?15:49
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@kanzurethere's this hyperterminal thing in windows that shows you what's being transmitted15:50
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nmz787that's not default though15:51
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@kanzureso.. who won the gada prize?16:48
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eudoxiaoh i totally forgot about that thing16:55
@kanzurei've seen no announcements16:58
@kanzureand nobody from either organization contacted me16:59
eudoxiastart bugging them16:59
eudoxiaor, not16:59
@kanzurehaha that would involve communicating with them16:59
@kanzureyeah i'd rather not16:59
eudoxiait's not like anyone will do anything16:59
eudoxiawhat a bunch of useless organizations17:00
@kanzureeven with hundreds of reprap developpers jumping up and down.. nobody got that act together??17:00
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nmz787kanzure when was that assaydepot sponsorship thing?18:01
nmz787ahh mar and sept they closed18:01
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strangewarpHmmmm. My mother gave me a Precautionary Principle lecture about nootropics.18:15
abetuskwinning the gada prize proper is still a couple years away18:26
@kanzureyes but in the "legal docs" i wrote i said that $20k was to be awarded by 2013-01-0118:27
abetuskThe award was to be handed out to the person closest to meeting the criteria?18:29
abetuskso the board needs to come to a decision18:31
@kanzureno, they were not in charge of the decision18:31
@kanzureread the docs18:31
abetuskunder the gada prize doc, "End Game Scenario".  Isn't that the state it's in now?  No one has fulfilled the criteria and now the board need to come to a decision?18:34
@kanzurei believe a few of the entries fulfilled the requirements18:35
abetuskAre they open to the public?  Do you have a link?18:36
@kanzurethey are somewhere on reprap.org, i can never remember the url18:36
abetuskI don't believe it18:39
browniesstrangewarp: wtf is the precautionary principle?18:40
@kanzurebrownies: a sort of policy that groups of politicians like to use to argue that technology is evil18:41
@kanzureor that any proposed technology will murder babies18:42
abetuskI know how to google18:42
@kanzuremaybe it was deleted18:43
@kanzurein that case you can use a backup of their wiki http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/reprap/18:43
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JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.19:30
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JayDuggerAnyone here know of MicroFabLab (http://www.microfablab.com) by reputation, contact, or participation?19:43
JayDuggerA division of Potomac Photonics, per Google19:46
delinquentmee__not me JayDugger ... I cant even seem to find a state / location19:49
@kanzurecan someone get me google glass?19:49
@kanzurei wasn't mailed a copy19:49
delinquentmee__4445 Nicole Drive19:50
delinquentmee__Lanham, MD 2070619:50
JayDuggerYou found it.19:50
JayDuggerkanzure, do you look for the patents or did I miss some news while catching up on sleep today?19:51
@kanzuregoogle has emailed some initial programmers about availability19:52
@kanzurei was not on this list19:52
JayDuggerI hadn't heard.19:52
delinquentmee__you didnt get wan?19:54
delinquentmee__they're mailing out the first round on the 20th19:54
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nmz787JayDugger: microfablab.com looks OK, prices are pretty reasonable20:50
nmz787just barely micro though20:51
abetusknmz787, hows the laser cutter coming?20:51
nmz787bah, kinda of dropped it20:58
nmz787i need to buy laser glasses to start anymore really20:58
nmz787then I started to think I'm just gonna do lithography20:59
nmz787i would like to try using CDROM  drives if I can focus the laser really well20:59
nmz787I started playing with some pro optics modelling software20:59
nmz787trying to model the edmund optics lenses that I was considering for the laser focus20:59
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@kanzureweird seeing ieet picking up ellen's ted talk http://ieet.org/index.php/IEET/comments/jorgensen2013011721:17
@kanzurealso another video http://vimeo.com/57536108 (this is the museum one that i groaned and complained about a month ago)21:19
yashgaroth"watch the shadows of scientists play across the walls" wut21:21
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nmz787kanzure: so it seems to not be an out-of-boc feature for fwplayer to play over ftp21:47
nmz787i wonder if you think that would be possible, or some better soln21:48
@kanzureyou could potentially implement sftp over websockets, but i don't see why you need ftp in the first place?21:48
nmz787for the s21:49
@kanzurewhat do you have against installing software, again?21:49
nmz787i supposed i might be able to make a skin for VLC21:50
nmz787that would act like a media center for my dad21:51
@kanzurewhy can't you just wipe windows off his computer21:51
nmz787that wouldn't exactly make things easier for him21:51
nmz787he probably wouldn't trust linuz21:52
nmz787and bitch about it all the time to me21:52
nmz787how i fucked up his computer21:52
@kanzuremaybe you should just get a better dad21:52
nmz787(i always do that)21:52
@kanzureoh weird i just got an email from kevin mitnick21:53
nmz787nah i was just thinkin it would be nice for that jwplayer file to work over secure protocol21:53
@kanzuremitnick in da house21:53
@kanzure" If I were to write something like "this conference will coincide with the week celebrating Nikola Tesla Day, a global event for men in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics" it would sound preposterous"21:55
@kanzureoh it's a lie21:56
@kanzurehow disappointing21:57
nmz787so did he actually email you then?21:59
@kanzureno he spoofed some headers methinks22:00
@kanzurei mean, this not kevin person spoofed headers22:00
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abetuskso are you guys still working on getting a microfluidic system running?22:40
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nmz787i just applied to more school here22:41
abetuskapplied as in graduate school or applied as in post doc?22:41
nmz787to get access to cool toys22:41
nmz787phd in chem22:41
abetuskwhat kind of detail are you looking to get for a microfluidic system?22:42
nmz787well if its my phd project i will explore a bunch of stuff, from DIYable to nanofluidics22:43
nmz787nanochannels allow gel-free separation of DNA based on size22:44
abetuskhard to do at the DIY level22:45
nmz787a master could be made pretty cheap and you can just stamp nanofeatures22:45
nmz787like literally turn it upside down, pour degassed liquid silicone with crosslinker and let cure, peel off22:46
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browniesnmz787: where at?22:51
nmz787portland Or22:57
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@kanzurei should map a key straight to underscore. it's silly to have to press shift for that.22:59
joshcryerReverse map underscore maybe?23:02
joshcryerCould take a little bit to get used to.23:02
@kanzurenah, i use minus everywhere in my file system23:03
@kanzurebut python loves itself some underscores23:03
joshcryerAhh, not a Python guy here. (Still haven't learned it, I know I should be ashamed.)23:03
nmz787kanzure: can you tell me why this regex wont work =re.compile('(^.*)-[^-]*(\..*)'23:04
@kanzureyes you are missing the closing paren23:04
nmz787to remove the random chars before the file ext 'Van_Morrison_-_Wild_Night_1971-VX2_HahKoe4.flv'23:04
@kanzurejust find the last _23:05
nmz787nah i just didnt copy it23:05
nmz787it's not always there23:05
@kanzurething = thing[:thing.rfind("_")] + ".flv"23:05
nmz787no dude23:05
nmz787please man23:05
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nmz787have you been sleeping much?23:05
@kanzureyou really don't like my answers huh23:06
nmz787you seem to not be reading my statements today23:06
@kanzurewell i told you about the missing paren23:06
nmz787i didnt ask for another solution, i asked why my solution wasnt working23:06
nmz787and i told you that isnt the reason23:06
nmz787i didn't copy it because the regex is the problem, not the function call23:07
nmz787there was a , re.VERBOSE)23:07
* kanzure sleeps23:21
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