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kanzurepaperbot: http://www.jove.com/video/2032/experimental-models-for-study-retinal-pigment-epithelial-physiology01:32
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Experimental%20Models%20for%20Study%20of%20Retinal%20Pigment%20Epithelial%20Physiology%20and%20Pathophysiology.pdf01:32
kanzureeleitl: ping^01:32
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juri_just got done with some truely hideous javascript.03:04
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chris_99nmz787, are you about per chance?08:17
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kanzurepaperbot: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.005376010:40
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Telomerase%20Reverse%20Transcriptase%20Synergizes%20with%20Calorie%20Restriction%20to%20Increase%20Health%20Span%20and%20Extend%20Mouse%20Longevity.pdf10:40
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seba-kanzure cool11:41
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kanzurewhat text editor leaves myfile.LCK files everywhere?16:13
kanzurevim seems to use .swo and .swp, but recently i've been finding a bunch of files left on webservers as .whatever.swn (instead of swp or swo)16:13
kanzureaha. dreamweaver leaves .lck files.16:14
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kanzuredunno what's going on here http://downloadpaper.ir/16:26
kanzurenot much in here http://www.gigapaper.ir/Articles/16:26
Urchin[Emacs]I'm checking out my old transhumanist blog16:26
kanzurethe ieee folder has some papers16:26
Urchin[Emacs]not much stuff there16:26
Urchin[Emacs]I haven't posted since 200616:28
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eudoxiaso some guy started a new hplus forum http://thetranshumanist.com/forum/17:32
eudoxiagetting koen de paus to advertise your new h+ forum to his followers... i should have thought about that17:33
eudoxiameh it will be filled with useless philosophers anyways17:33
yashgarothwtf is a koen de paus17:33
kanzureit's a sign of respect, i think, between mob bosses17:34
eudoxiasome guy on g+ who occasionally talks about transhumanism and has like 20k followers17:34
nmz787kanzure: did you try the code ?17:44
kanzurenmz787: yours? no not yet. i have been busy writing other things.17:50
kanzure"You have selected a resource that is licensed for the exclusive use of Wyoming citizens."17:50
eudoxiaw-w-well see if i c-care, Wyoming ;_;17:59
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kanzuretheir character encoding is wrong19:18
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kanzureParahSailin: am i reading this right? http://www.i-nobel.com/bbs/read.php?tid-433188.html19:51
kanzurethey want me to send in photo id to register?19:51
kanzure... to share papers?19:51
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kanzurehttp://madhadron.com/?p=263 "I’m leaving bioinformatics to go work at a software company with more technically ept people and for a lot more money. This seems like an opportune time to set forth my accumulated wisdom and thoughts on bioinformatics. My attitude towards the subject after all my work in it can probably be best summarized thus: “Fuck you, bioinformatics. Eat shit and die.”"21:44
yashgarothlooks about right21:46
brownieswell that's inspiring.21:48
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brownies"Instead of verifying a single implementation, it's often better for somebody to reimplement the idea from scratch; if a second implementation in a different language written by a different programmer gets the same results, this is a much more thorough validation of the software than going over prototype software line by line."22:15
kanzureyeah that's just the tip of the iceberg of the crazy22:16
browniesit seems that the problem is that biologists should have all thought "oh, let's learn to program!" and instead they procured lots of extra grant money and said "oh, let's hire programmers!"22:16
browniess/the problem/one of the problems/22:17
yashgarothbiologists didn't spend 15 years in grad school to learn more things22:17
yashgarothafter, that is22:17
browniesyou know what they say22:24
brownies"once you learn a certain amount, you can stop learning forever!"22:24
yashgarothalso they're probably secretly peeved that programmers make more than they do22:25
* kanzure throws out his nodejs documentation22:26
kanzuresecret? it's no secret. nobody likes to make $30k/year.22:26
browniesyeah, well, if they'd stop spending grant money on paying programmers whose time they don't know how to fully utilize (!!!) maybe they wouldn't have to pay themselves subsistence wages.22:27
brownies"Also, I've seen way too many software engineers come in with an enterprisey attitude of establishing all sorts of crazy infrastructure and get absolutely no work done."22:27
brownieswhere do they get this crap?22:27
juri_you know, this is funny to read, given that i'm a (rock star motherfuckka!) computer/mechanical/electrical engineer, wishing i had biological skills.22:29
juri_... and i can't find enough work in the free software industry to make double minimum wage. ;P22:30
yashgarothregarding that comment you quoted, the UCSC genome browser is one of the best/few useable bioinformatics tools, and it's still annoying as shit22:31
juri_maybe bioinformatics tools wouldn't suck, if every person who hired a programmer didn't insist on keeping the secret sauce secret.22:33
browniesyashgaroth: what's annoying about it?22:34
yashgarotha million settings, and none of them change what you want them to22:34
browniesah. UX problems. no surprise.22:35
yashgarothidk it's not that bad for gov't funded programming, I'm sure22:35
nmz787kanzure: we chose the same pic for inobel22:35
yashgarothjuri_ what do you mean? most bioinfo software, especially grant-funded, is open source22:38
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juri_yash: i don't know bioinformatics software, i just know the requests in all industries that i as a software developer get. I've got standing offers to make six figures as a non-free software developer, but instead make barely enough to live developing free software, as the price of making non-free software is just too high.22:58
browniesbad priorities. got it.23:02
juri_people are my priority.23:03
browniesyashgaroth: holy hell. http://genome-source.cse.ucsc.edu/gitweb/?p=kent.git;a=blob;f=src/product/README.building.source23:04
brownieshave these people never heard of ./configure ?23:04
yashgarothI've no idea what that or you are talking about :/23:05
yashgarothjuri_ why not take the job with dem sixfigz and pay two programmers to do free software23:05
yashgarothyes, the text on that page or what a ./configure is23:06
browniesyashgaroth: it's the "open source building instructions" for the Genome Browser you mentioned23:06
browniesyes, that's the problem.23:06
browniesthey haven't exactly made it easy for other people to contribute work back to it, to help improve it, to build upon what's already there23:06
yashgarothsee, you could've said it was anything and I'd believe you23:06
browniesthen that's also the problem! =P23:06
brownieswhere is kanzure? he can help me rant about this.23:06
browniesi have this little pet hypothesis that all of science would be drastically improved if we could just convince every working academic to put their code on github every time they publish a paper23:07
juri_yash: i've actually tried that, when i was working for walmart. my work made walmart stronger, where the development i paid for didn't really help anyone. I'm a very good software developer. ;)23:07
juri_i helped walmart roll out stores in mexico which they are still facing charges about. I'm not proud of those days, its the greatest black mark on my work.23:09
yashgarothwell find a company that's less mind-fuckingly evil than walmart23:09
juri_oddly, it seems the eviler they are, the more they pay.23:10
juri_and that still doesn't solve the 'i write code better than the people i can hire' problem. ;)23:11
yashgarothwell work at some innocuous company in silicon valley making the next facegram...r23:11
yashgaroththey still pay insane money apparently23:12
kanzurebrownies: i think academics should submit themselves to code reviews23:12
kanzurethey believe in peer review, so why not code review.23:13
kanzurecode review makes better programmers. and they don't do it.23:13
yashgarothare we still talking about bioinformatics here23:13
kanzureacademic programming of any sort.23:13
kanzurei wrote some bioinformatics software when i was stationed in two different academic labs23:14
kanzureand nobody ever wanted to look over my code.23:14
juri_i was barely talking about it in the first place. while some of the algorithms i use/maintain are used in that field, i don't work in it myself.23:14
kanzureat the time, i could have really used some code review from people who actually knew bioinformatics and programming.23:14
browniesthe problem is that there probably wasn't anyone qualified to both review code AND the bio ideas contained therein23:14
browniesthe code review system works because it's basically apprenticeship ... which means there already exist people who know wtf is going on.23:15
kanzureone of the programs i built was extremely simply- i was optimizing which codons to use for encoding certain proteins in a genome to make a biofuel process suck less23:15
kanzurei think bioperl or biopython has a module that does that, but i didn't know about it at the time and apparently nobody wanted to tell me either.23:15
juri_for code review with accademic papers, you would think the paper would cover enough of the knowlege to help a programer review the code.23:15
yashgarothkanzure: oh I hope you weren't just changing every codon to the single most commonly used one for highly expressed genes23:16
juri_if anyone needs review of free software, associated with an accademic paper, i think i can find some time.23:17
kanzureyashgaroth: no it was based on metabolism23:17
yashgarothah good23:18
kanzurepfft come on man23:18
yashgarothjust checkin'23:18
kanzurei find your lack of faith disturbing, long and prosper23:18
yashgaroththe tRNA depletion, maaaan23:18
kanzure(because jj abrams is doing both, all quotes must henceforth be mixed from both SW and ST)23:18
kanzurespeaking of which, i should go back and comment on cathal's code23:19
yashgaroththese aren't the droids you're uh...shit I don't watch star trek much23:19
brownies"the paper would cover enough ... knowledge to help a programmer review the code" <= laughably wrong23:19
browniesthe paper usually barely covers enough knowledge to help a working specialist review the paper23:19
kanzurei helped him clean up the code a few months ago (years?) but it's probably lapsed a bit23:20
kanzureplus it's completely non-installable23:20
juri_brownies: to assist in reviewing the code? got an example?23:20
kanzure"lib" what is "lib" this does not belong in a python project23:20
juri_i write code based on accademic papers, in the image recognition field.23:21
kanzurere-implementing an algorithm from a paper is the most annoying shit23:22
kanzurefor stress relief i recommend printing out a physical copy of the paper and burning it23:22
juri_i leave physical copies of papers in the restroom. what is done with them there is an exercise left to the reader. ;)23:22
browniesi think we've all written code based on papers; that is not really the point23:23
browniesthe point is that the paper should come with a polished, well-commented, documented version of the exact code used in producing the paper23:23
browniesso that thousands of people don't have to sit around like jackasses implementing code based on papers -_-23:23
kanzurejuri_: btw, one of the things the free software community desperately needs is an actually open source implementation of a nurbs manipulation library. brlcad has been struggling along without one for years.23:23
kanzurejuri_: opencascade has a questionable license, and their source code is unmaintainable garbage (french + english + russian) with bugs all over the place. and tracing things properly across >200 submodules is nearly impossible even with grep.23:24
kanzurejuri_: this would be very very helpful with things like hardware packaging standards because we could just use a nurbs representation of models and parametrically re-use parts in other models that build on other pieces of open source hardware.23:25
* juri_ takes a peek.23:25
juri_I've been watching implicitcad with more than some interest.23:27
juri_they're looking at constraints support, ATM.23:27
kanzurei somehow convinced fenn to try out implicitcad, http://fennetic.net/irc/rail_meshlab.png23:29
kanzure12:04 < fenn> kanzure: implicitcad works as intended, but it needs a lot of work to be usable. the constant size sampling grid for example makes things slow at larger absolute dimensions23:30
kanzure12:04 < fenn> rendering time scales ~ as the cube of the dimension23:30
kanzure12:05 < kanzure> "size sampling grid" what?23:30
kanzure12:05 < fenn> a simple script to watch the source file for changes and re-render it at increasing resolution would be nice23:30
kanzureif implicitcad could be replaced with nurbs manipulation under the hood, you could dump output to standard formats for proprietary cad tools and start to sucker in people from the actual engineering fields.23:35
juri_kanzure: i think this is a good answer to the question i asked you the other day.23:37
kanzuresometimes it takes me a while.23:37
juri_a good answer is worth the wait.23:38
-!- yashgaroth [~ffffff@cpe-66-27-118-94.san.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving]23:44
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