
--- Log opened Wed Jan 30 00:00:45 2013
-!- reddit-metacogni [~metacogni@99-7-58-96.lightspeed.davlca.sbcglobal.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:24
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eleitlgood morning00:40
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@kanzureeleitl: hi00:44
eleitlI was a bit away the last few days, have I missed anything important?00:50
@kanzurenothing earth shattering.. the logs are quick to read though00:50
@kanzurealso paperbot works with jove00:51
eleitlgreat -- so how can I access the videos?00:51
@kanzuredo you use chrome or firebug?00:52
eleitlpaperbot gives you a download link?00:52
@kanzuresadly no00:52
eleitlI have both Chrome and Waterfox00:52
@kanzureat the moment you have to load the page while enabling the network inspection tab in firebug or webkit inspector00:52
@kanzurethen sort by largest file, get the multi-megabyte file and select its url00:52
@kanzureauthentication is done by their flash client00:52
@kanzuretheir video file is public00:52
eleitlI see00:52
@kanzurein this case the url is:00:53
eleitlsomebody should download all these, and liberate them00:54
@kanzures/somebody/bryan :/00:54
eleitlthat ditzy voice is quite annoying00:55
@kanzurethey get different voice actors00:55
@kanzurenot sure where they are finding voice talent that can pronounce these things, though..00:55
eleitlgreat resource though00:56
@kanzurespringer protocols is much more extensive00:56
eleitlis that part of springerlink?00:57
eleitlIIRC they only have ebooks and journals there00:57
@kanzure"Copyright © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC"00:57
@kanzurehaha look at the bottom footer http://springerprotocols.com/00:57
@kanzure"Remote Address: $fto.getIpAddr() , Server: ewrbspd4"00:58
@kanzure5000 protocols in "cell biology" listed, http://springerprotocols.com/cdp/view/browse?articleType=Protocol&textOption=ALL&abstractOption=ALL&category=Cell%20Biology&categoryCode=CEB&temp=123&sortBy=BEST_MATCH&pageSize=10&bname=Cell%20Biology00:58
eleitlit does link to http://link.springer.com/protocol/10.1007%2F978-1-59745-521-3_2301:00
@kanzure"© Springer, Part of Springer Science+Business Media"01:01
@kanzurethe footer seems to work on link.springer.com, "Not logged in Unaffiliated"01:02
eleitlmy impression is that the trolls lack manpower with real clue01:04
eleitlthey're understaffed in the clue area, at least01:04
eleitltoo many bureaucrats to pay off first01:04
@kanzurepaperbot: http://link.springer.com/protocol/10.1007%2F978-1-59745-521-3_2301:05
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/a3b189e6214b8c78d2953c26e1699657.txt01:05
@kanzurepaperbot: http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-1-59745-521-3_2301:06
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/8239c7f6ddab7ed290d938b8f92a0e89.txt01:06
-!- nsh [~nsh@wikipedia/nsh] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]01:06
@kanzurewell that's infuriating..01:06
* eleitl has ordered 25 l of DMSO yesterday01:11
eleitl12 l of ethanediol arrived yesterday, too01:12
eleitlwebkit inspector enabled by default, good guy Google01:16
@kanzurethe network tab is wonky.. you have to switch to it, then refresh the page to start the network recording.01:17
eleitlthanks for the tip01:17
eleitlthat tab trick works fine with jove, just verified01:20
@kanzurehappy science day01:21
@kanzurei have been streaming them non-stop (it's better than tv while i am working)01:21
eleitleverything is better than TV :)01:22
@kanzureeleitl: i learned of an individual today who does chemistry and bodybuilding01:25
eleitlsounds like a bad mix01:25
eleitlmost bodybuilders tend to screw up their bodies on the long run01:25
@kanzure"A week after Arnold took his first dose of liquid mestanolone, his life began to change. At the gym, he was on fire. ... Arnold focused his efforts on a patent he came across while flipping through chemical abstracts. It came from an East German pharmaceutical company called Jenapharm, which produced most of the steroidal compounds used in the former communist nation’s athletic doping program."01:25
@kanzurei think germany was communist before 1930s, so there was a mandatory steroid program ??01:26
eleitlGermany was never communist, only GDR past-war01:27
@kanzureoh east german01:27
@kanzurenot sure where they are getting "former communist nation's athletic doping program" from..01:27
eleitlGDR and the East Block in general apparently were big into steroids01:27
eleitldunno, it's what they say01:28
@kanzure"In 2005 the company was sued or threatened with lawsuits by hundreds of athletes who were forced to take these drugs.[5] The company settled the lawsuits by contributing to the creation of a $4.1 million fund that compensated former athletes.[6][7]"01:28
@kanzure"forced" to take these drugs? hah.01:28
eleitlthe topic is of no particular interest to me01:28
@kanzureah okay.01:28
eleitlno, I meant I don't know much about it because it's not relevant to my interests(tm)01:29
@kanzurewell anyway, as you might know there's approximately only one bodybuilder in the transhumanist community01:29
eleitlI'm of course interested in hacking my body to slow aging and improve performance01:29
eleitlthe regime I'm taking is quite good, but needs moar tweaking01:29
eleitlplus, I need more money, too. It's a bit expensive.01:30
@kanzurethe point is that someone bothered to put together some simple synthesis reactions to make the things he wanted, rather than just giving up.01:30
eleitloh yeah, that's quite easy for designer drugs01:31
@kanzurebodybuilding itself isn't particularly interesting (there is no actual need to be "ripped") except that it shows applied effort01:31
eleitlyou can outsource that kind of thing to china, unless they don't have a lot of clue in steroid analoga01:32
eleitlthen, you'd do better doing things on your own01:32
eleitlI think I will start doing chemistry maybe next month01:32
eleitlfirst project is ice blockers01:32
@kanzurei've been curious why transhumanists on average are against steroids for non-life-threatening-situations01:33
@kanzuredoesn't matter that much, it's just another bizarre contradiction01:33
* kanzure sleeps01:33
eleitlthey're typically life-shortening on the long run01:33
eleitlgood night01:33
@kanzureeleitl: please be careful with the jove knowledge until we have confirmed we have a complete backup01:35
* eleitl clams up until done01:35
eleitlI'll try backing it up myself, assuming there's not too much space required.01:35
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@kanzure50 MB/video seems to be the average.01:36
@kanzure2000 * 50 =~ 100 GB01:36
eleitl100 GByte? A child's play.01:36
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* archels randomly buys The Myth of Sisyphus01:42
eleitlthat's ringing a bell, but I don't know which01:42
eleitloh, right01:43
archelsif Camus had concluded 'the fact that we choose to venture on the journey is a good thing' instead of 'the journey is its own reward', the SMBC guy wouldn't have had his point01:45
eleitlI wonder why we want to frame our beliefs in terms of prior work01:48
brownieseh? what did SMBC have to say about Camus?01:49
archelsbrownies: cf. today's comic01:49
eleitlapparently, he like camus http://www.smbc-comics.com/?id=281501:50
brownieshm, maybe i don't know Camus well enough to get that one01:51
browniesthere's also this one: http://www.smbc-comics.com/?id=271901:51
eleitlthis eternal quest looking for meaning in the sea if meaninglessness01:51
eleitlbrownies: heh01:52
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browniesso immortality will give humans innate purpose and invalidate nihilism?01:52
browniespoor sisyphus. here's another one: http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=1947#comic01:53
@kanzureit will for me, losers01:53
eleitlpurpose is a tweakable parameter01:54
@kanzurei don't know what i am watching01:54
eleitl"I miss my boulder"01:55
eleitlwhy didn't they let the researcher voice the damn video?01:56
eleitlbreathy ditz, again01:56
eleitlthat hung my chrome01:59
eleitlVLC multimedia plugin has crashed01:59
@kanzurei am running out of storage02:00
@kanzurei can take 100 GB but not much more02:00
@kanzurehah today's xkcd02:04
eleitlthe essense of Wikipedia02:13
@kanzurehow do i tell if a long-running sed is still doing work?02:15
@kanzureah nevermind. it's still running. it leaves tempfiles all over the place.02:16
@kanzureeleitl: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/jove_urls.txt02:22
@kanzureeleitl: some of these are redundant (multiple file formats, preview versions, etc.) so be careful.02:22
@kanzurelet me know how many you get or where you stop.02:22
eleitlThe requested URL /~bryan/jove_urls.txt was not found on this server.02:23
@kanzureoops, http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/jove.urls.txt02:24
@kanzureoh neat: http://ecsource.jove.com/CDNSource/4466_Syncardia_Interview_052312_Web.mov02:24
brownieswow. i had to see the Wiki talk page for myself to believe it.02:26
eleitlkanzure, are you using long random delays between downloads02:28
@kanzurei am not downloading02:28
@kanzurei am sleeping02:29
@kanzureths is my lucid dreaming interface02:29
eleitlyou're talking in your sleep02:29
@kanzureyou are currently a gingerbread house02:29
@kanzurehowever.. i had to download >5000 xml files to get those urls, and i had no delay and it worked fine.02:30
eleitlit's just if they see load, and look into logs, they'll know something is up02:31
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bkerokanzure: break off gingerbread doorknob and eat.04:01
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archelspaperbot: http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2012/07/15/mit-scientists-crowdsource-effort-map-connections-brain/v1CEwhwl90GDjKzL6oTC4L/story.html09:01
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/1143f64f89caa66206300faee19e5cff.txt09:01
archelsoh, if you had only named that .html that would have been perfect09:02
eleitlI've tried the same thing with C. elegans a while back09:02
archelskanzure: ^09:02
eleitlbefore there was this 'gamification' craze09:03
archelswe're just building a dataset, so that we can teach our artifical neural networks later how to do it. :)09:04
eleitlthat was exactly the plan, use hand-curated data for machine learning calibration09:04
eleitlpeople don't scale, but the best of them can make kick-ass quality data09:05
eleitlof course, you need to be able to weed out the bozos, too09:05
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nmz787kanzure: so i downloaded a paper and I need to remove the 'side text' that says where i downloaded it10:18
nmz787it is selectable text10:18
nmz787and it's sideways10:18
Vicariousfile type? pdf?10:23
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nmz787Vicarious: yes pdf11:05
@kanzurenmz787: you can delete the text by opening up the pdf and finding the right attribute11:05
@kanzurenmz787: best thing for now is to do it by trial and error11:06
Vicariousor use a pdf editor app11:06
@kanzureno thanks11:06
@kanzurearchels: i am opposed to using anything other than the text/plain content-type for those files because the majority of the time we need to be looking at the html to figure out where the pdfs are.11:07
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@kanzurethat ubiome person is spamming everywhere for indiegogo, i hate her11:16
@kanzureshe should die in a fire11:16
gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=a15dafb7 Bryan Bishop: add a contact for diybio-estonia11:18
gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=df58568b Bryan Bishop: add cchs/diybio-melbourne contacts11:18
@kanzure"Fucking uBiome got almost $200K on IndieGogo.  I know the founders and they are not very reliable.  Highly unlikely they will deliver or even still be doing this in 18 months."11:20
ThomasEgiold german wisdom "je dümmer der bauer, desto dicker die kartoffeln" . means as much as : the more stupid they are, the more money they have11:21
archelspotatoes stand for money?11:25
ThomasEgiwell ... in this case probably yes11:26
ThomasEgiit's pretty interpretable and fits to many situations11:26
archelspotatoes as a status symbol. crazy Germans11:28
ThomasEgithat wisdom is old.11:29
@kanzurethat potato is old.11:34
juri_7 minutes to build. 30 seconds to solve problem. wash, rinse, repeat, pull hair out.11:42
@kanzureyou should fix the build time.11:43
@kanzurefixing the build time will have tremendous health benefits for your scalp and hair.11:43
browniesmight save you some on your water bill too11:47
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juri_`nuff said.11:53
@kanzurethe railsocalypse continues https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=513958311:54
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eudoxiawell that's what they get for using a dynamically typed language12:19
nmz787kanzure: is that the only comment that's negative though?12:19
nmz787kanzure: that uBiome thing looks pretty doable and the price seems about right12:20
nmz78716S then getting time for hiSeq runs12:20
nmz787with all the $$$ they will def have enough $ and samples to make the illumina runs worth it12:20
nmz787and i think the seqs are short, so computationally cheap to assemble i think12:20
nmz787though i'm not sure a whole 16S seq could fit in one read or not12:21
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nmz787i dunno the seq and read length12:21
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@kanzure"Regarding damages, JSTOR’s articles are freely available at 7,000 institutions worldwide, and many documents are public domain.   MIT’s $50,000 annual subscription amounts to $136/day, a starting point for calculating damages."13:02
@kanzurewhere did this $50,000/year number come from?13:02
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@kanzureDaZ: hello.13:16
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cpopellkanzure, you around?17:55
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jrayhawkAny opinions on the Mind Alive devices?18:11
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@kanzurecpopell: no18:59
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@kanzureJuul: how's vancouver treating you19:08
Juulkanzure, good. i got a bad cold though, so my abilities are degraded to "walking around and looking at the pretty things"-level19:09
Juuldo you know anything about zink medicine?19:10
Juuleveryone is saying i should eat it19:10
Juulthey don't have that in denmark, or if they do it's prescription19:10
Juulso: ineffective or dangerous or both?19:10
Juuli've been looking a bit more at nurby things19:11
cpopellkanzure, got any emergency contract work kicking around for one of ours?19:11
Juulsince several people at sudo room are doing 3d things19:11
@kanzureJuul: they might mean zinc19:12
@kanzurecpopell: depends. i certainly have a lot of work that i need done that i could pay for.19:12
Juulkanzure, ah, thanks for correcting19:12
cpopellLemminkainen specifically. http://xhonk.com/ He just got fucked by the person he was contracting to19:13
@kanzureiirc honkala got money from thiel19:13
cpopellAll I know is the dude is stuck in vegas with pretty much no money in his account because his boss fucked him.19:14
cpopellcan't even get on irc, hence me contacting you19:14
@kanzureno, wrong honkala i guess.19:14
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@kanzureah i was thinking of alex kiselev19:14
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Juulbtw, i looked into Nature Publishing Group's terms (since the BIOFAB's papers are finally getting published)19:15
Juuland while they own the copyright on work done by the Nature editors, everything else remains your own19:15
@kanzuresounds like more of an emergency than i can ahndle19:16
cpopellShrug, quite possibly. What would be the timeline on finding if he filled your needs on work?19:16
cpopellKnow anyone for him to talk to?19:17
yashgarothoh lemminkainen is xhonk?19:17
cpopellyeah, yashgaroth19:17
@kanzureno i don't know anyone in vegas19:18
Juuli noticed that NPG advises people to publish their original manuscript 6 months after NPG publishes the nice edited version19:18
cpopellon a side note, yashgaroth, my 23andme results came out19:18
yashgarothgot any weird jewgene results? I had a couple19:18
@kanzurecpopell: you know of a name patrick arnold?19:19
cpopellNot off the top of my head.19:19
cpopellyashgaroth: Paternal haplotype was q1b.19:19
cpopellWhich is mostly siberian and americas, but can also be correlated with ashkenazi (rarely)19:19
Juulbut their license agreement doesn't mention the 6 month wait so it seems like anyone who publishes to nature can immediately publish the original document elsewhere19:20
@kanzureJuul: i bet they are talking about the authors only, not bystanders/readers19:20
JuulJuul, oh yes.19:20
JuulJuul, you're a fool!19:21
@kanzureperhaps you are more ill than you thought19:21
JuulJuul, no! don't listen to him!19:22
Juulthe skype iphone app has the "pickup call" button on top of the "end call" button that appears immediately after picking up a call19:23
Juulthat's some nice gui design right there19:23
Juulanyway: NURBS. Someone started work on nurbs for three.js but hasn't continued it: https://github.com/sntx/NURBSForTHREE/tree/master/src19:25
@kanzureis this just rendering, or is it nurbs math?19:25
@kanzurehm definitely rendering19:26
nmz787kanzure: didnt you look at this before http://www.lifetechnologies.com/us/en/home/technical-resources/software-downloads/abi-prism-310-genetic-analyzer.html19:26
@kanzuremaybe not the ABI 310 but definitely the ABI line19:27
@kanzurei think ABI 378 is a synthesizer19:27
nmz787if we could extract the protocol section, I could add it to python-spectrometers19:27
Juuli'm trying to get Jae Kwon, one of the sudoers, to write a nurbs engine19:27
@kanzureoh, you mean one of the software things. yeah.19:27
@kanzureJuul: i met jae kwon the other day19:27
nmz787kanzure: i thought there was a group with a busted sequencer, or just without the windows software19:27
Juulkanzure, good!19:27
@kanzurenmz787: the los angeles group19:27
nmz787kanzure: yea i think you decompiled the package19:27
nmz787depacked it19:27
yashgarothhey there's one of those ABI models for sale at ucsd surplus, a steal at $1200019:28
@kanzurenmz787: yes, it's just a text file with a zip file embedded inside of it19:28
nmz787yeah python would be able to do sequencing data output easily19:28
nmz787i am getting some sequencing reagents soon19:28
yashgarothcough http://surplus.ucsd.edu/Lot.aspx?id=8372619:29
Juuldo any of you know of a nice javascript plasmid visualizer?19:32
@kanzureno :/19:33
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Juuli'm trying to write one, but figuring out an algorithm for placing the labels so that they don't overlap, without taking crazy compute time, is not very simple19:35
Juullabels being "text labels with a line going to the feature on the plasmid they are describing"19:36
Lucius_Foxis there a way to manufacture software in such a way that is like an assembly line?19:38
Lucius_Foxi mean, typically, you just need a pc and a assembler or something like that to produce the software you want.19:39
Lucius_Foxbut that's just 1 person. i wonder how a software manufacturing company works.19:39
Juul"i'm a software assembler" you mean you write assembly language? "no, I mean I work on a software assembly line: I put in all of the zeroes"19:39
Lucius_Foxi mean general software19:39
Lucius_Foxwhether it be a app for a mobile, or a new O/S...19:40
Lucius_Foxis it invented by a lone genius19:40
Lucius_Foxor is it assembled with lots of people19:40
Lucius_Foxin their division?19:40
Lucius_Foxi guess it really depends on what kind of software but i've always been curious of-19:41
Lucius_Foxepic level softwares-19:41
Lucius_Foxis it like an manufacturing company where they hire hundreds of workers,19:41
Lucius_Foxor do they just outsource it overseas19:42
Lucius_Foxin india or something19:42
Lucius_Foxwithout a physical building needed.19:42
Lucius_Foxif so, how will the development of the software be guarded from being stolen by the very R&D?19:43
@kanzureperhaps you would benefit from reading the mythical man month19:43
Lucius_Foxis that a book?19:43
@kanzureit explores how software is built.19:43
yashgarothisn't java made for assembly-line programming? as it were19:43
Lucius_Foxok, i'll look into it.19:44
Lucius_Foxthanks for the reference. i've always been fascinated by the software architecture.19:44
@kanzuresome software is outsourced, other is not. when your core competency needs to be technology, you don't outsource that because you wouldn't have a business.19:44
@kanzureif you are talking about how contributions to a project are combined, you should learn about version control systems like git or perforce.19:45
Lucius_Foxi'm interested in epic projects that requires participation of many...19:46
@kanzuredo you write any software?19:46
Lucius_Foxwhat kind of softwares are in works, in this scale, and what they could be used for.19:46
Lucius_Foxno, i don't know anything. i'm just in media production.19:47
@kanzureare you juyun19:47
Lucius_Foxwhat is that a company?19:47
nmz787some dudes write stuff by themselves19:47
nmz787some are huge collaborations, whether paid or not19:47
nmz787lots build on software of yesteryear19:48
nmz787whether that was bought or ripped off19:48
nmz787or it was free to begin19:48
Lucius_Foxi want to make full use of any computing i would gather19:49
Lucius_Foxevery field. not just limited to video production.19:49
Lucius_Foxsoftware development seems one.19:49
@kanzuremaybe you should learn to write code.19:49
Lucius_Foxthat's not for me.19:50
nmz787Lucius_Fox: check out openFrameworks19:50
@kanzurethat attitude is not okay here19:50
@kanzureget out19:50
Lucius_Foxbut i think i can learn enough to direct19:50
nmz787its for artists19:50
@kanzureno, you can't learn enough to direct if you're unwilling to learn at all19:50
ArmilusDajjalits for ppl that cant do anything else19:51
Lucius_Foxim willing to learn up to the point of understanding why it works19:51
ArmilusDajjalweb design is for artists19:51
nmz787kanzure: coding isn't for everyone19:51
@kanzureweb design is not "just for artists"19:51
Lucius_Foxbut the nitty gritty details i'll leave it up to the geniuses.19:51
@kanzurenmz787: you are a liar. anybody can write code.19:51
ArmilusDajjalits for women19:51
nmz787ArmilusDajjal: hah unless you're writing PHP!19:51
Juuleveryone should learn everything, starting with something19:51
ArmilusDajjalthe actual design19:51
ArmilusDajjalmaking things look nice19:51
@kanzure"web design is for artists" what the fuck19:51
Lucius_Foxif you try and become superman of all things, you'll just waste time.19:52
-!- ArmilusDajjal was kicked from ##hplusroadmap by kanzure [get out]19:52
-!- Lucius_Fox was kicked from ##hplusroadmap by kanzure [you too]19:52
@kanzurewtf x900019:52
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nmz787Lucius_Fox: true19:52
Lucius_Foxwhat the fuck man19:52
nmz787Lucius_Fox: but you need to get an idea of what's out ther19:52
@kanzureLucius_Fox: your approach sucks and i don't think you would fit in here19:52
nmz787and coding is a big part of the world today19:52
Lucius_Foxlife is a learning process, if my approach fails, i'll adapt.19:53
nmz787or fail19:53
@kanzurea moment ago you were saying something else19:53
@kanzurewhich is it19:53
Lucius_Foxbut don't expect people to get it right the first time, nor could you be the judge to determine if your perspective alone is correct.19:53
@kanzurei am confident that my perspective on you is correct.19:53
Lucius_Foxit depends on people, their situation, and consequences following their choices.19:54
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Lucius_Foxi am trying to get a taste of whats out there before i can engineer anything, or reverse engineer anything for that matter.19:55
@kanzureyou should focus on learning things, instead of learning to manage things you know nothing about19:55
Lucius_Foxmost people seem to learn shit from school unknowing of what to produce, or why they are learning what they19:56
@kanzuredon't bring school into this19:56
@kanzureschool only muddles learning19:56
Lucius_Foxit's a line between what you say19:56
Lucius_Foxi'm searching for.19:56
Lucius_Foxsomething in between...19:56
@kanzureah you are juyun19:57
@kanzureyeah, get out19:57
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+q Lucius_Fox!*@*] by kanzure19:58
@kanzurethis guy keeps coming back for more.19:58
Juuldang, i'm gonna have to add ban-ability to etherpad19:58
Juulthe trolling of sudo room is getting crazy19:58
@kanzureouch :(19:59
nmz787kanzure: this is very similar to how you're described here https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!msg/DoctrineZero/Nxzccmtx7Q0/0EfbfaJuRBMJ19:59
Juulslurs, shock sites and genital ascii art all over our meeting minutes while the meeting is happening19:59
@kanzurenmz787: no, this person has a history in this channel spanning 4 years19:59
@kanzurenmz787: please don't jump to conclusions that quickly, dude.20:00
@kanzurenmz787: i have sent you a pm with evidence.20:02
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jrayhawkJuul: I can toss up an infininote server with access control up somewheres if you want.20:03
Juuljrayhawk, Cool. I'll have a look at infininote and see if it could suit our needs. We'll host it ourselves though, but thanks a lot for offering :)20:07
cpopellnmz: I often disagree with Bryan20:09
cpopellbut to be fair20:09
cpopellFuck everything yarowrath is involved in20:09
nmz787who the hell is yarowrath20:10
cpopellyarowrath/int_00h/vladimir frolov20:10
cpopellI might be mistaken. the rune Kalkin has as a pic reminds me of his stupid monolith group20:10
cpopellrussian transhumanist, leninist, white supremacist, possible terrorist(?), and friend of rachel haywire20:11
cpopellhe might have gotten kicked out of ZS20:13
Juulsometimes i feel like kanzure is channeling harry potter from harry potter and the methods of rationality20:15
strangewarpSorry, I've got dibs on being the former kid genius with a sleep disorder who has made shitty mistakes, here :p20:16
@kanzureif you want details on the history of this individual, i can provide them20:16
Juulstrangewarp, what?! i thought this was the support group channel for people like that!20:17
strangewarpJuul: In that case, everyone here is like HP:MoR Harry then :p20:17
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@kanzurenmz787: http://ask.diybio.org/questions/are-there-any-special-safety-issues-to-consider-when-planning-to-work/21:06
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@kanzurenaturally their site fails to handle the load of 1 user21:09
jrayhawkpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0300483X0500224621:13
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Implications%20for%20human%20health%20of%20the%20extensive%20bisphenol%20A%20literature%20showing%20adverse%20effects%20at%20low%20doses%3A%20A%20response%20to%20attempts%20to%20mislead%20the%20public.pdf21:13
jrayhawkoh right, you wanted me to do a thing with a zotoro recompilation hook21:16
@kanzurethat would be cool21:16
jrayhawkHmm. Probably tomorrow.21:16
@kanzureit would be cool if pushing to translators.git would run ~/code/paperbot/run-translation-server.sh to recompile with the new translators and restart the server (but i haven't done the svc stuff)21:17
Grognorpaperbot: help21:17
@kanzurealso translation-server would have to be pointed to the actual translators (right now it's just a working copy in ~/code/paperbot/translation-server/translators/.git)21:17
@kanzureGrognor: paperbot only fetches papers. there is no help.21:17
jrayhawkYeah, just give it a URL and hope for the best.21:18
Grognorokay, so it only takes urls21:18
Grognorthat's what I wanted to know21:18
@kanzureit also takes treats21:18
@kanzure.botsnack 321:18
GrognorI was wondering if I could just say "Kahneman 1997" or something21:18
@kanzurenot yet.21:18
jrayhawkThat's a good idea, though.21:18
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@kanzureGrognor: you're welcome to make the changes yourself21:19
GrognorI can't code things21:19
@kanzureanyone can code21:20
Grognorcounterexample: george washington21:20
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nmz787'But back in 2010, there was no thriving virtual community, no convenient how-to guides for the curious.'21:40
nmz787maybe they weren't looking?21:40
gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=985b7794 Bryan Bishop: add the third bbc/biohacking article21:40
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@kanzurenmz787: it seems like every time tehre's a diybio article, people just redefine whatever history they want21:41
@kanzuremeanwhile.. http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/news21:41
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gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=5fa6ece1 Bryan Bishop: add oreilly radar article link21:43
nmz787they PCRed ricin21:48
nmz787geez, that's a little much to do just for kicks21:49
yashgarothwho did21:49
@kanzurein the bbc articles21:50
@kanzurei think this is sascha's group in.. uh.. germany?21:51
yashgarothargh 12 pages of stuff I know already21:51
@kanzureyashgaroth: painful aint it21:51
yashgarothfucking bbc "future", 'view all' is the future21:52
@kanzurepaperbot is the future21:53
yashgarothso they didn't even get a visit from the polizei about it?21:53
nmz787the first and last articles are alright21:54
nmz787not much new to us21:54
@kanzurei remember meeting sascha at the fbi event but i wasn't sure why he never posted to the diybio group21:55
@kanzureif it's a language issue, then he should have just written emails in deutschlandtongue21:55
yashgarothhe spoke english good21:55
nmz787"Similarly, the ricin toxin found naturally in castor beans has been manufactured and used as a bioweapon, but no use of synthetic ricin bacteria or man-made toxin has been heard of  it is much easier to isolate the poison from plants or seeds than produce it from genetically engineered organisms. Nature is the better bioterrorist, says Wimmer."21:55
nmz787heh, you could post a link to the transcripts at the bottom of that article21:57
@kanzureoh yeah, i probably typed a transcript of his talk21:57
* kanzure looks21:57
nmz787I guess you can't actually comment there21:59
@kanzurei used to post articles about diybio to the diybio list, but it was sort of ironic and the articles were never that good22:02
@kanzureso i sort of stopped22:02
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superkuhpaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v493/n7434/full/nature11839.html22:08
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nmz787strange that sacha didn't post it22:53
@kanzurei can't explain it23:00
@kanzurewhy isn't the bone marrow transplant cures for hiv listed on the wikipedia article?23:05
@kanzureor ccr5-related fixes. wtf.23:05
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