
--- Log opened Sat Feb 02 00:00:48 2013
-!- Proteus [~Proteus@unaffiliated/proteus] has quit [Read error: Connection timed out]00:12
@fennno objection, but it would have been better a year ago00:35
@fennhuh seems like it was longer than that00:36
@kanzurenot true, it's better now because nmz787 has a home and things00:37
@kanzure<--- unit tests passing, i'm a very happy person.00:37
nmz787if we built laser anything, i think it would still have micro XY, but that it would expose resist rather than ablate00:40
nmz787i guess it would use the same optics actually00:40
nmz787so we could just try both00:40
nmz787fenn: what's your situation these days?00:41
nmz787fenn: i drove past indiana in december and thought of you, i think you had been there back then maybe00:41
nmz787fenn: i last remember you asking me to find 3D schematics for some part of that laser cutter00:42
@fenni'm in DC doing nothing interesting00:42
nmz787fenn this is what I'm looking at now00:42
nmz787paperbot: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ed800170t00:43
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Three-Dimensional%20Printing%20Using%20a%20Photoinitiated%20Polymer.pdf00:43
brownieswell that doesn't sound very interesting.00:44
@fennlooks identical to lemoncurry00:44
nmz787fenn https://nano-cemms.illinois.edu/materials/3d_printing_full00:44
@fennexcept it goes down into a vat instead of being exposed on the bottom and drawing out00:45
nmz787this way makes more sense than that00:45
@fennwhy do they call it "nano"00:45
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@fennnevermind, that's just the institution they're at00:46
@fenn" incredibly thin polymer layers (on the order of 400 nm)" so by this definition reprap is "nanotechnology"00:47
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nmz787so basically i was thinking I'd hook up a projector to my microscope, add a webcam for feedback, and make casting masters00:47
@fennmake it so, number one00:48
nmz787but you could just as easily put a laser in place of the projector and scan the exposure00:49
nmz787that's what azonenberg wants to do00:50
@fennyou could even do two photon for sooper dooper resolution00:50
@fennbut i imagine you want the negative of what a laser would scan00:51
nmz787i don't know if this gel is compatible with the reactions I want to do though, so I might be limited to one layer anyway, just to stamp into PDMS00:51
@fennprobably better that way00:51
nmz787but if it was able to be coerced into compatibility, that would be cool00:51
nmz787it's basically polyacrylamide00:51
nmz787with some http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/product/aldrich/246816?lang=en&region=US00:52
@fennthere are other chemistries available, see http://code.google.com/p/lemoncurry/wiki/main00:53
@fennjeez they haven't made any progress on that at all00:53
@fennsee "customers also viewed" on that sigma page :)00:55
@fennanyway, bucktownpolymers might do what you want without the hassle of sigma aldrich00:55
@kanzurethere, i've added http response saving for unit tests00:56
@fennnow it's just a SMOP to get it to actually do something00:59
@fennhttpickle or whatever you're calling it01:00
@kanzurehttpretty is just some unit testing wrapper thing for mocking the requests library01:01
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nmz787fenn: bucktown looks like it might be a lot more expensive than sigma01:01
@kanzurebut why would i want to manually write HTTPretty.register_uri in each unit test.. why not just load the actual result i received from the real request, and just test against that.01:01
@fennnmz787: really? i thought they were quoting something like $40/kg01:02
@fennanyway the problem with sigma is getting them to sell anything at all01:02
nmz787i've bought from sigma before01:03
nmz787they just need a commercial shipping address01:03
nmz787that's with most of these companies01:04
@fennkanzure: so this whole thing is just unit tests for python-requests? doesn't it have its own unit tests?01:04
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@kanzuredid langton count as commercial?01:04
@kanzurefenn: python-requests comes bundled with httpbin, and i think it runs an httpbin server01:04
@kanzurei mean it runs an instance of httpbin for the unit testing01:04
nmz787fenn: gallon of vis curable $235, gallon of UV curable $104001:04
@fennum, langton probably could have gotten away with commercial shipping01:04
@kanzure"fenn why are there 20 barrels marked 'alibaba, not illicit' in the garage?"01:05
nmz787it literally depends on the property zoning record01:05
@kanzurenobody would have noticed01:05
@fennis there no readily available UV cure resin for hobby stuff?01:06
@kanzurewhat does lemoncurry use?01:06
nmz787I might be able to use the sigma stuff for electrophoresis gel too01:06
@fenni mean this is basic chemistry, just need to add some uv absorbing dye to limit penetration01:06
@kanzurealso if there is no curable polymer we can always get treadwell to make something up, he has been begging for a relevant project.01:07
nmz787hmm well i guess sigma wants $150 for kg01:07
nmz787so that's prob 1/4 gallon ish01:07
@kanzure. units 1 kg01:07
@kanzurefuck the bots01:07
nmz787and that's the 80%01:07
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@fenni for one welcome our silent IRC overlords01:08
nmz787yeah i dunno what the other 20% is!01:09
@kanzurefenn: no really why don't we have a unitbot01:09
@fennso people dont use the channel as their personal command line01:10
@fenn.wa kg01:10
yoleauxkg (kilogram): Conversions to other units: 1 kg: 2.205 lb (pounds): 2 pounds 3.274 ounces: 1000 grams; Conversions from other units: 1 lb: 0.4536 kg; 1 oz: 0.02835 kg; 1 g: 0.001 kg; Physical quantity: mass; Unit type: SI base unit; Unit systems: Système International d'Unités (SI): decimeter-kilogram-second (DKS): meter-kilogram-second (MKS)01:10
@kanzureoh, wolfram.01:10
@fennanyway we don't know the density or at least i'm too lazy to look it up01:11
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nmz787yeah i'll just assume it's water01:13
@fennalways a valid assumption when dealing with unfamiliar organics01:14
@fenn"hexanediol acrylamide? goes well with gin"01:14
@fennwell it's past my bedtime. i believe we've discussed most of this before01:16
nmz787this is pretty similar http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/product/aldrich/411744?lang=en&region=US01:17
nmz787so add the activator and you're at the same price as bucktown01:17
nmz787so i guess their visible stuff is OK priced01:18
nmz787maybe they'll sell me less for a sample01:18
nmz787hmm, but they seem to only take paypal01:18
@fenntry asking info@bucktownpolymers.com01:19
@fennit's probably just one guy01:20
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AirmanEpichey guys! I'm stefan, curious about biohacking but with very little actual experience08:53
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yashgarothI'll warn you, saturday mornings aren't usually our busiest, but welcome09:04
AirmanEpicthanks. I just recently found this, it was just what I was looking for so I figured I'd keep it open09:05
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AirmanEpichey, I just remembered what a plasmid is!09:30
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yashgarothwell, good09:30
-!- Guest69111 is now known as DaZ09:30
AirmanEpicxD this stuff is ridiculously beyond my league.09:33
yashgarothI recommend a copy of Molecular Biology of the Gene, to be paired with Molecular Biology of the Cell09:34
chris_99yeah i got the latter one, seems really good09:36
AirmanEpicI'm getting the former as we speak09:37
AirmanEpicnever really read a textbook before, meh09:37
yashgarothwell you're gonna need to if you want to do anything beyond making a glowing bacterium09:37
yashgarothand you'll need to read it anyway if you want to understand how you're making said bacterium09:38
yashgarothdon't worry it's easy there's no math09:38
AirmanEpicWhich I do, eventually xD. Thanks for the help. What's the craziest thing you've done, yash?09:39
yashgarothcraziest? I try to do everything in a coherent state of mind09:40
AirmanEpicoh. ... well good point09:40
AirmanEpicHow about "most impressive"09:40
yashgarothidk I purified like 15 grams of plasmid last week, that was impressive to me09:41
AirmanEpicwhat was the plasmid for?09:41
yashgarothI'm afraid I can't disclose that information since it was for work, but it was part of a DNA vaccine09:41
yashgarothin my free time, I'm working on a plasmid that expresses follistatin, which I will then inject into my muscles09:42
yashgarothI hope to have that done within 6 months, depending on a lot of factors09:43
AirmanEpicdamn, sorry, I didn't want to pry. I googled follistatin but couldn't get any answers. What is it?09:44
yashgarothit's one of several inhibitors of myostatin, and myostatin is a muscle regulating factor, i.e. if you reduce the action of myostatin, muscles will grow09:45
AirmanEpicah so it's a bit of a steriod09:45
yashgarothyes, in a way, but without most of the side-effects hopefully09:45
yashgarothnot that steroids have many side effects if used correctly, but still09:45
AirmanEpicsweet. That is impressive indeed, good luck, can't wait to see the results09:46
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AirmanEpicthis may be a stupid question, but why is it that your body won't reject the plasmids?09:49
yashgaroththe immune system doesn't have any problem with DNA in itself, and follistatin is a normal human protein, I just want to make more of it09:50
yashgarothmost gene therapy work involves viruses and/or foreign proteins, which is when you might get rejection09:50
yashgarotherr, 'foreign' in the sense that you're lacking a normal protein, which would be immunogenic since you don't have it09:51
AirmanEpicI see. That makes sense. Hmmm. Is there a way to make a protein not immunogenic?09:52
yashgarothyou can mess around with the sequence, but not reliably - that's one of the holy grails of biomedicine09:53
AirmanEpicof course xD.09:53
AirmanEpicI was getting all excited09:53
yashgarothso while those with big research dollaz investigate that, I'm sticking with non-immunogenic proteins that I already have, and having my body make more of them09:54
yashgaroththat's also why I spend a lot of time telling people that getting a glowing GFP tattoo isn't useful for anything at the moment, except as a vaccine against GFP09:55
AirmanEpicexactly. I came to the same conclusion. Or messing with bacteria and keeping them outside the dermis09:55
yashgarothyes, modifying gut bacteria to make useful things is another interest, and applicable to DIYbio09:56
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AirmanEpicIt would be incredibly handy to allow a diet expansion09:58
yashgarothor contraction - eat whatever you want, and your gut flora will make sure you have enough vitamins, essential amino acids etc10:00
AirmanEpicgut flora xD that's a pretty freakin awesome thought. Could you make something that, say, detects your BMI and adjusts it?10:02
yashgaroththat would be far more complex, but your brain does an okay job of it already10:04
AirmanEpicah ok.10:05
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cpopellI'll be around here a lot more from now on10:49
cpopellfucking budget cuts.10:50
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AirmanEpicbudget cuts?10:57
cpopellI worked for the navy10:57
AirmanEpicoh yes.10:58
AirmanEpicHaven't really effected the AF yet10:58
cpopellare you active duty?10:59
cpopellI was two steps away from safety10:59
cpopellI was a civilian contractor10:59
cpopellnot even technically a fed employee10:59
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AirmanEpicsorry man11:00
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cpopellTime to spread my wings.11:00
AirmanEpicmetaphorical pr physical?11:02
AirmanEpicdamn. dreams crushed.11:02
cpopellI already spread them physically :P http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/PectoralSternal/DBFly.html11:03
AirmanEpicwasn't exactly what I had in mind ;P11:03
cpopellbrb with a real client11:08
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ThomasEgiAirmanEpic, physical wings on humans wouldn't be enough for flying anyway.11:13
ThomasEgigliding wolud work.11:13
chris_99some cats have wings ;)11:13
chris_99alas they don't fly11:13
ThomasEgiso you could jump down a skyscraper or a mountain wihout breaking your bones11:13
ThomasEgiwould still be fun to se a foldable wing for gliding in action.11:14
AirmanEpicI was kidding ThomasEgi, I'm well aware of the lack of muscle structure/bone density11:14
chris_99http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/df/Wingsuit-01.jpg/300px-Wingsuit-01.jpg ThomasEgi11:15
ThomasEgichris_99, not exactly what i had in mind with foldable. those are more.. über-cool-falling-suits11:15
chris_99mm, they look amazing fun11:16
ThomasEgii was more thinking about something that slows your fall down enough to be used to land yourself without breaking everybone in your body11:16
ThomasEgiso maybe somewhere along the 5m wingspan or so11:16
chris_99heh, supposedly iirc some people where going to try and land using one of those wingsuits11:16
chris_99not sure how though11:16
ThomasEgihm.. you'd have to gain speed first.11:17
AirmanEpicretro rockets, just sayin11:17
AirmanEpicor a huge pile of boxes11:17
ThomasEgiand once you have top speed. you pull horizontal short above the ground. using your momentum and the wings to create vertical lift.11:17
ThomasEgiit': still be a very fast landing11:17
ThomasEgimight work well if you land on wet grass or ice11:18
ThomasEgiwhere friction is rather low so you don't immedially stumble and roll all over the place11:18
ThomasEgiwould be a bit like.. jumping off a speeding car11:18
AirmanEpicwhy not just use a parachute during the last bit?11:19
ThomasEgithat's standard^11:19
ThomasEgieveryone does that. almost no risk, no thrill, no chance to die or ripp of half your skin on the ground11:19
AirmanEpicsounds good to me ;D11:20
ThomasEgione idea that i totaly liked.. taking a parachute and be slingshot in the air11:20
ThomasEgithat name is missleading. it's actually gliding11:20
AirmanEpic"This changes the tautness of the patagium, a furry parachute-like membrane that stretches from wrist to ankle.[4] It has a fluffy tail that stabilizes in flight. The tail acts as an adjunct airfoil, working as an air brake before landing on a tree trunk.[5]11:20
chris_99it's been done11:21
AirmanEpicfluffy tails, people, why didn't I think of that11:21
ThomasEgiAirmanEpic, cause if you stuck a fluffy tail to your behind you'd no longer do anything else but be obsessed with your own fluffyness11:22
AirmanEpicI didn't think of that bit.11:22
AirmanEpicyou can make it selectively fluffy, only made fluffy instinctively11:23
ThomasEgithose cardboard boxes..11:23
ThomasEgithat'd make the most awesome cardboardboxfortress ever!!11:23
ThomasEgiok how bout wingsuits and rocketboots?11:25
AirmanEpicbeen done11:25
AirmanEpicthe trick is coming up with a rocket boot that doesn't kill you with fumes or require huge ammounts of reaction mass11:25
AirmanEpicthe only thing they've really come up with is a hydrogen peroxide engine11:26
ThomasEgihm.. how bout good ol RC turbines?11:27
AirmanEpichighly explosive fuel, fumes, heat, etc.11:28
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cpopell_hey look a real client11:31
AirmanEpicI'm just using the plain old web client xD11:32
ThomasEgistill better than flipping microswitches like  madness11:33
AirmanEpichow so?11:34
ThomasEgiever typed with microswitches as input?11:34
AirmanEpic......... no11:34
ThomasEgiaint too much fun11:35
AirmanEpicI beleive you11:35
AirmanEpicI'm making a doorbell for my room.11:36
AirmanEpicdorm* room11:37
AirmanEpicI love how closely related biohacking is to normal hacking11:39
AirmanEpicneed a micro xy control for your camera? No worries, plug your arduino board in.11:40
AirmanEpicneed a quick centerfuge? 3D print one!11:40
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AirmanEpicI'll be back eventually12:42
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@kanzure"Regaring parseInt(), the story is even more complex though :) You should never use it without the radix because that behavior is not reliable when it comes to implying octal representation. Calling parseInt("016") yields 16 in Chrome (ES5 compliant [1]), while 14 in Firefox, Opera and IE8."13:05
@kanzureargh javascript13:05
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@kanzurebwahahaha dub of the north star http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twH93a4JYgI13:55
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nmz787interesting use of microfluidics http://www.tactustechnology.com/documents/Tactus_Technology_White_Paper.pdf15:20
nmz787i want one already15:20
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@fenntactus technology: bringing new dimensions to sexting15:42
@fennit's not very many buttons15:43
@fennit seems like they're not addressable, just inanimate plastic blobs that you can push15:46
@fenn"A class-action lawsuit15:46
@fennwas filed by LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired against videodisc rental service15:46
@fennwhy do blind people need access to video disc rental?15:47
@kanzurebecause maybe they watch movies15:47
@kanzurelegally blind is not no visual input whatsoever15:47
@kanzures/no visual input/no audio-visual input whatsoever15:47
@kanzureblergh broken regex.15:48
juri_i support a blind user, who enjoys all kinds of series'. he just listens to them.15:48
@kanzurebut, realistically, they should use torrents and not be subjected to the horrors of redbox15:48
@kanzurebraille computer interfaces are terrible and evil, people think that crippling a device for a cripple is a good idea15:49
@kanzure"let's put windows ce on it! yeah!"15:50
juri_my blind user uses windows XP.15:50
@fenni'm really wondering why there aren't any good or popular audio operating systems in common use15:51
@fennat least some kind of standard interface that could be implemented anywhere15:51
@kanzure口笛が聴こえるiu ios has good tty support i hearos15:51
@kanzurewtf happened in that message15:51
juri_something something something speaking?15:52
@fenn"whistle can be heard"15:52
juri_i still have basically no kanji.15:53
@fenni cheated :)15:53
@kanzureah i blame hiei http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XHa2HMBxiU15:53
juri_me and my partner are both teaching ourselves japanese.15:53
juri_we're to the point where we watch as much anime without subs, as with subs.15:54
@fenn... and you can understand anything?15:54
juri_oh yes.15:54
@fennkanzure: you listen to jpop?15:55
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@kanzurejuri_: then you can join us for the hplusroadmap re-enactment of 北斗の拳15:55
@kanzurefenn: sorta.. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL85F050BEFA28E04415:56
juri_kanzure: again, i don't do much kanji. ;)15:56
@fennfist of the north star15:57
@kanzuredub of the north star was hilarious. "last time on mad max..."15:57
juri_mm. not one of my series.15:57
@fennit's what will happen when yashgaroth's myostatin inhibitors interact with the ultrasonic transcranial stimulation15:57
@kanzureor when we revive bruce lee through skeleton dna sampling15:58
@fennhow does he expect plasmids injected into the muscle to be expressed anyway?15:58
yashgarothby strong viral promoters15:59
@fennbut mammalian cells aren't competent15:59
@kanzurehe has spoken15:59
yashgarothyou make them competent with elec yeah15:59
@fennin vivo electroporation?15:59
@kanzureex vivo15:59
yashgarothfuck yeah bro15:59
yashgarothit's in vivo15:59
@fennex vivo, so, red blood cells?15:59
yashgarothall up in those vivos15:59
@kanzureerm, i mean, stabbing yourself15:59
@fennokay so, uh, how do you keep from burning the shit out of yourself with the electricity16:00
yashgarothit's only a millisecond pulse16:00
@fennbut it's a lot of energy16:00
yashgarothnot necessarily16:00
@fenni mean it works by ripping holes in the membrane16:00
yashgarothsmall, transient holes16:00
yashgarothalso there's theoretically an electrophoresis effect16:01
@kanzurewhat's wrong with steroids again?16:01
yashgarothnothing, really16:01
yashgarothironically, experimental genetic augmentation is easier for me16:02
@fennsteroids don't do quite the same thing16:02
@fennyou still have to lift weights to gain muscle with steroids16:02
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yashgarothyou still gain some muscle just sitting around with 'roids16:03
@kanzureno you gain just by sitting around16:03
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@kanzurenot as much16:03
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@fennhuh so this is basically the same technology as the DNA vaccine you're doing16:04
yashgarothwhich DNA vaccine, the one I mentioned to that diybio fellow?16:05
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yashgarothpretty much all DNA vaccines and non-viral gene therapy trials these days use electroporation, and many of them use Ichor Medical's electroporator16:06
@fennman that's some star trek shit16:07
yashgarothyeah I don't know why they designed it like that16:08
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yashgarothanyway point is you get a solid 100-1000x increase in plasmid uptake, which is better/cheaper/less toxic than all the various chemicals that people otherwise use for transfection16:09
cpopellyash, I got my 23andme results.16:11
@fenni guess it's easier than viral packaging?16:11
yashgarothcpopell: yeah you mentioned, and also my condolences - about the work stuff that is, not your genes16:12
cpopellShrug. Going to spread wings a bit.16:12
cpopellanyway, I'm 47.6% ashkenazi :V16:12
cpopellmy dad was way, way more pure blood than he thought he was.16:12
yashgarothit's quite a lot easier than viruses, though mostly I dislike viruses because you need to be on severe immunosuppressants before/during/after16:12
@fennoh i didn't know that16:12
@fennpeople aren't exposed to milligrams of intravenous viral material in the wild16:13
yashgarothand most wild-type humans have pre-existing immunities to AAV, the current darling viral vector16:13
yashgarothunlike the lab monkeys and mice that they test it on16:14
yashgarothso you have an initial response that kills all cells that took up the viral particles, and then you develop a neutralizing response the next time you need said virus16:14
yashgarothI mean, you can try doing immunosuppressants for a month, but I'm sure as fuck not doing that outside of a bubble-boy bubble16:15
@fennyeah that sounds sub optimal16:15
yashgarothso if you've got [serious medical condition] viruses are fine, since you'd die otherwise16:16
@fenndid my idea of ex vivo electroporation with blood cells make sense? does follistatin need to be expressed in muscle tissue?16:17
yashgarothit makes sense; it doesn't necessarily need to be in muscle cells, but it's a semi-localized effect so you'd need a lot of it circulating, which can cause off-target effects16:17
yashgarothalso muscle cells persist for a long time so you get excellent duration, unlike skin/liver/immune cells16:17
@fennwell that's not necessarily a good thing if you discover unexpected side effects16:18
yashgaroththere's been a few studies, they haven't noticed anything weird; primary concern is effects on your nads16:19
AirmanEpichope you like your brand new fur xD16:19
yashgarothhere's one in primates that's now in clinical trials http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2852878/16:19
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AirmanEpicwell there ya go, no need to worry16:21
@fenncool. i didn't think it would be so easy to do this16:21
yashgarothoh it won't be easy, plasmids are still far less efficient than viruses16:21
yashgaroththere's some optimization you can do, but still16:21
@fennhow are you cloning plasmids?16:22
yashgaroththe traditional way16:22
yashgarothbtw our diybio lab in san diego got approved16:22
AirmanEpicnice. 'gratz.16:23
@fennwhat's "approved" mean?16:23
AirmanEpicby the way, can you get off of immunosupressants once the virus is through it's course?16:24
yashgaroththe city agreed to lease us the space for $1/year and pay all utilities16:24
yashgarothyou can go off immunosuppressants once all the viral particles have been digested by your cells, so maybe like a week after or something idk16:24
@fennthe reason i ask about cloning is if people start injecting themselves with lysate they might not know about endotoxin and so on16:24
yashgarothwell I am going to purify it16:24
yashgarothendotoxin is fairly easy to separate from plasmid with the right protocols, as it turns out16:25
@fennhow do you get just plasmid dna and not genomic dna? (don't you need large quantities of DNA too?)16:25
yashgarothgenomic is harder to separate but it's usually only a tiny fraction, same with RNA16:26
yashgarothcurrent FDA regs are like 1% genomic, which is high, but the method I have access to is very good at separating that out too16:26
AirmanEpicmight i ask what endotoxin is?16:26
@fennAirmanEpic: bacterial cell wall material; it's inherently irritating to your immune system and can cause side effects16:27
yashgarothdamn your fast fingers, yes16:27
AirmanEpichow bad, and what can you do to prevent it?16:27
AirmanEpicbow shicka xD16:27
yashgarothanything up to and including septic shock16:27
AirmanEpicoh shyt.16:27
yashgarothI always wonder how heroin addicts get away with it since heroin ain't exactly endo-free16:28
@fennhonestly i dont know that much about it16:28
@fennwell heroin is a semi purified product16:28
yashgarothsure, but they're handling it with their grubby fingers and filth-infested spoons and whatnot16:29
@fenni mean it's not a bacterial culture lysate16:29
yashgarothtrue, but anyway my previously mentioned method is capable of <1EU/mg easy16:29
yashgarothnonetheless I'll need to hunt down some horseshoe crab blood to make sure16:30
@fennhow does EU compare to CFU or ng or whatever16:30
yashgaroth1 EU is like 1ng or something, I'll check16:31
yashgarothah 5 EU/ng16:31
yashgarothCFU is harder to compare16:31
@fenn1 EU = "about 10^5 bacteria"16:31
AirmanEpichorseshoe crab blood... you put foreign cells in it and it clumps up, right?16:32
yashgarothyes, it's the classic assay for endotoxin16:32
yashgarothCFUs will be approximately 0 since the final DNA process uses ethanol, and I've purified plasmid hundreds of times from culture and not had any issue with contamination16:33
yashgarothassuming a working tissue culture hood, which I'm buying for the diybio lab16:33
@fennwell sure, because most molecular protocols kill bacteria through sheer chemical harshness16:33
@fennbut the dead cells are still there16:34
yashgarothsure, but you can reliably bind DNA to a resin and not endotoxins, then wash16:34
@fennso do you think this method would work for any peptide hormone?16:35
yashgarothdepends on the peptide, but "probably"16:35
@fenni'm personally more interested by HGH than myostatin16:36
@fennof course you can just get HGH on the grey market16:36
yashgarothstill expensive as fuck16:36
@fennyeah, so if you're taking it daily as anti-aging therapy it's not feasible with the current system16:36
yashgarothproblem is, I doubt many labs will sell you either the HGH gene or the primers to get it16:36
yashgarothand even if you get the primers you still need a fresh human pituitary gland16:37
AirmanEpicis there something I can use to restrict hair growth for a long time, like 2-4 years, but not permanently?16:37
yashgarothwax and lasers16:37
@fenni thought those blacklists were only for bio weapons and smallpox etc16:37
yashgarothHGH is anti-aging now? what the hell16:37
@fennhas been for some time16:37
yashgarothsure but I'm not risking the DEA coming down on my ass16:37
AirmanEpicthanks yash xD16:37
yashgaroththe synthesis companies don't *have* to report it, but they might just for kicks16:38
@fennwell anyway the genome is known and gene synthesis is coming down in price16:38
yashgarothcoming down excruciatingly slowly16:38
@fennbut purified HGH is going UP in price16:38
@fennsame old prohibition story16:38
yashgarothbecause they can (tm)16:39
@fennwho would they report it to anyway16:40
yashgarothDEA handles HGH16:40
yashgarothand they have a lot more guns than the FDA16:40
@fenn"co-sponsored by the Death Enforcement Administration"16:41
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AirmanEpicjust head to nebraska and do it in an underground lab. They'd never find you.16:41
@fennAirmanEpic: that's part of why we're working on a DIY DNA synthesizer16:42
yashgarothonce you have the gene it's no problem, the main concern is sourcing that16:42
yashgarothI could just go to mexichina and do it there if I was that worried16:42
AirmanEpicDNA synthesis. How do you do that?16:43
@fennwhat about site specific mutation of ... monkey pituitary or something16:43
@fennnevermind that's stupid16:43
@kanzureAirmanEpic: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/dna-synthesis.html16:43
yashgarothno, I considered it; that's a whole lot of mutations and the primers you need for that would also indicate you're working with HGH16:43
@kanzureAirmanEpic: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/nucleic/fbi-diybio-dna-v1.pdf16:43
AirmanEpicholy wall of text *gets reading*16:43
yashgarotheven a 20 basepair primer for site mutations would pinpoint which gene you're working on16:44
@fennoh, it's genomic so you don't need pituitary tissue16:45
yashgarothI meant pituitary so you could get the cDNA16:45
yashgarothif you take it from genomic you'll just need a lot more incriminating primers16:45
@fennhuh? it's not rocket science to screen for the complementary sequence as well16:46
yashgarothyeah, it's just a fuckton of sequencing and cloning and libraries16:46
@fennhold on, let me read up on cDNA16:47
@fennwhy can't you just clone the genomic DNA and let the target (human) cell do all the intron/exon crap after electroporation16:48
@fennis it to get good expression?16:49
yashgaroththat would make the vector extremely large, which means low expression16:49
yashgarothand still requires HGH-specific primers, which we're being paranoid about ordering16:49
AirmanEpicmy cells can make copies of my  genome all day long for $0.00001/genome. This  shows that lower costs are at least imaginable.16:49
yashgarothcopies are cheap16:50
yashgaroththe only way you'd be able to do it without ordering hgh-related primers is to make a library of all RNAs in a human pituitary, clone those into bacteria, and sequence several thousand until you find HGH16:51
yashgarothmaybe lower that to a few hundred with some creative size-based separation of the cDNAs16:52
@kanzurefor the record, i never explored the costs or mechanisms of a non-microfluidic dna synthesizer so nobody should assume i covered those bases.16:52
@fenniirc the main cost in bulk DNA synthesis was the initial five or six bottles of phosphoramidites16:53
@fennthe actual mixing and stirring is relatively inexpensive16:53
@kanzureno i mean the machines16:53
@fennthe machines dont come with reagents do they?16:53
@kanzurei haven't figured out if they are just extraordinarily expensive because of bullshit or if the components are actually really that expensive16:53
yashgaroththey do need to be fairly high-purity16:54
@fenndepends on how long the oligos you're making need to be16:54
@kanzure'cause it might turn out that ubilding a bigger synthesizer might make more sense, especially since those sorts of components can be found at hardware stores16:54
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yashgaroththere's also the cost of sequencing each ~50bp fragment to make sure they're correct before you string them together16:54
@fennjust for cloning, not gene synthesis i meant16:55
yashgarothoh, then it's much easier yeah16:55
@fenngene synthesis is currently expensive for precisely this reason, the cost of bulk synthesis reagents16:55
@kanzurethat doesn't explain why the machines cost a lot too16:56
@fennoh that's just the usual business to business scam paradigm16:56
AirmanEpicKanzure: how can you make channels that small?16:56
yashgaroththat seems odd since you use such a tiny amount, I mean you only need microgram yields on the oligo16:56
@fenn"call and ask us for a quote"16:56
@fennyashgaroth: it's true, if there were a good method of accurately synthesizing micrograms of DNA it would drop the cost of gene synthesis16:57
@fennthis is what cambrian genomics is trying to do16:57
yashgarothyes how is anselm these days16:57
@fenni haven't talked to him for a long time16:57
yashgarothI still have no idea exactly what technique(s) they're using so I can't really say how realistic or useful his methods will be16:58
yashgarothexcept the whole lasers thing16:58
@fenni kind of want to go back to the bay area, but so do 9 million new yorkers16:58
AirmanEpicDoes DIYbio have the equipment to make that?16:58
@kanzureAirmanEpic: http://diyhpl.us/laser_etcher/laser_etcher16:58
eudoxiahi AirmanEpic16:59
AirmanEpicoh thanks eudo.16:59
AirmanEpicI'm stefan, I'm very, very new at biohacking but would like to get further into it16:59
@fennyashgaroth: they're doing UV directed synthesis on beads, then sequencing each bead (which should be a single strand that's been cloned on the surface of the bead) to verify that each oligo is correct16:59
eudoxiahi cpopell, sorry about your job17:00
yashgarothsingle strand, as in single molecule per bead?17:00
@fennyes at first17:00
@fennyou can't sequence a single molecule though so they amplify it on the bead17:00
@fennit's like having a lot of little wells on a plate, but you use beads instead of wells17:01
@fenni forget the buzzword17:01
@fennclonal amplification?17:01
yashgarothsure, but I mean they'd need to have literally a single molecule that gets amplified, otherwise you can't get an accurate read on the sequence17:01
AirmanEpicstill in awe of this picture. http://gyazo.com/e5c31102fbcaf21f99c27f8256ad3a60. all you'd really need to do is laser ech a whole bunch of super thin slides17:02
yashgarothI can see what they're going for, just seems like several technologies that we don't have need to come together17:03
@fennapparently everything is standard tech in sequencers already17:03
@fennexcept for the bead handling17:03
yashgarothwell you can do single-molecule sequencing, sort of/sometimes17:04
@fenn"All second-generation platforms (except Helicos) rely on some clonal amplification method. Bridge amplification (two-dimensional PCR)"17:04
@fennhttp://seq.molbiol.ru/sch_clon_ampl.html has some nice drawings17:05
yashgarothI've still no idea how they ensure literally a single strand is grown on each bead17:05
yashgarothhow do you enforce a single atomic nucleation point17:06
@fennuh, i could be wrong about the process17:06
yashgaroththis is why I wish he'd release some info, though I grudgingly accept why he doesn't17:07
@fennthis say they use emulsion PCR http://www.laserfocusworld.com/blogs/spectralbytes/2012/12/how-laser-printing-builds-dna.html17:07
@fennoh i get it17:08
@fenn1) synthesize dna on a plate 2) release dna into solution 3) bind single molecule to bead17:08
yashgarothit's the " single molecule to bead" part that gets me17:08
@fennthat's just statistics17:08
@fennif you have two dissimilar sequences on a single bead your sequencing comes out as garbage17:09
@fennso aim to have just enough dna in solution that you aren't wasting beads by letting them go empty, but not too much to keep from having more than one strand per bead17:09
yashgarotheven cutting-edge single-molecule sequencing still has an obscenely high error rate what with the signal/noise17:10
@fennyou sequence multiple points in the gene synthesis assembly process, so that should weed out any PCR errors17:11
yashgarothbut you're relying on reads on the short oligos to determine which ones to use for the longer gene synthesis17:11
@fennyes, and you sequence the larger constructs too17:12
yashgarothand with the short oligos on beads you either have a crappy signal from single-molecule, or you have ambiguity about which sequence you get by using multiple templates17:12
yashgarothin that case it's just traditional gene synthesis at a smaller scale17:12
yashgarothhe's a smart guy and so is Church, so hopefully they have something17:14
@fenni assume the error rate of new polymerases is lower than the error rate of UV directed synthesis17:14
yashgarothit's not the polymerase you have to worry about, it's the signal-reading method17:14
yashgarothassuming you even have a single molecule that's bound to a trackable bead, your read won't be more accurate than your synthesis process17:15
@fennof course17:16
@fennwait, don't you mean "read wont be more accurate than your amplification process"17:16
yashgarothpcr amplification is pretty okay with new high-fidelity polymerases, like 1/30,000bp or something17:17
yashgaroththe error rate, that is17:17
@fennsure but if you're amplifying 10^5 times it adds up17:17
yashgarothyes and that's another problem, but since those errors are distributed across many molecules you still get a clean read17:17
yashgarothrandomly across many molecules, I should say17:18
@fennokay so what's the problem17:18
@fennthat there's no single perfect gene anywhere?17:18
yashgarothwell you've got your single molecules, and you bind them to single beads somehow: any sequencing method you use on them won't be accurate enough to rely on17:18
yashgarothso you shuttle in the "good" ones for gene synthesis, but that makes it no better than traditional methods17:19
@fennoh, btw you can use yeast cloning which has fantastically low error rates17:19
yashgarotheven e.coli has super-low error rates17:19
yashgaroththe errors come from the CCD or nanopore or whatever method you use17:20
@fennsure, so once you've got something large enough that it makes sense to clone, you clone it and then sequence it, and all the DNA in that blob of goo is the same sequence17:20
yashgarothcloning into a cell is gonna be extremely involved with that many sequences, and no one's really miniaturized it17:21
@fennthe longer the sequence the more likely it has an error, so it's a tradeoff between cost of synthesis and cost of cloning17:21
@fenni'm not worried about sequencing fidelity17:22
yashgarothyou should be17:22
yashgarothand that's traditional synthesis, where they get a 50bp oligo and clone+sequence it before moving it into a larger assembly anyway17:22
@fennsequencing read errors are random error, not systematic error17:22
yashgarothwell, usually, but yes17:23
@fennwhy bother cloning a 50bp sequence? just pretend it's good and concatenate enough oligos until you start getting errors17:23
yashgaroththat's what trad methods probably do these days anyway, I don't know17:24
@fennthe other thing you're forgetting is this is happening massively parallel, there's no need to miniaturize the cloning step17:25
yashgarothif they can get a single molecule+bead into a well, and then amplify it, and then sequence that amplification product, then it'd work, so that's what I assume they're doing17:25
yashgarothmassively parallel, *and* disruptive? my god17:25
yashgarothall they need is some genetic algorithms and bam17:26
yashgarothI guess my main concern is their ability to get single molecules onto single beads17:26
yashgarothI don't know how the hell they catalyze single sites, and/or ensure that's happening reliably enough to count on17:27
@fennno that's not what's happening17:27
yashgaroththen [my previous concerns]17:27
@fennyou UV synthesize on a plate, then transfer individual molecules to beads17:27
yashgarothhow do they get a bead with a single functional group on the whole bead17:28
@fennthe bound oligos are amplified on the bead surface with "2d" surface-bound pcr17:28
yashgarothyes that part works in my mind17:28
@fenngeneric primers are bound to the bead surface17:28
yashgarothsure you can use vanishingly small concentrations of DNA to hope that only one binds per bead, but that sounds like a technical clusterfuck17:29
@fenn33% of the time there's nothing on the bead but primers, 50% of the time there's one molecule, the rest of the time there's more than one molecule (numbers made up for conversation's sake)17:30
yashgarothbut it's more like 99.9% have nothing but primers17:30
@fennwhy you say that?17:30
yashgarothbecause otherwise you'd end up with 99.9% having 2+ molecules17:31
yashgaroththis is where the money would be going, not the PCR steps17:31
-!- lolcat is now known as Mikel17:31
@fenni'm really not sure how the statistics work out here17:31
yashgarotheverything after "single molecules on single beads" is relatively simple17:32
yashgarothI don't do statistics I'm a biologist17:32
@fennin the article it says "synthesize 10^6 oligos, sequence 10^9 beads, laser eject 10^6 beads"17:32
@fennso you're right, 99.9% of the beads are wasted17:32
@fennhow many nines is that17:32
yashgarothok if they're categorizing and saving each single-molecule bead I can see it working, where they just build libraries of single sequences17:33
yashgarothand dole them out as needed for a gene, like what our project is hopefully going to do17:33
yashgarothalso, 10^9 sequences per oligo seems expensive compared to traditional methods, no matter how massively parallel it is17:34
@fennyeah i don't really get that part17:34
yashgarothor 10^6 whatever it's still a lot17:34
@fennmaybe they meant "stain for DNA"17:35
yashgarothnah it still needs to be sequenced, I'd think17:35
yashgarothoh right for determining which beads have DNA, then yeah maybe17:36
@fenndont you love publically funded science17:36
AirmanEpic@fenn, if you have .1% of all your beads wasted, isn't it easy to copy the working ones?17:36
AirmanEpicsorry 99.9% wasted17:37
@fennAirmanEpic: sort of, there's still the problem of polymerase errors in amplifying the single molecule17:38
AirmanEpicWhat is a polymerase?17:39
yashgarothoh dear17:39
@fennan enzyme that copies DNA17:39
@fennbut if you don't know that you aren't going to understand what we're talking about anyway17:39
-!- Mikel is now known as lolcat17:39
AirmanEpic=/ I'm trying but I really suck at memorizing all the terms17:40
@kanzureArmilusDajjal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teV62zrm2P017:40
yashgarothit's not about memorizing, it's about 'oh good there's a word for this thing so I don't need to use 10 words to describe it each time'17:40
AirmanEpicit's always a freakin long and latinish name.17:41
yashgaroth4 years of latin did spoil me, I'll admit17:41
AirmanEpicwhy can't we just be like coding. "oh, that's a copier"17:41
@fennhuh they actually sequence the beads on the slide17:41
yashgarothkanzure I think you username-autofinished one too few/many times17:41
@kanzureyashgaroth: ?17:42
yashgarothyes but once you get a hundred different enzymes "copier" becomes too simplistic17:42
@kanzureoh right17:42
AirmanEpicoh yes, I get it. I remember this from high school now17:42
AirmanEpicjust didn't remember the term17:42
@kanzureyou went to high school? get the hell out.17:43
@fennAirmanEpic: there actually is a naming system that makes a bit of sense.. usually the enzyme is named after its substrate, and ends with -ase17:43
AirmanEpicGah damng it17:43
AirmanEpicdang it*17:43
AirmanEpicsorry fenn, I gotta run 'cause I went through highschool.17:43
@fennit's actually called "DNA polymerase"17:43
AirmanEpicand there are multiple polymerases? dear god17:44
@fennthere's RNA polymerase, and about ten different versions of each17:45
AirmanEpicmy dreams of world domination may have to wait for a while while I wrap my head around these terms17:45
AirmanEpicand the concepts17:45
yashgarothit happens17:45
yashgarothbut hey I don't know the difference between the many types of RNA pol, because fuck that, I can look it up17:46
yashgarothalso because I don't really work with RNA, thank fuck17:46
@fennfuck welcomes you17:47
yashgarothRNA is just an annoying intermediate between the glorious DNA and proteins, but that's a whole other thing17:47
@fenni think you've got it backwards17:48
@fennDNA is just an annoying intermediate between RNA and proteins :P17:48
AirmanEpicfuck has been really active today17:48
yashgaroth"ooh look at me I'm RNA I can carry information and perform enzymatic functions" well that's what DNA and proteins are for you asshole RNA17:49
yashgarothp.s. fuck17:49
@fennmaybe you can invent DNA based life and shock the world17:50
yashgarothwow I am bizarrely biased against a molecule17:50
@fennstraight from genome to protein in one step17:50
AirmanEpicnah, I feel like DNA based life is a little too over the top17:51
AirmanEpiclike hipster glasses17:51
@fennyou'd have to have a very wide array of promoters to make different amounts of protein17:52
@fennalso there's that whole tRNA thing17:52
yashgaroth5' UTRs and RNAi are just RNA's way of trying to keep itself relevant17:53
yashgarothyeah it's not a realistic proposal, my plan of a superior DNA->protein master race will have to wait17:53
@fennyou're so eukaryo-centric17:53
@fennhow can you have a dna based life with a nuclear membrane? it's hopeless17:54
yashgarothit's an RNA conspiracy17:54
@kanzurecheck the eukaryotic privilege17:54
@fennyashgaroth: so i guess they can sequence 10^6 beads at once because there's enough optical signal from millions of oligos on each bead17:59
@fennpacific bio had problems with optical SNR because they were doing single molecule sequencing18:00
yashgarothyeah it's probably something like pacbio's deal18:00
yashgarothI don't know about millions if they only have a single template molecule though18:00
yashgarothit just seems like the kind of thing they'd need millions for to get the whole thing working18:01
yashgarothmillions of $ I mean18:01
@fennit's pyrosequencing18:01
@kanzure"This weekend is Ushicon, an 18+ anime convention. By 18+, we mean *no teenagers*, not adult content. This will be held from Feb 8 to 10 in Round Rock, TX.18:02
@kanzureIt'll be fun."18:02
@kanzuredo i dare..18:02
yashgarothalso, more like 10s-100s of million $s18:02
@fenndo you have a sailor moon costume :\18:03
@fennyashgaroth: why would you need that much money for development?18:03
yashgarothbecause biotech18:03
@fennto pay 5 guys and their robots?18:04
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yashgarothwell sure if they want to take a hundred years to develop it18:04
@fennmoney doesn't automatically speed things up18:05
yashgarothit don't hurt18:05
yashgarothI kind of feel like all this speculating is for naught when I don't have access to their specific methods18:06
@fennit does if you lose all your equity18:06
yashgarothI don't really know what equity is, so18:06
@fennstock in your own company18:06
yashgarothoh, yeah18:07
yashgarothwell I wish them the best of luck18:07
@fennVC's don't just give you money, they buy stock. if you sell all your stock you don't get rich when the company goes big (presumably when you're done making X gizmo work)18:07
yashgarothoh right the whole rich thing18:08
@fennthere's also maintaining control of your company18:09
yashgarothsee this is why I'm not in business...this and many other reasons18:11
@fennthis is a bit ridiculous (list of companies co founded by george church) http://arep.med.harvard.edu/gmc/tech.html18:12
yashgarothhe really needs to get around to adding this channel to that list18:13
@kanzurehe probably doesn't remember that he handed me a penny at a conference in 200918:13
yashgarothmaybe we could work out a deal with just his beard18:13
yashgarothlegally it operates independently of his body18:14
@fennaubrey de grey has a patent on autonomous beard technology18:14
yashgarothaubrey is simply a puppet for his sweet beard18:14
@fennthen the beard has the patent18:14
yashgarothI'm no expert in beard law18:15
@kanzure http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/aubrey.jpg18:15
@fennhey it's not any crazier than patenting genomes18:15
@kanzureah he's on the board of sigma and NEB18:17
@kanzurepfft "Edge Foundation 1988 (2005-present; science communication) "18:17
@fennyou could be part of the "third culture"18:17
@kanzurei'm gestalt, i swear.18:18
yashgarothoh huh cambrian is listed under "past advisory roles", 2011-201218:18
@kanzurethird culture always sounded like protoculture to me18:18
@kanzureyashgaroth: interesting detail18:19
@kanzurehe is still listed on18:19
@fennchurch was estimating $1500 per genome (40x coverage) in 2009, what happened there?18:19
yashgarothI've no idea what that means, but george church getting *out* of an advisory role must take something serious, considering18:20
@kanzurewe should track changes to this page. he seems to keep it somewhat updated.18:21
yashgarothfenn: that's black market prices, I've got a guy in hong kong who can sequence your genome for $1000 no questions asked18:21
@kanzurewell fuck you too18:21
@kanzurei'll take one18:21
@kanzurewhat coverage?18:21
yashgarothoh you know, enough18:21
@fennhe was estimating consumable costs and with labor it's more like $4k18:22
@fenn"for bulk orders of 50 or more"18:22
yashgarothalso the 'no questions asked' part was on the consumer end18:22
yashgarothoh, nothing18:23
@fennlike if you have obama's napkin or something?18:23
yashgarothguys don't worry, the government sequenced everyone's genomes back in the 2000s as part of operation Omeg18:24
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-!- kanzure changed the topic of ##hplusroadmap to: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by george church and the NRA | http://gnusha.org/logs http://diyhpl.us/wiki http://groups.google.com/group/diybio | banned by the Federal Death Administration | 3.5 kidneys for sale | no questions asked18:24
AirmanEpiccan I get a third of a kidney please?18:25
yashgaroth'federal death administration' sounds like an alex jones thing, I wonder if we could get him to sponsor as well18:25
@kanzureyashgaroth: sadly people might take that one seriously, so no thanks18:25
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@kanzuregene_hacker: welcome back18:57
gene_hackerkanzure is this article paywalled for you? :http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/32/18/5409.full19:00
gene_hackeranyway, I just figured something out19:02
@kanzurepaperbot: http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/32/18/5409.full19:02
gene_hackeryou know that microfluidics thread in diybio where they showed you can use a diy laser cutter to make microfluidics?19:02
gene_hackerit should be free isn't it?19:02
@kanzurehey wait i published in this journal before19:02
@kanzurethis is nar19:03
gene_hackeroh on aptamers?19:03
@kanzurenah on bioinformatics things19:03
@kanzureanyway that paper seems to be open access19:03
gene_hackeranyway, that diy lasercutter has sufficient resolution to make a kilobase level DNA synthesizer19:03
@kanzurealso it's in my collection already,19:04
gene_hackerfigured as much19:04
@kanzuregene_hacker: have you seen http://diyhpl.us/laser_etcher/laser_etcher19:04
gene_hackerhacketeria laser cutter is simpler19:05
@kanzureit had a cutting area of only 45 mm^219:05
@kanzureis this it? http://hackteria.org/wiki/index.php/DIY_Micro_Laser_Cutter19:06
gene_hackerit is sufficient for microfluidics19:06
@kanzurenmz787: are you around?19:06
AirmanEpicman, that's sweet. Do you just epoxy each layer of glass together?19:07
gene_hackernah, you use pdms and electrical tape19:08
gene_hackerthough I wonder if the process could be adapted to use something more solvent resistant19:08
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@kanzuregene_hacker: there are other things worth reading here, http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/microfluidics/synthesis/19:26
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gene_hackerpicoarray is nice because it's massively parallel19:39
gene_hackerand uses up very small amounts of oligos19:39
@kanzuredamn it i should seriously stop writing annotations about papers in irc, it makes it hard to find my notes19:40
@kanzure16:18 < kanzure> ok i don't get it. xeotron made this microfluidic picoarray dna synthesizer in 2003ish19:41
@kanzure16:18 < kanzure> had $45mil in sales19:41
@kanzure16:18 < kanzure> got bought by invitrogen. and now no such product is on the market.19:41
@kanzure16:18 < kanzure> warning: this paper is written very poorly19:41
@kanzurealso you mentioned this same paper last year19:43
@kanzurealso here's a new compressed archive of logs,19:50
@kanzurealso here's a new dump of links from the logs,19:55
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@kanzure"Reality must take precedence over public relations." - RICHARD FUCKING FEYNMAN20:14
@kanzureargument from authority, but bite me20:14
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@kanzure"Trust me, if dental composites took 15 minutes to cure, or had to be baked at all, no dentist would ever use them. A typical dental composite might take under a minute's exposure to high-intensity blue light. Other systems can be much, much faster."20:32
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heathhumor (scene from time bandits) :: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6OKLgLZHFk21:37
@kanzuremore javascript funkery http://christmasexperiments.com/23/21:44
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nmz787kanzure: back22:32
@kanzuregene_hacker: are you still around?22:33
@kanzurei wanted you two to meet a while ago22:33
@kanzurehrm well whatever. i think he's gone.22:34
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@kanzurei talked with my photopolymer guy22:39
@kanzure(david treadwell)22:39
@kanzure" can shop around, but the price seems reasonable for small-quantity purchases."22:39
@kanzure"I'd be interested exploring this further. If there is sufficient need in the community, I could work on a public-domain produce. I currently lack the facilities to do such formulation, however."22:39
@kanzure"I recall from some work I did ten years ago that making a decent UV/vis cure polymer is not especially involved, but the intricacies of making a polymer system which works in a rapid prototyping environment would take some experimentation."22:39
@kanzurenmz787: do you have anything you would say in response? i'm at least going to tell him "YES DO IT".22:40
nmz787I dunno, I found a place offering 3D printable UV polymer for ~$250 per gallon22:42
@kanzurebucktown was $150/gal22:43
nmz787was it?22:43
@kanzuremaybe i didn't check the right product22:43
nmz787this is prob what i'm gonna try out first http://www.solarez.com/productsnew/fly_tie_uv_resin_thin.html22:43
nmz787bucktown was : gallon of vis curable $235, gallon of UV curable $104022:44
nmz787and sigma was around $1100 per gallon22:44
nmz787kanzure: you can add to cart on their site to see prices22:44
@kanzurehave we done any estimates on how much we would use per prototype?22:44
nmz787very little22:45
nmz787lemm calc22:45
@kanzureyeah but is 1 gallon only enough for 100 prototypes? 1000?22:45
nmz787(50 microns) * (2 cm) * (2 cm) = 0.02 milliliters22:45
nmz787189270.5892 prototypes per gallon at that rate22:46
@kanzurei'm not sure we'll be doing 50 microns, let's say we are sloppy and we pour enough for 500 microns22:46
@kanzureok, 18927 prototypes22:46
nmz7871 gallon / (200 microns * 4 cm * 4 cm) = 11829.41182522:46
nmz787that's 2.2 cents each22:47
nmz787so if you didn't need to prototype, like you were using a proven design, that seems pretty cheap22:47
nmz787<10 cents for a multilayer design22:47
nmz787plus PDMS costs of course22:48
nmz787PDMS looks cheaper22:49
nmz787gonna assume that's 500mL worth22:49
@kanzureoh right spincoating22:50
nmz787so at that price it's around 3.9 cents per PDMS prototype22:50
@kanzurehow do you spincoat a visible curable polymer safely?22:51
@kanzurekeep the spincoater dark?22:51
nmz787red light23:01
nmz787'dark room lighting;23:01
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gene_hackeryou called kanzure?23:26
@kanzuregene_hacker: yo meet nmz787, he's doing microfluidics/photocurable stuff23:29
gene_hackerwith a DLP?23:29
@kanzurewell sort of, i was supposed to buy him a dlp yesterday but i flaked out23:30
gene_hackerOh, Nathan McCorkle23:30
gene_hackeryou really should use a DL:P, met a german guy who hooked one up to a microscope to do micron sized printing23:31
nmz787hi gene_hacker23:32
gene_hackerthough, you might need to use some exotic stuff if you're going to run solvent resistant stuff23:32
nmz787no need for solvent resistance23:32
nmz787since i'm just gonna use the DLP printed stuff to cast PDMS on top23:32
gene_hackerso a one shot?23:32
gene_hackerPDMS is far from solvent resistant from what I've read23:33
nmz787nah, expose then cure photoresin, lay PDMS on top, cure, peel, attach layers, hook up to macro23:33
nmz787depends what solvent23:33
nmz787for most of what I am aiming for, I can use PDMS no prob23:34
gene_hackerfor DNA synthesis?23:34
gene_hackerwhat type?23:34
gene_hackerwell, if you're going to make a high resolution DLP system for curing photopolymer, you really should look into making a picoarry23:36
nmz787no way23:36
nmz787i want to output >1kb DNA strands, not oligos23:37
gene_hackerin one step?23:38
gene_hackerwithout putting different strands together?23:38
@kanzurearmy.mil vulnerabilities http://pastebin.com/Cpgp9jHE23:39
nmz787no, around 30 or 50bp is what i'm targeting for onchip oligos23:39
gene_hackerbecause otherwise, you can do the same with picoarrays can you not?23:39
nmz787pico arrays are just microarrays, right?23:40
@kanzureno, he's referring to a specific paper23:40
nmz787photobased synthesis?23:40
gene_hackerbut without fancy photolabile bases23:40
gene_hackeryou use photogenerated acid instead23:40
@kanzureiirc this was a continuous flow device23:41
nmz787nope wasn't planning on using photoacid23:42
nmz787(haven't seen photolabile bases actually)23:42
nmz787I think i saw something about photo-based activation being less efficient23:43
@kanzuregene_hacker: we were thinking of using bubbles to store beads with library dna23:43
nmz787I can't really remember why i stopped considering it23:43
nmz787but the reaction is pretty simple, so adding one extra valve seems trivial to me23:43
gene_hackerwhere you have nxn combinations of every possible DNA sequence and put them together right?23:44
@kanzureyes that type of library23:44
@kanzureof course, a basic oligo synthesizer would also be worth working on23:44
nmz787also i am not considering continuous-flow23:44
gene_hackerare you sure that's going to scale well?23:45
nmz787pretty sure, i have a few specific ideas on reducing the error rate of each oligo23:45
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nmz787and there's been a lot of single-molecule work done, so each reactor can be really small, so you gain in parallelizing23:46
nmz787not that i will be requiring single molecules23:46
nmz787or aiming for work with thm23:46
@kanzurenmz787: is there any particular reason that neither of us has checked in how much it would cost to build a more traditional synthesizer?23:47
nmz787i'm probably going to try using DLP to make molds that get edited with a FIB for nano features23:47
gene_hacker_what sort of nanofeatures?23:48
nmz787kanzure: reagent costs will go up, we won't really gain any benefit over existing systems23:48
gene_hacker_and why?23:48
nmz787nanocapillaries mainl23:48
nmz787you can do gel-free separations23:48
nmz787or pull a growing molecule back into a nanochannel to hide it from the active chemistry23:49
gene_hacker_ok now that's neat23:49
nmz787a significant error contributor is damage to early-added nucleotides23:49
gene_hacker_is that actually done?23:49
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@kanzurecost per bp would be closer to existing systems, but the benefit is that we'd have an open source synthesizer (and one that might be slightly more practical to build for others who don't have a dlp setup)23:49
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nmz787i think i read about someone mentioning it would help23:50
nmz787kanzure: DLP is on everycraigslist23:50
@kanzurewhy early-added in particular ?23:50
gene_hackerhow do you pull the DNA in and out? electrical charge?23:50
nmz787well because they're gonna see more chances to interact23:50
nmz787yeah electric23:50
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nmz787you could also use an optical trap, but i have not looked into that23:51
nmz787as it requires some fancy-ish optics23:51
gene_hackernow if only you could pull the DNA with varying degrees, you could make a DNA origami nanomechanism23:54
@kanzurediybio-eu is trying to decide on logos23:55
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096289240202351623:57
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Chromosome%20positioning%20in%20the%20interphase%20nucleus.pdf23:57
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