
--- Log opened Mon Feb 11 00:00:57 2013
-!- qu-bit [~shroedngr@gateway/tor-sasl/barriers] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:05
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BioGuynmz787, was AFK, still there?00:34
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nmz787BioGuy: yes00:52
nmz787sorry, the window doesn't blink on activity00:53
-!- ManaLord [~manalord@c-15a4e455.37-0081-74657210.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:53
BioGuyNo worries, your the one that posted on the PDX hackerspace group a little bit ago right?00:54
BioGuyThis is you, right? https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/pdx-diybioscitechthink/REqrItwgP6g00:55
nmz787doesn't it link to my profile somehow?01:01
nmz787to show nmz787?01:01
nmz787anyway, yes, how are you tonight/01:02
strangewarpAccelerando had a good beginning and a boring ending01:03
BioGuyNot bad, looking at openspectrometer.com01:04
BioGuyYour out in Hillsboro?01:04
BioGuyJust out of curiosity, anything specific make you want to use the propeller microcontroller?01:13
nmz787yeah it's got 8 cores01:14
nmz787makes glue logic pretty easy01:14
nmz787otherwise i'd need to learn how to prog a FPGA or CPLD01:15
nmz787which would prob take a year at least01:15
nmz787well maybe 3 mo01:15
nmz787but overall that would be less hackable for most ppl01:16
archelsWhy not an off-the-shelf ARM processor?01:16
BioGuyWe should try and meetup sometime. I'm pretty close to Hillsboro - right in Beaverton01:16
nmz787archels: not multi-core01:16
klafkastrangewarp: it's hard to end that01:16
archelsnmz787: it's easy to make it multitask01:17
nmz787hard to make things happen at the same time01:17
nmz787you'd need a scheduler though01:17
archelsyep, there's a lot of code out there that you can reuse though.01:19
archelsthe Propellor may lead to a simpler programming model for, well, the programmer, but isn't it hugely overpowered for your application?01:20
BioGuynmz787 You have a lab set up out in Hillsboro?01:21
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nmz787archels: easy is good in this case01:21
nmz787BioGuy: yeah i'm collaborating with a micromilling company01:22
archelsheh, okay01:22
* archels can get a little perfectionistic at times01:22
BioGuyYou need to pay rent?01:23
nmz787BioGuy: you got work for me?01:26
BioGuyHaha, no just wondering what the cost was for your workspace out there01:27
nmz787there are always expenses... school loans are coming to be due01:27
nmz787ahh, nothing too certain right now, it's on a casual basis since their lab is pretty underused01:28
BioGuyYou still going to school or working in Hillsboro?01:28
nmz787I started a class at PSU downtown, but it was too early and I couldn't concentrate on the homework01:28
nmz787I spend most of my time reading about things related in any way to microfluidics and DNA synthesis/manipulation01:29
nmz787i am trying to learn to use kicad now01:29
nmz787to makea board for openspectrometer01:30
abetuskI'm learning KiCAD too01:32
BioGuyI'm just finishing up my bioscience technology associates at PCC, but I definitely want to meet people interested in DIYBio01:32
nmz787BioGuy: i got some work earlier this month doing some biotech consulting01:32
nmz787it would be nice to drum up more of that01:33
nmz787BioGuy: cool, seriously please shoot me an email if you hear of work01:33
nmz787science, electronics, programming01:34
nmz787digging ditches01:34
nmz787chainsawing trees, digging trail01:34
nmz787engine repair01:34
BioGuyHave you taken a look at Kelly Scientific?01:35
jrayhawkprofessional tree removal looked like one hell of a lot of fun01:35
@kanzureprofessional tree killer01:35
nmz787i like trail work01:36
nmz787away from the commoners01:36
nmz787most wild nature doesn't fuck with you too much01:36
nmz787yeah, i'm kind of a shut-in nerd computer type01:37
@kanzurei have a strong negative reaction to anyone who is espousing that others are lessers01:37
BioGuynmz787 Do you have your bachelors and working towards your graduates degree right now?01:37
nmz787i'm not saying that01:37
nmz787i'm saying i don't mesh well with them01:38
nmz787BioGuy: no i suck at school and need 3 classes to graduate with a bachelors01:38
nmz787they will probably take me another year to finish01:38
nmz787i really just want to make microfluidics01:38
nmz787and it's been eating away at me01:39
nmz787so i need to try it and succeed or fail, to move on01:39
nmz787but school helped me get here, so i can't be too upset with school01:40
BioGuyI had to bail this term myself, just need one more class to hurry up and get my associates.01:40
nmz787it's not the learning, it's more the way the system is setup01:40
nmz787that i have trouble with01:40
nmz787BioGuy: I'm gonna go drop in on a company I want to try and get a job with01:41
nmz787BioGuy: in beaverton01:41
nmz787BioGuy: so maybe afterwards we can meet up01:41
nmz787BioGuy: which day and time is best for you?01:41
BioGuyI'm kind of feeling the same way. In my program we actually did the work so I enjoyed it. But when I tried to go back taking the regular classes to work towards my bachelors I got really bored. Its really frustrating for me to read about lots of things but not actually DO anything with it.01:41
BioGuyWell, since I had to drop my classes this term the only thing I really have on my schedule is to go back to a guy I used to drive cars around for and see if he needs any extra help. Other than that my schedule is really wide open for the time being.01:43
nmz787well shoot me a text tomorrow when you're bored 412-677-820701:44
BioGuyAlright sounds good. What time you going to that company in Beaverton? I also have a bunch of lab chemistry lab gear out at the Portland hackerspace and a few reagents too. They're all really into mostly computer stuff though. I think it would be cool to find someone who wants to tinker with bio / chemistry01:48
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BioGuyBah! I wish LibreOffice had a better UI01:55
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nmz787BioGuy: hmm01:57
nmz787depends when i get to bed01:57
nmz787i woke up today at 3pm01:58
BioGuyI'm no good with IRC how do I send you a private msg?02:01
-!- qu-bit [~shroedngr@gateway/tor-sasl/barriers] has quit [Write error: Connection reset by peer]02:03
nmz787slash q nick02:03
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nmz787i think02:08
nmz787that might not work02:08
BioGuy...I dont think it did...I'll just email you, its nmz787@gmail.com right?02:08
BioGuyoh wait...02:09
archelson freenode, you need to have a registered nickname in order to privmsg someone02:10
ManaLordoh... I'm also new to IRC...02:11
archelswelcome! :)02:11
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archelspaperbot: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=22754502:19
@paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/f05e72503d68336430aef486bdcae43a.txt02:19
BioGuynmz787 did you get that msg?02:20
BioGuyWheres everyone else from02:20
ManaLordoh, I am welcome, I see, thank you archels... I was afk...02:22
nmz787BioGuy: yeah i see it02:24
nmz787BioGuy: jrayhawk is also in the area, we go climbing at the rock gym every once in a while02:31
nmz787jrayhawk: is pretty much interested in DIYbio when it comes to his own biome02:31
BioGuyThats right I remember now. How did you meet him? You guys know each other before coming out to Hillsboro?02:32
nmz787paperbot: http://www.tandfonline.com.proxy.lib.pdx.edu/doi/pdf/10.1080/0163558970951452102:32
nmz787BioGuy: through this room02:32
@paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/70ef3b455c7ff4bcc04334d138c74196.pdf02:32
nmz787BioGuy:otherwise not really02:35
BioGuyWhat part of town does he live in?02:35
BioGuyI just got really tired...lets try and meetup tomorrow02:37
BioGuynight all02:37
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nmz787kanzure: just stuck an LED in that projector and confirmed the DLP and input processing is working03:23
nmz787kanzure: but i would still like you to buy another one, as this one is missing a lens that i have to figure out how to work around03:24
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archelspaperbot: http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/pdf/10.1146/annurev.pc.35.100184.00045104:05
@paperbotPDFNotImplementedError: Unsupported predictor: 15 (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pdfminer/pdftypes.py", line 239, in decode)04:05
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@kanzurewhat the fuck is a PDFNotImplementedError07:15
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@kanzure"James D. Watson, Alexander Gann, and Jan Witkowski, Editors, The Annotated and Illustrated Double Helix (Simon and Schuster, New York; 2012)."07:45
@kanzurewasn't this published in 1968?07:46
@kanzurei think watson might be milking it a bit much07:46
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@kanzure"Watson was even quoted as calling Venter "Hitler"."08:00
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@kanzure"Watson left the Genome Project after conflicts with the new NIH Director, Bernadine Healy. Watson was opposed to Healy's attempts to acquire patents on gene sequences, and any ownership of the "laws of nature.""08:02
@kanzure""The nations of the world must see that the human genome belongs to the world's people, as opposed to its nations." He left within weeks of the 1992 announcement that the NIH would be applying for patents on brain-specific cDNAs.[43]"08:02
@kanzurensh: the other watson.08:02
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=05669229 Bryan Bishop: catch PDFNotImplementedErrors08:05
gnushapaperbot: reload papers08:05
@paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2013-02-11 16:05:41)08:05
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/pdf/10.1146/annurev.pc.35.100184.00045108:07
@kanzurearchels: there you go.08:07
@kanzureeww look at that watermark.08:07
nshin my head it was pretty funny that IBM sent Watson to college08:09
nshand he became politicised08:09
nshand started comparing people to hitler08:09
@kanzureif anyone feels like fixing those watermarks, here's samples:08:12
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delinquentmekanzure, do you have a email for juul?08:21
@kanzureMarc Juul <marcjc@gmail.com>08:23
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nmz787kanzure: can you check to see if that other projector is still available09:22
nmz787and if so grab if for me09:22
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archelskanzure: <310:02
klafkaman i can't believe in the end i had to use savemat10:03
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klafkaand save things in matlab format10:03
klafkabecause fuck you cPickle10:03
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ThomasEgiwho uses cpickle?10:47
ThomasEgii mean it's like.. whoho! free security holes!10:47
BioGuyAnyone know of a decent entry level CAD program for someone who's never done CAD before?10:50
BioGuyfor linux10:50
klafkaThomasEgi: numpy.savez10:52
klafkaThomasEgi: people use pickle and cPickle for serializing objects to file10:52
klafkanot for streaming or whatever10:52
klafkaalso i think json.dump does as well10:52
@kanzureBioGuy: brlcad10:54
ThomasEgiisnt brlcad pretty difficult to learn?10:55
@kanzureklafka: pickle is full of terrible security holes. so is yaml.10:55
ThomasEgiklafka, i usualy use struct. ways more secure10:55
@kanzureif you need something that is transfer-efficient, i would recommend protobufs.10:55
BioGuyThanks Kanzure, taking a look now10:56
klafkai'm just using the scipy.io.savemat function now10:56
klafkaso it's storingit in the .mat format10:56
klafkai know htat can handle big files10:56
BioGuykanzure: Do you know if with BRL-CAD if you can apply material properties and simulate how environmental factors will affect whatever your making?11:05
BioGuyor do material properties only affect 3d rendering?11:06
harrymarvfreecad is the best entry level i rekon11:14
harrymarvFreeCAD: An Open Source parametric 3D CAD modeler11:15
harrymarvFree - BSD, Linux, Mac OS, Windows11:16
harrymarvFreeCAD is aimed directly at mechanical engineering and product design but also fits in a wider range of uses around engineering, such as architecture or other engineering specialties11:17
harrymarvFreeCAD features tools similar to CATIA, Creo, Autodesk Inventor, SolidWorks or Solid Edge, and therefore also falls into the category of MCAD, PLM, CAx and CAE.11:17
harrymarvcan be used with all the 3d rendering software aswell11:18
BioGuyYa Im looking at FreeCAD too right now11:19
harrymarv(like Blender. maya, 3ds Max or Cinema 4D)11:20
harrymarvFreeCAD is intended to make use of other open-source libraries from the field of Scientific Computing. Among them are Open CASCADE (a CAD kernel), Coin3D (an incarnation of Open Inventor), the Qt GUI Framework, and Python, a popular scripting language.11:20
harrymarvOpen CASCADE Technology (OCCT) for 3D surface and solid modeling, visualization, data exchange and rapid application development11:23
harrymarvSALOME - free software that provides a generic platform for Pre- and Post-Processing for numerical simulation11:23
@kanzureopencascade is a dead-end because their source code is unmaintainable11:25
@kanzuresalome is just them trying to reuse their source code11:25
@kanzurefreecad is just a qt front-end to opencascade, so it suffers all of the limitations of opencascade.11:26
@kanzurein addition, opencascade itself has licensing issues because its owners are dickfaces and confused.11:26
harrymarvAerodynamic flows over the Formula One car11:27
@kanzurewhat about it11:27
harrymarvOpen CASCADE Technology is a software development platform freely available in open source. It includes C++ components for 3D surface and solid modeling, visualization, data exchange and rapid application development.11:27
@kanzureit's like you're not listening11:28
harrymarvsoftware development facilities were sold to Dassault Systemes, editor of competing CATIA. Next year Matra Datavision decided to publish its CAS.CADE infrastructure under an Open Source model and renamed it Open CASCADE11:29
@kanzureCERN was using CASCADE for a few years.11:29
harrymarvbuy catia then11:29
@kanzurebuying catia doesn't give you a good open source solution, sadly11:29
harrymarvcatia is $10,00011:30
@kanzureso what11:30
harrymarvper workstation11:30
harrymarvor get freecad for free11:30
@kanzurethere's a torrent, or you could just pay $10,000 you know.11:30
@kanzurefreecad is sort of a dead-end because opencascade is unmaintainable.11:30
harrymarvthats your choice11:30
@kanzureno, it wasn't my choice that it is unmaintainable11:30
@kanzurewtf dude11:30
harrymarvcatia or freecad with simlar functionaly, your choice11:31
@kanzureanyone who has used freecad knows how often it crashes from segmentation faults and null pointers.11:31
harrymarvor get autocad anf pay about $2000 with less functionality11:32
@kanzureautocad is not open source either11:32
harrymarvthan freecad or catia11:32
@kanzurei think i hate you11:32
harrymarvor u can get a demo of solidworks11:33
@kanzureharrymarv: conversations go much better if you try to read and understand other people's messages11:33
@kanzureharrymarv: solidworks is not open source either.11:33
harrymarvid say freecad being free and the mostr functional makes it the best11:34
@kanzureBioGuy: i haven't used anything in brlcad about materials, sorry.11:34
@kanzureharrymarv: it's really not that great, though. have you read the opencascade source code for freecad, or have you tried to make a patch?11:34
harrymarvdid i say solidworks was open source, no i didnt11:34
@kanzurewe were talking about open source cad programs11:34
harrymarvi said u can get a demo11:35
ThomasEgihow about medusa4? it's not open source but free of cost and comes with a linux version11:35
@kanzureand then you start bringing up catia and autodesk and solidworks, which aren't contenders in that category11:35
harrymarvok freecad then is the best open source cad period11:35
@kanzureheekscad seemed less crashy than freecad to me, plus it was based on the same library that freecad uses.11:35
@kanzurebrlcad is by far the best because of their stubborn refusal to compromise on quality, maintainability, testing and awesomeness.11:36
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BioGuyharrymarv Why are you not considering BRL-CAD as an option?11:36
@kanzurethe only downside to brlcad is that it doesn't support nurbs geometry at the moment (other than some very primitive operations), but most people don't need that.11:36
@kanzureat the very least, brlcad blows openscad out of the water.11:38
harrymarvits upto you, they are similar, i think freecad is easier to learn thats all11:38
@kanzureor bulldozes. insert appropriate metaphor.11:38
harrymarvthey will function equally well11:38
@kanzurelearning freecad is sorta useless, because the core functionality will never improve.11:38
harrymarvtry them both out11:39
@kanzurei have, fuck you for assuming otherwise11:39
harrymarvand choose as you wish11:39
@kanzurechoices should be informed11:39
@kanzureyou are just spreading disinformation11:39
@kanzurealso, nothing i have said is about the usability of freecad and i don't see how you could conclude otherwise from my messages.11:40
@kanzureah wait, that was in response to BioGuy asking about your choice to not try brlcad11:41
@kanzureok sorry, you didn't say i said something about usability.11:41
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harrymarvid choose bricad if ur doing very advanced stuff like engineering a plane then sure11:43
harrymarvif u want simple thou i still think freecsad has the edge11:43
@kanzurebrlcad is also very effective for basic parts.11:43
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harrymarvalso if you want to do archtecture or floorplans, sketchup 8 is good for that11:46
harrymarvor metropix11:46
@kanzureharrymarv: who are you11:46
harrymarvim the Overman,friedrich nietzsche talked about11:48
harrymarvYou have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist11:50
-!- harrymarv was kicked from ##hplusroadmap by kanzure [you're wrong]11:50
BioGuySo after you create something in BRL-CAD is it a relatively simple process to print out 2D plans with dimensions to actually make your design?11:55
ThomasEgito make your design? from a 2d plan?... that's so the late 19th century11:57
@kanzurealso, for the record, harrymarv was kicked because of his weird identity issues and multi-opinionism crap, not because of freecad. in case anyone asks.11:58
ThomasEgitoday, most companies making stuff work on cad data exclusively.11:58
BioGuyExcept I'm an individual not a company with access to really expensive equipment. I need plans to work from once I'm done designing it on the compy12:01
ThomasEgiwell. guess that's ok for simpler stuff.12:02
ThomasEgihow bout medusa then?12:02
ThomasEgiit seemed fairly easy to use from a first glance.12:03
ThomasEgihad a bit of trouble getting it to run on 64bit tho.12:03
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nmz787how do i throw an error in python12:05
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nmz787ahh raise12:06
@kanzureraise Exception("yo dawg, i heard you..")12:07
ThomasEgizombie python... raise!12:07
nmz787what error should i raise if some numbers dont match?12:07
BioGuyMaybe MEDUSA4 Personal is more what I'm looking for.12:08
nmz787what error should i raise if some numbers dont match?12:08
nmz787NotImplementedError: MAX_NUCLEOTIDES_RESOLVED is less than the DNA sequence length12:08
nmz787so i talked to samtec about connectors for circuit boards for 50 minutes12:10
nmz787i never knew connectors could be so complicated12:10
@kanzureyou mean die packaging?12:10
nmz787nah a surface mount to connector platic thingamajig12:11
nmz787which you can then insert a cable with a mating connector12:11
nmz787this kind of connector12:12
nmz787going to this kind of cable https://www.samtec.com/technical-specifications/Default.aspx?SeriesMaster=QSH-DP12:12
nmz787i want to separate the DLP section of the projector from the control board, so it's lighter and easier to mount on the microscope12:13
nmz78740 pins X 2 rows at 0.5mm pitch.. ThomasEgi is that doable by hand?12:13
nmz787ThomasEgi: I have solderpaste, desolder pump, solder wick....12:14
nmz787hot air rework12:14
ThomasEginmz787, if it's pins. and not just pads. yeah. with a bit of practice and a bit solder flux that should be ok12:15
nmz787cool, let's see if they send me free samples :P12:16
nmz787they said they make all the cables special order12:16
ThomasEgiemphasis on _a bit of practice_12:16
nmz787i'll have to find some junk to take apart12:17
ThomasEgigetting a breakout board for it would be easier12:17
ThomasEgior getting a DLP element withouth the projector would be even better12:18
ThomasEgii think texas instruments sells DLP evaluation kits12:18
BioGuykanzure out of curiosity what do you use BRL-CAD for?12:19
@kanzurethe last major project i did with brlcad was a microfluidic cell sorter/separator12:20
nmz787ThomasEgi: i could just not unlink the two boards12:20
nmz787and build a beefier mount12:20
ThomasEginmz787, i don't know your boards and the signals.12:21
nmz787ThomasEgi: took apart a commercial DLP projector12:22
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harrymarvWhat is the best operating system on the planet?12:28
harrymarvno your wrong12:28
ThomasEgibesides. it's "you'r wrong"12:30
harrymarvthe best os is classified so whichever os you think of is wrong12:30
ThomasEgisometimes i wish stupidity would be classified,too. but then. a sad and unrealistic wish12:31
harrymarvthe Best os right now is the latest version of INTEGRITY12:31
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harrymarvmade by greenhills software12:32
harrymarvonly available to us military customers12:35
ThomasEgikanzure, i tend to rarely agree with you.. but this time... i totaly do.12:36
harrymarvwhat does kanzure know about anything at all12:37
harrymarvkanzure what is the designation number of the most powerful rocket engine ever made?12:38
chris_99ThomasEgi, have you used a PT100?12:42
harrymarvil give you an easier one12:43
ThomasEgichris_99, nope. they were not suited for my uses12:43
ThomasEgibut they are pretty easy to handle12:43
chris_99is it simply a case of using them like a thermistor12:43
BioGuyOh good God! I cant believe its already nearly 1pm12:44
ThomasEgiusualy they are used in a wheatstone bridge12:44
BioGuynmz787 Did you make it out to Beaverton?12:44
harrymarvhow and why does the russia fgfa jetfighter have twice the thrust of a US F35 jetfighter?12:45
harrymarvso u give up12:49
harrymarvi knew u didnt know alot12:50
harrymarvwho made the longest range, bvr missiles in history in the world?12:53
nmz787BioGuy: nah12:55
nmz787not today12:55
BioGuyFeel like meeting up for lunch? I can head out towards Hillsboro too12:56
nmz787hmm, i haven't slept, so i might not be in the best state12:57
harrymarvwhat is a RS-24 Yars?12:57
strangewarpmemorizing data is not the same thing as having useful skills12:58
nmz787kanzure: ping12:59
ThomasEgisuch as kicking you off the channel. indeed.13:00
harrymarvSKILLS MY ARSE13:00
harrymarvsuch as.....13:01
BioGuynmz787 You've been awake since last night?13:02
nmz787BioGuy: yes13:02
harrymarvdo u have the best 0day exloits code?13:03
nmz787i only awoke yesterday at 3pm13:03
harrymarvbcos i have13:03
harrymarvand i collect it13:03
BioGuyDamn... I think you might be the first person I've met that has just as much of a horrible sleep routine as I do.13:03
harrymarvhow many computers do u have?13:04
nmz787harrymarv: do you count solar-powered pocket-calculators?13:04
harrymarvi have 26 terrabytes of storage13:05
harrymarvon my network13:05
ThomasEgiharrymarv, gratualtion on your big epenis. could you now continue to direct your spam to /dev/null ? thx13:05
harrymarvi have 10 laptops13:05
ThomasEgibtw. it's tera (with one r) .. unless your storage comes in form of earth13:06
harrymarvand 5 servers13:06
ThomasEgiharrymarv, http://cdn.humorswitch.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/5915053_700b.jpg13:06
harrymarvand i have more data than you have13:06
nmz787na ahh13:07
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nmz787i have more data than you times infinity13:07
harrymarvno u dont13:07
ThomasEgiharrymarv, if you want more data. i could netcat you some of my urandom output13:07
harrymarvi have far more13:07
harrymarvi have a 10000 dvd archive13:07
ThomasEgieveryone who cares about that info.. please raise your hands!13:08
harrymarvwith data from 1980s upto now13:08
* ThomasEgi immitates chirping crickets *chirp... chirp*13:08
nmz787you know what they say about a person with lots of data, don't you?13:08
harrymarvi have all the games ever made on all the systems13:09
ThomasEgiharrymarv, no you don't13:09
harrymarvmost of them13:09
ThomasEgibut not all13:09
nmz787harrymarv: you don't have the game kanzure wrote13:09
harrymarvnot all but most13:09
ThomasEgiand you don.t have the 3 that i wrote13:09
ThomasEgibtw.. noone here, or on the internet cares what you have.13:09
harrymarvif its shareware i probly do13:10
ThomasEgino one.13:10
harrymarvi have the best data archive in here anyways13:11
nmz787i never released it because i knew the world couldnt handle it's coolness13:11
nmz787who has the best donut collection13:11
ThomasEgiharrymarv, http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/31223826.jpg13:11
nmz787thats the better story13:11
harrymarviv got loads of stuff that you cant get anymore13:13
ThomasEgiharrymarv, would you be so kind to name every person who cares about that piece of information?13:13
BioGuyI don't understand13:13
nmz787harrymarv: do you have all the amos n andy videos?13:15
nmz787harrymarv: i'm also looking for 'first men in the moon'13:15
nmz787BioGuy: do you have a logic analyzer or oscilloscope?13:17
nmz787harrymarv: i am also looking for naan kadavul13:18
harrymarvthe movie or the book?13:18
nmz787harrymarv: for which?13:19
BioGuyNo, BrainSilo has a bunch of oscilloscopes (I think) not sure about a logic analyzer. I don't really know too much about electronics.13:19
harrymarvfor both13:19
nmz787audio and video for first men in the moon, video for naan kadavul13:20
nmz787tv series videos for amos n andy13:20
harrymarvfirst men in the moon 1964 version?13:21
harrymarvor the new 3d version?13:22
-!- harrymarv was kicked from ##hplusroadmap by kanzure [wtf]13:25
juri_thank you.13:25
@kanzurenmz787: pong13:25
juri_i just read through all of that backlog. what a defective13:25
juri_I mean, OK, i'm crazy, but that person.. is a child.13:26
strangewarpI am self-conscious about my total lack of useful skills outside of the arts, oof. In hindsight I shouldn't have poked him about that..13:28
juri_what, are we counting the arts as a skill now?13:28
juri_(i'm joking, BTW. :)13:29
@kanzurei thought you did some programming these days13:29
@kanzureand what's wrong with useful arts13:29
strangewarpI program only well enough to have made something that's useful to maybe 5 musicians, if that's what you mean. :P13:30
juri_That counts.13:30
juri_there are certainly useful arts. but there are a lot more 'useless' artists, at least when viewed from my paticular cultural slant.13:31
juri_when people acuse me of being an artist or creative, i get grumpy. i can do what i do specifically because i'm not creative, and chase every bit of 'whimsy' out of what i am doing.13:32
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-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+q harrymarv!*@*] by kanzure13:33
strangewarpYeah, a lot of people trying to be artists are only doing it because they.. want to be artists, without having any overarcing ideology or critical ability. And that sort of uselessness peeves me off as well.13:33
@kanzurethere are many artists that are highly technical13:34
@kanzuresome of them end up being douchebags (cough stelarc) but whatever13:34
juri_there are certainly artists i respect.. like the one who's kind enough to draw up logos for my websites, or web designers in general. those are skills i can't touch.13:35
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Juuldoes anyone know of a list of existing PCR kits/designs ?14:03
@kanzurejust diybio stuff, or all commercial thermocyclers?14:04
@kanzureor do you mean reagent kits?14:04
Juuldiybio stuff, not reagent kits, just the machines14:04
@kanzureopenpcr, lightbulb pcr, griessen pcr, aircycler, laser droplet pcr, jojack's circular fluid thing oh crap i forget the name14:06
@kanzureyes that one14:07
Juulthanks :) some of those i hadn't heard of14:07
@kanzurehackteria probably built their own project but i don't know any name14:11
@kanzureJuul: have any ideas for what i should do with blackhatbio.com?14:14
Juulkanzure, hah! maybe connect it to a tor hidden service where people can submit IP from big biotech14:15
@kanzurei was thinking organ market.14:16
Juulmy friend was having trouble getting the right agar plates to culture gonorrhea14:16
Juulso supplies for BSL2+ would be nice14:17
juri_kanzure: i'm the owner of organleggers.org14:18
juri_so, when its blackmarket organ time, i'm there. ;)14:18
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@kanzurejuri_: sometimes i wonder what the real market price of organs should really be14:23
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juri_at the rate things are going now? expensive as all hell, and all of the money should go into research.14:30
juri_you could get me behind a movement to have a sliding scale for all medicine, based on age.14:31
juri_I know that's pretty cold of me.. but i've suffered from medical problems all of my life, and had to pay every dime out of pocket. our system is broken, and for me, i can't see it getting much worse.14:32
@kanzurewell, i mean, if a liver is really worth $2M, maybe it's profitable to have kids and sell livers.14:35
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ThomasEgihm.. how much does a child cost these days?14:50
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juri_it depends where you get them from.15:01
ThomasEginot the inital costs. but the maintainance until grown up15:03
ThomasEgiTCO or so15:04
ThomasEgiand.. doesn't the kidney sell for the price of a modern smartphone/tablet?15:05
@kanzureno i don't think it's that cheap15:05
ThomasEgihm i do remember one story bout a chinese kid who sold his kidney for an ipad or iphone.15:06
@kanzurethat kid was a dumb though15:06
ThomasEgiin that case.. the kid got ripped of hard grown kidney money.15:06
@kanzurehe had no idea about the market price15:06
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nmz787i bet i could convince my gf to bear a GM baby15:48
@kanzurewhy? just pay for a surrogacy pregnancy.15:48
@kanzurethis isn't the 1920s15:48
nmz787true dat15:48
nmz787so this projector is pretty cool!15:48
@kanzureevery time i hear women complaining about pregnancy i roll my eyes. you chose it, instead of a surrogacy.15:48
nmz787blowing the image up to 8 inches wide is pretty dim with the watt or so LED i'm using for a lamp15:49
@kanzure(for whatever reason, most people don't seem to be informed of that particular technology)15:49
nmz787but it get's pretty bright when i focus the image to like 1 cm wide!15:49
nmz787gotta do the calcs for light power per area15:49
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jrayhawki wouldn't trust a surrogate to optimize epigenetic conditions properly16:54
@kanzurejrayhawk: because the surrogate services are terrible? sounds like a business opportunity.16:55
@kanzurecharlie's surrogates :(16:56
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delinquentmeJuul, are you around today?  I was thinking about stopping over at sudo room / oakland16:58
delinquentmetonight probably16:58
Juuldelinquentme, i'll be there tonight yeah16:58
Juuldamn, this stupid car alarm keeps going off16:59
Juuland the asshole refuses to disable it16:59
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Juuli know the same cheapo oversensitive alarm is a problem in other places in this neighborhood16:59
Juulwe really need to implement a replay attack16:59
@kanzureit's too bad that json and yaml don't keep comments17:00
Juuli agree17:10
@kanzureideally it would keep comments until you cast it to something that isn't a "whateveryaml" object.17:10
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ThomasEgiJuul, EMP17:40
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@kanzurewell there goes willow garage18:06
@kanzure"industrial perception" ?18:07
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nmz787whoever harrymarv was was really disappointing18:11
nmz787talked all about his data collection, then i legit wanted some old type data, and that was when he shut up18:12
@kanzurehuh? was he harrassing you by pm?18:12
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@kanzure"Instead of paying up to $70,000 in the United States, a woman can hire an Indian surrogate and pay all associated medical costs for just $12,000."19:17
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@kanzureyashgaroth: how likely is it that there's any surrogacy clinic doing genetic work pre-implantation?19:26
yashgarothin the world? I'd put it at 50/50 for human germline modification in general right now19:27
@kanzurewhat about stem cell -> embryo work? i think there was a paper about that recently, so it's probably not happening yet.19:28
@kanzureerm i mean stem cell -> germline cell lines19:28
yashgarothyou mean like nuclear cloning?19:28
yashgarothor growing germ cells in vitro19:29
@kanzureeh i just mean "for people who don't have embryos laying around" in general.19:29
yashgarothoh I can get you an embryo19:29
@kanzureanyway, i'm trying to figure out if there's any fertility clinics that are doing genetic work already.19:30
yashgarothIVF is pretty well advanced, they can test for recessive disorders etc, so it should be easy to test if a transgene is present in the embryo19:30
yashgarothif you expose the sperm to a viral vector, or use sperm-mediated gene transfer19:30
@kanzurewhat about modifying the embryonic genome though19:31
@kanzure(not the sperm)19:31
yashgarothor inject a virus into the testes and use cell sorting to select a transformed sperm19:31
yashgarothoh uh that's more complicated19:31
@kanzurethis is why i am asking :p19:31
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@kanzurea friend of mine claims he had genetic work done prior to implanting the embryo in a surrogate19:32
yashgarothviruses have a variable efficiency, so you don't really want to expose embryos to them and hope for the best19:32
yashgarothare you sure he wasn't talking about genetic testing?19:32
@kanzureand for whatever reason i didn't follow up with him on that immediately (he was swollowed by a crowd of people)19:32
@kanzuremaybe he was, he likes to talk himself up like that :)19:32
@kanzureno i was thinking of something like somatic nuclear transfer of a modified genome into an embryo or something19:33
yashgarothtesting for recessive disorders and trisomy and such are doable by single-cell pcr on one cell from an 8-cell embryo19:33
@kanzures/embryo/blastocyte or whatever the earlier stage is supposed to be called19:33
yashgarothoh well sure that's just traditional cloning19:33
yashgarothplus the genetic modification19:33
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yashgarothso you infect a region of skin or whatever with the virus, and then transfer a bunch of transformed nuclei19:34
@kanzurehuh? i would have expected that to be done in vitro.19:35
yashgarothyou could do, I suppose19:35
yashgarothI was gonna say 'it's such a hassle to grow primary cells' but then again nuclear transfer is infinitely more hassle19:36
@kanzurewhat do you mean? hard to find and poke a cell and make sure it takes?19:36
yashgarothmhm, the efficiency of somatic transfer is still absurdly low, and you get a lot of weird abnormalities19:36
yashgarothI'm trying to put myself in the mind of a clandestine chinese government lab19:37
yashgarothI'd always focused my interest on germ cell modification, since that's a lot easier19:38
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@kanzurenope, it's a lie19:55
@kanzure"Willow Garage has decided to enter the world of commercial opportunities with an eye to becoming a self-sustaining company. This is an important change to our funding model."19:55
-!- xx-cooking is now known as xx19:59
delinquentmewho in the bay area will buy my shaker?20:01
delinquentmeyou've got contacts ... I wont tell them I got their info from you20:01
nmz787delinquentme: did you make one?20:05
delinquentmenmz787, yeah its here in the apartment20:05
@kanzurebiocurious might buy one20:06
@kanzureeast-bay-diybio might buy another one20:06
@kanzureask kent kemmish for a list of biotech startups20:06
@kanzureor max hodak20:06
nmz787you could try selling to some biotech suppliers20:06
@kanzurei'm not aware of any suppliers in the bay area20:06
nmz787i've talked with mpbiomedical regarding their multi thousand dollar shaker20:06
nmz787it was for cell disruption though20:07
nmz787kanzure: there are many20:07
@kanzurenmz787: list 'em20:08
@kanzuredelinquentme: tell me more20:08
delinquentmenmz787, you might have something there20:10
delinquentmekanzure, It needs a larger PSU, a bigger stepper ... an enclosure and a heat source20:10
delinquentmeand I can then sell it for like $300020:10
delinquentmewhich I plan on making some calls for :D20:11
delinquentmephark yar20:11
delinquentmealso I cannot find cheap ass gyms20:11
nmz787hrmm, i may be tired and hazy and thinking of all the vapourware companies20:11
@kanzuredelinquentme: is this jmil's orbital shaker design?20:12
delinquentmekanzure, yeah its part of it20:12
delinquentmebut IDK20:12
delinquentmei think those are getting replaced20:13
delinquentmewith simply friction plastic bearings20:13
@kanzureso it's working?20:13
yashgarothdo you have video of it?20:14
nmz787delinquentme: http://baybio.org/membership/baybio-members/20:15
@kanzurehow much have you spent on parts?20:16
delinquentmekanzure, it is working20:17
delinquentmeI can make one20:17
delinquentme^ @ yashgaroth20:17
@kanzurego for it20:17
yashgarothah cool20:17
delinquentmeim supposed to meet w mac and take some decent shots of it20:18
delinquentmehes got like the mac store table n shit so that would be perfect20:18
@kanzureoh ok.20:18
delinquentmelol dont judge me on the rink-a-dink table / lighting20:18
delinquentmeyeah I need some decent product shots to put it up and sell it20:18
@kanzurehow long does assembly take you?20:18
nmz787paperbot: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/proceeding.aspx?articleid=131522320:21
nmz787paperbot: http://nanolithography.spiedigitallibrary.org/article.aspx?articleid=109766720:21
@kanzureeww watermarks20:21
@kanzurewhat does SPIE stand for?20:23
@kanzure"international society for optics and photonics"20:24
@kanzurehow do you get SPIE from that20:24
@kanzure"Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers"20:24
nmz787it's a long story20:25
nmz787they changed their group name a bunch of times20:25
nmz787and i guess some got tired before others20:25
@kanzure"On July 1, 1955 SPIE was founded as the Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers in California to specialize in the application of photographic instrumentation. In 1964 the Society formally changed its name to the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers."20:25
@kanzure"In 1977 SPIE moved its headquarters to Bellingham, Washington, and in 1981, to reflect a changing Membership, the Society began doing business as SPIEā€”The International Society for Optical Engineering. In 2007, the Society ended its DBA, and is referred to simply as SPIE."20:25
delinquentmekanzure, too long right now ...  but I just need a cheap replacement for ballast20:26
@kanzurewell okay. issue added: https://github.com/kanzure/pdfparanoia/issues/2020:26
delinquentmethen... first approximation ... like 2 hrs?20:26
@kanzurehave any pre-orders yet?20:27
nmz787delinquentme: any crappy pics?20:31
delinquentmeOh definitely haha20:31
delinquentmeuploading atm20:31
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@kanzureare those taped down -_-20:32
Juuldelinquentme, hey are you at sudo?20:32
delinquentmeJuul, nah I was meaning to check on the BART .. but then realized that the shaker was still in piece20:33
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delinquentmekanzure, those? .. I dont think there is any tape?20:33
@kanzuremaybe it's rubber then https://github.com/delinquentme/OSS001/blob/master/images/IMG_20130104_000508.jpg20:33
cpopellyashgaroth : flying out tomorrow20:33
delinquentmekanzure, oh yeah big ass rubberbands20:34
cpopellBarone said we can probably crash on his floor space20:34
cpopellbut I'm still trying to get utilization of finfer's mansion20:34
yashgarothmansion eh20:34
cpopellhe rents this big honking thing with a bunch of other people20:34
yashgarothaww, well still20:35
delinquentmenow that I look at the speed they're definitely not 150 / 30020:35
cpopellI'm in town tomorrow afternoon/evening20:35
cpopellwed/thurs is probably local shit20:36
cpopellif you know a local watering hole we could do that thurs night20:36
delinquentmecpopell, you're in south cali?20:36
cpopelldelinquentme : Visiting.20:36
delinquentmecpopell, ahhh solid20:36
cpopellhome (vista), frienda (LA), girl (Irvine)20:36
yashgarothlocal as in vista, or san diego?20:36
cpopellehh, aren't you in carlsbad?20:37
yashgarothnope, mira mesa20:37
yashgarothlab's in carlsbad20:37
cpopellah, sheee20:37
yashgarothhence my apprehension20:37
cpopellis there anything going on wed or thurs night?20:37
cpopellat lab?20:37
yashgarothonly tuesday that I know of20:37
cpopellHm. if i get in on time I'll try to make it out there20:37
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cpopellotherwise we'll plan for late morning friday drive up (if Finfer is around), and early afternoon (if he's not)20:38
yashgaroth5:30 at 2351 faraday ave, hopefully lasting a couple hours20:38
cpopellwe could always go hang with haywire....>_> <_< >_>20:38
@kanzureor you could, you know, not do that20:38
cpopellkanzure: Precisely.20:38
@kanzureoh god you're dating her20:39
@kanzurei just know it20:39
cpopellno I'm not O_o20:39
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@kanzureyou sure?20:39
cpopellThere's nothing about her that attracts me.20:39
cpopellSure, I might have tried to sleep with her...20:39
@kanzuredifferent story20:39
cpopellbut no, I'm not dating her.20:39
yashgarothonly anissimov is crazy enough to date her20:39
delinquentmeJuul, any idea how late BART runs?20:39
@kanzureanissimov dated her?20:39
cpopellthe closest thing to a girl I'm dating is the aero/mech down in irvine20:39
cpopellanissimov is currently dating her I think.20:39
@kanzuredelinquentme: i've seen some 1am runs, but nothing much later20:39
cpopellor something with her.20:39
yashgarothkanzure: so sayeth the jojack20:40
Juuldelinquentme, what's your station?20:40
cpopellThe rumor mill says it's why she got a foothold in Humanity+20:40
@kanzuredelinquentme: what are the rubber bands for?20:40
delinquentmeim guessing the civic center20:41
delinquentmekanzure, holding things down20:41
@kanzurenice, you should go crash in on langton labs20:41
@kanzurego say hi to 3scan and cambrian genomics and the others20:41
delinquentmeI've got a few designs for other setups20:41
Juuldelinquentme, you're in SF?20:41
@kanzurethey are right next to civic center20:41
delinquentmeJuul, Yeap20:41
cpopellLemminkainen is out there too20:42
cpopelland his mad scientist gf20:42
@kanzurelemminkainen lives in langton?20:42
cpopellsan fran20:42
@kanzureerm, if you wanted to enumerate a list of sf people this is really ineffective20:42
Juuldelinquentme, 12:49 am20:43
Juulfrom sudo to civic20:43
@kanzurejust uber yourself home20:43
@kanzureonce you uber you never go back. your chances of stepping in poop on the way home are like 0.0001% compared to bart.20:44
klafkaummm uber is expensive20:44
delinquentmeI'm okay w poop20:45
@kanzureuber is pretty cheap compared to your salary klafka20:45
delinquentmelyft is a solid option20:45
@kanzurei don't have uber in austin yet :(20:45
@kanzureotherwise i would totally be ubering myself to get groceries20:45
delinquentmeJuul, tell me what you think -- I'd totally sit down w you and Ryan if you want ... or I can jump down that way as I'm pretty sure I can still do that20:46
klafkakanzure:  lol20:46
Juuldelinquentme, think about OSS or about you coming here tonight?20:47
klafkabut i have a serious drug habit to spend money on20:47
klafkaalso food20:47
klafka(joking - mostly on the first part)20:47
@fennwe take our drugs seriously20:47
delinquentmeJuul, lets do tomorrow ... as right now I'm doing a bit of troubleshooting and want to go for a run20:47
delinquentmeALSO .. will I die in SF's golden gate park at night?20:48
Juuldelinquentme, not sure, i haven't much experience20:48
klafkalike are you sleeping there?20:48
Juuldelinquentme, ok tomorrow is good20:49
@fennyou better hurry up if you want to catch the BART tho20:49
delinquentmeJuul, awesome20:50
delinquentmefenn, you're here too huh??20:50
delinquentmeI'm in town!20:50
delinquentmebe afraid20:50
@fennno, i'm on mars20:50
@kanzurefenn often mistakes himself for the curiosity rover.20:51
delinquentmefenn, be there in 520:51
@fennthe teleoperated self portrait drives them all wild20:51
klafkafenn you're still at that... bio loft place right?20:51
klafkai forgot the name of it20:51
@fennno, i sort of lost the plot20:52
@kanzuredelinquentme: btw, good work. let me know if you need anything else.20:52
delinquentmekanzure, I think I'm good ... its time to start cold calling or finding ways for warm intros20:52
delinquentmemaybe Stanford profs who support OSH >> who they source their equipment >> get intro20:53
delinquentmesell to supplier20:53
@fenndelinquentme: it needs some paint and holes for rubber bands20:53
delinquentmefenn, the concrete is gonna go ... IDK what replacement material yet20:53
delinquentmebut thats just the one researchers feedback20:53
@fennyou can only have 4 plates with your current rubber band strategy20:53
@kanzurebut really he was serious about bart20:53
delinquentmethe concrete is AWESOME ballast ... That thing could shake like 6 levels high20:53
delinquentmekanzure, im staying local for tonight :D20:54
delinquentmefenn, correct .. but rubberbands are cheap20:54
delinquentme31 plates on a layer20:54
delinquentmeso for PLATES20:54
delinquentmeits awesomely dense20:54
@fennhm i guess they'll pack together since they're all the same size and shape20:54
delinquentmeand like tissue culture wells ... the 6 well ones... would work amazingly with its current setup20:54
@fennyou couldn't do that with round flasks though20:55
@fenn31 is an odd number20:55
@fennand a prime, but what i mean is i'd expect something like a square or a rectangular number20:56
Juulyour amazing rubber band technology has some limitations20:56
@fennlike the inability to remove a single plate from the center without disassembling the whole shebang20:56
delinquentmefenn, true ... those are mounting issues20:56
delinquentmeI wonder if I've got a sketch of the other mount option ...20:57
delinquentmeor schematic rather20:57
Juuljust use more gravity20:58
@fennnop. maybe vacuum would work, but really it just needs more rubber bands20:58
Juulmore gravity ~= more gravity20:58
Juulach ~= more rubber bands20:58
* Juul fails20:58
@fennunfortunately we don't yet possess artificial gravity technology, we only have inertial mass20:58
@fennone rubber band per plate, holes on diagonals20:59
@fennsomething like 75% on a pie chart21:00
@fennyou can add two bands for irregularly shaped containers21:01
@fenna c-shaped hole i mean21:01
delinquentmeso I could almost just mount a perf board to it21:01
@fennnon-slip foam tool cabinet liner might be a good idea too21:02
@fennjust to increase friction. at low shake rates you might not even need hold-downs21:03
delinquentmefenn, yeah rubber bands are cheap21:04
delinquentmeLemme find the sketch for the other option21:04
delinquentmeI've got a simple solution to put the bands about 2" above the surface ... just in a grid ... that way you just stretch the bands and you can put something like an erlenmeyer21:05
delinquentmecpopell, kanzure who is Lemminkainen21:06
cpopellAlexander Honkala21:06
delinquentmetwitter says hes in Vegas21:08
cpopellyeah, he's back in san fran21:10
delinquentmecpopell, cool who are you so I can invite myself to the convo :D21:15
cpopelldelinquentme : Don't I already have you on fb?21:15
delinquentmeyeahhh didnt put it together!21:17
nmz787delinquentme: pics look good21:17
delinquentmenmz787, solid.21:18
delinquentmeJuul, time constraints tomorrow?21:19
delinquentmeI was gonna grab lunch in soma then head over that way21:19
Juuldelinquentme, sounds good21:19
delinquentmehow the fuck is everyone so awesome around hereeee21:22
delinquentmeI dont even get it21:22
delinquentmeklafka, OMG you can come party with us too haha21:24
* delinquentme goes to dig out his graph paper21:24
klafkahuh when?21:24
delinquentmetomorrow after like 121:24
klafkai'm going to a booty house party on friday and i'm tabling for dancesafe on saturday21:24
klafkaah i have to work till probably 6-7 tomorrow21:25
delinquentmeklafka, what is a booty house part21:25
delinquentmenm just invite21:25
@kanzureyou could go dig up brownies, i'm sure he would love your company.21:25
delinquentmeand dance safe? is that like taking care of raver kids?21:26
delinquentme( totally cool )21:26
klafkaoh there is the pillow fight on thursday21:26
klafkadelinquentme: basically21:26
delinquentmebrownies, brownies brownies brownies21:26
klafkadelinquentme: http://www.facebook.com/events/559611874050876/?ref=221:26
delinquentmeklafka, thats effing awesome21:26
delinquentmeTIL "glitch" is a type of music21:27
delinquentme.. im guessing defined by the glitch mob?21:27
@kanzureglitch core, etc. heath is our resident glitchbit expert.21:27
@kanzurePDFNotImplementedError: Unsupported filter: /DCTDecode21:30
mutagenglitch mob isnt even glitch21:34
mutagenthey dont even self define as such21:34
klafkaglitch mob helped define glitch in like 200721:39
klafkatheir music is suitable distinct from it now though21:40
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delinquentmeklafka, youtube link to 2007 stuff?21:44
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@kanzurepdfparanoia now supports SPIE.. sort of. it seems to delete too much of the document (images, etc.).21:56
@kanzurebut i'm not sure why it's doing this21:56
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@kanzureit's deleting object 55 from the sample in the git repo.21:56
@kanzureand this removes the watermark from each page21:56
@kanzurebut it also makes some paragraphs disappear.21:56
@kanzureanyone want to figure out why? :/21:57
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