
--- Log opened Wed Feb 13 00:00:59 2013
@kanzure"geneart does their synthesis on ordinary tecans. they dont have specialized "synthesizers" at all."00:12
@kanzurenmz787: let's run a mask through stanford's mems facility00:19
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@kanzurenmz787: do you have a link to your laser cutter test results?00:47
@kanzure"Opera to switch to WebKit rendering engine" http://www.opera.com/press/releases/2013/02/13/00:52
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archelspaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nphoton/journal/v7/n2/pdf/nphoton.2012.329.pdf01:18
@paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/a29da6d6b1bab6a6545c1be705004e9e.pdf01:18
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-o paperbot] by kanzure01:19
archelsMarker-free phase nanoscopy01:19
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@kanzurehmm they stopped supporting gtkmozembed in 2011, https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mozilla.dev.embedding/c_NMcO-N8wo/discussion02:03
@kanzurehaha lkcl is ranting in that thread, hilarious02:05
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nmz787kanzure: laser cutter results?03:08
@kanzurei think you did a few cuts and then ran it through a .. um. a mass spec maybe??03:09
@kanzureno.. it wasn't a microscope, but you ended up with microscopy images anyway.03:09
@kanzureand i can't find that link.03:09
nmz787i don't think i have those pics up anywhere03:10
@kanzurethen how did i see them03:10
nmz787maybe they were on an old server that's not up anymore?03:11
nmz787i saw them last week03:14
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superkuhhttp://reddit.com/r/scholar is a bit more established.05:25
chris_99ooh cool05:26
chris_99i think we need a P2P program though :)05:26
chris_99to do this automatically05:27
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@kanzurei like how incomplete this is, http://thepaperbay.com/others/10:55
@kanzure"If you are operating another service along these lines of if you are aware of one please let me know through j@ww.com , and I'll update this page."10:55
@kanzurewhat's funny is that i have actually had extremely long email threads with him in the past, and he's well aware of the existence of other initiatives10:55
@kanzureah, various news commentary http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=521218611:15
ParahSailinthere's boxes with data fields and a submit box, but what's on the other side?11:17
ParahSailina hyperintelligent paperbot hooked into a university network?11:17
ParahSailinsite owner manually completing requests?11:17
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@kanzureParahSailin: not even that.. he's expecting other users to fulfill requests.11:22
@kanzurepaperbot: http://eplex.cs.ucf.edu/papers/risi_alife12.pdf11:24
@kanzure"An Enhanced Hypercube-Based Encoding for Evolving the Placement, Density and Connectivity of Neurons "11:24
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/edfdd2ce0e54e4ad7e04faac7bf69674.pdf11:24
ParahSailinkanzure: i can't see outstanding requests there, how would i help fulfill them11:25
@kanzuremaybe they have all been satisfied11:25
ParahSailinhm, probably11:26
@kanzurealso, i'm posting pdfparanoia to HN if anyone wants to upvote https://github.com/kanzure/pdfparanoia11:26
@kanzurehmm http://wesleytansey.com/the-acm-is-violoating-the-can-spam-act/11:29
ParahSailincool good job on watermark removal11:29
@kanzurepaperbot is using pdfparanoia at the moment11:30
ParahSailinoh god-- guy-who-left's code is awful and its my job to salvage11:48
@kanzurehire a lawyer, hit the gym, quit, etc.11:49
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@kanzurescholar.google.com seems to be broken12:57
nmz787paperbot: http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/ugrad/387/388s06/film_deposition/Musgraves05.pdf12:59
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/5d621e5501b976c228062d92946b3cde.pdf12:59
nmz787kanzure: this paper from 2004 is saying oligos were $0.11 per base... WHAT? http://arep.med.harvard.edu/pdf/Tian04.pdf13:09
@kanzurenot surprised13:10
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nmz787paperbot: http://arep.med.harvard.edu/pdf/Tian04.pdf13:12
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/d7780918d5a9afbc18cf1b255ef035ce.pdf13:12
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@kanzuresciquest integration guide http://supplier.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/SuppliercXMLIntegrationSpecification_V3-1.pdf14:20
@kanzuretranscriptic/max hodak stuff, pre-transcriptic http://boss.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/11/18/tune-in-start-up-drop-out/14:20
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@kanzurewow, heroku crippled itself http://rapgenius.com/James-somers-herokus-ugly-secret-lyrics14:35
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Juulhm, not sure my last messages got through14:51
Juulanyone know anything about this Jacques Mattheij?14:51
Juulif he is a dutch citizen living in somewhere that's not the U.S. then it's kinda foolish to use a .com domain14:51
Juulthat makes extradition to the u.s. much more likely14:51
@kanzureJuul: yeah i've talked with jacques often14:52
@kanzureJuul: he's very responsive by email, j@ww.com14:52
@kanzureare you back in the US?14:54
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.cell.com/retrieve/pii/S009286741201500014:55
Juulkanzure, yep!14:55
Juulonly questioned for half an hour at the border :-S14:55
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@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.005027614:57
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Robust%20Short-Term%20Memory%20without%20Synaptic%20Learning.pdf14:57
chris_99re. pdf paranoia kanzure someone had a good idea on HN, you could grab the paper from multiple users and do a diff, and remove user specific id's14:58
@kanzuremost users do not have access to multiple sources of the same paper14:58
@kanzurehowever, i have done that diffing process manually for nature and sciencedirect and found that the hashes are exactly the same.14:59
@kanzureobviously, this needs to be performed for all of the other publishers. but so far i don't think it's happening.14:59
@kanzurei mean, so far i don't think any publisher is watermarking images or including hidden tracking data.14:59
@kanzurebased on my testing.14:59
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@kanzurevalve is dumping jeri ellsworth? that seems like a crazy thing to do.15:24
streetyif anyone was you would assume it would be one of those two15:29
streety^ in ref to the tracking of pdf files15:30
@kanzurehmm well, nature seems to not include visible watermarks either. i assume they put some thought into this and they chose not to.15:31
streetycool, I have something of a love/hate relationship with nature - I love that they send me free print editions of nature methods but hate I, at least personally, don't have electronic access. Seems strange15:33
@kanzurehow do you get print editions of nature methods for free?15:34
Juulyeah how?15:34
Juuli'm like a third author or some such on a couple of articles in the next edition15:34
Juulwould be fun to have a print15:34
streetySeems to be a thing they do, nothing special about me. I just fill out a 5 min survey maybe once a year15:35
@kanzures/third author/third wheel/ (the guy who wrote most of it, probably)15:35
@kanzurecan you give us a link to that survey..?15:35
Juulhaha, actually the first author did most of the work15:35
@kanzureah good15:35
streetyI'll try and find it15:35
streetyJuul: what are the articles on?15:35
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streetyI can't find the link I initially used to subscribe, only the renewal links but they ask for an account number15:44
@kanzurecan you show the renewal link, possibly with a modified id?15:45
@kanzurefbi replied to my foia, i have a request id <315:48
streetywhat did you request?15:48
@kanzureanything related to me.15:48
streetywould they release anything interesting/currently active?15:50
@kanzureunfortunately their letter is just telling me the request id number15:51
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@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S030698771000204516:10
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/The%20unreasonable%20effectiveness%20of%20my%20self-experimentation.pdf16:11
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streetywhat is paperbot?16:16
Juulstreety, predictable composable promoters and ribosome binding sites16:16
streetyI shall look out for it16:17
@kanzurepaperbot is just a bot that downloads papers given links to academic publishers16:19
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streetycool, what does the bit about the translator mean?16:24
@kanzurepaperbot uses zotero to download papers and metadata, but sometimes that doesn't work and i wrote a backup.16:25
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@kanzuretrying to score a copy of nature methods for everyone, so far no luck16:38
nmz787_I've downloaded their paparrs16:39
nmz787_Via if16:39
streetykanzure, I think last time I renewed they gave an option to forward the offer to interested colleagues16:39
nmz787_Via UC berkeley16:39
nmz787_I think16:39
mutagenif i went to berkly16:40
mutageni wouldnt tell anyone16:40
mutagenid be afraid theyd think i was some communist hippie drug addict16:40
nmz787_I don't go there, so I guess I'm OK16:41
nmz787_BUT I'VE16:41
nmz787_considered it16:41
nmz787_Android touchtyping sucks compared to apple16:42
nmz787_I was so much better on my old flip phone16:42
nmz787_With T916:42
nmz787_Kanzure you mentioned running a mask at Stanford... Just to have a relative comparison?16:43
nmz787_That paper I found earlier simply reversed the last projectorle16:44
nmz787_Lens before mounting it in front of the microscope ocular16:44
nmz787_So I'm pretty close to doing a DLP mask exposure16:44
nmz787_The lab even has some old Su-816:45
nmz787_Really old though, so its a toss up if it works16:45
@kanzureno i mentioned running the mask and chip production just to have a working chip16:45
@kanzurefor android typing i suggest https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.volosyukivan16:46
streetykanzure - I'm just going through the renewal process now (so will probably be getting two copies again next month) and have the option to supply names for three colleagues who would like to receive copies16:46
@kanzurestreety: when that happens, can you show me the renewal form so i can see if it is vulnerable to an exploit? i definitely know >3 people who want this..16:47
@kanzureoh wait16:47
@kanzureyou gave the link earlier16:47
nmz787_Kanzure that link doesn't improve phone input16:48
@kanzureit does if you have a laptop16:48
nmz787_I am on my phone though16:48
nmz787_No laptop16:48
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streetykanzure it may be possible to just add additional fields to the form but I think the simplest approach will be to daisy chain requests - I invite 3 people who, because you don't seem to need to wait until the end of your subscription, immediately invite 3 others, etc16:52
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@kanzurestreety: could you try this for me?16:54
@kanzurestreety: http://www.sunbeltfs.com/forms/nh/lookup.asp?eid=R99999%22%3E%3Cscript%20type=%22text/javascript%22%3Ealert('hi');%3C/script%3E%3C%2216:54
@kanzurechrome seems to block it because it sees the javascript in the request url. damn.16:55
streety:/ that actually works for me16:55
@kanzureha ha ha16:55
@kanzureso you get the alert?16:55
@kanzurefantastic.. now we can start our evil scheme to read science and learn things. :(16:55
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nmz787_Kanzure what 3 ppls should I list?17:01
@kanzurei don't get it. anyone can list themselves? then why is there a for-pay version at all?17:01
nmz787_Thank you for applying for a free subscription to Nature Methods.17:05
nmz787_Thank you for applying for a free subscription to Nature Methods. We will inform you shortly if your application has been successful.17:05
nmz787_Well then, ok!17:06
streetyexcellent, what did you need to do?17:06
nmz787_Just name address and survey17:06
nmz787_I clicked that link that said somethin about 'if youbdont have an account'17:07
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nmz787_Using the 'hi(17:07
nmz787_'Hi' popup link17:07
nmz787_You will be notified by way of e-mail as to the status of your application.17:08
streetyit says that every time I renew17:09
nmz787_You will be notified by way of e-mail as to the status of your application. A limited number of subscriptions to Nature Methods are available to qualifying life scientists and chemists in North America and Europe. Due to the limited availability, not all applicants will qualify. We ask for your patience in this process as we receive a large number of applicants.17:09
@kanzure"limited availability"... of digital content -_-.17:09
nmz787_What is sunbeltfs?17:09
nmz787_Is it digital or paper17:09
@kanzure"Authentification, (which can include username and password) allowing subscriber access to publishers web site or denying access. Sending messages to subscribers on their current subscription status."17:10
@kanzure"Allowing subscribers to renew, make a payment, change address or reverify their subscription online real time and sending an instant email acknowledging."17:10
@kanzuremaybe this is how nature manages subscriptions..17:10
nmz787_That's what sunbelt does? Auth?17:11
@kanzureyes that is from sunbeltfs.com17:11
@kanzurethis has a list of related pages: https://www.google.com/search?q=sunbeltfs+nature17:11
@kanzurenature climate change: https://www.sunbeltfs.com/forms/nq/subscribe.asp17:12
streetymy understanding is this is only paper subscriptions17:12
@kanzurenature biotechnology: http://www.sunbeltfs.com/forms/bi/lookup.asp?eid=z6109917:12
@kanzureold nature methods link (their page looks broken) https://www.sunbeltfs.com/forms/nh/subscribe.asp?eid=E710XZ17:12
-!- yashgaroth [~ffffff@cpe-66-27-118-94.san.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:13
@kanzureyashgaroth: free print subscription to nature methods, http://www.sunbeltfs.com/forms/nh/lookup.asp?eid=R99999%22%3E%3Cscript%20type=%22text/javascript%22%3Ealert('hi');%3C/script%3E%3C%2217:13
-!- safitan is now known as mutagen17:14
yashgarothlooks a little sketch17:14
@kanzurethe whole science publishing industry is sketch skeet.17:15
yashgarothwell whatever I can just have it sent to the carlsbad lab17:16
yashgarothdoes the one for nature biotechnology work too?17:17
@kanzure"Publisher reserves the right to limit complimentary subscriptions to qualified individuals."17:18
@kanzureit looks the same17:18
yashgarothhmm what's a good title and company to make up17:18
@kanzureBlackhat Molecular17:19
yashgarothlet me know how your foia pull looks when you get it17:20
jrayhawkRequests for your FBI file go into your FBI file17:21
mutagenim white hat17:21
mutageni work for the nsa17:21
@kanzuremutagen: stop lying dude. i'm tired of your crap.17:21
* mutagen punches kanzure 17:22
@kanzure/kick mutagen17:22
* mutagen punches kanzure in the cocksucker17:22
yashgarothpreeeetty sure he's that dixiebassline schizo17:22
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+q mutagen!*@*] by kanzure17:22
@kanzureyes, it's all in the logs.17:22
streetythe company name an address don't need to make sense - I've listed an residential address 200 miles from the company name/institution17:22
-!- mutagen [~safitan@75-105-12-23.cust.wildblue.net] has left ##hplusroadmap []17:23
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-q mutagen!*@*] by kanzure17:23
-!- dixiebassline [~safitan@75-105-12-23.cust.wildblue.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:24
@kanzure"Complimentary subscriptions to Nature Digital Edition are available to qualified applicants. Nature Digital Edition is a weekly digital reproduction of the print edition plus all the benefits of electronic navigation for your convenience."17:26
-!- nmz787_ [~androirc@static-50-43-81-14.bvtn.or.frontiernet.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]17:27
* dixiebassline fucks yashgaroth with a chainsaw17:30
dixiebasslinemind your own business17:30
yashgarothuh huh17:30
dixiebassline<kanzure> Blackhat Molecular17:31
dixiebassline<yashgaroth> let me know how your foia pull looks when you get it17:31
dixiebasslineblackhat and whitehat are just subjective17:31
dixiebasslineim afk17:32
yashgaroththat's nice, dear17:32
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.nature.com/protocolexchange/protocols/15317:33
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/ed47ec5170f7d965b71ed031089e8442.txt17:33
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nprot/journal/v7/n12/abs/nprot.2012.115.html17:34
paperbotHTTP 401 unauthorized http://www.nature.com/nprot/journal/v7/n12/pdf/nprot.2012.115.pdf17:34
@kanzureit's supposed to be "Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells from urine samples"17:34
@kanzuregoogle still sucks at pdf->html, geeze http://scholar.googleusercontent.com/scholar?q=cache:e7xWwRhdVhUJ:scholar.google.com/&hl=en&as_sdt=0,4417:35
@kanzurepaperbot: http://jasn.asnjournals.org/content/22/7/1221.short17:35
paperboterror: HTTP 300 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Generation%20of%20Induced%20Pluripotent%20Stem%20Cells%20from%20Urine.pdf17:35
@kanzurethere we go17:35
@kanzure"The human kidney contains an extensive network of tubules whose total surface is bigger than the skin. As part of normal physiology approximately 2000 to 7000 cells from this tubular system and downstream parts of the urinary tract (ureters, bladder, and urethra) detach and are excreted in urine daily."17:39
@kanzureoh hm. retroviruses.17:41
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+q dixiebassline!*@*] by kanzure17:47
yashgarothmy terrible secret revealed17:47
ThomasEgia terrible secret ?.. so... how much would you pay me for not clicking this link? :p17:50
yashgarothI don't know how his elite haxxing skills uncovered that I have a reddit account, but I will pay you all the bitcoins you require17:51
yashgarothnow he's PMing me about shit17:51
yoleauxA cleared spinal cord tissue of a GFP-M mouse imaged with 2-photon microscopy. - YouTube17:52
ThomasEgibitcoins sound fun. too bad i'm not an asshole squeezing out money of people. so i'll not click it for free17:52
yashgarothnow he's just repeatedly posting that link in PMs17:52
@kanzureyeah now he's harrassing me in another channel17:53
yashgarothhe seems to be mad that I dislike reddit, what a fucking surprise17:53
@kanzurefor someone who dislikes reddit, you sure do use it a lot17:53
ThomasEgiyashgaroth, mental image of "fucking surprise" ... caused me a giggle17:53
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nprot/journal/v7/n12/abs/nprot.2012.140.html17:54
yashgarothyou consider that 'a lot'?17:54
jrayhawk2012-06-12 20:32 < atum> tomorrow is my last day of highschool, and i dont have any real direction. currently im looking into becoming a rapper17:54
-!- ElixirVitae [~Shehrazad@unaffiliated/shehrazad] has quit [Quit: Quit]17:55
@kanzurejrayhawk: ?17:58
yashgarothsame guy17:58
ThomasEgia rapper?.. that Is a real direction..17:59
ThomasEgireally straight down17:59
@kanzurejrayhawk: yes, this is gl00m/safitan/ArmilusDajjal/TheBeast666/dixiebassline18:00
-!- SphericalMouse [62cfd610@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap18:02
@kanzureSphericalMouse: hello18:03
SphericalMouseYo Kanzure18:03
SphericalMouseYou asked me to drop by?18:03
@kanzurewhich one are you?18:03
SphericalMouseindeed, who?18:03
SphericalMousebioautomation at biocurious18:03
@kanzureyou are either the biocurious person or the desktop person or the-- ah okay.18:03
@kanzureSphericalMouse: i was hoping you could talk about your project a bit18:04
SphericalMousewell, to be fair, the kickoff meeting is on sunday, so project is a bit generous18:04
@kanzurehave you built any lab equipment before?18:05
SphericalMouseof sorts. I've done lots of microfluiducs and lab automation in labview. cell culture, image capture, experimental system design, fabrication, and control of PDMS microfluidics system, blah blah.18:07
SphericalMousemade a reprap too, if that counts18:07
@kanzureyes that definitely counts18:07
@kanzurewe were working on a laser cutter to improve the prototyping times for microfluidic devices,18:07
SphericalMouseyeah, I saw18:08
@kanzureah okay, cool18:08
SphericalMousethat can make channels, but I'm not sur if it would work for valved PDMS devices18:08
@kanzurequake valves?18:08
@kanzurehow many iterations before a microfluidic chip would start working for you?18:09
SphericalMousedepends on what features you're adding. a simple chip you can make the first time. you need cleanroom access though18:09
SphericalMousethose systems are very sensitive to microscale features18:10
yashgarothhow clean of a cleanroom?18:10
@kanzurewell, i was estimating 100 iterations to knock out bugs from a potential design, but someone yesterday was telling me i was off by a factor of 10.18:10
@kanzure(he was saying only 10 prototypes)18:11
SphericalMouseit really depends on how agressive your features are18:11
@kanzurebasic channels, valves, a few world-to-chip ports.18:11
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SphericalMousefor example, usually the channels are something lke 15 microns tall, but I spent a few months trying to make 0.5 micron channels work18:11
-!- Shehrazad [~Shehrazad@unaffiliated/shehrazad] has joined ##hplusroadmap18:12
SphericalMouseports are easy, valves take a few practice runs to learn the alignment technique, but then you're trained, basica channel are easy, if you make the molds right18:12
@kanzurehow long per chip did it take to bake?18:13
SphericalMousethe cleanroom doesn't really have to be clean, there are magic tricks for pulling off dust18:13
nmz787like plasma etch?18:13
SphericalMouseabout  hours total18:13
SphericalMouseno, scotch tape18:13
SphericalMouse8 hours18:13
yashgarothI mean, a tissue culture hood makes a pretty good cleanroom18:14
@kanzureholy hell i would cry if it took 8 hours to test a new version of my software18:14
SphericalMouseyou can finish a chip in a day if you start early and do it like a machine. you need to make the mold previously18:15
nmz787SphericalMouse: doesn't spin-coating get the thickness right?18:15
SphericalMousefor what?18:15
nmz787are you saying you played with spin-coater settings to get from 15 to 0.5?18:15
nmz78718:11 < SphericalMouse> for example, usually the channels are something lke 1518:16
nmz787                        microns tall, but I spent a few months trying to make18:16
SphericalMousethe mold determines the channel height18:16
nmz787                        0.5 micron channels work18:16
SphericalMouseyou just use a thinner photoresist18:16
@kanzurewe've been thinking of just skipping the mold step and using laz0rs or dlp18:16
nmz787you didn't make your own molds SphericalMouse ?18:16
SphericalMouseof course I did18:17
nmz787so why did it take you months to figure out the thickness?18:17
SphericalMousebut you may have a different idea of processing than I use18:17
SphericalMousebecause the channels would collapse18:17
nmz787seems like you just do 10 runs, develop a curve of thickness vs RPM or time18:17
nmz787you mean aspect ratio?18:18
nmz787of height to width?18:18
SphericalMousethe mold is easy to make, you can vary the spin speed, as you said, and measure it on a profilometer18:18
nmz787of the channel?18:18
SphericalMousepartially, yes.18:18
nmz787kanzure: link to that test pattern?18:18
SphericalMousealso, the mask quality made a big difference18:18
@kanzurehuh? that was your test pattern, shouldn't you have the link?18:18
* kanzure digs18:18
nmz787yeah but you mirrored it18:18
SphericalMouseusually we would use transparancy masks, but those have low quality at small feature sizes18:19
nmz787SphericalMouse: that's what I would start with on any system18:19
nmz787then you can test all the different aspect ratios at once18:20
nmz787to see which dont work18:20
nmz787so what are you going to start working with for mold production?18:21
SphericalMouseI just don't now if laser cutting PDMS would create the channels you need18:21
nmz787i just got DLP projector ripped apart the other day, and got it focused to about 1 cm so i can feed it into my microscope18:21
nmz787SphericalMouse: yeah it can, but I've abandonded it due to the positioning system being PITA18:22
SphericalMouseI mean, have you actually gotten valves to work using it?18:22
-!- aristarchus [~aristarch@unaffiliated/aristarchus] has quit [Quit: Leaving]18:22
nmz787I can oversample position information optically with a camera and re-position by oversampling pixels on the projector to correct for alignment issues18:22
nmz787SphericalMouse: nope, but valves are easy according to their prevalence in the literature18:23
nmz787I've actually just learned about a microfluidic device for touchscreens that might work as a valve controller18:24
nmz787SphericalMouse: what was your trouble with valves?18:24
nmz787SphericalMouse: it sounds like you had to figure out aspect ratio to prevent channel collapse, what else?18:24
SphericalMousethe fluid channel needs a pretty recise cross-sectional geometry to get good sealing18:24
nmz787SphericalMouse: were you not replicating a previously published protocol?18:24
nmz787i have some 3D scans of some laser cut microchannels in PDMS18:25
@kanzureah that's the thing i wanted earlier18:25
SphericalMouseok, toss em up18:25
nmz787it was on silicon so cut-through didn't occur, and the channel bottoms were swiis-cheese-like18:26
nmz787lemme fire up this external drive18:26
nmz787SphericalMouse: http://nathanmccorkle.com/pdf/jmm9_3_037002.pdf18:28
@kanzurepaperbot: http://nathanmccorkle.com/pdf/jmm9_3_037002.pdf18:28
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/65ebbce757594db82c8d27cc43c72fd1.pdf18:28
nmz787SphericalMouse: so the main thing with laser cutting is you want CW laser, not pulsed, and you'd ideally use servos not steppers to smooth it all out18:30
nmz787SphericalMouse kanzure here are the veeco interferometer pics of PDMS cut with a Universal Laser Systems desktop laser18:31
SphericalMouseI don't think valves would work with those channels as shown18:31
nmz787SphericalMouse: why not?18:32
SphericalMousethey would probably form a poor seal, you need your fluid chamber to have curved edges or you get leaks18:33
SphericalMousedepends how critical that is18:33
nmz787huh? why wouldn't bonding the layers seal it?18:33
SphericalMouseno, leaks around the valves18:33
nmz787add more PSI?18:34
nmz787I've always seen people in MEMS going for as straight as possible18:34
nmz787it's easier to model, for instance18:34
SphericalMouseit depends on the device18:34
nmz787yeah but anyway I've abandoned that because of the aforementioned reasons18:35
nmz787the laser cutting part18:35
SphericalMousethe quake valve style channels have a parabolic cross-section, something like a 100 um across and ~15 high in the center, with very little roughness18:36
@kanzurefenn: what was that absurdly cheap, really awesome, 32-channel oscilloscope?18:36
SphericalMousethe channels you linked are fine for a flow through device18:36
nmz787SphericalMouse: have you seen other valve styles?18:39
SphericalMousethere is the stuff out of rich mathies lab18:39
SphericalMousethey have a suck up rather than push down style18:40
SphericalMousethere you would have un patterned pdms, and then you could cut out channels from some substrate18:40
nmz787SphericalMouse: i've seen this style, and others like it http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0925400511008537-gr1.jpg18:40
SphericalMousethats something like what i'm talking about18:41
nmz787luckily there's so much research on aspect ratio in photoresist, getting channels to be more parabolic probably means using a cheaper photoresist18:42
SphericalMouseyou just put down an appropriate PR, pattern it, then melt it18:42
nmz787SphericalMouse: ahh here's what you're describing as the problem http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0924424706000914-gr3.gif18:43
nmz787SphericalMouse: before you develop it?18:43
SphericalMouseno, afterwards18:43
nmz787i thought the developer just washed away unpolymerized reagent18:43
SphericalMouseyah, that link is basically the problem18:44
nmz787paperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S092442470600091418:44
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Buckled-type%20valves%20integrated%20by%20parylene%20micro-tubes%20.pdf18:44
SphericalMousedifferent scale, same problem18:45
SphericalMouseyou can have rectangular channels for the valve lines (and you usually do), but the fluid lines need structure if the thing is monolithic pdms18:46
SphericalMouseor pushdown vlaves18:46
nmz787so do you work with microfluidics a lot?18:47
SphericalMousenot as much, now its more instrument design18:48
nmz787SphericalMouse: why not do everything on-chip18:49
SphericalMouseit depends18:49
SphericalMouseintegrated chips are expensive, fluidigm sells theirs for a couple of hundred each. if you add stuff to the chip, you toss that away each experiment18:50
nmz787i mean why not make your own18:50
nmz787with everything integrated18:50
nmz787then add the I/O instrument (data, fluids)18:51
SphericalMousesame reason, integrating things takes work. if you can have a bunch of reusable things off chip, then you save having to re-add them to each new one18:51
nmz787if the chips aren't glass, they're pretty cheap in production18:51
nmz787so are you hoping to make some of the micro versions with biocurious? so people in the future can reuse those modules?18:52
@kanzurenmz787: show him your spectrometer18:52
nmz787SphericalMouse: openspectrometer.com18:52
SphericalMouseprobably not. making those things is a black art, and most people wouldn't have access to the equipment18:53
nmz787i guess i'm heading to that hackathon next weekend in SF18:53
nmz787SphericalMouse: what do you mean? there are a few DIY mems and photoresist printing projects18:53
SphericalMousemaking the molds is the easy part18:53
SphericalMouseit would be nice tyo have an automatic mold maker, for sure18:54
nmz787so what's the black art part?18:54
SphericalMousethe timing of the bake, mixtures of the layers, the alignment of the layers, setting the damn things up, getting them running properly18:55
nmz787definitely there's no @home microfluidics cookbook, but from my research it seems totally achievable at home, or in a community lab18:55
SphericalMouseit is18:55
-!- Viper168 [~Viper@unaffiliated/viper168] has joined ##hplusroadmap18:56
SphericalMousebut its not trivial to expect someone to make a quality microfluidics device straight off18:56
SphericalMousemy term is "artisan microfluidics"18:57
nmz787right buy why even waste any time on macro equipment anymore?18:58
nmz787there's plenty of room down at the bottom18:58
nmz787i guess it's just preference18:58
SphericalMousebecause the equipment required to access the bottom is often more then the equipment required to access the middle18:58
@kanzurehow is it a waste?18:59
SphericalMousethe old joke in the microfluidics community is that people will show around a chip, and neglect to mention the gian machine that surrounds it18:59
@kanzurethe giant syringe pump?19:00
nmz787this is pretty cool, heating the solution causes it to become ultra viscous http://www.google.com/patents?hl=en&lr=&vid=USPAT638225419:00
SphericalMousethe pump, the automated microscope, the 60 control lines, the fluid input ports19:00
-!- balrog [~balrog@discferret/developer/balrog] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]19:01
SphericalMouseit would often take a couple of hours to set up and load a device. mind you, i probably made the most absurd system of all time19:01
nmz787i'm specifically interested in DNA synthesis, so keeping reagent cost low got me interested in microfluidics in the first place19:02
nmz787but now i have access to nanoscale milling, so I'm looking at nanofluidics too19:03
SphericalMousei saw, thats definitely an application where you can't have leakage19:03
nmz787and the error correction wouldn't work well at all in macro scale19:03
nmz787too much loss and reduced signal to noise19:04
nmz787product loss*19:04
nmz787i've been thinking more about electrowetting recently19:05
nmz787i'm not sure if that cuases electrolysis though19:05
SphericalMouseit doesn't19:05
nmz787because no current flow?19:05
nmz787or what?19:05
nmz787i guess current might flow in the moment that a droplet is between electrodes19:06
-!- ThomasEgi [~thomas@panda3d/ThomasEgi] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]19:06
SphericalMouseand because you have dielectric materials between the electrode and liquid19:06
-!- ThomasEgi_ [~thomas@p5B13BBD6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap19:06
nmz787so the electrode is coated in a few nm or microns?19:06
-!- ThomasEgi_ [~thomas@p5B13BBD6.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]19:06
SphericalMouseprobably sub micron, but that isn't my field19:07
nmz787hmm, kanzure if electrowetting doesn't cause electrolysis, maybe we should look into that instead of quake--like vavles19:07
@kanzurejonathan cline did an electrowetting prototype19:07
nmz787there's a few DIY electrowetting videos on youtube19:07
nmz787just using a razon on copper clad19:07
SphericalMouselook into thermocapillary movement19:08
nmz787kanzure: i'm sure there's a nice grid to parallel wire breakout for sale commodity19:08
-!- balrog [~balrog@discferret/developer/balrog] has joined ##hplusroadmap19:08
nmz787kanzure: if not it would probably be within my reach to fab one, for testing19:08
@kanzurewhat's wrong with macro-machine dna synthesis?19:09
nmz787reagent cost, i thought19:09
SphericalMousei know some of quakes ex students of have tried it19:09
nmz787i was planning on testing some nano crevice chemistry hiding ideas19:10
@kanzurenmz787: reagent costs are important, but that will go down eventually anyway. the machines still cost a fuckton and they shouldn't.19:10
nmz787kanzure: were you in virginia in 2011?19:10
@kanzurei can't remember.19:10
nmz787i think it was after the NYC meeting19:10
@kanzuremaybe not.19:10
SphericalMousekanzure, did you read the spew I put int he biocurious posting?19:11
@kanzureSphericalMouse: i read your google docs document, and added some things.19:11
nmz787kanzure: i would have to look at the reagent costs19:11
nmz787SphericalMouse: you wrote the whole email?19:11
nmz787the original ?19:11
SphericalMousepatrik wrote a section in the middle19:12
nmz787are you dietrich?19:12
nmz787ahh nice to 'meet'19:12
@kanzurei think nmz787 used to work for patrik19:12
nmz787i did19:12
@kanzureinstitute of asskicking19:12
SphericalMouseah indeed. I worked around him a couple of years19:13
nmz787i was his summer intern19:13
SphericalMouseare you in the sf area?19:13
nmz787portland or now19:13
nmz787but i'm coming down next weekend to some hardware hackathon19:14
nmz787portland Oregon*19:14
SphericalMousedoing what?19:14
nmz787developing a means to DNA synthesis, currently aiming for micro/nanoscale19:14
nmz787i also seem to just got a job building a combined 3d scanner/printer19:15
nmz787i generally like programming, light, nano/micro stuff, DNA, and metabolic engineering19:15
nmz787but the whole metabolic engineering has been but on hold due to not having a rapid gene compiler19:16
SphericalMousethe biocrious guys are excited about goldenbraid recently19:17
nmz787(looking now)19:18
SphericalMousekanzure, what is your take on the lab robot?19:18
SphericalMousedo you have any experience in building lab equipment?19:19
SphericalMouseI think patrik has a point that we should have a need in mind as its made19:20
nmz787how does goldenbraid prevent reverse directional inserts?19:20
SphericalMousei haven't looked into it19:20
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=b176f978 Bryan Bishop: las vegas diybio group19:21
@kanzureSphericalMouse: i think we need more open source hardware19:21
@kanzureSphericalMouse: i think it's a shame that reprap is the only major open source hardware project that has a version control system19:21
@kanzureinstructables is not how you solicit updates to a project..19:22
SphericalMousedoes it? reprap looks split all over.19:22
@kanzureyes it's very split; they have an upstream svn repo. we were converting them over to git almost, but it exploded in 2010.19:22
SphericalMousewhats the opinion on makerslide?19:24
@kanzureis that makerbeam?19:24
SphericalMousealuminum extrusion with rails for sliding platform19:24
@kanzureah no, this is the makerbeam knock-off19:24
@kanzurei like extruded construction sets in general19:24
@kanzurehave you seen cubespawn?19:25
@kanzurei think it was all 80/2019:25
SphericalMousemakerslide isn't just an extrusion though, but i've never used it19:26
@kanzureme either19:27
SphericalMousesomething akin to the cube is what i'm thinking of as the general frame19:27
@kanzurejames wanted to make cubespawn so that he could have stackable, repeatable-reliable frames for moving things around and to build off of.19:28
SphericalMousethe raw extrusions might be easier to work with19:29
nmz787what is cubespawn exactly?19:29
nmz787nothing purchasable19:30
@kanzurenmz787: i think it is supposed to be a set of standards, but there also seems to be some software or something..19:30
@kanzurehe had a campaign on kickstarter at one point, but i don't remember why.19:30
-!- docl [~docl@50-201-161-43-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap19:30
SphericalMousewhat is your take on Bioc?19:30
nmz787SphericalMouse: i liked the place a lot19:33
SphericalMouseany issues I should be aware of?19:34
@kanzureyes, it's run by a cabal19:35
nmz787i think ray may have got rid of some equipment a while ago against the wishes of others19:35
@kanzurea secret group of backstabbers that all secretly hate each other19:35
nmz787seems fair19:35
nmz787i dunno really tho19:35
nmz787just people being weird i think is the general picture19:36
nmz787but it seems to work19:36
@kanzureif you ignore that aspect, otherwise, biocurious seems pretty good... i've been a little disappointed with a few web choices though19:36
@kanzurefor instance, publishing the bioprinter to instructables.. yuck.19:36
@kanzureand using pbwiki? who chooses pbwiki these days, geeze.19:36
SphericalMousewhats wrong with instructables? (i haven't really looked at it)19:37
@kanzureinstructables is fine for show-and-tell19:37
@kanzurebut it's not a version control system for open source projects..19:37
nmz787patrik is a good guy though, and I know he seems to really enjoy helping out there19:37
SphericalMouseall flash, no depth?19:37
SphericalMousei see19:37
@kanzurelike if i want to update some source code, i can't do that because instructables is for a totally different purpose.19:38
@kanzureif i want to revise some of the cad parts, can't do that either through instructables.19:38
curtissinstructables makes me think of about.com19:38
@kanzure"owned by AOL" ?19:38
nmz787curtiss: how do you mean?19:38
@kanzureabout.com has lasted an amazingly long time considering how crappy their pages are. they figured out the longtail stuff pretty fast.19:39
nmz787SphericalMouse: so did you do any of the microfluidics for work?19:39
nmz787SphericalMouse: or was it all hobby?19:39
nmz787kanzure: longtail?19:39
SphericalMouseyechnically, I am a microfluidics engineer, but I haven't done much recently19:39
curtissnmz787: mostly spammy looking site. possibly some useful stuff in there but who would know due to horrible design19:40
SphericalMousethe microfluidics was during my postdoc19:40
doclI've been considering use of the chick eye model for cryonics research. Chicks are inexpensive, and they have large eyes per unit bodyweight.19:40
@kanzurenmz787: longtail content is the idea of using obscure niche keywords on the web to attract eyeballs. so you might have 1,000 articles about niche topics, but they each get 2-10 views over their lifetime, rather than trying to hit for 1-10 articles that get 20 million views.19:40
nmz787SphericalMouse: so what advice would you give me if i am to continuing pursuing micro/nano DNA synthesis?19:40
SphericalMousedepends on the mode you're operating in. if you are just going to reuse the same parts over and over, you may want to just make a library and then pcr up the parts19:41
@kanzurenmz787: it's called longtail for a number of reasons, but the most obvious reason is because if you look at the distribution of incoming referrals to any website, the vast majority of users tend to come in from one or two search terms, whereas all the other traffic trickles in. of course, in certain markets/niche, the traffic might be more haphazard.19:42
nmz787SphericalMouse: no, denovo is my goal19:42
SphericalMousebeware of materials incompatibilities. sometimes pdms (or other materials) have the tendency to absorb and release solutions that flow through19:43
nmz787SphericalMouse: what about using SU-8, seems pretty compatible19:43
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SphericalMouseI ostensibly work in a company that does a form of DNA synthesis, and the incomplete chemistry is what gets you at each cycle19:44
nmz787cool, that's where i was targeting to tackle19:44
SphericalMouseyou basically have zero tolerance for incomplete washing or mixed reagents19:44
nmz787SphericalMouse: ever seen free solution DNA synthesis?19:45
SphericalMouseor low quality reagents19:45
SphericalMouseisn't free solution still done with bead support?19:45
nmz787well i'd consider that solid support19:46
SphericalMouseall synthesis I know of uses solid support or template DNA, but i'm not an expert19:46
nmz787do you know how to do CFD?19:47
SphericalMouseyeah, you open up comsol and hit go19:47
nmz787can you tell me what to do to learn? i.e. books, papers, tutorials19:48
nmz787what software should i learn, what should i avoid?19:48
@kanzurecomsol haha19:48
SphericalMousei like comsol19:48
@kanzureyeah comsol is pretty plug and play19:48
@kanzurecosts a bunch, grab a copy on thepiratebay19:48
nmz787is it as easy as making the 3d CAD model and literally hitting go?19:48
@kanzureyes if you're using solidworks19:48
@kanzureif you want an open source solution, go pick up a copy of openfoam19:48
SphericalMousesetting boundary conditions19:49
@kanzureit's nothing like comsol but it works19:49
@kanzurecomsol is vastly easier to use19:49
SphericalMousethe comsol internal cad is ok19:49
@kanzureor ansys' stuff.. i forget what ansys calls their thing.19:49
nmz787does it have a lib of viscosities n params for common fluids or industrially available chmes?19:49
SphericalMouseyou can easily paramatrize the geometries19:49
nmz787see that's where my understanding stops19:50
SphericalMouseyou should also have a few dozen gigs of ram19:50
nmz787i can think of geometry, surface chemistry, liquid composition (solutes, suspended solids)19:50
@kanzurenmz787: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkmtC0iManM#t=3019:50
yoleauxCOMSOL Tutorial: Simulating a Closing Gate Valve Part 1 - YouTube19:50
nmz787SphericalMouse: i am a student so there are research computers with those19:51
SphericalMouseyou will probably want to avoid putting pirated software on research machines19:52
nmz787no they probably already have it19:52
SphericalMousebut dont worry, a base license of comsol is a mere 12k19:52
SphericalMousemight as well learn it19:53
nmz787kanzure: this vid is pretty good19:53
SphericalMouseyou probably dont want the cfd module, the microfluidics is what you're looking for19:54
SphericalMouseand diffusion19:55
nmz787they have a microfluidics module?19:55
SphericalMousemany many modules19:56
@kanzurei get spam from comsol in my inbox :(19:57
@kanzure"Reminder: COMSOL Multiphysics Version 4 Workshop in Austin Tomorrow"19:57
@kanzureshit like that19:57
@kanzureSphericalMouse: have you ever used git?19:57
SphericalMouseno, but johann sundqvist is your best friend19:58
nmz787just pinged the director of Research Computing re COMSOL19:58
@kanzureif you have comsol, then you probably have it through citrix or some other shitty file storage system assigned to you19:58
@kanzureactually, jules will know19:59
SphericalMousei have not ussed git19:59
nmz787SphericalMouse: what about him?19:59
@kanzure19:59 <@jblake> dunno19:59
SphericalMousehe is the king of comsol spam19:59
@kanzureso much for that19:59
@kanzureah really?20:00
SphericalMousenever really needed something like that20:00
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@kanzurelord_hackr: welcome20:01
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@kanzurelord_hackr: what brings you here?20:03
SphericalMouseso kanzure, i don't really want to reinvent the wheel here, am I retreading over well tread ground with this stuff? fluid robots seem really obvious so I was suprised not to see one available20:03
@kanzureSphericalMouse: carl crott was working on a design for one, but i think he gave up for some reason. he had a working prototype and a rails server for some reason.20:04
SphericalMouserails server?20:05
@kanzurerails is a framework for the ruby programming language to respond to http requests20:05
@kanzureso he was aiming to control it over http20:05
yoleauxLH001 - YouTube20:05
@kanzurewell that's a dumb title.. carl should fix that.20:05
nmz787i pinged him about it20:06
@kanzureSphericalMouse: i think there's a lot more work to do to get everytihng to a usable stage, the concept is important and needs to happen.. it's not incredibly difficult, which is a good thing.20:07
SphericalMouseyeah, thats my thinking. its only really going to be useful if there is a way to add lots of modules. move fluid around 1 96 well plate will be a bit underwhelming20:08
@kanzuredid you ever see POGO?20:09
@kanzureit was this $20k open source arrayer20:09
@kanzurethe big downside was how much they spent on it (wtf) and the gas environment20:09
nmz787SphericalMouse: my take on it is, if there's so much to be done, why not invest it in a machine that can do that all, but on the micro level20:10
@kanzurebecause micro is much more work20:10
nmz787SphericalMouse: the point of curved channels is a good and important one, one I hadn't completely thought about20:10
nmz787but micro is ultimately cheaper and more powerful20:11
SphericalMousethe bonding techniques is important too20:11
nmz787more parallelizable20:11
SphericalMousethats an assertion, its not clearly true.20:11
SphericalMouseyou have to look at the total system20:11
@kanzurenmz787: max hodak was telling me hte other day that geneart doesn't even use dna synthesizers for their dna production.. they just use a fleet of tecans.20:12
@kanzureSphericalMouse: btw, jonathan cline also put out a perl/CPAN module for controlling tecan liquid handlers.20:12
nmz787SphericalMouse: have you seen these videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-R0_nXpc7I&list=UUGCzKZ2WM4eyrPCnLO9UnFw&index=720:12
SphericalMouseo2 plasma bond sucks, its really flaky and sensitive to process conditions20:13
SphericalMousepdms to pdms bond is way stronger20:14
nmz787most of the engineering reports show plasma to be pretty strong20:14
nmz787at least that's how i remember it20:14
nmz787kanzure: what was the pdf manager you told me could take a dir of pdfs and organize it?20:15
nmz787SphericalMouse: what about su-8?20:15
SphericalMousewhat about it?20:15
nmz787SphericalMouse: you keep mentioning pdms20:16
nmz787SphericalMouse: i was just reading that su-8 is more resistant to wider range of solvents than PDMS20:17
nmz787have you ever used it directly20:17
SphericalMousesu-8 isn't going to allow you make valves20:17
SphericalMousei've used it to make molds for PDMS20:17
nmz787if you're using electrowetting20:18
SphericalMouseneeds to be hydrophobic for electrowetting20:19
SphericalMousebut just because it has a wide range to solvents, doesn't mean it has a wide range to your solvents20:20
nmz787so what are your plans for biocurious?20:23
nmz787is there anything you specifically have in mind?20:23
nmz787macro/micro etc20:23
SphericalMousetheoretically, build a liquid handling robot with a series of modules allowing for different functions, more macro20:24
SphericalMousemake it so other people can build it and share protocols20:24
SphericalMousewe'll see how it goes. realistically it will be a lot of work, and I'll see what resources we have20:24
@kanzureSphericalMouse: do you know about transcriptic.com?20:25
SphericalMousethere is a good reason these things go for 100k+20:25
@kanzuretheir goal is to let customers write small scripts that they upload to their machines, and through a common programming language control each piece of equipment.20:25
@kanzureit would be really great if there is an open source alternative to that which happens to be compatible.. like "you could run it on transcriptic's machines.. or this open source machine."20:26
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@kanzurei guess that's sort of a "down the road" issue :)20:27
SphericalMousesure. at some level we'd just make a machine that accepts move and action commands. if it works, then we can work on a nice control system20:27
SphericalMouseyeah, I don't want to claim we're going to have some mega system tomorrow.20:28
@kanzurefor whatever reason, carl spent >$3k on his prototype. iirc.20:29
@kanzurei think it should be cheaper than that to get some steppers to move liquids around though.20:30
SphericalMouseprobably, depends on tooling costs and false starts20:30
@kanzurewhat, biocurious doesn't have a machine shop yet?20:31
@kanzurei guess it didn't the last time i visited20:31
SphericalMousewe have a meeting on sunday, i'm a bit worried that I might toss this idea out and shut down other directions20:31
SphericalMousebiocurious is a bit sparse20:31
@kanzurewere you a part of the bioprinter group?20:31
@kanzurefrom what i recall, the bioprinter group was really hard to get going20:31
@kanzureyou should go ask someone about how that happened20:31
@kanzurei'm just an outside observer; i wasn't able to be involved because they hate the internet (or they hate me, but that's impossible right)20:31
nmz787SphericalMouse: well it sounds like you've got the expertise :)20:32
nmz787SphericalMouse: i wonder if space will be a constraint at bioc20:32
@kanzurewhat, no 19 foot microarrayer??20:32
@kanzureso disappointing20:32
SphericalMousemakeslide extrusions are only 1.8 meters max anyways20:33
@kanzurehow much stock do they have?20:33
@kanzuremakerbeam sorta died out once the kickstarter-funded stock vanished20:33
@kanzureguess it doesn't matter, people who care can just make more.20:34
SphericalMouseinventables has it perpetually in stock20:34
nmz787SphericalMouse: i saw the same V profile on a machine at harbor freight yesterday20:34
@kanzureit was probably t-slot or 80/20 or something20:35
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nmz787hah, curtiss was on a seedbox20:36
@kanzureSphericalMouse: btw i hope you will consider idling in here regularly. many of us just leave this open throughout the day.20:36
nmz787so makerslide doesn't have stuff to buy?20:36
@kanzureand we complain at each other when things break20:36
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SphericalMouseno, its sold through inventables20:36
SphericalMousepossibly, i can drop by in the evening, but unlikely at work20:37
nmz787what is inventables?20:37
nmz787ofund it20:37
nmz787i mean, can anyone negotiate them adding their stuff to their manufacturing line?20:37
nmz787or do they just fulfill orders like amazon20:37
SphericalMousei think they have a stock and will make more stuff as it gets low20:38
@kanzuresounds like they might operate like shapeways20:38
@kanzurethen no not like shapeways20:38
SphericalMouseas I understand you have to make extrusion in large batches to keep costs down20:38
SphericalMouseif you needed to buy a kilometer of extrusion, I'm sure you could arrange something20:39
SphericalMousedo you think you have time or expertise to contribute to the robot?20:40
@kanzurei'm reasonably good at software, so yes.20:42
nmz787fenn do you think the laser cutter could be fabbed with the makerslide stuff?20:42
SphericalMouseat some point I guess we'll need to come up with a framework to control separate pieces of equipment and keep track of commands20:43
nmz787if so then we've already got some parts listed as far as motors and such20:43
SphericalMouseespecially if we do cell culture we'd need a way to pause and extract samples without restarting20:44
nmz787we could definitely help figure out a good protocol to use/settle on20:44
nmz787by pause do you mean give up control to other experiments?20:44
nmz787like processes running on one machine20:44
SphericalMousesomething like that20:45
nmz787you might take advantage of celery20:46
nmz787i dunno though20:46
SphericalMousebut lets not get ahead of ourselves. just think of what you'd like to see happen, or have it do.20:47
nmz787well i need to look at DNA synth reagent costs for macro synthesis20:48
nmz787but i guess that's exotic chem-wise20:48
nmz787so maybe not biocurious approved20:48
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SphericalMouseyou may want to see if there are alternate paths rather than straight up fresh synthesis20:49
@kanzuresure, libraries20:49
nmz787there are some pdms friendly recipes20:49
@kanzurebut it's sorta hard to store 8000 tubes20:50
SphericalMousethere is no point in going cheap if it increases error beyond what you can tolerate20:50
nmz787but they still need dry ingredients and environment20:50
SphericalMouseanyways, time for bed, gotta go20:50
nmz787SphericalMouse: ask patrik about why error but cheap synhtesis could be good20:50
nmz787basically it is the entropy for metabolic engineering20:50
nmz787*could be*20:50
SphericalMouseyou can always add in error20:51
nmz787as long as you have a rapid/in-vitro protein expression and functional analysis as well20:51
nmz787SphericalMouse: right but you were complaining about the error, instead of taking advantage of it20:51
SphericalMouseanyways, later guys20:52
@kanzureSphericalMouse: thanks for dropping in, give us an update about the meeting too...20:54
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@kanzurea traffic jam is eliminated by lowering the speed limit?21:17
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yoleauxSplotbot - YouTube21:32
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abetuskgotta say, the level of discussion has really improved the last couple of months21:52
archbox_that's when i joined21:55
@kanzurewhen did this happen?21:58
@kanzureelsevier is buying mendeley?21:58
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abetuskhey, kanzure, are you working on the pdfparanoia to continue where swartz left off?22:00
@kanzurepdfparanoia didn't exist until late january 2013, so it was impossible for aaronsw to have ever worked on it.22:01
abetuskI didn't say he did22:02
@kanzurethen no.. i'm doing it for myself.22:03
@kanzureabetusk: you might find these things useful, https://groups.google.com/group/science-liberation-front22:04
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abetuskthe whole thing makes me sick22:24
@kanzurefine, don't read papers then..22:25
@kanzure"the whole thing makes me sick" i assume this was in reply to my message about science liberation front..22:26
abetuskof course now.  It was how Aaron Swartz was treated22:26
@kanzureyes that was wrong.22:27
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nmz787what opensource 3d printer projects exist?23:32
nmz787do you know about what's good out there?23:34
nmz787i've only used a makerbot23:35
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@kanzurenmz787: reprap.23:43
@kanzureby far, reprap has the most documentation.23:44
@kanzurealso there's #reprap23:44
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