
--- Log opened Sun Feb 24 00:00:09 2013
@kanzurewho among you has an emotiv epoc?00:14
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archelssheena1: check out http://www.bunniestudios.com/01:25
archelskanzure: was it scathen^C who reverse engineered its protocol or is my memory failing me?01:27
@kanzurearchels: it was me, then daeken came along and picked up my slack.01:28
@kanzurearchels: i've been fixing the gyro byte parsing and a few other things https://github.com/kanzure/emokit/commits/develop01:29
@kanzuresome other people have been really trashing this library.. the battery stuff is all wrong.01:29
archelsoh daeken, yes01:37
archelsDo you find the headset useful for anything serious? As an extra interface, for neurofeedback training, anything?01:38
@kanzurei don't have one01:38
@kanzurei was borrowing a friend's for a while, and i think it's awful.01:39
@kanzurei also think their business model is lame.01:39
archelsthe emotiv in particular, or the present generation of EEG headsets in general?01:39
@kanzureyes to both.01:39
@kanzurei do not have a high opinion of eeg.01:40
* archels nod01:40
@kanzureand emotiv's business model is just silly.. walled garden, sell the device at a loss, make up for it by selling software. fuck that.01:40
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yoleauxMake Love - Daft Punk - YouTube02:05
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nmz787why isn't nickserv identify working  for me?02:33
@kanzuremaybe you are already identified02:33
@kanzurealso, it's possible that you're using the wrong network when you're messaging nickserv02:33
@kanzureuse C-x to switch which network you're messaging on02:33
nmz787still no feedback02:35
nmz787if i just say / msg nickserv02:35
nmz787it says not enough params02:35
@kanzure/query nickserv help02:35
nmz787but gives no feedback otherwise02:35
nmz787and a channel wont let me send unless i identify02:36
@kanzureare you talking about on oftc?02:36
@kanzurebecause i bet your current oftc nick (nmz787_) is unregistered02:36
nmz787that's not the issue02:37
@kanzure02:37 <kanzure> acc nmz78702:37
@kanzure02:37 -NickServ(NickServ@services.)- nmz787 ACC 302:37
@kanzurelevel 3 means you are identified.02:37
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nmz787kanzure: can i ls|ffmpeg and expect it willdo the whole list sequentially?03:06
nmz787or do i have to use xargs03:06
@kanzurei don't think ffmpeg takes a list of files from stdin03:07
@kanzureso you'll have to use xargs or write a bash script03:07
@kanzurebtw ffmpeg is deprecated and they want you to use the avconv frontend these days03:08
nmz787ffmpeg isn't deprecated03:09
nmz787only in ubuntu and debian is it03:09
nmz787because the libav forkers are the pkg maintainers03:09
nmz787ffmpeg is more stable03:09
nmz787and has actually pulled a lot of the better libav updates03:09
@kanzuremeh whatever. ffmpeg is known for in-fighting.03:09
nmz787but libav apparently doesn't care about breaking the API on people03:10
* kanzure sleeps03:10
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Sankykanzure: http://blog.pkh.me/p/13-the-ffmpeg-libav-situation.html05:52
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doclI wonder how realistic it is to modify the endothelium of the brain to be more cryo-friendly? Say more tensile strength so it handles higher pressures better.09:21
doclheck it could be developed as an anti-stroke measure09:21
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doclmodify the genes in stem cells, induce specialization to endothelial cells, then perfuse09:22
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sheena1archels, thanks for that link! looks useful!12:44
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abetuskdiscussion of open hardware "layers of openness label" going on now.  You guys have any feeling on the matter?13:49
archelssheena1: no prob, got a link to your kickstarter page?13:56
archelsor is this more of a "what if" scenario13:56
sheena1archels: haven't gotten that far yet. need to know how to get something manufactured and that its doable before we kickstarter it, i think? Idon't want people funding something when i have no idea how to make it!13:57
archelsyes, get some quotes so you can put up realistic targets13:57
sheena1the pretty-terrible website for the product in question is here: http://www.nohudo.com/ but the english is pretty bad. I'm working with the creator to get it more accessible to english-speakers. He's sent me a prototype of the product, but I'm not at all familiar with what to do next.. those articles seem like a good start, though13:58
archelsmhm, he disabled embedding of his own YouTube video on his website?14:02
archelsoh it's not a zapper!14:03
archelshahaha awesome14:03
@fennam i the only one who expected it to be full of C4?14:03
archelsno, but that would've also worked.14:03
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@fennthere ought to be at least one picture of the device in action14:05
archelsvideo is the new image14:07
@fennexcept when you disable video embedding on your video14:08
sheena1there are some pictures14:08
sheena1they're just14:08
sheena1hard to find14:09
sheena1anyway, i have one, he gave it to me14:09
sheena1i'm a dog trainer, so very interested14:09
sheena1how to make MORE?14:09
sheena1and.. cheap?14:09
@fennif only we could train dogs to build devices14:09
sheena1their dexterity is often insufficient14:11
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@kanzure"There are some objections to the idea of biohacking. A lurid imagination can conjure up images of do-it-yourself cloning projects and many other objects of science fiction horror films."14:54
@kanzureoh no, not cloning! someone might make a tissue culture that is usable!14:55
@kanzuregod damn it14:55
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=a988e8a6 Bryan Bishop: article about biocurious14:57
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@fennthe soylent.me project is pretty interesting. i hope it takes off in a big way15:15
@fenni'd like to see a more detailed analysis of individual amino acids and fats though15:17
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jrayhawkAnd the individual micronutrients.15:53
GrognorI "read on the internet" that there are too many humans for everyone to have a paleo diet15:59
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@fennGrognor: it's been that way since 10000 BC16:16
browniespeople have been reading things on the internet since 10000 BC?16:20
browniesmust've been tough to get broadband back then16:21
@kanzurecomcast is literally a dinosaur16:21
@kanzurethat time travelled into the future to 10000 BC... i guess.16:21
@fennsee my earlier comment about time traveling AI ebook lords16:24
Grognordoes paperbot work with shortened urls16:25
Grognorthis url is too long to fit in an irc line16:25
@kanzureno it wont work necessarily16:25
Grognormight as well try16:26
Grognorpaperbot: http://goo.gl/MNLbj16:26
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/a634958d080b65fee66276a49f0da37a.txt16:26
@kanzurejmil: who is matthew and jeff?16:27
jmilkanzure: whut?16:27
@kanzureGrognor: that includes a utortonto proxy in that..16:27
@kanzurejmil: something about houston16:27
jmilwhere did i post that?16:28
@kanzurejmil: nowhere.16:28
Grognorit's the url from a wikipedia citation16:28
@kanzureGrognor: can you show me the actual url16:28
jmilso confused kanzure16:28
jmilpls splain16:28
@kanzurejmil: do you know someone named matt or jeff?16:28
jmilyes. both.16:29
@kanzureso what's up? are they doing brightcove?16:29
@kanzureGrognor: ok i'll look16:29
jmili don't know brightcove16:29
@kanzureoh. maybe it's a different thing?16:29
jmili'm just confused what you are talkinga bout16:29
jmilthey contacted you or someone mentioned us?16:29
@kanzurehaha i just want to know what's up16:30
jmilthey are thought leaders in houston16:30
jmilwhere did you see them referenced to me? just curouis16:30
jmilwe have big plans for houston16:30
@kanzureGrognor: http://bf4dv7zn3u.search.serialssolutions.com/?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&ctx_enc=info%3Aofi%2Fenc%3AUTF-8&rfr_id=info:sid/summon.serialssolutions.com&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal&rft.genre=article&rft.atitle=Hypnosis&rft.jtitle=The+Clinical+Advisor+%3A+For+Nurse+Practitioners&rft.au=Sherril+Sego&rft.date=2012-03-01&rft.pub=Haymarket+Media%2C+Inc&rft.issn=1524-7317&rft.volume=15&rft.issue=3&rft.spage=80&rft.externalDocID=268060848116:30
@kanzurepaperbot: http://bf4dv7zn3u.search.serialssolutions.com/?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&ctx_enc=info%3Aofi%2Fenc%3AUTF-8&rfr_id=info:sid/summon.serialssolutions.com&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal&rft.genre=article&rft.atitle=Hypnosis&rft.jtitle=The+Clinical+Advisor+%3A+For+Nurse+Practitioners&rft.au=Sherril+Sego&rft.date=2012-03-01&rft.pub=Haymarket+Media%2C+Inc&rft.issn=1524-7317&rft.volume=15&rft.issue=3&rft.spage=80&rft.externalDocID=268060848116:30
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/c99afd5c8f20e34f56a0df4dd0e73119.txt16:30
jmilkanzure: ??16:32
@kanzurejmil: what are the plans?16:32
@kanzurejmil: i read a lot of email16:32
jmilwe are doing lots of things, but i don't know which email you are referencing16:32
@kanzureman, this conversation is going nowhere faster than light.16:33
jmili'm not involved, just trying to help the right people get together16:33
@kanzureGrognor: google scholar doesn't seem to be able to find "Hypnosis for Pain Management, anxiety and behavioral disorders."16:33
jmilthere is a diybio thing going, there is a reprap for education thing going, there is a design thing going16:33
jmilall in houston16:34
@kanzureis the diybio thing just tx/rx? or something else going on?16:34
@fennGrognor: try magnesium citrate instead16:34
Grognorinstead of what16:34
jmili am not involved, i heard one sentence about it so i am trying to help. i think jacob shiach is involved16:34
@fennhypnosis :P16:34
GrognorI don't know anything about drugs, nutrition, metabolism, hormesis, homeostasis, cell biology, or neurochemistry16:35
Grognor(unlike, apparently, everyone else in this channel)16:35
@fennnevermind, as you were16:36
@fenn(i like that you included hormesis in your list)16:36
GrognorI must go16:38
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klafkahmm hormesis16:40
klafkagotta say first time i heard of that word16:41
jrayhawkIt's a damned good word.16:41
jrayhawkhomeostasis, hormesis, and hysteresis16:43
browniesreprap for education? what's that about?16:46
@fenni am having a hard time determining if that is a spoof or not16:52
@kanzureapparently not.. but jojack hasn't received his yet.16:54
@fennyeah the more i look at it the more serious it seems16:54
@fennbut at a first glance it's a lot like "kat herding"16:55
@kanzurewhy is it about social anything. fuck that..16:56
@kanzurehttp://crowdcure.com/ bleh16:58
@fennstop it kanzure, you're making me want to find a cave and hide until everyone dies17:00
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@kanzuresorry, talking with jojack17:01
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@kanzure"It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human organ for valuable consideration for use in human transplantation if the transfer affects interstate commerce."17:09
@kanzureoh hm..17:10
@kanzure"The term “valuable consideration” does not include the reasonable payments associated with the removal, transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, and storage of a human organ or the expenses of travel, housing, and lost wages incurred by the donor of a human organ in connection with the donation of the organ."17:10
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brownieskanzure: uh17:11
@fennso we know what it doesn't mean, but what does it mean?17:11
brownieskanzure: are you setting up intrastate liver harvesting operations?17:11
@kanzureit means you can't directly auction off your liver.17:11
@kanzurebrownies: maybe.17:12
browniesit looks like it means you can't auction off your liver to someone in another state.17:12
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@fenncan i auction my liver to someone living in the same state?17:12
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browniesi guess individual states probably have laws about such things.17:12
@kanzure"The National Organ Transplant Act (1984 Pub.L. 98–507), approved October 19, 1984 and amended in 1988 and 1990, outlawed the sale of human organs and provided for the establishment of the Task Force on Organ Transplantation; authorized the Department of Health and Human Services to make grants for the planning, establishment, and initial operation of qualified Organ Procurement Organizations (OPOs); and established the formation of the ...17:12
@kanzure... Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network and Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients. It was sponsored by Rep. Al Gore and Sen. Orrin Hatch.[1]"17:12
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@kanzurei wonder if i can become a qualified Organ Procurement Organization. hrm.17:13
yashgarothget a scalpel and a rag of chloroform and you're pretty much in17:13
@kanzure"The Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) was also established. This network is a unified transplant network that is run by the private, non-profit organization, United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), in Richmond Virginia. The UNOS works under the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Robert Walsh is the current Project Officer for OPTN"17:14
@kanzurehmm http://www.unos.org/17:14
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@kanzurenot exactly the store they should be running http://store.unos.org/17:20
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cpopellMeeting with my first big potential client tomorrow :D17:24
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nshcpopell, i hope it goes excellently17:27
@fennin the book, soylent green was not made of people, it was made of soy and lentils :D17:28
cpopellthanks, nsh. It's not a startup (for once)17:35
nshcpopell, what is it, if you care to say?17:36
cpopellit's a potential state of science report, I think. I can't say much more.17:37
* nsh nods17:37
cpopellalso finally submitted a journal article17:37
nshbe sure to take the usual precautions to determine that  you aren't dealing with a lizard person17:37
nshnice :)17:38
cpopellwell, conference article, whatever.17:38
cpopellto ICOMM201317:38
nshbecause if it isn't17:39
nshit probably should be17:39
cpopellI wish, that'd be more fun17:39
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@kanzureSphericalMouse: jmil is around, if you want to bug him about tissue printing things.18:20
@kanzurehaha paperbot18:21
SphericalMousemm, sangheeta18:22
@kanzurewell no.. i was referring to the first author.. but i guess that's close enough.18:22
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SphericalMouseI'm not really working on tissue printing18:23
@kanzureah, i thought you were asking to bug someone about that at some point. my mistake.18:24
SphericalMousenot me18:24
SphericalMousehard problem18:24
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ThomasEgihow bout this plan: first, invent some virus/disease that makes stupidity hurt like hell. then get into selling painkillers18:55
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eudoxiaa paper on microfluidics could have that title19:16
eudoxiagiven that it's a conference on microminufacturing etc.19:17
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eudoxiagood luck cpopell19:24
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delinquentmekanzure, happen to have a chart of stem cell differentiation lineage?19:30
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@kanzuredelinquentme: no.19:57
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@kanzure"video of some of the 2012 interns" http://sens.org/education20:24
@kanzurehaha what.. "Like the other WFIRM interns, you will receive a $3000 stipend for the ten-week internship, but will need to handle your own housing."20:25
@kanzureoh this is a bit better "If you are placed at the Buck Institute or the SRF Research Center, you will receive wages of around $2000/month for up to three months, prorated, with flexible start and end dates."20:26
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@kanzure"According to the New England Journal of Medicine, a human kidney can be purchased in Manila for $1000–$2000, but in urban Latin America a kidney may cost more than $10,000. Kidneys in South Africa have sold for as high as $20,000. Price disparities based on donor race are a driving force of attractive organ sales in South Africa, as well as in other parts of the world."20:55
@kanzure"In China, a kidney transplant operation runs for around $70,000, liver for $160,000, and heart for $120,000 [15][dead link]. Although these prices are still unattainable to the poor, compared to the fees of the United States, where a kidney transplant may demand $100,000, a liver $250,000, and a heart $860,000, Chinese prices have made China a major provider of organs and transplantation surgeries to other countries."20:55
@kanzure"In India, a kidney transplant operation runs for around as low as $5000."20:55
@kanzureso a kidney transplant operation costs $70,000 in china, but how much is the kidney?20:55
@kanzurehah "China has made selling of organs illegal as of July 2006 and claims that all prisoner organ donors have filed consent."20:56
@kanzure"In Chennai, India where one of the largest black markets for organs is known to exist, studies have placed the average sale price at little over $1,000.[25]"20:59
@kanzurepaperbot: http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/288/13/158920:59
paperboterror: HTTP 300 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Economic%20and%20Health%20Consequences%20of%20Selling%20a%20Kidney%20in%20India.pdf20:59
@kanzureso a kidney transplant operation costs $70,000 in china, but how much is the kidney?21:08
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sheena1anyone want to do a knee surgery on my dog super cheap?21:18
sheena1maybe i should take him to china?21:18
Viper168I wouldn't mind having dual organs21:35
Viper168wonder if you could do that21:35
Viper168have a backup in case one fails21:35
Viper168just hook them up in parallel21:36
Viper168would that be considered organ gluttony21:37
@kanzuresigh. who cares if it is gluttony or not? get out.21:38
Viper168? what's your problem21:40
@kanzure21:37 < Viper168> would that be considered organ gluttony21:40
@kanzurealso i hate it when you say lol21:40
Viper168is that really worth being rude about?21:41
Viper168I was just being goofy21:41
Viper168lighten up a little21:41
@kanzurebecause you think it's impractical?21:41
Viper168I don't know21:41
Viper168it was a random thought21:41
sheena1i just ignore him when he gets like that, Viper168 :)21:42
Viper168not everything has ot be so serious21:42
@kanzureif he wants to make an actual statement about organs being a bad thing, he should say it.21:42
@kanzureinstead of dancing around it with lol and shit.21:42
Viper168I never implied anything of the sort21:42
Viper168I'm at a neutral stance21:43
Viper168except that organ availability is a good thing21:43
sheena1kanzure: I really think you're the one who misinterpretted that21:43
Viper168I was just making a dorky statement because it amused me21:44
Viper168no negative implications intended21:44
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Viper168no worries man, let's chill21:45
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abetusknice...I think I have height probing in GRBL proper now23:51
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