
--- Log opened Tue Mar 05 00:00:18 2013
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@kanzureman you guys are boring08:37
@kanzure"Treatment costs for both Kyprolis and Pomalyst run close to $10,000 a month."08:42
@kanzurepaperbot: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2013/lc/c3lc41403e08:44
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/On-chip%20analysis%20of%20C.%20elegans%20muscular%20forces%20and%20locomotion%20patterns%20in%20microstructured%20environments.pdf08:44
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balrogpaperbot: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2013/lc/c3lc41403e08:51
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/b98d53cca276840555c03898d48b4fd4.pdf08:51
balrogkanzure: hmm, it should do some sort of deduplication08:52
-!- EnLilaSko [~Nattzor@unaffiliated/enlilasko] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:53
@kanzurebalrog: submit a patch, https://github.com/kanzure/paperbot09:04
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audypaperbot http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/2072382009:32
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/9d2b31452893eed081194d289f512f2b.txt09:32
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nmz787paperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S088985291000040X09:36
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/The%20Intestinal%20Microbiome%3A%20Relationship%20to%20Type%201%20Diabetes.txt09:36
nmz787paperbot: http://pdn.sciencedirect.com.proxy.lib.pdx.edu/science?_ob=MiamiImageURL&_cid=273335&_user=1694017&_pii=S088985291000040X&_check=y&_origin=article&_zone=toolbar&_coverDate=2010--30&view=c&originContentFamily=serial&wchp=dGLzVlk-zSkzk&md5=78c6c394d829c84f60df4532990f528c&pid=1-s2.0-S088985291000040X-main.pdf09:36
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/9f22e0d16dd80a5bbef3c48314bd324c.txt09:36
nmz787paperbot: http://ac.els-cdn.com/S1740675709000206/1-s2.0-S1740675709000206-main.pdf?_tid=6aac9ac4-85bb-11e2-8aa0-00000aacb361&acdnat=1362505257_e7d9208ca10f3df5ea260f48e79ba1c709:38
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/cc034c0366e6e89c3196dbba680d66e4.pdf09:38
nmz787audy: ^09:38
nmz787weird, the pdf link doesn't actually seem behind a paywall09:39
nmz787can someone check this link who isn't on pdx.edu?09:39
archelsopen access09:40
audynmz787 that's a different paper but thanks :)09:40
nmz787ezproxy on sciencedirect didn't let me open the PDF link09:40
nmz787well, 1 ezproxy didn't give me the PDF button, 1 gave it but it still said I wasn't authorized, then the third it openend that link09:41
nmz787oh, maybe I clicked a different link somewhere along the way, since audy says that paper I got isn't right09:43
audynmz787 I got the article now. My boss wrote it09:47
audywell, last authore'd it I mean09:47
audycan't even download our own fricken papers09:48
nmz787i was gonna say email the authors09:48
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bkeronmz787: Hey you work at Intel, right?09:53
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nmz787bkero: nah my fiancee does though10:37
yashgarothwhen did you get engaged10:37
bkeroAh right on10:37
@kanzurehah.. so this thread is mozilla asking what people want in firefox for developer tools: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=532544510:38
@kanzureso someone replies, "Support V8's debugger protocol so we can use the WebKit Inspector."10:38
bkerobad troll10:39
@kanzuredunno, it would be nice.10:39
@kanzurebut it's not v8 that would make that work10:40
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nmz787yashgaroth: it's been a while, there wasn't a hard date when I asked her though, I don't think...10:50
nmz787maybe i didn't ask her actually10:51
nmz787it may have been something more like 'if you don't want kids, get out'10:51
yashgarothheh alright then10:51
nmz787bkero: why do you ask? want to see if I'm in the next building over? (are you at Intel now?)10:52
bkeronmz787: Heh no. Got a plot in a pdxtech community datacenter and need to build a server, wanted to get some procs.10:52
nmz787if you have part #s I can ask if she get's a discount10:54
bkeroTwo Xeon E5-2450s and a motherboard for them10:56
nmz787anyone know about these? http://hacktalk.net/tutorialsguides/intro-to-defeating-aslr/10:58
@kanzurenot knowing when you got engaged is usually grounds for couch time10:58
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yoleauxC. elegans Harlem Shake - YouTube11:18
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nmz787bkero: she is checking11:40
bkeronmz787: l33t11:40
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nmz787huh, davidad is friends on facebook with geohot11:46
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@kanzurenmz787: the secret is that we all know each other11:52
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bkero"we all"?12:33
@kanzurebkero: people who do things12:34
@kanzureor, you know, talk with others.12:34
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nmz787geohot was my lab partner for a class at RIT12:49
@kanzureworld is smaller than is generally believed.13:00
@kanzurenmz787: so you are aware of what he was up to?13:01
@kanzurei mean, his various iphone exploits and ps3 private key stuff.13:04
ThomasEgikanzure, the world is still big enough to eat a hole in your pocket if you need to travel it13:08
@kanzurei think you and i must be wearing a different brand of pants, because damn.13:09
ThomasEgihard to tell. i'm sitting around in shorts atm13:14
bkeroI think I've found your problem.13:18
ThomasEgino money? no pants?13:23
nmz787kanzure: a bit, I don't think he was doing the PS3 stuff at that point, I think it was still iPhone stuff13:26
@kanzureget him in here :p13:27
nmz787he told me how he put an iTrip FM transmitter in the door key reader, and hung out in a lounge that had a window near that door, had his computer recording the tuner, and saved the sequence after he saw a public safety officer swipe in13:28
nmz787then he threw some wires and maybe an inductor on a 3.5mm headphone jack, plugged it into his phone, shoved the wires into the card reader, playd back the sound file and the door opened13:28
nmz787someone posted a vid on youtube of his playing a sound and the door opening, and he got flagged by the school13:29
nmz787around then I guess he was getting bored with school, he stopped showing up to class and the next thing I heard he was working it google or facebook13:30
nmz787kanzure: I don't think I can get him in here, he doesn't respond to me on facebook... and I messaged him about some blog posts he made years ago last week or so, and he didn't respond13:30
@kanzurei doubt he uses facebook13:30
nmz787I don't think I'm on his level13:30
nmz787are you kidding?13:31
nmz787he posts shit a lot13:31
@kanzure"his level"13:31
@kanzurehis power level?13:31
nmz787i guess13:31
nmz787he's been termed a 'dick' by others13:32
nmz787I wasn't around him long enough to really get to know13:32
@kanzuresaurik: do you know geohot?13:32
nmz787but like I said he hasn't responded to my messages the few times I've messaged him since he left RIT, and he didn't respond13:32
nmz787s/and he didn't respond/so maybe he is/13:33
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ParahSailini really am out of the loop on youtube trash memes13:35
ParahSailinwhen people post stuff like harlem shake i feel really old13:35
ParahSailinis that like a reddit thing?13:37
@kanzurewhere did that mouse surgery guy go?13:39
@kanzurei want him back13:39
ParahSailinmouse surgery?13:40
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@kanzurehe was donig some c60 experiments on mice and apparently had some experience with at-home surgery13:41
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yashgarothoh, that french guy?13:42
@kanzuresounds right13:42
yashgarothI hope he didn't OD on C6013:43
nmz787ParahSailin: I think it just means you don't use facebook much13:43
nmz787ParahSailin: harlem shake was a dubstep/techno/euroTrash song13:44
nmz787then some crappy youtube channel made a video that used a few seconds of that song, set to dry humping13:44
nmz787then some dudes remade that small section of that crappy video13:45
ParahSailinah, facebook13:45
nmz787and then that one went viral13:45
ParahSailinyeah, i can't think of a use case for that one13:45
nmz787and caused all the other remixed version13:45
ParahSailindo some people have a lack of edifying things to read?13:46
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nmz787meh, I don't run the risk of catching the flu if I hangout virtually, so I guess it has it's upsides13:46
nmz787ParahSailin: you don't happen to live in Hood River do you? your handle leads me to believe you like gushes of wind13:48
ParahSailinnah, just a retarded play on an obscure politician's name13:49
nmz787i found you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75QlTG3m9vs13:53
yoleauxParasailin' with Sarah Palin: SuperNews! - YouTube13:53
nmz787don't watch that13:55
nmz787it's not worth it13:55
ParahSailinthought hadnt crossed my mind13:57
@kanzurei wonder if you can electroporate blood13:58
ParahSailinyou mean electroporate the cells in blood?13:59
ParahSailinstraight, without any prep?14:00
yashgarothI'd recommend separating white blood cells and resuspending them in PBS first14:00
ParahSailinyeah ionic strength and electroporation dont mix14:00
ParahSailinyou'll just cook the cells14:00
ParahSailinpbs is too high ionic strength14:01
yashgarothwell, you don't wanna lyse them, especially once their membranes get busted open14:01
ParahSailinthats why electroporation medium is glycerol and DI14:02
@kanzurewas thinking it might be useful for temporary immunity or something14:03
@kanzureprobably better to go for miRNA expression at that point14:03
yashgarothglycerol/DI even for mammalian cells?14:03
nmz787yashgaroth: why do you think that wouldn't work?14:04
ParahSailinfor mammalian cells you buy the most expensive, proprietary buffer because you want your shit to work14:04
nmz787could you use sucrose instead?14:04
nmz787that's nonionic14:04
yashgarothI'm not saying it wouldn't work14:04
ParahSailinif sonoporation is legit, that might be good for minimal prep transfection14:06
@kanzureonly reason i ask is because bloodrocution would be really neat.14:07
@kanzureregarding sonoporation,14:08
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.springerlink.com/content/xu7x737825535305/14:08
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Sonoporation%3A%20Mechanical%20DNA%20Delivery%20by%20Ultrasonic%20Cavitation.pdf14:08
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169409X9800063514:09
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/A%20practical%20assessment%20of%20transdermal%20drug%20delivery%20by%20skin%20electroporation.pdf14:09
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S000634950770841X14:09
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Modeling%20Electroporation%20in%20a%20Single%20Cell.pdf14:09
ParahSailinpaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/v3/n1/full/nmeth0106-67.html14:09
paperbotHTTP 401 unauthorized http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/v3/n1/pdf/nmeth0106-67.pdf14:09
@kanzureoh shiet unauthorized what now bitches14:09
-!- cpopell [~cpopell@] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:10
@kanzurewhat about this one?14:10
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0006291X8992400514:10
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Electro-insertion%20of%20xeno-glycophorin%20into%20the%20red%20blood%20cell%20membrane.txt14:10
@kanzuregah nevermind that was just .txt14:10
bkeronmz787: any word back?14:26
nmz787bkero: just asked her14:28
bkeronmz787: Ah ok14:29
nmz787kanzure: do you have any idea why this webpage seems to be leaking memory? It crashed Chrome and said flash was responsible, so I installed flashblock and it's better but it's still eating up 800Mb of RAM almost immediately http://erraticsemaphore.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2010-01-01T00:00:00-05:00&updated-max=2011-01-01T00:00:00-05:00&max-results=2414:29
nmz787some kind of crash your browser javascript virus?14:29
@kanzureare you using vimeo or youtube with html5 video?14:32
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ThomasEginmz787, the page behaves well with js turned off14:33
nmz787kanzure: i think i have youtube set to default to html514:33
@kanzureyou can check here: http://youtube.com/html514:33
@kanzuremaybe there's a bug in html video buffering14:33
nmz787i guess i wasn't!14:34
@kanzurewhat version of chrome?14:34
nmz787ersion 25.0.1364.152 m14:34
nmz787" Google Chrome is up to date"14:34
@kanzurewell, you could always look with gdb14:35
@kanzuregdb chrome, then run -o thaturl14:35
nmz787ahh, good idea, but I'm on windows and don't want to spend that much time on this14:36
nmz787seems the info i was looking for has been removed14:36
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bkeronmz787: using 200mb on firefox :)14:44
@kanzurebkero: are you still at mozilla?14:44
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bkerokanzure: aye14:45
@kanzurebkero: are there any plans for a command-line version of (whatever mozilla's version of firebug is called)14:45
bkeronmz787: It's all the google iframes14:45
bkerokanzure: the developer tools? yeah. There's a console already14:45
@kanzureno, command-line. like in bash.14:46
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@kanzurenot in the browser.14:46
@kanzurean actual console14:46
bkerokanzure: Easy enough to do. We've abstracted the protocol away so we can do it through a pipe. https://hacks.mozilla.org/2013/01/remote-debugging-firefox-os-with-weinre/14:47
@kanzureah i didn't see that article, thanks. i've used weinre before but it wasn't working with firefox because the api was different.14:47
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@kanzurewait, what?14:48
@kanzurethe way that weinre works is that it uses the webkit idl files to generate classes for what to interface with and transmit14:48
@kanzureso what is it doing to get firefox's state information?14:49
@kanzuresecond, that's still in a browser.14:49
bkeroYeah, I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist. But with the remote debuggin support we've enabled it should be possible to do it by simply constructing a curses interface and having it speak the right bits over the pipe.14:52
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nmz787bkero: google ads?14:57
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bkeronmz787: huh?14:59
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nmz787bkero: I meant the iframes you mentioned, were they showing ads?15:13
nmz787do you get paid for ads loading or only clicks?15:13
bkeronmz787: click-throughs I think15:16
bkeroand I don't remember what they were loading, I killed that shit15:16
bkeroThey were google somethings in iframes, could have been ads15:17
bkerosome didn't load15:17
nmz787bkero: did you ever work at Intel to know who/where to ask about prices?15:19
bkeronmz787: There's a web site, I think it's linked from intelpedia.15:19
nmz787ok I told her, I asked her months ago to check on a processor price, and she was oblivious15:21
bkeroI know there's an internal web site for it, it's linked to with the rest of the employee benefits.15:25
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nmz787bkero: "Ya i looked for it in the intel discount website for employees. but only desktop processors EPP. no Xeons."15:36
bkeroReally? Lamesauce.15:37
bkeroIt used to be xeons15:37
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nmz787if she brings her laptop home, we can VPN in together, maybe she missed the pro/server section15:38
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nmz787bkero: she said she can't see all the products because she's an intern, but she asked another engineer and they checked and said there were no xeons15:46
bkeroThey must have removed them at some point. Super-lame.15:47
bkeronmz787: thanks for all the work though :)15:47
heathanyone up for helping to create a json alternative to neuroml?15:59
@kanzurenot right now16:00
heathyeah, same16:00
heathif someone else was motivated enough to ping me, i might16:00
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jrayhawkpaperbot: http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(13)60223-8/fulltext16:54
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/7a416085c610db7b6e798d0828c8594a.txt16:54
jrayhawkpaperbot: http://download.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lancet/PIIS0140673613602238.pdf16:54
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/1cd76839b98dc52d0bb6093296532c78.txt16:54
-!- qu-bit_ [~shroedngr@unaffiliated/barriers] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]16:56
nmz787paperbot: www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S014067361360223816:57
nmz787paperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S014067361360223816:57
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Shared%20genetics%20among%20major%20psychiatric%20disorders.pdf16:57
nmz787jrayhawk: ^16:57
nmz787jrayhawk: "Visit SciVerse ScienceDirect"16:58
nmz787paperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=GatewayURL&_origin=THELANCET&_urlversion=4&_method=citationSearch&_version=1&_piikey=S0140-6736(13)60223-8&md5=31c8e0a7f975fe5ae15bb8f66bc425c716:58
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Shared%20genetics%20among%20major%20psychiatric%20disorders.pdf16:58
nmz787oO, that works too16:58
nmz787so paperbot should be fixable for laancet i think16:58
jrayhawkoh, cool17:05
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@kanzure"Biohacking, Gentechnik aus der Garage, H. Charisius, R. Friebe, S. Karberg, Carl-Hanser-Verlag, München 2013..18:37
@kanzure"mobile DNA-Kopier-Maschine"18:38
@kanzureoh.. malaria. then they probably mean a thermocycler.18:38
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nmz787mac cowell is featured in some japanese article19:17
nmz787i don't know what it says though, since it's in japanese19:17
nmz787i think it's something with biohacking19:20
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rigelyall use selenium webdriver at all?19:43
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@kanzurerigel: i use phantomjs directly19:51
rigeli dont know javascript19:51
@kanzurehttp://coffeescript.org/ have fun.19:51
@kanzureby fun i mean "hours of infuriation and counseling"19:51
rigelaint nobody got time for that19:51
@kanzurethere's a selenium plugin for phantomjs19:52
@kanzureif you insist.19:52
rigeli am trying my hand at writing a class that will handle some garden variety web scraping19:52
@kanzurei just got done writing a phantomjs thing to generate http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/ad.html-003.gif19:52
@kanzurekinda still in the first 30 seconds after-shock of "oh it's actually working"19:53
rigelare there any web sites that i can use as practice for this crap19:54
rigelbecause i dont want to be testing my awful hacky code on sites that might possibly give a shit about automation19:55
@kanzurethere was a hosted phantomjs service but i can't remember the name20:01
@kanzuref that's what you mean.20:01
superkuhpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027311770700653920:17
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Erratum%20to%20An%20analysis%20of%20solar%20radio%20burst%20events%20on%20December%201%2C%202004%20%5BAdv.%20Space%20Res.%2039%20%282007%29%2014411446%5D.pdf20:17
-!- augur [~augur@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]20:19
@kanzuresuperkuh: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Erratum%20to%20%e2%80%9cAn%20analysis%20of%20solar%20radio%20burst%20events%20on%20December%201,%202004%e2%80%9d%20%5bAdv.%20Space%20Res.%2039%20(2007)%201441%e2%80%931446%5d.pdf20:19
@kanzureweird that paperbot got the url wrong.20:20
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superkuhThanks. And oh. This isn't what I thought it was.20:21
superkuhpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027311770700304320:21
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/An%20analysis%20of%20solar%20radio%20burst%20events%20on%20December%201%2C%202004.txt20:21
@kanzure<!-- static const char logontmpl_sccsId[] = "@(#)logon.tmpl  10/01/99 09:58:29  Retrieved: 10/01/99 12:26:45"; -->20:22
@kanzurestrange comment20:22
@kanzure10/01/99 is practically ancient20:22
jrayhawkThat's not a standard date string; you don't actually know its meaning.20:23
superkuh99 of what else but years?20:23
@kanzure2010 or 2001 is also ancient :)20:23
superkuhpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MiamiImageURL&_cid=271642&_user=1694017&_pii=S0273117707003043&_check=y&_origin=article&_zone=toolbar&_coverDate=2007--31&view=c&originContentFamily=serial&wchp=dGLbVBA-zSkWA&pid=1-s2.0-S0273117707003043-main.pdf&_valck=1&md5=ae763b0b0c8993b5289210fd2a13b138&ie=/sdarticle.pdf20:23
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/564803165a1022465883245b2a81ba01.txt20:23
@kanzuremaybe that's the institutional user id20:24
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@kanzure"called Chesapeake BioWorks, a start-up designed to sell biotechnology education and training materials to schools and DIY biologists."22:35
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