
--- Log opened Tue Mar 19 00:00:32 2013
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strangewarphmm. watching multiple authority figures talk about how much they like TVTropes is filling me with despair00:36
strangewarpI'm like "its tone is unbearable" and they're like "better than YOUR tone"00:36
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kanzurepaperbot: http://www.cell.com/cell-reports/retrieve/pii/S221112471300075201:43
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kanzurepaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096706451300048901:45
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/The%20discovery%20of%20a%20natural%20whale%20fall%20in%20the%20Antarctic%20deep%20sea.pdf01:45
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archelspaperbot: http://iopscience.iop.org/0967-3334/24/2/369/pdf/0967-3334_24_2_369.pdf02:31
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/d02af9bd10b1b23ef7a5d7c530e8eeb6.pdf02:32
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klafkaat talk by peter norvig now09:05
xmjklafka: do you know if it's livestreamed somewhere?09:05
klafkai don't think so - they will probably post it after the fact09:06
klafkait's about 'learning python'09:06
xmjklafka: I read the pydata.org headlines09:06
klafkait's pretty rad so far09:07
klafkai went to the workshops yesterday09:07
xmjAfter seeing how PyCon had all the streams at timvideos.us I figured I'd ask if the PyData folks had something similar09:07
klafkalast time merakana hostedi t09:08
xmjAh well, I'll wait till they upload the videos. I definitely want to see Norvig, and the one about Time Series Analysis in Python :)09:09
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kanzurebotnet detection on ad networks http://www.spider.io/blog/2013/03/chameleon-botnet/10:02
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EnLilaSkopaperbot: http://www.frontiersin.org/Neuropsychiatric_Imaging_and_Stimulation/10.3389/fpsyt.2012.00110/abstract11:48
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Neurobiological%20Effects%20of%20Transcranial%20Direct%20Current%20Stimulation%3A%20A%20Review.pdf11:48
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silver1what the fuck is biohacking ?? You read minds of people ??? like there memories or something or make hardware  to control humans by remotes ??11:53
ThomasEgisilver1, step 1: don't panic.11:54
* xmj gives silver1 a towel.11:55
ThomasEgistep3: noone cares about your memories or wants to remote controll you. at least i don't.11:55
xmjI wear a tinfoil hat to actively keep your memories OUT.11:56
silver1@ThomasEgi thanks for towel.11:56
xmjIt's not there to protect me, it's all for YOUR benefit :}11:56
ThomasEgisilver1, the towle was not mine11:56
xmjsilver1: you're welcome.11:56
silver1@ThomasEgi but it was your idea11:56
silver1xmj thanks buddy11:57
lichenthink the confusion here is the word biohacking11:57
lichenbecause people confuse hacking and cracking11:57
kanzurebiohacking isn't any different from regular biology. although there tends to be less insistence on institutionalization or institutional involvement.11:57
lichencracking is the bad one ;)11:57
xmjspeaking of which11:57
lichenhacking is good11:57
silver1lichen I  dont confuse them. Just want to know what is  biohacking ??11:57
kanzureit's just regular biology.11:58
xmjgiven that you folks are into DIY and Nootropics and stuff11:58
xmjdo you folks have experiences with polyphasic sleeping?11:58
kanzuremostly with a focused on techniques, lab protocols, lab equipment, reagents, materials, etc.11:58
lichengarage biology to a degree11:58
kanzuregarages aren't necessary.11:58
silver1you scared the living hell out of me ... just a regular biology like learning to perform operation on oneself ....lol11:59
kanzurei know people who have tried polyphasic sleep, but i don't know anyone who found it useful enough to still be using it.11:59
lichenpolyphasic sleep tends to be difficult to work into most schedules11:59
lichenunless youre self-employed or unemployed11:59
silver1now what is polyphasic sleep ?12:00
kanzureyour employment status doesn't greatly impact whether or not polyphasic sleep is useful or not. unemployed individuals have not stuck with it either.12:00
licheni would think scheduling issues would be the main reason to drop it12:01
lichenas having to nap every few hours can get in the way12:01
kanzurenope. scheduling reasons are secondary if it doesn't work for you.12:02
silver1I tool biology in first semester. Prof cut toad into 2 halves, I vomited12:02
kanzuresilver1: why are you here12:02
lichenmight be somebody from 'stop the cyborgs' :p12:03
xmjDoes it mean I have to give up my exocortex? :(12:03
silver1I thought you were making hardware to rule the world by controlling  the whole human race :)12:03
lichenthink youve been reading too much conspiracy theory garbage12:04
kanzurexmj: just saw your pm, sorry for the delay.12:04
kanzuresilver1: how did you get here?12:04
silver1same  way as you did12:05
silver1What if some conspiracies were true ???12:05
lichenthen who was phone !?12:06
lichenhonestly, you cant take every conspiracy theory seriously12:06
kanzuresilver1: please leave.12:06
lichensome might have shreds of truth12:06
lichenbut this is not the channel for that12:06
silver1kanzure: okay12:07
kanzuresilver1: thank you for being civil about this.12:07
silver1kanzure: byeeeeeeeee12:07
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o kanzure] by ChanServ12:07
lichenbe extra careful with your mail for a while kanzure :p12:07
silver1kanzure: what is command to leave the channel ??12:07
xmjsilver1: try /part12:08
-!- silver1 [~silver3@] has left ##hplusroadmap ["Leaving"]12:08
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-o kanzure] by kanzure12:08
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silver1xmj: thanks buddy, it worked !!!12:09
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-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o kanzure] by ChanServ12:09
xmjI suggest you try again12:09
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+m] by kanzure12:10
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-m] by kanzure12:10
@kanzurelet's try that again..12:10
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+m] by kanzure12:10
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-m] by kanzure12:10
@kanzurewell that sucks.12:10
xmj+q, wasn't it12:10
silver1 I am looking for some material to study about DNA12:11
silver1keeping jokes apart, any nice books, tutorials or something else will do12:11
silver1kanzure: thanks, sorry for bad jokes earlier.12:14
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salamandyrwhat are human augmenting technologies you wish were more readily available?12:27
ThomasEgisalamandyr, the mute button.12:29
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nmz787kanzure: i think joe kaufman's email is down12:41
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chris_99is anyone here into rocketry out of curiousity specifically hybrids12:46
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chris_99or know anything pertaining to HTPB12:53
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eudoxiaso the pirate bay has expanded into torrents of physical objects13:14
@kanzureis it a usable format, or just stl?13:15
eudoxiajust content-agnostic torrents13:15
@kanzurethat's sort of useless13:16
@kanzureyou could already put torrents up13:16
eudoxia>January 24, 201213:16
eudoxiawhat the fug13:16
nmz787ya old news13:16
@kanzurethis is bullshit13:16
@kanzureyou guys are liars13:16
eudoxiai need some kind of extension13:16
eudoxiathat highlights anything vaguely formatted like an address13:17
eudoxiaif it's over one year old13:17
eudoxiaaddress, i meant date13:17
@kanzurei still don't see the point13:17
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@kanzureit's just a category on their site? big deal.13:17
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@kanzureah nevermind.13:53
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nmz787kanzure: if i want to exit a python function early do i use break (like in an if statement)14:38
@kanzureyou can return whenever you want14:39
@kanzureif you're in a for or while loop and want to skip past itself, you can use break.14:39
@kanzureif you want to skip the remainder of the current loop (for just the current cycle) you can use continue.14:39
nmz787return nothing14:40
nmz787or return 014:40
@kanzureup to you14:40
salamandyris there any ist of existing/startup companies doing stuff in the augmented human / h+ space?14:44
@kanzuredepends on what you're willing to count. why do you ask?14:44
salamandyrlooking for a job :D14:44
@kanzurewhat are you skilled in?14:46
salamandyri'm an EEG oriented cognitive neuroscientist, with tons of experience in neurofeedback (clinical and research) and skills in assessing attention, etc.14:46
ParahSailinalways tough as a "wet" labber14:47
@kanzurewell, eeg has limited utility too14:47
ParahSailinalways dependent on a patron14:47
@kanzurei suppose there's always emotiv and whoever is selling to clinics.14:47
salamandyryou can do inverse solution stuff and get real-time sources now14:47
salamandyras accurate as fMRI for localization14:48
salamandyrand much faster time resolution, of course14:48
@kanzurehow many bytes of throughput can someone control with eeg these days?14:48
salamandyrah BCI ?14:48
salamandyri'm oriented in the opposite direction14:48
@kanzureall the commercial and research devices i've seen can only do something like 2 bits14:48
salamandyrchanging the brain14:48
salamandyrnot changing the environment14:48
klafkathere are people using eegs as device interfaces for drones and stuff14:48
salamandyrPocketN has 14 bit14:48
salamandyrin 2 channels14:49
@kanzureeeg is for measuring the brain, not changing the brain. if you wanted change you would use sound, current, or something else.14:49
salamandyrno.. neurofeedback changes the brain14:49
@kanzureto some extent14:49
@kanzureanyway, 14 bits of input, or 14 bits of human controlled input14:49
salamandyragain.. i'm not that BCI orietned14:49
salamandyri think it's a limited field14:49
salamandyrfor now14:49
-!- Shehrazad is now known as ElixirVitae14:50
salamandyrbut measuring / monitoring and changing using EEG feedback are all more powerful/active/proimsing14:50
@kanzureneurofeedback isn't going to isolate specific microcircuits, really14:50
salamandyrno it wont14:50
@kanzureexcept in very special cases14:50
klafkajust not familiar really w/ any startups that are doing neurofeedback14:50
klafkaexcept for scams14:50
@kanzurevery very special cases. like maybe you have neurons in a petri dish and you are looking at them. maybe.14:50
salamandyrthere arent many as far as i can tell14:50
@kanzurethere are some that claim to be doing neurofeedback, but they are all pre-revenue.14:50
salamandyri've been in the neurofeedback field for about 15 years14:50
salamandyri know the 5 or so companies doing nfb14:50
salamandyrat a decent level14:51
salamandyrbut gaming companies are now getting brain focused14:51
salamandyrso i'm guessing there are neurogaming/neurofeedback hybrids about to emergy14:51
salamandyr(and destroy the nfb market)14:51
@kanzureemotiv claims to be game focused, but i developed for their hardware and i can tell you it was shit14:51
salamandyryeah emoitiv is rather shite14:51
klafkaemotiv is apparently crap14:51
salamandyrand mindwave/neurscky is much much worse14:51
salamandyrthe best simple EEG is PocketNeurbics14:51
@kanzuremaybe you should focus on doing other things14:51
salamandyr2 chanenl14:51
klafkaah i see14:52
@kanzurelike not eeg14:52
@kanzuremaybe something that is making money, even.14:52
salamandyri've spent the past few years getting a PhD working on attetnion/EEG :)14:52
@kanzureor something that works.14:52
@kanzureah i see.14:52
salamandyryeah. i think it works :)14:52
@kanzureis there a paper i can read?14:52
salamandyrand i'm one of the few global experts in attention/nfb from both clinical and research side14:52
@kanzurethe first item here is from 2002. is this the most recent?14:53
salamandyrno there are cent14:53
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salamandyrMartin Arns' meta data paper is among the recent14:53
salamandyrmeta review rather14:54
@kanzurewhy are these separate pages, why not just put the whole list on one page14:54
salamandyrthere are a few since then too - but this is a good wide view14:54
@kanzurepaperbot: http://eeg.sagepub.com/content/40/3/180.short14:54
@kanzurefucking sage14:54
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.sydney-neurofeedback.com.au/downloads/2009%20Arns%20-%20Is%20Neurofeedback%20efficacious%20in%20ADHD.pdf14:55
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/3bdb7aab10c90ff193445bc6e6a420bc.pdf14:55
salamandyrarns has full tex on his site14:55
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salamandyriirc - varoius papers on brainclinics.nl that he has written14:56
salamandyrdecent overview here http://www.brainclinics.com/eeg-biofeedback14:57
@kanzurei only see inattention and hyperactivity here. that doesn't smell like the full definition of adhd to me?14:57
salamandyrthat's pretty close :)14:57
salamandyrhyperactivity is 2ndary to the core response inhibition issues14:57
@kanzurebut this doesn't explain things like the hyperfocusing subtrait14:58
@kanzurei suppose it doesn't matter; within the context of impulsivity, yes i'm sure neurofeedback and affect that.14:59
salamandyrthat is just PFC engagement, often in response to high stimulus14:59
salamandyre.g why adhd ppl are conflict-oriented and risk-taking orietned - lights up the PFC14:59
salamandyrwhy adhd kids train their parents to yell at them :)14:59
@kanzureman i hate cognitive psycholog15:00
@kanzurewhile there's a lot of evidence of the prefrontal cortex playing a role in adhd and other spectrum disorders, there are also other impacted systems other than just the prefrontal cortex that are involved when people yell at those brains. there's much more neuroanatomy going on than that.15:02
salamandyrin fact neurofeedback mostly focuses on sensorimotor strip based training15:02
salamandyranyway.. seems like you dont like anythig i do :)15:03
salamandyrguess i'll spend time elswhere15:03
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@kanzurebecause obviously i mean that much to you?15:04
@kanzurewow, what an asshole. just because i don't like cognitive psychology doesn't mean you should ignore everyone else in here.15:04
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@kanzure.. or leave, etc.15:05
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ParahSailinlol kanzure15:45
ParahSailini dont even see what you said that was so offensive to his field15:46
klafka'do something that works'15:46
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ParahSailinoh "man i hate cognitive psycholog"15:49
kanzurewell it's true. it always seems broken. i was reading the paper, but i guess i didn't tell him that and maybe he was upset.15:49
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kanzurejrayhawk: i am getting a lot of 404s on your .git fetcher. is this bad?15:58
kanzurenot all of the requests for git objects are 404ing, however.15:58
jrayhawkThey might be using object packs, in which case you're screwed without the manifest.15:58
kanzurewhere would the manifest be located?15:59
kanzurealso, what sort of other signs would there be that they are using object packs?15:59
kanzuregit fsck is telling me that a lot of objects are "corrupted" (they seem to be blank).16:01
kanzureoh i see. the 404s are being turned into blank files for whatever reason. that's probably my fault.16:01
jrayhawkman git-update-server-info16:01
jrayhawkthe lack of pack manifests is why git-fetch refuses to work in the first place16:02
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jrayhawk(though it should really be willing to do the naive traversal attempt anyway)16:03
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kanzurejrayhawk: huh, so i want the .git/objects/pack/pack-whatever.pack files?18:17
jrayhawkAnd the idx files.18:19
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kanzurermcl: welcome back?18:54
rmclkanzure: hello. thanks! it's been awhile18:55
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