
--- Log opened Wed Apr 03 00:00:46 2013
nmz787paperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S014381661100361700:10
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/High%20resolution%2C%20low%20cost%20laser%20lithography%20using%20a%20Blu-ray%20optical%20head%20assembly.pdf00:10
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archelswhere are my genetic drugs, ##hplusroadmap. I demand to know02:22
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chris_99does anyone have the link to that webpage on c. elegans regarding a simulation08:54
chris_99got it :)08:54
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eleitlmessagebot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1472-8206.2009.00692.x/pdf09:33
eleitlpaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1472-8206.2009.00692.x/pdf09:33
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/203bcb3403d6c4a911e781f1e54cdf24.txt09:33
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eleitlpaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1472-8206.2009.00692.x/full09:36
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/7780a42bb48e5fc233274a50b8d7e821.txt09:37
eleitlCan anyone here access http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1472-8206.2009.00692.x/full ?09:43
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eudoxiakanzure, with skdb, did you intend to keep all package data exclusively as YAML files09:48
eudoxiaor did you consider having skdb load that information into an SQL database to speed up resolving dependencies (while at the same time keeping the original files)?09:48
eudoxia(and updating the db when packages are changed/added, et cetera.)09:49
eudoxiait just seems so slow to iterate over a list of file paths, open them, yaml.load() them, search them...09:49
sivoaiseleitl: yes, do you want it?09:53
sivoaiseleitl: <http://ge.tt/2ve4zxc/v/0>09:54
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@kanzureeudoxia: are you seriously concerned about performance on something that doesn't even work?10:46
eudoxiathinking ahead and stuff10:47
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@kanzureeudoxia: how about you think about writing some code or something instead.10:49
eudoxiafine i was just wondering if you had thought about it10:53
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eudoxiai guess premature optimization really is that bad10:54
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@kanzure"Disney Shuts Down LucasArts" wtf11:03
eudoxiawait a second... it's not the 1st of april anymore...11:04
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klafkalol i love when ipython debugger shows you comments like11:14
klafka    500         # XXX -- this is a Vile HACK!11:14
@kanzurei like it when you press enter on a blank line in ipython but what it actualy does is some random command in your history11:19
@kanzurewhen i say "like" what i really mean is "hate"11:19
@ParahSailinipython is the python repl or something else11:22
@kanzureipython is a python repl11:23
@kanzureit is not the default python repl11:23
klafkaand i'm actually using ipython noteboo11:23
klafkawhich is really awesome11:23
klafkait needs like maybe 1-2% more polish and it'll be amazing11:24
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@kanzurei'm still not convinced about a web notebook. why not just use a repl?11:42
klafkacode is much more replicable11:46
klafkaright now i'm making a little comparison of various python performance enhancements and i can just distribute the notebook when i'm done11:47
@kanzure"Starting salaries are around $35k. If you are working for a non-profit foundation (ie: cancer research), expect to earn $25k."11:47
@kanzurehaha science sucks11:47
@kanzureklafka: can't you just save the ipython session (from the repl) and distribute that too? i don't see how that is unique.11:48
klafkayou can also convert it to pdf or latex11:48
@kanzuredubious value :P11:48
klafkaugh god more babies11:48
@kanzurehuh, we'll be losing iain banks?11:54
@kanzure"As a result, I've withdrawn from all planned public engagements and I've asked my partner Adele if she will do me the honour of becoming my widow (sorry - but we find ghoulish humour helps)."11:54
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klafkai saw that11:58
klafkathat sucks :(11:58
klafkahis books were a bit poppy but I enjoyed them a lot11:58
chris_99the Wasp Factory was really good i thought, i haven't read his sci-fi stuff yet12:02
klafkai don't remember too much of the wasp factory though i think i have it12:03
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chris_99it's very dark12:03
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chris_99anyone made a vacuum chamber out of interest12:24
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yoleauxError 502 (Server Error)!!112:50
@kanzure"Jesse Dylan Discusses DIY Science with DIYBio Co-Founder Mackenzie Cowell"12:50
@kanzure"At Los Angeles's Biohackathon 2013"12:50
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Burninatekanzure: is paperbot doing anything (turned on) in #lesswrong?14:00
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@ParahSailini thought you hated that place kanzure14:07
Burninatehe lubs to hate it14:07
Burninatewhat's this channel been up to lately?14:10
@kanzureBurninate: yes paperbot is active in that channel14:12
@kanzureBurninate: this channel has been busy trying to convince people to actually do work14:12
@kanzuretoday we are shaming eudoxia into writing some software.14:12
Burninatemessed up papermachine autocomplete earlier, but no big deal if it's there for a purpose14:13
* Burninate , shamed at interrupting a four-day streak of Actually Doing Work, gets back to it14:14
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@kanzure"Copy-on-write DOM. In Servo, the DOM is a versioned data structure that is shared between the content (JavaScript) task and the layout task, allowing layout to run even while scripts are reading and writing DOM nodes."14:19
@ParahSailinservo is heroku something?14:19
@ParahSailinnm i was thinking of some other similar sounding thing14:21
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@kanzureservo is https://github.com/mozilla/servo14:27
@kanzure"Servo is a research project to develop a new Web browser engine. Our goal is to create an architecture that takes advantage of parallelism at many levels while eliminating common sources of bugs and security vulnerabilities associated with incorrect memory management and data races."14:27
@kanzure"Tiled rendering. We divide the screen into a grid of tiles and render each one in parallel. Tiling is needed for mobile performance regardless of its benefits for parallelism. Partially implemented."14:28
@kanzure"Servo's DOM is a tree with versioned nodes that may be shared between a single writer and many readers. The DOM uses a copy-on-write strategy to allow the writer to modify the DOM in parallel with readers. The writer is always the content task and the readers are always layout tasks or subtasks thereof."14:29
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@ParahSailinlemme guess, someone's gonna be granted a monopoly on it15:20
@kanzureah google is also making a new rendering engine15:31
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@kanzurehaha rudiger just posted a set of slides proposing "inoculation of vagina from rectal bacteria"15:40
@kanzure(to the diybio list)15:40
@kanzuresomething about conceptration15:49
@kanzureoh it doesn't seem to be posted yet? weird, i guess his emails are manually reviewed by the mods.15:50
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@kanzureah he wants money from gates foundation to do that work (or continue it? it's not clear).16:21
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Lemminkainenany ideas on where hardware development contract RFPs would be posted?16:33
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@kanzurewtf "Projects like TinkerCell allow cellular biologists to design their own metabolic pathways and share them open-source with a community,"17:33
@kanzurenobody has ever shown me something shared as a result of tinekrcell17:33
@kanzurei think these guys are lying17:33
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ParahSail1nanyone good with electronics who can explain why inverters for solar pv are so expensive?19:39
@fennif they're not true sine wave they aren't that expensive, unless you're talking about huge amounts of power, in which case most electronic things that deal with huge power flows are expensive19:42
@fennif true sine wave, they need a lot of filtering components because 60Hz is really slow and dumb19:45
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LemminkainenParahSail1n build your own; replacing the inverters with some backwards mozzies and Schottky diodes works a charm19:45
ParahSail1nfenn, and dealing with variable input voltage presumably adds difficulty?19:48
@fennnot really, if it's only a factor of two or so19:50
@fennideally the input voltage is slightly higher than the RMS AC voltage (so 140V or so i guess)19:52
ParahSail1nyeah, seems like you use inductors to boost first19:53
@fennnah just make sure the panels are connected in series for the right voltage19:54
ParahSail1nseries is really bad for solar panels19:54
ParahSail1nyou lose quite a lot19:54
@fennvoltage is easier to transmit than current, that's why power lines are high voltage19:55
ParahSail1nlot of resistance, and if there's shade on one, itll really screw you19:55
@fennhm i'll admit i don't know what happens with partial shade19:56
@fenn"Many modern panels, however, come equipped with devices called bypass diodes which minimise the effects of partial shading by essentially enabling electricity to ‘flow around’ the shaded cell or cells."19:57
@fennto answer your original question, it seems things get complicated when you have a lot of panels. and then there's a markup since it's not really a "consumer" item19:59
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@kanzurepdf table extraction things http://source.mozillaopennews.org/en-US/articles/introducing-tabula/20:40
@kanzure"Caveat: Tabula only works on text-based PDFs, not scanned documents." well, nevermind.20:42
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Juulkanzure, you're looking for OCR programs that accept PDFs?20:51
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@kanzureJuul: it would be nice to have CRC data in a usable format instead of in scanned images.20:52
@kanzurewithout paying to break into their online database or w/e20:52
Juuli've never tried any open source OCR program that didn't kinda suck20:54
Juuldo any of you know of any organizations / grants / fellowships that would/could support a biohacking space or biohacking projects?20:56
yashgarothif you find any, let me know20:56
Juulthe awesome foundation :)20:57
yashgarothjojack hasn't really been able to find any such groups to sponsor our local space, but then again he hates everyone, which may be a factor20:58
yashgarothI do wonder what the crowdfunding exhaustion level is for diybio, really hope the seattle group isn't taking all the available cash20:59
Juulthe seattle group has been crowdfunding?21:00
Juulhehe, i doubt $5000 will make a difference anywhere21:01
yashgaroththat's a whole month of operating costs before they go broke21:01
yashgarothor one entire piece of equipment21:01
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@kanzuregates foundation likes to shovel out money21:09
@kanzurein $100k increments21:09
Juul$5000 a month seems a bit high for monthly operating costs for a newly formed diybio group21:14
Juulhehe, getting gates foundation to fund open science would be fun21:15
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yashgarothoh, I mean for a somewhat-established lab, and was also being a little facetious21:21
@kanzureJuul: i think they would be open to it.21:23
Juulkanzure, ok, i'll look into it21:23
@kanzurei haven't seen any attempts to get gates money for open source lab equipment21:24
yashgarothjust tell them you'll do malaria research, bam instant millions21:24
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ParahSail1nmight be easier to convince them your developing birth control21:32
yashgarothfor you see, we can grow the condoms on trees21:33
ParahSail1ni dont always type you're as your, but when i do, its because wife is pestering me21:33
@kanzureyashgaroth: weird thing is, i don't know anyone that actually hates jojack22:19
browniesfrom what i've gathered, it's non-trivial to get money from the gates foundation?22:19
brownieshas your experience been different?22:19
@kanzurea few friends wrote up grants and received money with minimal hastle22:19
@kanzure... compared to all the other terrible grant processes.22:20
browniesi guess they do have a lot of money to shovel out22:21
@kanzurei dunno what requirements they attach to the funding though22:22
@kanzurethey might require partial ownership of intellectual property ?22:23
-!- makoLime [~mako@103-9-42-31.flip.co.nz] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:32
browniesthey do make you agree to something along the lines of "you agree you will price your stuff such that it lines up with our mission of helping poor people"22:33
browniesor something. they probably have a dozen different missions.22:33
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kanzureoh that's nice.22:39
kanzurethen yes they would probably be interested in open source hardware things. or possibly hackerspace things.22:40
kanzure"We want to setup a biohackerspace in the middle of Pakistan. Please wire all funds directly."22:40
-!- Jaakko96 [~Jaakko@94-194-89-130.zone8.bethere.co.uk] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:47
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browniesheh. they seem to be interested in more grandiose things, but i'm sure they could be convinced that buying a 3d printer and a lifetime supply of Ramen for some nerds somehow lines up with saving the poor23:12
kanzurei think an "equipment costs too much" argument would be pretty easy to make.23:13
kanzurethen you could come up with some hand-waving about a hackerspace-run project23:13
kanzureand then something about "even 30 year old technology would be acceptable, because blah blah blah, 30 years old (1980s) is better than nothing at all, blah blah blah".23:14
kanzureperhaps including "blah" in a grant proposal is not a good idea23:15
-!- yashgaroth [~ffffff@cpe-66-27-118-94.san.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving]23:22
--- Log closed Thu Apr 04 00:00:47 2013

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