
--- Log opened Sat Apr 13 00:00:02 2013
--- Day changed Sat Apr 13 2013
yashgarothdo you have a protein sequence yet?00:00
cory_yeah, this was on a MiSeq00:00
ParahSail1nmiseq is kinda expensive, should have just outsourced to ucdavis or something00:00
cory_no protein sequence yet,  just got the sequencing data like 6 or 7 days ago00:01
@kanzurewtf? didn't you put in the request to beijing genomics institute like 2 years ago?00:01
cory_well,  some people at harvard offered to do all the sequencing for free so I took them up on the offer00:01
ParahSail1ncory_, when you get the server with the reads, send access instructions to ropoctl@gmail.com00:01
ParahSail1ncory_, ah fair enough00:01
@kanzurewhat happened to bgi doing the sequencing?00:01
ParahSail1nharvard prepared the libraries?00:02
cory_yeah, but by the time we actually got the bugs growing BGI no longer wanted to collaborate00:02
ParahSail1npaired or single end, what read length00:02
@kanzurethat's lame of bgi.00:02
cory_well, it was going to be part of some project to sequence like 1000 bacterial genomes or somehting.  They had already completed their goal by the time I had the bug.00:03
@kanzuremaybe someone filled up their capacity.00:03
cory_single-end, 150bp I think00:04
ParahSail1nquality scores past 100 are not great, but can't argue with free00:04
ParahSail1nif you give me those reads this weekend, i can run them through assembly and blast contigs00:05
@kanzureoh right, don't you have like a fleet of servers for assembly?00:06
cory_k, I'll see what I can come up with.00:06
ParahSail1nshould not be hard to find a nitrogenase in the mess00:07
yashgarothit seems they have the n-termini in the paper already00:08
cory_the trick will be discerning the nitrogenase from CO-dehydrogenases and xanthine dehydrogenases, etc00:08
ParahSail1ni dont think thatll be the problem00:09
cory_btw, those N-termini are wrong.  From some direct communication with the authors I found out they screwed it up and accidentially sequenced some proteins from a different organism all together00:09
cory_and of course they never bothered to fix it00:10
ParahSail1nheh yeah i wouldnt trust any wetlab stuff, especially when we got gbs of sequence data to play with00:10
yashgarothwell if you don't get anywhere with genome sequences, you can probably purify a good sample of the enzyme and get a few peptide fragments sequenced00:11
cory_I should have a lot better sequencing data in a week or 2.  the first run had like 6 different variations of the 16S sequence in it, so I know it's a mixture of multiple strains00:12
ParahSail1nyou're looking for one gene, not nicely assembled scaffolds00:12
ParahSail1nyou're pretty likely to get it out of there00:12
ParahSail1nso they're doing another miseq run on it?00:13
ParahSail1nsee if they can do 2x100 paired end00:13
cory_oh right, it's HiSeq rather than MiSeq and I think they are doing paired ends this time00:14
ParahSail1nyeah thats good00:14
ParahSail1nwhat % of a lane?00:14
cory_not sure, sorry00:14
ParahSail1nwell it's definitely gonna be enough coverage00:14
cory_anyways, I gotta get out of here.  Gotta catch a flight early tomorrow morning.00:15
cory_adios amigos00:16
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@kanzurei should trick him into showing up more often00:16
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rigelhey so01:06
rigelwhat should i be using to provide access to my entire house to my library resources? is there some way i can set up a forwarding proxy that will automatically log me in?01:07
rigeli find it a bit irritating to always be doing that, and want to allow my wife to access this stuff too01:07
@kanzureif you are willing to use firefox or chrome then you can use zotero which can autologin to ezproxy01:08
rigeli actually would rather do this via a proxy on my main server machine01:10
rigelrather than set up her account with my pwn01:10
rigelpw even01:10
@kanzureyou could use a bookmarklet that takes the current url and pastes it to http://ezproxy.lib.fuckyoucollege.edu/login?url=xyz and then you could have a proxy on your network that autologins when an ezproxy.lib.fuckyoucollege.edu is detected.01:10
@kanzuree.g. the proxy could attach a cookie without passing the cookie to the client01:10
rigeli would rather just pipe everything through http://my.server.lan/resource01:11
@kanzurehere's how the sticky cookie would work without passing the cookie to the client: http://mitmproxy.org/doc/sticky.html01:11
@kanzureoh wait that's an awful example01:11
@kanzurethis, https://github.com/cortesi/mitmproxy/blob/master/examples/stickycookies01:11
@kanzurei don't think passing every conceivable http request through a local proxy is a good idea for privacy reasons01:12
@kanzurewhich part :(01:13
rigelthe privacy reasons part01:13
@kanzureit sounds to me like your idea of an optimal solution was "all outgoing http/https requests would go through a proxy and when the proxy detects the ezproxy url it will autologin"01:13
rigelwhat i mean is instead of going to the library resource page, i go to http://myserver.lan/resources that auto-logins and mitm's the resources01:14
rigelso, you want to look at articles? go to http://myserver.lan/resources and choose from that menu01:14
@kanzuremitmproxy/libmproxy can handle that quite easily with that stickycookie example01:15
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@kanzurealthough that's an http protocol level proxy, which is probably overkill01:15
@kanzureezproxy was actually made for these situations heh01:16
@kanzurei have been fucking around with libmproxy all day so i have some serious mitmserver bias going on at the moment01:17
@kanzurei am busy replicating this at the moment http://blog.sabaini.at/2013/03/12/mocking-flask/01:19
rigelhttps://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/534183_313164078812216_1083341310_n.jpg this made me smile01:20
nmz787cool to see cory's updates01:21
@kanzureso the advantage of the mitmproxy approach is that it will leave ezproxy's url rewriting in tact01:21
@kanzureplus it can just store a cookie to login to your university's resources without sending that cookie to the client01:22
rigelso i guess01:22
@kanzurethe downside is that https would require installing a custom cert on your clients01:22
rigelhow the fuck do i get a job doing this?01:22
rigelbecause this is a hell of a lot more fun than medical school so far01:22
@kanzurewrite lots of angry emails and hatemail01:22
@kanzurebasically just copy my emails01:23
rigeli mean, i would love to take a few months to, you know, write a proper file explorer application that can use ssh key authentication to connect to my server at home01:23
@kanzurei wonder how ezproxy gets around the https problem.. wtf?01:24
rigelfor android01:24
@kanzurebrownies: ezproxy. https. how does that work? i might be too sleepy to be coherent.01:24
rigelthere are no good fucking tools for android that are properly free and open source and what the fuck are people doing trying to sell me a goddamn ssh-enabled file manager that I CANT LOOK AT THE FUCKING CODE FOR HAVE YOU ASSHOLES NO CLUE WHAT SECURITY MEANS01:25
rigeli think i feel a rant coming on01:25
@kanzuressh in terminal works fine on android. just use that to explore files.01:26
rigeloh, connectbot is fine01:26
rigelthe variations of it are fine01:26
@kanzureor use mosh. or the connectbot version of mosh or w/e.01:26
rigelbut they are cumbersome as hell to use to transfer files from a remote server01:26
@kanzureif you hate those things then i recommend installing debian in a chroot on your android device01:27
@kanzurepossibly through lildeb or something else01:27
rigeli havent even rooted this thing despite having it for almost a year and a half01:27
rigeli wanted to not have to root it01:27
@kanzurewhich model?01:27
@kanzureholy crap my phone is three years old. why am i using this?01:28
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brownieskanzure: i don't know01:53
brownieskanzure: i think you'd need to middleman a cert authority in order to do anything meaningful?01:54
@kanzuremaybe nobody is using https on ezproxy?01:54
@kanzureor maybe all ezproxy instances have a root cert??01:55
nmz787this is https https://login.ezproxy.rit.edu/login01:56
nmz787i guess the next page (the journal) isn't01:56
@kanzuretry https://www.sciencedirect.com.ezproxy.rit.edu/science/article/pii/B012226770202861101:58
nmz787exproxy session cookie present01:59
@kanzurenot what i mean01:59
nmz787nope your link didn't work01:59
nmz787(no in chrome inspector, there's a cookie for exproxy)02:00
@kanzureit looks like they are doing self-signed certs, self-signed wildcard certs, CA-issued regular, and CA-issued wildcard02:00
@kanzureit would be interesting to scan the list of ezproxy libraries to see if any are using a CA-issued wildcard cert.02:01
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@kanzurejrayhawk: what would be the quickest way to scan https://raw.github.com/kanzure/ezproxy-urls/master/urls.txt to find which ones are paying for a CA-issued wildcard cert?02:02
jrayhawkopenssl s_client -connect login.ezproxy1.lib.asu.edu:443 -quiet -CApath /etc/ssl/certs/ 2>&1 | grep 'CN = \*'02:04
jrayhawkgrep -q if you just want the exit status02:05
jrayhawkthough most of those URLs aren't https, so i am not super sure what you're after02:07
@kanzurei am just curious how most people are using ezproxy with https02:07
@kanzurefor instance, https://www.sciencedirect.com.ezproxy.rit.edu/science/article/pii/B012226770202861102:08
@kanzuredepending on how ezproxy.rit.edu is configured that will work in a variety of different ways02:08
@kanzureincluding "not at all"02:08
@kanzurerelevant documentation words https://www.oclc.org/support/services/ezproxy/documentation/cfg/ssl/certopts.en.html02:09
@kanzurealso.. it would be fun to sniff ezproxy http traffic for cookies.02:11
jrayhawkoh i guess you'd want to track the exit status of the openssl command as well02:16
jrayhawkeh, sleepy02:16
@kanzureme too. good night.02:17
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nostackdude i want to b superman02:19
nostackor like really fucking smart02:19
nostacklike that move limitles02:20
nostackeither way rly02:20
nmz787I just watched the move Special02:32
nmz787it was kinda the opposite of limitless02:32
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superkuhpaperbot: http://pre.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v87/i4/e04310405:43
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/a91d6e207e04d7c45bca29dcd274fbb2.txt05:43
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@kanzure"Based on testing to date, it looks like the merge branch merging in the BRL-CAD version of SCL to stepcode is ready to go live."08:27
@kanzurethat is a tremendously huge merge08:27
@kanzurethe u.s. military is serious business08:28
@kanzureessentially they have merged all of their changes to step class library from the original NIST version into this currently-maintained version of step class library08:29
@kanzure(because they had vendorized it for the longest time)08:30
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@kanzurehackerspaces.org is blowing up12:22
@kanzurethey never figured out how to organize themselves12:22
@kanzurei'm not sure why they are a group anyway12:22
@kanzureit's nice that there's a way for different hackerspaces to communicate with each other12:22
@kanzurebut i don't see why they are calling for a foundation to be incorporated?12:22
@kanzurean entire incorporated entity just to manage a mailing list ?12:23
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ParahSail1ni think that s thermoautotroph should not require H212:38
ParahSail1nCO and O2 should be adequate12:38
ParahSail1ngrowth rate of anything the requires gas fixation's gonna be slow though12:39
jrayhawkif they're hoping to expand operations, a financial umbrella for doing so would probably be nice.12:40
@kanzureOn Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 2:32 PM, Randall G. Arnold wrote:12:42
@kanzure> In the case of Makerspaces there is no real product, which actually benefits12:42
@kanzure> us.  There is no corporate entity, really, to which we are beholden.  On the12:42
@kanzure> surface, though, that means  the absence of a single guiding force that12:43
@kanzure> identifies purpose.  Some can say that in our world O'Reilly is or means to12:43
@kanzure> be that force... but as noted, they have a financial agenda of their own12:43
@kanzure> that may often get in the way of maker/hacker goals.12:43
@kanzurehaha... "there is no real product, which actually benefits us" what?12:43
@kanzurejrayhawk: maybe, but at this point they are just being vague about what a foundation would do.12:43
@kanzurethe most specific thing they have mentioned is collective insurance bargaining.12:43
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@kanzurejrayhawk: ok i told them it would be cool if they would organize to fund hacker activities (electronics, biology, whatever) in hackerspaces. maybe they will collectively organize around that idea. whatever.12:53
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@kanzurean ok discussion about phantomjs/webkit/qt/nodejs architecture things: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/phantomjs/bNjRI0anpi016:49
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@kanzurelesswrong public log: http://epi.ponzo.net:8080/?page=611516:56
@kanzuregrab it before the lynch epitron16:56
@kanzure*they lynch17:00
@kanzureepitron used to show up in here once in a while. i hate his title bot.17:01
@kanzureanyway, #lesswrong has a no logging policy17:03
@kanzureand the point is that those are logs that you can download17:03
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ParahSail1nthey really are bronies i guess17:08
@kanzurehaha you thought i was kidding, that's cute.17:10
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eudoxiaoh no the logs are down18:08
eudoxiaand why would #lesswrong have a no logging policy?18:09
jrayhawkpeasants, pitchforks18:09
jrayhawkmore uncharitably, moving privilege beyond scrutiny18:12
jrayhawkall the same thing, really18:12
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ParahSail1nbecause they're weird and cultish?18:26
eudoxiawell my first guess was that they didn't want anyone recording the latin chanting when EY logged on18:27
ParahSail1nexpecting robin hanson to give a positive review to that meta-medicine startup simply because of in-group affiliation is a pretty good indicator18:32
rigelgod dammit, i need to start one of these weird pseudoscience cults18:38
ParahSail1nhave you considered bayesology?18:40
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@kanzuresomething about getting desperately ill people to pay them to contact experts19:23
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makoLimebrownies, they do extensive research on your ailment and approach finding what is actually the best treatment available, where as a regular GP would only find you the best treatment they're aware of, which is often much less effective.19:51
brownieshow odd19:56
browniesi always thought that's what a doctor already did19:56
@kanzureno far from it20:00
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@kanzureoh jeebus20:55
@kanzurei was looking through my mailing list subscriptions and found this https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/slwaterflow20:55
@kanzureseems to be aaronsw/guerilla open access things20:56
@kanzurehaha content liberation front20:58
@kanzureoh weird they reference some of my 2008 emails20:59
rigeli reject the characterization of medicine/medicine20:59
rigelfirst, the US does not have "GPs"20:59
@kanzurewtf aaronsw did tor2web?21:00
yashgarothwhat about PCPs21:00
@kanzurethat's lame, why did he have to be the one to write tor2web21:00
rigelPCPs != GPs21:00
rigelthe implication is that GPs have not done a residency, merely an internship year. you can only do that in a few states these days21:01
rigelthere are plenty of PCPs that are lazy and do things like take drug company money or freebies21:02
rigelthere are also plenty of PCPs that will in fact do that research you mention21:02
rigeland there are furthermore limits to evidence-based medicine, one of which is the aforementioned corrupting influence of drug companies on e.g. publication of studies21:03
rigelan editorial decision to publish by Science or Nature often has as part of the calculation how much revenue the publisher will make in reprints. so, of course that biases things in favor of the Newest and Best (even if it's not actually best)21:04
rigelpharma and device companies spend a lot of money on reprints21:04
yashgarothor you can just go with 'controversial' like the lancet21:05
rigelthe UK journals are not immune to this but some of them have been more willing to acknowledge it21:05
rigeltheres a recent plos article that tried to look at how much revenue journal publishers made from reprints21:06
rigelBMJ and the Lancet, iirc, were the only ones to respond with data21:06
rigeli think that's in part because of the strong cultural influence of the NHS, at least up until it was recently, effectively cripped by Cameron et al21:07
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ParahSail1nthats pretty cool http://www.corning.com/lifesciences/us_canada/en/whats_new/cell_culture_and_bioprocess/flowell_plate.aspx21:29
yashgaroththe boys at corning have done it again21:31
ParahSail1ni think they acquired that from BD21:32
yashgarothas long as they're priced competitively against 'get some poor undergrad to come in on weekends, inc.'21:33
ParahSail1ni dont think any grad student trusts undergrads with cell culture media changes21:40
yashgarothmaybe not cells finicky enough to require daily media replacement, true21:41
ParahSail1nanything mammalian really21:41
yashgaroth293s are super forgiving if you can do sterile technique21:42
ParahSail1n"if you can do sterile technique" is what i'm getting at21:43
yashgarothoh heh yeah21:44
ParahSail1nwhen contamination will set you back 4-6 months you do all the media changes yourself21:44
yashgarothall my work with them has been in industry so I haven't become inured to primary cells and ESCs and all that fun21:46
ParahSail1nwhere contamination does not follow matter transmission rules, but simple line of sight through sealed, but transparent containers21:47
ParahSail1nwhat you do?21:47
yashgarothmontagnier was right, dna can teleport!21:47
yashgarothme, I do/did 293 and cho cells for protein production21:47
yashgarothlittle bit with cancer cell lines, but they're pretty hardy too21:48
yashgarothand always an infinite supply of more cells21:48
yashgaroththough I never lost a flask to contamination, and we didn't even get to use pen/strep21:50
ParahSail1ni got run out of a collaborating lab because my cells looked funny (were not very attachy) and other people in the lab were having myco problems21:50
ParahSail1nlava tag magic contamination rules are real21:50
ParahSail1nif contaminated flask touches rack, germs get conducted into all other flasks21:51
yashgarothand yet I worked in a place where half the people didn't use gloves in the hood21:52
ParahSail1nwow, seriously?21:52
yashgarothfor the laminar air flow is magic, you see21:53
yashgaroththese were PhDs too21:53
ParahSail1nid like to start playing with those cells again21:55
yashgarothwhat kind were they?21:55
ParahSail1ni had them growing without serum22:03
yashgarothlike, you weaned them off? that'd explain the detaching pretty handily22:04
ParahSail1nyeah i was still in the process of weaning22:06
ParahSail1nstarted them in opti-mem (no serum) and they were pretty sticky then22:07
ParahSail1nweaned them from opti-mem into regular dmem22:07
yashgarothI wonder how much money biotech as a whole would've saved if mad cow never existed22:09
ParahSail1ni wasnt using pen/strep either22:09
yashgarothpen/strep is for the weak22:10
ParahSail1nwithout serum to buffer that stuff, it probably would have killed cells22:10
ParahSail1nmad cow, how so?22:11
yashgarothall the old enzymes sourced from various parts of cows are a huge no-no for manufacturing nowadays22:11
yashgarothso instead of pancreatic rnase or pepsin, you gotta use the expensive recombinant shit for production22:11
ParahSail1nthat sucks22:12
yashgarothnot to mention serum-free media for your cell lines22:12
ParahSail1nwell my cell lines worked perfectly well with fbs, i was just using medium that normally one would need fbs for cells to survive in22:13
ParahSail1nbut yeah, fancy serum free media is expensive22:13
yashgarothespecially when you're doing a 20,000 liter batch of cells to make avastin, or whatever22:14
ParahSail1nso when they make avastin, what medium do they grow the cells in?22:15
ParahSail1nhamster ovary cells dont need serum, right?22:15
yashgarothnot anymore with the new serum-independent lines, but I bet they're a little sickly jonesing for dat sweet serum22:16
ParahSail1nwhat new serum independent lines do they have?22:18
yashgarothI dunno the names, but there's probably several at this point22:20
yashgarothah yeah we had DG44 and S lines, those were both serum-free22:25
yashgarothor maybe those weren't serum-free and we had to wean them, well whatever I never had to use FBS22:26
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