
--- Log opened Fri Apr 19 00:00:02 2013
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eleitlgoddamnit this SEPA crap, lost another 40 EUR due to transfer lag01:20
eleitlyou just can't trade if the platforms are shit01:20
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kanzurespam is getting even stranger " am the sales manager of Hangzhou Fenghe Bio-technology Co., Ltd. We are the manufacturer of APIs and feed additives. We specializes in manufacturing Dinitolmide,Nicarbazine,Robenidine HCl,Clopidol and Enramycin Premix for many years. Now, I am very glad to send this mail to you."01:57
kanzureAPIs, you say..01:57
eleitlthere must be a market for highly targeted spam02:03
eleitlbut, that's already occupied by Google and Fecesbook02:03
nmz787kanzure: really that's not just some horrible-english-speaking chinese company from alibaba?02:23
kanzurejust because they are on alibaba doesn't mean they don't send out spam02:24
nmz787**APIActive Pharma Ingredient02:24
nmz787Advanced Pharmaceutical Ingredients02:24
nmz787heh, Advanced Pharmaceutical Ingredients02:25
nmz787i mean Automated Pellet Inspection02:25
nmz787definitely something that needed automated02:25
-!- Zarakii [~devillll@ppp-46-244-179-182.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]02:26
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eleitlyeah, I'm dabbling in pharmaceuticals (supplements) and automation is key there02:33
eleitlplus, eliminate the human as source of contamination02:34
kanzurearen't the margins really shit in that business?02:34
eleitlif you look at the LEF prices, I strongly suspect that it's a money printing machine02:35
kanzurewell sure if you attach whatever claims you want to the products02:35
eleitlLEF isn't doing that, they're just science-backed02:36
eleitleverybody else is selling thin gruel for low, low prices02:36
kanzurealso in that market there's a lot of misinformation about pricing02:36
kanzureone site has some custom gel pills for $40 another is selling in bulk for $502:36
kanzure(depending on supplement of course)02:37
eleitlanother niche is personalized pharmaceuticals02:37
kanzurei was working on a search engine that scraped nootropics pricing information02:37
eleitlwe need to rev up that part after we've made LEF work02:37
eleitlLEF is difficult to resell, since they're trying to vaccuum up your customers02:37
kanzureconsidered a daily deal format for a few minutes.. couldn't make the numbers work favorably for supplements.02:38
eleitlmany LEF member prices are below reseller prices. Think about that for a moment.02:38
kanzurei think it was LEF that was paying for hplusmagazine advertising space in obscene amounts02:38
kanzureeleitl: what is the status of the cypherpunks list? is perry's the only one running? it looks dead.02:40
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has joined ##hplusroadmap02:40
kanzuredoes al-quaeda apply those recommended procmail filters?02:40
eleitl cypherpunks@al-qaeda.net is the only node that works02:40
eleitlno idea, never got any spam from there02:41
kanzurei was telling fenn the other day that merkle is technically more popular for his work in public key cryptography than his work in nanotechnology (which is hard/weird to remember sometimes)02:41
kanzureit also looks like there's been a drop of discussion on the cryptography list and cypherpunks list, at least in terms of working code. is this accurate?02:42
eleitlyes, there's a slow decline in volume and quality02:43
eleitlafter Perry's list went down the second list never quite got up to previous standard02:43
kanzureperry seems like an ok moderator02:43
eleitlre Satoshi, guy is definitely not Japanese, and there have been a lot of speculation, with no conclusive results02:43
eleitlunmasking him will be likely quite difficult, unless he slipped up02:44
eleitlchances are, you already know Satoshi02:44
kanzurehis style of writing is very familiar02:44
kanzuresome of the phrases he tends to use can be traced back to these mailing list archives from others02:45
kanzurebut i don't have complete archives02:45
kanzurehe also alliterates sometimes even though he is trying not to02:46
kanzureand he says things like "sorry to be a wet blanket" which turns out to be uncommon02:49
kanzuremost people say "sorry to be a wet blanket but"02:49
eleitlyou can probably identify him with phrase analysis02:50
eleitlit would be probably not a good idea to02:50
kanzurei have an index of unique phrases that he has written02:50
eleitlhe has his reasons to fly under radar02:50
kanzureand various histograms of his posting time02:50
eleitlis he in the US time zone?02:50
kanzurei was thinking i would extract the posting-time histories of people on cryptography/cypherpunks02:50
kanzurecould be. might also be UK something like GMT -4.02:50
chris_99how do you know he's not Japanese eleitl02:51
kanzureif he's japanese then he's probably kenji soita. but i doubt it.02:51
eleitlbecause others have analyzed his speech, and pegged him to a specific education cluster02:51
kanzurehe is very obviously someone who takes cypherpunk to heart02:51
eleitlask NSA. they know, for sure :)02:51
kanzurehe speaks their language very carefully02:51
eleitlthere are 3-4 likely candidates for who he might be02:52
eleitlbut, why care? he did good.02:52
kanzureadjudicate. nobody uses "adjudicate".02:53
eleitlGeeks use language in whatever way they li.e02:53
brownieswhoa, satoshi whatshisface is an alias? hm, i had no idea.02:53
kanzuresopping shenanigans somehow, the problem is that, anywhere near as large as gnutella less and less frequently the longer ago it was independently analysed to be screaming hot02:54
kanzureoh no now i will be identified as satoshi02:54
eleitlMarkov chain?02:54
eleitlif you have a mailbox full of Satoshi I would like to have a copy, please02:54
fennszabo identifies "the failure of the cypherpunk program" as being due to the inability to enforce decentralized/anonymous contracts02:56
chris_99what makes you think it could only be 4 people out of interest eleitl02:56
eleitl3-4 most likely candidates. I have no particular interest in unmasking the guy.02:57
eleitlJust reporting the gossip.02:57
kanzureeugen has very specific knowledge of individuals in the cryptopunk scene02:57
fenni still don't get why we never achieved a mainstream trust network02:57
eleitlmost cypherpunks are useless02:58
eleitlbut a few compensate for the rest of them02:58
kanzurethere's something like 2000 subscribers?02:58
eleitlmostly feds, probably02:58
eleitlfeds and fanboys02:58
kanzurehe probably left identifying information in outgoing emails in 1995-199902:59
kanzurei think it's an interesting test of anonymization and pseudonymity03:00
kanzureif one of these damned cypherpunks can be defeated with simple phrase analysis and timing attacks, we're doomed.03:00
fennmeh just run it through google translate a couple times03:00
eleitlI doubt he was trying that hard03:00
eleitlit's more about plausible deniability03:00
kanzurethere are some annoying inconsistencies though. TOR. Tor..03:01
kanzure"screaming hot" who the heck in japan says that. unlikely.03:01
eleitloh, he said TOR and Tor?03:01
eleitlthis would lend credence to the team theory03:01
eleitlunless he would be fucking with it deliberatey03:01
kanzurei used to switch between american/british spellings of words but that was only because i was being careless03:02
kanzurenot because i am a team03:02
eleitlwhich IRC channel was that?03:02
kanzurethese were his bitcointalk.org posts03:02
kanzureand some emails and some comments in bitcoin-0.1.0.rar03:02
eleitldid you try to match him with the usual suspect list yet?03:03
kanzurei tried based on some googling restricted to cypherpunk/cryptology but the list didn't narrow down much03:03
kanzurei also have his activity on a mailing list called p2presearch which has a public list of subscribers. so he might be one of those other subscribers.03:04
eleitlwas Wei Dai there?03:04
eleitlI don't think he's Hal Finney03:04
kanzurep2presearch is not the sort of list to attract hal or wei03:05
eleitlno, it was largely waffle03:05
kanzureit's much more.. uh. i would call it low signal.03:05
kanzurei don't know if you remember but a few years ago on open manufacturing there was a troll named marc fawzi03:05
kanzureand i had to ban him03:05
kanzurewell it turns out marc posted a lot to p2presearch03:05
kanzureand satoshi speaks favorably of marc's ideas03:05
kanzurebut he might have just recently subscribed and read some of the emails too, so either way..03:06
eleitlso many false alleys to chase down03:06
kanzurewell i think phrase analysis is the best bet03:07
kanzuregiven an archive of old 90s email including timestamps i think it would be possible to find some interesting suspects03:07
kanzurealso with headers, that would be nice.03:07
eleitlbut you can't prove anything, and that's how it is supposed to be03:08
kanzureyou can't prove that i can't prove anything.03:08
eleitlnobody has been arrested based on a guess03:08
eleitlyou might well know it's him, but unless he can show his wallet.dat you can't know it's him03:09
kanzurethere might be other forms of evidence03:09
kanzurefor instance, i might have the suspect's password03:09
eleitlforensic analysis of his hardware03:09
eleitlI doubt he's that sloppy03:10
fenncan you still be arrested for writing a computer program that generates numbers?03:10
kanzure(but i would only be able to confirm that if i have that possible suspect from the old 90s emails)03:10
fenni mean what would the charges be03:11
kanzurewhy would you charge him with anything? bah.03:11
fennbecause you're a vindictive asshole03:11
eleitlI've lost a bit of emails from the 1990s03:11
eleitlbesides, these would be mixed with personal email, so I wouldn't be able to give them to you even if I would find them03:12
kanzurehaha i wonder if it's jim choate. that would be hilarious.03:13
kanzurei was hoping it was anders so that i wouldn't have to be disappointed in him anymore.03:13
eleitlChoate doesn't have the skill or the language capability03:13
kanzurechoate lives around here somewhere, i see him on the local mailing lists once in a while. it's cute.03:13
eleitlit's funny how you could implement AP today, with existing tools03:14
-!- augur_ is now known as augur03:14
eleitlAssassination Politics03:14
eleitlbut needs moar laundering03:14
kanzurealso wtf why do you know jim choate. he's just a local loony sorta.03:15
eleitlSorry, confused Choate with Bell.03:16
eleitlI know Choate via cpunks of 1990s.03:16
kanzurewell you should at least search your archives for "fairly satisfactorily". that's the sort of string to stand out.03:16
eleitlin case I find these, I'll grep that03:16
fennhow did you generate this phrase list anyway?03:17
kanzurei was bored and i read everything satoshi wrote03:17
kanzuredo not judge me :(03:17
eleitlsince you already read anything Satoshi, any interesting ideas?03:18
kanzurei haven't read his paper.03:19
kanzurei figured a paper would be sufficiently butchered to not be recognizable.03:19
kanzurethe surface area can be significantly reduced just by collecting a list of all subscribers to these mailing lists03:21
kanzurehis use of irc is a little alarming, i admit, because it means either he has some background in botnets (or he sat around until he genuinely thought that irc was a good idea, which i think is unlikely).03:22
fennthere are "anonymous" web based irc proxies all over the place03:24
kanzureeleitl: could be you.03:25
fenngentlemen, there's a currency killer in our midst03:26
eleitlactually, kanzure is satoshi03:26
kanzurei don't take privacy seriously enough for that to be true03:26
kanzurei am insufficiently paranoid03:26
eleitlah, but that's what you want *us* to think03:27
fenn" I underestimated him. I didn't even consider the possibility that he would reveal his identity to me on purpose. He could be telling all his other suspects the same thing. In fact, it doesn't even have to be him. He could have sent a double instead."03:27
kanzurehave you read gwern's phrase analysis fan work?03:28
eleitlKeyser Söze <-- Satoshi03:28
kanzurealso this one:03:29
eleitlgwern seems to be intent to waste his time03:30
kanzureyeah none of those drugs seem to really help him stop doing that03:30
kanzurehe spends all day in #lesswrong pasting large sections of text from blogs03:30
kanzureand then masturbating to ponies fucking each other or w/e03:31
eleitlhe's on meds? what for?03:31
kanzurenah just random testing03:31
fennrandom testing?03:32
fennlike quantified mind stuff?03:32
kanzuretaking noots writing stuff down03:32
kanzurestandard self-experimentation procedures03:32
fennoh, you mean "poor experimental design"03:33
kanzurethat too03:33
eleitlwhy doesn't he do something useful?03:33
kanzureone sec.. reviewing his answers.03:34
kanzure14:06 <@gwern> kanzure: you start a lot of stuff but you do ever finish and use them?03:35
kanzure14:06 < kanzure> gwern: yes.03:35
kanzure14:07 < kanzure> gwern: stop projecting03:35
kanzure14:08 <@gwern> kanzure: published doesn't mean applied or useful03:35
kanzure14:09 < kanzure> gwern: i think you're talking out of your ass. would you like to help these projects?03:35
eleitlhow old is he by now? Should be around 20, right?03:36
kanzure14:14 <@gwern> kanzure: I also have zero hardware skills03:36
kanzure14:16 <@gwern> kanzure: maybe, but my next target is getting a serial cable for my zeo working, so I have some basic eeg capability for meditation03:37
kanzuremeditation :(03:37
kanzure14:16 < kanzure> gwern: what is your goal with meditation?03:37
kanzure14:17 <@gwern> kanzure: I'd like to correlate with sleep: there are widespread reports that meditation can reduce sleep needs. with a zeo eeg, I could hope to correlate any reduction with something more specific: total time spent in meditation? time in a specific band? etc03:37
kanzure14:18 <@gwern> kanzure: a zeo eeg would also establish a higher quality null: if I saw no change in sleep, I could still say 'but on these objective metrics (time in gamma etc) I saw subtantial quality improvements in my meditation! so this is a real null and not me being crappy at meditation'03:37
eleitlwhat an awful waste of human life03:38
kanzure14:19 < kanzure> "quality improvements in meditation"?03:38
kanzure14:20 <@gwern> yes03:38
kanzure14:20 < kanzure> i should stop asking actually. i'll either end up trying to convince you that you can get better gains by working on other technologies, or just annoyed about you.03:38
kanzureeleitl: agreed.03:38
fenntrading sleep time for meditation time doesn't seem like much of a gain03:38
eleitlsleep seems too basic to try to hack it out of your system without severe side effects03:39
eleitle.g. I think my memory improvements are almost solely due to improved sleep03:39
fennsome people seem to get by fine on 4-5 hours of sleep.. it's a major handicap if you sleep 12 hours a day03:40
fenntrying to bridge that gap would (theoretically) make an overall 50% productivity boost, nothing to scoff at03:40
eleitlthe assumption is that you can modify individual variations without side effects03:41
eleitlthere seems to be little evidence that's possible03:41
fennthe more i read about biochemistry the more it seems that most life parameters are nearly completely arbitrary, but since they've remained beyond our control for so long we accept them as absolute03:42
eleitlsleep is very many layers removed from biochemistry03:42
eleitldiurnal cycles are with us for gigayears03:43
fenneleitl: what's your opinion on "programmed aging" vs the sens style "accumulated damage" hypothesis?03:43
eleitlI'm agnostic. None of fixes will come in within the rest of my lifetime.03:43
kanzureeugen plans to die young at 8403:44
fennthat's a baseless assertion, you can't predict the future03:44
eleitlI have no interest to debate you on that, fenn.03:44
eleitlyou pays your money, and you takes you chances.03:44
fennthere's so much hype about antioxidants, but if the accumulated damage theory is incorrect there's no reason to spend money on them03:45
fennwhereas hormonal therapies barely get a passing mention even in publications like LEF magazine03:46
eleitlI'm taking a number of supplments, but I have no reason to assume they're going to make a difference03:46
fennthen why take them? i'm confused03:47
eleitlin the escape velocity difference03:47
eleitlthere's value in a decade or more with good QoL03:47
eleitlbut, I'm rather focusing in cryonics, and active shutdown03:47
eleitlthere is still time for that, though not a lot of time03:48
kanzurespeaking of not a lot of time, does hal have an eeg device?03:49
eleitlnot sure03:51
eleitlI suspect he's using speech input at the moment03:51
kanzurehis forum post claims he is using an eye tracking device03:52
eleitloh, is it that bad already?03:52
eleitlthat sucks03:52
kanzurecan't produce sounds03:52
kanzurefeeding tubes + breathing tubes03:52
eleitlpoor bastard03:52
kanzurei sent him some eeg links with some reverse engineered protocol stuff03:52
kanzurehe claims he wrote some arduino software to control his chair03:52
kanzureso maybe he will write some eeg things because eye tracking/dasher sucks03:53
eleitlhe has hair, so he would have to shave03:53
kanzureactually no03:53
fennfor eye tracking a two-dimensional version of dasher could be useful03:53
kanzureemotiv epoc claims you do not need hair03:53
kanzurei've used emotiv epoc and i hate it but others claim it works03:54
fennwith active electrodes, dry contacts work fine03:54
fennthe problem is that EEG sucks03:54
kanzuresucks less than ALS03:54
eleitlit's a signal problem, you have to eliminate everything in between03:54
eleitlso shaving and wet electrodes would do better03:54
eleitlbut, they suck as well03:54
fenni'm not clear enough on what signals you have to work with to come up with any useful ideas03:55
eleitlECoG would be the best, but no way to get that via elective surgery03:55
kanzurewith emotiv epoc you need to do lots of training to get like 3 or 4 distinct signals03:55
fennapparently hawking twitches his cheek muscle? why did that one survive? will hal have use of his eyes, or just a cheek muscle, or nothing, or something else? who knows03:55
kanzureand i could never do better than a ~2 second switching time03:55
kanzureiirc hawking lost his cheeks03:55
fennso hawking is totally mute now?03:56
eleitlhal seems to have deteriorated quickly03:56
eleitlnot sure how his prospects are03:56
kanzurei think hawking might also be doing eye contact03:56
kanzureeleitl: hal seems to think he has 10+ years03:56
kanzure"For those who don't know me, I'm Hal Finney. I got my start in crypto working on an early version of PGP, working closely with Phil Zimmermann. When Phil decided to start PGP Corporation, I was one of the first hires. I would work on PGP until my retirement. At the same time, I got involved with the Cypherpunks. I ran the first cryptographically based anonymous remailer, among other activities."03:57
eleitlI've read that one, yes.03:57
kanzureah well there was another one on lesswrong,03:58
kanzure(2009) http://lesswrong.com/lw/1ab/dying_outside/03:58
fennchoose life. choose being an open source programmer and pishing it all in a last ditch attempt to spawn a replacement for yourself03:58
kanzure"I hope to be able to read, browse the net, and even participate in conversations by email and messaging. Voice synthesizers allow local communications, and I am making use of a free service for ALS patients which will create a synthetic model of my own natural voice, for future use. I may even still be able to write code, and my dream is to contribute to open source software projects even from within an immobile body. That will be a life ...03:58
kanzure... very much worth living"03:59
eleitlif all else fails, there's http://eleitl.imgur.com/all/04:00
kanzurehave you scanned your brain and encoded the data in cat photos?04:00
eleitltested the ice bath yesterday, no leaks04:00
kanzureoh good they are not cat photos.04:00
fenni have scanned cat photos and encoded the data in my brain, does that count?04:01
kanzurewrong way fenn04:01
fennscanned cat brains and encoded the data in photos?04:01
kanzurei give up04:01
eleitlCAT scan has insufficient resolution04:02
fenni'm pretty impressed by the CLARITY microscopy technique; with receptor-specific stains i think we have a decent chance to do high throughput synaptic junction reconstruction04:03
fennthere's only so many optical wavelengths though..04:03
kanzureyou can wash the stains/antibodies off04:03
eleitlBTC is on a sucker rally04:04
eleitllet's see how far up this one will go04:04
fennthe dead cat bounce04:04
eleitlI missed the window to buy at 60 EUR04:05
eleitlnow, I will have to wait04:05
fenni missed the window to buy at $0.0038..04:05
eleitltell me about it, I read Satoshi's original announcement04:06
kanzurein 2009 i was experiencing e-currency fatigue04:06
kanzureso i was really annoyed and didn't realize there was an implementation and not just a manifesto.04:06
eleitlmoral: don't wait for debian packages, roll your own04:06
eleitloh, I ran the first version, I was just snobbish to not have Windows 24/704:07
kanzureall those damn "peer-to-peer" "social currencies"04:07
kanzurefenn: did you read those gwern.net pages?04:09
fenner.. i read the first part of the hollywood one and decided i didnt need to finish04:09
eleitlhere's a great project: help people stop wasting time04:10
eleitlgiant ROI04:10
fennyou dont need to do time analysis to determine that Kira is living in japan; all of the deaths were japanese criminals04:11
kanzurefenn: yeah, the basic idea is easy to understand. "use our brains to analyze things."04:11
kanzurei think it was unspoken that he also murdered others at some point04:12
fennbut Kira was already a social phenomenon before he got smart about it04:12
eleitlif you murder the right people, it's definitely going to help04:12
eleitlbut you have to keep doing it, though04:12
eleitlsounds like a full-time job04:13
fenni think it was after like the first 20 deaths people were txting madly Kira this Kira that, who will be next04:13
kanzureeleitl: death note is a story about a kid who finds a magic way to cheat and kill people from a distance. but there are various rules and he ends up being an idiot that gets caught because he doesn't know enough about anonymity.04:13
fennanyway we already have "assassination politics" it's just that it's accomplished using military drones equipped with missiles04:16
fennwhy the hell does a google search for "site:deviantart.com obama drone manhattan" bring up pictures of aaron swartz04:17
superkuhGoogle knows what your heart truly desires.04:17
superkuhSearch queries are just suggestions.04:18
kanzurei wish google would take my queries seriously again.04:18
eleitlkanzure, I know what Death Note is.04:18
eleitlJust never had time to watch it.04:18
kanzurenot sure if it's your type04:19
-!- Zarakii [~devillll@ppp-46-244-179-182.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined ##hplusroadmap04:19
fenni tried to watch it but i wasn't intelligent enough to understand what was going on04:19
* eleitl has been trying to watch Simoun lately04:20
kanzureyou might enjoy blame?04:20
kanzureoh wait i've seen simoun..04:21
kanzuremaybe once.04:21
eleitlmy point precisely04:21
eleitlBlame! looks interesting04:21
fenni'll second blame!04:22
fennit doesn't really get going until chapter 704:22
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kanzurehave fun04:23
eleitlgreat, was scoring for amazon.com DVDs04:23
kanzureno animation version04:23
fennactually chapter 8 is the best starting place04:24
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kanzure"Killy .. wanders a vast technological world known as "The City". He is searching for Net Terminal Genes, a (possibly) extinct genetic marker that allows humans to access the "Netsphere", a sort of computerized control network for The City. The City is an endless vertical space of artificially-constructed walls, stairways and caverns, separated into massive "floors" by nearly-impenetrable barriers known as "Megastructure". The City is ...04:25
kanzure... inhabited by scattered human and transhuman tribes as well as hostile cyborgs known as Silicon Creatures. The Net Terminal Genes appear to be the key to halting the unhindered, chaotic expansion of the Megastructure, as well as a way of stopping the murderous horde known as the Safeguard from destroying all humanity."04:25
kanzureseems a good enough summary04:25
fennit was weird to read Feersum Endjinn and see where nihei got various ideas04:25
fennblame is about a million times more epic04:26
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eleitlhttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0008FPIMW/ <-- ordered as well04:27
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fenni wonder if we could manage to preserve iain banks' brain04:27
kanzurecancel it. the dvd is terrible.04:27
eleitlgot that tarball kanzure, thanks.04:27
kanzurethey spent all of their production budget on the credits. the rest is like 1 or 2 pictures with voiceover.04:28
kanzureand the voiceover isn't even meaningful.04:28
eleitlso there's no decent anime?04:28
kanzurethere is no decent anime of blame04:28
eleitljust manga?04:28
kanzurejust manga.04:28
kanzurei should have warned you sooner. i am sorry.04:28
fennthe dvd is just 5 minutes of confusing cut scenes and weird sound effects04:28
kanzurealso it's on youtube anyway.04:30
eleitlok, one-star review agrees. canceled.04:30
kanzurethis guy made a way better attempt at a video of blame:04:30
superkuhWhat reader do you use, kanzure?04:32
kanzurei have been lucky enough to just use mangafox.com and other sites :(04:32
kanzurei do not recommend this04:34
kanzureyeah this is broken04:34
eleitlapparently, nexus 10 only sold ~650 k units04:40
kanzurei think it is better to say that they only made 650k units04:41
kanzurenobody was able to buy them04:41
kanzurethey were perpetually out of stock04:41
eleitlif only there was a 3G version04:41
kanzureso.. eleitl is otaku. the plot thickens.04:46
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@archelseleitl: Have you ever considered using impedance spectroscopy as a means of determining the viability of tissue?04:50
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eleitlarchels, no.04:51
eleitlFahy uses Na/K ratio, which is quite easy04:51
eleitlI'm interested in electric function, which will need multiple pickups anyway04:52
eleitlno, they assume if the ion pumps are down and tissue equilibrates it's down04:52
eleitldon't ask me how they validated that proxy04:52
eleitlbrb, meeting04:55
fenngwern assumes that killing criminals is the only goal, whereas it would seem light's law school background would lead him to believe that deterrence is a benefit of punishing criminals04:57
eleitlwould work well in politics04:57
fennif famous people you agreed with just died, and nobody noticed a pattern?04:58
fenner, s/agreed/disagreed/04:58
fennit doesn't seem like politics to me04:59
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kanzurefor the record i liked the anime. but i also like metalocalypse so take that as you might.05:02
kanzurefenn did you get a whiff of the google glass mirror api documentation?05:03
fenni saw that it was only open to developers and decided i didn't care05:04
fennthey'll fuck it all up anyway05:04
kanzureit's pretty limited.05:04
kanzureif you could possibly convince your langton lab homies to give you one then at least someone could start reverse engineering it and writing actually ok software05:05
fenndavid left google to work on meteor05:06
fenni know other people who work there but i doubt it would be any advantage05:07
kanzureoh that's the same david?05:07
kanzuremeteor raised quite a large sum of venture funding..05:07
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fennjeez.. gwern's article about "how terrorism doesn't work" has a connotation that one could make huge stock market gains by assassinating a CEO to influence the company's share price05:20
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@archelspaperbot: Ectopic eyes outside the head in Xenopus tadpoles provide sensory data for light-mediated learning06:19
@archelspaperbot: http://jeb.biologists.org/content/216/6/1031.full.pdf+html06:20
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Ectopic%20eyes%20outside%20the%20head%20in%20Xenopus%20tadpoles%20provide%20sensory%20data%20for%20light-mediated%20learning.pdf06:20
@archelsyep, figured it was being misrepresented on popular science sites06:29
@archelsof the tadpoles with ectopic eyes, only those that showed innervation of the spine/gut allowed the tadpole to learn shock avoidance based on a light cue06:29
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eleitlwhat is a good RSS reader for Android?06:40
eleitlgReader Pro?06:42
eleitlsecond question, does OwnCloud do full text PDF search?06:43
eleitleverybody seems to be using Evernote06:43
eleitlhttp://forum.owncloud.org/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=10464 looks recent, not working yet06:44
eleitlAnother big new addition is a full-text search mechanism, powered by Lucene. This is something that ownCloud offers that the proprietary solutions don’t. The full-text search will work in the mobile clients, as well as the web interface, allowing you to find files based on their contents, not just their file names.06:45
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eudoxiai think satoshi is just one guy08:56
eudoxiamixing TOR and Tor and tor are probably the first things i would think of to obscure my text08:56
eudoxiathere's also http://www.yodaspeak.co.uk/08:58
eudoxia'Think of to obscure my text I mixing tor and tor and tor are probably the first things would.' oh what a failure08:58
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chris_99maybe he ran his text through some kind of randomisation algorithm to stop people attempting to identify him ;)09:07
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kanzurechris_99: there's no randomization algorithm that produces writing that strong.09:39
chris_99just give it a very low probability of flipping words for alternatives09:41
chris_99hmm bitcoin seems to be slowly creeping back up too09:44
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yoleauxScience research shows how bees are attracted to flowers - YouTube11:43
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yoleauxThe $12 Gongkai Phone « bunnie's blog12:53
ParahSailinhow do i get into the "sponging off of donations for open source projects" class13:08
yoleauxOpen Tech Forever - R&D Factory for Open Source Industrial Hardware | Indiegogo13:09
kanzureoops my bad13:09
kanzurethat should have been obvious13:09
kanzurei got spam from them earlier today. i deeted it.13:09
ParahSailinkanzure: have you pulled off an indiegogo money collection?13:11
kanzurenope, don't want to either.13:11
ParahSailintoo proud to collect money from suckers?13:12
ParahSailiner, scrupulous is probably the better word13:13
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kanzurethis guy is a spammer and i hate him: Yoonseo Kang <ykang404@gmail.com>13:38
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kanzureopenworm wiki is migrating to https://github.com/openworm/OpenWorm/wiki16:37
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kanzuregod damn it17:34
kanzurefuck these fuckers and their forced oaths17:34
kanzurecan't they at least say "we also realize that we don't represent everyone in the community" if they are so self-proclaimedly focused on being "ethical".17:35
kanzurei like how their ethics isn't about actually being independent.17:37
clock" and will apply it for the benefit of humankind"17:46
clockmeans he has to do at least one thing for the benefit of humankind? or all the things he does have to be for the benefit of humankind?17:46
clockI also think the term "benefit of humankind" is too vague term to be used in such a context17:47
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kanzureclock: i don't think people are thinking carefully about these things.17:49
clockkajetan, so do I understand right, u dont like the oath?17:50
kanzuredo you mean to ask me?17:51
kanzureanyway, yes, i am strongly opposed to top-down mandates in this community17:51
clockkanzure, yes you kanzure sorry17:51
kanzurei am also opposed to the "self-imposed moratorium" that was floated around a while ago17:51
clockI dislike it when I read it too17:52
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clockThese make impression on me they are irrelevant anywaya17:52
kanzurei also think it is strongly misleading to write an oath because you are misleading others to think that all non-institutional members are following the same oauth, which isn't true.17:52
clockwhat are they going to achieve in DIY biology or whatever by making museums of dried mummies or whatever is on the pages?17:52
kanzurebetter than wet mummies, i imagine?17:53
clockkanzure, a guz who takes strawberries and blender is in my opinion much more relevant for this kind of science17:53
kanzurei have never been mummified before i dunno17:53
clockthis web makes impression on me that  #1 goal is impressive graphics17:53
kanzurei think i prefer meredith's biopunk manifesto if anything..17:54
kanzurewhy is hackteria and biologigaragen agreeing to this. i would expect better of them.17:54
kanzureopenbioprojects.net is just trojak, so he can agree to whatever he wants.17:54
clockanyone needs any kind of DIY ddevices tools for biopunk?17:55
clockI want to do living by open source hardware development17:55
clockI need some useful simple projects to develop17:56
clockI have Twibright Labs17:56
kanzurewhat do you mean you "have twibright"17:56
kanzurewhat does "do living" mean17:57
clocklike at the moment I am working on the technology for cutting arbitratry shapes (also complicated inner holes) into up to 2mm steel plates at home17:57
clockwithout any noise, effort or dangerous chemicals17:57
clockkanzure, I am kinda founder of Twibright Labs17:57
clockkanzure, do for living17:57
clockand I needed a device for separation by sedimentation17:57
clockI made a nice one from PET bottles17:57
clockit even has screw-based stopcock which can be adjusted! I am amazed what can be done from trash when the need is here17:58
kanzureare you kkulhavy17:58
kanzurehere is a list of things that would be helpful to work on:17:59
kanzureother relevant equipment:18:00
clockI used BRL-CAD extensively18:00
clockBRL-CAD actually even used some of my project screenshots on their conference presentations18:01
kanzurebrlcad has recently implemented partial nurbs surface-surface intersection:18:01
clock"For this reason, job candidates must already have a machine shop and lab to work in" - DIY bio only for machine shop and lab owners?18:02
kanzurethat idea was for funding a specific open source hardware developer to work through the backlog of needed equipment18:02
kanzureat the time, i wasn't able to fund a full hackerspace on my own (at least, not to the level i wanted)18:03
clockI like to work in a different way18:03
kanzureso it was more efficient to find someone who already had the desire and capability but perhaps not the income18:03
clockI do free physical products for manufacture by the consumer18:03
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clockIf you buy a Ferrari, you don't need to own a car workshop18:03
clockIf you buy a bread, you don't need a bakery18:03
kanzurei will build a car workshop if i want to, screw you18:04
clockIf you buy a TV, you don't need to have an oscilloscope, a multimeter and a soldering iron to be able to bring it to turning on18:04
clockSimilarly, I think requirements of labs workshops etc. are restrictive and undermine the idea18:04
kanzurei think having an oscilloscope, multimeter, voltmeter, soldering iron, smt pick-and-placer are all very useful18:04
clockkanzure, I feel insulted and discrespected when you say screw you18:05
kanzureyou are trying to tell me that i can't have lab equipment :(18:05
kanzureor that i shouldn't need it18:05
kanzurethat's totally false and i know you're lying18:05
yoleauxChicken embryo heart cells beating in culture - YouTube18:05
kanzureclock: perhaps this will help put things in perspective, having the ability to build tools is not a bad thing. in fact, it can be considered critical. http://diyhpl.us/wiki/declaration18:06
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superkuhhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=8CRdRc8CcGY#t=594s - galvanic vestibular stimulation mentioned at the Oculus VR session at the game developer conference.22:07
-!- gnusha [~gnusha@] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:20
-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by george church and the NRA | http://gnusha.org/logs http://diyhpl.us/wiki http://groups.google.com/group/diybio | banned by the Federal Death Administration | official paperbot fan club22:20
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@] [Sat Mar 23 20:40:45 2013]22:20
[Users ##hplusroadmap]22:20
[@archels ] [ chido ] [ gnusha_ ] [ lupfantomo ] [ ParahSailin ] [ strangewarp] 22:20
[ _Sol_ ] [ Coornail ] [ heath ] [ makoLime ] [ pasky ] [ streety ] 22:20
[ abetusk ] [ cpopell ] [ helleshin ] [ monkeynipples] [ phryk ] [ superkuh ] 22:20
[ AdrienG ] [ devrandom ] [ HEx1 ] [ nmz787 ] [ processing ] [ Suwap ] 22:20
[ AlonzoTG ] [ DMXRoid ] [ ivan` ] [ nmz787_ ] [ randalla1ordon] [ Thomas42 ] 22:20
[ aristarchus ] [ DonnchaC ] [ jrayhawk ] [ nsh ] [ rigel ] [ Thorbinator] 22:20
[ AshleyWaffle] [ duckstep ] [ juri_ ] [ nuba ] [ Sanky ] [ ua ] 22:20
[ augur ] [ eleitl ] [ Juul ] [ nully ] [ saurik ] [ Urchin ] 22:20
[ balrog ] [ ElixirVitae] [ kajetan ] [ pad2 ] [ SDr ] [ Viper168 ] 22:20
[ bkero ] [ ezrios ] [ kanzure ] [ panax ] [ sivoais ] [ yashgaroth ] 22:20
[ brownies ] [ fenn ] [ Lemminkainen] [ paperbot ] [ smeaaagle ] [ yoleaux ] 22:20
[ Charlie ] [ gnusha ] [ lichen ] [ ParahSa1lin ] [ strages_home ] [ zubaz ] 22:20
-!- Irssi: ##hplusroadmap: Total of 72 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 71 normal]22:20
-!- Channel ##hplusroadmap created Thu Feb 25 23:40:30 201022:20
-!- Irssi: Join to ##hplusroadmap was synced in 7 secs22:20
-!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: nmz787, gnusha_22:25
-!- lichen [~lichen@c-24-21-206-64.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]22:34
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-!- superkuh [~superkuh@unaffiliated/superkuh] has quit [Quit: videogames]22:58
fenni liked his comment at the end about using eye tracking to dynamically adjust the display's focus23:08
fennoh he left23:10
-!- Zarakii [~devillll@ppp-46-244-179-182.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:13
kanzurefenn: pm.23:15
-!- Suwap [~devillll@ppp-46-244-179-182.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]23:16
-!- Zarakii [~devillll@ppp-46-244-179-182.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]23:18
-!- Suwap [~devillll@ppp-46-244-179-182.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:22
-!- yashgaroth [~ffffff@cpe-66-27-118-94.san.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving]23:57
--- Log closed Sat Apr 20 00:00:03 2013

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