
--- Log opened Mon Apr 29 00:00:11 2013
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@kanzurei wonder if my system's clock is an accurate measure of time between keystrokes.00:14
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@kanzurepfft downvotes for hating on EEG typing, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=562440301:00
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archels`the chap below you seems to think that adding more electrodes will solve anything02:29
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@kanzureMORE ELECTRODES02:38
@kanzuredon't most academic eeg setups have like >60 electrodes? how many do they want?02:38
archels`nah, it's usually just too much hassle for too little benefit02:49
archels`especially when you need to do dozens of subjects02:49
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@kanzurefenn: eleitl claims "Yeah, old stuff. The magnetic part is bunk."03:12
@kanzurearchels`: if it's true that typing speed can be increased proportionally to electrode count that people would have done that by now, especially for locked-in patients03:16
@kanzure*if it's true that... then people would have done that by now03:16
archels`exactly. Well, I'm sure there's much to be gained increasing the electrode count when you get to the scale of single neurons. But at the scale of EEG, nah.03:17
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EnLilaSkopaperbot: http://www.karger.com/Article/FullText/32715009:41
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/25bc973598b7d995a7e818a435dded5c.txt09:42
wsimonsWhat is that?09:42
EnLilaSkopaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-789X.2011.00908.x/abstract;jsessionid=82774F81A0878FD8A0AFE6678DF5CAB4.d03t0309:42
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/cd65a8004c3cafa5150e4167cab74f65.txt09:42
EnLilaSkopaperbot is a bot that takes studies and gets the full study and links it to you09:42
EnLilaSkoBut failed on those I linked09:42
wsimonsNo, no, I meant the link.09:43
EnLilaSkoStudy, you could have just clicked it09:43
EnLilaSkoDidn't mean to be rude if I came off in that way09:45
wsimonsYou aren't a lifter by any chance, are ya?09:45
EnLilaSkoBut it's about L-Carnitine09:45
wsimonsYes, it's a popular supplement among gymrats of all sorts.09:45
EnLilaSkoI am idd09:45
EnLilaSkoBut reading about how it goes into cells, if you can reduce the amount of insulin if you take O3 and choline too09:46
EnLilaSkoAnd I hope ALCAR will be able to cross cell membranes and not just go to the brain09:46
wsimonsI'm fresh out of the gym, and it feels nice. Not sure what crossed over into the brain, though.09:48
EnLilaSkoALCAR crosses the BBB easiler than L-Carnitine09:49
wsimonsEffect of this?09:49
EnLilaSkohttp://examine.com/supplements/L-Carnitine/#summary7 - Has tons of benefits09:51
wsimonsVery interesting. And what is its natural dietary source(s)?09:54
EnLilaSkoDon't think ALCAR has any, but L-Carnitine is found in meat09:54
EnLilaSkoOr, it does09:54
EnLilaSko"Acetyl-L-carnitine or ALCAR, is an acetylated form of L-carnitine. It is a dietary supplement and naturally occurs in plants and animals."09:54
wsimonsI must say that I'm somewhat of a luddite when it comes to dietary supplements, hence my curiosity.09:55
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wsimonsWhat I mean by that is that I do not take them, on principle, attempting instead to compensate with dietary choices. I'm not sure if it's always possible, though.09:56
EnLilaSkohttp://i.imgur.com/ywyaG7J.jpg - All my shit, lol09:56
jrayhawkD3 is the only one that's particularly impractical to get from dietary sources.09:57
wsimonsjrayhawk: what is its most effective source?09:58
wsimonsEnLilaSko: Impressive, but after interacting with bodybuilders, I'm difficult to shock =)09:58
wsimonsBecause some of those guys have three, four times that many.09:59
jrayhawkThe traditional source is from liver, though it turns out you can leave mushrooms out in the sun and they'll actually produce a pretty good amount of D209:59
wsimonsD2 or D3?09:59
EnLilaSkoD2 is fairly bad, but shrooms produce enough D2 to raise the blood levels as much as D3 (iirc)09:59
EnLilaSkoAnd it also produces D3 and D409:59
wsimonsI'm curious, does anyone here eat more or less once a day?10:00
jrayhawkWhen I'm in really really deep ketosis I will occasionally do that on accident.10:00
jrayhawkre: D3: the most effictive source is sunlight on skin; the most effective *dietary* source is liver.10:02
wsimonsHow do you get into ketosis in the first place?10:03
EnLilaSkoYeah, sun is obv superior10:03
EnLilaSkoAnd have other benefits10:03
EnLilaSkoNot eat carbs10:03
EnLilaSkoOr eat very little carbs10:03
wsimonsSunlight on skin is something I like.10:03
jrayhawkOr eat MCTs.10:03
jrayhawkMCTs get utilized as ketones even on fairly high-carb diets; it's a popular supplement for some metabolic disorders such as Alzheimers.10:05
EnLilaSkoBut does it really turn you into a ketosis dominant state?10:06
wsimonsStill, how do you get ketotic to begin with?10:06
wsimonsEnLilaSko: I don't see how that could happen, if there are carbohydrates coming in.10:06
EnLilaSkoI could see partially with MCT, and almost "fully" with just dropping the carbs10:06
jrayhawkYeah; MCTs are a nice gentle way of training up that oxidative phosphorylation pathway10:08
jrayhawkthough that said, you're not going to get full adaptation (e.g. muscle insulin resistance) without dropping carbs.10:09
jrayhawkhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2604900/ on that Alzheimers thing10:10
wsimonsA word on muscle insulin resistance. In your experience, what is the easiest way to clear it?10:11
jrayhawkEat carbs? What's your goal, here?10:12
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jrayhawkI mean, I wouldn't suggest doing the unadaptation by eating spoonfuls of dextrose, but just making some extra blood sugar available works fine.10:21
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wsimonsjrayhawk: I'm curious about the mechanism of MIR10:30
wsimonsWhat causes it, what reverses it etc.10:30
jrayhawkOh; I don't actually know the hormonal mechanisms offhand. When you have no carbohydrate intake, the liver is forced to generate glucose through various gluconeogenic pathways for the few tissues that actually depend on glucose (most importantly the brain), which is both limited in terms of throughput and is largely undesirable anyway since it often involves catabolism.10:37
jrayhawkMuscles, on the other hand, can happily get all their energy from ketones, provided they aren't being asked to do particularly metabolicly demanding work.10:38
jrayhawkSo, in deep ketosis, the muscles become severely insulin resistant to spare glucose for the brain.10:38
wsimonsBut the body positively has to enter a ketotic state beforehand, is that correct?10:39
jrayhawkI would sure hope so! If you make muscle tissue insulin resistant without ketones, you'd kill it all real fast.10:40
jrayhawkTypically there's a lag time of days to weeks of hard ketosis before you get those sorts of adapatations; this is referred to as "keto flu" or "brain fog"10:41
jrayhawkWhen full adaptation happens, it's actually sortof magical. You have stable blood sugar and cognition regardless of meal timing.10:41
klafkaman i wish carbs weren't so delicious though10:41
klafkabecause you're absolutely correct jrayhawk10:42
wsimonsYou asked about my intentions. They do not include entering ketosis; in fact, I'd like to avoid this as much as possible. I get away with it much of the time, despite eating only in the evening, but I thought I'd ask anyway.10:42
jrayhawkIf you're doing a compressed eating window, you're probably spending a fair amount of time in ketosis anyway.10:47
wsimonsI've definitely hit it a few times, though not too many.10:48
wsimonsBut it's detectable (smell)10:48
jrayhawkI mostly notice it due to the orthostatic hypotension it induces.10:49
jrayhawkThen I start upping my salt intake by a gram a day or so.10:49
jrayhawkthe VLCD community seems to treat salt supplementation as a normal requirement, which seems a bit weird to me10:50
jrayhawkmaybe my circulation just sucks10:51
jrayhawkwhich would make sense given that i basically never do any metcon stuff10:51
wsimonsYou control it down to grams per days? :P10:53
jrayhawkThe supplementation, yes. not really tracking the total.10:54
wsimonsI just shake the stuff into the salad or whatever, and I'm done.10:57
wsimons<-- lazy10:57
jrayhawkKetoadaptation is also pretty cool if you're doing low-level aerobic work like jogging; you can run off of fat stores and never hit "The Wall"11:01
jrayhawkjogging is dumb, of course11:02
jrayhawkbut still! fringe benefits!11:02
wsimonsI haven't biked in a while (weather), but it is warming up here, so I'll be getting back to that.11:02
wsimonsMy primary sport is weightlifting, though, and it's definitely not aerobic.11:02
jrayhawkoh, yeah, you probably want to stay as anabolic as possible. not sure why you're bothering with compressed eating windows.11:03
wsimonsFeel better this way, more energetic, no sugar crashes etc.11:03
jrayhawkHuh, well, metabolic flexibility is always cool.11:03
wsimonsPlus no hunger -- that's the biggest one.11:03
wsimonsSmall meals spread out evenly -- hungry all day long. I don't know how people do it. Once I start, I cannot stop, hands shake etc.11:04
klafkai'm with you wsimons11:05
klafkathat's why i liked keto so much11:06
klafkait let me control hunger rationally11:06
klafkafor like the first time ever11:06
wsimonsklafka: on the hunger question?11:06
jrayhawkI like the cognitive benefits of ketosis, but it's stupidly hard to put on mass with it.11:06
klafkai don't know if i noticed cognitive benefits11:07
jrayhawkI've taken to eating a pile of egg and dextrose post-workout to spike insulin post-workout, which seems like it's doing okay.11:07
klafkasee i can't really weight lift due to some chronic injuriues11:08
klafkabut i would like to control my weight better11:08
wsimonsCognitively, definitely think clearly, but I attribute this to a steady blood glucose level. Keep in mind that the thing I do isn't ketogenic per se, not until well after 24 hours, which never happens for me.11:08
wsimonsWeight control, as in extra weight or not enough, klafka?11:09
klafkai guess i can see cognitive benefits in that i don't feel hungry11:09
klafkalosing extra weight11:09
ParahSai1inmy body is stupidly profligate with protein11:09
wsimonsDo you eat babies, ParahSai1in  :P11:09
jrayhawkdelicious AND nutritious11:10
wsimonsklafka: no matter what anyone tells me, I remain firmly convinced that the human organism was never meant to be ketogenic for most of its energy, no way.11:11
klafkaI agree wsimons11:11
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klafkai preefer to use it to get to a target weight11:11
klafkaand then try and maintain that weight via a balanced non-keto diet11:12
klafkabut like moving into a new life situation fucked up my balance and i gained more weight than i wanted11:12
jrayhawkhttp://vimeo.com/52645372 had a nice thing looking at huamn amylase activity as compared to other apes11:12
wsimonsklafka: And if you enter it via caloric restriction (I don't know if you do), then you also have your metabolic rate to consider, because it will be lowered if you're 1) glycogen-deprived (empty) and 2) already in ketosis.11:12
wsimonsWhich is bad for weight control, for reasons obvious.11:13
klafkayou can enter it via diet change but you do have to restrict calories11:13
klafkai try and offset it by doing aerobic exercise11:13
wsimonsThat may help, although I've no clue how much.11:14
wsimonsWhen it comes to your non-keto diet, what does it consist of?11:14
klafkacarbs, mushrooms vegetables with some soy and mycoprotein meat products11:16
klafkaand eggs / cheese11:16
klafkatry for the most part to avoid refined sugar11:17
wsimons"For the most part"? :)11:17
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klafkayeah  i mean unless you only eat food you yourself make with a careful eye to ingredients you'll eat refined sugar11:21
klafkahell most bread has refined sugar in it11:21
wsimonsThat is what I do. Bake my own bread, also.11:22
klafkai find that takes a loot of time and i like the taste of food and the experience of eating at restaurants11:22
wsimonsWhat it takes is total commitment. You cannot half-ass this stuff.11:23
wsimonsBut after a short while, it becomes second nature.11:23
wsimonsAs for taste, I guess it depends on what it is, but the kitchen is a place of creativity.11:24
klafkaright sure but i also enjoy having other people make me food, and experiencing food that has a cool cultural context, etc...11:25
wsimonsYes, that could definitely be an issue.11:25
wsimonsI'm unmarried, so the concept of having someone cook it for me, even to my preferences, is out of the question for now.11:26
klafkai find that there needs to be a balance between health and enjoyment of life - things like eating out etc.. are really enjoyable to me so i want to find a good balance11:29
wsimonsI was once faced with the same problem. My only workable solution was to make a strict choice in what "enjoyment of life" really meant. I've since come to realize that the real passion was for eating tasty food, and plenty of it -- something I can guarantee for myself every day. Once that was satisfied, the thought of eating out never occurred to me again.11:31
wsimonsBut I don't do well with balancing. Too extreme a nature.11:31
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@kanzure12:22 < mstevens> EY sometimes gives me the feeling of having found an argument where it's morally necessary we give him money to produce nothing12:22
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@kanzurewhen did they move to http://intelligence.org/ ugh12:24
wsimons"they" who12:26
@kanzurethe individual referenced in the previous message12:27
wsimonsAnd what is it that you pay him to do?12:28
wsimonsor make rather12:28
@kanzurei don't.12:29
wsimonsI wouldn't, either.12:29
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@kanzurehahah https://plus.google.com/118343182830485155505/posts/ERUJ8e1yKRd15:12
yoleauxStephen Lau - Google+ - People. We need to talk. This is not rooting. Nothing is…15:12
@kanzureoh good https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/omap/+/glass-omap-xrr0215:14
@kanzuresaurik: why are people assuming it's fastboot oem unlock? do they just.. not believe you when you say you used a root exploit?15:15
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saurikkanzure: snippy comments (FFS, GET OFF MY LAWN, Duh, etc.) from engineers at google are both more fun and more credible than comments made by me15:19
@kanzurehaha more credible. that's excellent.15:20
TheEmpathI saw a guy on Reddit with the name "GetOffMyInternetLawn"15:20
@kanzuresaurik: pretty interesting how they handle security incidents15:20
@kanzurewhich is to say.. by yelling. and googleplussing or whatever.15:21
saurikI have nearly finished a very long article (as usual) for my website about Glass, detailing what I did, why I did it the way that I did it, and then going into some detail about how Glass is actually a security nightmare due to some design decisions Google made that they really need to retract in the UI design (as now I just don't like them, so I am going to "call em as I see em")15:21
klafkais that from jay freeman15:22
@kanzuresaurik is jay15:22
klafka cool15:22
@kanzuresaurik: btw did you look at their oauth api? it loooked like oauth v1, and probably has lots of xss holes.15:22
klafkaoh that wasn't a quote then15:22
@kanzuresaurik: their google glass device registration process is something like oauth + qr code or something.15:23
saurikkanzure: no, I haven't. I haven't actually looked at the mirror API at all yet15:23
@kanzureit's disappointing.15:23
klafkawhy is it dissapointing?15:24
klafkabecause of security flaws? architectural design issues?15:25
@kanzureit's severely limited. it's basically a sandboxed environment. they require you to write your application code to be deployed to google app engine.15:25
klafkaso python?15:26
klafkaor java?15:26
@kanzuredoesn't matter.. it's google app engine :(15:26
klafkayeah you can't even use numpy or scipy in GAE15:26
@kanzureklafka: https://developers.google.com/glass/v1/reference15:27
@kanzureklafka: actually, this is a better overview https://developers.google.com/glass/quickstart/python15:28
klafkaaah cool15:28
@kanzurehah they just link straight to github, no code.google.com links15:28
klafkai wonder if that implies they'll kill off code.google.com soon15:28
klafkawhat there are links to code.google15:29
@kanzureoh sorry. i didn't look thoroughly. the most prominent links were github.15:29
klafkalol or php? wth15:29
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@kanzuretest-case: hi.17:12
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@kanzureyashgaroth: sup18:26
yashgarothlab stuff, working on making a bioreactor with jcline18:27
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ParahSail1npaperbot, http://www.haaretz.com/weekend/magazine/how-game-theory-will-stop-iranian-nukes.premium-1.51755019:21
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/9d3080eab3f432f6547e1db27c63f877.txt19:21
maitakewhat does paperbot do?19:25
ParahSail1ndownloads clop from lesswrong19:34
@kanzurepaperbot fetches papers from journals19:36
@kanzurehowever, it doesn't have access to every paper imaginable. patches would be really nice.19:37
ParahSail1nthat zotero translator server is extremely byzantine19:38
@kanzureyeah the design is broken in a bunch of different places, like the build scripts19:39
@kanzureand automatic testing of zotero translators isn't fun19:39
maitakecan paperbot fetch papers that we would have to pay for otherwise?19:40
ParahSail1ndoes the machine not have access to a bunch of nature stuff or is it broken translators19:40
@kanzureit doesn't have access19:41
@kanzure"HTTP 500" usually indicates broken translator19:41
@kanzurethat's HTTP 500 from translation-server19:41
ParahSail1nmaitake, now thats a crazy idea19:41
ParahSail1nsomeone programming something to server a purpose19:41
maitakeseriously.. is paperbot just fetching free papers or does it have access to paid journals?19:42
@kanzurei'd rather not comment19:42
ParahSail1ncan neither confirm nor deny19:42
@kanzurealso i would appreciate ideas for how to make it reliably retry on different networks without asking everyone to commit passwords to the git repo or something19:42
@kanzureParahSail1n: so i think using zotero translators makes sense because it means we can just use their efforts, rather than duplicating work. but maybe the cost (translation-server) is too high.19:45
ParahSail1nthey sure have a lot of translators19:46
ParahSail1nand while people commonly only use less than a half dozen publishers, it would be nice to keep support for all those obscure ones19:46
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klafkai fucking hate odbc drivers20:50
klafkafuck fuck fuck them20:50
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