
--- Log opened Thu Jun 27 00:00:08 2013
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archelskanzure: this is true, but the electric fields generated by placing electrodes on the scalp are very very broad, and intersubject variability is very large01:32
archelsapparently the retinal cells are stimulated at the lowest thresholds, causing phosphenes. Then when you turn the current up (going above ~1 mA), you start to excite cortical areas01:33
-!- Burninate [~Burn@pool-108-18-159-219.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:35
Viper168I've been tempted to bult and test a TMS unit01:39
Viper168wouldn't be hard01:39
Viper168I'd just want someone around in case I have a seizure01:40
archelstDCS/tACS is easier01:48
archelswhat do you want to get out of it, 15 minutes of being a maths genius?01:48
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BurninateIs this a big deal?05:20
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ThomasEgiBurninate, given the news of recently found mamoot blood in syberia.. ;)06:45
BurninateI'm left to understand that mammoth blood and ancient DNA in general is still an open problem.  Sequencing is not cloning, and sequencing mammoth blood is only borderline possible.06:47
Burninate"Recreating a life from a skin cell" was proferred as a morality-challenging scenario at one point a few years back06:50
BurninateDoes circulating white blood cells significantly change the game versus utilizing stem cells?06:51
Burninatealso... wow06:54
Burninate" Professor of Biology Rudolf Jaenisch found that approximately one in every 25 genes was abnormally expressed in placentas from cloned mice"06:54
BurninateI wonder what the rate is using modern methods06:55
Burninate"Rienhoff, a biotech entrepreneur in San Carlos, California, who had trained as a clinical geneticist in the 1980s, went from doctor to doctor looking for a diagnosis. He bought lab equipment so that he could study his daughter’s DNA himself — and in the process, he became a symbol for the do-it-yourself biology movement, and a trailblazer in using DNA technologies to diagnose a rare disease (see Nature 449, 773–707:22
Burninate76; 2007)."07:22
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kanzure.title http://nasawatch.com/archives/2013/06/nasa-technical-1.html07:30
yoleauxNASA Technical Reports Server Updated - NASA Watch07:30
kanzure""On May 8, 2013, the NTRS was brought back on-line for public access, reloaded with the validated 966,460 documents and metadata records. A small subset of approximately 248,000 documents, largely consisting of older documents, such as National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics materials, remain to be reviewed and will not be restored to public access until a thorough review is completed.""07:30
kanzure"While the site has been updated and as Keith had previously mentioned, there are still approximate 248,000 older records that still need to be brought back online. The June 15th update makes no mention on how the review is progressing. We will update you as soon as we know more."07:30
archelswget -m07:35
kanzureno! fucking hell.07:37
kanzure-m is not a good way to parse collections of papers07:37
kanzureit just crawls things and then you have no guarantees about self-consistency, percent collected, metadata/pdf linking, etc.07:38
kanzure.title http://www.nature.com/news/father-s-genetic-quest-pays-off-1.1326907:38
yoleauxFather’s genetic quest pays off : Nature News & Comment07:38
kanzureyou might remember hugh from http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/open-science-summit-2010/mydaughtersgenome/07:38
BurninateWhy is writing in complete sentences such a rare skill among professional adults who have supposedly completed university courses?07:58
BurninateOr wait07:59
Burninateis this a *live* transcript?07:59
Burninatemy bad08:00
kanzurethey are all live transcripts08:01
kanzurebut your point is hilarious anyway :)08:02
-!- jonathan__ [~jonathan@wsip-70-167-73-242.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:44
kanzurejonathan__: hi08:45
jonathan__this the one? http://www.kqed.org/news/story/2013/04/19/119654/a_talent_agency_for_software_developers?category=economy08:45
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jonathan__i'll talk to em see what they say08:46
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jonathan__there's a great audio interview with steve jobs on the web somewhere where he steadfastly claims that "great programmers are 25x more productive than average or poor programmers.  In hardware this ratio is 2x maybe 3x.  in software it is more like 25x."08:50
kanzurejonathan__: yes. i sort of don't like their insistence on using the word "freelancing". that's for poor people.08:50
kanzurejonathan__: i dunno, i've seen some crazy hardware people. in hardware, it's not unreasonable for a single person to design an architecture, get it on an asic, write compilers targeting his architecture, port linux, and debug stupid IEEE 7101.33 math errors.08:51
jonathan__maybe the real biz is in creating a recruiting company.  its just a sorting process of people.08:51
klafkathis is hilarious http://www.crunchbase.com/company/rap-genius08:51
kanzurejonathan__: well, if you think you can do recruiting better, then yes08:51
kanzurejonathan__: like http://developerauction.com/08:51
jonathan__i have done recruiting better.   I developed a screening process which has very good results and no one else seems to use it, anywhere.  in fact even in the face of good results people argue that it shouldn't work.   which means it's a great biz.08:52
kanzurewell, if that's true, then you should start a recruiting company where you eat your own dog food08:52
kanzuredeveloper auction claims they have a great screening process08:52
kanzurebut they totally ignore it when they hire their own people08:53
jonathan__that's because recruiters can be like robot salesmen.  once a process is discovered, it only takes robots to run it, not smart people.08:53
kanzurei don't see how robot salesmen explains their non-dogfooding08:54
jonathan__like google ad words...   deviate from what "works" and the results are lower quality.  better to hire poor people who can't/dont think08:54
kanzureadwords is because you don't have information about the market08:54
kanzureyou can acquire information through services like mine, or http://whatrunswhere.com/ and friends (for adwords)08:54
jonathan__ok I'll sign up and see what happens08:54
kanzureon developer auction?08:55
jonathan__is it worth it?08:55
kanzurei wrote up a review, http://developerauctionhacker.pen.io/08:55
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kanzurethe summary is: it's a lot of additional effort (on top of a resume /and/ going through each company's hiring pipeline), and you may or may not get offers. i got offers, but i was disappointed to learn that they weren't real offers, and i had put in all that work for absolutely zilch. two highly qualified friends have complained that they got zero offers.08:57
kanzurehere's someone who replied to that post i wrote- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=573084308:58
kanzure(he has good data too)08:58
kanzure"Their offering to talented developers seems to be somewhat limited. Basically you sign up, spend a while writing out a huge profile (in addition to your resume and public work on github), then they just dump you into the laps of recruiters as part of their normal hiring pipeline. Hey, if I wanted to sit around doing 15 hours of live algorithm screening, I would have just called those companies myself..."08:59
kanzure"This is probably okay for junior developers, but realistically junior developers just need to have a pulse to get hired (and maybe one or two sample projects). As for senior talent, there's few incentives to participate in these antics. Same antics, different names. I got a bunch of offers, but they require a great deal of effort to follow up on everyone and schedule a billion interviews and screens and other things that I am frankly ...08:59
kanzure... exhausted by."08:59
kanzure"I would love something like a 1-hour guarantee: receive an initial offer to see if the range is what you have in mind, spend exactly one hour talking with a company before receiving an actual truly real sign-on-the-dotted-line offer. I am just frustrated about the marketing I think, I'll feel better in an hour."09:00
jonathan__i'm not going to work in sf so forget that09:01
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kanzurethere were non-sf companies of course09:01
kanzurewhen i say sf i mean bay area09:01
kanzurea friend of mine scraped profile images from developer auction09:02
kanzureand then used reverse image search to find the profiles of these developers09:02
kanzurebrownies: ^09:02
jonathan__really, now that is interesting09:03
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jonathan__of course they shouldn't use images on profiles. that's open to bias.09:03
jonathan__it's a dev job not a sales job.09:03
kanzurei used no profile image, because i didn't want to have to test an optimal profile pic09:04
-!- ManaLord [~ManaLord@c-b3b9e455.37-0081-74657210.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:05
jonathan__you had to list your name though, didnt you09:05
kanzurethere's actually another one where you don't have to do that09:05
jonathan__put up a profile as "muralanti ramachandranamathan" and see what happens09:06
kanzurehttps://www.whitetruffle.com/ ?09:06
kanzureyeah that one09:06
brownies"Stephen Hawking"09:09
brownies"But you can call me Steve."09:09
browniesjust saying... if you didn't have to put up a real name... heh.09:10
jonathan__the idea is that cultural bias should be eliminated from the recruiting process09:10
jonathan__if I can type fluent english and write 200 page software specs then that is enough09:10
kanzureactually, interviewers are commonly filtering you based on "cultural fit"09:10
jonathan__not that I have an american name09:10
brownies"cultural fit" is the fallback reason09:11
jonathan__yes but that's all a cover09:11
browniesit translates to "we don't like you, and we're not going to tell you why"09:11
kanzureand most of these places don't even want 200 pages of specifications09:11
kanzureor any specifications :(09:11
jonathan__what it really means is this:  I want someone who can write and talk effectively without a crazy non-english accent and bizarre behavioral problems due to their culture or religion09:11
kanzureno, that's not what "cultural fit" means09:12
jonathan__plenty of white guys don't meet that criteria either09:12
kanzure"cultural fit" means stuff like... "this guy sounds boring"09:12
browniesyou guys and your inability to translate corporate-speak are adorable :)09:12
jonathan__often 'cultural fit' means "he will be a Yes Man"09:12
kanzureor "this guy doesn't seem like the type to participate in a nerf gun battle"09:12
kanzurebrownies: will you buy me one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pharmacia-Biotech-OligoProcess-System-DNA-Synthesizer-LINEAR-FLOW-THROUGH-/160922045880?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2577b38db809:13
jonathan__the idea of truly good recruiting is to find good people, not find people subject to the bias of the organization09:13
jonathan__"Free lunch delivered daily and free dinner if you work nights. Also: epic, epic snacks."09:18
jonathan__what was that you guys were saying before about working only 8 hrs...     oh there's dinner involved now09:18
jonathan__wth are "epic snacks"09:18
jonathan__engineers are supposed to type not eat chips09:18
nmz787_jonathan__: so the photonic fence seems to rely on the retroreflector and imager placed at the center/back of that  (i believe)09:19
jonathan__"Skiing, ping pong, shooting ranges, box seats at baseball and hockey games, LAN parties, and hackathons. We're especially proud of our very own jam room."   ..  wth get to work already stop playing09:19
nmz787_and assuming the laser is at that same point, no math would be needed to aim the laser09:19
jonathan__yes photonic fence is a fancy way of saying it's like that xbox thing but with infrared09:19
nmz787_but I guess you couldn't have the laser and imager coincident09:19
jonathan__time for me to go to the office09:20
nmz787_so actually you might need to do some triangulation or something09:20
browniesjonathan__: where are you quoting this shit from?09:22
brownieskanzure: only 65K? can i ride around in it?09:22
nmz787_brownies: looks like it has casters09:22
nmz787_new soapbox racer!09:22
nmz787_huh, that patent screwed up on a citation date09:24
nmz787_says 2005 when the paper actually came out in 199109:25
nmz787_(this one) http://guaminsects.net/doc/misc/Moore1991.pdf09:25
nmz787_"Artificial Neural Network Trained to Identify Mosquitoes in Flight"09:25
gradstudentbotDude, you contaminated my experiment.09:25
nmz787_gradstudentbot: def not me, i mastered sterile technique more than 10 years ago09:26
gradstudentbotCan I borrow some sulphuric acid?09:26
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nmz787_paperbot: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF01048285?LI=true09:53
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/50697f433151597b8cdd2d1db6371a8c.txt09:53
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fennnmz787_: the laser and imager can be aligned coaxial if you use a dichroic beam splitter. personally i think phased array microwave is more efficient elegant and safe10:00
fennfry and spy with the same beam10:00
jonathan__"CA-Sunnyvale, CyberCoders Matching Great People with Great Companies Learn more about CyberCoders Lead iOS Engineer Mountain View, CA; Sunnyvale, CA Full-Time $150,000 - $175,000 Posted 6/27/2013"10:01
jonathan__now that's what i'm talkin bout10:01
jonathan__(not that anyone should ever work for cybercoders)10:14
gradstudentbotI'm writing that up and it will be submitted soon.10:16
Burninate<epitron> http://imgur.com/a/HMBAH10:42
klafkajonathan__:  ah is cybercoders bad?10:49
klafkatheir recruiters msg me all the damn time10:50
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eudoxia< Burninate> <epitron> http://imgur.com/a/HMBAH13:33
eudoxiamy favorite's the one about the centrifuge13:34
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klafkaholy shit talk about some lengthy writing - http://techcrunch.com/2013/06/27/weddings-used-to-be-sacred-and-other-lessons-about-internet-journalism/14:06
strangewarpdestroy the eco-radicals! they care about fish and hate weddings!! or something14:10
eudoxiai don't think i've ever read anything from one of those tech news sites14:12
eudoxia>These reactions were so extreme, so maniacal, so deeply drenched in expletives, they seemed wasted on us; this was the sort of angry invective normally reserved for genocidal dictators.14:13
eudoxiaoh, buck up14:13
kanzurewhy are you reading techcrunch in the first place?14:14
eudoxiayeah klafka go work on something moderately h+ related14:15
klafkato be fair14:15
klafkai didn't read it14:15
klafkai just saw its length and marveled14:15
eudoxiayeah but you were *browsing* techcrunch14:16
klafkanah i was browsing HN (slightly better)14:16
eudoxiai hear it's full of pseudo-smart nerds/internet monetary policy experts14:19
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klafkait's the voice of a generation15:05
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paskyheh, http://meteor.com/about/mission a lot of langton labs references16:38
pasky(is that where chido hung out with kanzure?)16:38
kanzuresort of. i think i met chido somewhere else in sf.16:39
kanzurebut yes one of those people is from langton labs16:39
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pasky(meteor "very well funded" - i wonder what is the income gonna be? just consulting...?)16:41
browniesthey'll go the PaaS route16:42
paskyhmm they offer you to deploy your stuff in "their cloud", right16:43
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kanzurethis seems like a nice way to pile wsgi things on a box: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=595530218:45
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brownieshey that's pretty cool.19:05
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jonathan__"UK government backs three-person IVF"  "The UK looks set to become the first country to allow the creation of babies using DNA from three people, after the government backed the IVF technique."    ALL HAIL THE MASTER RACE19:16
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jonathan__how come everyone is disrupting.  doesnt anyone want to evolve.20:20
yashgarothnow hiring disruption hackers20:21
kanzureanyone have some btc i can partake in?20:22
kanzureyashgaroth: the new term is "growth hacker" or "solutions hacker"20:22
yashgarothI decoded growth hacking to marketing, solutions is more nebulous20:23
jonathan__I dont understand the meaning of half of these job postings20:23
jonathan__since when did programming become "rock star" etc20:23
kanzuresince nobody could find anyone to hire20:23
kanzureand now they have to get people just graduating from college20:24
kanzureso they have to lay it on thick20:24
jonathan__what is a "full stack engineer" ?20:24
jonathan__geez back in the day, hackers were "bad"20:25
kanzure"full stack" usually means something hilariously non-full, like "front-end html/css/javascript, plus immediate backend stuff, plus other backend things, possibly including postgresql or cassandra or hadoop stuff"20:25
jonathan__it would be so much simpler if they just listed what they actually use20:25
kanzurethey don't actually mean the "full stack" (which i think would go down through the layers of os kernel, cpu architecture, etc.)20:25
jonathan__library x, y, z20:25
yashgarothaww I thought it was 'we keep getting stack overflows please help'20:25
abetusk"rock star" translation: "underpaid developer"20:25
kanzurerock star is not always underpaid20:25
jonathan__"We're looking for a smart, creative hacker. We are partnering with universities like Purdue, NYU and Caltech to disrupt the $6B/year tutoring market. "20:26
jonathan__see, everyone wants to disrupt20:26
jonathan__what kind of misfit employees do they already have, that are all anarchists etc20:26
kanzureis that tutorspree?20:27
jonathan__it's not freshman year of high school for godsakes20:27
kanzurethere's actually not that many tutoring startups i think20:27
jonathan__"YC Ed Tech Startup in the Bay Area"20:27
kanzuremight be brownies20:28
jonathan__I didnt even know there was a tutoring market.  I once asked college admissions if I could get a tutor for circuits II and they said "huh?"20:28
kanzureadmissions wont know that20:28
jonathan__I was happily paid as a note taker a couple times, that was fun20:29
jonathan__one of the guys was somehow learning disabled and had a grant that allowed for a paid note taker20:29
jonathan__I took super good notes man, beautiful20:30
kanzuredid you write all his math in LaTeX20:30
jonathan__I used one of those plastic drafting thingies to draw the circuits20:30
jonathan__this was real-time, in class20:31
kanzuresure, my notes were real-time too. but i didn't have the testicular foresight to write everything in LaTeX. this was pre-TeX for me.20:32
jonathan__hmm not worth it20:32
jonathan__I later scanned in all my notes20:32
jonathan__most people throw them all away, right20:32
jonathan__super cool doodles too20:33
jonathan__can latex do doodles?  maybe not!20:33
kanzurei don't feel qualified to answer that20:33
kanzuregradstudentbot: you write latex, right?20:33
gradstudentbotThe paper was rejected.20:33
jonathan__geez it would be cake to be a student today20:34
kanzurewhen i was in school, laptops in every class was stigmatized. but now..20:34
jonathan__digital textbook, first.    second, scan all notes, and notes of all prior classmates, and exams20:34
kanzureunfortunately most textbook publishers are huge assholes and there aren't any digital versions. if you're lucky, maybe you can pirate one or two.20:34
jonathan__imagine, the entire system is built on security by obscurity of prior years' exams20:34
kanzurenot always20:35
jonathan__I scanned in some textbooks by just buying them, scanning them, returning them.20:35
jonathan__the old fashioned way.20:36
jonathan__ran into a guy this afternoon with a music streaming company.  he explained the payment model for streaming music via i-app.  textbooks should be like that too.20:39
kanzurei-app is what? in-app purchases?20:40
jonathan__ipad iphone ithing app20:40
jonathan__music streaming has different royalty models.20:40
jonathan__"non-interactive play" lets say, is much cheaper (like pandora etc)20:41
jonathan__can enjoy the current stream or skip ahead.  can't go back.   most textbook usage is like that.20:41
jonathan__can't replay more than x times in a row. etc.20:41
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kanzureJuul: hi21:14
kanzurejonathan__: there he is21:14
gradstudentbotI just want a 9 to 5 job.21:15
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jonathan__I am wondering what the drew endy lab is up to these days21:26
jonathan__juul: any interesting stories?21:28
browniesyes, latex can do drawings21:38
browniesand "kids these days" have most of their textbooks in digital format21:39
browniesat least, the ones that can afford it, and whose schools can afford it, and so on.21:39
jonathan__did you see LA county school district went 100% ipad and 0% textbook21:46
jonathan__30 mil $21:46
browniesi did not see that, but that is really cool21:47
jonathan__the quote said "we picked the lowest cost option"  lol21:48
jonathan__textbooks are a scam21:49
jonathan__the textbook review process for univ's has been shown to be a farce21:49
browniesmany textbooks are bad. there are some good ones out there, but they are definitely in the minority.21:51
jonathan__"Here's How People Reacted When They Learned They Were Eating Breast Milk Lollipops"21:55
jonathan__spot the uber nerd among the half dozen cuties...  obviously the odd guy out    http://www.businessinsider.com/breast-milk-lollipop-reactions-2013-621:55
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jonathan__ain't nothin wrong with a uni-brow is there?22:00
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Juulhi kanzure22:32
Juuljonathan__, i'm not at endy lab right now. temporarily lost my work permit22:32
Juuli'll be back in a few months22:32
Juulhaven't visited for a bit22:32
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jonathan__what was the last stuff going on?22:39
jonathan__still working on biobricks?22:39
jonathan__or given up?22:39
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