
--- Log opened Thu Jul 04 00:00:15 2013
jonathan__it's the JOURNALISTS who are as much at fault as anyone in the igem/biobrick lameness00:01
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jonathan__they fail to do any objective and investigative reporting to discover that biobricks DO NOT WORK and instead publish stories and articles about how 15 year olds are "solving cancer" or whatever.00:02
jonathan__which is why I told the journalist who came to austin and wanted to talk to me to basically go talk to the real star of bio, i.e. the PI of the lab, not a bunch of punks00:03
jonathan__guess what... she DIDNT..00:03
jonathan__most of diybio is hype and marketing and that is not a bad thing00:04
jonathan__the world needs more open discussion about GMO and zombie creating viruses to come to terms with biotech before anyone freaks out and everything is really made illegal to do.  That is the real purpose of diybio and the real purpose of iGEM, it's called Public Outreach and it is doing a great job and Drew Endy deserves a lot of congratulations on that point, for sticking his neck way out there and taking the risk with flaky tech00:05
jonathan__to put the public and the bio institution into a different mode of operation.00:05
jonathan__case in point, he gets a lot of flack for this non-working technology, there's even some web site about how he's never done anything meaningful in bio at all or whatever.   Not all tech has to work to be a game changer.00:06
jonathan__biobricks has been part of what has changed the game.00:07
jonathan__'game' meaning in this sense, the meme in the bio institutions.00:07
jonathan__correciton, not changed yet, but slowly changing and making the change more rapid, i.e. innovating.00:08
jonathan__No Thanks to the journalists.00:08
jonathan__the true valid complaint is how, due to the "false prestige", the stuff surrounding synbio and biobricks has been able to whittle $$$ funding $$$ away from perhaps more valid (and possibly legitimate / successful) bio projects.   That is the real contention.   But that's only a big problem because NIH funding of bio is so ridiculously small.   Compared to, say, some dumb Nth robot sent to mars to look for new types of rocks or00:11
jonathan__billions spent on the Nth particle accellerator to smash yet another set of particles in search of absolutely Nothing Useful meanwhile cancer still has no solution today.00:11
jonathan__if there's any complaints about biobricks or etc it should be blamed on NIH and funding problems of biotech esp. emerging tech, not about how such-and-such floundering tech is lame or doesn't work...   well..  throw some money at it, attract smarter people, then slowly people will get it working.  Until biologists learn not to want to pipette all day "because they enjoy it", there won't be much innovation.00:12
jonathan__end rant.00:12
jonathan__now you can go on about your business lol00:13
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nmz787_yashgaroth and since he's not here kanzure please mention this: do you think it's easily in reach to transform the cells that end up becoming/extruding fingernails and/or hair? GFP nails/hair would be the proof of concept, but there are plenty of compounds that are worth $ in milligram quantities. Caffeinated finger nails somehow...01:42
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archelsRIP Douglas Engelbart02:58
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heathnews article two years later of this therapy in trial ^03:03
heathso if i order pathogens, i'm a terrorist?03:04
heathsolution: partner with a nearby lab03:06
heathhttp://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/root/vumc.php?site=cfar over here03:07
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heathsynthetic genomics started Agradis03:18
heathAgradis was acquired by Monsanto in January of this year03:18
heathrandom fact of the wee hours ^03:18
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jonathan___"PLOS Hubs: Clinical Trials. PLOS will shortly be retiring this publication. "08:14
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@kanzureyashgaroth: backlog08:39
yashgarothrummaging through 'em08:40
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yashgarothanother one of my co-workers left for synthetic genomics yesterday08:40
chris_99anyone cryogenically frozen yeast per chance?  i'm just wondering what the YEPD is for08:41
@kanzureyashgaroth: hard to say no to $600 million08:41
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yashgarothshe's doing QA for their dna synthesis I guess, though she has no idea about it08:42
yashgarothshe's pretty good at QA though I guess08:42
yashgarothchris_99 YEPD is to keep the cells fed08:43
chris_99why do they need feeding if they're @ -80C though?08:43
yashgarothit's for while they're being frozen, and while they're thawing afterward08:43
chris_99aha gotcha08:43
chris_99one other thing, vortexing, does just mean centrifuging right?08:44
yashgarothoh hell no08:44
yashgarothvortexers are more like vibrators08:45
yashgarothit's for resuspending pellets and general mixing08:46
chris_99would an orbital shaker be a 'vortexer'08:46
jonathan___hm, does that mean a vibrator can be substituted for a vortexer08:46
jonathan___that's an interesting diy twist for the journalists08:46
yashgarothvortexers are a hundred times faster than orbital shakers08:46
jonathan___"nobel prize laureate used adult vibrator in garage experiments to do his early work"08:47
jonathan___mr. max I got an email from joe that "all the equip" including the PC's "needed to be moved around"08:48
yashgarothwell at least he's warning us this time08:48
jonathan___so I'm assuming reorganizing stuff will be on the list of busy work08:48
yashgarothto be fair there are a bunch of benches now to put stuff on08:49
jonathan___it wasn't really advanced warning it was a reply to my email saying "dont move those PCs"08:49
yashgarothoh haha08:49
jonathan___so, whatever, I told him just do whatever he needs to do....08:49
jonathan___dont let me get in the way of progress.... so to speak08:50
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jonathan___"Using a bridge rectifier($0.30) one can basically use AC mains voltage to08:53
jonathan___run your gel electrophoresis. You can buy all the components for under $5.08:53
jonathan___I tested it out and it works great."   ---> Freakin dude wants to kill himself08:53
yashgarothwhy what would that do08:54
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yashgarothoh it just straight up converts ac to dc?08:54
jonathan___oh but don't worry bryan is sure that diybio isn't full of script kiddies08:56
jonathan___that idea is basically like telling an electrical engineer: "I love visual basic look at my kiddie script" with the added bonus of fatality08:57
@kanzurei never said they weren't script kiddies08:57
yashgarothnmz787_ I'd imagine transforming nail-forming cells would be difficult since they're not really soft tissue, hair perhaps easier, but it depends how you define 'within reach'09:00
yashgarothalso guessing it's inspired by that article about gfp-producing silkworms09:00
yashgarothand also please clarify caffeinated fingernails09:01
@kanzureyou would probably have better chance coming up with a nail paint that had caffeine in it09:01
yashgarothsome of the women at work were discussing a magnetic fingernail paint where you apply it and then hold a magnet under your finger and it makes 'cool patterns'09:02
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yashgarothI don't think caffeine would really diffuse across a fingernail though09:02
chris_99sort of like this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_field_viewing_film yashgaroth?09:03
yashgarothprobably, and then I believe it cures in the shape09:03
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jonathan___That type of post is what the FAQ is supposed to squash09:07
jonathan___raise the level of discourse, yo.09:07
jonathan___every newbie in the world apparently thinks they can go off and register a domain do-synbio-at-home.com and post cheesy script kiddie stuff to it's blog.09:08
jonathan___"Make sure all the components are covered before you plug it in to prevent spectacular shorts and electrocution. I used duct tape because I am cheap and simple."  --->  OH yea that'll really work too, not.09:15
yashgarothnot even electrical tape?09:16
jonathan___duct tape is sometimes conductive!09:17
jonathan___certainly not rated for 120V09:17
jonathan___and certainly does not do well in a wet lab09:17
jonathan___I am smacking my forehead right now09:17
jonathan___"a Graduate Student in Biochemistry and Biophysics at the University of Chicago "  ---> Should know better!09:17
jonathan___at least do a literature search, there's plenty of warnings about what not to do.  or even a google search.   well whatever...09:18
jonathan___I guess I should just write up my circuit and publish it anywhere and everywhere so these simple mistakes are squashed for good or something.09:19
jonathan___but that assumes people will actually do 10 minutes of homework first.09:20
@kanzurejonathan___: btw i'd be willing to pay you to do things like that. probably.09:33
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jonathan___I'll do it for $50/hour.09:37
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@kanzurejonathan___: sold09:40
@kanzurejonathan___: i wont ask for writeups of project proposals, but i will ask for guestimates and project descriptions09:41
jonathan___cash only09:43
@kanzuremeh okay09:43
jonathan___net 15 days payment09:44
@kanzurefair. but let's skip to the interesting stuff.09:44
jonathan___ok deal09:45
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@kanzurehaha it's not really a deal yet because (1) no signatures and (2) scope09:46
jonathan___scope doesn't matter you agreed to hourly rate with no max cap, lol I win ;-D09:49
jonathan___signature is a legal formality if you plan on contract dispute which is a lame waste of time anyway.09:51
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jonathan___what this room needs is a pair of grant writers09:53
@kanzurewhy n=2?09:53
jonathan___yea so they can disagree then come to a conclusion09:53
jonathan___amazingly there was a grant writer who showed up to the carlsbad lab meet09:53
jonathan___what a great resource09:53
@kanzurewhat do grant writers look like? pocket protector nerds?09:54
jonathan___unfortunately a resource never used09:54
jonathan___the grant writers Ive known have been female09:54
jonathan___office lady type09:54
@kanzurewhy is the stereotype that gradstudentbots write the grants themselves with their PIs?09:54
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xl0Guys, why are you in h+, and not in diybio?09:55
jonathan___Ummm I think the grad students wrote proposals09:55
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@kanzurexl0: because the topics are very similar, and this happens to be more active of a channel09:55
jonathan___the proposals go to the grant writer who then polishes and frames it and picks where it can be sent.09:55
@kanzurejonathan___: do universities have staff grant writers? or is this only contracting/defense agency corps?09:56
browniesgradstudentbot: what do you think about that?09:56
gradstudentbotI haven't written the abstract.09:56
jonathan___well diybio channel is for talking about bizarre fetishes with flies and shrimp and stuff09:56
jonathan___Ummm are we clocking this time or is it off the clock.  lol09:57
jonathan___so I dated this one hottie grant writer at UCLA once09:57
xl0I mean, I don't see the pop-sci link cross-post spam, let's implant an arduino and freeze ourselfs to wake up in the future crap that I'm used to associate with transhumanists.09:57
xl0This is basically #diybio, just the name is wrong.09:57
jonathan___clarification we dated not just once but only one time was it someone at UCLA09:57
@kanzurethere is nothing about pop-sci in here09:58
@kanzurepop-sci is explicitly banned09:58
@kanzurearduinos are popular but they actually work, so i don't think that's a fair connection09:58
jonathan___diybio is for discussing script kiddie technology09:58
@kanzurei mean, you can make much better choices than an arduino09:58
@kanzurejonathan___: the diybio channel is empty and always has been. so people just go here instead.09:59
jonathan___we don't need to freeze ourselves to see the future beause we are creating it now09:59
xl0I'm more concerned with people implanting stuff in their hands for the sake of it. ;)09:59
@kanzurexl0: sure, we hate those fuckers too09:59
@kanzurejust because it's a magnet doesn't mean it's a good idea09:59
jonathan___anyways I'm pretty sure every major institution Univ or biz will have one/more grant writers09:59
@kanzurejonathan___: so, i'm curious why i didn't abuse the staff grant writers while i was at university10:00
@kanzurejonathan___: maybe they were hidden10:00
jonathan___well because you overlooked it10:00
@kanzure"Hello, is this the office of making me big bucks?"10:00
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jonathan___lets see, a dedicated resource whose sole job is to seek, find, win money from other people10:00
xl0Btw, how do I add a new group to the diybio map? Editing the google map does not seem to work.10:01
jonathan___ut austin also had a whole team of people for patent licensing10:01
@kanzurexl0: you add it to http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/groups10:01
@kanzurexl0: their map is incomplete. this list seems to be more comprehensive.10:01
jonathan___it's great to be smart in technology but what techies often forget is that there's a whole lot of stuff going on just purely based on paper10:02
xl0Yeah, but the other one is the one people see first.10:02
xl0I mean, http://diybio.org/local/10:02
@kanzurethere used to be a screenshot floating around about how to edit that map10:02
jonathan___I mean, wars (all types including technology marketplace competition) is really won with paper in many cases10:02
@kanzureimo it was too complicated. it involved clicking like 20 buttons.10:02
@kanzureall i want to do is just edit a file and make it work.10:03
xl0Seen it, tried twice. Maybe did somethig wrong.10:04
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@kanzurexl0: you can file an angry email complaint to diybio@googlegroups.com10:06
xl0Nah, I'll just ask nicely.10:06
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jonathan___bryan maybe you should get a grant writer girlfriend too10:06
jonathan___then you can get the inside scoop10:07
@kanzureyeah let's just search okcupid for grant writer10:07
jonathan___the old social engineering gambit10:07
@kanzurein fact.. now i'm curious.10:07
jonathan___nah that's too hard10:07
jonathan___just find the places where the grant writers are and chat them up10:08
jonathan___i guess if you want to be cold about it you could post hiring ads for grant writers and use the interview as a 1 hour consulting session10:09
jonathan___that kind of prevents you from getting it on though.10:10
@kanzurenah, there's the whole forbidden boss ting10:10
@kanzurei wonder if the grant writing market is saturated in terms of employees10:10
@kanzurei.e. are they cheap?10:10
jonathan___compared to....10:11
@kanzurei guess i should go lookup salary expectations for grant writers10:11
jonathan___typical office worker wages10:11
@kanzure33k-50k hahah10:12
jonathan___we're talking sociology majors and english majors here10:12
jonathan___not science majors10:12
@kanzurescience majors are also paid p. low, btw10:12
@kanzurebut anyway, the idea is to get someone who has actually successfully got grant money, not fresh out of english major10:13
jonathan___I bet there are some big spikes for grant writers because it often depends on social network not work quality10:13
jonathan___I would look at it a different way10:13
jonathan___SEO the grant process, thats what I've always wanted to look at10:13
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=1f5d873f xl0: diybio-kiev10:14
@kanzureseems hard to do analytics on grant writing because they are just pdfs and .doc files10:14
jonathan___but it is seemingly difficult to get the grant proposals which "won"  vs lost10:14
@kanzurealthough... if it's .doc, we could do a phone-home feature10:14
@kanzuredepending on how locked down their ms word setup is10:14
jonathan___just manually analyze 100 of them10:14
@kanzurewe don't have 10010:14
jonathan___need the DATA first10:14
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jonathan___100 which won and 100 which lost10:15
jonathan___no english major is going to ever do that type of analysis except their "intuition" which is mistaken at best10:15
@kanzurei think defense corps probably do that sort of analysis10:15
jonathan___i.e.  the grant writers themselves will not know which ones will be successful or how to optimize the problem.10:15
jonathan___maybe, but that's a different ype of grant.   I mean NIH or whatever10:16
jonathan___heck even gates foundation.  that would be great to look at.10:16
@kanzureNIH grants are worthless, NIH is just losing money and funding constantly.10:16
jonathan___that could be an instant nyt best seller:  how to win grants from xyz foundation10:16
@kanzuredidn't their budget just get caught in half?10:16
@kanzurenyt best sellers are really easy to get, that's not a hard goal -_-10:16
jonathan___who cares, the grants still won... somehow10:16
gradstudentbotWe were out of the right dye, so I just used an equivalent.10:17
jonathan___there's plenty of myths about what makes a good grant vs unacceptable grant.10:17
@kanzureis that so?10:17
jonathan___I doubt any of these myths have been validated against data10:17
@kanzurewhich myths?10:17
jonathan___google it10:17
jonathan___there is tons on this topic10:18
jonathan___all those english majors like to write articles about how to write their articles becuase at least they get paid for pretending to know what they're doing.10:18
jonathan___geez one of the dudes at the carlsbad lab was suggesting that grants nowadays need to include marketing-hype-photos of the lab with "action shots of postdocs working"10:19
jonathan___they even did a freakin *photo shoot* at the lab and mocked up a bunch of "work"10:20
@kanzurehe did a photo shoot at carlsbad?10:20
@kanzureare you sure he didn't say "marketing campaign" and not "grant"?10:20
jonathan___yes it is unbelievable, that is "how science happens"10:20
jonathan___I am talking about a real, honest to goodness, grant application for real technology10:21
jonathan___grey area between marketing campaign and grant..10:21
jonathan___this was a guy with a real startup co.  and real startup team.10:21
@kanzuregrants just seem like a losing game because there's only, what, $5B in available grant money, and >500k people writing grants?10:21
jonathan___well... why do PI's hate each other?  lol10:22
@kanzureseems hyper-competitive10:22
@kanzurenot worth the trouble, etc.10:22
@kanzuregotta pick the right battles10:22
jonathan___dude isn't it BBQ time in austin?10:22
jonathan___don't you have some dead animal flesh to burn?10:22
@kanzurei had my bbq delivered to me. the american way. while i watch superhero movies.10:22
jonathan___gates foundation is a good deal to get if it can be landed.10:23
jonathan___1st round is fat, 2nd round is gravy10:23
@kanzurebtw from my peers i hear that it's pretty easy to get grants foundation money.10:23
@kanzure1-2 pages of text => $100k in grant money => year later get 500k-2M.10:23
jonathan___ha, mine did not fly, but thats cause I didn't know how to write a proposal at all10:23
@kanzure*gates foundation10:23
jonathan___you know it's like anything else.  even the font you pick will separate the clueless from the clued-in10:24
jonathan___obviously basic things like horrible grammar would be a red flag, right. "dont give this guy any money at all"   same with other things like how the 2 graphs are presented or whatever10:25
jonathan___even in 2 pages it is easy to mess it up10:25
jonathan___SEO is easy, right.   grants are the same thing just gotta know the rules.10:26
jonathan___also separate the fake rules from the real rules.10:26
jonathan___Ok I gotta get my veggies ready for the BBQ10:28
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brownieshave you guys actually applied for grants?10:44
browniesbecause it's more like 20 pages + spreadsheets, not 2 pages of bullshit10:44
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jonathan___read up on the gates foundation, you are incorrect10:49
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jonathan___Guys I have a great plan!   let's implant an arduino and freeze ourselfs to wake up in the future!11:04
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jonathan___"The teenage scientist revolutionising cancer detection"   http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20130701-perfecting-early-cancer-detection   "Pancreatic cancer 's high death rate is partly blamed on the difficulty of early detection. Teenage scientist Jack Andraka has come up with a cheap and simple way to test for it. "11:08
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@kanzuremaybe we should ban news links11:09
jonathan___"the existing test is based on elisa ....    overall it is a really crappy test. "   LOL11:11
jonathan___well the dude should be celebrated11:11
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jonathan___obviously fought hard to get any work done and ta da, eventually gained Real Lab Access11:12
jonathan___rather than complaining about not being able to get this or that or yadda yadda11:13
@kanzure"real lab access" is not hard to achieve. this is like celebrating an undergrad for being exploited to wash dishes.11:13
jonathan___he'd probably look at diybio and say "well damn those guys are a bunch of crappy script kiddies, get me out of here" lol11:13
jonathan___who cares, he got his access to do what he wants11:14
jonathan___I'd only worry about the univ. claiming IP rights to his work11:14
jonathan___that's the real danger11:14
jonathan___"it's just a complete divergence from the current ideas"   OMG he's the poster child for disruption lol11:15
jonathan___I just wish there were lasers in his project.  he's got the nanotubes already.   oh yea and he needs to mention string theory.  :-D11:17
@kanzurewhy does he need to mention string theory?11:18
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jonathan___Bring on the medical revolution : Jack Andraka at TEDxNijmegen 2013   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nW7_cDU7Idk11:38
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heath[12:00:32] <kanzure> "Hello, is this the office of making me big bucks?"12:02
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heath[12:01:07] <xl0> Btw, how do I add a new group to the diybio map? Editing the google map does not seem to work.12:02
heathjason bobe will do it for you12:02
heathjust send him a link of your group12:03
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xl0Ok, thanks.12:07
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jonathan___"Race, Ethnicity, and NIH Research Awards"   "We investigated the association between a U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01 applicant’s self-identified race or ethnicity and the probability of receiving an award by using data from the NIH IMPAC II grant database, the Thomson Reuters Web of Science, and other sources. Although proposals with strong priority scores were equally likely to be funded regardless of race, 12:52
jonathan___find that Asians are 4 percentage points and black or African-American applicants are 13 percentage points less likely to receive NIH investigator-initiated research funding compared with whites. "12:52
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jonathan___http://www.sciencemag.org/content/333/6045/1015/F3.large.jpg  "Effects of affiliation and previous research on R01 award probability. 1 to 30 and 31 to 100 NIH-funded institutions were derived by ranking institutions by NIH funding received FY 2000 to FY 2006."12:55
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delinquentmeAnyone in here familiar with scientific applications for C++ in code?13:34
@kanzurethat sounds incredibly vague13:36
@kanzure"for C++ in code" ?13:37
@kanzureParahSail1n: play nice13:45
ParahSail1nthere is no scientific application for c++13:46
ParahSail1nscience applications are all in fortran13:46
ParahSail1nc++ has a global interpreter lock making it useful for numerical computation13:47
ParahSail1nread the manpage13:47
chris_99c++ isn't interpreted13:48
ParahSail1nuseless not useful13:48
@kanzurechris_99: ParahSail1n is trolling13:48
chris_99i gathered13:48
ParahSail1nright, c++ is compiled, but the standard runtime library has a GIL13:49
ParahSail1nas it is written in fortran, but the limitations of the class system results in certain restrictions in behavior such as the GIL13:50
chris_99does anyone use lua jit per chance?13:50
chris_99GILs aren't a laughing matter ParahSai1in :P13:51
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ParahSail1nseems the default settings of common windows pdf viewers do not by default execute arbitrary http get requests in the embedded js13:52
@kanzureParahSail1n: right, that used to be a vulnerability and they have plugged those holes13:53
@kanzurei expect the open source pdf viewers never implemented javascript to that extent13:53
@kanzurefor instance, do any of the pdf viewers even use v8 for javascript?13:53
@kanzurewhat the hell javascript engine is it?13:53
ParahSail1nthe other pdf viewers all use pdf.js to run embedded js13:54
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@kanzurepdf.js is mozilla's pdf viewer, which runs in a browser.13:55
gradstudentbotNobody is even going to read this paper.13:55
@kanzurethat's not what i was asking :(13:55
ParahSail1nright, the interpreter is turtles all the way down like pypy13:57
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chris_99Google's MapReduce stuff is C++ delinquentme, that could be used for some pretty scientificy stuff14:14
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jonathan___paperbot http://www.cabdirect.org/abstracts/20002015732.html;jsessionid=25AF8353B84EEC8F433995BA41E590E615:42
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/ca53351db64a6a6c67478f665e69e875.txt15:42
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jonathan___paperbot http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ac60085a720?journalCode=ancham15:50
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/ARTHUR%20H.%20THOMAS%20COMPANY.txt15:50
jonathan___poooooor paperbot15:50
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jonathan___paperbot http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/632902216:04
jonathan___dab nabbit16:04
jonathan___paperbot http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/000326978490363416:05
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/An%20economic%20power%20supply%20using%20a%20diode%20for%20agarose%20and%20polyacrylamide%20gel%20electrophoresis%20.txt16:05
jonathan___paperbot http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/000326978490363416:05
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/An%20economic%20power%20supply%20using%20a%20diode%20for%20agarose%20and%20polyacrylamide%20gel%20electrophoresis%20.txt16:05
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@kanzuresomeone should make paperbot use sci-hub by default18:05
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ParaSa1linpaperbot, http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00203/papers/1176005/11760386.pdf19:26
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/8a3b99087469cb09af4a269a5c7e6ba1.txt19:26
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ParaSa1linsci-hub blocking open proxies19:30
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kanzure_ParaSa1lin: hrm. i wonder why.19:32
kanzure_ParaSa1lin: if i have to make sci-hub myself then i'm gonna be pretty annoyed19:32
ParaSa1linmight check if its not some problem localized to me19:34
ParaSa1linit says "ip banned. contact support@sci-hub.org for more information19:35
ParaSa1linваш IP адрес заблокирован. электронная почта для связи support@sci-hub.org" on all the proxies i tried just now19:35
ParaSa1lineither clever boris is a) trying to send americans a message that they can no longer freeload off of russia's sensible copyright regime or b) boycotting america over the nsa19:39
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kanzure_ParaSa1lin: mention my name to them when you email them, they seem to like me for whatever dumb reason19:48
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cpopellWhat's new, guys?20:22
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heaththe glowing tree project... where's the research behind that?21:58
kanzure_it's like you almost ignore what we say in here21:59
heathgrr mr. kanzure_21:59
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kanzure_you should look at the logs about that21:59
heathnot seeing a paper linked for any of the logs pertaining to the glowing plant project22:03
kanzure_it was from a failed igem project22:03
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heaththere it is: 2013-05-09.log22:06
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jonathan___"A US man has devoured 69 hot dogs, beating his own world record at an annual 4 July competition at Coney Island in New York."  -- sample this man's intestinal flora stat!22:18
kanzure_we'll have to do a poop extraction22:18
yashgarothI think his flora have been replaced by hot dogs22:18
jonathan___I assume they all gag themselves later22:19
jonathan___well carlsbad lab is very fond of performing fecal transplants so maybe it will happen here22:20
jonathan___maybe that is TMI22:20
jonathan___erase erase22:20
yashgaroththe infamous saturday night meetings22:21
jonathan___this is a link to the genomic data of my microbiome, for real22:24
jonathan___I think that link is the working one.22:25
jonathan___inside the zip file is index.html22:27
gradstudentbotSo what's a credit score?22:27
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kanzure_gradstudentbot: it's like writing a paper22:28
gradstudentbotYeah, I read the paper, I just don't remember the details.22:28
kanzure_gradstudentbot: not that paper22:28
gradstudentbotThe paper got rejected.22:28
kanzure_gradstudentbot: you sure?22:28
gradstudentbotThe lab meeting was cancelled.22:28
jonathan___these little buggers like me. k__Bacteria;  p__Firmicutes;  c__Clostridia;  o__Coriobacteriales22:30
jonathan___ummm..  ahem..  many lives were lost to bring you this data.22:37
jonathan___( ... crickets ... )22:37
ParaSa1linwhat is that?22:55
ParaSa1linis that just microarray stuff?22:58
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--- Log closed Fri Jul 05 00:00:16 2013

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