
--- Log opened Sun Jul 14 00:00:25 2013
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jonathan_kanzure: lets record a voice over for the carlsbad lab video01:29
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archelshaha. <Marvin Minsky> There's now an interesting movement to spend a billion dollars making a map of the nervous system <interviewer> Dr Henry Markram's... <Minsky> Whatever it is, there's several of them...03:47
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archelsbillion dollar projects all aroudn03:48
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archelsman, GitHub's new pull request/compare interface is complete shite05:11
archelsnot only is it buggy, it also costs a dozen more mouseclicks than before to file a PR05:12
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@kanzurejonathan_: there's a few sites where you can cheaply pay for voice overs. unless, uh, you specifically wanted my voice?07:33
@kanzurejonathan_: we could do it in the style of mystery science theater 3000.07:34
gradstudentbotGod, why won't they just kick me out.07:34
Viper168do it like morgan freeman07:40
ParahSail1nthat homeless guy from columbus OH would do a pretty good voiceover07:48
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@kanzurepaperbot: http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.123315807:52
@kanzuredamn you, science!07:52
archelsExperiments performed in Italy? Didn't expect they would be able to get approval for this.08:16
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yashgaroththat's not really surprising since they did it ex vivo08:52
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jonathan_kanzure: i was thinking to get max & you on a conf call and then have a little discussion about diybio as a lab etc, that will be the voice over, which I will heavily edit to leave impressive parts.  not slap stick stuff.    whatever you've always wanted to say about doing bio.10:03
@kanzuresounds a little boring.10:04
@kanzureuh. i guess i could be convinced.10:04
yashgarothI'm ambiguous10:05
@kanzurebkero: can you explain xulrunner to me? how does it use xpcom?10:13
@kanzureoh gross it's an xul runtime environment10:13
@bkeroSeems like you answered your own question. :)10:19
@kanzurei think it's crazy that mozilla has stopped maintaining the xpcom bindings. that seems like shooting yourself in the foot.10:20
jonathan_do you mean ambivalent lol10:26
jonathan_or do you mean to say you will confuse all the viewers ha10:26
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jonathan_i have been taking biotin to see if it does anything.  no apparent difference so far.10:37
yashgarothprobably both, honestly10:41
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jonathan_oh no joejack  "'Muscle power truths' revealed" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-2323842410:59
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@kanzurepaperbot: http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/280/1766/20130697.full11:01
gradstudentbotCan I get my own desk?11:03
* brownies pokes gradstudentbot 11:06
gradstudentbotWhy aren't you doing science right now?11:06
* kanzure pokes gradstudentbot too11:17
gradstudentbotWow, at my old school, I was never allowed this much science.11:17
@kanzureafter creating the ultimate bot there's just not that much left to do in life11:18
jonathan_there's always royalties to collect.11:20
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@kanzureJSObjectMakeConstruct can be passed a reference to a function but JSObjectMakeFunction can only be passed a js string. argh.11:56
@kanzureoops, i mean JSObjectMakeConstructor11:56
@kanzureoh JSObjectMakeConstructor takes a JSObjectCallAsConstructorCallback called callAsConstructor11:57
@kanzureand now i see that JSObjectMakeFunctionWithCallback takes a JSObjectCallAsFunctionCallback called callAsFunction.. so i guess that's equivalent. just not where i expected it to be.11:58
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@kanzurejonathan_: i dunno if that fundraiser idea is gonna work12:24
@kanzurejonathan_: but you should get those email addresses assembled into a list today (or sooner) and start using mailchimp12:24
jonathan_i'm not trying to raise funding for the group.  in fact i am keeping my distance.12:25
jonathan_the attendee list is nothing..  I am talking about global audience not these few local visitors12:26
@kanzure400 email addresses is a good start12:26
@kanzure1% ctr ~ 4 people. that's better than nothing.12:26
jonathan_the entire city is behind the launch12:28
jonathan_let them handle that paperwork exercise12:28
jonathan_i.e. the mayor of the city will have more influence on the real life public12:29
jonathan_I'm thinking of the different audience that these guys won't reach, the online audience12:29
jonathan_the city has several marketing girls whose job it is to scheme ways to promote the project12:31
@kanzurei doubt that random marketing employees will be aware of the exact niches on the web to target12:31
@kanzureeveryone and their mom says "oh we'll just advertise on reddit/4chan/whatever". yawn..12:31
jonathan_exactly - well, they aren't doing that.  they are going to locals i.e. wealthy taxpayers and politicos12:31
@kanzure"oh we will get jojack to do an AMA on reddit!!!11oneone" god i hate this world12:32
jonathan_no, he won't12:32
@kanzureanyway, makezine and boingboing used to be okay traffic sources for this sort of thing12:32
jonathan_there is separation of the "biz" world and the hacker world, they don't mix12:32
@kanzurehe wont do an AMA on reddit?12:33
jonathan_I dunno but I doubt it would be popular anyway12:33
@kanzurethat's how you get the clueless nerd demographic to get excited12:33
jonathan_that has to be a grassroots effort.  i.e. from the hackers for the hackers12:33
@kanzurebullshit. the hackers hate your business model.12:33
jonathan_otherwise it's just fake verbage12:33
@kanzurewhat are you going to do, spam discuss@lists.hackerspaces.org ? they're all poor.12:34
@kanzureand only about ~500 anyway12:34
jonathan_i think you are making assumptions, so, dont do that12:34
@kanzurei've known them for a while now. is my information worng?12:34
@kanzurenot worng12:34
jonathan_i am not trying to raise money.12:34
@kanzurethen what do you want to do?12:35
gradstudentbotSorry, I can't really talk right now because I'm burried in grant writing.12:35
jonathan_the real money will come from real channels and boring biz12:35
@kanzurethat didn't answer my question..12:35
jonathan_my idea is to attract some talented people.12:36
@kanzurefor what?12:36
jonathan_or at least, to affect some change to the typical lab model12:36
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@kanzurehow is biotechnbeyond any different from any other pay-to-access lab?12:37
yashgarothit's cheaper and worse-equipped12:37
jonathan_good question12:37
jonathan_how can hackers influence the lab to make it better?12:38
yashgarothalso you don't need a business plan/company/idea12:38
jonathan_"how is linux different from aix or minix?"   did that question matter back in the day.. no..  some hacker just went on doing what he wanted to do because he had the resources.12:39
@kanzure"how can hackers influence the..." lame.12:39
@kanzurelinux was different because of the licensing12:39
@kanzureminix wasn't gpl iirc12:39
ZhwaziMinix is MIT or something.12:40
jonathan_don't get caught up in the details12:40
@kanzurei was answering your question12:40
jonathan_it is an example of a hacker who wanted to do something, and did it.12:40
jonathan_it was a rhetorical question duh12:40
@kanzurebut you're charging them12:40
jonathan_um dude?12:41
@kanzurewhy should i use your shitty lab instead of buy my own12:41
jonathan_what have I paid so far?12:41
@kanzurethat's because jojack isn't organized12:41
@kanzureare you selling equity to him?12:41
@kanzurehow does the deal work?12:41
jonathan_what "deal" ?12:42
@kanzureso you have no agreement whatsoever between you personally and biotechnbeyond?12:42
jonathan_here is the facts.  there is a lab space.  there is some lab equip.  it is getting better.  it is taking a long time, whatever.  there is plenty of room to hack.12:42
jonathan_do you think the original mit hackers sat around arguing about "what's the deal with this mainframe usage model?"  no... they got in the labs and did their thing. period.12:43
@kanzurethose are not facts. those are broad sweeping statements.12:43
@kanzureno, stallman looked into the licensing and then noticed that he was being assraped12:43
jonathan_stallman was only 1 dude and maybe not the best dude either.12:44
@kanzureso your suggestion is that we should fool people into agreeing to something just because we can12:44
jonathan_the lab has a couple crazy dudes already and imho they're a liability12:44
@kanzurewhat if the city of san diego owns all your work? is that really something you want?12:44
@kanzurethis would preclude things like selling derivative products or ip12:44
jonathan_again I think you are making assumptions and you should stop.12:45
@kanzurei asked you what the agreement was12:45
@kanzureand you made up some handwaving about things getting better12:45
jonathan_don't get so ahead of the game when chaos is involved.12:45
yashgarothwait who are the crazy dudes12:45
jonathan_anyways a hacker only needs one thing to get a job done.  resources.  period.12:46
jonathan_no need to wait for beauracracy or specific lab hours or even lights to be turned on.12:46
jonathan_the fact that it's taking a long time to set up the lab is in favor of the diy crowd anyway.12:47
@kanzurei don't care about "setup", that's not what we're talking about12:47
jonathan_there is no "ownership of ip" if there is no official lab12:47
jonathan_there is no "ownership of ip" if there is no project12:48
@kanzurewhat do you mean "there is no official lab"? then what is it.12:48
yashgarotha museum of vintage lab equipment12:48
@kanzureso then the thing about membership fees is.... a lie ?12:49
@kanzurewhat's going on here12:49
yashgaroththe city (of carlsbad not san diego) makes no claims on any IP or revenues or anything12:49
@kanzureyes but what about the lab itself12:49
jonathan_do you know what "grey area" is12:49
@kanzureno, that's why it's called grey area12:50
@kanzurejust because it's grey does not mean it will be perpetually grey12:50
@kanzureit could resolve into something that i fucking htae12:50
@kanzurelet's say i lived in your area. why would i transition my projects from my own lab to biotechnbeyond if i am increasing the chances that they can be compromised (either legally/ownership/licensing, who knows)?12:51
jonathan_these are kind of funky questions like "well how do I work in the lab. well who owns it.  who do I pay?  I can't work here unless someone owns it and I pay someone.  Oh I'm not going to work here because it's too disorganized and I can't pay anyone right?"12:51
@kanzurei'm not claiming i have to pay someone12:51
@kanzurebut so far all of your online content has talked about membership fees. i don't want retroactive membership fees, shit.12:52
jonathan_statistically unlikely.12:52
jonathan_"i'm not going to do anything because it might become something that I hate so I'm not going to do anything at all"  Ummmmm12:53
@kanzurei never said i'm not doing anything12:53
@kanzurewhether or not biotechnbeyond exists does not particularly impact my plans12:53
jonathan_you're not my target audience lol12:53
@kanzuretrue enough12:53
@kanzurewait, aren't i?12:53
jonathan_"you" is metaphorical "you"12:53
@kanzureyou said 'hackers'. right?12:53
jonathan_you might as well say "well most projects in an incubator fail and only 1 out of 20 incubator projects ever amount to anything so I wont work in an incubator environment" lol12:55
@kanzureso you *are* an incubator.. so you take equity of commercial projects?12:55
jonathan_grey area12:56
jonathan_and there is no such thing as a retroactive grey area12:56
jonathan_"so you are" ..  well I am nothing, I'm just a dude, I don't represent the lab12:56
@kanzureyou're close enough to the lab right now for me to not care about the difference :P12:56
jonathan_don't insult me12:57
@kanzurehow is that an insult12:57
@kanzure"your involvement in the lab so far makes me not care whether or not you consider yourself officially representing the lab"12:57
jonathan_I dont want anything to do with their lame media or lack of focus12:57
yashgarothwe haven't gone any further than thinking about taking a stake of people's potential sbir money, beyond that it's just monthly fees12:57
jonathan_"the lab" did not even have ONE project set up12:58
jonathan_"the lab" is busy arguing about who tossed out expired bio materials from an old fridge12:58
@kanzurei thought someone already confessed12:58
jonathan_i'm just a dude who set up two working projects for fun12:58
@kanzure(like a week ago)12:58
@kanzurejust because you call it fun doesn't mean those other people aren't going ot incorporate you and invoice you for who knows what12:59
@kanzureretroactive control of grey area happens pretty often12:59
jonathan_well just because you don't have any motivation to do a project if  you are given lab space doesn't mean other people won't want to so pbbt  lol12:59
@kanzureso, one of my ideas was that it would be nice to do some CRO work in san diego12:59
@kanzureand i could just pay yashgaroth $50/hour to do lab work on that front, and use biotechnbeyond13:00
@kanzurebut if i'm netting $40-$60k/month, i don't want biotechnbeyond eating up my revenue13:00
jonathan_money != hacking13:00
@kanzureyashgaroth: btw sorry about assuming how much you'd like to be paid. i have no idea what that startup is paying you.13:00
jonathan_you are talking business.  I am talking hacking.13:01
jonathan_you can do both just maintain separation of the two.13:01
yashgarothmy current company pays me half that13:01
yashgaroththen again they have full-time work and a modicum of job security13:01
@kanzureyashgaroth: k keep fighting the good fight13:01
jonathan_awww poor yashgaroth13:01
yashgaroththat's pretty goddamn good for biotech at my age/experience, sadly13:02
@kanzureyeah i agree13:02
@kanzurebut i also think that if i pay more, i should be able to get better talent13:02
@kanzureyou're not exactly bottom of the barrel13:02
jonathan_fact is, i'm just a dude off the street who saw an opportunity and resources to do some bio hacking.  (ok admittedly lame hacking so far but everything starts with "hello world" anyways)13:02
yashgarothfor 50/hr you can get a phd with several years of industry experience13:03
jonathan_it would be nice to have some talented hackers in the lab to actually Build Something Cool13:03
@kanzuremaaaybe. i haven't confirmed that yet. everyone keeps telling me "no dude, you gotta be a name brand company to get a phd at all."13:03
jrayhawk_sounds implausible13:04
browniesisn't there rampant unemployment amongst PhDs or something?13:04
jonathan_and i doubt those guys will argue "well who owns the ip?  well isn't it too disorganized?  am I going to retroactively get un-hacked on my hacking projects?"  ... Ummm13:04
browniesi'm pretty sure i've heard griping along those lines.13:04
yashgarothI see plenty of contract phd positions out there13:04
@kanzurejonathan_: so, why should i participate in biotechnbeyond when i can setup my own lab, and *guarantee* to hackers that their work is licensed in a certain way.13:04
@kanzurebrownies: yes there's lots of unemployment.13:04
jonathan_you can, if you want, why not?13:04
yashgaroththere's unemployment because they feel entitled to 80k/year for a job a BS can do for half that13:04
yashgarothpersonal opinion there, mind13:05
jonathan_other than, there's 2000 sq ft of exiosting lab space or whttever it is  - oh and by the way the ability to leech some needed supplies from the sponsored projects13:05
jonathan_people in the event asked me the same thing13:05
gradstudentbotWhere did all my bands go?13:05
jonathan_"well if this is so easy why don't you just do it at home?  why not in your own kitchen?"   Ummm isnt that missing the point DUH13:05
yashgarothwe have some marginally expensive equipment they wouldn't have to buy13:05
* brownies pokes gradstudentbot 13:06
gradstudentbotWell, it looks better if you see it through a UV scope.13:06
@kanzureyes but that equipment is useless because of all your grey area13:06
jonathan_how are you going to have a singularity in your tiny little home lab where no one else wants to go.13:06
@kanzureif you can guarantee to me that you wont touch my money, that my projects are my own (except perhaps for marketing purposes), etc., then the deal starts to sound better.13:06
@kanzurei never said i required a singularity13:06
jonathan_I never said I was talking about you, lol13:06
@kanzurethat's just kurzweil/hype talking13:06
jonathan_money != hacking, again13:07
@kanzurei don't even know what you are trying to say now13:07
jonathan_why do you keep bringing up money?13:07
@kanzurebasically you have a really nebulous, shaky situation that can go either way (good, bad, middle). prove me otherwise.13:07
yashgarothmoney = hacking when you need more than ramen to create a product13:07
jonathan_prove to me that shaky situations do not always benefit smart hackers.13:07
@kanzurewooow wtf13:08
jonathan_you're going off in the wrong direction13:08
@kanzurebasically everything that has ever happened, ever.13:08
@kanzurei feel so strongly about this supporting evidence that i feel your statement is the crazy one that needs to be proven.13:09
jonathan_i'm talking about doing projects and you keep coming back to "well what happens with my money. well what happens with my IP.  well where's the organization."13:09
@kanzureyes, doing projects *in a building owned by the city* is not covered by activity in public space.13:09
jonathan_then fifteen minnutes later you'll say "I have plenty of money, I don't need your money anyway" lol13:09
yashgaroththey are leasing it to us13:10
jonathan_and how does the city even know you are doing a project?13:10
@kanzuresee! so what does the leasing contract even say.13:10
@kanzurejonathan_: well, if we want to talk about doing things secretly, that's different, an entirely different conversation13:10
jonathan_geez man13:10
@kanzureif i want to do secret things, why would i want to do that in a public lab ??13:10
jonathan_there's no secret invovled13:10
@kanzureyashgaroth: can you give me details on this leasing contract.13:11
yashgarothall I know is it's $1 per year, jojack is the only one who's seen it afaik13:11
@kanzurewas jojack the one who signed it?13:11
yashgarothI...think so13:11
jonathan_umm the contract is on the web13:11
jonathan_it's in one of the news articles, there's a link to it13:11
jonathan_probably best to read it directly13:11
jonathan_btw you are a very black & white thinker.13:12
jonathan_the world however operates in the grey a lot of the time.13:12
yashgarothoh sweet http://carlsbad.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?meta_id=75184&view=&showpdf=113:12
@kanzurejust because it's grey to you doesn't mean that it's not already set in stone somewhere13:12
@kanzureif you wish hard enough, it isn't going to change13:12
@kanzureyou should look into it13:12
@kanzureignorance wont save you13:12
jonathan_by the time anyone figured out even 10% of my hacking projects, they were already done and distributed13:12
@kanzure"new invention patents"13:13
jonathan_that is why I am saying, the disorganization only benefits you13:13
@kanzure"Bio, Tech and Beyond LLC"13:14
jonathan_by the time there is organization to the lab it will be 6 mos later and a project might already be done, complete, and out of there13:14
yashgaroththere isn't anything about the city taking a cut, just that they be seen as "fostering" research & education13:15
jonathan_what are they going to do, sue you for a hack that is open source and doesn't yield any income?  No13:15
@kanzure"Pursuant to their business plan,"13:15
@kanzureopen source is actually the money-making arm of the free software movement13:15
yashgaroth"Create a functional cell and molecular biology lab within 6 months of inception" ah shit we failed that one already13:15
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jonathan_I don't really think you are onboard with distributing open source projects13:15
@kanzurethat's why all the licenses are pro-business13:15
@kanzureuh. i don't think you understand open source.13:16
jonathan_"biz of open source" != hacking & distributing open source13:16
@kanzuresince when.13:16
jonathan_why do you keep coming back to money and business.13:16
@kanzurebecause you're an LLC13:16
@kanzureit says so right in that doc13:16
jonathan_who is "you're"13:17
@kanzurethe lab13:17
@kanzurenot you yourself :)13:17
jonathan_then you should type "the lab" not direct to me13:17
@kanzureanother reason i keep mentioning it is because there are down-stream consequences of decisions. commercial stuff is a core component of open source.13:18
@kanzurethis is also why almost everyone regrets the non-commercial segment of creative commons (it was a mistake)13:18
jonathan_way back in the day I walked into a state univ lab and asked the prof if I could do some hacking on unix.  did I waste time asking him silly questions about "who owns the IP? who might I have to pay? Are you going to require that I'm an LLC?"   ... no...   I got access and did my projects and got things done and distributed13:18
yashgaroth"If we are successful in creating a successful_ bioincubator, we will consider acquiring equity in13:19
yashgarothfuture companies we help create, similar to the way that Y-Combinator has operated" but that's not in the legally-binding part13:19
@kanzureuh, that's because the university owns your work13:19
@kanzurethat's very well known. it's because of the bayh-dole act.13:19
jonathan_did I do it for money : no.  did I do it to generate IP : no.13:19
@kanzureevery single university is extremely hostile about it.13:19
@kanzurethat's why they all have 'office of technology commercialization'13:19
jonathan_was it a successful hack : Yes.  was it distributed : Yes.13:19
jonathan_well if you want to waste time creating reasons why you don't want to do anything interesting in the lab that is up to you.13:20
@kanzureuh.. what?13:20
jonathan_meanwhile it is a resource sitting there waiting to be used.13:20
@kanzureso wait, can you summarize our differences on this matter? i'm having trouble understanding completely.13:21
jonathan_ha, I dunno13:21
@kanzureyour argument seems to be that it's an LLC but it doesn't matter because _____13:21
@kanzureactually, can i just buy the company13:21
jonathan_I have no idea what you are smoking.13:22
@kanzureit's a company. it can be bought/sold just like any other company.13:22
jonathan_yea so what.13:22
@kanzureso what if i want it13:22
jonathan_why do I care?13:22
@kanzurebecause all these "wah hackers wont want to work there" problems will get resolved by me13:22
jonathan_why does it prevent me from doing work?13:22
@kanzureit doesn't, you can work for anyone you want man13:23
@kanzureyou can volunteer for whoever, just be careful about who owns your volunteer labor output13:23
jonathan_why does LLC matter?13:23
jonathan_why does ownership matter?13:23
@kanzurebecause licensing determines the different motivations of participants13:23
@kanzuree.g. your hackers13:24
jonathan_whatever dude13:24
jonathan_I didn't beat myself up about "omg what type of license should I put on my tecan project"13:24
jonathan_I just did it and distributed it and it is out there, done.13:24
jonathan_in fact I encourage people to RIP IT OFF13:24
@kanzurethe legalities of reverse engineering are already pretty well established. you putting on whatever license you like on your software is absolutely no problem.13:25
jonathan_that is hacking. it is not business.13:25
@kanzurethis is not anything like your tecan situation though13:25
@kanzurewell, actually, you probably did the tecan work at ut austin13:25
jonathan_no comment13:25
@kanzureexactly. see?13:25
jonathan_I did it at home13:25
jonathan_it's a grey area dude13:25
jonathan_by the time anyone cares it will be 15 years later and too late to care13:26
jonathan_there is no money made on it13:26
jonathan_there is no deep pocket13:26
jonathan_there is no IP to chase13:26
@kanzureuh, how do you know. i thought transcriptic is using your perl work.13:26
@kanzurethat sounds like money to me.13:26
jonathan_see, you keep coming back to money again.  WHY?13:26
@kanzurethe IP is the copyright. i know IP is a terrible term, but in modern society, that's what it means.13:26
@kanzurehuh? you just claimed that there is no money made on it. but transcriptic is using it.13:27
jonathan_are you jealous that someone might take your open source and make profits?13:27
@kanzureno, i never said that13:27
@kanzurei was just proving you wrong on another point13:27
@kanzurelearn to read :(13:27
@kanzureyou just said it:13:27
@kanzure13:26 < jonathan_> there is no money made on it13:27
@kanzuretranscriptic is evidence against that13:27
jonathan_duh, by me13:27
jonathan_I don't care what they do with it13:27
@kanzurei know *you* don't, but the university might, etc.13:27
jonathan_I said, "I want people to RIP IT OFF"13:27
jonathan_that is their business not mine13:27
jonathan_this has nothing to do with hacking13:28
jonathan_or open source13:28
jonathan_you keep bringing up business terms for no reason13:28
jonathan_and bringing up money matters for no reason13:28
@kanzurei think you're wildly mistaken about what open source means or why hackers are careful about this shit13:28
jonathan_when the fact of the matter is, they are separate entities13:28
gradstudentbotYou don't happen to have any more virgin flies, do you?13:28
jonathan_you are talking just like big pharma13:29
@kanzureso, in all likelihood, the university wont go after you for damages because they wont see you as having enough money, even if they wanted to get damages out of transcriptic's downstream use of your illegal license13:29
jonathan_"We need to have a meeting to discuss whether or not to go ahead with this POSSIBLY WORLD CHANGING PROJECT because we are concerned that the IP might have adverse ramifications on our business model"  ....  geez man13:29
@kanzurebut, that's a personal risk that is yours to take, and it's unfair to misrepresent that to others as non-existant13:29
jonathan_I have no idea what you're talking about, because I did it at home.13:29
@kanzureyou had a tecan at home?13:30
jonathan_I think we better have a meeting to discuss that13:30
@kanzureanyway, i never said anything about meetings to discuss meetings13:30
@kanzurenothing in the log has said anything about that13:30
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jonathan_let's set up a conference bridge where we can touch base.  ha13:30
gradstudentbotThe protocol is wrong.13:30
jonathan_don't mix business with hacking13:30
jonathan_you want to make a startup, fine, then be very clear about your IP13:31
jonathan_then bring up all the points you are raising and be very careful who owns what13:31
jonathan_what does that have to do with encouraging some good hacking projects int he lab.13:32
@kanzurethere are other reasons to make open source projects than just business. maybe i want other people to use my work, and not just me? etc.13:32
jonathan_once it's distributed, it can't be taken back13:33
@kanzurewe weren't talking about them taking things back13:33
@kanzurethey can post fines against you13:33
@kanzureand sue you and litigate and be really mean :(13:34
jonathan_oh really.13:34
jonathan_at&t went after uc berkeley, they did not go after the hackers who wrote original bsd.13:34
@kanzurebecause those hackers had a contract with uc berkeley13:35
@kanzurethere are technical reasons that hapened that way13:35
@kanzureit wasn't magic/chance13:35
jonathan_hey, let's not hack anything because people might be really mean at some point in the future when they finally figure out 15 years from now what we're doing!13:35
@kanzurehuh? why would you say that?13:35
jonathan_that was sarcasm13:35
@kanzureyeah but it doesn't make any sense. how about you hack now, but without all of these nebulous externalities?13:35
@kanzureisn't that easier?13:36
jonathan_and oh by the way they're going to spend six figures on legal fees going after people who made no money on the project!  (sarcasm)13:36
@kanzurewhy do you keep saying no money? open source projects can make money all the time. and just because *you* didn't make money doesn't mean they can't go after you for wrongful licensing.13:36
@kanzureso look, i think good hackers deserve protection13:37
jonathan_like I said you keep mixing money/business with hacking, if you kept them separate, at least for the purposes of the discussion, you'd be free of mental conflict13:37
@kanzurethat's what licenses were written for. so that hackers can get all that legal shit out of the way and just use something created for them.13:37
jonathan_well, I am sure anyone could get something signed by the exec level of the lab if they were really so concerned.13:38
jonathan_i'll bring it up next time and I'll say we need a kanzure clause.13:39
@kanzureclause in what?13:39
jonathan_kanzure clause13:39
@kanzureyeah but a clause where13:39
jonathan_you know, a big fat man in a red suit with a white beard?13:39
jonathan_oh wait thats santa claus sorry got confused13:39
@kanzurei mean, i could get one of my lawyers to draft up some basic agreement where jojack signs off that biotechnbeyond has no ownership of some open source project13:39
@kanzurei am not really sure what that doc would look like, i'm no lawyer13:40
jonathan_that's pretty much the plan from the beginning anyways13:40
jonathan_there is no plan to take ip ownership13:40
jonathan_it's the first question I asked the city back in feb13:40
@kanzureyeah but i would rather have that explicitly written down and signed13:40
jonathan_sure fine13:40
jonathan_that's why I said grey area dude13:41
jonathan_not sure how they can claim ownership if nothing was signed anyway13:41
@kanzure"work occurred on premises" etc.. it happens all the time.13:41
jonathan_there is no agreement either way13:41
@kanzure"implied consent due to presence on premise" ugh13:41
@kanzure<--- screwed one too many times in the past13:42
jonathan_I dunno, would have to check calif state law maybe13:42
jonathan_texas might be harsher13:43
@kanzureso if i pay you to do hacking stuff, why is that not hacking? like imagine i was paying you to work on whatever you prefer. why would that be not hacking?13:43
jonathan_fact is someone could do a project and complete it and distribute it and no one would even know there was a project done13:43
jonathan_if you pay me then it is a business deal that's why13:43
@kanzureif you want to be completely anonymous, like i said, that's a different discussion. i fully agree with you that you can slip under someone's nose very easily. it's stupid easy.13:43
jonathan_"different discussion" lol13:44
jonathan_like an hour ago I said we were talking about a grey area before the lab is organized13:44
jonathan_how is that a different discussion than what I was talking about an hour ago lol13:44
@kanzurebecause grey area means the lab doesn't even know and can't guarantee13:44
jonathan_maybe you're a little slow on the uptake today13:44
@kanzurewhereas saying, "i want to sneak around" is explicitly something different13:45
jonathan_um I dont' sneak13:45
@kanzure"not officially sanctioned"13:45
jonathan_everything is right out in the open mr fbi agent13:45
@kanzureanyway, yes it's entirely possible that i am slow. i don't deny that.13:45
jonathan_it's not officially unsanctioned13:45
@kanzurehaha i see13:45
jonathan_why does anything have to be officially sanctioned when there's no "real lab" yet ??13:46
@kanzurewell whatever. what is your list of projects that you need money for?13:46
@kanzureit is a real lab. it has a real place and an LLC and everything.. i didn't say it has to be officially sanctioned, of course. but if something was to be sanctioned, it would be by the LLC owner or w/e.13:46
@kanzureif there's some software work you're considering, i could help out on that, but mostly i understand hardware/bio projects take priority13:46
@kanzurei have been trying to get yashgaroth or ParahSail1n to start a black market antibody operation13:47
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@kanzureyashgaroth: ping13:47
jonathan_yea and apparently someone's a bit SLOW in that dept13:47
@kanzurejoejacks: yo would you sign a doc for an open source project at biotechnbeyond saying biotechnbeyond doesn't own it?13:47
yashgarothI'm down13:47
jonathan_you're down?13:48
yashgarothfor the antibodies13:48
@kanzurefor organ harvesting13:48
@kanzureoh, antibodies..13:48
yashgarothor w/e13:48
jonathan_oh I thought down meant napping13:48
jonathan_waiting for you dude!13:48
jonathan_I got my side all ready to go!13:48
joejacksyes we will have contracts with tenants13:48
jonathan_kanzure is concerned that you are going to steal my IP13:49
jonathan_so now we need to sign a paper that says you will not sue me for back-IP13:49
@kanzureyeah i mean, if you want hackers to do hacking things, you have to protect their rights13:49
@kanzureor something like that13:49
joejackshands off policu except as regards grant apps conducted with us where we ask indirects13:49
jonathan_now I will have nightmares of lawyers coming to get me in the night.  or something.13:50
@kanzurejonathan_: hey at least it's not nightmares of the fbi..13:50
@kanzurejonathan_: so that's prolly an improvement right13:51
yashgarothdepends how good the lawyers are13:51
jonathan_I am disappointed that the FBI agent did not come snoop on me13:51
jonathan_where are you, mr. fbi13:51
jonathan_I think he should have introduced himself or something.13:52
@kanzurejoejacks: was there anyone really interesting at the event yesterday?13:52
@kanzurejonathan_: nah that would have been a buzzkill. "okay everyone, please shut up while this scary fbi agent introduces himself."13:52
gradstudentbotThat's definitely a Cell paper.13:52
jonathan_if money were the goal we'd be writing some intstagram app to be acquired by facebook isnt that right?13:54
jonathan_why even bother with bio at all?13:55
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jonathan_make sure to call it the "kanzure clause"14:02
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heathcarlsbad lab = http://www.meetup.com/DIYbio-San-Diego/ ?14:13
@kanzurenot quite14:13
@kanzurejust got off the phone with him14:13
heathwhy'd joseph move from san francisco to san diego?14:15
* heath gets cable internet tomorrow in the new/old house \\o/14:16
* heath finishes tearing carpet from the floor and decides to read the logs later14:16
jonathan_to start the lab14:17
jonathan_"the lab"14:17
jonathan_looks like I will remove all my stuff from "the lab" due to IP concerns14:19
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jonathan_did you get all your q's answered?14:33
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@kanzurehe wanted to talk about other things14:53
@kanzurejust telling me how the event went from his perspective, etc.14:53
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juri_IP concerns. wheee, fun.14:56
juri_at freegeek arkansas, we did not have a problem with random hackers hacking whatever. we taught them how to contribute to upstream trees.14:57
jonathan_something implied the kombucha lab bench was a success?   imho it was not a success14:57
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juri_maybe the concept of 'upstream tree' and 'distro' are not yet well enough congealed in biohacking?14:57
@kanzurejonathan_: i thought your goal was to get a project that already worked, into the lab?14:58
@kanzurejonathan_: what was your success criteria14:58
@kanzurejuri_: but surely you agree that you shouldn't do free work for a company that might claim ownership of your system14:59
juri_oh certainly.14:59
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@kanzure*of your work14:59
juri_i'm just trying to put it in words that make the most sense to me.14:59
@kanzurejuri_: btw, yes, upstream, releases, versioning, branches, forks, all of these concepts are completely foreign to biologists. and most biohackers.14:59
juri_and try to eek out a solution, ased on my past experiences. like all humans. or at least, the good ones.14:59
@kanzureall of the good biohackers seem to have this down14:59
@kanzuremaradydd has always expressed excellent technical insight, but that's cheating because her background is hacking and infosec15:00
@kanzureand biotech.15:00
juri_mm. put me in charge of one. ;)15:00
juri_i've run a building full of hackers for over three years, and was the only one on FGAR's history to ever get re-elected to the board. i know handling crazy hackers.15:01
* juri_ dreams.15:01
juri_I shoould have taken more of a biohacker angle at FGAR. we had a GC/MS, and a microbiologist on hand..15:02
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delinquentmedoes anyone have the paper for this ?15:05
delinquentmehaving trouble locating the research repos15:05
jonathan_i'm no longer going to talk about hacking here because it seems the meaning has been corrupted and/or lost15:06
jonathan_so focused on "money" and "ownership" that it is silly15:06
@kanzurejonathan_: i think you are just misunderstanding me15:07
@kanzurejonathan_: is it possible that we're just bad at communicating, and that we're actually still hacking it up?15:07
jonathan_stallman did more harm to the world than benefit IMHO15:07
jonathan_" but surely you agree that you shouldn't do free work for a company that might claim ownership of your system" -> wrong15:08
jonathan_I disagree15:08
@kanzurejonathan_: i was asking juri_, not you. i know your opinion is different (and i am okay with that).15:08
@kanzurewait.. now i am confused.15:08
jonathan_go re-read the ad-free version of bsd license about fifty times15:09
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jonathan_stallman is the one who corrupted good work.15:10
@kanzurei have nothing against the bsd license (but, juri_ does, i think)15:11
jonathan_stallman also destroyed the very motivation for contributing to projects - namely, for acknowledgement and ego15:12
jonathan_because, his license does not include attribution15:12
@kanzureso, i'm actually happy that you're totally in support of non-money-making projects15:16
@kanzurebecause months ago it sounded like the opposite15:16
juri_i do..15:16
@kanzureyou do have a problem with bsd?15:17
@kanzurei mean, we've never talked about it, but i just assume so because you seem to be a generic gnu chick :)15:17
juri_yes. it boils down to a mantra i've triedto follow all my life.15:17
@kanzureand your opinions tend to be very consistent around that philosophy15:17
@kanzureso... yeah. +1 for being able to predict things.15:17
juri_'lend not thy hand to thine own enemy'.15:17
juri_I don't like having people selling my software, competing against me, and having my software closed. this is unfair, to me.15:18
jonathan_dude it depends on context15:18
@kanzureno offense, but these sound like the standard arguments15:18
juri_i've contributed to BSD'd projects, but only when i was young, and not being paticularly picky whos source code i improved.15:18
juri_none taken. :)15:19
jonathan_I have both a job and a hobby.   a job makes $.  a hobby makes ego.  hobby is not for business by definition.15:19
juri_me and jonathan should not speak. ;)15:19
@kanzurewhatever, jonathan is very good at what he does, so it almost doesn't matter15:19
jonathan_your key point is "competing against me,"15:20
juri_my key point is "closed". i don't care if you compete against me, under the terms of the GPL.15:20
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jonathan_assume you have $100 million in the bank right now.  why would you care if others "compete against me"15:20
juri_in fact, i'll give you all the tools to do it.15:20
gradstudentbotLet's have a pset party.15:20
@kanzurejonathan_: background/context is that juri_ gets paid to work on GPL software. also she prefers it exclusively.15:21
jonathan_i have specific examples where GPL has stifled innovation just like bad patents stifle innovation.15:21
@kanzureactually, simulations have shown that the entire patent system is net negative or w/e15:22
juri_i'd be interested, assuming theres some solidity there, to see how you came to that conclusion.15:22
@kanzurethere is no evidence that anyone claimed that there is a perfect system that had no failure rate15:22
jonathan_if you are doing it "for work" then sure you are OK to insist that in return for daily bread, your values are met.15:22
juri_johnathan: i'm starting to get offended.15:22
@kanzurejonathan_: are you actually interested in this argument? i'm just wondering. we could be designing mosquito killer death rays or something.15:22
juri_you have this concept of 'for work' or 'for hoby'. i just DO.15:22
@kanzurejonathan_: because juri_ is the type of person that will carry this conversation on for a very long time :)15:23
jonathan_I have been in design teams where we wanted specifically to R&D innovative products but either the market was destroyed by GPL or components were off-limits due to GPL.15:23
@kanzurejonathan_: which isn't bad.. but just be aware of it.15:23
juri_yes, i will. ;)15:23
gradstudentbotThe autoclave smells really good.15:23
@kanzurejonathan_: so what's the upcoming project list?15:23
juri_johnathan: the GPL does not guarantee you business opportuntities.15:23
juri_in fact, i imagine NO license does.15:23
jonathan_gcc is a great example of how GPL has killed compiler optimization for example15:23
@kanzureon an unrelated point, llvm seems to be doing pretty well.15:24
juri_because something is free, no-one wants to develop non-free.. so thats a problem>15:24
jonathan_because it is a viral license which forces you to release (and support!) the restricted portions, a for-profit business has difficulty "adding value"15:25
delinquentmepaperbot, http://ije.oxfordjournals.org/content/42/1/76.abstract?sid=9fccb8af-9ea4-4791-b635-fb0e4b84e77015:25
juri_so, for profit business has a right to add value now.15:25
juri_i thought the purpose of the for-profit business was to extract revenue.15:25
gradstudentbotLet's pour a bunch of chemlights into a spinner flask and claim it's luminescent e.coli.15:26
delinquentmepaperbot, http://ije.oxfordjournals.org/content/42/1/7615:26
yashgarothgod damnit gradstudentbot15:26
gradstudentbotYeah, I'm just looking for a journal that will take that paper.15:26
jonathan_"i thought the purpose of the for-profit business was to extract revenue."  ... no but I'll end it at that15:27
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delinquentmea for-profit business has difficulty "adding value"15:28
juri_jonathan: if you're looking at a for profit to do more than extract revenue, maybe you should be looking at non-profits. you know, businessses that have a stated goal other than greed.15:28
delinquentmethats quite a vast statement no?15:28
jonathan_no comment15:28
gradstudentbotYou used the wrong formula.15:29
jonathan_do homework on "added value"15:29
jonathan_i dunno what the project list for the lab is15:29
juri_i don't have to do homework. i add value to software every day. you may even have heard of some of it.15:29
jonathan_I am looking for collaborators15:29
juri_good luck.15:30
jonathan_I have my own ideas, but, it depends on what other people might want to do15:30
jonathan_for example, I think continuous flow culturing would be a cool setup.15:30
delinquentmejonathan_, I see recurring themes here15:31
delinquentme" Heres a book, read it all "15:31
juri_I've recently been adding water cooling to my electrical engineering bench. gotta feed the 3d printer.15:31
delinquentmeI know a few things about value added15:31
delinquentmebut this seems more a philosopical discussion15:31
delinquentmephilosophical **15:31
jonathan_the interesting thing is that the biologists in the lab are really focused on continually asking "what's the application for it?" ... which is bizarre because scientists are supposed to focus on doing something "for science" not "for product"15:32
juri_just because our philosophy is radically opposed, doesn't make us incapable of communicating, thankfully.15:32
juri_that does seem to be very 'hacker culture'.15:32
juri_find an app for it, and get it in place doing something.15:32
yashgaroththere were maybe a half-dozen academic researchers there, the rest were in industry15:33
@kanzurejonathan_: i think the stereotype that scientists are "unapplied" is false. everyone always likes to chew on the other people.15:33
jonathan_it's a problem if the solution is assumed to be locked up in a safe somewhere.   I build hobby solutions as 100% public domain to be used by anyone anywhere even for sale by someone else to enhance the world.15:33
jonathan_I dont attempt to think "omg someone 10 years from now might make a profit on this so I better restrict them from doing that before I even start"15:34
juri_johnathan: i'm a bit guilty of what you're talking about.. i do tend to pour my energy into 3d printing, out of fear of patents.15:34
jonathan_well it's interesting that "continuous flow for kombucha" seems to be taken somehow differently than "continuous flow for biofuels" or "continuous flow for antibody production" (or whatever I dunno)15:35
juri_there has been a lot of talk of patenting the 3d printer industry out of existence, so i have to admit, i do push15:35
jonathan_the point is to friggin compile & run "hello world" then it can be ported to another "machine" ... to state it metaphorically15:35
juri_just a bit harder' if i think its a line someone else may crioss (and patent) first.15:35
juri_working with others is really hard. I have tended to teams of 3-5 people max, as a result.15:37
jonathan_the reason the "applied science" is funky in that environment is because "citizen science" is heavily promoted and discussed, and "experiment on an unknown area like neglected disease and maybe find something completely new" is also bandied about (esp considering assay depot presence) yet when it comes to idea generation there is no consideration for building re-usable technology (which maybe is the big flaw I'm describing) and 15:38
jonathan_consideration attempting to figure out how to jump to a specific solution.15:38
@kanzurethere are already patents on lots of 3d printing htings. but sure, i could imagine future more patents.15:38
@kanzurejonathan_: is assay depot still involved or what's the deal?15:38
jonathan_connection is kevin15:38
juri_johnathan: mind if i say something a little pointed on that subject?15:39
jonathan_imho the definition of science is more like:   find or characterize something without regard for it's use or attempting to bias the outcome.15:39
juri_'no consideration for building re-usable technology'.. this makes good sense.15:39
jonathan_it's a free room say whatever you want15:40
juri_when your experiments are purpose designed for results..15:40
jonathan_"experiments are purpose designed for results.."  -- that is because the idea of open source is being corrupted here15:40
jonathan_now you guys even want to ensure that "volunteer work shouldn't be public domain"15:41
juri_the idea does not come from science. its being forced in.15:41
jonathan_it's a new lab so keep out the corruption15:41
* juri_ rethinks how to restate.15:41
@kanzurewho said it shouldn't be public domain?15:41
jonathan_it's totally strange that everyone in the lab agrees "oh patents are evil" and then turn around and start behaving in exactly the same way15:41
@kanzurejust because patents are evil doesn't mean you shouldn't get a defensive patent license rolling15:42
juri_re-usable technology is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what someone who is looking for a research-paper-worthy-result is looking for.15:42
@kanzurepatents still exist whether you like them or not15:42
@kanzureand the reality is that the company can still retroactively patent sue you for whateverthefuck15:42
@kanzures/company/lab company15:42
juri_they are looking for a machine that they will have to justify to someone, to get the results to write the paper..15:42
jonathan_"re-usable technology is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what someone who is looking for a research-paper-worthy-result is looking for."   --> mistake15:42
jonathan_the scientists want to do an experiment which finds something novel, yes.15:42
@kanzurethe scientists often build custom equipment that isn't reusable. they don't even document it correctly.15:43
jonathan_the TOOLS that they use for that experiment are all common and should be easy15:43
@kanzureyou've seen those really bad schematics in papers, right?15:43
juri_and when you're justifying a machine, right or wrong, saying "same machine the students were beating with bats and clubs last year" doesn't work.15:43
gradstudentbotCan I borrow some sulphuric acid?15:44
jonathan_well anyway if they thought correctly they'd be engineers not scientists lol15:44
jonathan_prototypical scientist:  head in the cloud wondering what makes pollen fly in the wind15:44
jonathan_there is actually a couple dudes like that, they are funny.15:44
gradstudentbotI have to order new primers.15:45
jonathan_they were all clustered around the microscope the other day saying "we need to find a bug!  let's find a bug to see if this mag really works!"15:45
jonathan_someone actually found a bug on the floor15:45
jonathan_they put it on a slide15:45
juri_i find stereotypes are not very useful online. we're all outliers, more-or-less. ;)15:45
jonathan_then commenced tripping out "wow !"15:45
@kanzureyeah, am i a bad person if i do both engineering and basic research? does this make me evil?15:45
@kanzurewhat if i also inherit $100 million? am i then a terrible person?15:45
jonathan_yes, you are evil.  okay next topic.15:45
@kanzurealright glad we got that decided15:46
jonathan_you can be both but not both on the same project.15:46
jonathan_keep it focused you know.  don't muck up pure research by attempting to steer it "omg we could make it solve xyz problem"15:46
@kanzurewhat is "pure research" in this context?15:47
jonathan_let's say, dna origami15:47
jonathan_"let's see if we can make dna scaffolds.  oh wait but let's not because it can't be used to cure cancer, forget it!"15:47
juri_kanzure: i'm in a similar boat. i do my own electrical, computer, and mechanical engineering, and am as comfortable in bootstrap assembly as i am in javascript.15:48
@kanzurehow is that pure research? that's applied dna synthesis.. choosing which sequences to synthesize isn't just random guessing, you put a lot of thought into it.15:48
@kanzurejuri_: that's terrifying, why would you choose javascript as an example?15:48
jonathan_"applied" to what15:48
juri_kanzure: just spending a lot of time staring at it lately.15:48
jonathan_I think that means vertically talented.15:48
jonathan_back to lab projects eh15:49
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jonathan_I think it would be neat to evolve food into better gmo15:49
@kanzurei thought "evolving food" was just normal crop selection15:49
juri_its the definition of better that we all argue over.15:49
jonathan_purple yam15:49
jonathan_I would like to make more food "purple" for example.15:50
@kanzurewho has argued about "better" in the context of gmo? i'm not aware of anything.15:50
jonathan_meh stop arguing semantics15:50
@kanzureit's not semantics. she is trying to say things and i am trying to read those things. :(15:50
jonathan_church evolved the tomato.15:50
juri_kanzure: seriously? maybe that's just me, then.15:50
juri_i'm pro GMO. anti-monsanto.15:50
@kanzurejuri_: most people argue against gmo completely, not about better/worse modifications to make :P15:50
@kanzurebut what does that have to do with better GMO? sorry.15:51
@kanzurei guess no monsanto would be better.15:51
@kanzureso there's that15:51
jonathan_Hmm there was recently a new study on purple yam  lemme see...15:51
juri_maybe the 'thinking' position just isn't heard much during these 'debates' over GMO food saftey.15:51
juri_i'm pro GMO, as i'm pro science in general. science works. its just a question of what we are optimizing for. monsanto's idea of 'better' involves dollars rolling in, as they're a for-profit industry.15:52
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@kanzureno, i don't think it's that they are for-profit that's the problem15:52
juri_this is understandable, but should not be allowed when it comes to the food products we eat. ( i know, should. i hate that word.)15:52
jonathan_"Role of anthocyanin-enriched purple-fleshed sweet potato p40 in colorectal cancer prevention"15:52
@kanzurei think their litigation strategies and patents are problematic15:52
jonathan_paperbot http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mnfr.201300040/full15:52
@kanzurebut just because they are a business doesn't seem particularly offensive. yo ushoudl also hate FSF then too. they are incorporated.15:52
juri_i think those are symptoms of their for-profit nature, in this legal system. something about those sets of variables needs to change.15:53
@kanzureno, you can be a for-profit entity without suing everyone into oblivion15:53
juri_i'm very anti for-profit. ;)15:53
@kanzureyour anti-stance doesn't mean for-profit companies have to sue everyone into oblivion15:53
jonathan_it would be great to make purple soybeans15:53
juri_i'm not convinced. worse, i'm convinced that by not suing everyone into oblivion, and accepting investors, you leave yourself open to being sued for not being enough of a dick.15:54
jonathan_also, it would be cool to make B-12 containing soybeans.15:55
juri_so, maybe i should re-state my position as being anti for-profit-with-investors.15:55
jonathan_sounds like your a commie15:56
juri_no, i don't believe in the centralized management of the redistribution of resources.15:56
juri_i'm a micro-commie. i think communism should be a bunch of minigames, instead of one huge system.15:56
jonathan_i'm a capitalist and I think freeloading hippies are a drain on the ecosystem.15:57
@kanzurewho is a "freeloading hippie"?15:57
jonathan_i'm more successful than others so I deserve more reward than others.15:57
juri_you had more out of the gate than others. white, male, college educated?15:58
jonathan_lol bryan you're kind of like eliza sometimes ha15:58
jonathan_no I didn't15:58
@kanzureare you calling juri_ a freeloading hippie15:58
jonathan_chinese and indians had more "out of the gate" than I did15:58
@kanzurei'm just trying to understand15:58
@kanzurei also don't know why you think you 'deserve' anything. if you happen to acquire something, that's yours and that's fine. but i certainly don't owe you anything (except basic human decency etc.) just because you exist..15:59
jonathan_not sure what your college degree is in, but being white u.s. born is a handicap.15:59
jonathan_and male too15:59
jonathan_how come the female classmates got better grades, was it because they went into office hours and the instructors felt more inclined to revise their scores in some cases?  you bet16:00
juri_wow. i'm seriously running out of methods for responding.16:00
@kanzurejuri_: it's okay. he's a long-term project. he's been with us for years and he'll continue to be. so you don't have to fix this right now.16:01
juri_kanzure: thanks. i appreciate that. i just ran through my usual methods, and came up empty. ;)16:02
jonathan_"you had more out of the gate than others. " i really consider that to be insulting.16:02
juri_it was a leap, but it seems to have been on target.16:03
@kanzurewell a minute ago you were calling me evil for having $100 million in inheritance16:03
@kanzureso.. your opinion seems to have changed.16:03
jonathan_ha, you take jokes so literally it's funny16:03
@kanzureyour jokes are bad :(16:03
jonathan_everybody knows you're evil, right?16:03
jonathan_gradstudentbot isn't kanzure evil?16:04
gradstudentbotThe protocol is wrong.16:04
juri_ok everyone, back to hacking things. ;)16:04
@kanzurejuri_: do you feel like messing around with C things for like 10 minutes.16:05
juri_maybe. whatcha got?16:05
jonathan_where's that recent study that showed money resulted in extreme bias in double blind studies..16:05
juri_oh, did i ever show you the new demo of GNU GIFT?16:05
juri_if you're interested in feature extraction based methods of image matching, you should check out the new gift demo.16:06
juri_i ALMOST made it a useful web site, for getting work done.16:06
juri_i still have two missing features, then i can let the public at it.16:06
@kanzurejuri_: https://github.com/kanzure/seed/commits/develop16:08
@kanzurejuri_: https://github.com/kanzure/seed/commit/d5bcaea5db544619f1ec1b89e17126d5eee1973416:09
@kanzurejuri_: gnome-seed compiles successfuly (./autogen.sh and such), builds seed/src/.libs/seed which when executed brings up a javascript repl16:09
@kanzureand my commit there is supposed to make a function called imports.compile() that accepts a string of javascript. so: imports.compile("var x = 5;")16:09
@kanzurebut for some reason what i have done is wrong, it claims: TypeError '[object GlobalObject]' is not a function (evaluating 'imports.compile("x")')16:10
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@kanzurethis seems to be relevant documentation16:12
@kanzureapple uses JavaScriptCore and i guess they have this documentation up for whatever reason16:12
@kanzure(i'm not sure why webkit.org doesn't host its own docs for this)16:12
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juri_sure, i've got a few, let me take a peek. :)16:15
@kanzurei think i'm probably just using the wrong function here16:15
@kanzuremaybe JSObjectMakeFunctionWithCallback is wrong.16:15
gradstudentbotThe gel is streaking.16:17
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juri_reading through the source, my guess is actually that the typecast you're using has issues.16:21
@kanzuremy typecast is a completely uninformed decision16:21
juri_i really don't see you doing anything else that should be 'wrong'. you're following all the code paterns of the code around you.16:21
juri_what is that typecast supposed to be doing? to me, it seems named the ob i would expect an assembly function (and therefore macro or somesuch) to do.16:22
@kanzurei need to pass the actual function that i want called when someone calls that object-as-a-function in jsland16:22
juri_to me, that seems to be the javascript-to-c-glue, which should be more complicated than a typecast.16:22
@kanzuremy goal is to attach my function on to an object and make it callable, arguments and everything.16:22
@kanzurees, it's the javascript-to-c glue.16:22
@kanzurethe only other stuff in this file is javascript class definition, which seems to work differently16:23
juri_so, instead of a cast there, i know as an outside programmer, i expect to see a macro, or a function.16:23
@kanzuresee importer_class_def16:23
@kanzurei see. maybe i should just make it a class and see how that works out for me.16:24
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juri_that seems to be the direction this code is going.16:24
gradstudentbotYeah, that's a really good question. I don't know, but I'll have to look into that.16:25
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@kanzurehmm. so i tried seed_importer_handle_source in the class defs for /* Call As Function */16:27
@kanzureand i still get TypeError '[object gi_importer]' is not a function (evaluating 'imports.gi()')16:27
@kanzure"13.2 Lessee shall not use, nor permit the use of, the Premises other than as described in Paragraph 13.1 above. In any case where Lessee is, or should reasonably be, in doubt as to the propriety of any particular use, Lessee may request, and will not be in breach of default if Lessee abides by, the written determination of the Municipal Property Manager that such use is or is not permitted."16:39
gradstudentbotYou can't guarantee that.16:40
@kanzure"15.6 Develop revenue streams from membership fees, corporate sponsors, crowdfunding, direct donations, event fees, course fees and grants."16:42
brownieskanzure: what're you quoting?16:43
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@kanzure"In its first year, the community lab will be staffed by volunteers working without pay."16:49
@kanzurebrownies: i'm reading from http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/diybio/biotechnbeyond-resolution-2013-029.pdf16:49
juri_i just got my ass chewed for a half hour for trying to be helpful. :/16:57
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@kanzurethere are many reasons17:22
@kanzurein old versions of phonegap there was this problem where they literally broke how clicks were handled and added like 250 milliseconds to responses17:22
@kanzurethat's a good writeup though. seems to be missing some of these points.17:24
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@kanzure"For example, the iPhone 4S snaps photos at 3264×2448 resolution.   That’s over 30 megabytes of bitmap data per photo.  That’s a warning for having just two photos in memory and you get killed for having 7 photos in RAM.  Oh, you were going to write a for loop that iterated over an album?  Killed."17:27
@kanzurebut that's programming wrong on mobile17:27
@kanzureyou would only load one photo at a time in that for loo17:27
@kanzure"Let’s take another example.  On the iPad 3, you are driving a display that probably has more pixels in it than the display on your desktop (it’s between 2K and 4K resolution, in the ballpark with pro cinema).  Each frame that you show on that display is a 12MB bitmap.  If you’re going to be a good memory citizen you can store roughly 45 frames of uncompressed video or animation buffer in memory at a time, which is about 1.5 seconds at ...17:30
@kanzure... 30fps, or .75 seconds at the system’s 60Hz.  Accidentally buffer a second of full-screen animation?  App killed.  And it’s worth pointing out, the latency of AirPlay is 2 seconds, so for any kind of media application, you are actually guaranteed to not have enough memory."17:30
@kanzure"And we are in roughly the same situation here that we are in with the multiple copies of the photos.  For example, Apple says that “Every UIView is backed with a CALayer and images as layer contents remain in memory as long as the CALayer stays in the hierarchy.”  What this means, essentially, is that there can be many intermediate renderings–essentially copies–of your view hierarchy that are stored in memory."17:30
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@kanzure"If you want to process camera images on Android phones for real-time object recognition or content based Augmented Reality you probably heard about the Camera Preview Callback memory Issue. Each time your Java application gets a preview image from the system a new chunk of memory is allocated. When this memory chunk gets freed again by the Garbage Collector the system freezes for 100ms-200ms. This is especially bad if the system is under ...17:33
@kanzure... heavy load (I do object recognition on a phone – hooray it eats as much CPU power as possible). If you browse through Android’s 1.6 source code you realize that this is only because the wrapper (that protects us from the native stuff) allocates a new byte array each time a new frame is available. Build-in native code can, of course, avoid this issue."17:33
@kanzurehuh, the garbage collector freezes the kernel? that doesn't sound right. maybe they fixed that bug in android 2.x or android 4.x..17:33
gradstudentbotThe paper got rejected.17:33
@kanzure"I’ve worked on Java mobile games… The best way to avoid GC’ing objects (which in turn shall trigger the GC at one point or another and shall kill your game’s perfs) is simply to avoid creating them in your main game loop in the first place. There’s no “clean” way to deal with this… Manual tracking of objects, sadly. This how it’s done on most current well-performing Java games that are out on mobile devices."17:35
jonathan_java != speed17:37
juri_javascript != java.17:37
@kanzuremobile web apps, generally refers to javascript17:39
@kanzure"So anyway, here’s where we’re at: some of the best Ruby developers in the world have forked the language specifically for use on mobile devices, and they have designed a system that both crashes and leaks, which is the complete set of memory errors that you could possibly experience. So far they have not been able to do anything about it, although they have undoubtedly been trying very hard. Oh, and they are reporting that they ...17:40
@kanzure... “personally tried a few times to fix it, but wasn’t able to come with a good solution that would also perserve performance.”"17:40
@kanzureah yes. the signs of a high quality project.17:40
gradstudentbotI had to remind my professor who I was today.17:40
jonathan_C == speed17:44
brownieskanzure: eh? is that last part about RubyMotion? or what?17:52
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jonathan_anyone here planning on buying a new mac pro?17:59
jonathan_would certainly streamline video editing18:07
ParahSail1nconflict electronics? nothx18:07
@kanzurebrownies: yes18:07
ParahSail1npatent troll18:07
@kanzurejonathan_: you can build better workstations for cheaper, yadda yadda18:07
@kanzureif you're going to spend $5000 on a computer you might as well get your money's worth18:08
jonathan_nah i'm done with "omg i'm gonna build my own"18:08
jonathan_i dunno the price tag18:08
jonathan_i bet price is very competitive18:09
juri_i custom build everything, so i can get the flexibility i want. coreboot supported boards are a winner.18:10
juri_for instance, i'm dropping a quad-core opteron, in a motherboard which according to the vendor, supports neither quads, nor opterons.18:10
@kanzureis it possible that the vendor has more information than you18:12
jonathan_previously i used vimeo, youtube i dont like much. any other favorite vid hosting services?18:12
@kanzureoh, the links i gave you weren't favorites, just shit i knew18:12
@kanzuresorry about the crap you got from livestream :(18:12
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jonathan_i'm editing this vid myself so just will host it somewheres18:13
jonathan_ustream seems free but "ad supported"18:13
@kanzureyou can go japanese.. http://nicovideo.jp/18:13
jonathan_the google hangout was surprisingly good integration, just press 'go' and vid was streaming + archived18:13
@kanzureor chinese.. http://tudou.com/18:13
@kanzureor http://www.youku.com/ but it's essentially tudou these days18:14
@kanzureafter their merger.18:15
jonathan_what is justin.tv?18:15
@kanzureanother live video streamer thingy18:15
@kanzure.title http://ex.nicovideo.jp/vocanico/18:19
yoleauxボカニコナイト-VocaNicoNight- Official Website18:19
@kanzureoh man look at all the random vocaloid crap you've been missing (??)18:19
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@kanzurephillyj: yo18:21
jonathan_wow rock on18:21
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@kanzure.title http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/137361632018:22
yoleaux8/16開催「VocaNicoNight4 -SummerParty2013-」出演者発表トレイラー ‐ ニコニコ動画:Q18:22
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juri_kanzure: i used to run a 1.4Ghz P4 in my asus p2b. market segmentation is for users.18:31
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@kanzurepaperbot: http://jama.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=35849618:39
jonathan_should i click the video.  should i click the video.  should i click the video18:44
jonathan_OK OK i clicked the video18:44
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* brownies pokes gradstudentbot 18:45
gradstudentbotI am busy doing science, go away.18:45
brownieshow appropriate.18:45
gradstudentbotSorry, I can't really talk right now because I'm burried in grant writing.18:45
browniesthat sounds un-burr-able18:45
jonathan_hey that video looks a lot like my lab video!  cool18:45
jonathan_welll ok not so much18:46
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jonathan_timestamp is used as random number seed so why would this be an issue20:14
jonathan_lets say theres a silicon bug and it's not really random but is only 2^8 repeating values or something. so what, only bad software would use the value directly without using timestamp or other input.20:15
jonathan_even if it is a predictable value there would still be a large dictionary involved so cracking would not be instantaneous.20:16
jonathan_anythning on stackexchange or stackoverflow is suspect imho20:16
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cpopellGreetings, folks!20:30
cpopellAs promised in the past, if your thing is electrohydrodynamics or femtoliter droplet impact, poke me and I have a pdf to send you.20:30
ParahSail1npost it20:32
cpopellIt's not up online yet.20:33
ParahSail1nwell put it there? or is this pre-print?20:33
cpopellI'm offering a direct send of my masters thesis20:34
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jonathan_i dont even know what electrohydrodynamics means20:40
cpopellaffecting fluids with electricity20:41
jonathan_is it related to surfing by chance?20:41
jonathan_coincidentally i did some electrowetting stuff20:41
jonathan_just answer yes or no, does your stuff work?20:42
jonathan_then, congrats20:42
cpopellthanks :D20:44
cpopell<15% error20:44
jonathan_is it done in air and if so how do you handle evaporation20:44
cpopellnear field20:44
cpopell90-200um standoff20:44
jonathan_send me the pdf i'll have a look.  jcline@ieee.org20:45
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jonathan_i hope it doesn't have many big words like electohydrodynamics tho20:45
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@kanzurewhat is the expected food output per day of something like http://automicrofarm.com/ ?21:11
@kanzurei think this is ph0rque21:12
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jonathan_"US Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has said she will step down to become the next president of the University of California system."  ... what the...21:34
jonathan_paperbot is quaking in his boots right now21:37
cpopelllong time no see buddy21:37
yashgarothsup mang21:37
cpopellI got a futurist gf, and a paying contract21:38
cpopellmost of my time = gone21:38
yashgarothyou in dc still?21:38
yashgarothhad the lab opening in carlsbad, lots of people and leftover alcohol21:40
jonathan_today's vocabulary word is surface energy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surface_energy21:41
jonathan_what 'energy' is given off when two droplets touch each other?21:43
jonathan_i guess it disperses by vibration on the surface or something eh21:43
-!- davidokner [~davidokne@c-69-143-13-132.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:47
davidoknerI have a medical problem I can't figure out.21:48
juri_so say we all.21:48
davidoknerI think it was caused by antibiotics21:48
davidoknerThis is what happened.21:49
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davidoknerI had a bad case of myofascial pain syndrome and my message therapist reffered me to a doctor to get tested for any underlying medical conditions that could be perpetuating factors.21:49
davidoknerThat doctor tested me for Lyme disease and it came back positive, but it was not the standard test.21:49
davidoknerI looked into it and found out there was this non-standard lyme disease thing and found another doctor in my area that just treated for that thinking it couldn't hurt to try.21:50
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davidoknerWell, he prescribed me three antibiotics Rifampin, Bactrim and Minicyclin and after a couple weeks I started to feel these weird sensations all over my body like snow flakes, bee stings, burning, water drops etc.21:51
davidoknerI told the doctor and he said it was just the Lyme disease. After a couple of months of talking to people in that community I decided it was nonsense and stopped going.21:51
davidoknerI found out it was neuropathies or paresthesias all over. It lasted for over 6 months after stopping the antibiotics and I went to Johns Hopkins and they said it was probably immune mediated small fiber neuropathy.21:52
davidoknerWithin a year from that it finally went away and I was happy. THEN, it just came back a week ago when I got a bad cold.21:52
davidoknerNow, I have burning paresthesias all over again.21:52
davidoknerwater, stinging etc21:53
davidoknerI think I got really screwed by that doctor.21:53
yashgarothdid you go see another doctor21:53
davidoknerI went to the neurologist at Hopkins21:53
davidoknerHe just said it was immune mediated small fiber neuropathy and discharged me after a negative skin biopsy.21:54
davidoknerI didn't review the results with my primary doctor because I couldn't take the stress of it anymore and it finally went away.21:54
davidoknerBut, now I'm going to my primary doctor to talk about it because it came back.21:54
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yashgarothI have to ask, why did you choose this channel to ask?21:55
davidoknerI asked in my community channel and somebody said I should ask here.21:55
davidoknerOh, he says he met a guy at a conference and knew about this channel.21:56
yashgarothwell I don't think anyone here is a doctor except rigel, but I recommend immunosuppressants21:56
davidoknerYeah, that is what I was thinking the first time. Only problem is that if it has changed my immune system it will just keep coming back if there is a trigger.21:56
davidoknerAlso, no way to know how long to take them and it is dangerous to take them.21:57
yashgarothwell try aspirin and see if it helps21:57
cpopellthere's always metamed if you're wrought with spare cash21:57
davidoknerI just googled that. What is that?21:58
cpopellcustom medical solution company21:58
davidoknerVery expensive I would guess?21:58
cpopellinvolving a lot from the futurist community21:58
yashgarothyou pay them to pay doctors for their opinions21:58
cpopellI think their lower bound on pricing is like 5k21:58
cpopellyou pay them to do a full lit search21:58
ParahSail1ndont push metamed21:59
davidoknerAll I know is stay away from these Lyme disease doctors. They are quacks and dangerous.21:59
davidoknerThis has totally scared the hell out of me.21:59
yashgaroththere is a lot of quackery in lyme disease22:00
cpopellParahSail1n: Despite my best efforts, they aren't paying me to do sales for them :(22:00
davidoknerIf you guys want to live longer then the best thing for that is a free society.22:00
cpopelllet's not do politics22:01
davidoknerMedical advancements won't come without the right philosophy as the foundation of a society that can foster those advances.22:01
cpopellespecially since plenty of medical advancements are being made22:01
davidoknerI have a website that talks about the philosohpy of Western Civilization called Objective Freedom.22:01
yashgarothoh good22:01
cpopellOh dear.22:02
jonathan_so do I !22:02
davidokneroh ok. But that is the most powerful thing I think, the fundimental driver.22:02
yashgarothgreat, it's me in here with the channel's three libertarians22:02
cpopellYashgaroth, I'm not a libertarian :P22:03
yashgarothuh huh sure22:03
davidoknerlet me just say I'm not libertarian.22:03
cpopelllibertarians don't support mincome22:03
cpopelland don't support invasions >_>22:03
jonathan_david you lost me on this part "my message therapist reffered me to a doctor"22:03
davidoknerjonathan_: She told me the name of a doctor I should see to make sure I don't have any health problems that could be causing this.22:04
jonathan_a massage therapist?  referral?22:04
davidoknerI had already seen tons of doctors who couldn't tell me why I had the previous health problem.22:04
davidoknerjonathan_: She gave me his business card or name just like any regular person can.22:04
jonathan_how many are "tons" ?22:05
davidoknerlike 20 or something22:05
davidoknerIt was just myofascial pain syndrome, but nobody could recognize it.22:05
jonathan_I dont think you mentioned "the previous health problem"22:05
davidoknerI didn't. I had many problems from myofascial pain syndrome.22:06
davidoknerIt is trigger points in the muscles, but it can cause strange symptoms.22:06
davidoknerI was getting dizzy, balance problems, pain in neck jaw, random ice pick stabbing in head, vision problems, tinnitus (ringing in the ear). Really bad burning pain between shoulder blades etc.22:06
davidoknerIt was just a problem with muscles which can be treated and isn't THAT scary if you know what it is.22:07
davidoknerBut, the new condition I got as a result of being told I have Lyme disease screwed me up.22:07
ParahSail1nso you dont/didn't have lyme?22:08
davidoknerNo, I never had Lyme. These alternative medcine doctors were just crazy and gave me some auto-immune neurological disease.22:08
davidoknerI would have been happy with just the myofascial pain syndrome and treatig that with physical therapy.22:09
davidoknerThey give you this bogus test and then give you tons of antibiotics, which in my case it looks like it altered my immune system.22:09
gradstudentbotI have to order new primers.22:09
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ParahSail1ndid they test serum for antibodies against the species?22:10
jonathan_well. typically when i go to the doctor and they mention I should take something I start asking a lot of deep questions and the doctor quickly asks what I do for a living and I say, "I'm an engineer" and then the doctor sighs and says "Oh." and gives up pushing his non-cure on me.22:10
davidoknerYes, but the test these doctors use is not the scientific valid one. It uses antibodies which are not proven to be evidence of Lyme.22:10
ParahSail1nantibodies against what?22:11
ParahSail1nsome borrelia antigen?22:11
davidoknerjonathan_: Well when I had been though hell with the symptoms and thought they were telling me the truth I thought it couldn't hurt to see if it worked.22:11
davidoknerYes, and other co-infections too. Bartonella.22:11
davidoknerThey said I had like at least 2 things.22:12
davidoknerIt is a very dangerous thing going on with these doctors. It is HUGE with the doctors and the patients community.22:12
davidoknerNow I have no way to see exactly what changed my immune system and change it back.22:12
davidoknerWhat I would need to do is verify the proteins in the peripheral nerves and find the antibody for that and then use some un-released technology to retrain my system not to attack that.22:13
davidoknerBasically the same thing they are making for people with MS.22:13
davidoknerThe are going to do just that with MS using nano-particles.22:14
ParahSail1nif you want shady medicine done, this is probably the right place22:15
cpopellthat's silly22:15
cpopellthat would be biohack.me :P22:15
yashgaroththat's for shady surgery22:15
davidoknerI don't want shady medicine done, that is what was done to me.22:15
yashgaroththere's a difference between bogus and shady22:16
davidoknerThat is how they think they could retrain the immune system for MS and use it for any auto-immune disease.22:16
davidoknerWhat I got was bogus and dangerous.22:16
davidoknerI just didn't realize how dangerous antibiotics could be.22:16
jonathan_presumably you've tried many probiotics already?22:16
davidoknerNo, but they never said neuropathy was caused by or could be helped by pro-biotics.22:17
davidoknerI'd think that would have regrown by now if that were the problem.22:17
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jonathan_well isn't it a far simpler solution?22:18
jonathan_and relatively harmless to try I'd assume22:19
davidoknerI think they are very safe though.22:19
davidoknerWell, I took pro-biotics during the anti-biotics22:19
jonathan_"regrown by now "  not sure about that22:19
davidoknerThe thing driving me crazy is that I don't have answers and everything is just guessing.22:20
jonathan_what's easier..  pursuing some crazy radical medical procedure or eating a bunch of unwashed veggies..?22:20
@fenntry probiotics with l. sporogenes22:20
jonathan_try eating everything..22:20
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jonathan_you'd love certain circles with fecal transplants lol22:20
@fennsure why not22:20
jonathan_it's far less risky than some emerging medical stuff only tested on mice or such so far22:21
davidoknerI heard about fecal transplants.22:21
davidoknerI wonder if that has worked for auto-immune stuff?22:21
davidoknerI heard it used for something that was antibiotic resistant.22:22
jonathan_go on a spree and eat everything possible that's fermented22:22
@fennso, uh, you think antibiotics caused an autoimmune disorder? that doesn't make sense to me22:22
davidokner@fenn: Really? Why not?22:23
davidokner@fenn: Do you think it is immune?22:23
davidoknerIf it is immune I think it was the anti-biotics.22:23
davidoknerI'd be happy if it was something non-immune related.22:24
@fennso, 1) you have symptoms 2) see a quack doctor 3) take antibiotics 4) develop more symptoms22:24
@fennit doesn't necessarily mean that your symptoms are caused by the antibiotics, it could just be further progression of the initial disease22:25
davidokner@fenn: I had myofascial pain, that is just trigger points. That doesn't cause body wide paresthesias.22:25
@fennmyofascial pain is a symptom22:25
davidokner@fenn: Yes, that is possible, but now I can't say for sure beause I went to the Lyme Doctor. Also, lots of people get TMJ disfunction or neck pain and that is not auto-immune neuropathy early symptom.22:25
@fenndo you have memory problems?22:26
davidokner@fenn: No, my memory is great and I have great energy.22:26
davidokner@fenn: I took minocycline, bactrim and rifampin (the antibiotic for TB) all at the same time.22:26
gradstudentbotWell, it looks better if you see it through a UV scope.22:27
jonathan_reminds me of the dude who had the gum disease and went thru all these rounds of discussions and at the end said " ok but I'm not going to stop smoking "22:27
davidoknerAlmost right away I developed the paresthesias all over.22:27
davidoknerWell, I'm not smoking or doing anything harmfull to my body.22:27
@fennhave you been tested for MS?22:28
davidoknerI was tested prior to the paresthesia, but I don't think since. I probably could get tested.22:28
davidoknerI was tested for that when I was having the other problems, which turned out to just be caused by trigger points22:29
davidoknerSome trigger points cause some pretty alarming things.22:29
jonathan_MRI ?22:29
davidoknerI had an MRI back then. I could get another.22:29
davidoknerI don't think the Johns Hopkins neurologist thought I needed one at the time.22:30
davidoknerSome people with MS have some of the paresthesias I get.22:30
davidoknerI've read on forums. But others have them and don't have MS22:31
davidoknerI found one person who got it after taking Bactrim.22:31
davidoknerNo, I won't do that.22:31
davidoknerIt is random nerve stuff and accupuncture is nonsense anyway.22:32
@fennhm. acupuncture is sometimes helpful for this sort of peripheral nerve stuff22:32
davidoknerDon't let your friends and family fall for this "chronic lyme disease" stuff22:32
@fennlyme is trivial to diagnose with PCR, either you have it or you don't22:32
davidoknerMine isn't located anywhere specific. It is just random pin pricks all over.22:33
jonathan_seems to me acupuncture is far easier to do as well.   even tho it's nonsense. sometimes it works. placebo effect.  you dont have to believe it.22:33
davidoknerI did something similar to acupuncture for the other condition. It is called Dry Needling.22:33
davidoknerSo, I've already had that done lots and decided it is not the best treatment for the first condition.22:34
@fennif you have MS, acupuncture won't help22:34
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jonathan_assuming you did have lyme disease. where'd you get it from?22:36
@fenn"Using the conventional PCR as the gold standard, the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity for detection of Borrelia burgdorferi was as follows: synovial fluid (98.1%; 100%), whole blood (100%; 100%), and CSF (80%; 100%)."22:36
davidoknerYou just get it from being outside in grassy or wooded areas from a tick.22:36
@fennso i guess the problem is if it's Borrelia afzelii or Borrelia garinii22:37
-!- Burninate [~Burn@pool-108-18-159-219.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:37
davidoknerThis new lyme movement tries to tell you that you get it and you don't always get the symptoms and realize it.22:37
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davidoknerOr you think you just have the flu or I don't know. I can't believe I fell for it. I was just hurting bad at the time so I was not thinking clearly.22:37
@fennnot thinking clearly is a symptom of MS22:38
davidoknerNot like that fenn. I was desperate I mean and if a doctor tells you something they might be right.22:39
jonathan_I think you will be worse if you keep listening to us lol22:39
davidoknerI know about lupus. My doctor will hopefully think of that.22:39
yashgarothI still recommend aspirin, and maybe some black market etanercept22:39
davidoknerHow does asprin make sense?22:39
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yashgarothit's an anti-inflammatory and it's very safe so why not22:40
@fenndavidokner: inflammation is an immune response22:40
yashgarothalso the one disease with more bullshit around it than lyme is lupus22:40
davidoknerIts "LDD". "Lyme Doctor Disease".22:40
jonathan_why on earth would lyme disease be a conspiracy of doctors.  i thought it always occurred with a rash.22:41
jonathan_period end of story22:41
davidoknerThere is a real Lyme disease and this new fake one.22:41
jonathan_where do you live?22:41
jonathan_ie are these doctors in major cities etc22:42
davidoknerWhat the chronic Lyme doctors? I'm near DC.22:42
davidoknerThey are all over the place. I think there are like 4 in my area.22:43
davidoknerJust search the internet for22:43
davidokner"LLMD" Lyme Literate MD. That is this new fake Lyme disease.22:43
davidoknerPeople have real health problems some of them and they end up there because the real doctors ignore their patients until they end up going to these quacks who pay attention.22:44
davidoknerLike me I had myofascial pain syndrome and the doctors couldn't figure it out or just dismissed it.22:44
davidoknerAnd that is how I ended up going down the wrong path to the disreputable doctor who said I had Lyme Disease.22:45
* fenn yawns22:46
cpopelldavid, I'm also DC local22:46
@fennhave you seen any cicadas yet? there are supposed to be billions out right now, but i haven't seen a single one22:46
jonathan_hm, i wonder if you would get a different opinion in canada22:47
davidoknerOpinion about Lyme disease or what I have now?22:47
davidoknerbest places are probably Johns Hopkins and Mayo Clinic.22:48
jonathan_i wonder if you could get metagenomic sequences to find out which probiotics you need.22:49
davidoknerSome people are using hook worms for auto-immune. Its a trial22:49
davidoknerI think probiotics don't work for that.22:49
@fennhookworms are worth looking into22:50
davidoknerI did read a canada story that said they are synthesizing the feal transplant and it can be customized.22:50
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davidokner@fenn: Aparently it suppresses the immune system. But I22:50
cpopellDavid, what part of DC?22:50
davidoknerI'm not quite ready to do that and I don't think it is available.22:50
davidoknerArlington, VA22:50
@fennrelax, it's not like you're doing chemo22:50
davidoknerIt could be a lot worse.22:51
jonathan_man...  that's a convo topic.   "which is better a fecal transplant or hookworm therapy?"22:51
@fennhey i'm in arlington too. near glebe and lee hwy22:51
cpopellah, I'm in McLean22:51
cpopelloh shit, fenn, you're near me?22:51
yashgarothfenn what the shit are you doing in dc22:51
@fennjonathan_: why not both? fecal transplant from someone with hookworm :P22:51
davidoknerI could have something they know what it is and it is bad. That is worse22:51
jonathan_jesus now i'm gonna have nightmares22:51
@fennyashgaroth: wasting away...22:51
yashgarothheh fair enough22:51
davidoknerI'm in Ballston in Arlington.22:51
jonathan_stay away, how do you know you're not contagious22:52
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davidoknerSleep time23:13
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