
--- Log opened Mon Jul 22 00:00:32 2013
@fenn.title http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/14/health/research/14sleep.html?_r=2&scp=1&sq=Mutation%20Tied%20to%20Need%20for%20Less%20Sleep&st=cse&00:47
yoleauxGene Mutation Tied to Needing Less Sleep - NYTimes.com00:47
@fennpaperbot: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/325/5942/866.abstract00:48
kanzurefeel free to fix that00:48
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/325/5942/866.full.pdf00:48
@fenndid this ever work? when did it break?00:49
kanzureso far i have found the libgen get.php thing to suck00:49
kanzurethe direct links to pdf files on libgen always work00:49
ParahSail1nits only the uploading to libgen that fails00:51
kanzureyeah, bug this guy. he knows things about this.00:51
ParahSail1nsince sci-hub.org allows access to pdfcache without cookies, we might as well just have it give the requester the pdfcache url00:52
@fennis pdfcache some libgen service?00:52
ParahSail1nheres your shit http://sci-hub.org/pdfcache/220a19fbe4d9eca08ab16b482485a91a.pdf00:53
@fennhow did you come up with that url?00:53
@fenni'm more interested in how to fix it; i can get papers on my own, for most sources00:56
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@fennwhy would we ever use the get.php in the first place?00:58
@fennalso the link you gave is to some other paper01:00
@fennalso there's an index of all the cached pdf files :\01:01
@fennoh it's just today01:01
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kanzure"Hey Bryan, I am contacting you because I am interested in SKDB. I am a Belgian based product designer and I specialised in the development of technical product documentation/illustrations. Last months I was focused on the use of cad data to develop 3D interactive step by step guides to produce, repair, disassemble or assemble hardware. Up till now I mostly used solidworks to make the cad models. The software I used to make the 3d interactive ...07:38
kanzure... manuals is from the two major cad groups:Dassault and autodesk. From Dassault I used 3dvia composer. It is mostly used to publish illustrations for pdfs and word files that can be printed. I used it only to publish a html xml output. Afterwards one can view the 3D instructions  in a viewer on the net (only) in internet explorer. http://www.3dviacomposer.com/demo/ From autodesk I used inventor publisher. It can publish for mobile devices. ...07:38
kanzure... Afterwards you install an app (inventor publisher viewer app) for your ipad (also android).From then on The 3d manual you made is available on the net.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwlDToXu1OU I preferred to use open source alternatives but in my experience they still can not match the licensed software. At this moment I am looking to do an internship where I could make production manuals of hardware. I found an interesting collective in ...07:38
kanzure... Denmark http://www.n55.dk/MANUALS/Manuals.html. Next week I am going to Denmark to meet these people and to listen if it would be possible to do an internship and to make a manual of their hardware. Maybe I can work in an alpha version of the autodesk software (release will be in 2014). I could use the new software that will be cloud computed. Autodesk people can help me with the technical support and I can use their newest software and ...07:38
kanzure... help them by discovering the bugs. I read about SKDB. It looks promising and you guys have the same goal: sharing knowledge about the production of hardware by using cad and cam data. So I wondered if I could use SKDB too if I could  begin an internship with N55? Can it be used in combination with the software I use ? Is it already ready for use (for projects like N55 bikes) ?  I also haven't done lots of research about SKDB? I just read ...07:38
kanzure... the summary on the wikipage of opensource ecology.  It was just a idea , maybe it could be an ideal opportunity to try stuff out ?"07:38
kanzurefenn: i found you a new friend i think07:38
kanzureor a n55 mole07:39
@fennwow, why bother using buggy pre-alpha open source software when you can use buggy pre-alpha proprietary software07:48
kanzurealso maybe juul knows the n55 people07:48
@fennso anyway the answer to his questions is "no"07:50
@fennwhy the hell can't autodesk export VRML07:50
@fenn"autodesk provides first ever 3d building instructions for lego" <- umm, no07:51
kanzurehere are some words about requirejs https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6082697 https://gist.github.com/desandro/468613607:53
kanzurefenn: yeah, i think that guy has never played with legos07:53
@fennhey does brl-cad have some sort of assembly diagram mode?07:53
kanzurefenn: btw, brlcad has swig wrappers in the svn repo already. maybe it would be worth playing with those.07:53
@fenni guess that means no07:54
kanzurei haven't looked. i've aksed your question in #brlcad and maybe they will know.07:54
@fenni know they do edge rendering, but what i'm after is some sort of data structure that represents the connectivity and order of operations07:55
kanzureno you're not07:55
kanzurethat data structure is just a directed graph, which is trivial07:55
kanzureit's all the other stuff you want, i think07:55
@fennwell you need to represent the mating vector and joining process etc07:56
kanzurei thought we did that already07:56
@fennonly for legos, and it wasn't integrated into the cad UI at all07:57
@fenni don't know what to say to mr. belgian product designer. tbh i didn't realize n55 was still active07:59
kanzuren55 is about as elusive as hackteria, or a little bit more08:00
kanzurewhy are all of these weird collectives so secretive? which is weird to say, because hackteria has this wiki and stuff, ubt it's a miracle anyone in hackteria ever updates it..08:00
@fennit looks like they've gotten more whimsical, which sucks08:00
@fennselling bikes is cool though08:01
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kanzurefenn: here you go..08:15
kanzure07:54 < kanzure> is there any "assembly diagram" mode of some sort?08:15
kanzure08:10 < brlcad> kanzure: mm, not yet a feature08:15
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heathpaperbot: http://www.nature.com/msb/journal/v9/n1/full/msb201331.html08:30
heathmaybe paperbot should have something equivalent to if OS_icon.jpg present: present user with .download-pdf url08:34
heathfor nature.com fetches08:34
heathin this case, show the user: http://www.nature.com/msb/journal/v9/n1/pdf/msb201331.pdf08:34
kanzurelook at how paperbot is written. it does that.08:35
kanzurebut actually the right way to fix it is to update the zotero translators08:35
kanzurebut i'm p. sure zotero translators already work for nature08:35
kanzureso again.. the problem is uploading the pdf to libgen.08:35
kanzureParahSail1n: why does it keep linking to libgen.org/scimag/get.php if it's not working?08:35
ParahSailinto get people to use the pay version08:37
ParahSailini can push a patch to drop the upload part08:40
kanzureplease :)08:41
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kanzureholy hell wtf09:19
kanzureAAAS/Science just got back to me... to place an ad in all pdfs, it's only $8k/quarter USD.09:20
kanzurethat's really low.09:21
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kanzurejmil: hey10:20
jmilo/ kanzure10:21
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kanzureEricHunting: welcome back11:29
kanzurefenn: are you around?11:29
kanzureEricHunting: i might be acquiring a mole for n55. i don't know if you have looked at their things.11:30
EricHuntingI'm very familiar with N55. Have been following their work for many years.11:31
kanzureEricHunting: i received an email from someone who will be visiting them next week. he was interested in skdb and doing technical illustration for assembly instructions and other manuals.11:33
EricHuntingThey have some nice recent additions. A utility bike series and a novel plate-based asymmetrical geodesic dome system.11:34
EricHuntingThat sounds promising. Would be good to get more connections there.11:34
gradstudentbotDo I use a one or two sided t-test for that?11:34
kanzurei agree11:34
kanzurei just sent over the email for your inspection/curiosity11:36
EricHuntingDante had some communication Sam Kronick who apparently worked with them for some months and was shopping around a video from that awhile ago.11:36
EricHuntingI've been corresponding with Dustin lately. One of the folks Dante has been gathering for the Neo-Nomad project we've been discussing. They've been looking for platforms for the distribution of design and fabrication instructions for nomadic artifacts and furntecture.11:39
EricHuntingDid you see the presentation for that I posted a while ago?11:39
kanzuresorry, no, could you link me again?11:40
EricHuntingSomething I put together with found media last month. Not sure how far we'll get with this, but if there any chance of something coming together, Brussels is probably the place for it.11:41
kanzurei am a little busy at the moment, but i do intend to read that soon/today11:43
EricHuntingOK. Let me know what you think when you can. We've gotten some positive, if non-committal, feedback so far.11:44
ParahSailintheres some shitty php on this website if anyone wants to screw around hacking http://www.entrustenergy.com/11:45
ParahSailinyou might be able to get free electricity11:45
kanzurehaha i doubt they hooked up their electrical grid to php11:45
ParahSailintheir billing system, on the other hand11:46
kanzureoh interesting point11:46
ParahSailini actually have the jar files for their billing system... call it social engineering11:46
kanzureokay, i'll call it "someone dun screwed up and emailed you the jar files"11:46
chris_99anything interesting in them?11:47
ParahSailinkanzure: no, if you connect to a certain web server from a certain ip range, you can download certain jnlps11:47
kanzurejnlp is java web start. they probably had an applet at some point.11:47
ParahSailintheir oracle servers run some jnlp app that interfaces between sql and a client app11:48
ParahSailinclients run a jnlp app11:48
kanzurewait.. their jars connect directly to their db?11:48
kanzuregod damn it wtf11:48
ParahSailinthere is a server jar that connects to the db, and there are client jars that connect to the server jar through java rpc thing11:49
kanzurego look at jasmin (not jasmine) if you want to dump the bytecode in the .jar into something readable11:49
ParahSailini used jad, and it made it very readable11:50
kanzureoh yeah, jad is a good one too11:50
kanzureor jade??11:50
ParahSailinsee, the employees at this company use a shortcut that runs jnlp start on this url
kanzurei forgot their names. i've been using baksmali/smali but that's only for dalvik bytecode.11:51
ParahSailinjust change Client to Server and you have the jar files11:51
kanzuresomething similar is true of science's site11:51
ParahSailini think i should not be saying this stuff in a publicly logged channel11:54
kanzureshrug, whatever, the way i see it you're blowing mostly hot-air ("FREE ENERGY") and then pointing to something that would require a lot of work to get to that point11:56
kanzurebasically all you've done is given a link to an ip address.... big deal.11:56
ParahSailinthats true, im really just annoyed that theyve screwed up my billing12:00
kanzuresucks huh12:02
weleskanzure, http://adl.serverftp.org/skdb link on your kanzure/skdb does not work12:08
weles:) gotta say  this is a brilliant idea12:10
rigelfor java bytecode i hear good things about procyon12:24
rigelthough i am too stupid to actually use it12:24
kanzureisn't that a star12:24
rigelit is updated more often than JODE, and is Free, in contrast to JDE12:25
kanzureoh.. https://bitbucket.org/mstrobel/procyon‎12:25
kanzurewait, is it jade, jad, or jode?12:25
rigelJDE is the freeware-nonfree disassembler12:25
rigelJODE was a free one that sort of went to seed12:26
gradstudentbotThat's definitely a Cell paper.12:26
kanzurewent to what?12:26
rigelto seed. you know, people stopped tending it.12:26
kanzurei'm a data miner, not a farmer~12:27
gradstudentbotI haven't seen my PI in like a week.12:29
nmz787so the ubuntu forums passwords, is ther a dump somewhere?12:34
nmz787i wanna see if  i'm in there12:34
kanzurei'm not aware of a dump12:35
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ParahSailinprocyon is a racoon12:42
ParahSailinim not sure ive seen one in this state yet12:42
kanzurethis state is not hospitable to lifeforms of any type12:43
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archelstranshumanists at ST Micro?13:43
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kanzureEricHunting: are you near albuquerque?14:31
kanzureoh. 61 miles.14:32
kanzureEricHunting: do you know Alan Post <alanpost@sunflowerriver.org> ?14:33
gradstudentbotThe protocol is wrong.14:34
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* brownies pokes gradstudentbot 14:41
gradstudentbotWhen are you going to publish?14:41
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* brownies pokes gradstudentbot 14:46
gradstudentbotCan't this wait? I am busy doing science.14:46
browniesit should be "I'm busy sciencing as fast as I can."14:46
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ParahSailinlol at OSE15:57
kanzurewhat's up16:00
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ParahSailinno, just that thread on openmanufacture16:01
kanzureoh yeah, i like the part about "diversity of people"16:01
kanzureif we all believe in each other enough, we'll magically become technically excellent!16:01
kanzurewhat a pile of crap. the only way to win is to get some experts together, throw them in a room and then do exactly what they say.16:01
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EricHuntingSorry. Had to retreat to another room with AC because of the heat.16:13
kanzureParahSailin: did you push that paperbot fix by any chance?16:13
EricHuntingAdobe construction. Only one window in one window accommodates an AC.16:14
heath.title http://www.mymodernmet.com/profiles/blogs/gloryholio-preggit-science-gifs16:18
yoleauxAwesome GIFs of Scientific Experiments - My Modern Metropolis16:18
kanzurei wonder if i should rewrite paperbot to be all in python or all in javascript16:19
kanzurei sort of like the idea of javascript because it means the scrapers could run inside browsers16:20
kanzurewhereas with python i would have to use pyjamas or one of the pyjamas converters to dump python into a browser if users outside the context of a python server were to want to run it16:20
kanzureman, if only the commonjs module for seedjs was already working, that would be good. i guess phantomjs in the mean time.16:21
kanzuremaybe i will write it in a way that zotero can reuse the javascript modules16:21
kanzureso that there can be a shared core16:21
kanzurebut it would have to be something that isn't dependent on the zotero extension. because that shit sucks.16:21
kanzurealso because it's firefox only16:21
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EricHuntingKanzure: answering your question earlier, I live on a mesa something around half-way between Santa Fe and Albuquerque, on the highway called Turquoise Trail. Sadly, missed the chance to live on Tarantula Terrace.16:24
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EricHuntingNever met Alan Post, but that Sunflower River community seems heavily New Age.16:34
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kanzureEricHunting: he is doing some aquaponics/diybio things and wanted to visit austin. his location made me think of you, which is how i ended up asking.16:40
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EricHuntingHis bio at the community web site noted that he is a coder who has heavily studied permaculture and recently worked with aquaponics. He lives in a nice little yurt.16:44
EricHuntingAlbuquerque is heavily urban so they must be fairly far south of it to have this large piece of land.16:46
kanzureeww he voluntarily uses CentOS. i'm not sure i will like him.16:47
kanzurebut he likes writing parsers/grammars, so that's useful16:48
EricHuntingI wonder how many people use North Korea's version of Linux just for yucks.16:48
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nmz787NK has their own distro?16:53
nmz787I wonder if they modded Tux the penguin to have a jumpsuit or shackles16:53
nmz787or to look emacited16:53
EricHuntingIt's called Red Star OS  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Star_OS16:54
EricHuntingBefore that they used a more well known and much more despotic OS16:55
gradstudentbotGrant submitted.16:56
EricHuntingI give them credit for a very stylish logo.16:56
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EricHuntingTaking off for the night. See you folks later.17:30
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kanzureaww he keeps leaving before fenn is around17:31
weleskanzure, is the skdb project dead?17:53
kanzureno, we were waiting on brlcad to get nurbs support. it just got it in the last 6-4 months.17:53
welesok, because i see that last activity on github was like 7 months ago17:54
welesand running  python clients/skdb-get.py lego returns  File "clients/skdb-get.py", line 12, in <module>17:56
weles    import skdb17:56
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eudoxiaweles: IIRC the tests should be run from core/, i think?18:17
kanzurethat sounds crazy why would i do that18:21
kanzureit's entirely possible that i did that18:21
kanzurebut it's stupid anyway18:22
eudoxiano disregard me entirely i'm seriously retarded when it comes to python modules18:22
eudoxiaweles: you just need to make sure skdb is in Python's search path18:24
welesoki let me try18:30
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