
--- Log opened Thu Aug 01 00:00:42 2013
-!- lichen_ [~lichen@c-24-21-206-64.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:10
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poppingtonicpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S095741581300115300:15
-!- lichen_ is now known as lichen00:18
-!- Adifex [~Adifex@71-211-196-62.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:54
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poppingtonichmmm..paywalled papers aren't accessed02:10
archelsyes it does, that's the point. But it doesn't always work.02:27
archelspaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MiamiImageURL&_cid=271456&_user=1694017&_pii=S0957415813001153&_check=y&_origin=article&_zone=toolbar&_coverDate=17-Jul-2013&view=c&originContentFamily=serial&wchp=dGLbVlt-zSkWz&pid=1-s2.0-S0957415813001153-main.pdf&_valck=1&md5=e9252ee95ea369c0580a81a47eba9c2e&ie=/sdarticle.pdf02:27
poppingtonichuh :)02:28
archelssometimes the right URL takes some digging; I copied that one from the txt file it returned originally.02:28
poppingtonicoh, i should have guessed that the url might be in there somewhere.02:29
-!- Thorbinator [~Thorbinat@66-237-51-34.starstream.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]02:30
archelskanzure: looking at papers.py, the title should be correct for sciencedirect.02:43
archelstitle = tree.xpath("//h1[@class='svTitle']")[0].text returns the right title given the HTML from poppingtonic's first link, at least.02:44
archelsIs this the code that paperbot is actually running?02:44
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poppingtonicyeah that's it.02:53
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archelsoh, I see where it goes wrong. hm.03:02
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archelsnope, comes out fine on this end. But I am testing on a connection that natively has access to sciencedirect.03:12
gradstudentbotSorry about that.03:15
poppingtonicyours downloaded directly?03:17
archelsmy university gives me access.03:17
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superkuhpaperbot: http://prl.aps.org/pdf/PRL/v109/i20/e20500303:51
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archels01/13:35:49 < archels> notpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S095741581300115304:37
archels01/13:35:56 < notpaperbot> http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Life-cycle%20economic%20analysis%20of%20distributed%20manufacturing%20with%20open-source%203-D%20printers.pdf04:37
archelsthis is using download_url(), skipping the translation server/scihub stuff. So probably that is the part to blame.04:37
-!- Adillian [~Adillian@] has joined ##hplusroadmap04:37
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@kanzurearchels: i don't know what the source of the problem is06:56
@kanzurearchels: the point is, paperbot shouldn't be this incomprehensible in general06:56
archelswell, I set it up earlier (minus the http://localhost:1969 thing--still not quite sure what that is), and it worked out of the box07:57
@kanzurethat's zotero translation-server on port 196907:58
archelsdo you want to eventually get rid of the download_url() function altogether, favouring Zotero?08:03
@kanzurei want to get rid of everything here08:03
@kanzurebut for now, there should be unit testing of the download_url stuff08:03
archelswell, like I said, download_url() works for sciencedirect. So what probably happens is, Zotero succeeds in getting the PDF, but with the wrong title. It never gets to download_url().08:05
@kanzureactually, zotero fails for sciencedirect right now because translation-server doesn't support the sciencedirect translator for a really obscene reason08:05
archelsI guess it's on to installing zotero/translation-server08:13
@kanzureyou can just use gnusha.org:196908:13
@kanzuredon't abuse that, btw08:26
-!- weles [~mariusz@wsip-70-183-164-169.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:26
gradstudentbotYeah, but his project was so easy.08:28
archelsokay, so Zotero replies 'no translators available', after which it proceeds to try SciHub, which fails, after which it tries download_url(), which works fine for me, title and all.08:34
archelsso I'm not sure why it doesn't work for the current instance of paperbot08:34
@kanzurearchels: you sure?08:35
@kanzure08:35 < kanzure> paperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S095741581300115308:35
@kanzure08:35 < paperbot> Translation server fail08:35
@kanzure08:35 < paperbot> Scihubber -> (http://sci-hub.org/pdfcache/630d554b140882a7750bcc5dc8ff6a78.pdf, None)08:35
@kanzure08:35 < paperbot> http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/571b33936490a4151ef357dad522bd70.pdf08:36
archelsI get (None, None) for Scihubber08:36
@kanzurebecause you don't have the environment variable08:37
archelsoh yeah, that makes sense as I don't have the password08:37
@kanzurei blackmailed the scihub person into giving me a special password08:37
ParahSailinmore like seduced08:38
@kanzurei showed some chest hair, showered the person with bitcoins... etc.08:39
* kanzure fondly remembers08:39
ParahSailindont forget your celebrity08:45
@kanzuremy who?08:45
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ParahSailinwhat the hell, why is the python repl broken in this new install08:59
ParahSailinbackspace? disallowed, no mistakes for you08:59
@kanzureprobably your terminal is messed up09:01
ParahSailinthere's really no concat :: [[a]] -> [a] in python std lib? well i guess lambda x:list(itertools.chain(*x)) is pretty awesome09:10
@kanzure[[a]] -> [a] is called flatten or zgroup or something09:11
-!- tomkinsc [~tomkinsc@c-24-4-11-202.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:17
cogitokatI have compiled brlcad, and I'm trying to use swig to make python bindings, and when I do the swig command it says this http://paste.kde.org/p3775a896/ This is the #if it's  taliking about in db.h http://paste.kde.org/p15615e93/09:37
ParahSailinyou'd think that str() on unicode type would be a synonym for .encode("utf8")09:37
ParahSailinbut no, you have to do stuff like def _str(q): if type(q) == unicode: return q.encode("utf8"); else return str(q)09:38
@nmz787how d09:55
@nmz787cogitokat: have you used brl before? tomkinsc was asking how it was these days, and also asked of freecad (i haven't used either)09:58
@nmz787tomkinsc: made a 90 degree bent tube in autodesk http://imgur.com/4mKBteB,FqbLDJm09:58
cogitokatnmz787, no, this is my first time doing anything with it.09:59
tomkinscI wonder what the "hello world" of 3D CAD might be09:59
tomkinsctrying to remember what I learned first09:59
tomkinsca "house" maybe10:00
tomkinscbut yeah, the screenshots on the BRL CAD site make it seem like there has been some progress improving its usability10:00
@kanzurebrlcad recently got nurbs support10:00
@kanzurefreecad is therefore completely deprecated and useless10:01
@kanzurefreecad is just a wrapper around opencascade, which means the core cad kernel is unmaintainable and impossible to understand (it's written in C++ with a mix of english, russian and french)10:01
tomkinscyeah, it's nice to see consumer 3d printing pushing advancement of FOSS 3d cad10:02
@kanzureopencascade started out as CAS.CADE which was what CERN used for a long time10:02
cogitokatwhy is make benchmarks using all of my cpu ):10:02
@kanzurebecause brlcad uses your cpu to do raytracing10:02
@kanzurewhy are you doing benchmarks?10:02
cogitokatbecause it says to to make sure it is working correctly10:04
tomkinscWhy can't we buy bespoke computer keyboards yet? I have an ergo keyboard ( http://www.walyou.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/Kinesis-Advantage-Keyboard2.jpg ), but it's not perfect and there should be someone selling custom keyboards based on hand measurements. 3D print the mechanical structure, with parametric spacing of keys based on the length of one's phalanges. Same for bespoke mice: grasp a block of clay and squash10:11
tomkinsc it, scan in its shell geometry, print a mouse case to match (at an orientation to reduce pronation)10:11
cogitokatI changed the db.h but now there are several warnings and a Syntax error, wahh10:13
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-!- Burnin8 is now known as Burninate10:58
-!- tomkinsc [~tomkinsc@c-24-4-11-202.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:24
@nmz787tomkinsc: you should really switch to idling in some tmux or screen window on a server that doesn't go to sleep11:31
@nmz787i was going to say earlier that i think some folks in here have prev talked about chording keyboards11:32
@kanzureand plover. except plover doesn't work on any of my keyboard.s :(11:32
tomkinscso if I'm going to idle in a tmux session, which irc client do y'all prefer?11:35
@nmz787paperbot: http://ijamc.darbose.in/ijamc/index.php/ijamc/article/view/27711:36
@nmz787paperbot: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/cr068083a?journalCode=chreay11:37
@kanzuretomkinsc: http://www.seanwrona.com/typeracer/profile.php?username=kanzure11:37
@kanzuretomkinsc: make me a keyboard that makes me go faster11:37
ParahSailini dont think we have any hindustani journal access11:37
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tomkinsc=) faster, or with less impact on your body? (not necessarily mutually exclusive, but my interest is on doing no harm to my hands)11:38
tomkinscwrists, etc.11:38
@kanzurefaster. fuck impact.11:39
@nmz787i presume reducing the stress would increase available energy that could be diverted into movement11:39
@nmz787kanzure: but if you can't type in 5 years because fuck degeneration... what will you do then?11:40
@nmz787i guess you could shoot drugs into your wrist to reduce inflammation and local anesthetics11:40
@kanzurenmz787: pay someone to type for me11:40
@nmz787but that would worsen...11:40
@kanzurenmz787: also hacker steroids11:40
-!- anannie [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/anannie] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:41
ParahSailinmy hands were pretty messed up a year ago11:42
ParahSailinbut from one one month adderall bender of typing11:42
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@kanzurenmz787: http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i71/loserzmartin/Macros/capslockfury.jpg11:43
@nmz787paperbot: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00436-011-2541-y11:43
-!- tomkinsc [~tomkinsc@c-24-4-11-202.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: My computer has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]11:43
@kanzurei'm sure there's going to be some damage to my hands/wrists/forearms at some point.11:45
@kanzurethat 24 hour typing marathon in 2011 was a really bad idea.11:45
@nmz787paperbot: http://vdi.sagepub.com/content/early/2013/03/28/1040638713483538.full.pdf+html11:47
@nmz787what is that???11:47
@kanzurehighwire is a publisher aggregator of some sort. i think a bunch of publishers are outsourcing their hosting (or something).11:48
@nmz787so paperbot found a leak11:48
@kanzurei doubt it.. i'm not sure what's going on.11:49
@nmz787or it was open, and it googled for the pdf?11:49
@kanzureno.. it doesn't know how to do that.11:49
@kanzurethat page has this link:11:49
@kanzureoops, nevermind. that one doesn't matter.11:50
@kanzureyeah nevermind i can't explain it11:50
@kanzurehttp://highwire.org/ start reading i guess..11:50
@nmz787is there some way to add libgen as the receiver for my pdf uploader bookmarklet?11:51
@nmz787paperbot: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp&arnumber=5936959&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D593695911:51
@nmz787paperbot: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=613260911:51
paperbotConnectionError: [Errno 111] Connection refused (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/models.py", line 625, in send)11:51
@nmz787paperbot: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp&arnumber=5625851&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D562585111:51
@kanzurethere might be a way to do that, but libgen might not have the right headers.11:51
paperbotConnectionError: [Errno 111] Connection refused (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/models.py", line 625, in send)11:51
@kanzureplease don't use login.jsp on ieee11:52
@kanzurebecause login.jsp tells them that you didn't have access11:52
@nmz787that's just a direct copy past from my browser url11:52
@kanzurewhereas you want the actual url in the url= parameter11:52
@nmz787shouldn't paperbot just do that parsing?11:53
@nmz787or extraction11:53
@kanzureit's supposed to, but i didn't test that particular variation where you have arnumber first11:53
@kanzureinstead of arnumber last11:53
@nmz787paperbot: http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D562585111:53
@kanzurepass it through decodeURIComponent11:54
@kanzurelike on http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/dencoder/11:54
@kanzureor in your js console11:54
@nmz787paperbot: http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D562585111:54
@nmz787there's a bunch of web sites that do it11:54
@nmz787paperbot: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=562585111:54
paperbotConnectionError: [Errno 111] Connection refused (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/models.py", line 625, in send)11:54
@nmz787that's weird11:55
@nmz787paperbot should def have access11:55
@nmz787grr, my pdf uploader can't handle a banner, since it redownloads using the current URL11:56
@kanzurea banner?11:57
@nmz787yeah IEEE11:58
@nmz787Brought to you by XXX XXX UNIVERSITY11:58
@nmz787the actual file is stamp.jsp11:58
@nmz787not the pdf11:58
@nmz787paperbot: http://rheumatology.oxfordjournals.org/content/15/3/13812:04
@nmz787paperbot: http://rheumatology.oxfordjournals.org/content/15/3/138.full.pdf+html12:04
@nmz787paperbot: https://www-thieme-connect-com.ezproxy.lib.umb.edu/ejournals/abstract/10.1055/s-1995-399612:08
-!- phillyj [~Thunderbi@c-68-80-251-160.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:08
@nmz787paperbot: https://www-thieme-connect-com/ejournals/abstract/10.1055/s-1995-399612:09
paperbotConnectionError: [Errno -2] Name or service not known (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/models.py", line 625, in send)12:09
@nmz787paperbot: https://www.thieme-connect.com/ejournals/abstract/10.1055/s-1995-399612:09
-!- tomkinsc [~tomkinsc@c-24-4-11-202.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:09
@nmz787paperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016816050600595212:10
@nmz787ok done for now12:10
@nmz787anyone heard more about this http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/01/new-york-police-terrorism-pressure-cooker12:15
@nmz787seems like they didn't actually purchase a pressure cooker12:15
@nmz787so now the govt is actively using search history?12:15
@kanzurelots of unverified claims in that article, might not have been fbi, etc.12:16
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delinquentmeok so chemistry is clueless as to why no folding in vacuum13:13
delinquentmeanyone in here have an idea?13:14
@nmz787paperbot: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v500/n7460/full/500036b.html13:19
@kanzurea lot of the folding problems are exaggerated.. for the most part we definitely have heuristics for certain folds.13:19
@nmz787another fail by paperbot http://diyhpl.us/~nmz787/pdf/Tiny_thermometers_used_in_living_cells.pdf13:20
@kanzureyou should consider debugging paperbot13:20
@nmz787paperbot: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v500/n7460/pdf/500036b.pdf13:20
@nmz787i guess the zotero scraper is to blame then?13:21
-!- AshleyWaffle [~quassel@c-76-121-59-64.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:21
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delinquentmekanzure, sure but only for certain proteins and of known lengths13:21
delinquentmefor example we're not building ribosomes with known modifications are we?13:22
@kanzurewhat does "known modifications" mean?13:22
delinquentmeI'm guessing the folding in vacuum happens to be an issue of how to assemble them13:22
delinquentmekanzure, just some novel modification and getting out the consequently "modified ribosome"13:22
delinquentmeout in a reliable manner. What I'm getting at is sure we know some folds ... but theyre' length restricted13:23
delinquentmeill be back in a bit13:23
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@nmz787delinquentme: other ions probably assist in the folding process13:23
@kanzureon a related note, i remember really liking http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bio/protein-engineering/Design%20of%20protein%20function%20leaps%20by%20directed%20domain%20interface%20evolution.pdf13:23
@nmz787charges can't move around otherwise as fast i think13:23
@kanzurebut i don't have a dump of papers about rational protein design13:23
@nmz787kanzure: can i put this in a standalone .js file if i remove the script tags?13:34
@nmz787 http://pastebin.com/pUVHq82313:35
ParahSailinwhat magic is {% for (var i=0, file; file=o.files[i]; i++) { %}13:35
@nmz787some js or jquery display template13:35
@kanzurejinja2 template?13:36
@kanzureoh sorry. mustache.13:36
@kanzureno, mustache is {{13:36
@nmz787i'm hacking the demo page of this into a web site https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload13:36
@nmz787replacing plupload13:36
@kanzurenope, not handlebars either.13:37
@kanzureno, i was trying to figure out the templating framework that corresponds to that syntax13:39
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@nmz787i think the problem is getting it past django13:40
@nmz787i added {% load verbatim_templatetag %}13:41
@nmz787and enclosed the template in {% verbatim %}13:41
@nmz787but it isn't getting into the web page source13:41
@nmz787 http://pastebin.com/pUVHq823 tomkinsc13:47
@kanzurenmz787: could you see if you have any notes about the chemicals you wanted to buy. this would have been about a year ago..13:55
fennnmz787: "NSA seems to have its finger on the pulses."14:04
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@nmz787kanzure: yes i have a list14:23
@nmz787kanzure: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkTsdtdxo56DdDFCUmNqMzVyYi04eGw4cUJ6bG1KMlE&usp=sharing14:24
@nmz787it wasn't public14:24
@nmz787it is now14:24
@nmz787kanzure: did you figure out what language that template is most like?14:26
tomkinscjquery-file-uploader is using a somewhat obscure js template engine14:26
tomkinscnot one of the more popular options ( http://garann.github.io/template-chooser/ )14:26
@nmz787tomkinsc: the log link is in the sign-on message for this room14:34
@nmz787though I don't know how to get that to show up otherwise14:34
@nmz787tomkinsc: the engine is by the same user as the uploader14:36
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@nmz787tomkinsc: gnusha_ is the log bot14:48
@kanzurewhy are you saying random things i don't get it14:50
@nmz787i typed lastlog14:53
@nmz787i didn't know everyone would see it14:53
@kanzurei only see 14:48 <@nmz787> tomkinsc: gnusha_ is the log bot14:53
@nmz787we are talking in pm14:54
@nmz787since he  doesn't idle here14:54
ParahSailinjust my luck that npm install canvas is broken14:55
@nmz787lol ted nelson and aaswartz http://hyperland.com/TN,Doug,AaronSwartz,Ca2001-eugenekim.PNG14:56
@nmz787seems to be teaching a class in Orange county this fall14:57
@kanzureoh interesting. all of atlassian's jira's installs are all vulnerable to the same exploit that brought down apple's dev center a few weeks ago.14:58
@kanzurejira and confluence14:59
tomkinsc"A Six Months Exercise Intervention Influences the Genome-wide DNA Methylation Pattern in Human Adipose Tissue"15:24
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@ParahSail1nkanzure, i have a module i made for node that sets exports.bla variables, require.js will import those the same way?17:36
@kanzuretheoretically yes17:39
@kanzureand if it doesn't.. http://browserify.org/ is an alternative.17:39
@ParahSail1nor is it easier for me to just maintain two different ones with slightly different wrapping17:39
@ParahSail1nah yeah browserify looks good17:40
@kanzurei would disown you17:40
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delinquentmemore eloquent way to do this?20:18
delinquentmekanzure, does you prog?20:19
@kanzuredelinquentme: i don't understand the purpose of the else block20:24
@kanzureyeah, me either20:24
@kanzureoh.. hello me.20:25
delinquentmei want to $(this).find('.commentField').text()  <<< not repeat that twice20:25
delinquentmemeet the real me20:25
delinquentmesomething like self.text() in the truthy portion20:25
delinquentmevar rowComment = $(this).find('.commentField').text() != '[Click to edit]' ? $(this).find('.commentField').text() : "";20:25
@kanzurewhat's wrong with var rowComment on a separate line?20:25
@kanzurejust do it before the if/then statement20:26
@kanzureanyway, you should never be using the text of a form element to manage the state of your form...20:26
@kanzuremost people use a finite state machine to control their forms20:26
gradstudentbotI'll need to pull an all-nighter.20:27
@kanzureor something like https://github.com/powmedia/backbone-forms20:27
@kanzureor uh... http://www.lukerodgers.ca/2012/06/backbone-js-finite-state-machine-view/20:27
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@ParahSail1nwhere's the return value of the "$(this).find('.commentField').text()" inside the brace going?21:10
@ParahSail1njavascript doesnt have a secret a?b:c control structure, does it?21:11
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@kanzurei don't often have a reason to use the ternary operator in javascript21:12
@kanzurethe .text() call isn't doing anything, he was just angry that he had to use a temporary variable21:12
@kanzurei think.21:13
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cpopellkanzure: Ever applied for a SBIR?22:30
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@kanzurecpopell: no22:47
cpopellAny interest at all?22:47
@kanzurenope. do you need money for something?22:49
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cpopellEh, just building up. There's some interesting human genetic modification ones available, wasn't sure if you tracked them.22:49
@kanzurei think it's better to take money from "within the family" at this point22:50
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cpopellWhat are you working toward these days, anything in particular?22:53
cpopellI was away for sixish months while trying to find contracts, hah22:53
@kanzureat the moment i am working on falling asleep22:56
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@kanzurealso preoccupied with "really important things" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVbLOM0b5c022:57
cpopellyou ever read about perceptual control theory?22:58
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cpopellthought I'd ask, since I saw you in ##neuroscience and epitron said it had been discussed there in the past23:00
cpopellplus you read all sorts of stuff23:00
@kanzureyou should ignore like 20% of what that guy brings up23:02
@kanzureexcept when he talks about his brain cyst, because that's cool as shit23:02
cpopellNah, found PCT myself23:02
cpopellit's interesting, especially the ways they examined its use in interfaces23:02
@kanzurei just read the wikipedia page and i believe it's the most boring thing you could possibly bring me23:03
cpopellhaha, different strokes for different folks I guess23:03
@kanzurehere have a thing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systemantics23:03
* kanzure sleeps23:04
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--- Log closed Fri Aug 02 00:00:43 2013

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