
--- Log opened Sun Aug 04 00:00:03 2013
--- Day changed Sun Aug 04 2013
-!- trolzeus is now known as nsh00:00
-!- tomkinsc [~tomkinsc@c-24-4-11-202.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: My computer has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]00:13
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poppingtonicpaperbot: http://link.aip.org/link/doi/10.1063/1.475434301:56
paperbotTooManyRedirects (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/models.py", line 236, in _build_response)01:57
poppingtonicpaperbot: http://proceedings.aip.org/resource/2/apcpcs/1480/1/135_1?isAuthorized=no01:58
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ananniehrm how about creating a stirling engine that purifies dirty water? Producing electricity at the same time. You could replace the inertia of the fly wheel with a motor like action by the dynamo... (when it's in that phase of the cycle)04:24
anannieThis is disappointing. Dean Kamen has already been here04:32
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anannieHrm the more I study this the more  I think that I can make the entire thing cheaper, better, and more efficient through a battery and some electronics.06:06
@kanzurethat's often the case06:07
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chris_99i presume you need some fancy materials to filter viruses, as the cheapest filter i've seen is around £100 iirc06:20
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-!- panax [~panax@] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:04
@kanzurepreparing for the cryptopocalypse http://www.slideshare.net/astamos/bh-slides07:04
panaxthats why we use ECC07:06
ParaSa1lini dont think anyone's built a stirling cycle engine that's actually useful07:08
ParaSa1linnobody's ever achieved the promised efficiencies07:09
anannieParaSa1lin: That's what makes it a very interesting challenge07:13
anannieParaSa1lin: Perhaps what's needed is the elimination of the mechanical components of the engine?07:14
anannieParaSa1lin: I'm serious, what if we changed the entire thing and replaced the piston with a magnet with a very high curie temp. and then wind a coil around the piston and basically capture energy and push it down as it goes up and down07:15
anannieThat said, I'm actively looking for a job - does anyone know how I can find an opportunity that'll be a fit?07:18
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ParaSa1linanannie, what is your immigration status08:19
anannieParaSa1lin: If I get the money, then I can make the immigration happen, but right now I'm working remotely with a UK based company08:19
ParaSa1linmake the immigration, how so?08:20
ParaSa1linself-sponsor h1b through a shell08:20
anannieWell I'm eligible for asylum due to a complex set of circumstances. I've been in touch with human rights lawyers and they think that I have a very strong case. I was planning on getting some money together and just working over here08:22
ParaSa1linim curious about those circumstances if its not too personal08:23
anannieIt is a bit personal and I prefer not to inject that negativity into things08:23
ParaSa1linyou have a resume?08:25
anannieshould I pastebin it and PM it to you?08:25
ParaSa1linyou can email to ropoctl@gmail.com08:26
anannieParaSa1lin: Sent.08:31
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ParaSa1linhow much does asylum cost?08:35
anannieParaSa1lin: For me? It's the cost of the ticket to Vancouver / the US + the lawyer's expenses. So under $20k08:36
anannieI was hoping to hit $30k and keep $10k for expenses such as my medication, food, and a place to stay08:36
ParaSa1linyou know how to weld, braze etc?08:37
anannieNo, but I can learn. I've handled power tools a lot in my life, just never a welding torch.08:38
ParaSa1lini dont think thiel picks any females for that thing08:39
@kanzureshe's over 20 or w/e i think08:39
anannieThe fellowship?08:40
anannieHe has picked females in the past. Just not too many.08:40
ananniekanzure: Yeah I'm over 20 now, but I was a dewy eyed 18 year old back then08:40
@kanzurehe doesn't pick anyone, the advisors do08:40
@kanzurejojack happens to be one of those advisors08:41
ananniekanzure: Yes08:41
anannieto be clear he == Thiel Foundation in my sentence08:41
ananniehe represents it for people, so I just use Thiel instead of saying that it's a complex multi-stage process08:42
ananniethat six people had to say yes for me to get to the finalist round08:42
anannieand then you had the mentor match event and so on... It was an exhausting process08:44
@kanzureoh, i didn't know what you were talking about08:44
@kanzureis this something i would understand if i was looking at your resume?08:44
ananniekanzure: Hrm?08:45
@kanzurewhy are we talking about thiel?08:45
ParaSa1linyes it is on her resume08:45
@kanzuregot it. makes more sense.08:45
fredoxnmz787: what sort of volumes of reactants were you planning on running for your synth design?09:30
-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:31
delinquentmepaperbot, http://www.nature.com/nchembio/journal/v9/n8/full/nchembio.1276.html09:31
delinquentmepaperbot, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S014296121200323709:31
delinquentmekanzure, the elsevier link no worko09:32
delinquentmelibgen is ehh09:33
delinquentmeerm the nature...09:33
@kanzurefredox: don't ask him. he's going to say 1 micron cubed. but that's for microfluidics. i don't think microfluidics is a good v1.10:08
gradstudentbotWhy did I go to grad school?10:09
@kanzurea microfluidic synthesizer is going to take a tremendous amount of debugging and time10:14
@kanzureand i don't think working on things that are unlikely to work is a good use of resources10:14
chris_99if the payoff is good enough though...10:15
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@kanzurechris_99: theoretical payoffs wont make it happen faster10:27
@kanzureand theoretical payoffs wont make it easier10:27
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chris_99don't spose anyones got usenix video accesss12:43
Urchin[emacs]like live feed?12:50
chris_99i'm really curious about the car hacking talk12:51
Urchin[emacs]no idea, sorry12:52
chris_99not to worry, i'll wait until it gets leaked heh http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/jul/26/scientist-banned-revealing-codes-cars is what i mean12:53
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@kanzuresome 0day related to tor/freedom hosting http://pastebin.mozilla.org/277713913:06
@kanzure"This appears to be an exploit in the Firefox 17 JS runtime. The script does not attempt the exploit unless running on Firefox 17 on Windows."13:07
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rigelfuck, so half of tor exit nodes are down now?13:22
rigelwhat the shit13:22
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poppingtonicpaperbot: http://wwwlib.umi.com/dissertations/fullcit/301227213:37
paperbotTooManyRedirects (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/models.py", line 236, in _build_response)13:38
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* brownies pokes gradstudentbot 14:05
gradstudentbotI should take a break, my pipetting arm is killing me.14:05
* brownies pokes gradstudentbot 14:05
gradstudentbotI can't help it, I just like science so much.14:05
browniesheh. that's a good one.14:05
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@kanzure"This business with the FBI spraying JS hijacks around the web is more than a little troubling. Is this the first widely-publicized case of the feds indiscriminately deploying an exploit on this scale?"14:16
@kanzuremore about the js payload http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1rlo0uu14:16
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panaxkind of like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLt_uqSCEUA14:27
yoleauxDEFCON 20: Owning Bad Guys {And Mafia} With Javascript Botnets - YouTube14:28
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ananniegradstudentbot: Why do you do what you do?14:55
gradstudentbotI could never be a PI.14:55
anannieThat's awesome14:55
heathkanzure: do you know how to write a multiline statement within the phantomjs repl?14:59
* heath is trying to determine the best way to debug a phantomjs session14:59
heathin the coffeescript repl, you have to press ctl-v15:00
@kanzuredon't use the repl15:00
@kanzureit doesn't work15:00
heathdid you use the remote debugger?15:00
@kanzurenot yet. it probably doesn't work, just use weinre.15:00
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@kanzurethe remote debugger is more likely to work than the repl15:01
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yoleauxHidden Services, Current Events, and Freedom Hosting | The Tor Blog15:08
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@kanzure"I don't have any specific advice here, but I will say that I just built and sold a company that does precisely this - basically cloud instances of mitmproxy for inspection and rewriting traffic. So it's possible, and mitmproxy is well-suited to the task."15:57
@kanzurei wonder what cortesi is up to15:57
@kanzurei think that paper thomas landrain just posted is full of shit16:12
@kanzurein his disclaimers he claims there is no conflict of interest16:12
@kanzurebut his name is plastered all over the paper16:12
@kanzurewhat a fucking liar16:12
@kanzure"oh yeah, by the way, i directly benefit from the point of view i present in this narrative"16:13
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nullyMaybe he feels that there is no conflict of intrest because he provided a disclaimer that usually is intended make a reader aware of a conflict (thus removing the conflict to some degree)... or... wait did i go full circle?17:41
@kanzurewriting "No conflict of interest" doesn't make it true, it's supposed to be a safe place to list conflicts17:55
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-!- knivesMILLION [~knivesMIL@bas1-toronto50-1176221936.dsl.bell.ca] has joined ##hplusroadmap19:13
@kanzureknivesMILLION: hi19:14
@kanzureaugur: where are you?19:14
knivesMILLIONim a regular on r/nootropics but it's dead and saw the link so i figured i'd say hey19:15
augurkanzure: what hi hello19:15
knivesMILLIONso what's this room about, i'm still confused with the description19:16
@kanzurewe build things. then we kill redditors.19:17
augurnoo dont kill redditors D:19:17
gradstudentbotMy parents keep asking when I'm going to finish.19:17
* kanzure pokes gradstudentbot19:18
gradstudentbotI am busy doing science, go away.19:18
Urchin[emacs]science is never finished19:20
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fredoxnot a lot of scrollback this morning19:31
@kanzuredon't expect me to do your work for you19:31
@kanzurei was busy on https://github.com/kanzure/pokemon-reverse-engineering-tools/commits/master19:31
@kanzureand https://github.com/kanzure/pokecrystal/commits/master19:31
@bkerokanzure: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=90136519:32
@kanzurenice, these guys are still running their service http://www.onlinedisassembler.com/odaweb/HeZjTV19:33
@kanzurethat's good19:33
-!- knivesMILLION [~knivesMIL@bas1-toronto50-1176221936.dsl.bell.ca] has left ##hplusroadmap []19:34
gradstudentbotWho used the last of the growth medium?19:36
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fredoxkanzure: fyi i am looking at ~5nMol loading per well/column19:43
@kanzurewells and columns are pretty different. what are you actually doing?19:44
@kanzurealso, not to link to reddit or anything, but this looks disgusting and evil http://www.reddit.com/r/AskAcademia19:44
@kanzure(people tricking other people into going into academia)19:44
@kanzurelook at all this evil shit they put up with:19:45
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@kanzureman what a terrible work environment19:46
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fredoxwhy? practical constraints of accurate volume dispensing with relatively inexpensive parts19:46
@kanzurewhat are you doing though? a pipettor on a moving arm?19:47
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fredoxnah reservoir pump19:53
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@kanzuredoes anyone have a copy of "Chemical synthesis of deoxyoligonucleotides by the phosphoramidite method"?19:59
-!- aristarchus [~aristarch@unaffiliated/aristarchus] has quit [Quit: Leaving]19:59
@kanzure"Examples of methods disclosed to date are the photo-lithographic light-directed based synthesis [McGall, G. et al; J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 119; 5081-5090; 1997], the projector-based light-directed synthesis [PCT/EP99/06317], the fluidic synthesis with separation of reaction chambers, the indirect projector-based light-controlled synthesis using photo acids and suitable reaction chambers in a microfluidic reaction support, the electronically ...20:02
@kanzure... induced synthesis by means of spatially resolved deprotection at individual electrodes on the carrier and fluidic synthesis by means of spatially resolved deposition of the activated synthesis monomers.  The use of support-bound libraries is described for the synthesis of synthetic genes in PCT/EP00/01356. One disadvantage of this method is that the matrix of molecules is destroyed by the dissolving-out step. A second important point is ...20:02
@kanzure... the amount of synthetic DNA which can be prepared per reaction site in the support, i.e. per type of oligo. In addition, the small scale which is associated by definition with the synthesis makes it not easy to handle the dissolved-out oligonucleotides. One use of support-bound nucleic acids which are prepared in an array arrangement is indicated on the home page of Dr. J. Hoheisel's research group at the Deutsche Krebsforschungszentrum ...20:02
@kanzure... Heidelberg (DKFZ). One topic here is, for example, the use of nucleic acids as PCR primers. However, in this case too detachment of the molecules directly from the support is described. A use as template is not described. A further use of support-bound nucleic acids which are prepared in an array arrangement is described in Bulyk et al. [Bulyk, M. et al; Nat. Biotech. 17; 573-577; 1999]. In this application, microarrays are assembled by ...20:02
@kanzure... means of Affymetrix photolithographic light-directed synthesis in such a way that different 25-mers with free 5' ends are prepared on the solid phase. These are then filled in to give double strands by proximally binding primers. These double-strand arrays are then used to analyze binding events with DNA-binding proteins. In addition, enzymatic digestions with restriction enzymes are described for analytical purposes. A use of the ...20:02
@kanzure... generated copies after separation from the oligonucleotides serving as templates is not described. Nor is repeated or cyclic copying described. Since the synthetic method used is based on photolithography, it is moreover evident to the skilled worker that considerable effort, including the creation of appropriate masks, is necessary for a new array design and new nucleic acid sequences."20:03
@kanzurei have no idea how this works http://www.patentstorm.us/applications/20070087349/description.html they seem to have an array of oligos but i don't see how it's selectable20:03
@kanzurehaha here's more evidence of all of the patent wars over dna synthesizers, this one is from 1985 concerning a "second generation" of dna synthesizers http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/blr.1985.4.219a20:04
@kanzurepaperbot: http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/pdfplus/10.1089/blr.1985.4.21920:05
@kanzurepaperbot: http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/blr.1985.4.21920:05
@kanzuremeh nevermind20:05
* brownies pokes gradstudentbot 20:06
gradstudentbotWhy aren't you doing science right now?20:06
* brownies pokes gradstudentbot 20:06
gradstudentbotWhen did they learn how to do that?20:06
* brownies pokes gradstudentbot 20:06
gradstudentbotI'm busy sciencing as fast as I can.20:06
@kanzureman, it's really hard to follow the history of all of the patent lawsuits20:08
@kanzure"The array of choices in peptide synthesizers is almost dizzying, especially when one considers that only about 1,000 automated synthesizers are currently installed and about 200 to 300 are sold each year, according to industry sources. Industry insiders report that today there are five major manufacturers of peptide synthesizers in terms of sales, with an aggregate of 10 individual units on the market and two more soon to be released. Each ...20:10
@kanzure... product is intended for a different type of user. They range in price from a low of about $20,000 for a unit that synthesizes three peptides simultaneously to as much as $250,000 for a machine capable of producing large amounts of single peptides for pharmaceutical use. Most of the midrange models go for between $65,000 and $85,000."20:10
@kanzurewhat a terrible market20:10
@kanzure"All of the automated synthesizers use the solid-phase synthesis method developed in the early 1960s by chemist Robert Bruce Merrifield, now an emeritus professor at Rockefeller University. Merrifield says he never got rich off of his invention. "When I developed the methodology, patents were very much discouraged," he recalls. He was, however, rewarded in another way. For his important contribution to peptide chemistry, he received the Nobel ...20:10
@kanzure... Prize in chemistry in 1984."20:10
@kanzure"Another process-monitoring peptide synthesizer on the market is the Model 9050 from PerSeptive Biosystems. This system was originally developed by the Bedford, Mass.-based Biosearch subsidiary of Millipore Corp., which recently sold this division to PerSeptive. The 9050, running with a 486-based personal computer, will synthesize up to three peptides at once, with yields ranging from 0.05 millimole up to 5.0 millimoles. The system runs a bit ...20:11
@kanzure... like a liquid chromatograph. The solvents flow continuously through packed columns of solid-support resin, for what the manufacturer claims is enhanced reaction chemistry. The eluant from the column can then be monitored as it flows through a UV-absorbance detector. A dye is added to the solid support and released as the coupling reaction proceeds. When the UV-absorbance signal plateaus, the coupling is as complete as it is going to be at ...20:11
@kanzure... that stage. If the signal is not strong enough at this point, indicating that incomplete coupling took place, the reaction can be extended."20:11
@kanzure"Meanwhile, Kelly Wasmund, director of peptide synthesis at Research Genetics Inc., a manufacturer of custom oligonucleotides and peptides based in Huntsville, Ala., is finding that the diversity of instruments has made his buying decision difficult. He will be buying an additional synthesizer to accompany the Advanced ChemTech system he bought a few years ago, when the company was the only game in town for multiple-peptide synthesizers."20:13
@kanzureheath: this was in the 90s but it would be col if you go check if that guy is still there20:13
@kanzure"The ABI 3900, designed by Northwest Engineering, is a 48 column rotary design oligonucleotide synthesizer. "20:28
@kanzurehuh? applied biosystems didn't design the ABI 3900?20:28
@kanzure" To meet that need, PE Biosystems has entered into a strategic licensing agreement with Northwest Engineering of Alameda, CA, to release the ABI 3900 High Throughput DNA Synthesizer. A compact, bench-top instrument, the 3900 system features parallel, unattended, 48-column synthesis and <5-minute cycle times/48 couplings. The instrument, which uses proprietary FastPhoramiditeâ chemistry and polystyrene supports, synthesizes primers, probes, ...20:29
@kanzure... and sequences >50-mers. A convenient PC controller allows automatic transfer of sequences, functions, and cycles to the 3900 synthesizer. Note:The 3900 High Throughput DNA Synthesizer will be on display at the upcoming TIDES 2000 conference, May 9-12, Las Vegas, NV."20:29
@kanzurehere's someone that worked on it: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/robert-tjan/16/267/4bb20:30
@kanzurethis one has good references: https://www.google.com/patents/US693294320:32
@kanzurelike a "Multi-well rotary synthesizer" by "Northwest Engineering" https://www.google.com/patents/US627073020:32
@kanzurepaperbot: http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/dna.1984.3.40120:35
@kanzureit's supposed to be "Construction and Evaluation of an Instrument for the Automated Synthesis of Oligodeoxyribonucleotides"20:35
@kanzure"The details for constructing an easily used and maintained laboratory instrument capable of routine oligode-oxyribonucleotide synthesis are presented. The synthesizer consists of relatively inexpensive, commercially available components and is controlled by an Apple IIe computer. Since reagents are distributed from pressurized reservoirs through a liquid manifold by opening solenoid-activated valves, no pump is required. More than 600 ...20:36
@kanzure... oligomers containing up to 122 bases have been produced with a condensation cycle time of approximately 15 min with apparent coupling yields of 98.5%. A unique bidirectional flow reactor and controlled reagent distribution system provide for rapid mass transfer during solvent and reactant equilibrations and for long-term stability of reagent solutions. Aspects of the system should also find use in other solid-phase synthetic and ...20:36
@kanzure... analytical strategies."20:36
@kanzurealso updated https://github.com/kanzure/python-requestions because apparently it was uninstallable (oops)20:59
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@kanzureoh he cared enough to submit a solution21:29
@kanzurebut he was a little slow21:29
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@kanzurehey does anyone feel like taking a stab at https://github.com/kanzure/python-requestions/issues/3 ?22:14
@kanzurejoin #python-requests22:14
@kanzureirc fail22:14
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@kanzurenevermind i think i got it22:44
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anannieI have a stupid question23:20
anannieWhy hasn't anyone invented a heart rate monitor that uses the EM field generated by the heart to figure out the pulse?23:20
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anannieah but we have algorithms for that23:25
anannieentire realms of signal processing have been devoted to that23:26
@kanzureaww crap i forgot to reply to the n55 person23:27
* kanzure sleeps23:27
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