
--- Log opened Mon Aug 05 00:00:46 2013
-!- poppingtonic [~poppingto@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]00:02
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fredoxanannie: short answer - signal strength. needs supercondutors00:11
ananniefredox: can't you create a loop and amplify whatever tiny amount of current is generated?00:12
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ananniefredox: How low is the amount of current generated?00:13
fredoxits so small the resistance of silver is enough too block it00:13
fredoxlike uA or less00:14
fredoxat mV00:14
fredoxin pulses measured in ms00:14
fredoxmultiply together = ~000:14
anannieSo can we use gold?00:14
ananniewe use a fine gold wire with a large number of coils00:15
fredoxgolds worse than silver00:15
anannieand optimize the dimensions of the wire for this00:15
fredoxbig superconductor based detectors can pick up the heartbeat from 6ft away00:16
anannieoh sorry forgot about that00:16
gradstudentbotI don't know what to tell you, I thought would have graduated by now.00:16
gradstudentbotThe culture got contaminated.00:17
ananniehow about this fredox I could put in a silver plate and let it generate eddy currents in that...?00:17
ananniemaybe if I detect the eddy currents by a secondary apparatus I'll be able to pick out the signal?00:17
anannienah that won't work00:18
ananniewhat about just picking up the EM field generated by the heart using an antenna?00:18
ananniean antenna is a completely different configuration00:20
anannieas compared to a coil hoping to induce current using a magnetic field00:20
ananniewill that pick things up fredox ?00:20
fredoxwill it pick up enough of a signal to distinguish it from background radiation, probably not00:22
fredoxunless as mentioned earlier its a superconducting antenna00:22
ananniebut if it's pressed against the chest surely I can filer out the background radiation?00:23
anannie* filter00:23
ananniebackground radiation is more or less constant00:23
ananniethis is variable and closer00:24
anannieI'm talking about shrinking all of this and turning it into a pendant that can be worn around the neck00:24
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poppingtonicpaperbot: http://eprint.iacr.org/2013/45104:01
yoleauxpoppingtonic: Sorry, that doesn't appear to be an HTML page.04:02
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superkuhpaperbot: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/341/6145/534.full04:11
gradstudentbotI am completely satisfied with the size of my bench space.04:15
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poppingtonicpaperbot: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-1-4471-4402-1_15#page-104:38
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rigelanyone following the cultured beef story?05:44
rigelfwiw, i think it's pretty hilarious.06:17
rigela bunch of hype about a lab grown beef slab06:17
rigeland they just avoid talking about the fact that they needed a bunch of FBS and antibiotics to grow it in the first place06:17
rigelso, ethical "benefits" are out the window, as are resource use arguments, since it still requires baby cows06:18
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@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.1002107#s506:56
paperbotTypeError: descriptor 'find' requires a 'str' object but received a 'unicode' (file "/home/bryan/code/paperbot/phenny/modules/scihub.py", line 55, in <lambda>)06:56
@kanzure.title http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.1002107#s506:57
yoleauxPLOS Computational Biology: Models of Neocortical Layer 5b Pyramidal Cells Capturing a Wide Range of Dendritic and Perisomatic Active Properties06:57
@kanzurehttp://tsyrklevich.net/tbb_payload.txt "This is an annotation and very brief analysis of the payload used by the Tor Browser Bundle exploit"07:13
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@kanzure.title http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/barsmonster/59562434507:33
yoleauxThe page you were looking for doesn't exist (404)07:33
@kanzure.title http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/barsmonster/595624345?token=6d71abcc07:33
yoleauxOpenASIC : technology for DIY microchip manufacturing by Mikhail Svarichevskiy — Kickstarter07:33
gradstudentbotSeriously, who moved my samples?07:35
@kanzureoh nevermind.. seems to just be our regulars there.07:35
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-!- strages [uid11297@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-igakmbpojudfweya] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:37
gradstudentbotI think I'd like to try to write the paper myself.07:38
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@kanzuredrazak: welcome back?08:46
drazakkanzure: kinda, long time no see08:46
@kanzuresup/how goes?08:47
drazaknot bad, living in vancouver08:47
drazakthinking of going back to college08:47
@kanzurehave you met derek jacoby?08:47
drazaknot yet08:47
@kanzurehe's somewhere in vancouver doing a biotech hackerspace08:47
drazakoh cool08:48
drazakwill have to find out about that08:48
drazakdecided to trawl through recent diybio posts08:48
drazakyou saw the one from avery louie the other day?08:48
drazakthat gel is fucking awful08:48
drazaktell me I'm wrong :P08:49
@kanzureavery tends to be methodical, so i'm not sure what's going wrong here08:50
drazakI should ask for a copy of his proceedures and see what I can find08:50
drazakkanzure: is there sitll a fucking top posting argument going on as well?08:51
drazakthere's like 1/10 posts that're top posted08:52
@kanzureunfortunately nobody understood what top/bottom posting meant08:52
drazakand leitl coming in and rules naziing, which is good08:53
drazak(about top posting ironically)08:53
drazakkanzure: you know I speak my mind on these things, too, if your work looks awful I'm gonna tell you it's fucking awful09:00
@kanzureif you have some criticism, pile it on09:01
@kanzurebut i don't see anything yet?09:01
drazakoh I'm gonna post in a sec09:01
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drazakkanzure: too scathing?09:38
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@kanzuredrazak: no, that was pretty light09:46
@kanzuredrazak: i expected more from you09:46
drazakkanzure: meh I didn't want to dig too hard in my first post in... 3 years?09:47
@kanzurenobody will remembre you09:47
@kanzure*remember you09:47
drazakyeah I know09:47
drazakkanzure: to be frank if people posted their lab notebook with their experiment that'd be great09:48
drazakkanzure: because otherwise nobody has any idea what in the fuck they're doing09:49
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drazakkanzure: you see the one the other day about someone looking for bacteria for a control?09:56
@kanzurea control?09:57
@kanzureoh, a control in a project09:57
drazaker, bacterial dna as a control09:57
drazaknot the bug09:57
@kanzurenope. why do you mention it?09:57
drazakbut you could just culture the bacteria and extract the dna09:57
drazaklooked like it was bsl2 bacteria, prolly gonna have a hard time getting it without having a lab09:58
drazakpretty sure some bacteria is gonna cost a lot less than the bacterial dna09:59
@kanzurewe should be working on that synthesizer10:00
drazakthere's a synthesizer project?10:01
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drazakplease tell it's not just another thread on diybio10:06
@kanzureit's not.10:06
drazakalso how does paperbot work? it's "new"10:06
drazaknice nod to venter10:10
@kanzurewe were talking with his company but the call didn't go well (ancient history)10:11
drazakdidn't you meet him once10:12
@kanzurenope not venter10:12
drazakhave you actually gotten anywhere with microfluidic chips10:12
@kanzureno, i don't think microfluidics is the right v110:12
drazakthe problem with the oone time costs method10:13
drazakis that you also need a nice microscope to check if your microfluidics arrays are correct10:13
drazakpage 21 of your pdf10:13
@kanzurethat's okay, i am willing to own a nice microscope10:13
drazakoh? you are? I'm surprised :P10:13
@kanzurewhy's that?10:14
drazakI'm kidding10:14
@kanzurethe real problem with microfluidics is the number of revisions to get it to work, and the cost per revision10:14
@kanzureper prototype i mean10:14
@kanzureand then the number of bugs that will pop up that you can't fix10:14
@kanzurei mean, there's enough problems with the chemistry itself10:14
drazakit's pretty bad10:15
@kanzurea 12 step process with 5 inputs? yeah, good luck.10:15
drazakmy uncle had some arrays way back when10:15
drazakit was like 2 inputs and all it had to do was let cells adhere to it10:15
drazakso they could pass other cells through it10:15
drazakand it took 30ish revisions10:16
drazakfix mod_rewrite10:16
drazakgets rid of the .html at the end10:16
@kanzurethat already works, though10:17
@kanzuremaybe i wanted to type .html?10:17
drazakoh ok10:17
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@kanzure16:22 <cpopell> got any work for physics/math types to do?11:26
@kanzureyes, i think so.11:26
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gradstudentbotYeah, that's a really good question. I don't know, but I'll have to look into that.11:29
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heaththe first11:39
heaththey should probably get me to design stuff for them11:40
heathor just use a css framework :)11:40
heather, i realize a css framework isn't how you create logos11:41
heathtwo confs i'd like to attend this year11:43
heathhrm, http://ppage.psystems.eu/11:45
yoleauxHome - The P Systems Webpage11:45
heathi take it everyone saw this at some point: http://rendell-attic.org/gol/tm.htm11:51
yoleauxA Turing Machine in Conway's Game of Life, extendable to a Universal Turing Machine11:51
gradstudentbotMan, if only I could biopsy his organs.11:52
@kanzure.title https://www.cryptocloud.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2894&p=3852#p385211:59
yoleauxkanzure: Sorry, that command (.title) took too long to process.12:00
chris_99ironically a site with the title cryptocloud seems to load properly using http rather than https12:00
@kanzurewell, there's https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6161420 instead12:00
chris_99any opinions on this (forgive the source ;) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2384715/At-tastes-meat--Worlds-test-tube-artificial-beef-Googleburger-gets-GOOD-review-eaten-time.html12:05
@kanzureno, i shall not forgive that source12:06
chris_99i'm curious how fast that kind of tissue would grow12:07
ParahSailinyou will never produce tissue culture muscle flesh cheaper than chicken meat from entire animals12:10
chris_99even if you could scale it up massively12:12
ParahSailinyour feed conversion rate will always suck12:13
heath.title http://arxiv.org/abs/1212.475612:13
yoleaux[1212.4756] One Tile to Rule Them All: Simulating Any Turing Machine, Tile Assembly System, or Tiling System with a Single Puzzle Piece12:13
ParahSailinall those "extra, icky parts" that animals have that you don't like to eat are things that you'll have to do yourself, less efficiently in industrial chemical processes12:14
chris_99mm, i guess it depends what kind of meat you're trying to simulate though12:21
chris_99what actually defines speed that cells can replicate at?12:23
chris_99*the speed12:24
gradstudentbotI had to remind my professor who I was today.12:25
gradstudentbotYeah, there's a clear trend.12:27
@nmz787drazak: vancouver WA or BC?12:30
@nmz787fredox: yes kanzure was right, i've been targeting 1 micron cubed, it has millisecond diffusion times, and reagent savings are 10^6 even with like 66% yield per addition step12:31
@nmz787over $.30 per base12:31
rigelParahSailin: the use of FBS, as i noted above, was critical to this lab-beef (as it is to much of tissue culture)12:32
rigeli liken it to building a giant fan to power your windmills12:32
ParahSailinrigel: yeah pretty much12:32
@nmz787why dont people just grow CNS deficient cows?12:32
ParahSailinhave you seen how dumb cows are?12:32
@nmz787but the arguments are about pain or ending their consciousness12:33
@nmz787so just remove that sensor12:33
rigelthere are two arguments12:33
rigelone is about ethics12:33
ParahSailinwell thats just silliness and irrational sentiments12:33
@nmz787isnt the ethics one re pain?12:33
rigelthe other is about resource costs and meeting demand, which is supposed to increase12:33
@nmz787no nerves, no pain12:33
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rigelthe ethics one is mooted by the use of FBS12:33
chris_99what's CNS nmz787?12:33
@nmz787no one bitches about all the soy babies 'edamame' people eat12:34
@nmz787central nervous system12:34
rigeli made a joke about how if you don't name the cow it doesnt have a soul yet12:34
@nmz787rigel: ahh i see, diff issue12:34
chris_99how would that work, nmz787?12:34
ParahSailinoysters are pretty efficient at meat production and they're practically vegetables12:34
@nmz787chris_99: i imagine you'd lose the jaw mastication thing with no nerves, but factory farming can probably pre-grind all the food12:35
rigelthere is a scientific american article which quotes someone, rightly, saying that tissue culture is one of the most wasteful and resource intensive processes in modernity12:35
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@nmz787maybe there's some rigor-mortis inducing chem that could be injected in the legs so the dumber cow would be self-supporting too12:36
ParahSailindumber cow = chicken12:36
rigelso this is really all just science as conspicuous consumption12:36
@nmz787ParahSailin: but not ethically12:36
@nmz787but chickens are a decent example of working without having a head12:36
ParahSailindont dignify irrational sentimentality with ethics12:36
rigelhere, i am a stupid rich guy let me pay a quarter mil to taste something some guy in a white coat tells me is crazy12:36
ParahSailinit had a brainstem12:37
chris_99nmz787, wasn't he not actually headless then12:37
@nmz787is that where pain is felt?12:37
@nmz787chris_99: i guess if what ParahSailin said is true12:37
@kanzurei don't understand what you're trying to argue for12:38
@kanzurewhether or not they feel pain is immaterial to how much meat they produce12:38
gradstudentbotI forgot to make a control group.12:38
@nmz787'This includes the corticospinal tract (motor), the posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway (fine touch, vibration sensation and proprioception) and the spinothalamic tract (pain, temperature, itch and crude touch). '12:38
ParahSailinkanzure: some people thing feeling pain is the essential quality that determines whether we should treat something as another human or not12:38
@nmz787kanzure: the arguments veggie people make is about hurting the organism though IME12:38
@kanzureare you angry that other lifeforms have neurons? i don't understand your moral objection to chickens having neurons.12:39
@nmz787i dont, since i feel plants are dying just the same12:39
@nmz787i ate a shitload of raspberrie fetuses yesterday12:39
@nmz787fetal rasperry serum with frozen and churned cow teat serum is amazing12:40
@nmz787the fetal raspberries can actually just be used as a mash12:40
@nmz787no separation required12:40
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@nmz787i really don't understand why there isn't more research into making these animals less sensitive12:41
@nmz787seems like hacking out enough brain would be relatively easy12:42
@nmz787maybe it's not GMO, maybe it's some developmental fetus brain suction assembly line12:42
@nmz787i dunno, seems like it12:42
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@nmz787i haven't read much about it, for or against12:43
@nmz787but it's weird that i havent12:43
@nmz787i guess Mike the headless chicken had his brainstem, which helps with breathing and heart function... but also deals with pain... so maybe it would be really hard to separate those functions12:44
@nmz787whether through GMO or cutting12:44
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delinquentmepaperbot, http://www.nature.com/nm/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/nm.3261.html13:53
heathre:bio computation13:54
yoleauxDNA-Based Computation13:54
heath"There are many different ways that this can be realized, but in keeping with the basic self-assembly thrust of this laboratory, I will only describe a computation by algorithmic self-assembly performed in this laboratory."13:54
heathclearly you knew this, guess you were trying to get me to explain it or something13:57
gradstudentbotThis laproscopic camera is so easy to use.13:57
@nmz787delinquentme: http://diyhpl.us/~nmz787/pdf/Specific_elimination_of_mutant_mitochondrial_genomes_in_patient-derived_cells_by_mitoTALENs.pdf14:03
delinquentmenmz787, mush apreesh14:04
@nmz787heath: i think kanzure just wanted you to explain it to yourself14:04
@kanzurei don't know what's going on14:05
@kanzurewhat am i supposed to be forcing you to explain?14:05
@nmz787apparently biocomputation14:06
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heathmechanical keyboards make me sound like i'm typing faster than i actually am14:29
@kanzureheath: beat my high score, http://www.seanwrona.com/typeracer/profile.php?username=kanzure on http://typeracer.com/14:30
@kanzurealso if you feel like playing a game you can use http://www.holywowstudios.com/teachestyping/14:30
heathi know you are way faster than me14:30
@kanzureyeah but sounds are like 20% of my speed14:30
@kanzureanother 20% is drugs14:30
heathi've only gotten something like 120-140 on typeracer14:30
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delinquentmedo we have anyone whos really deft w cutting image tiles for google map overlays?15:15
@nmz787cutting them?]15:15
delinquentmeyeah so given a source image... get the tiles15:16
ParahSailinthats a google question15:17
@kanzureopenstreetmap has some tools for that15:18
heathdelinquentme: maybe d3's clipping functionality?15:26
* heath has limited experience with d315:27
@kanzurehttp://www.kickstarter.com/projects/swiftnav/985736936?token=398b4977 "Low-cost RTK GPS receiver (centimeter level precision) with open source software and board design targeted at UAVs."15:32
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@kanzurei'm not sure xbee is a good idea15:36
@kanzurehowever, i currently forget everything radio ever so i'm not qualified to make that assessment in this moment15:36
@kanzureprobably better than 802.1115:36
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heathnashville to tempe back to nashville:  3,253 mi, 47 hours15:46
@kanzureDoktorUnicorn: welcome15:46
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@nmz787heath: i've done a drive like that in 2days 3 nights15:51
@kanzureyes but your genome is like 80% diesel turbo-charged engine15:51
heathwith the prius it's about $100 less to drive to tempe and probably a much larger headache :)15:54
heathkanzure: you're a halfway point, would you be in town ~sept.21, and would mind if i stopped by for a night?15:57
@kanzureyou're welcome to stop by. yes i think i'll be in austin. but even if i'm not you're welcome to my place.15:57
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superkuhYep. And the FBI field agent thought subversion was suspicious because it had the connotation of "subvert".16:15
@kanzuredo you have a reference on that, superkuh? that sounds hilarious.16:18
superkuhThe Vanityfair article.16:18
@kanzurei wonder what the fbi would think about git16:18
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@kanzurefenn: what oscilloscope should i get nate?17:58
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@nmz787fenn: i want it to be relatively modern (i.e. 6 inches deep) and 4 channel and at least 70 MHz18:07
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@nmz787fenn it seems the sweet spot is chinese around $2k at 200 MHz18:07
@nmz787fenn: i've also seen a few tektronix for around that price, looked less modern (smaller screen) but likely the functionality would be equivalent if not superior, especially with User Experience/Interface things (according to most of the chinese scope reviews on eevblog18:10
heaththink that meets your specs18:21
@nmz787heath: sorry, no, that maxes out sampling at 100kHz18:22
@nmz787to get 200 MHz effective rate, you need to sample around 1GS/s to 2GS/s18:23
@nmz787heath: kanzure fenn these seem to be the lowest priced on ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/SIGLENT-SDS1304CFL-300MHz-Digital-Oscilloscope-2GSa-s-50GSa-s-4-Channels-/150973225836?pt=BI_Oscilloscopes&hash=item2326b49b6c18:25
@nmz787and http://www.ebay.com/itm/TEKTRONIX-60MHz-DIGITAL-STORAGE-4-CHANNEL-OSCILLOSCOPE-TDS2004-TDS-2004-/231028465069?pt=BI_Oscilloscopes&hash=item35ca5e9dad18:25
@nmz787but for $2k i've seen the same tektronix but new18:26
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@nmz787then there's this one http://www.ebay.com/itm/Instek-GDS-3254-250-MHz-4-Channel-Color-Digital-Storage-Oscilloscope-/190872468243?pt=BI_Oscilloscopes&hash=item2c70e2bb1318:27
@nmz787another almost new tektronix http://www.ebay.com/itm/Tektronix-TDS2014-4-Channels-100MHz-1GS-s-Digital-Oscilloscope-Only-14-Cycles-/271218537752?pt=BI_Oscilloscopes&hash=item3f25e2751818:28
@kanzurenmz787: let's also ask in ##electronics18:45
@kanzurenmz787: it would suck to spend some cash on an oscilloscope and end up with some pile of shit18:45
@kanzurealso it would be nice to get something that a friend has (but it's not absolutely required)18:46
drazakthe tektronix is good18:53
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drazakagilent also being good18:53
@kanzuredrazak: suppose money wasn't a problem. what would you get?18:54
drazakagilent is hp's science brand18:54
drazakuh the 40,000$ agilent scope that that guy that drops shit 2 meters to test tore apart18:54
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@kanzure2 meters?18:54
drazaklet me find the videos18:54
drazakthe eevblog guy18:55
gradstudentbotI did so much qPCR today.18:55
drazakkanzure: this guy takes multimeters and throws them around as if they're actually getting used and dropped and shit18:58
drazakwhen he says a piece of electronics equipment is good18:58
drazakit's usually rock solid18:58
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@nmz787kanzure: yeah the eevblog guy is where i did most of my research, most of his instrument videos are 30-60 mins long19:14
@kanzurei don't remember cory having this much content on his wiki http://wiki.biohackers.la/Aerobic_Nitrogenase19:14
@nmz787he had quite a lot the last i looked19:15
@nmz787not much in the recetn history of the page19:16
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@kanzureyashgaroth: sup19:22
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fredoxhas there been any work done on an open CPG recipe?19:49
fredoxlike cpg100019:50
@nmz787controlled pore glass19:53
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nmz787kanzure: ##electronics seems very noisy right now, I dounno if anyone's gonna see my question20:24
@kanzurewelcome to the power of irc20:25
@kanzurealso, azonenberg is usually good about not ignoring you20:26
@kanzurei guess they are okay with off-topic banter these days20:32
@kanzurefreenode sure has gotten wacky20:32
drazakI'd just hilight azonberg20:39
@kanzurei wonder what he's been up to. is he still wasting time in college?20:40
drazakhe's in his 2nd year of his phd20:40
drazakat rpi20:40
@kanzureugh. i was hoping he would get out.20:40
nmz787oshpark is more helpful20:45
heath.title http://english.nanoctr.cas.cn/20:53
yoleauxNational Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China20:53
heath.title http://vimeo.com/channels/kfoschemistry/5740167320:54
yoleauxMolecular Motors - Zhen-Gang Wang, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology on Vimeo20:54
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heathnot the best title for the talk, more like an overview of dna based research21:26
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