
--- Log opened Mon Aug 12 00:00:53 2013
-!- Adifex [~Adifex@71-211-196-62.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:40
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nmz787paperbot: http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/1531107015275746502:04
nmz787paperbot: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ja903635y?journalCode=jacsat02:10
nmz787paperbot: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ja903635y02:12
nmz787paperbot: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ja903635y02:12
nmz787paperbot: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ja903635y02:12
nmz787kanzure: ParahSail1n ^ that pdf seems to not exist, I'm getting a 40402:13
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nmz787paperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/0471142700.nc0310s18/pdf02:21
nmz787paperbot: http://www.currentprotocols.com/WileyCDA/CPUnit/refId-nc0310.html02:23
nmz787paperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/0471142700.nc0315s26/abstract02:26
nmz787paperbot: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ja973731g02:31
-!- hehelleshin [~talinck@69-61-156-24.ubr1.dyn.lebanon-oh.fuse.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]02:32
nmz787paperbot: http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/21/5/1213.full.pdf02:41
-!- Adifex [~Adifex@71-211-196-62.hlrn.qwest.net] has quit [Quit: Adifex]02:44
nmz787paperbot: http://www.springerprotocols.com/Abstract/doi/10.1385/0-89603-281-7:39102:44
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poppingtonicgradstudentbot: you02:55
gradstudentbotI hope they kick me out.02:55
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poppingtonicpaperbot: http://www.jstor.org/stable/200826803:19
nmz787poppingtonic: using google gave me this free link http://www.ams.org/journals/mcom/1987-49-179/S0025-5718-1987-0890272-3/S0025-5718-1987-0890272-3.pdf03:21
poppingtonicnmz787: hmm, thanks!03:25
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archelswell, it's official. The government now owns my fingerprints.04:42
* archels new passport04:42
anannieI wonder if the HyperLoop is going to be the next segway05:07
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@kanzureelon denies the hyperpoop06:10
ananniekanzure: That's just juvenile :p06:12
@kanzurewell, it's true though, he publicly announced that it wasn't a real thing or something06:12
@kanzureor that he regrets saying he had thoughts of fancy about such structures06:12
@kanzurei don't remember the url that showed these comments from him06:12
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@kanzurehttps://github.com/nh2/hemokit emokit in haskell.. for whatever that's worth. why not just bindings to emokit, though?10:01
@kanzurethe python version of emokit should probably be removed from emokit.git10:01
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Not-001[kanzure/papermonk-downloader-plosone] kanzure pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] http://git.io/3_-8BA10:38
Not-001[kanzure/papermonk-downloader-plosone] kanzure 57f71ee - make a callable pipe for each downloadable file The returned dictionary now includes files that each have a property called "pipe" that can be given a writable stream.10:38
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heatharchels: same here, as does google10:40
heathnmz787: thanks for the paper requests last night, those will be useful10:40
heathor if anything fun10:40
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@kanzureAAAAAAHHH they do the worst teardowns10:48
@kanzurethey are going to teardown another sequencer10:48
@kanzurebut they are refusing to grab the software (again)10:48
@kanzurethese are the worst hackers ever10:49
ParahSailini dont have shell to any of the illumina machines here10:51
ParahSailinid be surprised if they give anyone root though10:53
ParahSailinion torrent does not10:53
@kanzureof course they don't give you root10:53
@kanzurebut the point is to get it by any means necessary10:53
@kanzurethat's what hacking is all about10:53
ParahSailinobviously, hardware access == root access, but then you need a higher level of commitment10:54
ParahSailinwetlab people are all afraid of losing their jobs10:54
@kanzureyou don't just take pictures of you modeling with the machine while you take off the case. you take pics of the exact chips, get model numbers, hack the system, get root and tarball everything for analysis.10:54
heathkanzure: link to these people doing the teardown?11:01
@kanzure"What we're willing to do, with the generous help and assistance of Illumina and their Chief Engineer, is take apart a previous generation sequencer and use it to explain the process of genome sequencing and get firsthand insight into the design decisions that they made in scaling up from this model to the current generation of machines. This machine was delivered as surplus hardware components and that is all we are tearing down. I have no ...11:04
@kanzure... idea if there are legalities that we could be running afoul of, if this were a competitive or adversarial situation with Illumina we might have to worry about that, but as it happens we are in  communication with them and thus if there is any ambiguity about what they intended for us to use or release we will simply ask. And it doesn't currently seem like there is any software worth asking them about, which I'm sure is not accidental."11:04
@kanzureman.... so disappointing.11:04
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archelsI agree with you on principle, but are the binaries from this sequencer really of much general interest?11:17
archels"high level control logic on a PC" is a bit vague11:19
@kanzureyes i think it would be of general interest11:24
@kanzurewhat if their software is wrong? that would be cool.11:24
archelslike those Xerox copiers substituting 8 for 6? :)11:28
heathhow do you normally obtain rom dumps in the first place?11:31
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archelsin the olden days, you'd pick the ROM out of the socket and place it in a programmer. Modern serial ROMs, just plug into the data lines with some sort of logic interface.11:33
* heath imagines sticking a super mario brothers cartridge in his head11:35
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archelsthat's very steampunk of you, heath11:49
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@kanzurearchels: yes12:40
@kanzureheath: also it might be running linux and then you just have to use a root exploit12:40
nmz787derek responded to me personally saying to let him know if any of the pics they post suck, and that he'll be around for a week to grab more pics if I tell him to12:52
nmz787heath: which articles specifically?12:53
nmz787heath: i kinda downloaded a bunch last night, a bunch not through here12:53
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@kanzurenmz787: thank you13:04
@kanzurenmz787: we need closeups of the chips. not just general shots. we need things like layouts and chip numbers and names.13:05
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nmz787kanzure: so the syringe method looks kinda PITA since you need to do everything with a needle and piercing rubber septa so you keep out potential moisture13:08
@kanzureof course it's PITA :)13:08
@kanzureoh, i wasn't aware of piercing anything13:08
@kanzurethat's cool/annoying13:08
nmz787hmm, 15% RH in Death Valley13:09
nmz787even there the synringe method would need septa13:10
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heathkanzure: dumping the rom doesn't seem like a thing they'd do in a day, and my guess is they want this to be a day of taking it apart  and discussing it, not giving away the software?13:29
heathdumping the rom in a day seems like it would take longer than a day :)13:29
heathunless illumina is willing to help13:29
heaths/in\ a\ day//13:30
@kanzurewell, it's a pc. you can just root it.13:30
@kanzurei think it's a pc, at least13:30
@kanzurethe point is, they are hackers, not geeksquad or something13:30
nmz787Win NT passwd changer13:35
ParahSailini dont think it was implied that illumina was giving them the server that goes with the machine13:42
@kanzurethen the machine is useless?13:44
ParahSailinit has the microcontroller for the microscope and stage, and stuff to control the fluidics13:45
ParahSailinthat stuff is pretty crucial, and you can find all the image analysis shit in CASAVA13:46
@kanzurewell, they haven't confirmed that yet13:47
nmz787so any more legit info on this http://www.unexplainable.net/simply-unexplainable/the-ice-woman-of.php13:48
ParahSailini think it was the thetans13:49
@kanzurenmz787: so if you use the rubber gasket thing, do you still have to have nitrogen or argon or whatever?13:49
nmz787yeah, because you need to equalize the pressure13:50
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nmz787otherwise the septa will eventually pop off or get sucked in... even if it doesn't totally come off, air would leak i guess13:51
@kanzureall of the synthesizers from azco biotech use pressurized gasses?13:51
@kanzurethey hide it well13:51
nmz787it's just some small quick-release port most likely that connects the main tank to the system13:51
nmz787so i doubt it'd be super noticeable13:52
@kanzuredo they cycle the gas in a chamber?13:52
@kanzureeach reaction, replace the gas?13:52
gradstudentbotOh yeah, I'll pay you once my stipend posts.13:53
* brownies pokes gradstudentbot 13:53
gradstudentbotI can't do science if you're going to be like that.13:53
@kanzureoh i guess he did announce his hyperloop https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=620158613:55
gradstudentbotYeah, that's a really good question. I don't know, but I'll have to look into that.13:58
ParahSailinso it was just an evacuated tube after all14:06
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nmz787welp read most of the pdf on the hyperloop, looks like they thought out most of the stuff14:41
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nmz787paperbot: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1251%2Fbpo214:45
nmz787kanzure: so we don't have any chemists in this room14:52
nmz787I need to find a chemist who's disenchanted by their B.S. or Masters or PhD program locally...14:52
@kanzurewait we don't have chemists? that's odd.14:54
@kanzuredrazak: ping?14:54
heathi know a guy who's willing to help out of toronto14:55
heathi'll drag him in14:55
heathsurely someone in ##chemistry would also help14:56
heathi think he's in the lab currently, might be awhile before he drops by14:57
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nmz787all the people in ##chemistry seem to be uninterested in collaborative/multi-disciplinary projects, at least from the few times I've tried to 'hang out' over there (i idle in there all/most times)15:02
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@kanzurei think i'm the op in there15:06
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@kanzuremaybe i'm not doing my job well enough15:06
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nmz787original poster?15:10
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nmz787paperbot: http://psr.sagepub.com/content/early/2013/08/02/1088868313497266.full15:13
@kanzurenmz787: ops in irc are channel wizards that can kickban and do other amazing things15:14
nmz787sorry paperbot http://diyhpl.us/~nmz787/pdf/The_Relation_Between_Intelligence_and_Religiosity__A_Meta-Analysis_and_Some_Proposed_Explanations.pdf15:14
nmz787i don't think that non-collaboratively-minded people should be kicked or banned15:14
@kanzureit just took a while15:14
ThomasEgiactualy.. op is short for optimus prime. which pretty much is the same as an irc channel operator15:14
nmz787if that's what you were thinking15:14
@kanzurenmz787: of course not, but ##chemistry has had its share of trolls15:15
nmz787I win for speed and filename15:15
@kanzureyeah i'm not sure why paperbot failed on the filename on that one15:15
@kanzurethat's unacceptable15:15
nmz787but lose for not processing with pdfparanoia15:15
@kanzurebtw i updated papermonk things earlier today i think15:15
nmz787and i lose for not uploading anonymously15:15
nmz787but i win for finding the interesting article15:20
nmz787when will paperbot simply find and give me the papers I need15:21
@kanzurewell... soon.15:25
nmz787that was a joke15:26
gradstudentbotHeh, undergrads.15:28
@kanzurehey, so, we need more chemistry people15:34
@kanzurepreferably crazy chemistry people15:34
drazakyou got me15:35
@kanzureorganic chemists.15:35
@kanzurenmz787: cool, bug drazak a lot15:35
nmz787drazak: are you interested in helping with DNA synthesis at all?15:38
nmz787drazak: do you know anyone that is a chemist in portland Oregon that would be interested in helping with DNA synthesis?15:38
nmz787drazak: it seems the only reason people use supports (soluble or insoluble) is to make purification faster and/or easier... but I can't tell if they're actually required for the synthesis to procede (seems not so far)15:40
nmz787(it's essentially copolymer synthesis)15:41
ParahSailinits for partitioning purposes yes15:41
gradstudentbotThat's definitely not repeatable.15:41
nmz787cause PAGE and HPLC get single-base resolution15:42
nmz787so I'm guessing they were developed purely to aid purification15:42
nmz787rather than reaction kinteics15:42
ParahSailinthats what i said15:43
nmz787(just adding to my thoughts)15:43
nmz787actually, i know a polymer chemist in india15:49
nmz787is there some preffered IRC client for India?15:49
nmz787oh I guess he's in Singapore now15:49
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nmz787paperbot: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2011/CC/c0cc04746e15:56
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nmz787"I believe theoretically they should affect the rate of reaction, in turn kinetics...but its the function of solvent properties, polymer structure-properties etc... basically you need to optimize the system to get best yield with highest rate and purity... I read about these long time back but am quite sure they do affect rate.."16:06
-!- ielo [~ielo@host-92-20-135-177.as13285.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]16:08
nmz787and he posted this too http://ytchang.science.nus.edu.sg/pages/reprint/2003%20COCB.pdf16:10
nmz787Understanding the effects of the polymer support on reaction16:10
nmz787rates and kinetics: knowledge toward efcient synthetic design16:10
heathwhat's a solid support group btw?16:10
@kanzuremicron-sized beads16:11
heathi thought those were specifically for microfluidics16:14
heaththe question arose when reading "manual oligonucleotide synthesis using the phosphoramidite method" by h.a. white... "Oligodexoyribonucleotides may be synthesized on a solid support, which allows for the elongation of the chain without intermediate purifications."16:15
heatham i wrong to think they are only used within microfluidics?16:16
@kanzuresolid supports are used everywhere16:20
nmz787so are liquid phase supports too16:20
@kanzurewhich liquid phase support?16:20
nmz787but they're usually employed in large scale syntheses16:20
nmz787PEG, polyvinyl alcohol16:21
nmz787umm, others I don't remember16:21
@kanzureoh, PEG16:21
nmz787the more generic polymer synthesis literature calls either a support differentiating soluble vs insoluble16:21
nmz787they just say support16:22
gradstudentbotThe real reason I wanted to join this lab was because I love to clean glassware.16:22
nmz787and then soluble or insoluble16:22
nmz787vs solid phase or liquid phase16:22
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heathwhat are the types of solid support?16:33
heath"Fig. 2. Protected nucleoside linked to controlled-pore glass support with a long-chain alkylamine spacer and succinyl link."16:34
yoleauxControlled Pore Glass (CPG) - SAFC® Proligo® Reagents | Sigma-Aldrich16:35
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nmz787heath: the support in that case, i believe, is the whole glass bead and linker16:43
* heath is now looking for introductory material for organic chemistry16:44
heathi don't know what supports do, i'm guessing they support :)16:44
heaththere's mention of spacer supports, and i'm trying to figure that out as well16:45
heaththey support reactions by spacing elements away from one another?16:45
* heath keeps searching16:45
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ParahSail1nspacer is spacer between solid phase and your thing that is attached16:46
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nmz787heath: as ParahSail1n said earlier, they mainly aid in purification... but as my friend said (and the paper he gave me a link to) it might also affect kinetics16:49
ParahSail1nwell yes, partitioning will slow kinetics16:49
nmz787heath: basically with a solid support you can flush reagents past the synthesis reaction center and use a sieve to retain the solid support16:49
nmz787with liquid phase, you just keep adding reagents to a vat, with the volume increasing with every step, or using the soluble support as a differentiator in crystallisation purification16:50
nmz787so rather than purifiying with HPLC (which is better for analytical rather tha preparative)16:51
nmz787you could just cut the polymer off the solid support, after you're done synthesizing and rinsing off nasty reagents16:51
nmz787or with liquid phase, you do a crystallisation16:52
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nmz787but the support makes the crystallisation characteristics much different than synthesis noise (other reagents, impurities)16:52
gradstudentbotThe gel is streaking.16:53
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ParahSail1npaperbot, http://jhmas.oxfordjournals.org/content/39/4/469.extract16:55
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Burninatepaperbot, http://psr.sagepub.com/content/early/2013/08/02/108886831349726618:13
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-!- Reinhard [Reinhard@198-84-225-88.cpe.teksavvy.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap18:32
Reinhardhello all18:32
Reinhardnewcomer here18:32
Reinhardi'm a chemist18:32
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@kanzureReinhard: welcome18:54
superkuhpaperbot: http://proceedings.aip.org/resource/2/apcpcs/1539/1/442_118:54
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Reinhardthank you :)19:04
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* heath is curious what the restrictions are for diybio in EU19:37
heathhey Reinhard19:37
heath^ chemist19:37
Reinhardhola heath19:38
Reinhardthanks for inviting me here19:38
Reinhardthis nick is registered though :(19:38
-!- Reinhard is now known as Noryokusha19:38
Noryokushai'll switch to this19:38
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heathhey look, a graduat chemist who knows how IRC works19:39
heathnmz787: here ya go, go wild19:40
Noryokushahehe :319:41
Noryokushai just started grad school19:41
heathi don't even know what you're studying :P19:41
heathyour undergrad thesis was on supramolecular thingies iirc19:42
Noryokushai work on organic photovoltaics now19:42
heathorganic chemist? even better19:42
Noryokushasynthesis, characterization and study the devices19:42
Noryokushaof the*19:42
heathNoryokusha: it looks like people have lives outside of IRC19:43
heathya might have to wait around a little while before activity19:43
gradstudentbotWhere did you put the revisions to the paper?19:44
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heathdrazak: what are you studying these days?19:58
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heathwasn't cathal and some other guise in the EU getting together to sponsor a few synbio startups?20:12
heathas well as discuss the issues within EU in doing synbio from within your own basement?20:12
heathi wouldn't mind moving to spain, but i don't want to into those restrictions20:13
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heathwalk|enter|fly :)20:17
heathkanzure: whatever happened to quantumg?20:17
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@kanzureheath: he hated me and got out20:24
@kanzureNoryokusha: we are doing these things http://diyhpl.us/wiki/dna-synthesis.html20:25
Noryokushabookmarking. will take a look after i play some firefall20:25
Noryokushathanks for the link :)20:25
heathkanzure: do you recall if it was an email or some article online where cathal was partnering with some group in the EU to discuss laws in the EU which affect diybio?20:26
* brownies pokes gradstudentbot 20:38
gradstudentbotI can't do science if you're going to be like that.20:38
heathgradstudentbot: you gotta use new material when someone pokes you20:41
gradstudentbotOh that's interesting, do you want to write a paper together?20:41
heathnmz787: hey when you query Noryokusha, will you make it public so i can learn as well?20:42
heaths/query/converse with20:42
browniesheath: i know. he's gotten boring.20:44
heathirc while under the influence isn't always the greatest idea as it turns out20:44
heathbut caramel on tortilla chips right now, best idea ever :)20:45
Noryokushaim exhausted. going to sleep for now. will read it in the morning.20:46
Noryokushathanks for showing me this place heath!20:46
heathnp Noryokusha20:46
heathdo you mind if we copy everything you say into gradstudentbot?20:46
gradstudentbotThe autoclave smells really good.20:46
* brownies pokes gradstudentbot 20:46
gradstudentbotCan't this wait? I am busy doing science.20:46
heathit only makes sense :)20:46
Noryokushasure heath20:46
Noryokushai thought it was a real person20:47
heathhah :)20:47
heaththanks for making your way over here20:47
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stieruridir /query jmil hey man22:54
stieruridirwelp, I'm a tard22:54
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