
--- Log opened Thu Nov 07 00:00:17 2013
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-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by george church and the NRA | http://gnusha.org/logs http://diyhpl.us/wiki http://groups.google.com/group/diybio | banned by the Federal Death Administration | official paperbot fan club04:17
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@] [Sat Mar 23 20:40:45 2013]04:17
[Users ##hplusroadmap]04:17
[@archels ] [ Burninate ] [ Guest26799 ] [ Lemminkainen ] [ phryk ] [ streety ] 04:17
[@fenn ] [ chido ] [ Guest83005 ] [ lichen ] [ rdevilla ] [ superkuh ] 04:17
[@juul ] [ devrandom ] [ heath ] [ lupfantomo ] [ realz ] [ Thomas42 ] 04:17
[@nmz787 ] [ dingo ] [ helleshin ] [ monkeynipples] [ rigel_ ] [ Tukotih_ ] 04:17
[ _sol_ ] [ dixiebassline] [ HEx1 ] [ NPersona ] [ rk[imposter]] [ ua ] 04:17
[ abetusk ] [ donncha ] [ ivan` ] [ nuba ] [ saurik ] [ upgrayeddd] 04:17
[ ashleywaffle] [ ElixirVitae ] [ jrayhawk_ ] [ oblique ] [ sbaugh ] [ Urchin ] 04:17
[ augur ] [ eudoxia ] [ juri_ ] [ pan4x ] [ sivoais ] [ Viper168 ] 04:17
[ balrog ] [ fredox ] [ justanotheruser] [ paperbot ] [ smeaaagle ] [ ybit ] 04:17
[ bkero ] [ frege ] [ kanzure_ ] [ ParahSai1in ] [ Souljack ] [ ybit_ ] 04:17
[ blueskin ] [ gnusha ] [ klafka ] [ ParahSail1n ] [ strages ] [ Zhwazi ] 04:17
[ brownies_ ] [ gnusha_ ] [ kyknos_ ] [ pasky ] [ strangewarp ] 04:17
-!- Irssi: ##hplusroadmap: Total of 71 nicks [4 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 67 normal]04:17
-!- Channel ##hplusroadmap created Thu Feb 25 23:40:30 201004:17
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ThomasEgipaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1070623408:31
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kanzure_hrm why didn't paperbot reply08:49
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ThomasEgii wondered aswell.09:06
ThomasEginot that the paper is horribly important for my survival. but the abstract contained some interesting numbers09:06
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delinquentmepaperbot, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=6518135&sortType%3Dasc_p_Sequence%26filter%3DAND(p_IS_Number:6600801)10:16
-!- eridu [~eridu@gateway/tor-sasl/eridu] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]10:19
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kanzure_that bot went away10:22
@archelsyeah, its server was seized10:23
@archelsI thought they launched a temporary instance elsewhere, but that's probably only in a few channels10:23
delinquentmeoh so the paper retrieval no work?10:27
kanzure_he is talking about another bot10:27
delinquentmeI guess im not using paperbot correctly?  links == no good10:37
kanzure_it just means that paperbot is broken10:38
kanzure_feel free to fix it.. https://github.com/kanzure/paperbot/issues10:38
-!- justanotheruser [~andrew@] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:44
delinquentmeAlso I was trying to recall who the SF startup was whos doing health insurance for the 1%10:45
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delinquentmekanzure_, Thoughts on the issue? Paperbot basically has template operations for each journal right?10:54
delinquentmeand then the issues are basically crawling the website, logging in and then selecting the right url for download?10:54
kanzure_the issues on github are just various bugs that people have noticed10:55
kanzure_paperbot is poorly written and needs a rewrite in many places. when the zotero translators fail then paperbot turns into a pile of if statements (which is really bad).10:55
* delinquentme pets paperbot 11:04
-!- responds [~alassad@c-76-23-254-105.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:05
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kanzure_ua: hello12:29
uai was lurking in here long time ago under my longer nick, uniqanomaly12:30
Dantespeaksthe mere thought of studying a programming language such as python, and chemistry scares the shit out of me.12:30
Dantespeaksspending all those years in the arts...12:31
uahad this idea about freeeing all the science papers, came back to me lately12:31
uaDantespeaks, check out http://learnpythonthehardway.org/12:31
uaeasy way in12:31
Dantespeaksi downloaded video tutorials and stuff on torrents...12:32
Dantespeaksthanks, i have that book as well. fearful of opening them. :)12:32
uaso with freeing all the science papers,  idea was to have python app for android, ppl install it and it acts as a client which is downloading all papers from within of university networks12:33
uaand place where all the papers are is distributed amongst 100s or 1000s of computers with system based on https://tahoe-lafs.org/~warner/pycon-tahoe.html12:33
delinquentmecool idea or dumb idea: 3d printing of macro molecules12:34
delinquentmeexecution seems simple as I can just make a conversion script and then sell that shit on shapeways12:34
delinquentmezero upfront investment12:34
kanzure_ua: it should be a proxy that gets installed on android and iphone phones12:35
kanzure_ua: then a server logs into each proxy to download papers12:35
uakanzure_, yea i was thinking more about just batch downloading everything there is to download and dumping it onto distributed file system12:36
uayea but proxy is nice idea for starters12:36
uaphones try to fetch papers based on queue on some server12:36
kanzure_the problem with batch downloading is that your implementation is probably wrong, so the proxy allows a central server to have updated scrapers without having to push out new versions to each phone12:37
uayea but phones could just update scrapers from repo on github12:37
kanzure_not entirely, most phones don't have git installed12:38
uaand then upload pdf papers straight into distributed filesystem12:38
kanzure_for example, most phone users in college don't have root on their phone, so you can't do arbitrary app updates12:38
uakivy.org, so it would be python12:38
kanzure_you are still restricted by the constraints of apps on that platform12:39
kanzure_kivy just changes how you write the app12:39
kanzure_whether it's python bytecode or dalvik bytecode doesn't seriously change your ability to force an update12:39
uayea it woudlnt be an app update, just newer scripts would be downloaded into app data dir12:39
uanewer scrapers *12:40
kanzure_why though? the only thing that you really need is a connection12:40
uayea but then its decentralised amongst lots of phones12:40
kanzure_yes.. you have multiple different versions scraping all the time... which is bad.12:40
uaand that enables you to get all of the papers12:40
uano, they would synchronize with the distributed filesystem12:41
kanzure_have you ever built a scraper with more than a few hundred nodes?12:41
uato check what more is to download12:41
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uayea thats the challenge, each phone would work independently12:42
uathere would be one or more queues in the distributed filesystem12:42
uamy thinking is with distributed FS theres nothing central to take down12:42
kanzure_i think it's a dumb idea to put a queue in a file system like that12:43
uajust few trusted people would have admin access to file system12:43
uasome bots perhaps12:43
uafor indexing etc12:43
uathere could be dunno, different folders for each user(as in phone uploading papers)12:44
uabots take care of checking if files are legit12:44
kanzure_you suck at system design12:44
uamoving and indexing12:44
uathank you very much, i'm just trying to conceptualize this stuff12:44
kanzure_i believe i've already made it clear why your idea is bad, but you just keep on talking and ignoring me12:45
uaand i appreciate criticism, not ignoring at all, im gonna do more research12:47
kanzure_with a distributed file system acting as a queue you run into issues regarding locking, which doesn't scale to many nodes12:47
kanzure_you sound like you're already extremely committed to the exact implementation you've suggested12:47
kanzure_so i sort of doubt your research will change your mind12:47
kanzure_there are other proposed implementations of very similar systems for using phones to download papers that have been written up over here: https://groups.google.com/group/science-liberation-front12:49
uaok thanks12:49
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Dantespeaksdoes anyone see advantages of living in an amazon rainforest? literally. I may get a chance to go there as a photographer.13:53
Dantespeaksbut, science-wise, what are the advantages?13:54
uaDantespeaks, advantages? these spiders, snakes may try a fresh human being first and last time in their lives14:00
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Dantespeaksyeah well, biodiversity and it's threats are expected...14:15
Dantespeakswhat worries me are the mosquitoes and yellow fever.14:15
Dantespeaksbut for people who wants information on DNA of certain species or plant-life for some drug creation,14:16
Dantespeaksi could imagine living there could be of use.14:16
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uahi cataracts15:06
cataractsua, hi15:06
cataractsua is this uninaquolomy15:06
uacheck in whois :P15:06
cataractscool, do you know who i am? :)15:07
uayea i remember15:07
cataractscool, how are you doing?15:08
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ua%o a little15:08
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Dantespeaksis there a company name generator of sort any where. something plausible...18:40
Dantespeaksi've no imagination for names. :(18:40
DantespeaksI was diagnosed with a condition called "Vertigo"18:41
Dantespeaksand was given a medication called "Serc" today.18:41
Dantespeaksinner ear, possible fluid build up or calcium deposit formation leading to complete off balance and dizziness.18:41
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uaDantespeaks, what would be comapny name related to, i feel like imagining names18:48
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Dantespeakssomething to do with information19:12
Dantespeakskinda like a publishing company19:12
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DantespeaksWhat is the difference between Python, Python 2, and Python 3? Why is there 3 different references asking me to start with them?19:21
DantespeaksIf I start with Python, will I miss out on Python 3?19:22
Adifexsome differences between 2.7 and 319:25
Adifexbut might as well start with 319:26
DantespeaksSo if I learn from references made for Python, i'll have to re-learn many other things with 2 and 3?19:28
Dantespeaksbut the fundamentals remains the same, and what they mean by 2 and 3 are the versions for the clients?19:28
Dantespeaksok got it.19:28
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fredoxDantespeaks: which country's rainforest?20:53
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joshcryerwhen is additive 3d printing going to go away?21:32
joshcryerindustrial 3d manufacturing of objects, plastic, or metal, is largely subtractive (even with molds you subtract the extraneous bits)21:33
Dantespeaksthey would have different properties im guessing but additive would be more convenient for rapid prototyping?21:34
Dantespeaksboth are a necessity.21:34
Dantespeaksthe question is, when is teleporation assembly of atoms going to appear?21:41
Dantespeaksthen we don't need additive or subtractive. Just a hustle of atoms appearing.21:41
fredoxtechnically that would be additive21:42
fredoxand in answer to joshcryer - never21:43
joshcryeroh I definitely don't mean to totally shit on additive 3d printing, it's useful, but massive large industrial stuff is either subtractive or deformative21:43
joshcryer(I consider molds deformative, not additive)21:44
fredoxyeah this whole "in the future we'll just print what we need" is a crock21:44
fredoxbut as a designer that stuff is bloody handy21:45
joshcryerI'm loving that we're still printing and working at it but I don't see, currently, an effort to move beyond it21:45
joshcryeroh no doubt at all, fredox21:45
joshcryerwhat made me come here after a lull / hiatus was peachy printer21:45
joshcryerI think it's a step up cost-tech-wise (using the sound card for positioning? brilliant)21:45
joshcryerbut it's the same old :/21:46
kanzure_what's stopping you from buying some injection molding equipment?21:46
joshcryermy not finding it very useful probably21:47
fredoxactually saw a massive one for sale second hand for $7k recently21:47
joshcryerI'm leaning toward machining type stuff21:48
joshcryerthe obession with plastic is also annoying :P21:49
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joshcryerDantespeaks, btw I may be in a minority in here but I think Smalley was right regarding self-replicating nanotech21:53
joshcryerDantespeaks, so that whole self-assembly thing to me is a crock and waste of time21:54
kanzure_how do you explain cells, then?21:54
joshcryerthey're made of hydrocarbons?21:55
Dantespeaksfrom nothing to something is definitely additive, but, to the naked eye, it would be a assembly, a gathering/hustling together of atoms. more likely just appearing during those times. you've seen star trek. but is there a way to transfer atoms without need of nanites? prolly.21:57
joshcryerI approach Smalley's argument differently, from my POV, if we could do metals or other materials with self-assembling nano-tech, evolution almost certainly would've done it by now (beyond meager biological functions, mind you; there are cases of gearing and whatnot in nature)21:58
kanzure_that's like saying "if nucleosynthesis was possible, cells would already be doing it"22:00
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joshcryerkanzure_, no need to be combative, your analogy is silly, cells have been shown to handle metals at a molecular level, no cells have been shown to do nucleosynthesis at a cellular level22:05
joshcryerSmalley's point was that large scale industrial level structures couldn't be done with a cellular environment without it being a liquid and which would limit the growth of such systems. It had nothing to do with what was possible, you could make a car with it self-replicating nanotech, but it wouldn't be exponential, and it'd grow out of a gel-like liquid structure.22:06
joshcryerWhich industry would be able to do shitloads faster with only a little more energy expended.22:07
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kanzure_you said nothing of his claims about exponential processes- simply that self-assembling metal nanostructures were infeasible.22:07
joshcryerDrexler pretends that you can drop a nanotech seed on the ground and magically a car appears in exponential time, it's absurd.22:07
joshcryer"waste of time" is not "infeasible"22:08
joshcryerthere may be areas where it would be feasible if not desirable that I have not considered22:08
kanzure_i don't remember claims about exponential *time* from drexler. was this engines of creation?22:08
joshcryerYeah. I should back down, I'm not certain he said that. But! He uses exponential metaphors often, if I recall correctly he talked about building a building with perfect, absolutely perfect metal bricks (whuch fused together; they were bricks to remove heat which would invariably occur) made of self-replicating nanites building a skyscraper in a few hours, though.22:10
kanzure_"in a few hours" i'd like to see if he put math for that anywhere22:11
joshcryerBut, I'm not certain he said that was possible, or if he was just suggesting a metaphor for exponential growth.22:11
kanzure_i think there might be some generic thermodynamic constraints that would prevent "in a few hours" from being a feasible thing22:11
joshcryerBah, OK, I'll look for it.22:11
joshcryerchecking, cursory glance is my memory isn't wrong, but I will skim22:12
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kanzure_"Free 20th anniversary e-book edition" did we seriously fucking spend that much time scanning the book in22:13
joshcryerdamn 1986...22:15
kanzure_fenn did the scan after 2007, i think in 201022:15
joshcryeryeah I stand by my Drexler overview after skimming22:15
kanzure_so this was already available22:15
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