
--- Log opened Fri Jan 03 00:00:12 2014
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kanzurehrmm any thoughts on whether this contribution is worthwhile? https://github.com/kanzure/python-brlcad/pull/12/files#diff-208:58
kanzurei'm a little opposed to a .cfg file, it should probably just be .yaml08:58
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eudoxiagradstudentbot, say something funny09:25
gradstudentbotDropped my sample.09:25
eudoxiajust rub it a little and put it back in the microscope noone will notice09:26
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kanzurethere should be a hardware site called hard fork11:08
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kyknos_paperbot: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2013/sc/c3sc52928b/unauth#!divAbstract12:59
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nmz787paperbot: http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C3SC52928B13:13
katsmeow-afkadobe won't open that13:13
kanzureit's technically not a valid pdf13:14
kanzurebut also you shouldn't be using any adobe software because of how awful their track record is with security13:14
katsmeow-afkyet it starts with %PDF-1.413:15
kanzurepdfparanoia manipulates every incoming pdf file in a way that makes it a technically invalid pdf file13:15
ParahSailinit doesnt have xref table13:15
kanzureit should have an xref table but pdfparanoia makes the xref table probably wrong13:15
ParahSailinit doesnt even endstream and endobj that last stream object13:16
kanzurehrm that seems worthy of debugging13:16
ParahSailinkanzure: dont worry about it13:16
kanzureoh do you have your super secret haskell pdf parser-generator yet13:17
ParahSailinalmost done13:17
kanzurei was being facetious, i dunno if you're actually writing one13:17
katsmeow-afkwhat do you suggest i open the mangled pdf with?13:17
ParahSailinits unopenable13:18
nmz787katsmeow-afk: http://diyhpl.us/~nmz787/pdf/Photoscopy_Spectroscopic_Information_from_Camera_Snapshots_.pdf13:18
kanzurethere are, apparently, other problems with that pdf13:18
nmz787it's because pdfparanoia is broken13:18
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katsmeow-afkthen i am so glad we had this discussion13:18
nmz787and i never pushed my changes because i thought kanzure might want me to keep my GUI stuff separate13:18
ParahSailinactually lemme see if adding the endstream fixes it13:18
nmz787the pdf i sent works13:18
nmz787the manipulate command is broken13:19
katsmeow-afknmz is correct, and his file is 700k bigger13:19
ParahSailinnope, the endstream and enobj dont fix it13:19
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nmz787it might be due to this function being broken https://github.com/kanzure/pdfparanoia/blob/master/pdfparanoia/eraser.py#L1013:21
katsmeow-afknmz787 , the page caught my eye because i have collected a few Canon A530 for other photo reasons13:21
nmz787it always skips the first object13:21
ParahSailinfatal error seems to be a /undefined in /BXlevel13:21
nmz787i wrote a fixed version, lemme upload it13:21
gradstudentbotNo, you definitely have a right to your own opinion. I just.. wish you wouldn't voice it.13:22
* katsmeow-afk unplugs gradstudentbot13:23
gradstudentbotGrant submitted.13:23
kanzurenmz787: why is manipulate_pdf broken?13:27
kanzurenmz787: why are you passive aggressively withholding code?13:27
kanzureyou're worried that i might say it could be better? big fucking deal... i often write terrible things that need to get fixed.13:27
uberjpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006291X0900134X13:28
uberjpaperbot: you never work13:28
nmz787i'm just busy and hate github13:28
kanzureuberj: feel free to fix the bug13:28
nmz787like now it's such a PITA to add code13:28
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006291X0900134X/pdfft?md5=e4909f0ac890901cf45ef009c299a33c&pid=1-s2.0-S0006291X0900134X-main.pdf13:28
kanzureuberj: there you go13:29
kanzureman you guys all suck13:29
uberjkanzure: ah, so I guess I'm not linking the right url13:29
kanzurefix shit on your own i'm not going to always be around to fix bugs 4 seconds after you report it13:29
uberjkanzure: where on the page did you find that url?13:30
uberjin this case, paperbot isn't broken, its users are.13:31
kanzureno, this is a paperbot bug13:31
kanzureit's clearly in the html that paperbot returned to you13:31
nmz787kanzure: here is the working code https://github.com/nmz787/pdf-watermark-removal/blob/master/pdf-watermark-removal.py#L21313:33
kanzureyou.. created a new repo?13:33
kanzureargh this is a fucking flask server13:34
kanzureseparation of concerns *beats you with a stick*13:34
nmz787well i forked from pdfparanoia then stopped using that pdfparser because you weren't actually using it to write13:34
nmz787and the removal code you had was broken, and by writing the enumerate myself I elucidated how to properly write remove_object13:35
nmz787i did not however write any unit tests as I know you mentioned there arent any13:35
kanzurei haven't mentioned anything about the lack of tests of pdf-watermark-removal.git ever13:36
nmz787as I stopped working on the javascript stuff because i needed to figure out the randomization of removing objects algorithm13:36
kanzurei just learned about this repo 5 seconds ago13:36
nmz787you're forgetting i said i forked it from your code13:36
nmz787and you said you didn't have unit tests for the remove code13:36
nmz787in your code13:36
kanzurei think that adding an entire web server is a huge mistake and that it limits the availability of this in other contexts. eg. it means that if paperbot uses it, it suddenly has to run wsgi stuff..13:36
nmz787since this is basically the same with the addition of the image generation and flask stuf13:37
nmz787well it can be broken apart13:37
nmz787just easier to test with one file13:37
nmz787anyway, it's generating images nicely from PDF pages, so presenting them to the user with "is the watermark gone yes/no" is all that's left13:38
nmz787that binary search or whatever you mentioned13:39
gradstudentbotFriends don't let friends go to super school.13:39
ParahSailinhttp server for watermark removal?13:43
nmz787for learning a new publisher13:43
kanzurethe object id is going to be different between each pdf13:43
kanzureit doesn't do that13:43
nmz787you told me the first thing was to find the object that needed removing13:43
kanzureyes, so that you can write a plugin for pdfparanoia that searches for similar objects13:44
nmz787then you know what to search for content-wise in future13:44
nmz787i thought13:44
kanzurejust knowing the id is not enough13:44
kanzureknowing the id is necessary for starting the process of reverse engineering13:44
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nmz787nah i thought you'd search i nfuture with content of that object13:44
kanzurethe content is often obfuscated using whatever encodings that i probably don't know; often it's based on dimensions or geometry or coordinates13:45
kanzuremaking a blocking http server for pdf watermark removal is really really bad. you should at least make it non-blocking, and then move all the watermark removal stuff into a separate module so that it's not dependent on wsgi/flask things.13:45
nmz787also, seems like you'd just have to do it for a few papers from that publisher to see what their watermark data was, do a diff between all the watermark objects you've collected13:46
kanzurediffing the content of the watermark objects wont tell you much13:46
nmz787you also said with a binary search of removing objects you usually get it in 6-8 hits13:46
kanzurei was talking about a manual process for starting the reverse engineering process13:47
nmz787so i am fine with doing that for each pdf i upload for now until we can get the training part working better13:47
nmz787for now even just for debug i think it's vaulable13:47
nmz787it wasn't very slow or anything13:47
ParahSailinno, diff the same paper downloaded from different locations13:48
kanzureParahSailin: he's talking about something else..13:48
kanzureParahSailin: he wants to create some svm thing for detecting the watermark objects based on 'training data sets' instead of the plugin approach where a programmer figures out how to remove the watermark13:48
nmz787sure, so the IP is different, so but hopefully they aren't encoding with error-correction13:48
nmz787i.e. nested interleaved data13:48
nmz787which i doubt they are using13:49
ParahSailindont really need to do something that wild to train detection13:49
kanzureParahSailin: otherwise i can't explain why he is using the word 'training' if he didn't mean machine learning..13:49
nmz787so i'd think the IP section of the coding would be different, but the "You downloaded from Springer.com" wouldn't be13:49
nmz787no way13:49
nmz787you told me that i should randomly remove objects til it was gone and my content wasnt13:50
kanzurefuck you, learn to read13:50
nmz787so i made the function to get any pdf page13:50
nmz787as a png13:50
ParahSailinremoving entire objects is going to break many pdfs13:50
ParahSailinbecause often the watermark is part of the same stream as the content13:50
kanzurei was explaining a manual process for identifying a watermark's object id13:50
kanzureby a binary search of removing objects13:50
nmz787and i wanted to present to myself that image with a yes/no box, along with a count of the # of objects currently removed13:50
kanzureand then once you find the id, you can identify how to find it more easily (geometry, size, placement, encoding, etc)13:51
ParahSailinyou just want to remove that particular BT ... ET section13:51
kanzurei didn't tell you to randomly remove objects and the ncreate machine learning training data sets or whatever13:51
nmz787i was under the assumption you just removed any object, since that's all pdfparanoia looked like it was doing13:52
nmz787in the plugins13:52
kanzureit's removing a specific object13:52
kanzureeach plugin finds a very specific object13:52
nmz787there are no machine learning ANYTHING in my head with this project13:52
nmz787you segued onto that somehow but it's not me man13:52
kanzureyou keep saying 'training' and 'diff the watermarks'13:52
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nmz787the difference should only be the IP address13:53
nmz787which is somehow encoded13:53
nmz787if it isn't using error-correction or encryption it will be surrounded by the same journal watermark text13:53
kanzurewhat the hell does that have to do with making a flask server :( blaaaaah13:53
nmz787"you downloaded from Springer.com from IP have a nice day13:53
nmz787you're stuck on that13:54
ParahSailini think you should be happy that he pushed stuff onto github13:54
nmz787that's minimal13:54
kanzureParahSailin: or angry that he doesn't listen13:54
nmz787that's just how i wanted to connect to the user13:54
nmz787it's that you are going asperbers and not seeing my perspective13:54
kanzureyour user that is writing a pdfparanoia plugin?13:55
nmz787i don13:55
nmz787't use nodeJS or any phantomJS or whatever13:55
kanzurewhat does nodejs or phantomjs have to do with this now ?13:55
nmz787because that's what you'll suggest if i ask about displaying a PNG13:55
kanzureyou shouldn't be displaying a png in the first place! separation of concerns13:56
kanzurejust generate a png, and then a ui layer (whatever the user chooses or if another developer spits it up over http, fine) chooses13:56
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kanzures/) chooses/) displays/13:56
nmz787i chose web UI layer13:56
kanzureyeah and then you stuck all your pdf parsing code into the same thread13:56
nmz787and flask was like 20 lines of code i already had13:56
kanzureas the request/response13:57
nmz787so very simple!13:57
nmz787you sucl13:57
kanzurebut it's also wrong and broken and forces everyone else who imports this file to use wsgi/flask13:57
nmz787your coding help sucks13:57
nmz787're mean13:57
kanzurewhat do you not understand about my suggestions?13:57
nmz787and rude13:57
kanzurei disagree about my coding help sucking, maybe you can tell me what you don't understand or disagree with13:57
kanzureyes i'm mean and rude, i have every right to be given the previous conversation before today *plus* your continued actions13:58
nmz787I have a farmer to go help build a barn with13:58
nmz787I do more than just code13:58
nmz787you can't understand that13:58
nmz787you never have been able to understand why biologists can't use computers13:58
nmz787and you don't realize that i fall between them and you13:59
nmz787and you don't know how to see or understand my perspective13:59
nmz787maybe you are the one not thinking things through thorougly13:59
nmz787i wrote a bunch of code, I wasn't rude at all14:00
kanzurecode can be rude and do rude things :)14:00
nmz787I wanted to write a plugin but I couldn't understand it14:00
nmz787I found errors in your code14:00
nmz787I knew you wouldn't like flask so I didnt fork your code14:00
kanzurei explained how it worked to you and you asked questions and then i clarified (not today)14:00
kanzurei like flask just fine, for web servers14:01
nmz787sorry I lacked attribution to you14:01
nmz787you also know I wrote a flask server to receive pdfs from my browser14:01
kanzureyou found errors but you expected me to have 100% complete coverage of all of modern science, which is completely unreasonable. i also said i was filling to accept bugfixes and new features.14:01
nmz787and i've mentiond wanting to integrate watermark removal, so flask is no more overhead in my existing application14:02
kanzure(i never advertised pdfparanoia as working across all known publishers)14:02
nmz787sorry i didn't attribute your codebase, ParahSailin too I guess and whoever else, I'll try to fix it but I have to go now.14:02
nmz787I just wanted to make things better.14:03
nmz787Sorry I tried.14:03
nmz787Do you blame me for being mad?14:03
katsmeow-afkmy dog, shhesh14:03
nmz787Sorry for that too, if so.14:03
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ParahSailinnmz787: for future reference, its easiest to use gs and https://maemo.gitorious.org/maemo-pkg/ghostscript/source/38a0cb22a559ee2492ecf77be8361fcd30346a4a:toolbin/pdfinflt.ps to inflate a pdf then browse it in text editor14:13
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katsmeow-afknmz787 , would you know a glue that will stick to 2 liter pop bottle plastic?14:14
QfwfqParahSailin: Good tip, thanks.14:16
kanzureyou should do the thing where you draw ids on each object instead of asking a user to do things over HTTP. then you just spit out a png and you can identify the ids on each page.14:17
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katsmeow-afkhmm, locktite construction adhesive14:25
kanzurenot the most useful visualization but whatevs http://binwalk.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/pdf_3d.gif14:44
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FourFirehello everyone15:23
FourFireI'm feeling that my hardware is corrupted a lot today :(15:24
DantespeaksI just got a Core 2 quad at 2.33ghz, 4gb ram. and ive been using a Pentium 4. And this is a significant improvement.15:39
Dantespeaksand i paid 130 bucks. yay!15:40
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FourFireI'm hoping my i5 460m will arrive in the post real soon16:03
FourFireI'm using a P4500 atm16:03
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